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Sweet and Sour Grapes

 Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes
Sometimes stated as "you get what you wish for, and what you didn't wish for, too."
Bob has a strenuous task he's pursuing. It can be personal, romantic, career-related... no matter what it is, it's really difficult. It might even be impossible; that is, unless he sacrifices his health or risks the loss of things which are important to him. He might even concede, in his less-obsessed moments, that he doesn't really need it that badly.
Then one day Bob decides that his quest is doing him more harm than good. He makes the hard choice to walk away, having accepted that getting the thing he wants wouldn't make him happier and he should be content with what he ha—
—what's this? Karma agrees? And has seen fit to bestow a similar or more rewarding gift upon Bob anyway? Wow! That's just wonderful! Bob gets to eat his cake and have it too! Talk about a well-deserved happy ending!
When executed well, this Aesop can be an effective lesson that the desire for more, especially when fed by Greed, Gluttony, Lust or other vices, isn't always worth indulging: Bob felt unfulfilled because he didn't know how to appreciate what he had, not because he didn't have enough. When he learned to see the value in the good things that were already in his life, he found that contentment is its own reward.
When executed poorly, the audience will pick up a different message: Hard Work Hardly Works, so don't bother pursuing what you want — the universe will provide it (but only when you decide that you don't need it after all). Or worse yet, that you should pay lip-service to the idea of not wanting more because that's how you get it.
One use of this trope is to put a twist on Cursed with Awesome. Suppose Bob, suffering under a burden that both tortures and empowers him, realizes that he can simply choose to stop seeing it as a curse, leaving nothing but Awesome. If, for example, he is cursed to live forever, he may spend years watching his Love Interest and True Companions die — but as time passes he will find new love, new friends, and meet numerous good people who remain good even in A World Half Full. Suddenly, Living Forever Is Awesome!
Supertrope to Everything but the Girl. When the character chooses not to pursue the original prize because it would require doing something morally wrong, and the prize is then granted specifically because of that decision, it's a Secret Test of Character. Compare All That Glitters, where the actual prize is worthless but the protagonist has still been rewarded by what he learned or attained while struggling to attain it.
Not to be confused with the webcomic of the same name.
Contrast with Sour Grapes Tropes.
As this is a Twist Ending trope, unmarked spoilers below.
 Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes
Dropped link to ArchnemesisDad: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Sweet and Sour Grapes
Dropped link to BeautyContest: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Sweet and Sour Grapes
Dropped link to BittersweetEnding: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Sweet and Sour Grapes
Dropped link to BrokenAesop: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Sweet and Sour Grapes
Dropped link to ConceptAlbum: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Sweet and Sour Grapes
Dropped link to DeconstructedTrope: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Sweet and Sour Grapes
Dropped link to DiedInYourArmsTonight: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Sweet and Sour Grapes
Dropped link to DisproportionateRetribution: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Sweet and Sour Grapes
Dropped link to DragonBones: Not an Item - UNKNOWN
 Sweet and Sour Grapes
Dropped link to DyingDream: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Sweet and Sour Grapes
Dropped link to EnfantTerrible: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Sweet and Sour Grapes
Dropped link to Expy: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Sweet and Sour Grapes
Dropped link to HeelFaceTurn: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Sweet and Sour Grapes
Dropped link to HonestAxe: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Sweet and Sour Grapes
Dropped link to IJustWantToBeLoved: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Sweet and Sour Grapes
Dropped link to IWasBeatenByAGirl: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Sweet and Sour Grapes
Dropped link to JerkJock: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Sweet and Sour Grapes
Dropped link to JudgmentOfSolomon: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Sweet and Sour Grapes
Dropped link to MonsterOfTheWeek: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Sweet and Sour Grapes
Dropped link to OlderThanFeudalism: Not an Item - CAT
 Sweet and Sour Grapes
Dropped link to SamiZayn: Not an Item - IGNORE
 Sweet and Sour Grapes
Dropped link to SecretTestOfCharacter: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Sweet and Sour Grapes
Dropped link to SheCleansUpNicely: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Sweet and Sour Grapes
Dropped link to TakeAThirdOption: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Sweet and Sour Grapes
Dropped link to TheDig1995: Not an Item - UNKNOWN
 Sweet and Sour Grapes
Dropped link to UnwittingInstigatorOfDoom: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Sweet and Sour Grapes
Dropped link to WhatTheHellHero: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_110dcdca
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_110dcdca
In The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds, Hilda tries to steal Hyrule's Triforce to replace Lorule's Triforce, which was destroyed, leaving Lorule doomed. She's eventually convinced what she's doing is wrong, and she allows Link and Zelda to return to Hyrule with the Triforce. Link and Zelda immediately use it to restore Lorule's Triforce.
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_110dcdca
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_110dcdca
 The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds / Videogame
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_110dcdca
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_141a7410
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_141a7410
In Over the Garden Wall, the Woodsman has been chopping down Edelwood trees to fuel the Beast's lantern, in order to preserve the soul of his daughter that is kept inside it. In the end, he discovers that the trees were not only formed from the people that the beast had trapped in the forest like his daughter, but the lantern actually contains the Beast's soul. The Woodsman subsequently extinguishes the lantern and kills the Beast, fully believing his daughter was already dead. In the epilogue, he returns home only to find his daughter alive and well, with the implication that she had never gotten lost in the forest at all, and the Beast had simply tricked the Woodsman to trap him in the forest.
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_141a7410
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_141a7410
 Over the Garden Wall
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_141a7410
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_17fa5f0a
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_17fa5f0a
In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Harry is urged by Aberforth to save himself and leave the task of killing Voldemort to someone else. Harry refuses to do so, despite this goal causing him to separate himself from Ginny and lose all hope of a safe, normal life, on the grounds that he'd rather sacrifice his personal desires to ensure no one else is hurt by Voldemort. Even when he learns that he needs to let Voldemort kill him to ensure Voldemort's demise, completely removing any chance at all of returning to his loved ones, he goes through with it. It turns out the whole thing was a gambit set up by Dumbledore. Turns out that Voldemort damaged his soul so much that when he tried to kill Harry and gave him that scar as an infant, he made Harry into an 7th Horcrux. This explains their connection, Harry's ability to speak Parseltongue and so on. Harry willing letting himself be killed instead kills off the soul fragment in him and leaving Voldemort more vulnerable (with the last horcrux being destroyed in Nagini thanks to Neville) and leaves him just as himself. Not only that, but because Harry willingly died to protect everyone helping him, he invoked the same magical protection his mom gave him, ensuring that Voldemort really can't hurt anyone else for the rest of the battle. Voldemort loses when he tries to use the Elder Wand on Harry (but due to wand rules and disarment, Harry became the master after disarming Draco who became it after disarming Dumbledore). The wand refuses to kill its master and backfires, ending Voldemort once and for all. And then the Where Are They Now epilogue confirms that Harry ends up marrying Ginny and having the family he's always wanted.
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_17fa5f0a
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_17fa5f0a
 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_17fa5f0a
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_1a4b3ea2
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_1a4b3ea2
In Digimon Rearise, one game of the Digimon franchise, Herrismon, the main character's partner, did not evolve even as all the other partner Digimon managed to evolve. This distressed him greatly, but eventually, he finally realized that getting stronger by evolving as quickly as possible was not the important thing and that always being there to help his allies was more important, so he wasn't really bothered anymore by not having his evolution. As a result of finally realizing this, Laser-Guided Karma gave him his evolution.
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_1a4b3ea2
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_1a4b3ea2
 Digimon (Franchise)
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_1a4b3ea2
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_1de627fc
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_1de627fc
At the climax of Please Don't Tell My Parents You Believe Her, Penny has to have Mourning Dove burn out her malfunctioning mad science power to keep it from taking her over entirely. And then, in the epilogue, she realizes that she may have lost her "build-everything" superpower, but she still has (or is going to have, when it finishes coming in) the clockwork-themed mad science power she was supposed to have in the first place.
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_1de627fc
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_1de627fc
 Please Don't Tell My Parents You Believe Her
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_1de627fc
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_1fa34d2f
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_1fa34d2f
Were the World Mine: The protagonist Timothy gets a hold of a magic flower with a juice that can make everyone fall in love with the first person they see. He uses to make his crush Jonathon fall in love with him. Uses of the flower in other people begin creating chaos in his town, to the point he has to give up the flower even if that means renouncing to Jonathon. Turns out Jonathon had been gay and in love with him all along.
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_1fa34d2f
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_1fa34d2f
 Were the World Mine
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_1fa34d2f
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_2126592a
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_2126592a
Girls und Panzer The protagonist, Miho, who doesn't think winning is everything, has to win, lest her school shut down, resulting in her and her friends being separated, something she finds out when she's prepared to surrender to prevent people from getting hurt. Her older sister Maho, who follows their family's ideology of winning at all costs, does so in order to allow Miho the freedom to live and practice tankery the way she wants, and gladly accepts defeat against Miho, especially now that she's found a way of tankery that she can call her own.
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_2126592a
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_2126592a
 Girls und Panzer
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_2126592a
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_2223d84d
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_2223d84d
Bunk'd: In "Sore Lou-ser", Camp Kikiwaka is competing against rival Camp Champion in the Sportsmanship Game, which Kikiwaka always loses. When the two are tied for the final event, an egg-tossing contest, Matteo ends up forgoing the catch to save a bird's egg falling out of a tree; the tossed egg broke, and it seems Kikiwaka lost again. But when Barb tosses her egg down, it does not break, revealing she used a hard boiled one. Thus, the egg from the tree is saved, Champion is disqualified, and Kikiwaka wins for the first time.
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_2223d84d
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_2223d84d
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_2223d84d
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_23762f3e
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_23762f3e
It Makes No Matter To Me, the final poem in The Last Unicorn, has a variant of this: dude explains that "I am no king, and I am no lord... I am but a very poor harper", but his girlfriend repeats several times that she doesn't mind how poor he is because she loves him. He then admits that he isn't even a harper, and made all of it up. She just shrugs and says that in that case, she'll teach him to play the harp and make it all true.
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_23762f3e
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_23762f3e
 The Last Unicorn
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_23762f3e
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_261c8d3f
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_261c8d3f
The Simpsons:
In "Lisa's First Word", Homer tries to get Maggie to talk, but his attempts fail miserably. After he decides that he would be better off if Maggie didn't talk (mainly so she doesn't backtalk to him) and leaves Maggie alone in her room, she says her first word: "Daddy."
In "King Of The Hill", when Homer realizes his father let him down by lying about his own attempt at climbing Mount Murderhorn, Homer thinks he's let Bart down himself, so he decides to give up on climbing the mountain. Taking the flag out, he takes the Powersauce banner off and replaces it with the "Simpson" flag from the church picnic earlier in the episode, saying "It's not the top, but it's as close as a Simpson's gonna get.", and hammers it in. However, this causes a landslide bringing down the top of the mountain, thereby making where he's standing the top.
In "The Homer They Fall", Homer gets into boxing with Moe as his manager. Moe, being a former boxer, is contacted by his old manager, Lucius Sweet, a Don King expy, who offers him $100,000 if he agrees to have Homer fight professional boxer Drederick Tatum, a Mike Tyson expy, in a 10-round match. Moe agrees, however, Tatum's punches are too strong for an amateur boxer like Homer to handle, so Moe swoops in and saves Homer from being KO'd, upsetting everybody there. Though he still gets paid the $100,000 afterwards.
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_261c8d3f
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_261c8d3f
 The Simpsons
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_261c8d3f
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_2e1df124
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_2e1df124
Wreck-It Ralph: Ralph is a literal Punch-Clock Villain from the game Fix-It-Felix Jr.; as in, being the bad guy who wrecks the building is literally his job, just like how being the heroic contractor that fixes things is Felix's job. The problem is, he lives in a world that exists in a video game arcade, where the villains, who, again, are just doing their jobs, get stigmatized by the NPCs of their games, even though they're perfectly decent outside of their job. Needless to say, after thirty years of disrespect from the NPCs, Ralph proceeds to "game-jump" to try and earn a medal and prove he can be a hero. However, after he ends up causing quite a mess (namely by releasing an infestation and outing a former game-jumping villain), Ralph goes out to try and set things right. Only then does he finally get the acknowledgement of heroism, especially from his new friends, the one helped selflessly earlier to begin with.
