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Seven Deadly Sins

 Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins
The Seven Deadly Sins is a classic interpretation of seven basic concepts that will lead your soul to ruin. Originally they were termed the seven deadly vices (which are the opposite of "virtues"; Ah-ha, Theme Naming!).
In alphabetical order, here are the big seven, along with a few examples of tropes embodying each (keep in mind that there are plenty of tropes that reference them, but including them all would make this entry nigh-unreadable):
Envy (Latin: Invidia): Desire to have Others' Successes, as well as hatred for said others' successes and the desire to ruin them. Hey, sometimes others get the cool stuff first. Doesn't stop you from wanting it. Or wanting to destroy the thing so no one else can have it. Envy is often considered the second-gravest of the sins, after Pride, due to encouraging an active and deliberate hatred of others. Those that act on this tend to be thieves of any stripe (also driven by Greed). Other villains who qualify include The Resenter, the Clingy Jealous Girl or Crazy Jealous Guy, the Fairest of Them All, the Beta Test Baddie (also driven by Pride), the Green-Eyed Monster, the Yandere (also driven by Lust and occasionally Greed) and anyone who murders the hypotenuse or suffers from Tall Poppy Syndrome. Whereas Envy is a desire for what someone else possesses, jealousy is the fear of losing what you possess. As such, they are easily and often confused for each other. Given the context, either can accurately refer to almost anything — a bauble, money, significant other, or baseball card collection. Taking pleasure at the pain or misfortune of another person is called schadenfreude and can be a demonstration of Envy. Envy is usually associated with snakes, dogs or goats and the color green. The punishment in Hell for committing this sin is to be put in ice-cold water. The patron demon of Envy is either Leviathan or Belial. Opposite of Kindness.
Gluttony (Latin: Gula): Desire for Excess. In pop culture, this sin is almost always associated with overeating, which is a start, but theologically it applies to overconsumption of anything. Taking more than your share is a key part, as is wasting the excess. Medieval theologians included overeager eating, excessive pickiness, and the Conspicuous Consumption of overly expensive or elaborate dishes under Gluttony. It has also been equated with any kind of addiction in modern times. This is one of the sins more likely to appear in heroic characters — after all, Big Eaters are funny, and their obvious extension Extreme Omnivore is even funnier. Also, this might explain why so many tropes have food in their names while having nothing to do with food. The most villainous practitioners of this sin are typically cannibals and those who engage in Wicked Wastefulness, and commonly also have Jabba Table Manners. Gluttony is usually associated with pigs, flies, toads and the color orange. The punishment in Hell for committing this sin is to eat rats, snakes and toads. The patron demon of Gluttony is Beelzebub, or possibly Behemoth. Opposite of Temperance.
Greed (Latin: Avaritia): Desire for Things. This sin includes the typical hoarding of money, but also spending it pointlessly as well. An often misquoted passage in The Bible says that "the love of money is the root of many kinds of evil." In 3rd century AD, Christians used the acronym ROMA as a veiled insult against the Empire. What was ROMA? Radix Omnium Malorum Avaritia, or: the Root of All Evil is Greed. This one is popular amongst Rich Bitches, Corrupt Corporate Executives, Con Artists (also driven by Sloth), the Diabolical Mastermind and anyone who would say Screw the Rules, I Have Money!. Greed is also very commonly associated with ambition. Usually has a character with dollar signs in their eyes. When treated as a vital part of the economy rather than a sin, it's called "the profit motive". Greed is usually associated with foxes, corvids or frogs and the color gold. The punishment in Hell for this is to be boiled alive in oil. The patron demon of Greed is Mammon. Alternatively called avarice. Opposite of Charity.
