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Killed by Request

 Killed by Request
 Killed by Request
Killed by Request
 Killed by Request
 Killed by Request
Actors usually like the characters they play, otherwise they wouldn't choose to play them...unless it's for money. Even then, some still don't like either their character or the work they're in (or both) enough to be tempted by cold, hard cash, and go on the record saying that they wish their character would be killed off already so that they can quit with no chance of the bus coming back.
Not all the time do the actors express strong dislike for their characters or film, but may give other reasons for wanting to quit. The ultimate reason is usually the same, though, being "I don't want to do this anymore." Sometimes you will get situations when they drag the actor back by creating a Backup Twin. Some actors are also contractually obliged to film their work, with contracts maybe lasting either until their character is killed off, or even after the fact. Similarly, while such a request is often due to the actor disliking the character, occasionally the actor may make this request for artistic reasons, or simply because they want to go out with a bang.
Compare Franchise Zombie, where a creator (such as an author) is forced to continue producing a popular series of works. Can overlap with Bus Crash or Back for the Dead in cases where the character was handed a bus ticket while the producers tried to work things out with the actor.
For characters having to be killed off because the actor unexpectedly leaves, see Actor Leaves, Character Dies if the actor is still alive and The Character Died with Him if the actor passes away. For a character asking to be killed in-universe, see Mercy Kill Arrangement.
As a Death Trope, all Spoilers will be unmarked ahead. Beware.
 Killed by Request
 Killed by Request
 Killed by Request

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 Killed by Request
Death Tropes
 Killed by Request
 A Hippie in the House of Mouse / int_376239b6
Killed by Request
 The Dark Half / int_376239b6
Killed by Request