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_2e1df124
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_2e1df124
 Wreck-It Ralph
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_2e1df124
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_2e2efbf9
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_2e2efbf9
Back to the Future: Towards the beginning, Marty admires a pickup truck, wondering what it'd be like if he had it. When he comes back from 1955, he discovers he has that truck (or another truck like it).
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_2e2efbf9
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_2e2efbf9
 Back to the Future
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_2e2efbf9
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_313bbd31
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_313bbd31
Jeaniene Frost's Night Huntress series has somewhat of an odd example: Mencheres' wife has recently died, he's lost his ability to see the future, and he doesn't feel his people need him anymore, so he attempts suicide to prevent an old enemy from manufacturing criminal charges that ensnare his partner. Only, in the process of trying to end his life, he meets the new love of his life, leading to him regaining his ability and turning the tables on the bad guy. As a bonus, his second wife isn't the murderous bitch his first one was.
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_313bbd31
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_313bbd31
 Night Huntress
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_313bbd31
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_352bb510
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_352bb510
In Jupiter-Men, Quintin's stint as a solo vigilante on top of his duties as a Star Guardian quickly wear him out as a Triple Shifter. He gets chewed out by all of his teammates for a nearly catastrophic mistake and nearly loses his Secret Identity when his mom catches onto him. But Quintin's actions convince Jupiter-City to trust the Jupiter-Men, with the police helping to evacuate the area when a starstruck monster hits. In addition, Nathan acknowledges that there's no stopping Quintin from trying to help people, compromising with him by offering to help him go after crime they encounter while acting as Star Guardians instead of letting Quintin get himself hurt seeking out crime himself.
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_352bb510
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_352bb510
 Jupiter-Men (Webcomic)
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_352bb510
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_355f992
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_355f992
The Shawshank Redemption: A pretty solid example of this is when Red is going for his parole hearing. The first time he is denied when he puts on a good show and talks about how he's been rehabilitated and has served his penance, sounding like a typical inmate and he is summarily rejected. When his turn comes back around years later, and after Andy escapes he then talks down to the parole committee, describing them as a bunch of young, college-educated suits using made-up words to describe washed-up old cons and saying he doesn't care whether they approve or deny his parole request, sounding instead like the wizened old man that he was...they set him free.
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_355f992
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_355f992
 The Shawshank Redemption
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_355f992
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_35760d42
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_35760d42
Jane Eyre leaves Mr. Rochester when she learns of his insane wife he keeps in the attic because being with him would violate her morals and sense of self-worth. "Thankfully," Bertha dies in a fire and Rochester is blinded and maimed in the same fire so they can marry and live as equals.
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_35760d42
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_35760d42
 Jane Eyre
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_35760d42
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_35e05f2a
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_35e05f2a
In the RWBY episode "Pomp and Circumstance", Team RWBY, Jaune, Nora and Ren are finally made official Hunters and Huntresses. While the gang is happy about this, Weiss, Blake, and Yang point out that after all they've been through, it doesn't have the same gravity it would have.
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_35e05f2a
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_35e05f2a
 RWBY (Web Animation)
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_35e05f2a
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_3651bc0c
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_3651bc0c
The Princess and the Frog: Dr. Facilier offers to give Tiana the restaurant she's always dreamed of, as well as restore her to human form, in exchange for his voodoo talisman. She almost gives in but realizes that those she loves are even more important than her dreams, so she smashes the talisman. Charlotte's kiss (as an honorary princess but only until midnight) fails to turn them human, she and Naveen decide to marry anyway, doomed to a life as penniless frogs, but together. However, since she has just married a prince, Tiana becomes a princess, and their kiss breaks the spell. Then, with a little "aggressive persuasion" from Louis, Tiana is able to buy her restaurant, and she and Naveen deck out the place in splendid fashion.
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_3651bc0c
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_3651bc0c
 The Princess and the Frog
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_3651bc0c
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_3aeb1c75
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_3aeb1c75
Dragon Ball:
At the end of Dragon Ball Z, Vegeta caps off his Character Development by admitting that Goku is more powerful than him. During Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods, which takes place after that admittance, he briefly surpasses Goku by beating the crap out of Beerus after Beerus smacks Bulma.
Dragon Ball Super: The end of the Universal Survival Saga. Once the tournament is over, 17 gets to make a wish on the Super Dragon Balls. He came to the tournament intending to wish for a cruise ship so he could take his family on vacation. However, he is inspired by the heroics of his teammates and instead wishes for the revival of all the losing universes. The Grand Priest reveals that the whole tournament was essentially a test to see if the winner would be willing to show compassion to those of other universes. If a selfish wish had been made, Zeno would have erased everything. By making a selfless wish, 17 proved that the multiverse deserves to exist. Bulma goes on to reward 17 by buying him the cruise ship he wanted.
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_3aeb1c75
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_3aeb1c75
 Dragon Ball (Franchise)
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_3aeb1c75
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_3b34143f
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_3b34143f
Harry Potter:
A minor one in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. When Ron is about to apologize, Harry realizes he doesn't need to hear the apology. Just knowing Ron was going to make it was enough, and forgiving him before he could apologize will repair the friendship that much faster.
In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Harry is urged by Aberforth to save himself and leave the task of killing Voldemort to someone else. Harry refuses to do so, despite this goal causing him to separate himself from Ginny and lose all hope of a safe, normal life, on the grounds that he'd rather sacrifice his personal desires to ensure no one else is hurt by Voldemort. Even when he learns that he needs to let Voldemort kill him to ensure Voldemort's demise, completely removing any chance at all of returning to his loved ones, he goes through with it. It turns out the whole thing was a gambit set up by Dumbledore. Turns out that Voldemort damaged his soul so much that when he tried to kill Harry and gave him that scar as an infant, he made Harry into an 7th Horcrux. This explains their connection, Harry's ability to speak Parseltongue and so on. Harry willing letting himself be killed instead kills off the soul fragment in him and leaving Voldemort more vulnerable (with the last horcrux being destroyed in Nagini thanks to Neville) and leaves him just as himself. Not only that, but because Harry willingly died to protect everyone helping him, he invoked the same magical protection his mom gave him, ensuring that Voldemort really can't hurt anyone else for the rest of the battle. Voldemort loses when he tries to use the Elder Wand on Harry (but due to wand rules and disarment, Harry became the master after disarming Draco who became it after disarming Dumbledore). The wand refuses to kill its master and backfires, ending Voldemort once and for all. And then the Where Are They Now epilogue confirms that Harry ends up marrying Ginny and having the family he's always wanted.
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_3b34143f
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_3b34143f
 Harry Potter
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_3b34143f
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_3defe34c
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_3defe34c
Discussed Trope on Questionable Content when Steve is trying to find a girl who said she might date him but didn't leave her name or number.
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_3defe34c
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_3defe34c
 Discussed Trope
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_3defe34c
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_3e5de40b
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_3e5de40b
Scrubs has an early episode where Carla and Turk are fighting because she feels like he only wants her for sex. Turk tries to prove that he knows Carla by getting her a nice pen as a presentnote Realising she hand writes letters because she thinks email is too impersonal. but gets it from what he thinks is the lost and found, only to find out that it had been extracted from a patient's hindquarters. Carla loves the gift, and they're on the brink of physically reconciling when he decides to come clean. She's initially angry, but then realizes that he'd just demonstrated that he cared more about being honest with her than about having sex. She realises this in about ten seconds and is heard calling for him to join her in the bedroom.
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_3e5de40b
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_3e5de40b
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_3e5de40b
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_3fe0a130
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_3fe0a130
Happens to Wilhemina in the series finale of Ugly Betty. When her latest scheme backfires, she takes responsibility for her actions towards Tyler and protects him without asking for anything in return, revealing that she does intend to turn over a new, less evil, leaf. Daniel then resigns his post as Editor-In-Chief, leaving Wilhemina as the sole head of "Mode".
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_3fe0a130
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_3fe0a130
 Ugly Betty
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_3fe0a130
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_43b32597
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_43b32597
In Adventures of Dunno (Neznayka), a Russian children's story, the eponymous character learns that if you commit three selfless good deeds in a row, a wizard will appear and offer you a magic wand. He accomplishes a number of good deeds but to no effect because by thinking about the wand while performing the actions, he renders the otherwise-selfless actions selfish. Only after he has become disenchanted with the whole idea and completely forgotten about the magic wand does he complete the task and summon the wizard.
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_43b32597
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_43b32597
 Adventures of Dunno
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_43b32597
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_455e3038
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_455e3038
King of the Hill: In the back story Hank and Peggy weren't able to have a child due to Hank's narrow urethra and unwillingness to use in vitro fertilization. In the end, they settle for getting a puppy, Hank's beloved Ladybird... and soon after conceive Bobby. Hank later comments that he thinks the happiness they got from Ladybird helped "loosen him up" enough to finally succeed even though they weren't even trying anymore.
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_455e3038
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_455e3038
 King of the Hill
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_455e3038
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_46518682
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_46518682
Sesame Street:
In one episode, Telly wants to join the Bear Scouts (a Cub Scouts Expy). While he passes most of the tests, he still needs to perform a good deed before he can become a member. He tries several times throughout the day but fails each time. Finally, the end of the day comes, and he still hasn't done any good deeds. Scout Master Papa Bear is extremely upset and blames himself, convinced that he's a terrible Scout Master. Telly comforts him, reassuring him that he's a great Scout Master and that Telly can try again tomorrow. Baby Bear then points out that there's no need - by cheering up Papa Bear, Telly has done the good deed he needs to join the Bear Scouts.
In another episode, Count Von Count reads a poem about a Countess who lived in the woods. In the poem, the Countess attempts to count socks, bagels and lox, and tissues, but each time she is interrupted by animals who need the things she's trying to count. Being kind-hearted, she willingly gives the things away but is saddened when she realizes that she has nothing left to count. Happily, her kindness is rewarded when all the animals thank her by allowing her to count them.
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_46518682
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_46518682
 Sesame Street
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_46518682
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_49b587be
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_49b587be
Geoffrey Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales features the Wife of Bath's Tale, a variation on the "Loathy Lady" story mentioned in Fairy Tales folder above. In the story, a wandering knight rapes a young maiden and is sentenced to death. He begs the queen of the country for a chance at redemption, and she offers him a challenge: he has one year to find the answer to the question "What does a woman want?" If he gives a satisfactory answer, he'll live, and if he fails to come up with a solution, the death sentence will be carried out. The knight travels around the world, asking various wise people for answers, but none are correct. When his time is almost up, an ugly, elderly woman offers to teach him the secret if he agrees to do her a favor. The knight agrees, and the crone explains that what women really want is the freedom to make their own choices. The knight gives this answer to the queen, who declares it correct; the old woman then reappears and reveals that the favor in question is the knight's hand in marriage. Though repulsed by her, he keeps his word, and to his shock, his ugly bride becomes a beautiful young woman on their wedding night! But while this might appear to be a Secret Test of Character, the real challenge is yet to come. The bride offers her new husband a choice, explaining that she can either be ugly and eternally faithful to him, or beautiful but eternally unfaithful. The knight, realizing that he'll be miserable either way, remembers the crone's words and tells his wife to make the choice for herself. This pleases his bride, as it proves that he has grown in wisdom, and she reveals that because he let her choose, she will be both beautiful and faithful.
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_49b587be
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_49b587be
 The Canterbury Tales
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_49b587be
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_55ef2655
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_55ef2655
On a Christmas episode of Kenan & Kel, Kenan gets a job as a department store Santa to save up and buy himself a new mountain bike. When one boy asks for a gift for his sister and nothing for himself, Kenan is so moved that he instead uses the money to buy each sibling bikes of their own. In the end, the real Santa is shown placing the bike Kenan wanted under his tree.
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_55ef2655
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_55ef2655
 Kenan & Kel
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_55ef2655
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_5755b96a
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_5755b96a
In The Order of the Stick when Miko Miyazaki was introduced, Roy fell for her and tried flirting, only to get ignored. Then came a situation where Roy was forced to wear a Belt of Gender Bending; after he's restored to manhood, he told Miko that he'd gained valuable insight from the experience, and wouldn't needlessly hit on her anymore. Miko comments positively on his additional growth and thus that she might be open to a relationship down the line. Only for Roy to explain what he meant: that being able to look at Miko objectively (rather than thinking with his "Trouser Titan") let him realize what an unpleasant individual she is and thus, he's no longer interested in her at all. However, he does get more respect from the rest of the Order and later on, does end up in a good relationship with Celia, a sylph lawyer.