Lust (Latin: Luxuria): Desire for Pleasure. It's the desire to know someone biblically, but traditionally included all other sins of physical desire or luxury (such as drug addiction), not just sex. How evil this is depends often on the author's view of sex. Authors with a more positive view of the matter will show this trope via Lovable Sex Maniacs and occasional bouts of Deus Sex Machina, and maybe a Parental Bonus if the work is theoretically for kids. Authors more negative on the concept will say No Sex Allowed, Sexy is Evil and more, or Sex Signals Death. The worst practitioners of this sin are usually sexual predators of some kind, like the Stalker with a Crush, the practitioner of Villainous Incest, the Combat Sadomasochist, the child molester, the Love Hungry (also driven by Gluttony), the vilest of Serial Killers, or the villain who says "I Have You Now, My Pretty." Hedonists (also driven by Gluttony), villainous or otherwise, are always motivated by Lust. Lust is usually associated with cows, bulls, rabbits, cocks... er, roosters or goats, and the color blue or pink. The patron demon of Lust is Asmodeus. The punishment in Hell for committing this sin is to be smothered in fire and brimstone. Lust is often the odd one out in Anthropomorphic Personifications of the seven. The other six are typically personified as practicing the sin (as say, a Narcoleptic for Sloth, a Big Eater for Gluttony, a Kleptomaniac for Greed, a Green-Eyed Monster for Envy, a Self-Proclaimed Badass for Pride and a short-tempered Berserker for Wrath), whereas Lust is usually personified in a form that inspires Lust in others (Mr or Ms. Fanservice) rather than one that embodies Lust (like a Memetic Molester). Probably because it's more entertaining that way. Then again, someone well-equipped to inspire Lust is by that very fact also well equipped to commit it themselves. Opposite of Chastity.note  Whose original definition did not mean "abstinence" but was closer to "monogamy".
Pride (Latin: Superbia): Desire for Attention. Often said to be the big one, as "pride cometh before a fall". However the kicker is not merely to consider oneself great, but specifically to regarded oneself as the most important person around and all others as inferior to you. Traditionally the most vile of the Seven Deadly Sins, it was the one that corrupted the Archangel Lucifer as it involves placing yourself above God (or whatever deity you're invoking) and all others, believing your aims and goals to be more important than all others, and refusing to acknowledge your faults and flaws. In fact, pretty much every villain, in part, is motivated by pride — the idea is, they'd make things work better than what's going on now. So, they feel it's only right they should Take Over the World. As such, the Anthropomorphic Personification or metaphorical embodiment of pride is usually the Big Bad of the group. The ones more blatant about it are the Evil Overlord, the Straw Nihilist (also motivated by Sloth), and the Small-Town Tyrant (also motivated by Wrath due to its overlap with the Politically Incorrect Villain). Villains who more generally convey this sin are the Smug Snake, the Narcissist or The Fighting Narcissist, the Alpha Bitch, the Know-Nothing Know-It-All, the Card-Carrying Villain, the Vain Sorceress, the Attention Whore, the Glory Seeker and Glory Hound, corrupt royalty of all kinds, those with a small name and big ego and an Inferiority Superiority Complex (occasionally driven by Envy), and anyone who says "It's All About Me" or worse, asks "A God Am I". By definition, it is the one Sin that prevents the sinner from repentance, as they are too proud to admit that they were wrong. Termed "self-respect" when treated as a virtue. Pride is usually associated with lions, horses or peacocks and the color purple. The punishment in Hell for committing this sin is to be put on a breaking wheel, which basically amounts to having your limbs crushed. The patron demon for Pride is, understandably, Lucifer. Opposite of Humility.
Sloth (Latin: Acedia): Desire for Rest. Sloth covers the lack of desire to actually do some work, apathy towards responsibilities and moral apathy, meaning indifference towards doing the right thing and the suffering of others. While the laziness is a rarer trait for villains apart from Chessmasters and corrupt authority figures, the lack of empathy and dismissal of virtue is all too common. If heroes possess too much of it the Big Bad will also find it much easier to succeed: As they say, evil prevails when good men fail to act. Sometimes this results in a Refusal of the Call, and more than one creator who got their facts wrong has been accused of this. While obviously not main characters, Apathetic Citizens are clearly slothful. The Brilliant, but Lazy types are always guilty of this sin. The Dumb Blonde and the Brainless Beauty may not be so much lacking in intelligence as be too slothful to cultivate it. The characters most frequently guilty of this sin, however, are either Heavy Sleepers or Sleepyheads. More villainous examples of Sloth are usually manipulators of some kind, who find it easier to manipulate others into doing their bidding rather than do any work themselves. These include the Non-Action Big Bad, Orcus on His Throne, the Corrupt Bureaucrat, Con Artists (also driven by Greed), The Chessmaster, The Corrupter, the Magnificent and Manipulative Bastard, the Smug Snake (also driven by Pride) and anyone who commits the Slouch of Villainy or has a Lack of Empathy. They may even be relatively hard-working for the sake of their schemes, but chose villainy because Evil Is Easy. It's startlingly common to see villains who commit this sin to be depicted as sympathetic—if not outright tragic—figures, usually in the form of either being a Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds (for Sloth as despair) or just oblivious (as in "idle hands are the Devil's playthings"). It is also worth noting that Sloth also covers moral/spiritual laziness; idealism is too much work, as is caring about others. Frequently results from the Despair Event Horizon.note Orthodox Christianity actually lists Despair as a separate Sin. (See the paragraph below for more info.) Early papal creeds against the sin mostly classified it as knowing the right thing and failing to do it. Sloth is often ranked high in the deadly sins because of this sinister and far more actively destructive side of its nature — it destroys time itself. Sloth is usually associated with goats, sloths, bears or donkeys and the color light blue. The punishment in Hell for committing this sin is to be thrown into a pit of snakes. The patron demon of Sloth is a little-known figure named Belphegor. Opposite of Diligence.
