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Blamed for Being Railroaded

 Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Blamed for Being Railroaded
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Blamed for Being Railroaded
Put simply, this trope refers to any kind of situation where the only option you are given to advance the plot is doing something that results in the game's NPCs hating your character's guts.
There are games where you are given a wide variety of choices to make, and there are games where you are being led through a linear, strictly defined path. But even in the latter case, even as you are being railroaded into making specific choices and completing specific objectives, you are usually still given some limited level of freedom in approaching the obstacles and events set before you.
Sometimes, however, this can lead to a certain problem: let's say that the linear storyline assumes that you do some kind of action that the game's NPCs consider heinous. What usually follows is them not letting you hear the end of it, constantly nagging you about it and chewing you out over it. The issue here is that you couldn't change the course of actions even if you wanted to — the game specifically assumes that this is what you're going to do and there's no going around it. You can be looking over the entire location, trying various different items, attempting to talk to various different people, but in the end, the only thing the game allows you to do is playing out that one horrible action, and everyone will hate you for it. What usually follows is the player exclaiming in frustration, "Don't blame me; the developers made me do it!" Of course, there may be an alternative option in the form of quitting the game and never coming back, but if the player character is on a quest to Save the World or otherwise do something good that outweighs the negative impact of their actions, that wouldn't be the best thing to do. For that matter, don't you want a full game for the money you paid?
It is worth noting that in many of these cases, you aren't playing as yourself or a blank self-insert character. Often you are playing as a character with their own motivations and flaws. However, since you are the one controlling the character, and often you have to manually carry out the questionable actions, this trope occurs. Good examples will help remind you that you the player aren't necessarily responsible for the choices that the character they are controlling makes. Bad examples may intentionally guilt you even though you had no control over your character's choices.
A subtrope of But Thou Must!. Often overlaps with Stupidity Is the Only Option and Cruelty Is the Only Option. Related to Video Games and Fate. May occur because of a Treacherous Quest Giver — you'd never know that the guy who gives you the quest has a malicious plan involving you until it's too late.
Not to be confused with Guilt-Based Gaming — that trope is when the player is guilted for not playing the game, or not playing it the way the creators desire.
See also Railroading; No Sidepaths, No Exploration, No Freedom; What the Hell, Hero?; You Bastard!; Failure Is the Only Option, and Violence is the Only Option.
Unmarked spoilers ahead!
 Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Blamed for Being Railroaded
Dropped link to AlwaysChaoticEvil: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Blamed for Being Railroaded
Dropped link to BodySwap: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Blamed for Being Railroaded
Dropped link to CompanionCube: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Blamed for Being Railroaded
Dropped link to CutScene: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Blamed for Being Railroaded
Dropped link to DummiedOut: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Blamed for Being Railroaded
Dropped link to EldritchAbomination: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Blamed for Being Railroaded
Dropped link to EvilMentor: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Blamed for Being Railroaded
Dropped link to GreaterScopeVillain: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Blamed for Being Railroaded
Dropped link to HardCodedHostility: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Blamed for Being Railroaded
Dropped link to Inverted: Not an Item - UNKNOWN
 Blamed for Being Railroaded
Dropped link to InvertedTrope: Not an Item - IGNORE
 Blamed for Being Railroaded
Dropped link to MissionControl: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Blamed for Being Railroaded
Dropped link to PlayedForLaughs: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Blamed for Being Railroaded
Dropped link to PressXToNotDie: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Blamed for Being Railroaded
Dropped link to ReversePsychology: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Blamed for Being Railroaded
Dropped link to SealedEvilInACan: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Blamed for Being Railroaded
Dropped link to SequenceBreak: Not an Item - UNKNOWN
 Blamed for Being Railroaded
Dropped link to StupidityIsTheOnlyOption: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Blamed for Being Railroaded
Dropped link to TheMole: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Blamed for Being Railroaded
Dropped link to TokenMinority: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Blamed for Being Railroaded
Dropped link to WebGame: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Blamed for Being Railroaded
Dropped link to justifiedtrope: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Blamed for Being Railroaded
Dropped link to playercharacter: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_12381dc
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_12381dc
Divinity: Original Sin II: The playable characters who aren't chosen as Companions in Act I return in Act III as undead minions of the God-King, murderously furious that you let them die. There are six, your party has an Arbitrary Headcount Limit of four, and there's no in-game reason to believe that you're endangering them by not choosing them.
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_12381dc
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_12381dc
 Divinity: Original Sin II (Video Game)
Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_12381dc
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_12e638ca
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_12e638ca
In The Mystery of the Druids, an infamous Moon Logic Puzzle requires your detective character to drug a homeless man with medical alcohol in order to steal change from him. Later on, the Chief of Police understandably chews him out for this, even though there's no other way to proceed at that point (and many logical alternative ways of obtaining change are blocked by the game's failure to support them).
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_12e638ca
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_12e638ca
 The Mystery of the Druids (Video Game)
Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_12e638ca
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_13998e73
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_13998e73
MapleStory: This happens halfway through the Black Heaven blockbuster after the Lumiere is attacked, causing the prison cell holding Francis to be set ablaze. Francis begs the player to let him out of his cell before he burns to death, and even if they choose not to they'll automatically release him anyway when he keeps pleading. Francis later takes this opportunity to escape, and when Checky, Brighton, and Belle are shot down and presumably killed by the Black Heaven the Alliance (mistakenly) believes Francis leaked their plans to his boss. The player is put on military tribunal for allowing a prisoner to escape and aid the enemy, and depending on their answers either they are sentenced to exile or they willingly take all the blame and leave the Alliance to stop the in-fighting. You aren't even allowed to point out that there was a guard who was supposed to stop Francis from escaping, because the jury will be angry that you're throwing someone under the bus and thus more likely to sentence you to a Nonstandard Game Over.
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_13998e73
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_13998e73
 MapleStory (Video Game)
Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_13998e73
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_1543f8a
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_1543f8a
Zero Escape: Zero Time Dilemma: You don't just have to pick a few vile options to complete the story; you have to pick damn near all of them, since the game is constructed to only be winnable by constant hopping between alternate timelines, you can't hop to a timeline that hasn't happened yet, and the villain has low-level mind control. Whenever you force a character to make a truly evil decision, you'll hear not only the shocked reactions of those around them, you'll hear the character's own miserable confusion about why they made that choice.
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_1543f8a
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_1543f8a
 Zero Time Dilemma (Visual Novel)
Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_1543f8a
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_168c4727
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_168c4727
Guild Wars 2 has a pretty nasty case of this during the player's Personal Story. During the Level 60 step, "A Light in the Darkness", the Pale Tree asks what your greatest fear is, which determines what quest they get handed for their Level 70 missions. If you choose "letting an innocent die" as your greatest fear, you end up losing an Asuran engineer named Tonn due to a faulty bomb fuse. The game then forces you to deliver the bad news to his wife, Ceera, and she puts the blame entirely on your shoulders. When the Heart of Thorns expac rolls around, you can find her in Auric Basin, regardless of what story step you picked... and she still hates your guts if your character was "responsible" for losing Tonn.
Heart of Thorns pulls this again with the death of Eir Stegalkin. Her son, Braham is too stricken with grief at the time it happens, but fully leans into blaming you for it throughout most of Living World Season 3 - as well as the start of Season 4 - despite the fact that said death happens in a cutscene, and there's literally nothing you can do to prevent it.
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_168c4727
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_168c4727
 Guild Wars 2 (Video Game)
Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_168c4727
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_1a7918e3
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_1a7918e3
Terranigma: in order to kick off the game's events, you are railroaded into opening a box that ends up freeing a demon and subsequently turning everyone into crystal. Everyone except for the Elder, who promptly chastises you and forces you to fix this. Anyone who's played the game knows the player character, Ark, is an even more tragic pawn case.
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_1a7918e3
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_1a7918e3
 Terranigma (Video Game)
Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_1a7918e3
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_1b7ca727
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_1b7ca727
The Stanley Parable:
Parodied: The Games ending leads to a minigame where the player must press a button repeatedly to stop a cardboard cutout of a baby from approaching a fire. As the only way to win the game is to press the button for four hours, it's likely the player will get bored and leave. Doing so has the Narrator berate Stanley, asking him if and why he hates babies.
During the Real Person ending, Stanley heads to his boss's office to put in the password and continue the story. However, the keypad has been replaced with a voice box requiring Stanley to speak the password. Problem is, Stanley can't speak and the game has no way of receiving audio from the player. This being the latest in a series of disruptions by your actions, the Narrator grows absolutely furious at the player even though you can't do anything to fix the problem. The Narrator then responds by (after having ventured down this path and not taking the left door when prompted at least once) kicking the player out of Stanley, only to find that without the player, Stanley can't do anything.
In the Pawn/Apartment ending, the Narrator leads Stanley into a room and berates them for pressing the button prompts that appear onscreen, supposedly proving that the player is too stupid to do anything but follow orders. Pressing anything but the prompted button gives no response, however, and there is no way out of the room. But in this case it's deliberate; the Narrator is fed up with the player screwing up his story and railroaded them into a scenario where you can do nothing but fail.
In the Ultra Deluxe version, in one route the Narrator will demand that Stanley throw his pet bucket into a large machine to destroy it and enable the Narrator to return to creating regular Stanley stories. If you don't do this, eventually the machine explodes and ends the run. However, you can't actually put the bucket into the machine; if you left click to do so, Stanley just hugs the bucket protectively rather than dropping or throwing it.
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_1b7ca727
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_1b7ca727
 The Stanley Parable (Video Game)
Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_1b7ca727
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_1ee8851d
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_1ee8851d
Wild ARMs combines this with Stupidity Is the Only Option. You are essentially forced to hand over the Tear Drop to the demons attacking the town despite the king warning you what a spectacularly bad idea this is. When you eventually tell him what you've done, he outright scolds you for taking such an action.
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_1ee8851d
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_1ee8851d
 Wild ARMs (Video Game)
Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_1ee8851d
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_2172e43f
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_2172e43f
In Batman: Arkham Knight, at one point, Tim Drake (the current Robin) discovers Batman is infected with an incurable toxin that will transform him into a clone of the Joker and urges him to voluntarily be incarcerated while he deals with the situation. Choosing this option causes a flashback to Jason Todd being tortured and murdered by the Joker, followed by being presented with the choice again, turning it into a But Thou Must! kind of choice. You have to lock Tim in the cell and be cursed out by him to continue — there's no option to take him with you, like Alfred has repeatedly urged you to do. Barbara reams you out for it later.