Tarquin has this mentality with regards to the idea of ruling an evil empire. Though he considers the notion of one day being overthrown by a lone rebel hero to be almost an inevitability, he accepts that, regardless of all else, he'll at least have had a great run-up to that point. As well as this, if his eventual deposition is sufficiently dramatic, then his legacy would be carried on in stories and song for generations afterwards, too.
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_5755b96a
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_5755b96a
 The Order of the Stick (Webcomic)
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_5755b96a
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_59215318
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_59215318
Persona: During the Snow Queen Quest, you are given a choice between rushing to the boss to save Toro and Tsutomu from the torture chamber or taking a lengthy side route to claim a Mirror Shard and leaving them to suffer. If you choose to pass up the Mirror Shard, you'll be rewarded after the dungeon with two Mirror Shards.
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_59215318
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_59215318
 Persona (Video Game)
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_59215318
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_59623bb9
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_59623bb9
In Yona of the Dawn, Princess Yona is the reincarnation of the legendary King Hiryuu, who was served by the Four Dragon Warriors. Jaeha, the current Green Dragon, intends to defy his destiny and refuses to follow her. Much to his surprise, Yona is completely fine with this; the other two dragons came along because they wanted to, and she's not going to force him. Jaeha winds up as one of her companions anyways, although it was partially out of gratitude for saving his city.
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_59623bb9
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_59623bb9
 Yona of the Dawn (Manga)
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_59623bb9
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_5999b1ec
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_5999b1ec
Many of the Xanth books have the heroes go on a life-changing journey across Xanth in order to accomplish some goal or obtain something they think they need, but when they finally get there, they don't want it any longer, because the life-changing journey changed their life and priorities. On the other hand, the same journey has enriched their life, broadened their horizons, and (extremely often) helped them to fall in love with one of their stalwart companions. Other times, the trope plays a little straighter. In the course of their journey, their original goal is set aside in light of a greater mission they must undertake. Upon completing the mission, they usually have to be reminded about their original goal...and find it has either been rewarded to them or they achieved it during their mission.
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_5999b1ec
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_5999b1ec
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_5999b1ec
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_5b3356f8
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_5b3356f8
In Turning Red, during the red moon ritual, Mei has an opportunity to seal away the red panda form in an amulet, thereby removing the Involuntary Shapeshifting she's been dealing with. But, deciding that the red panda is a part of her, Mei decides to keep it, even if she can't fully control it. However, unbeknownst to Mei when the ritual began, by accepting the red panda as a part of herself, it turns into Voluntary Shapeshifting giving Mei full control over the panda's appearances.
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_5b3356f8
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_5b3356f8
 Turning Red
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_5b3356f8
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_5b42bbed
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_5b42bbed
The Evil Academy Freshman Class Elections of Disgaea 3 are a brutal series of battles in which several students compete to become the class president. Prior to the competition, the School Board has the PTA abduct Raspberyl for brainwashing, with Kyoko and Asuka trying - and failing - to convince Mao to break off the competition to save her. It's only when Almaz convinces Mao that taking down the School Board would show how much more powerful he is than the rest of the candidates that Mao goes through with saving Beryl. But wouldn't you know it - after word gets out, the rest of the school nominates Mao as Freshman Class President. Sadly, Geoffrey's not all that pleased with the outcome.
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_5b42bbed
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_5b42bbed
 Disgaea 3: Absence of Justice (Video Game)
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_5b42bbed
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_5b9bea58
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_5b9bea58
In The Summer You Were There, midway through the story, Shizuku meets up with Ruri, the girl she bullied in elementary school, and tries to apologize, but Ruri refuses to accept it, as she is still traumatized by what Shizuku did to her, and asks that Shizuku leave her alone. Shizuku honors that request, leading to some awkward chance encounters as they visit their mutual acquaintance Kaori in the hospital. When Kaori invites Shizuku and Ruri to an outing, she has the two go get drinks together. Shizuku offers to get the drinks by herself so that Ruri won't have to be around her, but Ruri tells Shizuku that she realizes that Shizuku has changed for the better and she would like to start over, a decision Shizuku gratefully accepts.
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_5b9bea58
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_5b9bea58
 The Summer You Were There (Manga)
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_5b9bea58
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_5d4da197
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_5d4da197
Spider-Man 2 reflects this, as the eponymous hero's difficulties do not decrease until he accepts that he may never get anything he wants. After that point, he regains his powers, defeats the bad guy, gets the girl, and (as seen in the third film) takes his place at the head of the class.
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_5d4da197
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_5d4da197
 Spider-Man 2
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_5d4da197
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_61a36df5
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_61a36df5
Antonio Vasquez in Havenfall Is for Lovers starts off his route by essentially abducting the heroine, planning to use the magical properties of her blood to bring back his long-dead sister Evangelina. Since this would require all of the heroine's blood and thus her death, he grows conflicted about his plan as he and the heroine grow closer, and at the end of his first season, he decides he can't go through with it. In his fourth season, it's revealed that Frankenstein has brought Evangelina back to life on his own and the siblings are reunited after all.
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_61a36df5
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_61a36df5
 Havenfall Is for Lovers (Visual Novel)
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_61a36df5
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_6209d3ce
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_6209d3ce
A rather confusing example in Trauma Center: Derek Stiles fails an operation, and is berated by Angie for relying on his healing touch too heavily. As he continues to use it, he eventually loses the ability to do so altogether. Eventually, he comes to accept its loss and declares that he doesn't need the healing touch to be a good doctor. At this point, he is able to use it again, just in time for an operation that would be impossible without it.
When Derek first uses the Healing Touch, his boss warns him not to use it at all - it takes a great toll on the mind and there's the risk of becoming reliant on it. So refusing to use it unless it's critically important is the best solution, and it's that realization that gives Derek the power back. There are plenty of doctors in the game's world that get by just fine without the Healing Touch, but when you need it, you need it.
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_6209d3ce
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_6209d3ce
 Trauma Center / Videogame
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_6209d3ce
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_65f49106
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_65f49106
In the sixth chapter of Phantom Brave, "Unexpected reward", Marona is charged with clearing Verdant Guardiana of monsters for a medical company in return for a huge amount of money (enough that she can complete her life's goal of buying Phantom Island). But when she realizes that the monsters are only a bunch of Putties trying to protect their home, she returns and tells her employer that the island is a massive dragon's nest and unsuited for habitation, forsaking her reward in the process. She later insists that doing the right thing is reward enough - and then a barrel full of treasures, sent by the Putties, washes up on the shore.
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_65f49106
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_65f49106
 Phantom Brave (Video Game)
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_65f49106
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_68feb0fc
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_68feb0fc
Thoroughly Modern Millie does the classic love vs. money version of this: the woman has to choose between the rich jerk and the nice but humble guy, and goes with the latter. It turns out that the nice guy is rich anyway. This is foreshadowed in a scene where Muzzy tells Millie about how she met her own incredibly rich husband. According to Muzzy, she had no idea he was fabulously wealthy until he gave her jewelry with what she first thought were green glass beads, but discovered to really be emeralds. She figured he stole the jewelry to impress her and begged him to return it because she didn't care if he gave her expensive gifts, she just wanted him to be honest; this in turn convinced her husband-to-be that Muzzy genuinely loved him and not his money, since she valued truth and doing the right thing over material goods, and thus won his heart. She concluded the story by telling Millie (who made no secret of her Gold Digger plans) that while emeralds are nice, folks can get by just fine on green glass.
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_68feb0fc
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_68feb0fc
 Thoroughly Modern Millie
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_68feb0fc
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_6a66f48
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_6a66f48
Shingetsu in GRANBELM is Cursed with Awesome to begin with, and it gets worse when it turns out she has to choose between sticking with her intention to rid the world of magic entirely because of the harm that Magiaconatus and mage society have caused, and keeping Mangetsu alive when their relationship had been the one bright spot in Shingetsu's life that wasn't pulled away. She almost gives up on the former, but at Mangetsu's insistence, goes for it instead knowing that she'll lose the latter. Until Mangetsu reappears to add her power to Shingetsu's in the Grand Finale and reassures her that she's doing the right thing before vanishing again... and then both she and Shingetsu are mysteriously restored to reality anyway in the last seconds of the show.
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_6a66f48
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_6a66f48
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_6a66f48
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_6b40eec8
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_6b40eec8
Arlo the Alligator Boy: Arlo spends the majority of the movie journeying to New York City to reunite with his biological father Ansel, after fifteen long years of being abandoned in a sewer and being raised in a Louisiana swamp. In the end after the father and son rekindle, Arlo ultimately decides not to move in with Ansel, and instead chooses to stay with the abnormal friends he made, calling them a Family of Choice, wherever they want to live, even if it's not in New York. But then Ansel changes his mind about demolishing his childhood boardwalk in Brooklyn and instead has Arlo and his friends rebuild and reopen it and even reside there, thus allowing Arlo to stay in his birth home permanently.
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_6b40eec8
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_6b40eec8
 Arlo the Alligator Boy
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_6b40eec8
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_6ed7a5ec
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_6ed7a5ec
A Song of Ice and Fire: In A Game of Thrones, after the Starks find five orphaned direwolf pups, Jon convinces Ned to let the Stark children keep the pups by pointing out that since Ned has five children, the gods clearly intend for the Starks to keep them. Both Bran and Ned note that this bit of math only works out because Jon is deliberately excluding himself from the count of children due to being Ned's bastard, which is all the more touching as Jon's status as a bastard is something that brings him deep pain and insecurity. As they all turn for home, however, they find another wolf pup that had somehow crawled away from his littermates, and Jon immediately claims him for his own.
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_6ed7a5ec
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_6ed7a5ec
 A Song of Ice and Fire (Franchise)
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_6ed7a5ec
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_6f6f742b
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_6f6f742b
In The Cave, each of the protagonists entered the titular cave hoping to be granted whatever they desired most. At the end of the game, however, they can opt to give up the object of their desire. Doing so grants them a happier outcome than keeping it.
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_6f6f742b
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_6f6f742b
 The Cave (Video Game)
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_6f6f742b
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_72262aee
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_72262aee
Avatar: The Last Airbender: Aang interprets Guru Pathik's statement that he must "let go" of his attachment to Katara in order to intentionally enter his powerful Avatar State as meaning he must abandon his feelings for her if he wants access to all that power. Aang chooses love, a move later applauded by Iroh (only in part, Iroh applauds choosing happiness over raw power, but does not have the answer as to whether or not this is a good choice for saving the world). Inverting the trope, once he is forced to let go anyway, he is immediately defeated. It's played straight by the end of the series when Aang has both mastered the Avatar State (enough to stop himself from landing a killing blow in self-defense) and had his happy ending with Katara. However, giving up on attachment is not actually the same thing as giving up on his actual feelings themselves so part of this was Poor Communication Kills.
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_72262aee
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_72262aee
 Avatar: The Last Airbender
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_72262aee
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_762df2bc
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_762df2bc
Kung Fu Panda:
Having trained Po in kung fu, Master Shifu turns the meal he promised Po as reward for completing his training into one final test, challenging him to steal the last steamed bun from Shifu. When Po finally manages to get the bun, he shrugs and tosses it back. As revealed earlier, Po tends to binge-eat whenever he is upset. As such, when he finally passes all the test, he passes the bun to Shifu with a confident "I'm not hungry," showing Po has gained a great deal of self-confidence.
This is greatly juxtaposed with the antagonist, Tai Lung. Tai Lung spends the entire movie, and indeed his entire life, training to become the Dragon Warrior, and by extension, become worthy of the Dragon Scroll. Unfortunately, his years of devotion, encouraged by Master Shifu, are all for nothing when Oogway says he is not the Dragon Warrior. He ends up rampaging and forcing Shifu and Oogway to stop him and imprison him. Many years, the length of a movie, and two-thirds of a fight scene later, he finally manages to get his hands on the Scroll at long last... Only the Scroll is not a source of power; it doesn't even bear any writing. It's merely a very shiny scroll, showing a reflection of the reader. Tai Lung is unable to grasp the wisdom of the scroll, in part out of his desire for acknowledgment (he was an orphan and in ancient China, lineage was a big deal) for his place in the world. Po meanwhile understands that there is "no secret ingredient", but that it is the belief in one's self and talents that makes one special. This inability to grasp this is the one thing keeping Tai Lung from a Heel–Face Turn.
