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The True History of the Conquest of Mexico

 The True History of the Conquest of Mexico
 The True History of the Conquest of Mexico
The True History of the Conquest of Mexico
 The True History of the Conquest of Mexico
 The True History of the Conquest of Mexico
Advertisement:propertag.cmd.push(function() { proper_display('tvtropes_mobile_ad_1'); })The True History of the Conquest of Mexico (in original Spanish, Historia verdadera de la conquista de la Nueva España) is a chronicle written in 1568 by Spanish conquistador Bernal Díaz del Castillo, who served under Hernán Cortés during the Spanish Conquest of the Aztec Empire and part of the Spanish Conquest of the Maya. It covers, in surprising detail, the story of the Spanish expeditions to the continent, from the first attempts to explore the lands from the home base of Cuba to the fall of the Mexica Empire to the hands of the ambitious Spaniards and their angry native allies.This chronicle was written as both the memoirs of an Old Soldier and a response to the chronicles by Bartolomé de las Casas and Francisco López de Gómara, who Díaz found to be equally unreliable: the former case because De las Casas was attempting exaggerating to the moon the real cases of abuse he found, presumably for the purpose of shock and conscientized the reader, and the latter because López treated his chronicle as hagiography, ignored many things, and made up what he ignored. It can also give the impression that Díaz, like Cortés himself and several other conquistadors, felt he never quite got the respect he hoped from his peers - a true Spanish phenomenon, they say.Advertisement:propertag.cmd.push(function() { proper_display('tvtropes_mobile_ad_2'); })The work's literary and historical value has earned Díaz the nickname of being "among chroniclers what Daniel Defoe is among novelists" in modern academia. It was translated to English thrice, both abridged and unabridged.This work contains examples of:
 The True History of the Conquest of Mexico
 The True History of the Conquest of Mexico
 The True History of the Conquest of Mexico
 The True History of the Conquest of Mexico / int_name
 The True History of the Conquest of Mexico / int_name
 The True History of the Conquest of Mexico / int_name
 The True History of the Conquest of Mexico / int_name
 The True History of the Conquest of Mexico
The True History of the Conquest of Mexico / int_name
 The True History of the Conquest of Mexico / int_name
The True History of the Conquest of Mexico

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 The True History of the Conquest of Mexico
Translation with an Agenda / int_ecf3e544