Wrath (Latin: Ira): Desire for Harm. This is rage taken up a few dozen notches, combined with blood-thirstiness and a general appreciation of too much violence. It is also defined as disproportionate anger, where one desires to inflict harsher punishments than are justified or just wants to commit violence for its own sake. It can be easily seen in a Blood Knight, Ax-Crazy, Psycho for Hire and Sadist (both of which are also driven by Lust), during an Unstoppable Rage, and in general in anyone who is prone to anger. It's also a common problem of those who seek revenge, engage in Cold-Blooded Torture, or even contemplate a Final Solution. It can also take the form of Tranquil Fury, if the expression of rage is coupled with an eerie calmness of expression and voice; if revenge is a dish best served cold, then why not Wrath as well? Hatred and racism (fantastic or otherwise) can also fall under this. The worst practitioners of Wrath are the Omnicidal Maniac (also motivated by gluttony due to its scale), the Absolute Xenophobe and Misanthrope Supreme, and anyone who wants to kill them all. Ironically, despite being the third worst sin, wrath is the most likely of the deadly sins to be committed by heroic characters or connected to good intentions, especially in the form of the aforementioned Tranquil Fury. Typically when an understandable anger goes way too far. Wrath is usually associated with bulls, bears, crocodilesnote Although mediaeval German engraver Albrecht Dürer depicted Anger with a companion crocodile, there is doubt about this as some people think he was gunning for a small dragon, or wolves and the color red. The punishment in Hell for committing this sin is to be dismembered alive. The patron demon of Wrath is either Satan, Amon, or Moloch. Opposite of Patience.
Orthodox Christianity, interestingly, adds an eighth sin: Despair. In theology this sin refers mostly to thinking you're too wretched to go to heaven, so sort of the opposite extreme of Pride. You often hear people talking about "succumbing to the eighth deadly sin" in old Russian novels as a result. Unlike other sins, Despair is seen as the most deadly of them, as the sinner under the conviction they cannot be forgiven has abandoned all hope. They believe they're damned absolutely, rejecting the Saviour, making Despair the biggest challenger to God's infinite capacity for forgiveness. Catholicism folds Despair into Sloth, on the grounds that someone who has given in to despair is no longer working to improve their situation and has instead decided to "let nature take its course."
Their origin is a little complicated, what would become the Seven Deadly Sins originates from the late 4th century monk Evagrius Ponticus's Praktikos, a guide he wrote to advise his fellow monks and aesthetics. In it he outlined eight logismoi, evil/tempting/passionate thoughts/intentions that would lead to sin. He also categorized at least 21 further sub-intentions and referred to more that are likely lost to history.
Yes, thoughts. The logismoi that the Deadly Sins were based off of were not actually sins but temptations/intentions that could lead one astray. Furthermore, the guide itself was specifically for a monastic audience, not all of humanity, as he also chose the logismoi and their order based upon what he thought would be dangerous for his fellow monks in Egypt. Evagrius did, however, believe that demons based their personalities off these and would tempt people using them, the Praktikos giving examples of how demons would use each of the logismoi.
As for the logismoi themselves (note several of these referred to them in excess, not that they were bad to feel at all), they were Gut Madnessnote Gastrimargia which while usually translated as gluttony more accurately meant deathly overeating combined with intellectual inferiority, Sexual Immoralitynote Porneia which referred to all illicit sex including prostitution, Love of Moneynote Philarguria, Sorrownote LupÄ“, Angernote OrgÄ“, Listlessnessnote ''Acedia'' to be precise, Vainglory/Deceitful Boastingnote Kenodoxia, basically boasting mixed with groundless self-esteem, and Pride/Arrogancenote HuperÄ“phania, more precisely prideful looking down on others.
The logismoi would be adopted by other Christians but it wouldn't be until over two centuries later that Pope Gregory I would modify the list and create what we now recognize as the Seven Deadly Sins.
The three worst sins are said to be Wrath (3rd), Envy (2nd) and Pride (1st) according to Purgatorio of The Divine Comedy, due to their nature as perverted love aimed at harming others.