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_762df2bc
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_762df2bc
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_762df2bc
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_7680545c
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_7680545c
The Nanny:
"The Playwright" had this happen to Brighton. He reluctantly agrees to go with his geeky study partner, Brooke, to the school dance, only to deny it and turn her down when she talks to him about it in front of his friends and gets lectured by Fran for it. Later on, after agreeing again to take her to the dance, she shows up and has cleaned up nicely. Fran lampshades it:
In Season Five's "Immaculate Concépcion," Maxwell's father dies, and, to everyone's shock, leaves the entirety of his massive estate to Concépcion, a secret love child. As the Sheffield siblings try to contest the will, Fran decides (at her mother's urging) to speak with Concépcion herself and try to convince her to give the money back. When she goes, though, she discovers that Concépcion is a pleasant young woman who has struggled with poverty and feeling lost all her life—something Fran knows all too well. Unable to take away her new sister-in-law's happiness, Fran instead invites her to her upcoming wedding to Mr. Sheffield and treats her like an equal...which turns out to be the perfect course of action. Concépcion is so grateful to Fran for welcoming her into the family—which is what she truly wanted all along—that she decides to split the fortune with her new half-siblings, as she now feels like part of the group.
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_7680545c
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_7680545c
 The Nanny
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_7680545c
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_76e7de99
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_76e7de99
In the Forgotten Realms novel Faces of Deception by Troy Denning, the protagonist, Atreus, has been staggeringly ugly since childhood as a result of a spell Gone Horribly Wrong. All he wants is to become handsome so that he can have a normal life. Others point out to him that he should first learn to appreciate inner beauty, but since people tend to run screaming at the sight of him he's fairly cynical about that idea. Finally, he finds a "perfect" land where people don't see even him as ugly and where he finally finds love - but he can't stay there permanently. The very fact that it would be such an obvious thing for this trope to happen by the end makes it a subversion when it doesn't. Atreus throws everything away and tries to steal a source of the sacred valley's power to heal his appearance, and the story ends with his neither having stopped wanting better looks nor having achieved them.
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_76e7de99
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_76e7de99
 Forgotten Realms (Tabletop Game)
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_76e7de99
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_791fca44
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_791fca44
BioShock has you encounter a Little Sister from time to time. When you do, you're given two options: "Harvest", which kills the Little Sister but gives you more ADAM, or "Rescue", which cures the Little Sister of her sea slug-induced possession but gives you less ADAM. However, you only get less ADAM immediately. Dr. Tenenbaum will reward you for saving the Little Sisters with free Plasmids and bonus ADAM; all things considered, resisting temptation and playing the hero is ultimately just as rewarding, if not more so, than choosing the evil route. Harvesting every Little Sister grants 280 ADAM, which is more than one will get for rescuing. However, when you account for the free plasmids and gene tonics you get from Tenenbaum, some of which can only be acquired in this manner, the value of Harvesting disappears entirely. From a rewards perspective, virtue is the superior option. It's especially worth it when you consider the there's an achievement that comes with rescuing every Little Sister, but none for harvesting them all. This is further helped by how DLC or later versions of the game provide New Game Plus which allows players to keep the ADAM they collected from previous playthroughs, meaning regardless of the path you take, you'll unlock everything eventually with enough playthroughs and rescuing the Little Sisters would simply speed up that process even further.
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_791fca44
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_791fca44
 BioShock (Video Game)
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_791fca44
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_7e1563ba
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_7e1563ba
At the end of South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut, Satan finally overcomes his abusive relationship with Saddam Hussein and sends the cruel dictator back to Hell, killing him for good. He thanks Kenny, who, after dying earlier and being sent to the Underworld himself, did his best to convince Satan that he was worthy of real love. As a reward, the Dark Lord offers Kenny any wish he wants, and the boy chooses to hit a cosmic Reset Button by putting everything back to the way it was before the war between the United States and Canada began. Chef points out that this will send Kenny back to Hell, but he says it's worth it to save his friends and family. After finally revealing his face and speaking clearly for the first time—"Goodbye, you guys"—Kenny fades away, and Satan, as promised, releases a World-Healing Wave that rejuvenates the land and restores the dead to life. As everyone celebrates, Kyle, Stan, and Cartman look up and notice Kenny flying through the sky, where a personal Heaven of nude women with enormous breasts awaits him—by willingly going back to Hell, he proved himself truly unselfish and thus worthy of nirvana.
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_7e1563ba
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_7e1563ba
 South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_7e1563ba
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_7fbf9019
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_7fbf9019
At the end of Steins;Gate, Okabe has saved the world and the woman he loves, but due to Time Travel being involved, nobody but him will (consciously) remember all the hardships and struggles he faced to Earn Your Happy Ending. Thus, he figures that Kurisu has probably gone back to America and forgotten all about him. However, as he's accepting this since this means that she's alive and happy "doing her own thing", he runs into Kurisu in a chance encounter, Kurisu having stayed in Japan for the past month trying to find Okabe. Furthermore, she returns his feelings after the conversation they have makes her realize everything he's been through and remember every timeline herself.
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_7fbf9019
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_7fbf9019
 Steins;Gate (Visual Novel)
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_7fbf9019
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_8125b468
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_8125b468
In a way, Batman is actually this. Batman can never get back his parents and his war on crime serves not only as an outlet for his rage but also to try and ensure that no one suffers like he did, even if he has to do it alone. Ironically, through this and despite his status as a loner, he would end up with one of the largest families in the DCU, starting with his sons Dick, Jason (who despite it all, does sometimes make it back), Tim and Damian. Then we have his surrogate daughters in Barbara (who is Commissioner Gordan's daughter), Cassandra (whom he actually adopted) and even Stephanie. Then you have his various friends and confidants in other heroes and the Justice League (special mention to Superman and Wonder Woman). And of course, surrogate father figure Alfred and surrogate mother figure, Dr. Leslie Thompkins. So, Batman's decision to love in spite of his crusade rewards him with the family he lost.
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_8125b468
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_8125b468
 Batman (Franchise)
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_8125b468
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_8197ebd8
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_8197ebd8
In General Protection Fault, Justin Barker was a student at a military academy while his older brother Jason was a slacker college student with a drinking problem. When the UGA decided to kidnap Justin to test him as a potential agent, they accidentally got Jason instead, and even more incredibly, Jason passed with flying colors, so the UGA decided not to rectify the mistake. Justin didn't take it well, and resented his brother for years. Fortunately, after talking with Fooker's friends, Justin reconciled with his brother, and eventually, Fooker managed to arrange for him to take his place in the UGA, since Fooker wanted to go back to his job, his friends and his girlfriend, making this a case in which both parties get what they want.
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_8197ebd8
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_8197ebd8
 General Protection Fault (Webcomic)
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_8197ebd8
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_8cb3a247
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_8cb3a247
A minor one in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. When Ron is about to apologize, Harry realizes he doesn't need to hear the apology. Just knowing Ron was going to make it was enough, and forgiving him before he could apologize will repair the friendship that much faster.
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_8cb3a247
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_8cb3a247
 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_8cb3a247
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_8f3609c2
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_8f3609c2
In Being Dead Ain't Easy, Kaiba explains to Joey that KaibaCorp isn't just a job for him, it's a part of his identity. So when Yami Bakura offers him a deal, saving Joey in exchange for Kaiba's company, Joey is shocked that Kaiba agrees. In the epilogue, Yami Bakura discovers that not only does he not know how to run a company, taking control of a corporation right after the CEO is hospitalized from multiple assassination attempts looks incredibly suspicious (although that wasn't his fault). Yami Bakura returns the company, so Kaiba keeps both Joey and his company.
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_8f3609c2
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_8f3609c2
 Being Dead Ain't Easy / Fan Fic
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_8f3609c2
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_90ab7fe1
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_90ab7fe1
An episode has the Ashleys entering Spinelli into a Beauty Contest. In order to turn their prank back on them, she decides to get a makeover and actually try and win the contest. When it comes to the finals, she realises that she's not being true to herself and ignores the judges-pleasing speech she had prepared - forfeiting the contest. But then the judges declare her the winner because she was true to herself.
Gretchen decides to earn money to buy a new bike by tutoring the other kids. It essentially turns into her doing their homework for them in exchange for money - in a vain hope that they'll actually study it afterwards. They end up in detention when actually challenged with a test that Gretchen can't help them on. Gretchen decides not to buy the bike and gives each kid back their money - as well as legitimately tutoring them this time. Their grades go up, and Gretchen discovers that they all pitched in to buy her the bike as thanks.
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_90ab7fe1
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_90ab7fe1
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_90ab7fe1
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_9182da62
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_9182da62
In the movie Penelope (2006), the titular character, an aristocratic young woman, is born with a pig's snout and ears due to a century-old curse on her family. There's a way to break the spell, though—Penelope must earn the love of "one of her own kind." Her Rich Bitch mother Jessica interprets this as needing to pair Penelope with an aristocrat of equal breeding, so she locks her away in the family mansion and tries to find her suitors, all of whom flee at the sight of her face. Eventually, though, Penelope gets tired of hiding and sneaks out, discovering the joys of life and learning that most people don't care about her appearance (in fact she becomes a minor celebrity when she's unmasked). Jessica still begs Penelope to find a peer to wed, but Penelope refuses and says she'd rather live as a Cute Monster Girl forever than be in an unhappy marriage: "I like myself the way I am!" This instantly lifts the curse, as Penelope has gained the love of "one of her own kind" after all—herself.
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_9182da62
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_9182da62
 Penelope (2006)
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_9182da62
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_92916f5a
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_92916f5a
Shrek subverts the Beauty & the Beast example. Fiona becoming an Ogre and taking up Shrek's "bad" habits when they hook up is widely considered a direct answer to the ending of Beauty & the Beast.
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_92916f5a
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_92916f5a
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_92916f5a
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_94e7b3a4
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_94e7b3a4
What a Girl Wants Daphne finally realizes that her presence in England is causing both her and her father more harm than good, and returns home to America. What does Dad do? Drop everything in his life, including a Parliament seat he's been chasing for years, and run to America to be with her and her mother.
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_94e7b3a4
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_94e7b3a4
 What a Girl Wants
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_94e7b3a4
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_985ad25d
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_985ad25d
Dragon Ball Super: The end of the Universal Survival Saga. Once the tournament is over, 17 gets to make a wish on the Super Dragon Balls. He came to the tournament intending to wish for a cruise ship so he could take his family on vacation. However, he is inspired by the heroics of his teammates and instead wishes for the revival of all the losing universes. The Grand Priest reveals that the whole tournament was essentially a test to see if the winner would be willing to show compassion to those of other universes. If a selfish wish had been made, Zeno would have erased everything. By making a selfless wish, 17 proved that the multiverse deserves to exist. Bulma goes on to reward 17 by buying him the cruise ship he wanted.
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_985ad25d
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_985ad25d
 Dragon Ball Super
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_985ad25d
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_987ae286
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_987ae286
At the end of the movie, Lightning McQueen is literally inches away from winning the Piston Cup, racing's biggest honor and what he has dreamed of his entire life. However, Chick Hicks, angry at the prospect of coming in third behind Lightning and Strip "The King" Wethers, deliberately rams Strip as hard as possible, which sends the older car flying through the air and badly injures him. Upon seeing Strip's damaged body, Lightning pumps his brakes, leaves the track, and gets behind him while Chick speeds to victory. Lightning then pushes Strip over the finish line, ensuring that The King is able to finish his last race with dignity. This puts Lightning in last place and costs him the Cup, but since thousands of audience members (and millions more around the world) are watching the race, his humility and sportsmanship instantly win him more praise and respect than any racing victory ever could, ensuring that he'll go down in history for his Heroic Sacrifice. Chick, meanwhile, is openly booed by everyone in the crowd—even his former fans—despite winning the Cup (to the point where the organizers literally throw the trophy at him instead of giving him a proper award ceremony).
In addition to the trophy, the winner of the Piston Cup was promised the opportunity to become the spokesperson for Dinoco, the biggest fuel brand in the Cars world. Tex, the owner of the company, refuses to give Chick the deal and offers it to Lightning instead, but after a moment's temptation, he remarks that he prefers to stick with the much smaller Rust-Eze brand that has supported him for years. Tex is impressed by his loyalty and offers him any other reward he might like, and Lightning asks him for help in (literally) putting Radiator Springs back on the map, which restores the town to its former glory and wins him both true love from his girlfriend Sally and a place to call home.
