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Soul Tide (Video Game)

 Soul Tide (Video Game)
 Soul Tide (Video Game)
Soul Tide (Video Game)
 Soul Tide (Video Game)
 Soul Tide (Video Game)
Soul Tide is a Dungeon Crawling gacha mobile game with Dating Sim and roguelite elements, developed by Chinese game developer IQI Games and published by LemcnSun* read as "Lemon Sun" Entertainment. Initially released in China on August 24, 2021, it was released in Japanese on March 22, 2022, with the global version following a week later on March 29.Ever since the dawn of time, the world was threatened by a group of witches called the Scarlet Moon for unknown reasons. Humanity almost died out as a result of the multitudes of disasters these witches brought with their magic. But then, humanity was saved when they discovered faith, as the goddess Shera, the Lady of the Moon, descended and bestowed hope upon humanity, establishing the Templar Order of Luna and commencing humanity's counter-attack. The witches that got captured were burned at the stake, and peace was finally attained after years of despair, but the witches fought back from the shadows, conjuring a great earthquake that destroyed the continent. In response, Shera blessed humans with witch-like powers called sorcery to repair the destruction.Years later, massive trees arose from the ground that were gateways to a mysterious and dangerous realm called "Graveland", siphoning the world's essence and driving anyone unlucky enough to end up within it into madness, while housing the few remaining witches that survived the witch-hunt, hoping to get their revenge when the time comes. As such, the Order begins gathering talented humans — Evokers — those specially trained and cultivated to control "Dolls", manifestations of the lost souls of the dead from other worlds that resonate with an Evoker's soul, and can survive in the Graveland for prolonged periods of time without going mad.You are one of these Evokers, stationed in the city of Litoris on the Crescent Kingdom, and you, along with a few others, are tasked with investigating the Graveland and finding a way to destroy this phenomenon.Soul Tide is a dungeon crawler in which you control five Dolls from your roster and delve into the perilous Graveland, slaying monsters and solving puzzles to get through each level. Beside this is its roguelite mode Abyss Rift, which pits you and your party of Dolls against a linear but unpredictable dungeon, slaying monsters and gathering buffs called Gifts, trying to reach the end of the dungeon without healing spots. In addition, it also contains a home simulation mode, a bonding system with your Dolls, and many, many more...Visit their official website here. Soul Tide provides examples of the following:
 Soul Tide (Video Game)
 Soul Tide (Video Game)
 Soul Tide (Video Game)
 Soul Tide (Video Game) / int_name
 Soul Tide (Video Game) / int_name
 Soul Tide (Video Game) / int_name
 Soul Tide (Video Game) / int_name
 Soul Tide (Video Game)
Soul Tide (Video Game) / int_name
 Soul Tide (Video Game) / int_name
Soul Tide (Video Game)

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 Soul Tide (Video Game)
Gacha Games / int_a672b75c
 Soul Tide (Video Game)
Hot as Hell / int_a672b75c
 Soul Tide (Video Game)
Improbably Female Cast / int_a672b75c
 Soul Tide (Video Game)
Staff of Authority / int_a672b75c