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_2172e43f
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_2172e43f
 Batman: Arkham Knight (Video Game)
Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_2172e43f
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_23553960
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_23553960
Intentionally done in Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. Most of Snake's allies are understanding of the tough calls he has to make, but the Hate Sink Huey Emmerich will always make sure to vilify him, even in situations like Episode 43 where the player character has only one option: kill every single one of his soldiers stationed on the Quarantine platform. Since the whole thing turns out to be Huey's fault, his criticism of you comes across rather flatly. Most of the tapes of Huey's interrogations reveal that he's almost pathologically incapable of accepting fault and impulsively tries to find ways to justify framing himself as an innocent hero and calling everyone against him evil villains. This reaches an especially disturbing conclusion when it's discovered that he murdered his wife, Strangelove, to keep using their son (the future Otacon) as a Metal Gear test pilot. As obvious as all of the evidence is, Huey continues lying himself into increasingly ridiculous contradictions and trying to find ways to blame everyone else for her death. Even as you exile him from the station, he still blames you for everything even though he was lucky you didn't let everyone else kill him.
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_23553960
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_23553960
 Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain (Video Game)
Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_23553960
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_27b84429
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_27b84429
In addition, the game's plot is instigated by a case of railroading in the first game: about an hour and a half into Part II, Joel gets his head beaten in with a golf club by a woman named Abby as an act of revenge for killing her dad, Jerry. Jerry was the doctor who was performing surgery on Ellie in the climax of the first game. The developers stated that this was deliberate: since every player would've been forced to kill Jerry in order to rescue Ellie and complete the game, every player also knows exactly why Abby's out for blood.
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_27b84429
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_27b84429
 The Last of Us (Video Game)
Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_27b84429
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_2a6eefe5
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_2a6eefe5
Metroid Fusion
At the beginning of the game, the X Parasites are in a closed off part of the station. However, advancing the plot requires Samus to open the various security gates that are holding them back, and sure enough, the X Parasites spread throughout the station as she does. Subverted in that that Adam, the AI acting as Mission Control, explicitly doesn't blame her for it: the briefings leading her to opening the gates are more along the lines of "This is going to make things worse, but if we don't do it, we're not going to get any further".
Similarly subverted when Samus is forced to open Level 4 security doors to escape Sector 4. While Adam does scold Samus for it, it's very brief and professional with him simply pointing out he didn't approve of it and to use more discretion from here on out before dropping the point entirely and giving her her next mission.
Played straight in the same game, however. Near the end of the game, Samus falls through a floor that respawns and blocks her immediately afterwards, and has to enter a restricted part of the station, where she learns about the station's top-secret Metroid cloning program. Metroid games are known for their vulnerability to Sequence Breaking, but this sequence is constructed so that you have no means by which to get out of the room except to enter the restricted area. This time, Adam's not so forgiving, coldly pointing out that Samus is in deep shit with The Federation for that and ordering her to make contact with them as soon as possible; although this isn't really about Samus doing something wrong, but rather her finding out something that the Federation really didn't want her to know about.
Earlier in the game, the player is expected to pick up diffusion missiles to progress, but it is possible to avoid it through liberal use of Shinesparks to Sequence Break. If you do, you're awarded with an Easter Egg where Adam and a Federation official are both surprised you managed to make it here without picking up diffusion missiles.
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_2a6eefe5
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_2a6eefe5
 Metroid Fusion (Video Game)
Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_2a6eefe5
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_2dafc8ff
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_2dafc8ff
In inFAMOUS 2, following the evil path to the end will result in your companion Nyx pulling a Heel–Face Turn, arguing that in spite of the fact she's encouraged you to be evil throughout the game, deliberately spreading the rayfield plague to kill every non-Conduit is going too far - and even denying her superiority complex, since when only Conduits are left, she won't be superior anymore. Even if you think that she has a point, there's no option to stop at that point; you can only continue to kill Nyx and Zeke and become the Beast.
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_2dafc8ff
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_2dafc8ff
 inFAMOUS 2 (Video Game)
Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_2dafc8ff
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_2f3dd128
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_2f3dd128
Choice of the Vampire blames the Morton's Forked Player Character: in St. Charles, you are starved for blood and hear a child crying in pain. If you try to help, you lose control of your Horror Hunger and kill them; if not, you abandon the injured child. Either way, you get run out of town by a mob.
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_2f3dd128
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_2f3dd128
 Choice of the Vampire (Video Game)
Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_2f3dd128
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_331e009
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_331e009
Parodied in Borderlands 2 with an unlockable gun that does nothing but bitch at you whenever you fight enemies (who are trying to kill you), accusing you of being a psychopath and insisting the monsters and criminals you’re fighting are actually oppressed victims having a bad day. This reflects the Holier Than Thou attitude of the guy who gives it to you, Handsome Jack, who’s convinced himself that he’s the good guy and that anyone who opposes him is just a “bandit�.
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_331e009
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_331e009
 Borderlands 2 (Video Game)
Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_331e009
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_33dd1d90
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_33dd1d90
Comes to an especially weird case in Half-Life 2, where Gordon Freeman is even a Railroaded Main Character In-Universe; all of his decisions and choices are made for him by the G-Man, who monitors his every act. Dr. Breen nonetheless insults and vilifies Gordon in all his broadcasts, even though Breen actually knows Gordon is just a pawn for the G-Man and has no control over his actions. Funnily enough, once face-to-face with Gordon, Breen changes plans to Recruit The Railroaded Main Character, and attempts to hire him to his own side. Though it's also implied that the content of his broadcasts are purely propaganda and he really doesn't believe his own rhetoric nearly as much as he publicly claims to, even if he does believe there is no viable alternative to Combine rule (which becomes evident when he uses "Combine" in private instead of "Our benefactors" or "the Universal Union" like he does in his broadcasts).
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_33dd1d90
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_33dd1d90
 Half-Life 2 (Video Game)
Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_33dd1d90
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_33e762f0
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_33e762f0
At the end of Infidel, the Villain Protagonist suffers a major reverse of fortune and is left thinking about the things he should have done differently with his life. Because of the text adventure's second-person narration format, these are all expressed in the form of "If only you'd done X". All of them are decisions the protagonist made in the backstory before the game began, so they're not things 'you' the player did or had any choice about doing.
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_33e762f0
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_33e762f0
 Infidel (Video Game)
Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_33e762f0
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_35f4fb81
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_35f4fb81
In 7th Dragon III: Code VFD's first chapter, a dragon strikes the Nodens plaza and you go out to rescue Mio, who happened to be outside, with your asshole of a Mission Control Nagamimi protesting against it. This results in a battle with said dragon, and you succeed in killing it. Then a far more powerful dragon appears, and Nagamimi strongly urges you to retreat. Neither dialogue choice allows you to wisely do so (they're both some variant of "I have to save people from these dragons!"), so you engage this new dragon in battle and your party proceeds to get their asses kicked, needing to be bailed out by some folks from the ISDF. Nagamimi then scolds the shit out of you for trying to play hero even though there was no option to do otherwise.
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_35f4fb81
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_35f4fb81
 7th Dragon (Video Game)
Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_35f4fb81
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_37b56f7
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_37b56f7
Baldur's Gate II: If you accept Saemon Havarian's offer at the end of Chapter 4, he will give you his silver sword, and you can't refuse it (it will appear in your inventory anyway). Not even if until that moment you expressed your total distrust for the scoundrel. Comes the next cutscene where you are escaping Brynnlaw on board of Saemon's ship, but the Githyanki attack because they are searching precisely for that sword and are furious for it was stolen. Of course, Saemon being Saemon, he pledges innocent and diverts attention from him by suggesting the Giths to check in the inventory of other people on board... Later in Chapter 6, another party of Githyanki will approach you, again blaming you for the theft, but you have now an occasion to give back the sword.
Speaking of Saemon Havarian, there is also a less noticed but interesting inversion of roles where, for once, he is not really responsible. At the end of Chapter 2 you have to choose whether to side with the Shadow Thieves or the rival guild of vampires and complete tasks for one of them. Whichever side you choose, at the end of Chapter 3 the leader of that faction (respectively Aran Linvail or Bodhi) pays Saemon to ferry you to the island of Brynnlaw to start Chapter 4 and pursue the Irenicus into the asylum of Spellhold. If you sided with the Shadow Thieves, it is revealed that Saemon was actually allied with the vampires and has staged an ambush as soon as you land. You will later encounter him again twice inside the asylum, when he first points you what to do to fight Irenicus and in a second moment when he proposes a way to escape the island, and you rightfully can call him for his treachery. If you sided with the vampires, nothing will happen once landing in Brynnlaw, no ambushes of sorts (despite it would be even easier), Saemon even gives you some hints about the location. Yet, once inside the asylum, you can still confront him and call him for his treachery, despite none having happened. Yes, he was paid by Bodhi who is in league with Irenicus, so technically he is a thug of the Big Bad, but in this branch Sameon simply acted as the captain of a ship and only did what he was paid for. He was railroaded into the role a scoundrel and a betrayer regardless, and you blame him for that - or rather, for what he would have done in a different timeline.
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_37b56f7
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_37b56f7
 Baldur's Gate II (Video Game)
Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_37b56f7
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_3b9fa4d5
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_3b9fa4d5
In Spider and Web, when you turn away from the sealed lab entrance, the Interrogator will point out that you could have used your explosive "blast tab" to break through the door. If you actually use the blast tab, though, it's considered a failure as the Interrogator forces a replay of the scene because you made too much noise.
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_3b9fa4d5
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_3b9fa4d5
 Spider and Web (Video Game)
Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_3b9fa4d5
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_40b716af
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_40b716af
The first mission of Assassin's Creed begins with you breaking the Assassins' three core tenets, and failing the mission along with causing the death of one of your brothers. You have your rank and cool weapons stripped, and spend the rest of the game re-earning them, along with every character criticizing what you did in the tutorial. Justified by the Framing Story: you're reliving the memories of your ancestor Altaïr, so you literally can't act differently because that's how Altaïr acted in the first place.