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_987ae286
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_987ae286
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_987ae286
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_98f107f3
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_98f107f3
In the anime version of Bokurano, Kirie, the first to pilot after the realization that the loser's universe is destroyed, enters his battle unwilling to fight because that revelation, combined with some of his personal issues regarding his family, makes him wonder whether the world deserves to continue existing at the cost of another's existence. At that moment, his opponent commits suicide, and surprisingly enough, he lives through the fight because he didn't move Zearth. He regains his resolve in time to pilot again, defeat his enemy, and die like everyone else.
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_98f107f3
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_98f107f3
 Bokurano (Manga)
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_98f107f3
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_99055407
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_99055407
One episode of Family Matters sees Carl passed up for a promotion to Police Captain in favor of the commissioner's son. Carl is understandably upset about the loss but does his best to remain professional, especially since the new captain is a nice, if indecisive, guy. Things get tense when a major gang war is in danger of breaking out, and the captain can't decide what to do. He sincerely begs Carl for help, and though he's briefly tempted to let his rival fail, he ultimately realizes that the innocent lives at stake are more important than his envy, and develops a plan which averts the fight. When the commissioner shows up and praises his son for a job well done, Carl remains quiet rather than complain, which ends up being the right choice, as the captain admits that Carl was the one who solved the problem and deserves the leadership role more than he does. It also turns out for the best for him — he actually preferred his old job and never wanted to be captain in the first place. The commissioner, impressed by the whole situation and with a newfound respect for Carl, promotes him to captain and restores his son to his previous position, while the younger men remain friends and colleagues.
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_99055407
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_99055407
 Family Matters
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_99055407
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_990dea86
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_990dea86
Moana has the hero Maui sacrificing his magical fishhook, which is the source of many of his powers, and to which he attaches a great deal of his self-worth, blocking a blow from the mad volcano demon to protect Moana and right a past wrong. In the end, the goddess presents him with a new one as thanks for his service.
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_990dea86
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_990dea86
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_990dea86
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_99ca8dc9
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_99ca8dc9
In Muhyo and Roji, during the decision on whether to choose Muhyo or Enchu for the post of Executor, the committee found some factors that made Enchu, who was desperate for the position when Muhyo was apathetic, less suited to the position, especially his preoccupation with his sick mother (whom he had hoped to support with his job, and who died as part of Teeki's plan to corrupt him shortly before the decision). According to Page, thing Enchu lacked that Muhyo had was "thinking of others,"; Muhyo had said if he was appointed, he would give the position to Enchu.
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_99ca8dc9
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_99ca8dc9
 Muhyo and Roji (Manga)
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_99ca8dc9
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_9aab7b0a
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_9aab7b0a
Swamp Thing: The Alan Moore revision. Original Super Hero Origin; genius scientist Alec Holland, while researching a plant growth formula that he hopes will end world hunger, is killed by a bomb planted by a jealous fellow researcher who covets his wife. His body, soaked in the formula, falls into the bayou where “The chemicals, and forces within the bog, mutated (him) into a muck-encrusted mockery of a man!� Except, that's not what happened. Alec Holland died in the original attack. His body fell into the bayou. The plants in the bayou ate his body, soaked in the growth formula, "And they become infected by a powerful consciousness that does not realize it is no longer alive!" Swamp Thing is thus not Alec Holland, but "a plant that THOUGHT it was Alec Holland... A plant that was trying its level best to be Alec Holland... and that pathetic misshapen parody was the closest that it could get." "He isn't Alec Holland... He never will be Alec Holland... He never was Alec Holland... He's just a ghost... A ghost dressed in weeds." Bummer, eh? Except that where a human turned into a plant is a monster seeking to regain his humanity, a plant with the mind and memories of a human is an extension of all plantlife on earth. It can perceive all that occurs among plantlife. It can recreate itself anywhere plantlife exists. And it can command that plantlife as an extension of itself. He is nothing less than an intelligent avatar of the ecosystem, a Physical God! And even as such a being, it still possesses human intelligence and human emotions, so it can still find love.
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_9aab7b0a
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_9aab7b0a
 Swamp Thing (Comic Book)
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_9aab7b0a
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_9ab064e6
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_9ab064e6
Les Misérables:
For almost as long as she's onstage, Eponine is constantly pining after Marius, but he just doesn't see her. She eventually gives up the chase in "On My Own", saying that "she knows that he is blind", and that while she won't stop loving him, she knows that he'll never love her and admits defeat. A few songs later, in "Little Fall of Rain", she finally has Marius hold her in his arms after she tells him how she feels. Unfortunately, she's just been shot, and is slowly bleeding out.
"Prologue" has Valjean try again and again to become an honest man, only to have no one trust him because he's been in jail for 19 years for stealing a loaf of bread. He eventually gives up being an honest man and steals the Bishop's silver, only to have the Bishop give him the silver candlesticks in addition to what he stole so that he can sell them and start a new life.
Valjean spends the entire show running from Javert. In "Javert's Suicide", Valjean promises to turn himself in if Javert will let him take Marius to safety. Immediately afterwards, however, Javert kills himself, and Valjean is presumably allowed to go free.
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_9ab064e6
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_9ab064e6
 Les Misérables (Theatre)
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_9ab064e6
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_9c2dce7b
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_9c2dce7b
Little Women: Towards the end of the story, newlyweds Laurie and Amy discuss the implications of her marrying the wealthy Laurie for love after previously coming to her senses and resolving not to marry Fred Vaughn for his money.
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_9c2dce7b
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_9c2dce7b
 Little Women
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_9c2dce7b
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_a12cd9cf
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_a12cd9cf
Big City Greens:
In the climax of "Green Christmas", Cricket realizes all those disasters were indeed no one's fault but his, and has no doubt he'll never get any presents from Santa. After pouring out his troubles to the real Santa on a bench, Santa offers Cricket a magical gift which can be any present he wants; Cricket refuses the gift, instead wishing for Tilly to be back on the nice list, because he discovered the only thing he wanted for Christmas didn't come in a box. On Christmas Day though, not only was Tilly back on the nice list, he was as well, as confirmed by Tilly discovering a present with Cricket's name, because of his selfless act of putting Tilly's needs before his which truly considered him nice.
In "No Service", Cricket finally gives in and borrows Tilly's shoes to get into the convenience store and get a free Splishee, but then he realizes he can't violate his own policies and denies it.
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_a12cd9cf
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_a12cd9cf
 Big City Greens
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_a12cd9cf
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_a2c37f38
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_a2c37f38
Planescape: Torment: A minor example is a portal that only opens to an entrant who has no desire to enter it.
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_a2c37f38
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_a2c37f38
 Planescape: Torment (Video Game)
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_a2c37f38
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_a4e1e41a
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_a4e1e41a
In Juxtapose, Izuku and Hitoshi enter the Sports Festival thinking that only one of them is going to enter the Hero Course, wishing each other the best of luck but promising to not hold back either. In the finale, they knock each other out in a fistfight and All Might announces that they'll both be entering the Hero Course.
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_a4e1e41a
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_a4e1e41a
 Juxtapose (Fanfic)
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_a4e1e41a
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_aa632fb9
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_aa632fb9
Eventually in Eroninja, Tsunade offers to make Naruto Hokage but by this point, he's had some heated debates with Gaara (who is the Kazekage) and met Minato (via time travel), so he turns down the position, citing how both chose to put their village before their family and he refuses to do the same.
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_aa632fb9
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_aa632fb9
 Eroninja (Fanfic)
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_aa632fb9
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_ac259af8
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_ac259af8
This comes up fairly early on in Saki. In Saki's first few matches with Nodoka, she ends up with the same score she started with, which, despite indicating Saki getting in second or third place out of four, shows that Saki has almost superhuman skill and luck at mahjong- Saki adopted this tactic because her parents would punish her if she won or lost family mahjong games, causing her to dislike the game itself. Nodoka, who has played in mahjong tournaments, and is trying to get her father to allow her to stay in her current school by winning the national tournament, is infuriated with Saki's attitude toward winning and being effectively defeated by her in spite of that. However, Nodoka starts to warm up to Saki after Saki drops that playstyle, and reveals that she hopes to see her estranged older sister again in the national tournament and reconcile with her, so the trope stops being in play after a few chapters.
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_ac259af8
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_ac259af8
 Saki (Manga)
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_ac259af8
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_b0666b59
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_b0666b59
Invoked by the player in the Neverwinter Nights expansion Shadows of Undrentide. You end up inside a story where a blind beggar tells you that the woman he loves was sent to an evil monastery to keep her away from him. Although you're too late to save her the first time, you can later rewrite the story, so that the beggar is really a knight pretending to be blind and destitute just to make sure that she loves him for the right reasons. He also saves her life, having better timing than the protagonist.
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_b0666b59
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_b0666b59
 Neverwinter Nights (Video Game)
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_b0666b59
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_b32ce8cf
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_b32ce8cf
The remake of Bedazzled (2000) has Elliot get out of his contract with The Devil by making a Selfless Wish that the woman he'd spent the whole movie pining for would have a happy life. When he's released and finally gets the courage to ask the woman out, Elliot discovers that his wish ended up fixing her broken relationship so that she's no longer single, which he gracefully accepts and moves on. Then he returns home to find a new neighbor moving into the house next to his, a young woman with a striking resemblance to his former crush who has a bubbly, talkative personality much like his own and shares a lot of his interests. They hit it off immediately.
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_b32ce8cf
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_b32ce8cf
 Bedazzled (2000)
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_b32ce8cf
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_b370ddd1
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_b370ddd1
Thor: The hammer Mjölnir is taken from Thor after he brashly starts an unnecessary battle, and can only be carried by one who is "worthy". Later, Thor's friends deal with an attacking giant controlled by Loki, but when it clearly becomes hopeless, he counsels a Tactical Withdrawal, then tells the giant it can kill him, which it nearly does. This Heroic Sacrifice shows Thor to be less vainglorious and warlike, so Mjölnir returns to him — and he immediately uses it to kick the giant's butt.
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_b370ddd1
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_b370ddd1
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_b370ddd1
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_b3f687d1
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_b3f687d1
In one FoxTrot story arc, Andy's editor gives her a ticket to the Bulls game, even though she has little knowledge of or interest in basketball. Roger, who is a big fan of basketball, is quite dismayed at this turn of events and wishes he had the ticket instead. In the end, Roger comes to terms with his feelings, just in time for Michael Jordan to fall in Andy's lap, and give her a ball that's autographed... to Roger.
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_b3f687d1
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_b3f687d1
 FoxTrot (Comic Strip)
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_b3f687d1
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_b41004a1
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_b41004a1
Lost Odyssey plays Who Wants to Live Forever? very hard for its immortal characters, but by the end of the game, they've mostly decided to embrace their eternal lives rather than angst about it.
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_b41004a1
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_b41004a1
 Lost Odyssey (Video Game)
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_b41004a1
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_b5efd918
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_b5efd918
Harley Quinn (2019): Harley tells her best friend Poison Ivy she loves her and wants to be with her. Ivy after consideration tells her that she trusts Harley with her life, but not her heart because she doesn't think she's reliable enough so she's going through with her marriage with Kite Man. Harley repeating her feelings after defeating the Big Bad doesn't get anywhere either. So of course, Harley giving up on her own feelings to to defend Ivy's wedding from the cops helps convince Ivy that Harley has changed enough for her to reciprocate Harley's feelings.
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_b5efd918
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_b5efd918
 Harley Quinn (2019)
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_b5efd918
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_b9bd064e
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_b9bd064e
Subverted at the end of Click. As Michael is making amends with his family, he finds the remote in his house, with a letter from Morty, saying "I know you'll do the right thing this time". Michael, however, throws the remote into the trash, and after making sure it's gone for good (earlier, he was unable to get rid of the remote regardless of what he did), he goes off to play with his kids. Of course, that may have been what Morty meant.
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_b9bd064e
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_b9bd064e
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_b9bd064e
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_ba084d45
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_ba084d45
In Hamilton, the eponymous Hamilton's decisive and bold strokes to establish America's economy are constantly blocked by the Democratic-Republicans, led by Jefferson and Madison. In "The Room Where It Happens", he gives up on those and begins trying Burr's approach of waiting, listening, and compromising, and is surprised to learn that his bold strokes go over just fine when he's willing to give something up in return.
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_ba084d45
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_ba084d45
 Hamilton (Theatre)
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_ba084d45
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_bc848d30
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_bc848d30
SpongeBob SquarePants: In "I'm Your Biggest Fanatic", the Jellyspotters decide they've had enough of Kevin bossing SpongeBob to the point they rip off his Crown-Shaped Head and give it to him, recognizing SpongeBob as their new leader and thus granting him membership to the club which is what he wanted since the beginning. But SpongeBob turns down the membership afterward, because it isn't about Kevin, it's about jellyfish.
