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War Of The Magical Girls (Roleplay)

 War Of The Magical Girls (Roleplay)
 War Of The Magical Girls (Roleplay)
War Of The Magical Girls (Roleplay)
 War Of The Magical Girls (Roleplay)
 War Of The Magical Girls (Roleplay)
It is the year 2019. Four years ago mysterious creatures that have come to be known as Wisps began appearing. Small, no bigger than a fist, their bodies were glowing and simply shaped whose only other feature were their beady little eyes. Floated freely in the air, they had the ability to appear and disappear at will, making capturing and studying them impossible. Seeing as they did not actively endanger anyone, people were content to let them be.Advertisement:propertag.cmd.push(function() { proper_display('tvtropes_content_3'); })That was until they started crashing themselves into the heads of teen girls. Other then a small bruise and mild dizziness right after contact, the girls were unhurt, but then they started having dreams of warlords and military leaders, leading forces into battle on land, sea, or air. For reasons that were as unapparent as anything involving the Wisps, the creatures had imprinted the memories/spirit/essence/whatever-people-wanted-to-call-it onto these girls. The girls found that they could ‘transform’. A magical change in outfit (and possibly hair and eyes color) was the visible difference, but then there were the magical powers: Many could conjure up some sort of weapon, others could fly or even walk on water, and still more were the abilities unique to each girl.These Magical Girls, to use the best available term, had enough power on their own to take on numbers much greater than themselves and firepower that would leave a giant hole were a normal person would stand. That did not stop a number of them from disappearing – kidnapped, a few insisted.Advertisement:propertag.cmd.push(function() { proper_display('tvtropes_content_2'); })For their own protection, and to better observe them, a special school was built off the coast of the United States. There the girls would receive a normal education as well as training to hone their abilities. For the past few years all has been well. There have been no more disappearances, and the girls have been progressing smoothly. All that is about to change however, with the sudden appearance of new mysterious and magical creatures, and unlike the Wisps, they have made their intentions known to be hostile to all humanity by attacking cities in large force. Soon the power of the magical girls and the wisdom of past warlords will be put to the test as they face off against the greatest threat of all time!The roleplay is hosted on the TV Tropes forum here.Advertisement:propertag.cmd.push(function() { proper_display('tvtropes_content_1'); })This Roleplay Provides Examples Of:
 War Of The Magical Girls (Roleplay)
 War Of The Magical Girls (Roleplay)
 War Of The Magical Girls (Roleplay)
 War Of The Magical Girls (Roleplay) / int_name
 War Of The Magical Girls (Roleplay) / int_name
 War Of The Magical Girls (Roleplay) / int_name
 War Of The Magical Girls (Roleplay) / int_name
 War Of The Magical Girls (Roleplay)
War Of The Magical Girls (Roleplay) / int_name
 War Of The Magical Girls (Roleplay) / int_name
War Of The Magical Girls (Roleplay)

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 War Of The Magical Girls (Roleplay)
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