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Renaissance Music

 Renaissance Music
 Renaissance Music
Renaissance Music
 Renaissance Music
 Renaissance Music
Renaissance Music is obviously music written in The Renaissance. The time-frame for this music, or the definition of it, varies, but the definition usually covers music written between the late 1300s and the early 1600s, with shady borderlines in each direction.
Getting started: The burgundian style
Ars Nova followed by Ars Subtilior, was the high fashion of the fourteenth century. France was the cultural centre for this music, and the style had already skipped a number of musical borders. But then, the hundred-years war came along, reducing France to a cultural wasteland for some time. The new cultural impulses were heavily influenced by the English - and, the dukes of Burgundy, whose power and prowess grew immensely from 1340 and onwards. Burgundy became the hub of European trade, between Italy in the south and Flanders in the north, and prospered at the cost of France. The court of the Burgundian kings became a hotspot for new music, and this alternative style developed with an earlier English style as a premise. Thus, Englishmen like John Dunstaple and Leonel Power provided new harmonics to a style developed by the Flemish musicians, who were invited to the courts of Italy, where newly minted Italian princes wished to hire them. Thus, the Flemish style entered Italy, soon to change the sound of Music there for centuries.
Advertisement:propertag.cmd.push(function() { proper_display('tvtropes_content_3'); })The style in question was polyphonic, and preferred a type of harmony called the "fauxbourdon", usually a "turned chord" set with the third at the bottom. Melodies happened to be sung by the middle voice. From the offset, this style was used by the religious composers, but soon the more secular songs were written after the same fashion.
Composers of the Burgundian School
 Renaissance Music
 Renaissance Music
 Renaissance Music

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Renaissance Music