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_bc848d30
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_bc848d30
 SpongeBob SquarePants
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_bc848d30
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_be03a5ee
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_be03a5ee
Left Behind: Two of the main protagonists are offered jobs by the Antichrist, jobs that, were they offered by anyone else would seem like dream jobs. The characters are reluctant to take those jobs, rightly seeing them as tests of temptation before them. After some initial reluctance, they take the jobs anyway, as they feel that taking them was "God's will".
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_be03a5ee
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_be03a5ee
 Left Behind
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_be03a5ee
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_c361604f
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_c361604f
La La Land - Mia is frustrated with constant rejection from all her auditions so she decides to put on her own one-woman play. Hardly anyone turns up, and this convinces Mia to give up on acting altogether. It turns out a casting director saw the play and asks Mia to audition for a film. It's implied the film ended up becoming Mia's big break.
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_c361604f
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_c361604f
 La La Land
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_c361604f
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_c4282b71
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_c4282b71
My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic
In the episode "The Ticket Master", Twilight Sparkle gets two tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala and naturally, all her friends want to go. Unable to decide, she sends the tickets back to Princess Celestia, telling her that if her friends can't all go, she doesn't want to go either. The princess responds by sending enough tickets for her and her friends◊, along with the reply, "Why didn't you just say so in the first place?" Played with later on when they regret attending the Grand Galloping Gala since it wasn't like what they thought it would be.
In the episode "Wonderbolts Academy", Rainbow Dash chooses to drop out of the Wonderbolt training program rather than stay with an organization that seemingly encourages cadet team leader Lightning Dust's dangerously reckless behavior (and endangering of innocent bystanders) in its members. Just as she's explaining to her friends why she chose to give up on her lifelong dream rather than her honor, Spitfire runs up and points out that she agrees with Rainbow Dash that—contrary to the belief of everyone involved, including Lightning Dust—Lightning was grossly out of line, and if Rainbow'd bothered to stick around for ten more seconds after dropping out, she'd have been told that sooner. After unceremoniously booting Lightning Dust out of the program, Spitfire makes Rainbow Dash the new cadet team leader at least in part that the Wonderbolts need a new recruit of such character who is willing to sacrifice her dreams on a matter of honor.
In "Rarity Takes Manehattan", Rarity has her designs duplicated by Suri Polomare in a dress competition. The stress of designing new designs in time causes her to lash out at her friends, who do their best to help her. When the competition starts, Rarity sees that her friends aren't in the audience, causing her to think that she drove them away by acting so horrible (It's later revealed that they just overslept). She runs out of the competition, and with the judge being portrayed as very strict, it seems certain that she'll lose. Instead, she's later told that she actually won first place, meaning that she had to sacrifice precisely nothing in doing the right thing.
In "Crusaders of the Lost Mark," the Cutie Mark Crusaders help Diamond Tiara make a Heel–Face Turn and discover the true meaning of her special talent (the crown means being a true leader, not a stuck-up Rich Bitch), and also help Pipsqueak win the student council election at the same time. Seeing the two of them work together to do a lot of good for the school and the other kids, the Crusaders decide that what they really want to do is help others learn the meaning of their talents like they did for Diamond Tiara. Scootaloo exclaims that she doesn't care if she never gets her cutie mark so long as she can keep being with her friends and doing things like they did today, and the other two wholeheartedly agree. Cue the trio finally getting their cutie marks, in that of helping others finding their meanings in life.
In "Marks for Effort", the Cutie Mark Crusaders want to attend Twilight Sparkle's School of Friendship but are turned away because they already know so much about friendship. They later meet a struggling student named Cozy Glow and offer to help her study for an upcoming friendship test. However, when Cozy flunks, Twilight believes the CMC intentionally set Cozy Glow up to fail in revenge for not being allowed to attend the school and bans from the school grounds. Fortunately, Cozy Glow later admits her mistake; she deliberately failed her test in hopes that it would convince Twilight to let the CMC be students like they wanted, and Twilight allows them to come back to the school not as students but as official friendship tutors. Until it's revealed Cozy is an Enfant Terrible who secretly enrolls in the school so she can take over Equestria.
In "A Horse Shoe-In", Starlight Glimmer is named the new headmare of the School of Friendship by Twilight, who is preparing to take over from Celestia and Luna in ruling Equestria. She decides to hire a vice-headmare to help her out since it will be a big job. Trixie, believing Starlight created the position for her so they can hang out more as friends, is fully convinced she's going to get the job, despite Starlight's insistence on conducting an interview process. Despite Trixie repeatedly proving to be an unfit vice-headmare, Starlight can't bring herself to drop her from the interview process due to wanting to work with a friend so much. Later on, Trixie teleports a portion of Froggy Bottom Bog into the school, unaware that it had a hive of flash bees in it, endangering the students and creating a mess in the classroom. After Starlight blows up at her for her actions, Twilight helps her realize that hiring someone for a job is about who's most qualified regardless if they're a friend or not. In the end, Trixie doesn't get the spot of vice-headmare as she hoped but because of her good qualities, such as her concern for the students' wellbeing and giving good advice, she is offered Starlight's old position of Guidance Counselor, while Sunburst becomes Starlight’s vice-headmare. So all three ponies still get to work together as friends.
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 My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic
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Sweet and Sour Grapes
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Doctor Who:
During "The Day of the Doctor" the War Doctor is set to use the Moment to destroy both the Time Lords and the Daleks in order to save the rest of the universe until he is sent to see how doing so changed the Tenth and Eleventh Doctors. The War Doctor is at first worried by what he sees, only to realize that in the end they are still the Doctor and will still save lives. He returns to activate the Moment only for the Tenth and Eleventh to appear and help him Take a Third Option, apparently saving Gallifrey while destroying the Daleks.
In one episode, Amy is left on an alien planet, dodging medical robots that will kill her unintentionally, until Rory and the Doctor can come and save her. Because of time travel, they find both her present-day self and her future self, who was abandoned for years and became a rather cynical badass as a result. Throughout the episode, the Doctor insists that both Amys can't be saved and Rory agonizes over which one to rescue since he loves both and both love him in return. Finally, the Doctor figures out a way to rearrange the TARDIS so that both Amys can be saved. And then it's horribly, horribly subverted when it turns out the Doctor was lying so he could trick Rory and the present-day Amy to go in the TARDIS and let him lock the future Amy out. Everyone's upset about this, but it's just impossible to save both. The future Amy ends up accepting this and lets the medical robots kill her, as she remembers Rory.
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 Doctor Who
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Sweet and Sour Grapes
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An episode of That's So Raven has Corey's band deciding to get a singer. Corey chooses a pretty girl with a horrible voice because he's so attracted to her he doesn't realise how awful she sings. He has to face the reality of either letting the band perform with her or else telling her she's awful and hurting her feelings. He decides that he's going to tell her, but luckily she gets cold feet and says she's too nervous to sing - so they get her to lipsynch while Corey's mother (who has a much better voice) sings behind the stage.
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 That's So Raven
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Sweet and Sour Grapes
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Subverted in The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie. After SpongeBob saves Bikini Bottom, Mr. Krabs decides to give him Squidward's manager job:
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 The Sponge Bob Square Pants Movie
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Sweet and Sour Grapes
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CSI Nick Stokes gets recommended for promotion only after he tells Grissom that he refuses to define himself by the goal of career advancement. In a later episode, however, it's revealed that Grissom only recommended him because the supposed promotion (only available to one of three CSI techs) wasn't actually going to happen since the budget was going to prevent anybody from holding that position (they chose a new piece of equipment instead of the position), so Grissom only gave it to Stokes because he wouldn't be disappointed by the result.
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Sweet and Sour Grapes
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Jennifer Murdley's Toad, a children's lit novel by Bruce Coville about an insecure and ugly little girl who adopts a talking frog sought out by a shallow, beauty-obsessed temptress, consciously averts the trope. In early versions of the story, Jennifer became beautiful, but Coville realized that such a transformation broke the Aesop and instead went with an ending in which Jennifer just accepts herself for who she is.
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 Magic Shop
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 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_cd639e1
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_cd639e1
In Midnight Run Jack spends the entire film trying to bring a fugitive back to collect the bounty, refusing bribes and fighting off threats on every side. In the end, he decides that the man doesn't deserve to be in prison and lets him go, giving up the bounty. After he does so, the fugitive reveals that he'd been carrying several hundred thousand dollars in cash the whole time, and gives it to Jack out of gratitude.
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 Midnight Run
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Sweet and Sour Grapes
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Bugsnax: The best outcomes for certain characters involve them getting what they wanted after they give up on using Bugsnax to obtain them. In particular, should Wiggle and Gramble both survive, Wiggle finds the inspiration she was looking for in Gramble, while Gramble has somebody who truly cares about him in Wiggle.
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 Bugsnax (Video Game)
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Sweet and Sour Grapes
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Scarlet Lady:
"Stormy Weather" has Aurore get akumatized into the titular Monster of the Week after losing the KIDZ+ Weather Girl contest. After being cured, she apologizes to Mireille for being such a Sore Loser, saying she should have accepted her loss gracefully. Mireille then reveals to her that the host Alec Cataldi had secretly rigged the vote to fake a Landslide Victory, something Mireille hadn't known until Stormy Weather exposed the truth. So Mireille revealed the truth to the public, humiliating Alec, and both girls end up as cohosts.
Max got akumatized into The Game because he couldn't stand the fact that he was beaten by Marinette... despite the fact that Adrien also defeated him. When Scarlet Lady praises him for only attacking and trying to kill Marinette, he has a Jerkass Realization and apologizes to both. He still gets to play in the tournament, though... because Adrien gives up his position to him, having realized that he's no good at co-op.
In "Gorizilla", Wayhem realizes that not only has he been outright stalking Adrien, he also enables others to stalk him by posting the model's movements online. After helping Marigold save Adrien from the titular akuma, Wayhem apologizes... and Adrien offers him his email address, saying they should hang out and get to know each other better as friends.
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 Scarlet Lady (Webcomic)
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Sweet and Sour Grapes
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Throughout The Twilight Saga, Bella insists she wants to be a vampire and stay with Edward forever, even though she's warned that it'll mean she'll have to fake her death, abandon her home, friends, and family, lose her ability to have children, will spend some period of time immediately after the transformation as a murderous newborn, will break Jacob's heart, and almost certainly will spark a war between the werewolves and the vampires. Cue Breaking Dawn, where she gives birth to a perfect baby girl immediately before being transformed, becomes a newborn with perfect self-control and almost no bloodlust, remains in contact with her parents, her father aware that she's not exactly human anymore, has a cottage in Forks with Edward (neither show any signs of moving out anytime soon), and neatly avoids any Jacob or werewolf-related trauma when Jacob imprints on her daughter, making everything quickly resolve itself. Go figure.
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 The Twilight Saga
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Sweet and Sour Grapes
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The Golden Girls: In "Yokel Hero," Rose is nominated for St. Olaf's highest honor: the Woman of the Year Award. She fears that her application is underwhelming, so Dorothy and Blanche secretly embellish her accomplishments, which earns her the prize. During their long trek to St. Olaf, Dorothy and Blanche come clean, and a devastated Rose immediately contacts the town to tell them that she can't accept something she didn't rightfully earn. But once they're all back in Miami, the people of St. Olaf send her the Woman of the Year trophy anyway, explaining that her honesty represents the true spirit of the award.
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 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_d4efb984
 The Golden Girls
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Sweet and Sour Grapes
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Disney's Aladdin spends much of the movie masquerading as a prince so he can have a shot at marrying Princess Jasmine. After "Prince Ali" is outed, Genie suggests that Aladdin use his final wish to become a prince again. But Aladdin honors his earlier promise to wish Genie free instead, choosing to be an honest street-rat rather than a fake prince. The sultan, impressed by everything Aladdin has done, changes the law on the spot to say that the princess may marry whomever she deems worthy. Naturally, Jasmine immediately chooses Aladdin.
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Sweet and Sour Grapes
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The Little Mermaid: The mermaid dies rather than take her Last-Second Chance to kill the prince she loves and return to life as a mermaid. In the rewritten ending, this sacrifice earns her a place on the path to an immortal soul of her own, which is what she wanted from the start.
