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Die Kinder aus Nr. 67

 Die Kinder aus Nr. 67
 Die Kinder aus Nr. 67
Die Kinder aus Nr. 67
 Die Kinder aus Nr. 67
 Die Kinder aus Nr. 67
Die Kinder aus Nr. 67 is a German children's book series by Lisa Tetzner, written during The '30s and The '40s. Erwin und Paul: The boys Erwin and Paul are good friends living in the eponymous house no. 67 in a poorer part of Berlin. Then, Paul's father loses his job during The Great Depression, making their life harder. Paul even resorts to stealing bread; Erwin who doesn't know is asked by the baker to catch the thief; when he finds out it's Paul, he decides to help him by getting him a job at the baker's. Later, the boys want to make their dream of their own football real. Das Mädchen aus dem Vorderhaus: The Jewish girl Miriam moves in with her aunt, owner of a masquerade store, and tries to fit in with the other kids. She doesn't have it easy, especially since some kids start to believe in the Nazi propaganda. But things end well, Erwin becomes new leader of the gang, and later they organize a big block party (so to speak, for lack of a better term) to enable Paul's family to return to the house. note The owner of the house is so impressed by their efforts, he donates Paul's family's old apartment as a first prize for their lottery - for one year, rent is free! Erwin kommt nach Schweden: Those Wacky Nazis have taken over. Erwin and his father (who, being a leftist, was imprisoned for some time) flee from Germany via France (where they meet Miriam and her aunt again) to Sweden. In Kiruna, Erwin and his new friend Mikolai have an adventure among the Sami, but then Erwin gets lost in the snow and barely survives. Fortunately, the co-workers of his father show some real solidarity and collect money, so Erwin's mother and two younger siblings can join them. Das Schiff ohne Hafen: Miriam and her aunt leave Europe, hoping to immigrate to Argentina. They're on a ship to South America, together with many other refugees from Central Europe, many of them stateless. But their hopes - like those of many other emigrants - are crushed since the Latin American states don't want too many immigrants, and some people find that their papers are invalid. Fortunately, the helpful Swiss boy Hans Suter who's a grandson of the captain, finds a country willing to take them in: Bolivia. Then, the ship sinks, and many people drown. Die Kinder auf der Insel: A handful of kids incl. Hans and Miriam from the former story try to survive on a tropical island in the Pacific. Mirjam in Amerika: After being saved from the island, Miriam and the other kids are brought to New York. The orphaned toddler Ruth gets adopted by a rich couple, but Miriam learns that they soon lose the interest in Ruth, so she, the older boy Macky "Mackenzie King" and the black boy Cimbalo try to get Ruth reunited with her father in Canada, a famous ophtalmologist. In an not entirely legal way. War Paul schuldig?: Paul has stayed in Berlin and became a member of the Hitler Youth. When he becomes eligible for a prestigious career, and the other nazis suspect he's not that loyal, he tells them about a teacher of his, who listened to foreign radio stations. The teacher loses his job and has to work in a factory. Soon after, Paul's family dies in a bomb raid that also destroys house no. 67. Paul loses the will to fight for Nazi Germany. Then, he meets the young Russian Sergey who could flee from a POW camp. They decide to go to Switzerland together, where they happen to run in Hans, Pascal and Lukas, who spent a part of the book fleeing from occupied France to Switzerland. Als ich wiederkam: Erwin and his friend Mikolai return to Germany, fighting for the British army. On the way home, he meets one childhood buddy who barely survived a concentration camp, and later in Berlin other members of his old gang. Der neue Bund: After the war, the various friends are coming togetherAdvertisement:propertag.cmd.push(function() { proper_display('tvtropes_content_3'); })
 Die Kinder aus Nr. 67
 Die Kinder aus Nr. 67
 Die Kinder aus Nr. 67
 Die Kinder aus Nr. 67 / int_2b7d29e1
Artifact Title
 Die Kinder aus Nr. 67 / int_2b7d29e1
Artifact Title: In the later books the kids aren't kids anymore, and house #67 was destroyed in the war.
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 Die Kinder aus Nr. 67
Die Kinder aus Nr. 67 / int_2b7d29e1
 Die Kinder aus Nr. 67 / int_2bdb6280
The Big Rotten Apple
 Die Kinder aus Nr. 67 / int_2bdb6280
The Big Rotten Apple: Miriam is impressed by Manhattan, but one sailor warns her that it's a coldhearted, sinful city.
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 Die Kinder aus Nr. 67
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Aluminum Christmas Trees
 Die Kinder aus Nr. 67 / int_67013b78
Aluminum Christmas Trees: "Mackenzie King" lived in a special city for troubled boys, where they have to work and form a real society among their own. He even became their president.
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 Die Kinder aus Nr. 67
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Canine Companion
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Canine Companion: Erwin takes Miriam's dog Piddel to Sweden. Later, the dog will help to save his life.
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 Die Kinder aus Nr. 67
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Cerebus Syndrome
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Cerebus Syndrome: The first two parts are essentially about the harmless (mis)adventures of schoolchildren, although the issue of Paul's family's poverty is treated with the utmost respect. The third book involves the establishment of the Nazi dictatorship in Germany, though the book is still pretty tame about it, partly because half of it takes part outside of Germany. From the forth part onward, the story doesn't pull any punches anymore and isn't afraid to kill off major characters.
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 Die Kinder aus Nr. 67
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 Die Kinder aus Nr. 67
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Die Kinder aus Nr. 67

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 Die Kinder aus Nr. 67
Children's Literature / int_40122bd0
 Die Kinder aus Nr. 67
The Stateless / int_40122bd0