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_40b716af
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_40b716af
 Assassin's Creed (Video Game)
Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_40b716af
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_41f626f9
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_41f626f9
In Quantum Conundrum, there are multiple situations where you are forced to break glass in order to proceed, yet Professor Quadwrangle chews you out over it every time. Amusingly enough, there is one singular area in the game where the Professor specifically says that breaking the glass is a necessary evil due to there being no other option, yet it's one of the few areas where you actually CAN avoid breaking the glass.
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_41f626f9
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_41f626f9
 Quantum Conundrum (Video Game)
Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_41f626f9
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_437b9659
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_437b9659
Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear: It doesn't matter if you want to surrender at the parlay in Chapter 10, Torsin de Lancie will say that the decision is not yours and he will not sacrifice his greatest asset (right after saying that compromises can be done for a greater cause). Then, he will argue that "I sincerely hope that you're worth what you just cost us".
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_437b9659
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_437b9659
 Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear (Video Game)
Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_437b9659
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_43f52aa9
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_43f52aa9
In The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion:
Late in the Dark Brotherhood quests, you are given assassination contracts by dead drop, which a traitor intercepts to trick you into killing Dark Brotherhood members instead. Even though the change in the letters' tone is obvious and several targets have Dark Brotherhood gear in their homes, Stupidity Is the Only Option: you have to kill most of your superiors, get caught by your boss, and weather his What the Hell, Hero? speech.
In the Wizards storyline, you are sent as an envoy to the reclusive Count Hassildor, and his strangely hostile steward claims that the Count will only meet you at a remote mine at 2am. To progress, you have to walk into the steward's ambush, then let the Count "rescue you" — even if you beat your assailants yourself — and repeatedly insult your foolishness.
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_43f52aa9
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_43f52aa9
 The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (Video Game)
Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_43f52aa9
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_474c18c1
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_474c18c1
BioShock Infinite:
During the game, your character will betray Elizabeth by trying to take her to New York rather than Paris. She starts crying and ends up hitting you and knocking you out, then flees from you repeatedly. When you finally catch up to her she says she doesn't trust you and only reluctantly agrees to join you again. This is all despite the fact that you had no choice in what happened - it occurred in a Cut Scene.
Burial at Sea Episode 1 ends with the player being blamed for the events that took place in a flashback (accidentally killing an alternate Elizabeth), and which weren't even entirely the character's fault (as it wouldn't have happened if the Elizabeth in this game hadn't distracted you).
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_474c18c1
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_474c18c1
 BioShock Infinite (Video Game)
Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_474c18c1
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_49aa2aa4
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_49aa2aa4
Ace Combat
In the mission "Moloch Desert" of Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation, after completing the objectives, the Estovakians begin to retreat, and Ghost Eye orders everyone to go after them. However, seconds later, Ghost Eye receives a transmission from central command ordering all forces to evacuate. Shamrock meanwhile, disobeys that order and engages the Strigon team, despite Ghost Eye repeatedly shouting at him to ceasefire and evacuate, forcing Talisman to assist him. Once the mission is over the base commander reveals during the debriefing that Estovakia plans to destroy the Emmerian capital city of Gracemaria with weapons of mass destruction to deny the Emmerians a victory. The commander then informs Garuda team that by disobeying orders to evacuate, they are suspended from flying until further notice.
In Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown, Mission 4 ends with former President Harling's Osprey helicopter getting shot down and exploding in midair. The squadron blames player character Trigger for firing the missile that destroyed the chopper, and Trigger is convicted of assassination and sent to a penal squadron. It is revealed much later in the game the deadly missile was fired by an Erusean spoofing an IFF signal. And this still happens even if you do not fire missiles at all.note The game is very tricky about it, though: if you pay attention during the gameplay immediately before the cutscene, an F/A-18 pulls up behind you while you're shooting at the drones that are trying to shoot down Harling. If you don't shoot the drones, Harling will die and you'll fail. If you shoot a missile, the cutscene happens. But if you only use guns, it's much easier to see that the F/A-18 actually fires a missile relatively close to your firing axis, and the cutscene that immediately follows makes it clear (once you know what to look for) that the plane is a drone plane controlled by Erusea. And the pilots all say the same thing: "Trigger was closest", which is technically correct: the F/A-18, thanks to spoofing the IFF system, doesn't register as an actual combatant and flies away before anyone else gets close to you. In other words, the game goes out of its way to justify the entire sequence, but it's only if you don't fire missiles that you know you didn't hit him.
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_49aa2aa4
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_49aa2aa4
 Ace Combat (Video Game)
Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_49aa2aa4
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_49ad83ee
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_49ad83ee
In the Revendreth storyline in World of Warcraft: Shadowlands, the rebel venthyr blame you for doing the bidding of Sire Denathrius and his court, something you're forced to do to continue through the zone. Overlaps with Stupidity Is the Only Option, since as a player, you'll almost certainly see that they're bad guys long before your character makes that realization.
In Searing Gorge post-Cataclysm, a pacifist ogre called Lunk asks you to nicely ask dwarven war golems for their mechanical parts, so he can study them. The quest gives you no such non-violent option; to obtain the parts, you have to destroy the golems, which causes Lunk to berate you.
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_49ad83ee
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_49ad83ee
 World of Warcraft (Video Game)
Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_49ad83ee
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_4a8ffe0f
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_4a8ffe0f
A variant happens in Plumbers Don't Wear Ties, when the player is forced to decide the outcome of Jane's job interview- either she gets hired, she doesn't get hired, or the boss tries to make sexual advances on her. If you take the former two choices, you will get a bad ending (the first because Jane feels high and mighty after the interview and rejects John outright), and the narrator will scold you. The third choice results in the narrator scolding you, penalizing you so much you get a negative score, and continuing to scold you for the rest of the game. It might be the worst outcome, but it's also the only choice that allows the story to progress, so the player has no real choice in this situation.
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_4a8ffe0f
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_4a8ffe0f
 Plumbers Don't Wear Ties (Visual Novel)
Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_4a8ffe0f
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_51fe08d6
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_51fe08d6
In Dr. Langeskov, The Tiger, and The Terribly Cursed Emerald: A Whirlwind Heist, interacting with a ringing phone causes your character to pick it up... and then instantly put it down, hanging up. You are later chewed out by the narrator on this, even though you cannot interact with phones in any other way.
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_51fe08d6
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_51fe08d6
 Dr. Langeskov, The Tiger, and The Terribly Cursed Emerald: A Whirlwind Heist (Video Game)
Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_51fe08d6
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_53684a3f
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_53684a3f
In one mission of Thief: Deadly Shadows, you can meet a blind, delusional widow who owns the mansion you've broken into in search of a MacGuffin. You also find a note from her late husband explaining that the large bag of money in a nearby chest should allow her to live well without him. If you don't steal the money, a few levels later she sends you a letter and a gift. Unfortunately, on expert difficulty, you have to take the money to meet the 90% loot requirement*(The game requires you to complete the main objective and steal a specific minimum amount of loot from the entire area to complete a mission)... which causes her to send an assassin after you instead.
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_53684a3f
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_53684a3f
 Thief: Deadly Shadows (Video Game)
Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_53684a3f
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_57d36d65
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_57d36d65
In else Heart.Break(), if you follow Pixie to find out where she works, she'll point out that's a really creepy thing to do. But without doing it, you'll either never find the Lodge or never be allowed to join, and the main part of the game cannot start.
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_57d36d65
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_57d36d65
 else Heart.Break() (Video Game)
Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_57d36d65
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_5921531b
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_5921531b
Persona 4 Golden has a scene on Valentine's Day where, if you romance more than one Investigation Team girl, you have to personally reject the one(s) you didn't choose to spend the day with. Obviously this is to punish you for being a player... but here's the problem: the game also guilt-trips you if you turn down their romantic overtures during their Social Links. No matter which way you choose, you're going to break their hearts.
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_5921531b
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_5921531b
 Persona 4 (Video Game)
Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_5921531b
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_59da62aa
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_59da62aa
The Lonesome Road DLC of Fallout: New Vegas has a point where the only way to progress further into the Divide is to interact with a mysterious control panel. If you interact with the panel, it launches a nuclear missile. Fortunately, the missile lands somewhere where there are no people around to be killed by it, but Ulysses gives you a "Reason You Suck" Speech anyway, about how you can't help but cause destruction simply because of your curiosity. Granted, you can head back to the Mojave and just not finish the DLC campaign (which is unique to Lonesome Road, by the way; starting any of the other DLCs means you have to finish them), but if you want to finish the DLC, you have to launch the missile.
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_59da62aa
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_59da62aa
 Fallout: New Vegas (Video Game)
Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_59da62aa
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_5afbc0cb
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_5afbc0cb
Undertale is a game that features several branching story paths and blurs the line between the player and their character, so it takes pains to avert this trope. Guilt-tripping mostly happens when it's clear you're going out of your way to be evil, like killing Papyrus (who will never kill you, and if you've gone Genocide up to his boss fight, will explicitly spare you), and you can always go back to the Neutral run right up until the very end. If you just kill some monsters, you'll get a pass on the basis that they were trying to kill you and you were defending yourself. There is, however, one instance where the game attempts to nudge the player into a path that will get them guilt-tripped: the first boss fight & its aftermath. The boss, Toriel, will not respond to normal attempts at mercy (you need to spare her repeatedly until she finally breaks down) and will die when she's at 1/3 health, so it's very likely that first-time players will accidentally kill her and Save Scum until they figure out how to end the fight non-lethally. This will get them taunted by Flowey, though the purpose of the lecture isn't so much to actually make the player guilty (Flowey isn't the best guide on morality) as to reveal that Save Scumming is an In-Universe ability and some characters have Ripple-Effect-Proof Memory. The game also does give prior hints towards sparing Toriel and it's totally possible to figure it out first try, so it's not so much a railroad as a bunch of red herrings being thrown around.
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_5afbc0cb
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_5afbc0cb
 Undertale (Video Game)
Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_5afbc0cb
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_5c66fff9
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_5c66fff9
Neverwinter Nights 2:
In both the Good and Evil alignment city quest arcs, you are ordered by your superior in the Docks District to go to some rather extreme methods in the pursuit of their goals. When you get to the next higher ups in the Market District, you get chewed out for your reckless disregard for the political balance that exists between both sides.
If you join the Shadows of Amn, you have no choice but to betray at least one side. Worse still, if you play both sides against each other and destroy both cells. Somehow, this leads directly to the Shadows taking over Neverwinter, despite no longer having the resources in place.