Remember them with the handy acronym WASPLEGnote Wrath, Avarice, Sloth, Pride, Lust, Envy, Gluttony, using "Avarice" for "Greed".note Or you can relabel "Wrath" as "Anger" to get "PAGGLES". Alternatively, to sound more mysterious and intellectual, use the Latin names for the sinsnote Superbia (Pride), Avaritia (Avarice), Luxuria (Lust), Invidia (Envy), Gula (Gluttony), Ira (Wrath), Acedia (Sloth)., which can be arranged to form another handy acronym: SALIGIA (roughly, "salt").
Subtrope of Virtue/Vice Codification. For the good counterpart, see the Seven Heavenly Virtues. The Cardinal Virtues as identified by Plato are also often used as a counterpart; while it's not an exact match as Plato originally only identified four, they are frequently combined with the three theological virtues (faith, hope, love) to make a more direct comparison. Compare the Scale of Scientific Sins. See also Mr. Vice Guy, Embodiment of Vice and Evil Virtues. No relation to the Seven Dirty Words, except maybe that people are likely to use them wrathfully. Nor to the Eight Deadly Words, even if they're meant to combine the apathy and despair of the audience. Nor to the manga and anime series The Seven Deadly Sins and Seven Mortal Sins.
 Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins
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Seven Deadly Sins
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Dream Theater's "The Root of All Evil" goes down the list of most of these. Gluttony's the only one not obviously present, but it can be found in the second verse courtesy of some Fridge Brilliance. Funnily enough, the song then delves into the Seven Heavenly Virtues in its second half.
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 Dream Theater (Music)
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 Seven Deadly Sins / int_12fd5db0
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_12fd5db0
Megamind: Hal Stewart (A.K.A. Tighten) commits all seven sins in the movie:
Greed: After deciding to become a villain, he steals money and expensive possessions, such as a flatscreen TV.
Envy: He grows jealous of any guy who he thinks Roxanne is interested in, first being jealous of Metro Man and later becoming jealous of “Bernard�.
Wrath: After becoming a supervillain, he throws a psychotic temper tantrum, destroying everything in sight. He also tries to murder Megamind and Roxanne, due to having a grudge against them.
Lust: He's a creepy Stalker with a Crush towards Roxanne until she rejects him.
Pride: After getting his powers, he becomes narcissistic, constantly calling himself cool and awesome, and renaming Metro City “Tightenville�.
Sloth: After deciding to become a villain, one of his reasons for choosing not to be a hero is because it’s a lot of work. There’s also a lot of trash lying around in his apartment, suggesting that he’s too lazy to pick up after himself. He was also pretty fat before getting his powers, suggesting that he never exercised.
Gluttony: He was very fat before getting his powers, and there are several empty pizza boxes lying around in his apartment. He also mentioned to Roxanne when inviting her to his “party� (where it would just be him and her) that he bought a whole gallon of dip.
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 Seven Deadly Sins / int_1407bdc2
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_1407bdc2
Serenity (2005):
The film revolves somewhat around the nature of sin, with the Operative remarking on what he perceived to be his victims' sins, and the attempt to eliminate sin being the cause behind the deaths of thirty million people and the creation of the Reavers.
Oddly enough, the sins of the Operative's enemies are perceived quite well. Dr. Matthias was prideful enough to display the work he'd done on River to key members of Parliament without thinking of the consequences.
But the Alliance's sin of trying to eliminate sin by mere human effort would certainly be Pride, as Shepherd Book would note. Especially as it took them several years to realize they'd spilled their beans in River's head.
As Mal admits, his sin is Wrath; he's not easy to piss off, but when someone hammers his Berserk Button, he loses all sense and applies all his efforts towards retaliation. This makes him unpredictable, especially as said button isn't based on harm to himself, or even his allies, but injustice in general. Sometimes he'll shrug off an injury without breaking step. Sometimes he'll haul off and paste someone for an angrily-spoken word.
The point that Joss was trying to make with the film (which he makes clear in the commentary) is that while the Seven Deadly Sins are bad, they are also inseparable from human nature. The Alliance thought that sin was something that could be stamped out (which was a sin in and of itself, as pointed out above) and the result was Miranda: a world where everyone was either dead or completely inhuman.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_1407bdc2
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_1407bdc2
 Serenity (2005)
Seven Deadly Sins / int_1407bdc2
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_1452d0c4
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_1452d0c4
Control Z: Some of the characters can be seen having a Fatal Flaw which fits into these:
Raul (Envy) has an obsessive desire for Sofia, wanting her only for him as his jealousy and resentment towards Javier proves that. That leads to almost all of the dramas in the high school being the hacker and even in his family. His interest towards Sofia is behind all of his evil plans.