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 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_d6b7adcf
 The Little Mermaid
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Sweet and Sour Grapes
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The Muppets' Wizard of Oz: Dorothy asks the wizard to make her a famous singer, not to help her get home. She then decides that she really does want to go home, and Glinda sends her back to Kansas, where she says she's happy working at her uncle and aunt's diner. Then the Muppets show up and say they've heard her demo tape and want her to appear on the show. At first, she refuses, but Aunt Em encourages her to go and pursue her dream.
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 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_d7e4fc52
 The Muppets' Wizard of Oz
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Sweet and Sour Grapes
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Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory has near the end a Friend-or-Idol Decision where Charlie had to choose between selling the Everlasting Gobstopper to Wonka's rival to get his family out of poverty, and keeping his promise to the Candy Tycoon along with his penniless status. It's easy to guess how it ends: Charlie gives the Gobstopper back to Wonka, and learns that Wonka's rival Slugworth was really Mr. Wilkinson, one of Wonka's executives, testing Charlie and the other Golden Ticket winners. Because of this, Charlie won and would inherit Wonka's factory.
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 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_dad73e07
 Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory
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Sweet and Sour Grapes
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The Legend of Korra repeats it in the second season finale. After a hard battle against Vaatu, the spirit of darkness, Raava, the spirit of light and the source of the Avatar is forced out of Korra and subsequently destroyed. Korra mourns the great loss of her spiritual powers, but Tenzin tells her she doesn't need them to save the day. Instead, Korra finds an external source of cosmic spiritual energy, uses it to trounce Vaatu, and manages to use that same power to regenerate Raava's light much faster than it would happen naturally so she could be the Avatar again.
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 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_db96ded4
 The Legend of Korra
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 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_dd261527
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_dd261527
At the start of The Trials of Apollo, Meg gains the former god Apollo as a servant, and is told that if she treats him well, he'll reward her upon his return to godhood. When he does after a few months of traveling and growing together, he realizes that if he rewarded her for her good behavior, it would cheapen their friendship into a transaction (relevant to both of them, because Meg's abusive stepfather alternated soul-crushing punishments with lavish rewards, and Apollo's relationship with the Sybil of Cumae soured when he granted her immortality and demanded her services as oracle in return). Meg agrees, but shyly asks if it's too much to ask for a unicorn. Apollo gives her one, as a gift between friends rather than payment.
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_dd261527
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_dd261527
 The Trials of Apollo
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 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_ded0e62f
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_ded0e62f
In The Count of Monte Cristo the Count, after getting his revenge and expecting to just walk away, lonely and alone, gets Hadee who loves him dearly.
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 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_ded0e62f
 The Count of Monte Cristo
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_ded0e62f
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_dfb24eb9
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_dfb24eb9
Strawberry Shortcake: The Berryfest Princess Movie The traditional dessert for the Berryfest feast is a wanderberry, a plant that grows in a different location each time the berry is picked. The first one that the girls picked gets eaten by bunnies on the night before the feast, so Strawberry goes to find a new one. She finds one at the very last minute, but on the way back home, she runs into a sick bird and decides to feed it the entire berry, despite her friends' reminder that they need it for the feast. The bird recovers, and when Strawberry comes home, she finds that the new wanderberry has grown right outside her own house, just in time for the feast.
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 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_dfb24eb9
 Strawberry Shortcake
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 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_e04f934e
Sweet and Sour Grapes
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In Fire Emblem: Three Houses, before she Awakens in The Infinite Loops Rhea, the Archibishop of Fodlan, has spent roughly a thousand years trying to resurrect her mother Sothis, the Progenitor Goddess, keeping Fodlan under her leadership during that time so that Sothis could lead the nation more easily when she returned. After she's imprisoned for more than five years during the war and does a lot of soul-searching, she finally gives up on these goals, admitting that her efforts to keep the continent under her control during that time led to Edelgard starting the war to free the continent from the abuses of the Crest system Rhea promoted, and learning that Sothis wasn't willing to completely possess Byleth, her host, in order to resurrect herself. After the war, Rhea begins a relationship with Byleth, only to Awaken in Azeroth just before the Bombing of Theramore. After returning to Fodlan, her first Loop there has her learning that Sothis is one of the two Anchors for Fodlan, and is capable of taking a physical form again without needing to possess Byleth.
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_e04f934e
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_e04f934e
 Fire Emblem: Three Houses (Video Game)
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_e04f934e
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_e11de2a2
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_e11de2a2
Throughout season 2 of Doom Patrol, Cliff has two basic goals - to force his way back into the life of his estranged, grown-up daughter Clara and to escape being Promoted to Parent for Dorothy, Niles Caulder's young daughter, who's facing the prospect of being an orphan as Niles is dying. After his failed attempt to reconcile with Clara results in her calling the cops on him, Cliff is roped into going on a mission to retrieve Dorothy after she runs away, with the promise that Niles will build him a new, less horrifying body so that he can make another attempt at reconciling with Clara. When he tracks down Dorothy, Cliff learns that she ran away because she did something terrible and fears that her dad will never forgive her for it... which he realizes is very similar to his own fears regarding Clara. It occurs to him that while he may never be able to reconcile with Clara and that his continued attempts to do so might just cause her more harm, Dorothy might benefit from having an imperfect parental figure, and thus resolves to become that parental figure... and then the very next episode sees Clara track him down at Doom Manor and forgive him for his long absence from her life, as Niles sent her proof that said absence had been out of his control. Plus, he never actually has to parent Dorothy, because three episodes later, she gets a Plot-Relevant Age-Up and leaves Doom Manor.
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 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_e11de2a2
 Doom Patrol (2019)
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 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_e1886e7a
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_e1886e7a
DragonFable: Near the end of Arcknight, Ash is faced with a Friend-or-Idol Decision — does he help his friend, or focus on escorting the nearby princesses back to King Alteon in order to fulfill his dream of being knighted? He chooses to help his friend, only to learn that the other girl he'd been trying to assist before her apparent demise was a princess from the Realm of Light, who grants him his knightship.
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_e1886e7a
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_e1886e7a
 DragonFable (Video Game)
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_e1886e7a
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_e2d67fdc
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_e2d67fdc
Beauty and the Beast is perhaps the most well-known example of this ending. Its message is supposed to be that True Beauty Is on the Inside with the Beauty learning how to look past the Beast's monstrous exterior to see and appreciate his true heart, but that conclusion turns out to be precisely what's needed for the Beast to revert to...a handsome prince! Now she can love the inside and the outside! Some versions, like the Disney film, mitigate this by implying that the restoration of the Beast's human form was more his reward than hers as he needed to change himself from "ugly inside" to "beautiful inside" before the Beauty could begin to love himnote not to mention that the movie never describes the prince as attractive and Belle was initially planned to be dissatisfied with his human appearance, but other versions don't and even describe the prince as the most handsome man Beauty has ever seen or even the most handsome one in the world which raises Unfortunate Implications of how he couldn't just become human but had to become a beautiful-beyond-belief human to be a proper husband/reward for Beauty.
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_e2d67fdc
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_e2d67fdc
 Beauty and the Beast
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_e2d67fdc
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_e381e71f
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_e381e71f
Digimon Tamers: Impmon is a series-long example of this: ever since he left his human partners due to their constant quarreling, he put up an air of arrogance while craving attention and respect, which the Tamers and Devas made him equate with power. He made a Deal with the Devil to kill the Tamers in exchange for incredible power, but he ultimately lost to the Tamers. With nothing and nowhere to go, he wound up returning to his partners. They were overjoyed to have him back, showering him with attention and love and promising never to fight again so that he would stay. Their reaffirmed bond gave him even more power than he had had before.
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_e381e71f
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_e381e71f
 Digimon Tamers
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_e381e71f
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_ec1ff3ae
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_ec1ff3ae
Bravely Second: Seen with several of the Eternian officer sidequests; while they all have you picking sides, certain outcomes can combine the best of both worlds:
Gho Gettar is torn between refining his summoning research or committing to a back-breaking job. Mephilia wants to him to quit the job and study with her, while Kamiizumi encourages him to stick it out. Choosing the latter enables Gho to use what he's learned to improve the energy efficiency of the machinery he works with, which earns him a spot in Research and Development — a less physically taxing job.
Ominas Crowe wants to give his group's food to Bahamut so that the dragon can master Femto Flare, whereas Artemia wants everyone to have an equal share of the rations. Siding with Ominas has him later reveal that he held back one of his fire spells, using it to burn away the debris when things are getting desperate, relieving the burden upon the rescue team.
Sholmes is torn between careers — he can't decide whether he should become a police inspector or a private investigator. In this case, it's inverted; Sholmes has to pick a path and stick with it... and no matter what he does, his friend Whitson goes rogue either way.
Praline wants Rocca Pellar to give her permission to do a cover of his grandfather Arca's last song, as she wants to remix it into a pop sensation. Barbarossa would rather keep the song just the way it is. Turns out that Barbarossa is only opposed because he'd never heard Praline sing before, and is willing to cooperate so long as she lets him help her with the choreography.
Grandship has laws that aid the poor, the children, and other destitute souls that migrate there; however, these benefits drain the coffers massively, causing taxes to skyrocket. Alternis wants to retain these laws at all costs, while Khamer wants to abolish the taxes sustaining those laws before the nation goes bankrupt. Siding with Khamer causes the poor laws to dissolve, but the businesses use their profits to pick up the slack, providing materials and apprenticeships to further the children's education.
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_ec1ff3ae
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_ec1ff3ae
 Bravely Second (Video Game)
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_ec1ff3ae
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_ec2531c4
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_ec2531c4
Coco: Miguel spends most of the movie desperate to pursue music against his family's wishes, even if it means sneaking behind their backs or running away from them. It isn't until Miguel is willing to give up music to stay with his family that they give him their blessings to become a musician.
Simultaneously, Miguel's deceased family have spent the whole movie trying to get him to return to the land of the living, but on the condition that he swear off music in exchange for their blessing due to Imelda's belief that music careers tear families apart. It's only when Imelda offers her blessing with no conditions that she finally gets what she really wanted all along—a family that's strong, unified, and healing rather than torn apart by musical ambition.
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_ec2531c4
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_ec2531c4
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_ec2531c4
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_ec25a849
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_ec25a849
A heartwarming example happens in Doug. He enters a contest that lured him in with a sweet grand prize, but every round requires an increasingly large amount of money to continue, to the point where he almost spends his college savings bond on it. While this is going on, he's also involved in an unrelated art contest where he's making a sculpture of his dog Porkchop, but he's primarily focused on the first contest even though it's obviously a scam. Eventually, he gives up and is bummed out about it, but then he receives a letter in the mail saying his sculpture came in third place in the art contest, which confuses him since he had forgotten all about it. His sister Judy reveals that she submitted the sculpture for him and reminds him not to lose sight of his talents.
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_ec25a849
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_ec25a849
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_ec25a849
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_ec28245c
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_ec28245c
At the end of Dragon Ball Z, Vegeta caps off his Character Development by admitting that Goku is more powerful than him. During Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods, which takes place after that admittance, he briefly surpasses Goku by beating the crap out of Beerus after Beerus smacks Bulma.
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_ec28245c
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_ec28245c
 Dragon Ball Z
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_ec28245c
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_eca201fb
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_eca201fb
National Treasure: Ben Gates decides that the treasure is too big for one man and donates to world museums (never mind that it was the only way to escape a double fistful of federal felonies). But it's OK. The Government allowed the heroes to keep enough money to make them fabulously wealthy anyway.
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_eca201fb
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_eca201fb
 National Treasure
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_eca201fb
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_f037be0c
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_f037be0c
In The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, Edmund is driven to betray his siblings by the White Witch's promise to make him heir to the throne of Narnia. After his Heel–Face Turn and the Witch's defeat, Edmund does become a king of Narnia after all, albeit not the sole king but a co-ruler with his siblings.
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_f037be0c
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_f037be0c
 The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_f037be0c
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_f0a86c12
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_f0a86c12
How I Met Your Mother: One episode has Ted and Marshall state that they have a few female (and one male) friends say that they were done with romance and try to focus on their careers, only to find that once they stopped trying they ended up immediately falling in love with great guys and ended up being Happily Married to them. This is in response to Robin having said the exact same thing right before she met Don, who she got into a serious relationship with. However, the man she eventually marries is someone she has already met.