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_5c66fff9
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_5c66fff9
 Neverwinter Nights 2 (Video Game)
Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_5c66fff9
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_6104baaf
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_6104baaf
In The Lord of the Rings Online, you have taken an Orc Chieftain captive, and are given the option to kill him or use him for a hostage exchange. If you say that he must die, the Dwarf at the scene overrules you and says he's too valuable to kill. Later on, in a conversation with the elf Celeborn, you are chewed out for making such a poor decision to allow him to live given his history, despite having no real choice in the matter. To make matters worse, the events are shown out of order (making a decision on the orc's fate is done in a later flashback), meaning that you are chewed out first, and then given no option to make a different choice later, as if the developers were trolling you.
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_6104baaf
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_6104baaf
 The Lord of the Rings Online (Video Game)
Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_6104baaf
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_61e400a0
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_61e400a0
Path of Exile:
In the process of exploring the Vaal Ruins, you accidentally break a seal and release the Vaal Oversoul, which in turn ushers in The Night That Never Ends. Several characters in that act's town call you out for it, saying that you've destroyed the world with your thoughtless actions. That seal is blocking the only path through the ruins, which you have to get through in order to stop Piety and continue the plot.
One character also calls you out for magically poisoning the giant tree whose roots were blocking the ruins' entrance, when simply chopping your way through is not an option (somehow, despite the many and varied bladed weapons you as an exile have access to).
Subverted in the second half of the game, where you learn that destroying The Beast has caused all of the gods to be awoken from their slumber. Sin is the only one who really blames you for anything, and he's patient enough to help you fix things.
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_61e400a0
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_61e400a0
 Path of Exile (Video Game)
Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_61e400a0
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_6661b4d1
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_6661b4d1
In The Monster at the End of This Book, Grover becomes increasingly distressed with the reader for turning the pages, against his warnings. Of course, there is no other way to read the book.
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_6661b4d1
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_6661b4d1
 The Monster at the End of This Book
Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_6661b4d1
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_6b671725
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_6b671725
In the mission "Moloch Desert" of Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation, after completing the objectives, the Estovakians begin to retreat, and Ghost Eye orders everyone to go after them. However, seconds later, Ghost Eye receives a transmission from central command ordering all forces to evacuate. Shamrock meanwhile, disobeys that order and engages the Strigon team, despite Ghost Eye repeatedly shouting at him to ceasefire and evacuate, forcing Talisman to assist him. Once the mission is over the base commander reveals during the debriefing that Estovakia plans to destroy the Emmerian capital city of Gracemaria with weapons of mass destruction to deny the Emmerians a victory. The commander then informs Garuda team that by disobeying orders to evacuate, they are suspended from flying until further notice.
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_6b671725
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_6b671725
 Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation (Video Game)
Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_6b671725
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_6bef8832
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_6bef8832
In Baldur's Gate III:
This is a major feature of the Dark Urge origin, as your twisted background will pressure and outright force you into committing heinous, murderous acts throughout the story. The first major instance of this occurs on Act 1, wherein an innocent Bard will die because of you no matter what you do, and your companions are suitably aghast if you come clean about it. You're continually pushed down the path of villainy in Act 2, and will be punished for resisting the railroading by being compelled to attack one of your companions. Understandably, the target of your vicious urges does not take it well if they survive. And finally, in Act 3, you're revealed to be a Bhaalspawn and the amnesiac Greater-Scope Villain of the entire plot, much to the horror of your companions who realize they've been travelling with one of the main villains this entire time.
There are further cases of this, regardless of your origin, in Lae'zel's questline and in Act 2. In Lae'zel's questline, if you enter Creche Y'llek at her suggestion and trigger the meeting with Vlaakith, she'll give you a mission to infiltrate the Astral Prism in your possession and kill its occupant. Regardless of what you do in response, she will brand you a traitor and the Githyanki will promptly turn hostile, rendering Lae'zel an outcast and fugitive from her own people. Furthermore, in Act 2, your efforts to infiltrate the Cult of the Absolute will always go awry. Regardless of how hard you try to ingratiate yourself with them, you will be exposed as one of the fugitives they've been hunting down because of the artifact in your possession (which you can't give away), prompting the cultists and Ketheric Thorm to brand you a traitor and try to kill you.
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_6bef8832
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_6bef8832
 Baldur's Gate III (Video Game)
Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_6bef8832
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_6c1d09b2
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_6c1d09b2
In Fallout 2, The Chosen One befriends a community of uplifted Deathclaws created by the Enclave. However, two weeks after this Dragon-in-Chief Frank Horrigan wipes them out and the ending narration blames the player who wasn't even there, talking as though they personally committed the genocide. It's technically possible to save them, but it's a massive Guide Dang It! that the Fallout Bible established to be non-canon.
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_6c1d09b2
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_6c1d09b2
 Fallout 2 (Video Game)
Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_6c1d09b2
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_6c1d09b3
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_6c1d09b3
Fallout 3 contains an infamous inversion of this trope: Being Blamed for Refusing to be Railroaded. At the end of the game the player is expected to activate Project Purity, a machine that will provide clean drinking water to the Capital Wasteland, but the control room is flooded with lethal levels of radiation. The game fully expects the player to sacrifice their life for the Greater Good, and if you get someone else to activate the machine instead, you get an ending where Ron Perlman calls you a coward for refusing to accept your "destiny". What makes this infuriating is that the game contains three companions who are completely immune to radiation (a robot, a Super Mutant, and a Ghoul), but all three of them will refuse to activate the machine in your place, with the former two insisting that it's your destiny and the latter simply saying that he's saved your ass more than enough and this time it's all on you.note Making this more infuriating, the Ghoul has been brainwashed to be absolutely obedient to whomever holds his contract...except for this one time, apparently.
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_6c1d09b3
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_6c1d09b3
 Fallout 3 (Video Game)
Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_6c1d09b3
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_6c1d09b4
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_6c1d09b4
In Fallout 4, the Nuka-World expansion's storyline revolves around the Player Character becoming a Raider boss through a Klingon Promotion. Once you finish claiming the park for the various gangs, the story requires you to expand into the Commonwealth. Once this is done, Lawful Good companion Preston Garvey will give you a What the Hell, Hero? speech and refuse to associate with you any longer. The expansion offers no real alternative, as you can kill all of them, but this ends the storyline prematurely if done too early and leaves the park barren without the use of mods.
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_6c1d09b4
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_6c1d09b4
 Fallout 4 (Video Game)
Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_6c1d09b4
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_73383fee
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_73383fee
In Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc, player character Makoto learns that Sakura is working as The Mole for the mastermind but does not have proof. The choice is offered as to whether or not to inform Kyoko of this, but the choice is meaningless and ultimately you cannot tell her and she grows extremely angry and distant as a result, extending so far as to be unavailable for Free Time for the remainder of the game.
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_73383fee
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_73383fee
 Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc (Visual Novel)
Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_73383fee
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_73d7930f
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_73d7930f
A close variant appears in the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine episode "Rules of Engagement". While trying to get Worf extradited to the Klingon Empire for accidentally destroying a passenger ship while defending a convoy against Klingon raiders, Klingon prosecutor Ch'pok brings up a holodeck program Worf was playing prior to the mission where, in the role of an ancient Klingon hero, the player is required to execute prisoners-of-war to advance the scenario, which Worf did. Ch'pok accuses the game of having influenced Worf's judgement and cuts off Jadzia when she tries to point out that the game doesn't give any other options.
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_73d7930f
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_73d7930f
 Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_73d7930f
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_7668653a
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_7668653a
Mass Effect 2 does this in a big way. Most of the characters who knew Shepard in the previous game greet him or her with a vehement "What the Hell, Hero?" upon learning that he or she has joined Cerberus, a notoriously xenophobic human organization with no qualms about atrocious human rights violations and unethical experiments, even on humans. However, most of those characters eventually come around. Not so with the human squadmate (Ashley or Kaiden), who remains adamantly against the idea and refuses to have a civil conversation with Shepard for the entire game. Never mind the fact that the player is forced to work for Cerberus for the entirety of the game, no matter what choices are made in this game or the previous one. You're also not given the option to say that you're just using Cerberus to accomplish a task (stopping the Collectors) and intend to drop them like a hot potato once it's accomplished, an option you are given with other returning characters and which Shepard in fact does between games. It gets even worse if you'd romanced them in the first game, at which point they'll criticize you for not contacting them for two years but the game doesn't let you point out that you'd spent most of those two years on an operating table being reassembled at nearly a cellular level and once you were awake and free again, nobody, not even Captain Anderson, was willing to tell you where the Survivor was or would let you send a message to them. At least Mass Effect 3 sees Kaidan apologize.
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_7668653a
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_7668653a
 Mass Effect 2 (Video Game)
Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_7668653a
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_76ad2012
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_76ad2012
Applies during the final boss fight of Five Nights at Freddy's World. After you defeat Scott, he calls you out for coming all this way to kill him and complains that the story is now over since you killed the one making it. The thing is, he made it clear he intended to kill your party as perceived retaliation for being an Unsatisfiable Audience, and there was no way to spare him or convince him to calm down.
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_76ad2012
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_76ad2012
 Five Nights at Freddy's World (Video Game)
Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_76ad2012
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_7785278d
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_7785278d
BioShock: There's a mid-game revelation that the villain has been mind controlling you and using you as a tool to take over the complex. But it's impossible to disregard the villain's requests before that, not because you're forced to follow them, but because the architecture won't allow any other path.
BioShock Infinite:
During the game, your character will betray Elizabeth by trying to take her to New York rather than Paris. She starts crying and ends up hitting you and knocking you out, then flees from you repeatedly. When you finally catch up to her she says she doesn't trust you and only reluctantly agrees to join you again. This is all despite the fact that you had no choice in what happened - it occurred in a Cut Scene.
Burial at Sea Episode 1 ends with the player being blamed for the events that took place in a flashback (accidentally killing an alternate Elizabeth), and which weren't even entirely the character's fault (as it wouldn't have happened if the Elizabeth in this game hadn't distracted you).
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_7785278d
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_7785278d
 BioShock (Video Game)
Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_7785278d
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_791fca44
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_791fca44
BioShock: There's a mid-game revelation that the villain has been mind controlling you and using you as a tool to take over the complex. But it's impossible to disregard the villain's requests before that, not because you're forced to follow them, but because the architecture won't allow any other path.
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_791fca44
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_791fca44
 BioShock (Video Game)
Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_791fca44
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_7b429ebc
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_7b429ebc
The original Saints Row ends with the player character being supposedly killed by a bomb planted on a boat. A hidden mission in Saints Row 2 allows the player to reunite with Julius, the former leader of the Saints, who claims that he did it because the Saints were becoming just another gang terrorizing the city rather than helping clean up the city and protect the Row as he'd intended. Yet Julius did not attack any of the other Saints - not even Johnny Gat, who is by far the most bloodthirsty of the Saints, and only ends up out of the picture between the games because he gets arrested for trying to kill Troy - and for most of the original game, you had no particular influence over the direction of the gang as a whole, except in the loosest sense of propelling the Saints upward by tearing down the other three more obviously villainous gangs. Moreover, although you are named Julius's right-hand man towards the end, everything you do after that is forced upon you by the need to rescue Julius, since he gets arrested in the very same cutscene and the last stretch of missions involve a corrupt mayoral candidate blackmailing you into removing his opponents in return for Julius's safety. At that point, it looks less like Julius doing what needed to be done to put down a psychopath before he destroyed the city, and more like Julius having a predetermined notion of what you're like without his influence and then, when you prove to still care about people other than yourself, blowing you up for not following his script.
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_7b429ebc
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_7b429ebc
 Saints Row (Video Game)
Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_7b429ebc
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_7d8c61a2
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_7d8c61a2
Star Wars: The Old Republic: The final mission of the Bounty Hunter PC's chapter 1 requires them to assassinate a Jedi Master and blow up his ship at the behest of Mandalore, the patron of the Great Hunt. This results in the Bounty Hunter getting a price on their own head for terrorism (since it was ostensibly peacetime), which comes back to bite them in a big way in chapter 3. Most prior and future bounty targets can be brought in alive if the PC chooses, but no such option is given here, and instead your choices determine how eager you were to go along with the order, and how justified the Knight Templar antagonist of Chapters 2 and 3 is in trying to kill you.
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_7d8c61a2
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_7d8c61a2
 Star Wars: The Old Republic (Video Game)
Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_7d8c61a2
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_7f5bc680
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_7f5bc680
In Fallout 2, The Chosen One befriends a community of uplifted Deathclaws created by the Enclave. However, two weeks after this Dragon-in-Chief Frank Horrigan wipes them out and the ending narration blames the player who wasn't even there, talking as though they personally committed the genocide. It's technically possible to save them, but it's a massive Guide Dang It! that the Fallout Bible established to be non-canon.
Fallout 3 contains an infamous inversion of this trope: Being Blamed for Refusing to be Railroaded. At the end of the game the player is expected to activate Project Purity, a machine that will provide clean drinking water to the Capital Wasteland, but the control room is flooded with lethal levels of radiation. The game fully expects the player to sacrifice their life for the Greater Good, and if you get someone else to activate the machine instead, you get an ending where Ron Perlman calls you a coward for refusing to accept your "destiny". What makes this infuriating is that the game contains three companions who are completely immune to radiation (a robot, a Super Mutant, and a Ghoul), but all three of them will refuse to activate the machine in your place, with the former two insisting that it's your destiny and the latter simply saying that he's saved your ass more than enough and this time it's all on you.note Making this more infuriating, the Ghoul has been brainwashed to be absolutely obedient to whomever holds his contract...except for this one time, apparently.
The DLC Broken Steel, written in response to fan complaints, changes the ending so that your character falls comatose but ultimately survives the irradiated control room, waking up some weeks later so you can play the post-game content. It also makes it so that the three radiation-immune companions can be ordered to activate Project Purity, but you still get the exact same ending voiceover (apparently because Bethesda didn't want to hire Perlman to record a few new lines of dialog).
The Lonesome Road DLC of Fallout: New Vegas has a point where the only way to progress further into the Divide is to interact with a mysterious control panel. If you interact with the panel, it launches a nuclear missile. Fortunately, the missile lands somewhere where there are no people around to be killed by it, but Ulysses gives you a "Reason You Suck" Speech anyway, about how you can't help but cause destruction simply because of your curiosity. Granted, you can head back to the Mojave and just not finish the DLC campaign (which is unique to Lonesome Road, by the way; starting any of the other DLCs means you have to finish them), but if you want to finish the DLC, you have to launch the missile.
In Fallout 4, the Nuka-World expansion's storyline revolves around the Player Character becoming a Raider boss through a Klingon Promotion. Once you finish claiming the park for the various gangs, the story requires you to expand into the Commonwealth. Once this is done, Lawful Good companion Preston Garvey will give you a What the Hell, Hero? speech and refuse to associate with you any longer. The expansion offers no real alternative, as you can kill all of them, but this ends the storyline prematurely if done too early and leaves the park barren without the use of mods.
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_7f5bc680
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_7f5bc680
Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_7f5bc680
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_865b5c19
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_865b5c19
In Runescape this is discussed in the Fourth Wall-breaking non-canon Gower Quest. After you've finally reassembled the pieces of the Life Altar, a graphical rework of the Black Knight Titan will show up and reveal that he broke the Life Altar in order to get you to come there so he could steal your Disc of Returning and get into Runescape proper. He'll ask if the player character feels stupid about being tricked, to which they respond that they don't since the quest was so linear and they didn't really have any other options.
Played unfortunately straight in Song of the Elves, which has the player character take a more mercenary, detached approach with the conflict. After defeating the Fragment of Seren immediately upon waking her, you're told off by the (elf) villain for not even attempting to solve the problem non-violently, despite this not being possible. While the heroic characters don't blame you for this, the circumstances surrounding the boss and her in-battle dialogue implies that it may have been possible.
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_865b5c19
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_865b5c19
 RuneScape (Video Game)
Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_865b5c19
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_86814cd0
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_86814cd0
Final Fantasy IV: If you speak to the NPCs being held captive at the beginning of the game, they will call you out for being an evil jerk and stealing their crystal. Granted, that's all done in a cutscene. A straighter example would be a little deeper into the game, when Cecil is ordered/tricked by his king to deliver a ring that turns out to summon a horde of monsters, destroying the village of Mist and killing nearly everyone in it, save for a little girl whose mother you just inadvertently murdered after slaying the monster that blocks your way into Mist. The player character and the game both do a good job of making you feel like a complete bastard even though the only way to progress is to deliver the package and destroy Mist. Fortunately this is also when Cecil realizes he's on the wrong side and kicks off the events of the game proper. Sadly, the surviving villagers still call you a bastard and treat you like crap when you return to the rebuilt village later on in the game after reforming. Of course, nobody ever tells them Cecil didn't want to do it and was an unwitting accomplice, so it has to be expected.
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_86814cd0
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_86814cd0
 Final Fantasy IV (Video Game)
Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_86814cd0
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_8c87469c
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_8c87469c
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword has Impa chew you out at one point for failing to catch up with Zelda in time to save her from danger, forcing Impa to do it herself. Presumably, this is meant to comment on the practice of only continuing the main story after having participated in a healthy amount of sidequests and exploration. However, the cutscene plays out exactly the same if the player were to ignore all side content and speedrun their way to this point in the game, not to mention that there is nothing gameplay or story related prior to this point that suggests such haste is necessary.
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_8c87469c
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_8c87469c
 The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (Video Game)
Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_8c87469c
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_8d5d91b2
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_8d5d91b2
At the end of Aoi's route in You and Me and Her, Miyuki, the other love interest breaks into the protagonist's house and bludgeons him and Aoi to death with a baseball bat out of jealousy. She then reveals that she's not angry at Aoi or the protagonist, but at the Player, for playing Aoi's route after hers, even though her route ended with you promising to never leave her. It's supposed to be an elaborate What the Hell, Player?-moment, but it gets undercut by one, pretty significant detail: Romancing Aoi is literally impossible until you played through Miyuki's route, because Aoi will only be available as a love interest once you romanced Miyuki. Even if you never had interest in Miyuki to begin with, the game forces you to court her, essentially making sure that you'll break her heart and turn her into a crazy Yandere once you start Aoi's route.
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_8d5d91b2
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_8d5d91b2
 You and Me and Her (Visual Novel)
Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_8d5d91b2
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_8fa1064
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_8fa1064
MediEvil has you dropped into a pit partway through "The Enchanted Forest". To escape, you have to solve a puzzle... the solving of which, since you're carrying the Shadow Artifact (which you must acquire to get far enough in the level to be dropped into the pit), breaks the Shadow Demons out of their prison. You are promptly chewed out for doing so, even though there is literally no other path to take.
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_8fa1064
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_8fa1064
 MediEvil (Video Game)
Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_8fa1064
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_92dd35df
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_92dd35df
Played with in Command & Conquer: Red Alert: In the Soviet campaign, you're blamed for failing to capture the Chronosphere in a mission where it's impossible to capture. note And if you somehow capture it anyway, the mission immediately fails. However Nadia shifts the blame away from you and into Intelligence. You Have Failed Me ensues.
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_92dd35df
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_92dd35df
 Command & Conquer: Red Alert (Video Game)
Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_92dd35df
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_959e88d
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_959e88d
Dragon Quest XI:
The town of Sniflheim has been cursed, causing everyone but its queen to be frozen solid. The queen tells you that the only way to end the curse is to defeat a witch protected by a huge monster. When you reach said monster, you're forced to fight it to save Sir Hendrik. Much later, you find out that the "queen" was the witch, the monster protector was the "can" her power was sealed away in, and you killed it and released that power. Never mind that nobody, including the NPC berating you, knew any of that at the time; the only evidence of it is inside a book sealed at the center of a gigantic puzzle-lock serving as the questline's dungeon.
It's not even another half hour before this happens a second time. The same NPC who berated you manages to bungle the spell to trap the witch, allowing her to Body Swap with the real queen. The only indication this happened is a tiny quirk of a smile from the fake queen. Whether you notice it or not, the next logical course of action is to head to the throne room, to speak with or confront the queen. Naturally, the trapped queen gives you holy hell for being so stupid regardless of what your intentions were.
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_959e88d
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_959e88d
 Dragon Quest XI (Video Game)
Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_959e88d
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_a61bda23
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_a61bda23
Becomes a plot point in Life Is Strange: the entire game mechanic is Max's rewind power, but it eventually causes a tornado and a hallucination sequence chews Max (and by proxy, the player) out for using the rewind power to - in some way - manipulate the world and people around her. There's no choice to not use the rewind power during the game, just what to do with it (i.e. rewinding to make different choices).