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_f0a86c12
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_f0a86c12
 How I Met Your Mother
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_f0a86c12
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_f12f9b66
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_f12f9b66
Wander over Yonder: The episode "The Time Bomb" has Wander and Sylvia compete in a race and the former has to help the latter control her Unstoppable Rage. She ends up placing second, but she does not care about winning anymore because she managed to control herself and it's the thought that counts. But then the winners were disqualified for cheating, giving her the victory by default.
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_f12f9b66
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_f12f9b66
 Wander over Yonder
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_f12f9b66
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_f2e99eba
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_f2e99eba
How to Marry a Millionaire: Although the main character Schatze's choice isn't between a rich jerk and a humble sweetheart (they're both very sweet fellows) but between a millionaire decades older than Schatze, for whom she can only bring herself to feel platonic affection, and an (secretly far richer) everyman who is the same age as her and has completely swept her off her feet. She, too, chooses the latter. It's subverted with the love interests of the other two ladies, who they end up loving despite being completely penniless.
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_f2e99eba
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_f2e99eba
 How to Marry a Millionaire
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_f2e99eba
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_f3b0b2a3
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_f3b0b2a3
The Muppets (2011): The Muppets' attempt to save their theater and their name from the evil oil tycoon, Tex Richman, fails horribly as it turns out they didn't even come close to raising enough money. Kermit instead declares that it doesn't matter that they failed since they did their best and they'll move forward as a family regardless. They exit the theater to people applauding them for their efforts. Cue the end credits, when Gonzo accidentally beans Tex Richman in the head with a bowling ball. Thanks to the head injury finally giving him the ability to laugh, Richman gives them the theater and the name anyway.
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_f3b0b2a3
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_f3b0b2a3
 The Muppets (2011)
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_f3b0b2a3
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_f3e1f424
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_f3e1f424
In an episode of Merlin the newly-crowned King Arthur finds an antagonistic king trespassing on his lands who refuses to sign a peace treaty with him. Arthur duly executes him at the urging of his Evil Uncle. The dead king's widow takes exception to this and marches on Camelot with her extensive army. Arthur talks her into pitting her champion against him, wins the fight and declares peace with the Queen, who is impressed by his conduct. So Arthur gets rid of a potentially dangerous king who was out to seize his kingdom and declares peace with the dead guy's widow.
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_f3e1f424
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_f3e1f424
 Merlin (2008)
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_f3e1f424
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_f3ef0f86
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_f3ef0f86
This happens in the Artemis Fowl fanfic series Artemis Fowl: The Aztec Incident and its sequel Artemis Fowl: The Sword of God. In The Aztec Incident, Artemis loses his genius, becoming merely very intelligent. A big plot point of The Sword Of God is Artemis's struggles to accept the loss of his genius. After accidentally altering history so that he never met the People, meaning that he never lost his genius but did lose everyone he loves and ended up leading a miserable and empty life as a result, Artemis learns that he doesn't need to be a genius as long as he has his friends and family; he doesn't stop missing his genius but learns to accept that it's gone and isn't coming back. Then after history is restored to normal, Artemis's friends and family find a way to restore his genius anyway, letting him have it all.
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_f3ef0f86
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_f3ef0f86
 Artemis Fowl
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_f3ef0f86
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_f510a5c1
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_f510a5c1
Around the World in Eighty Days: It appears that Phileas Fogg has lost his bet to do what the title says and his fortune with it but is compensated by his having learned to appreciate life rather than continue the sterile, emotionless existence he was leading before. Then it turns out he'd forgotten about gaining an extra day by crossing the International Date Line and still has time to win the bet.
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_f510a5c1
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_f510a5c1
 Around the World in Eighty Days
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_f510a5c1
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_f6a54e75
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_f6a54e75
Riku of the Kingdom Hearts franchise gets this in his character arc. In the prequel, Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep, he is chosen by Terra to wield a Keyblade. However, come Kingdom Hearts, Riku loses it upon becoming one with the darkness, and so the Keyblade chooses Sora instead. The rest of the game has Riku aligning with Maleficent, being tricked into thinking Sora replaced him and Kairi for Donald and Goofy, and berating Sora for his failure to protect Kairi. Riku briefly gets the Keyblade at Hollow Bastion, but upon being defeated and Sora getting the Keyblade back, Riku becomes desperate for power to the point of allowing Ansem to take over his body. When Kairi regains her heart and Sora loses his, Riku makes a Heel–Face Turn and finally breaks free in time to close the door to Kingdom Hearts. From there, he spends Castle Oblivion fighting off the darkness in his heart and stops trying to have the Keyblade. Finally, come Kingdom Hearts 3D [Dream Drop Distance], not only is he acknowledged as a Keyblade Wielder but after finally rescuing Sora, is chosen over him to become a Keyblade Master, the highest rank.
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_f6a54e75
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_f6a54e75
 Kingdom Hearts (Franchise)
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_f6a54e75
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_f9cb2c07
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_f9cb2c07
The Second Try: In this Peggy Sue fic, Asuka and Shinji are initially on the verge of just letting the world die because coming back in time meant losing their daughter. They manage to overcome their sorrow and work hard to avert Third Impact even knowing they'll never be able to see Aki again... and then in the second-to-last last chapter, we get an episode where Rei finds an inexplicably familiar young child wandering lost in Tokyo-3.
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_f9cb2c07
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_f9cb2c07
 The Second Try / Fan Fic
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_f9cb2c07
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_fd3f592
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_fd3f592
American Pie: The film centers around a group of friends who make a pact to lose their virginities by their prom night. Once their prom night rolls around, they decide that it was a dumb thing to do since sex shouldn't be a goal in itself, but something you do with a person who's important to you and when you both want it. Then after learning this good lesson, they lose their virginities.
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_fd3f592
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_fd3f592
 American Pie
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_fd3f592
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_ff66c30e
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_ff66c30e
The Muppets:
The Muppets' Wizard of Oz: Dorothy asks the wizard to make her a famous singer, not to help her get home. She then decides that she really does want to go home, and Glinda sends her back to Kansas, where she says she's happy working at her uncle and aunt's diner. Then the Muppets show up and say they've heard her demo tape and want her to appear on the show. At first, she refuses, but Aunt Em encourages her to go and pursue her dream.
The Muppets (2011): The Muppets' attempt to save their theater and their name from the evil oil tycoon, Tex Richman, fails horribly as it turns out they didn't even come close to raising enough money. Kermit instead declares that it doesn't matter that they failed since they did their best and they'll move forward as a family regardless. They exit the theater to people applauding them for their efforts. Cue the end credits, when Gonzo accidentally beans Tex Richman in the head with a bowling ball. Thanks to the head injury finally giving him the ability to laugh, Richman gives them the theater and the name anyway.
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_ff66c30e
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_ff66c30e
 The Muppets (Franchise)
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_ff66c30e
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_ff9ab17f
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_ff9ab17f
Star Trek: The Next Generation In the episode "Tapestry", Picard suffers a complication with his artificial heart (the complication involving a phaser shot to the chest after a peace talk went horribly awry and dies, only to find himself in an "afterlife" with Q. Picard regrets picking a fight in his youth that led to the need for an artificial heart in the first place, so Q allows him to go back to that moment in time and change things so he doesn't die. Unfortunately, as he learns in a new timeline, not having gone through that brush with death caused him to never take risks and ultimately never truly succeed in life. So Picard asks Q to change things back to the way they were before, accepting the eventually fatal consequences of the fight along with the valuable lessons that helped him lead an accomplished life. And then he wakes up in the present, once again captain, and his heart is working again. So much for the negative consequences of rash actions.
Picard himself theorizes he was never in any danger and the whole thing was a hallucination created by Q to teach Picard a lesson. Another possibility is that Q, satisfied with the lesson Picard learned and perhaps respecting him as a friend, fixed Picard's heart. Or it was all Dying Dream Picard was suffering before Dr. Crusher could revive him and it never really happened. One of the novels written about the series has Q cryptically telling Picard that it was both a Dying Dream and something that actually happened. Q does a number of things to benefit humanity that seem like dick moves, so any of the three is possible.
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_ff9ab17f
 Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_ff9ab17f
 Star Trek: The Next Generation
Sweet and Sour Grapes / int_ff9ab17f

The following is a list of statements referring to the current page from other pages.

 Sweet and Sour Grapes
Fairy Tale Tropes
 Sweet and Sour Grapes
Stock Aesops
 My Sweet Monster (Animation) / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sheep & Wolves (Animation) / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 The Last: Naruto the Movie / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Limyaael's Fantasy Rants (Blog) / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sisters (Raina Telgemeier) (Comic Book) / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Spider-Boy (Comic Book) / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 FoxTrot (Comic Strip) / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 The Princess and the Frog / Disney / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 The Second Try / Fan Fic / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 A Loud Among Demons (Fanfic) / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 A Tale of Two Tricksters (Fanfic) / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Hours 'Verse (Fanfic) / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Juxtapose (Fanfic) / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Outsiders (The Owl House) (Fanfic) / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Shed Some of This Black Light to Surrounding Towns (Fanfic) / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 The Great Alicorn Hunt (Fanfic) / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 We're Not Friends Kacchan (Fanfic) / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 A Fairly Odd Movie: Grow Up, Timmy Turner! / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Back to the Future / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Bedazzled (2000) / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Belle (2013) / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Bruce Almighty / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Casper / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Crazy Rich Asians / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Deadpool 2 / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Gosford Park / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 High School Musical 3: Senior Year / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000) / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Jingle All the Way / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Just Friends / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Mean Girls / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Midnight Run / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Naruto 7 The Last
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 No One Is Perfect / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Orange County / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Penelope (2006) / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Slumberland / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 The Count of Monte Cristo (2002) / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 The Intern / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 The Mighty Ducks / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 The Mirror Has Two Faces / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 The Muppets' Wizard of Oz / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 The Perfect Man / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 The Shawshank Redemption / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Thor / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Uncle Buck / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Were the World Mine / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 What a Girl Wants / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Whip It / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 A Game of Thrones / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 All-American Girl (Meg Cabot) / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Around the World in Eighty Days / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Beauty and the Beast / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Henry Huggins / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Knuffle Bunny / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Left Behind / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Little Women / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Nicholas Nickleby / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Riptide / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 The Homestar Runner Enters the Strongest Man in the World Contest / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 The Ugly Duckling / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
Sweet and Sour Grapes
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Ayakashi Triangle (Manga) / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Deadman Wonderland (Manga) / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Mission: Yozakura Family (Manga) / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Muhyo and Roji (Manga) / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 SPY×FAMILY (Manga) / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Starbomb (Music) / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Bewitched / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Christmas Eve on Sesame Street / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Family Matters / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Hannah Montana / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Mad Men / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Ressha Sentai ToQger / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Scream Queens (2015) / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 The Golden Girls / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 The King: Eternal Monarch / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 The Nanny / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 The Puzzle Place / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Charley's Aunt (Theatre) / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 King Lear (Theatre) / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Bravely Second (Video Game) / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Bugsnax (Video Game) / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Choice of the Dragon (Video Game) / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Disgaea 3: Absence of Justice (Video Game) / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Dokuro (Video Game) / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 DragonFable (Video Game) / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Final Fantasy Tactics Advance (Video Game) / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Lily's Garden (Video Game) / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Paper Mario 64 (Video Game) / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 The Cave (Video Game) / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Choice of Games / Videogame / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 America's Most Eligible (Visual Novel) / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Havenfall Is for Lovers (Visual Novel) / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Love Esquire (Visual Novel) / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Shining Song Starnova (Visual Novel) / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Dr. Havoc's Diary (Web Animation) / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Ensign Sue Must Die (Webcomic) / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Jungle Juice (Webcomic) / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Jupiter-Men (Webcomic) / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Adventure Time: Distant Lands / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Arlo the Alligator Boy / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Cars / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Cars / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Chickenhare and the Hamster of Darkness / int_45d22aad
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 Coco / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Elemental (2023) / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Harley Quinn (2019) / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Hotel Transylvania 2 / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 How to Train Your Dragon (2010) / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Kronk's New Groove / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Luca / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Moana / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 My Little Pony: Best Gift Ever / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 PJ Masks / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Sing 2 / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Soul / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Strawberry Shortcake / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Surf's Up / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 The Addams Family (1992) / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 The Princess and the Frog / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 The Scarecrow / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 The Scarecrow (2000) / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 The Sponge Bob Square Pants Movie / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Turning Red / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Wander over Yonder / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Girls und Panzer / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 Swamp Thing (Comic Book) / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes
 The Book of Life / int_45d22aad
Sweet and Sour Grapes