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_a61bda23
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_a61bda23
 Life Is Strange (Video Game)
Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_a61bda23
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_a6bce733
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_a6bce733
In File 06 of Astral Chain, Hal declares he's going to sneak into Zone 09, which is off-limits to the police, yourself included, and invites you to assist him, but only if you really want to. "Really want to," as in "if you want the game to progress any further": Talk to him again and the only dialogue options in response to his invitation are "Yes" and "Of course." One illegal mission later, you're arrested and charged with insubordination and locked up in spite of the well-intentioned nature of the mission and the fact that the game, not Hal (who, again, said to only join him if you wanted to), forced you to undertake it.
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_a6bce733
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_a6bce733
 Astral Chain (Video Game)
Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_a6bce733
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_a70fd7c
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_a70fd7c
In older versions of the fangame Pokémon Reborn, this was a point of contention with Episodes 13 and 15 before their scenes were rewritten. Originally, the player was left alone in a room where Titania's diary is on the table. It was impossible to progress the story until the player read her diary and learned that Titania didn't love Amaria romantically and only dated her because she incorrectly thought it would fix Amaria's suicidal ideation. Even if the player immediately stopped reading before seeing the entry, Titania walked in and started chewing them out for invading her privacy. Then Amaria walked in, and even if the player chose not to tell her what they saw she'd just walk over to read the diary herself. Predictably, the reveal resulted in Amaria throwing herself over the nearby waterfall, with Titania following after her and demanding the player rescue them both. And as if that wasn't bad enough, the player couldn't actually follow them right away and had to take a very long detour to collect more gym badges so they could use HM Waterfall. When they were finally able to reunite with Titania two episodes later, she blamed them not just for causing Amaria's suicide attempt but also for taking so long. The current version of the script keeps the storyline but takes away some of the railloading and most of the blame: Now Amaria's the one who reads the diary first and the player is just a bystander, and most of Titania's lines berating the player have been removed.
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_a70fd7c
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_a70fd7c
 Pokémon Reborn (Video Game)
Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_a70fd7c
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_a796bde8
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_a796bde8
Metal Gear Solid has Liquid Snake trying to guilt trip Solid Snake near the end for killing his men and saying he enjoys violence. This would hold a lot more weight if it hadn't previously been revealed that Liquid's plan to Activate Metal Gear REX relied upon Snake making it through his men (including his top lieutenants) with the PAL key. While much of the game can be played by avoiding killing and direct combat, you're locked into both boss battles and a few ambushes with no option other than to kill to survive. Liquid knows this and so his rant about Snake being kill happy comes across as being a bit hypocritical at least. Liquid's rant becomes more nonsensical in the Twin Snakes remake where due to the script not changing at all, Liquid will still berate Solid for killing his men even if you had used nothing but tranquilizers.
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_a796bde8
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_a796bde8
 Metal Gear Solid (Video Game)
Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_a796bde8
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_a895e9d2
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_a895e9d2
At one point, you are required to euthanize your Companion Cube as GLaDOS will not open the door to the next chamber until you've done so. Even though the Companion Cube in this game is (apparently) just a non-sentient box with hearts on the side, GLaDOS still only refers to this as "euthanizing" and if you hesitate will list off reasons why killing it is for the best. After you've done so, she'll passive-aggressively mock you for it, even stating that the Companion Cube was your only friend and can't come to a party she was planning for you since you murdered it. Just another painful dose of psychological mind-games from GLaDOS.
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_a895e9d2
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_a895e9d2
 Portal (Video Game)
Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_a895e9d2
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_a895e9d3
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_a895e9d3
Portal 2:
GLaDOS is constantly upset over you "killing" her in the previous game, spending a good half of the game flinging passive-aggressive remarks about it at you. This is despite the fact that in the previous game, your "escape" was set up in such a manner that you just couldn't go anywhere but straight to GLaDOS's room, with the only way to advance the plot being throwing her cores into fire. This is made all the more egregious by the fact that even if you deliberately attempt NOT to throw them into fire, GLaDOS will keep nagging you to do it with (unintentional?) Reverse Psychology.
At one point, Wheatley wants to detach himself from his rail (while being about twenty feet off the ground) and asks you to catch him before he hits the ground. Try as you might, you will simply NOT be allowed to catch him. You can even abuse the game's physics to make Wheatley land on your head, but even then it will not count as catching him, and you will be forced to just let him fall on the ground. Later, at the end of the game, Wheatley chews you out on it, reminding you about how you didn't catch him as if it was your fault and you deliberately let him hit the ground.
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_a895e9d3
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_a895e9d3
 Portal 2 (Video Game)
Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_a895e9d3
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_a993be1f
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_a993be1f
Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords:
Your master Kreia/Darth Traya spends the game trying to teach you to let go of your desire for revenge and show the Jedi Masters that they were wrong about you instead of killing them outright. However, if you kill a single Master over the course of the game (such as on Onderon, where siding with Master Kavar in the Civil War is very much against a Dark Side player's interests and you have no option to spare him) then the rest of them will turn on you and the game acts as though killing them all was your plan all along, with Kreia telling you You Have Failed Me.
There’s also a minor interaction upon coming to Nar Shadda with a beggar asking for money. No matter what the player does, Kreia chews them out for it - either the beggar walks away angry and mugs someone for their money, or they walk away with your money and are themselves mugged in turn. Kreia blames you for weakening others if you try to solve their problems, and blames you for creating more suffering and violence if you don’t. A justified example here: Kreia is very much a Trickster Mentor and her real aim (as she implies if you reply that you'll take her comments under advisement) is to get the Exile to consider the potential unintended consequences of their actions before they make a decision.
The Citadel Station questline requires you to find a new fuel source after Peragus II was destroyed by Darth Sion. The only option is Vogga the Hutt, which you're told multiple times is a less-than-optimal solution that could potentially bankrupt The Republic but it's the only one available to you. There's no negative repercussions, but the good option (the M4-78 fuel reserves) was Dummied Out.
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_a993be1f
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_a993be1f
 Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords (Video Game)
Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_a993be1f
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_ac64e9dc
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_ac64e9dc
The Last of Us Part II has the aesop that violence isn't the answer and revenge just becomes a cycle of violence that destroys everyone you love, with an attempt to call players out on this by making the death animations very brutal and giving every character a name. However, the game gives you no choice but to kill and will continue to call you out even if you avoid violence when possible, and much of your killing/violence is done in self-defense against enemies who will try to kill you the second you're found out. To be even more unhelpful, the game occasionally has injured mooks begging to be spared who get up and attack the moment you turn your back on them, giving no incentive to be merciful.
One moment that often gets singled out is when Ellie is attacked by a dog in a cutscene, preventing any attempt to avoid her, and she kills her in a quicktime event. After the Perspective Flip to Abby's party, it's revealed that this dog was Abby's pet, and you're given the option to pet and play with her, obviously to try to make you feel bad about killing her "earlier"... but the player was never given the choice not to kill the dog.
In addition, the game's plot is instigated by a case of railroading in the first game: about an hour and a half into Part II, Joel gets his head beaten in with a golf club by a woman named Abby as an act of revenge for killing her dad, Jerry. Jerry was the doctor who was performing surgery on Ellie in the climax of the first game. The developers stated that this was deliberate: since every player would've been forced to kill Jerry in order to rescue Ellie and complete the game, every player also knows exactly why Abby's out for blood.
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_ac64e9dc
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_ac64e9dc
 The Last of Us Part II (Video Game)
Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_ac64e9dc
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_aedc983a
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_aedc983a
In one of the Wing Commander games, you shoot down a traitor pilot who ejects. You get a cutscene where you could shoot him in his survival pod, but you don't shoot him before your squadron leader swoops in and takes him into custody. The traitor later escapes and a fellow pilot berates you for not shooting him when you had the chance. Except, of course, you didn't - there's no way to affect the way the cutscene and the subsequent plot plays out.
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_aedc983a
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_aedc983a
 Wing Commander (Video Game)
Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_aedc983a
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_b0412907
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_b0412907
In Dude, Stop, the narrator tells you not to touch anything while he's on the phone during the tutorial. Of course, he takes so long to make the call that the only way to progress is to ignore his instructions and deliberately fail all the puzzles. This leads to the narrator getting irrationally angry and threatening to ban you from playing the rest of the game. Though the main point of this exercise is to make it harder for you to feel sorry for the guy when you deliberately fail later puzzles. In fact, some of the packs require you to fail in order to progress, which of course still makes the narrator angry.
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_b0412907
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_b0412907
 Dude, Stop (Video Game)
Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_b0412907
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_b66371ca
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_b66371ca
In The Bard's Tale, the Bard fights a monster horse in a spot that happens to have a stone circle on the ground. When the horse dies, it stumbles into the circle, and the "sacrifice" releases the fearsome Nuckelavee that was sealed there. Later on, the Bard encounters a tavern band singing about the Nuckelavee and the idiot who unleashed it on the world.
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_b66371ca
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_b66371ca
 The Bard's Tale (Video Game)
Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_b66371ca
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_b906a721
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_b906a721
The beginning of Secret of Mana has the hero falling into a waterfall. The only way to get out and to get back to his village is to pull the Sword of Mana from the rock that lies near the base of said waterfall. Said act leads to his, and your, banishment from the village.
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_b906a721
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_b906a721
 Secret of Mana (Video Game)
Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_b906a721
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_b9b796cf
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_b9b796cf
Expect to get chewed out on a regular basis in Fate/stay night for making dangerously stupid decisions, even though they're often the correct one. Choosing the "safe" option very frequently leads to you getting killed.
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_b9b796cf
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_b9b796cf
 Fate/stay night (Visual Novel)
Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_b9b796cf
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_bba9da2d
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_bba9da2d
Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward: The path to the Golden Ending is disrupted when Phi abruptly screws over Sigma (and the entire rest of the group) by voting Betray, making a speech about how this is vengeance for Sigma betraying her. Sigma is absolutely dumbfounded (as is the player, most likely), as he hasn't betrayed Phi. This is the fault of the game's Anachronic Order. The two time travelers are encountering the game's events in two different orders. Phi is referring to a betrayal that already happened from her perspective but hasn't yet happened from Sigma's. In order to advance past this point, the player must go back to a previous decision point and betray Phi, completely pointlessly, just to complete the time loop. While the reasoning is clear to the player, Sigma is utterly baffled and meekly submits to being berated by the entire cast.
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_bba9da2d
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_bba9da2d
 Zero Escape (Visual Novel)
Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_bba9da2d
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_be0c33a5
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_be0c33a5
Ghost of Tsushima does this at two levels. A key point is your uncle becoming angry at you breaching the Samurai code by completing missions in dishonourable (ie, stealthy) ways. No matter how honourably you fight throughout the game, though, Act 2's mission structure forces you to conduct a mass poisoning to capture Castle Shimura, and a cutscene then forces you to defy your uncle about it.
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_be0c33a5
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_be0c33a5
 Ghost of Tsushima (Video Game)
Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_be0c33a5
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_be1a0312
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_be1a0312
Pony Island plays the No Fair Cheating card when the player unlocks in-game cheats to beat the Game Within a Game, despite the fact that this is the only way to progress. Of course, this game was literally designed by Satan, who had no intention of giving the player a fair challenge.
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_be1a0312
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_be1a0312
 Pony Island (Video Game)
Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_be1a0312
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_c0c57462
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_c0c57462
In Chrono Trigger, there comes a point where the only way to move the game forward is to make Crono bump into Marle, and the fact that you did so is later used against you by a corrupt prosecutor in a trial. Downplayed in that even if you do everything right, the prosecutor (who turns out to be the descendant of the first boss you killed) lies to the guards about your sentence - you could have done anything at that point and he'd still screw you.
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_c0c57462
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_c0c57462
 Chrono Trigger (Video Game)
Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_c0c57462
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_cb45dbdc
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_cb45dbdc
Pokémon Scarlet and Violet: The Teal Mask: The player isn't ever given the option to tell Kieran the truth about Ogerpon or why you're hanging out more with his Big Sister Bully, with the game even forcing you to lie to his face. This (combined with Poor Communication Kills) ends up being the catalyst for his Sanity Slippage as the story goes on, and his budding friendship with you sours as a result.
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_cb45dbdc
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_cb45dbdc
 Pokémon Scarlet and Violet (Video Game)
Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_cb45dbdc
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_cccafd49
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_cccafd49
In the first Gothic, you are a prisoner stuck inside a mining colony covered with the Barrier - an impenetrable, magical force-field that got out of control during its creation and became bigger than intended. At one point, you are tasked with finding a necromancer named Xardas. He's supposed to help the Water Mages in carrying out their plan to destroy the Barrier by blowing up the big pile of magic ore they collected over the years. However, Xardas tells you that blowing up the pile won't destroy the Barrier, and the answer must lie elsewhere. When you return to the Archmage of Water, your character inexplicably just can't bear to tell him the news, and instead decides to keep this to himself, with no other option available. Later on, you finally figure out the real way to destroy the Barrier - finding and defeating a powerful demon that lives deep inside an underground temple underneath an orc village. As you attempt to go further into the temple, you find an old, very powerful sword. Xardas tells you that this sword might be the only way to reach and defeat the demon, but only after it is powered up. As luck would have it, the pile of ore appears to be the only way the sword can be powered up. But inexplicably, your character once again refuses to tell the Mages the full story, and instead attempts to hijack the energy of the pile while keeping this a secret. But he gets caught, which results in the Mages being so furious that they attack him on sight, forcing him to run away from the village. After that, their disposition towards him doesn't change until the sequel.
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_cccafd49
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_cccafd49
 Gothic (Video Game)
Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_cccafd49
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_d1ad2f1d
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_d1ad2f1d
In Doki Doki Literature Club!, Monika gets upset that you're not trying to spend time with her and tells the player that she's not unapproachable. Eventually, she resorts to using her Reality Warper powers to severely corrupt the game in Act 2, before eventually forcing you to spend time with her in Act 3. Thing is, she's actually unapproachable, as she's not a love interest and therefore doesn't have any options that let the player spend time with her. Of course, Monika knows she's in a game and is trying to edit the code so that the player can romance her, but she's Hopeless with Tech and her attempts at adding a 'Monika Route' fail miserably, leading to the glitchiness in Act 2.
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_d1ad2f1d
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_d1ad2f1d
 Doki Doki Literature Club! (Visual Novel)
Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_d1ad2f1d
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_d4c96eb9
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_d4c96eb9
Braid: The ending reveals that the player character, Tim, has actually been pursuing the princess against her wishes all along, and the "kidnapper" he was trying to rescue her from was actually saving her from Tim. Even though it's implied that Tim has known this from the start, the player isn't told until the end of the game; and other than just not playing the game at all, there's no option not to pursue her.
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_d4c96eb9
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_d4c96eb9
 Braid (Video Game)
Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_d4c96eb9
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_d9c602eb
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_d9c602eb
South Park:
"Woodland Critter Christmas" has Stan being constantly dragged along through the story by the narrator (Cartman) into helping the Woodland Critters (who turn out to be Evil All Along) and continually making things worse. He then constantly gets guilt-tripped for it. Stan is less than pleased.
"The Big Fix" has Token Black's name retconned to have been Tolkien all along, with everyone in South Park knowing except Stan and Randy. Stan even points out that Cartman's spelled it Token (while conveniently forgetting that Token himself has spelled it like that before), only for it to turn out that Cartman just doesn't know how to spell. When Stan goes to his doctor seeking advice, his doctor gaslights him and the audience by accusing them of "racism". This even gets extended outside of the show itself, as on the night that the show premiered, the South Park website retroactively changed every instance of Token's name to "Tolkien" to make the gasslighting effect hit stronger.
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_d9c602eb
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_d9c602eb
 South Park
Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_d9c602eb
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_da02c1ef
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_da02c1ef
Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door:
A minor example happens the first time you try to go to West Rogueport. Zess T. tells you to stop moving because she lost a contact lens. Stand still as long as you want; she'll never find it. Move at all, in any direction, even slightly, and it will crunch under your boot (or hammer, if you chose to swing that.) There simply is no way to avoid smashing the darned thing. Even after you replace it, Zess T. will call you by insulting nicknames for the rest of the game.
In Chapter 2, you find the majority of the Punies (except for Punio and a few others who evaded capture) locked in two cages- the elder is in one cage, and everyone else is in the other. The elder insists that you free the rest of the tribe first, but the first key you find is for the elder's cage. When you open the elder's cage, she gives you a tongue lashing for not listening to her.
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_da02c1ef
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_da02c1ef
 Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (Video Game)
Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_da02c1ef
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_da180adc
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_da180adc
In Nihilumbra, you are a sentient piece of the Void. You want to become an individual, independent being. The Void does not like it though, and as you make your way through various different worlds, at the end of each one the Void catches up with you, forcing you to flee and let the Void consume the world you just traversed through. The narration will NOT let you hear the end of it, talking about your guilt and how you don't create anything, only destroy everything. This is despite the fact that the game is a linear puzzle platformer, with no possible choices to make except pushing forward (and furthermore, the Void is what's destroying everything, not you).
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_da180adc
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_da180adc
 Nihilumbra (Video Game)
Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_da180adc
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_dc25de3f
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_dc25de3f
Portal series has a couple of examples that are played more for comedy than drama, as neither GLaDOS or Wheatley are particularly sympathetic and it's clear they are being unreasonable.
At one point, you are required to euthanize your Companion Cube as GLaDOS will not open the door to the next chamber until you've done so. Even though the Companion Cube in this game is (apparently) just a non-sentient box with hearts on the side, GLaDOS still only refers to this as "euthanizing" and if you hesitate will list off reasons why killing it is for the best. After you've done so, she'll passive-aggressively mock you for it, even stating that the Companion Cube was your only friend and can't come to a party she was planning for you since you murdered it. Just another painful dose of psychological mind-games from GLaDOS.
Portal 2:
GLaDOS is constantly upset over you "killing" her in the previous game, spending a good half of the game flinging passive-aggressive remarks about it at you. This is despite the fact that in the previous game, your "escape" was set up in such a manner that you just couldn't go anywhere but straight to GLaDOS's room, with the only way to advance the plot being throwing her cores into fire. This is made all the more egregious by the fact that even if you deliberately attempt NOT to throw them into fire, GLaDOS will keep nagging you to do it with (unintentional?) Reverse Psychology.
At one point, Wheatley wants to detach himself from his rail (while being about twenty feet off the ground) and asks you to catch him before he hits the ground. Try as you might, you will simply NOT be allowed to catch him. You can even abuse the game's physics to make Wheatley land on your head, but even then it will not count as catching him, and you will be forced to just let him fall on the ground. Later, at the end of the game, Wheatley chews you out on it, reminding you about how you didn't catch him as if it was your fault and you deliberately let him hit the ground.
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_dc25de3f
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_dc25de3f
 Portal / Videogame
Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_dc25de3f
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_dffb9d98
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_dffb9d98
Exaggerated early into Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story when Bowser fights a Wiggler who attacks him as retaliation for eating a giant carrot it had been growing… When the Wiggler had told him to do so. Bowser even acknowledges the Wiggler's hypocrisy, but it still doesn’t convince it to stand down. Even after you beat the Wiggler, it complains about Bowser being mean to it and beating it up, when it attacked Bowser unprovoked.
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_dffb9d98
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_dffb9d98
 Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story (Video Game)
Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_dffb9d98
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_e5feb1e
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_e5feb1e
The Ace Attorney series is extremely linear, and yet Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney still manages to make a retroactive example hurt. You see the results of a mistake made seven years prior for most of the game, and only in the final case are you made to play through a flashback segment and actively make that very mistake, armed with enough context to know as a player exactly what you're doing. But Thou Must! — you can't very well prevent something that's already happened.
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_e5feb1e
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_e5feb1e
 Ace Attorney (Franchise)
Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_e5feb1e
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_e9ec19e1
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_e9ec19e1
Spec Ops: The Line:
Walker and his squad encounter a heavily defended chokepoint. They find a mortar platform that they can use to take it out; the bad news is that the only shells they have are white phosphorous, the use of which on people is a war crime. After obliterating everything that moved, the squad discovers a group of civilians who were caught in the bombardment. This is a critical turning point for Walker but there is no alternative for the player; if you attempt to fight the defenders normally, the game will respawn them forever until either they overwhelm you or you give in and use the white phosphorous. If you use the phosphorous but deliberately aim the bombs to avoid hitting the civilians, the game will place a military vehicle in the trench with them, which must be destroyed for the sequence to end. This was quite a point of contention among the press since the game calls you out for completing the only objective available to you in the only available way. The game, using both characters and the loading screens, mocks the player for not stopping playing. Word of God later stated in an interview that he knew that players would consider this unfair, because they're right to do so. Earlier builds actually did give players the option of fighting their way through (among other options, such as reportedly being able to simply leave when ordered to do so early on), but because a majority of playtesters chose to do it that way, it was removed, as otherwise it'd ruin the narrative.
In a similar case later in the game, a chase to stop a tanker from stealing a city's water supply to give to invading soldiers results in the destruction of the tanker, meaning that the water is lost and the city is doomed to dehydration. But no matter how carefully you shoot during the chase, the tanker will be destroyed in the final cutscene.
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_e9ec19e1
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_e9ec19e1
 Spec Ops: The Line (Video Game)
Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_e9ec19e1
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_ecd2d797
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_ecd2d797
Baldur's Gate:
The player could find a xvart settlement while wandering in the countryside. Xvarts are evil blue creatures that the game sets as enemies by default. However, one of the inhabitants yells that they didn't nothing wrong, yet you are rampaging through their home, even before you enter the village proper. You are not given any dialogue option, you can't even offer apologies for interloping or prevent a reaction. Thus, you are mostly blamed for a case of Hardcoded Hostility. Although you can ignore them and go away, this can be done only AFTER they blame you (besides, they will stay hostile and xvarts anyway are just low level evil mooks in the world of D&D, players would have no reason at all to flee away rather than killing them).
It doesn't matter your choices in chapter 6, you will end up anyway framed for the murder of the Iron Throne leaders.
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_ecd2d797
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_ecd2d797
 Baldur's Gate (Video Game)
Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_ecd2d797
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_f04b4111
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_f04b4111
Played straight in the same game, however. Near the end of the game, Samus falls through a floor that respawns and blocks her immediately afterwards, and has to enter a restricted part of the station, where she learns about the station's top-secret Metroid cloning program. Metroid games are known for their vulnerability to Sequence Breaking, but this sequence is constructed so that you have no means by which to get out of the room except to enter the restricted area. This time, Adam's not so forgiving, coldly pointing out that Samus is in deep shit with The Federation for that and ordering her to make contact with them as soon as possible; although this isn't really about Samus doing something wrong, but rather her finding out something that the Federation really didn't want her to know about.
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_f04b4111
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_f04b4111
 Metroid (Franchise)
Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_f04b4111
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_f10619d8
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_f10619d8
Luke, the protagonist of Tales of the Abyss, spends a good portion of the game being a whiny, self-absorbed burden on the party (even if he does hold his own in battle). When his actions result in what amounts to an entire town being massacred, he's uniformly blamed by his party members, and continues to insist that it wasn't his fault. To be fair, it kind of is his fault. But to be fairer, there's no other way things could have possibly gone for the player. Or Luke himself; the one behind the whole situation is his Parental Substitute and no one in the party gave him an actual good reason to distrust him outside of "they say so", and had themselves been actively antagonizing him at every opportunity. Later it's revealed that every single one of them had been withholding information that could have prevented the entire debacle. The fact Luke is seven years old on account of being a replica of the original just makes this worse.
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_f10619d8
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_f10619d8
 Tales of the Abyss (Video Game)
Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_f10619d8
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_f599977e
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_f599977e
In Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown, Mission 4 ends with former President Harling's Osprey helicopter getting shot down and exploding in midair. The squadron blames player character Trigger for firing the missile that destroyed the chopper, and Trigger is convicted of assassination and sent to a penal squadron. It is revealed much later in the game the deadly missile was fired by an Erusean spoofing an IFF signal. And this still happens even if you do not fire missiles at all.note The game is very tricky about it, though: if you pay attention during the gameplay immediately before the cutscene, an F/A-18 pulls up behind you while you're shooting at the drones that are trying to shoot down Harling. If you don't shoot the drones, Harling will die and you'll fail. If you shoot a missile, the cutscene happens. But if you only use guns, it's much easier to see that the F/A-18 actually fires a missile relatively close to your firing axis, and the cutscene that immediately follows makes it clear (once you know what to look for) that the plane is a drone plane controlled by Erusea. And the pilots all say the same thing: "Trigger was closest", which is technically correct: the F/A-18, thanks to spoofing the IFF system, doesn't register as an actual combatant and flies away before anyone else gets close to you. In other words, the game goes out of its way to justify the entire sequence, but it's only if you don't fire missiles that you know you didn't hit him.
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_f599977e
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_f599977e
 Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown (Video Game)
Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_f599977e
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_f88e1905
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_f88e1905
In Colobot, there is a mission where you land on a new planet, with no bots or supplies at your disposal, and you are ordered to retrieve a TNT box lost by the previous expedition. That TNT box is guarded by hostile giant ants that shoot acidic projectiles at you, and there's literally nothing you can do to retrieve the box without dying, which is something that has to happen in order for you to be able to proceed to the next mission. And even if the ants weren't there, retrieving the box still wouldn't be possible, since there's quite a few ponds you have to fly over, and you can't fly nor walk underwater while carrying objects. After the whole ordeal, the Houston base expresses concern over you "walking around disturbingly carelessly" that has led to this failure. Probably the best part of this is the fact that the level is literally called "The Trap."
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_f88e1905
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_f88e1905
 Colobot (Video Game)
Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_f88e1905
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_faf84cd
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_faf84cd
Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines: The player character appears to see Nines Rodriguez outside the house of a Malkavian elder who is later found dead. Dialogue options force them to report this to their Bad Boss LaCroix — even though Nines is transparently Not Himself, a Vampire Hunter is there to frame, and the PC might be working with Nines to undermine LaCroix — leading LaCroix to put a bounty on Nines' head; Nines' allies tear a strip off the PC for this forced betrayal. The game lampshades its tendency to do this at one point: if you refuse one of LaCroix's commands, he proceeds to use the Dominate discipline on you, and all of your dialogue options turn into agreements.
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_faf84cd
 Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_faf84cd
 Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines (Video Game)
Blamed for Being Railroaded / int_faf84cd

The following is a list of statements referring to the current page from other pages.

 Blamed for Being Railroaded
Blame Tropes
 Blamed for Being Railroaded
Character Reaction Index
 Blamed for Being Railroaded
Complaining Index
 Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Blamed for Being Railroaded
Interactive Storytelling Tropes
 Blamed for Being Railroaded
The Plot Demanded This Index
 Nintendo Adventure Books / int_10fe7cc1
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 The Monster at the End of This Book / int_10fe7cc1
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Armored Core: Master of Arena (Video Game) / int_10fe7cc1
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon (Video Game) / int_10fe7cc1
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Assassin's Creed (Video Game) / int_10fe7cc1
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Astral Chain (Video Game) / int_10fe7cc1
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Batman: Arkham Knight (Video Game) / int_10fe7cc1
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Choice of the Vampire (Video Game) / int_10fe7cc1
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Chrono Trigger (Video Game) / int_10fe7cc1
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Colobot (Video Game) / int_10fe7cc1
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Cookie Clicker (Video Game) / int_10fe7cc1
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Day of the Tentacle (Video Game) / int_10fe7cc1
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Devil May Cry 5 (Video Game) / int_10fe7cc1
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Divinity: Original Sin II (Video Game) / int_10fe7cc1
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Dr. Langeskov, The Tiger, and The Terribly Cursed Emerald: A Whirlwind Heist (Video Game) / int_10fe7cc1
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 FTL: Faster Than Light Multiverse (Video Game) / int_10fe7cc1
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Fallout 3 (Video Game) / int_10fe7cc1
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Gothic (Video Game) / int_10fe7cc1
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Guild Wars 2 (Video Game) / int_10fe7cc1
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number (Video Game) / int_10fe7cc1
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 King's Quest II: Romancing the Stones (Video Game) / int_10fe7cc1
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Knytt Stories (Video Game) / int_10fe7cc1
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Make a Good Mega Man Level Contest (Video Game) / int_10fe7cc1
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Manhunt (Video Game) / int_10fe7cc1
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story (Video Game) / int_10fe7cc1
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Master Detective Archives: Rain Code (Video Game) / int_10fe7cc1
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Medabots: Metabee and Rokusho (Video Game) / int_10fe7cc1
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain (Video Game) / int_10fe7cc1
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Metroid Fusion (Video Game) / int_10fe7cc1
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Need for Speed: Underground (Video Game) / int_10fe7cc1
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Neverwinter Nights (Video Game) / int_10fe7cc1
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (Video Game) / int_10fe7cc1
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Path of Exile (Video Game) / int_10fe7cc1
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Portal 2 (Video Game) / int_10fe7cc1
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Quantum Conundrum (Video Game) / int_10fe7cc1
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Return to Monkey Island (Video Game) / int_10fe7cc1
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Secret of Mana (Video Game) / int_10fe7cc1
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Shadow the Hedgehog (Video Game) / int_10fe7cc1
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Spec Ops: The Line (Video Game) / int_10fe7cc1
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Tales of the Abyss (Video Game) / int_10fe7cc1
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Terranigma (Video Game) / int_10fe7cc1
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (Video Game) / int_10fe7cc1
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 The Frontier (Video Game) / int_10fe7cc1
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 The Last of Us Part II (Video Game) / int_10fe7cc1
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 The Stanley Parable (Video Game) / int_10fe7cc1
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Thief: Deadly Shadows (Video Game) / int_10fe7cc1
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Undertale Yellow (Video Game) / int_10fe7cc1
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines (Video Game) / int_10fe7cc1
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Wasteland 2 (Video Game) / int_10fe7cc1
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 We Become What We Behold (Video Game) / int_10fe7cc1
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Wing Commander (Video Game) / int_10fe7cc1
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 YIIK: A Post-Modern RPG (Video Game) / int_10fe7cc1
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Trash The Planet (Video Game) / int_10fe7cc1
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Fate/stay night (Visual Novel) / int_10fe7cc1
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Plumbers Don't Wear Ties (Visual Novel) / int_10fe7cc1
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Virtue's Last Reward (Visual Novel) / int_10fe7cc1
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 You and Me and Her (Visual Novel) / int_10fe7cc1
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 Nakey Jakey (Web Video) / int_10fe7cc1
Blamed for Being Railroaded
 House of Mouse / int_10fe7cc1
Blamed for Being Railroaded