Natalia (Greed) wants to be popular and stay popular. For this, she stole the money of the school from their account in order to buy herself expensive items. Her greedy and selfish nature leads to losing her best friend Isabela and arguing with her twin sister who stay with her despite her secret being revealed. This and her need of money leads to her dealing drugs, a dangerous and criminal activity.
Pablo (Lust) is very sexually active and even sex-obsessed despite having a girlfriend. Consequently, he cheats on her with Maria but continues their relationship. Later he sends naked photos of himself to Maria and refers to her as "Bunny". It's clear he considers her as a sexual object by the way he treated her having discovered he got her pregnant a few minutes before trying to get back with Isabela again in despair.
Less emphasized but Isabela (Pride) was seen by all students as the queen of school. Being the Alpha Bitch made her arrogant, snobbish and look down upon the unpopular students as Sofia. Once her secret is revealed however she lost her status.
Maria (Sloth) is generally quiet about her sister's attitude, playing more her sidekick. Also with Pablo her best friend's boyfriend, she didn't really try to stop their affair. She lacks the will to stand up more against Natalia and Pablo, who are more dominant reflecting her codependency. She's also reluctant/lazy to say the truth to Isabela about Pablo. This leads to her pregnancy because she slept continuously with a guy who doesn't want to put on a condom.
Gerry (Wrath) is very Ax-Crazy mostly due to his Gayngst. His outbursts of rage lead to tragic consequences, like Luis' coma and Javier's dramatic injury in the season 1 finale.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_1452d0c4
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_1452d0c4
 Control Z
Seven Deadly Sins / int_1452d0c4
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_151de869
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_151de869
Kamen Rider Revice: Rather appropriately for a devil-worshipping cult, each of the top members of the Deadmans embodies a different sin.
Gluttony is embodied by Giff, the demon god whom the cult worships, who grows stronger by devouring others.
The Chameleon Deadman is Envy, impersonating others because he dislikes his own physical appearance.
Amahiko Haitani is Greed, having joined the Deadmans only to gain more power and prestige.
Aguilera, the cult's figurehead, is Lust, as the fiancee of Giff who desires to be with him.
Orteca is Pride, having a massive ego and viewing those around him as lower for not being as smart as he is.
Yasushi Kudo is Sloth, viewing hard work as ineffective and preferring to cheat to get ahead.
Julio is Wrath, being the most brutish Deadmans executive and the one quickest to anger.
The eighth sin, Despair, is embodied by the Deadmans founder Hideo Akaishi, who became a follower of Giff's because he believed it hopeless to oppose the demon.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_151de869
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_151de869
 Kamen Rider Revice
Seven Deadly Sins / int_151de869
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_157916fb
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_157916fb
The Slaanesh-themed Book of Excess in the 40k RPG Black Crusade includes a short adventure where the players must prove themselves to a Slaanesh-worshipping Chaos champion by beating the practitioners of the Six Arts of Slaanesh (ie. the Deadly Sins minus Wrath, since that is obviously Khorne's territory) at their own game, like gambling against the practitioner of Greed or winning an eating contest against the practitioner of Gluttony. Except for Sloth, where the players have to resist falling into slothfulness rather than trying to out-sloth the practitioner (probably because "roll to see who can do nothing the best" wouldn't really work).
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_157916fb
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_157916fb
 Black Crusade (Tabletop Game)
Seven Deadly Sins / int_157916fb
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_19ac0e6a
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_19ac0e6a
The variant covers of the first issue of DV8 depicted the team as the Seven Deadly Sins. Threshold, a Psychopathic Manchild whose boss Ivana controlled him with sex, was Lust. Bliss, a spoiled rich girl, was Greed. Powerhaus, who feeds off ambient emotions to get stronger, was Gluttony. Evo, a monster man with an attitude problem, was Wrath. Frostbite, a pessimist who doesn't care about anything, was Sloth. Copycat, the girl with multiple personalities whose only friend is herself, was Pride, and Sublime, a supermodel type who longed for the attention of Gen¹³ member Grunge, was Envy.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_19ac0e6a
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_19ac0e6a
 DV8 (Comic Book)
Seven Deadly Sins / int_19ac0e6a
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_1e7ca85f
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_1e7ca85f
Hercules: Hades demonstrates these sins throughout the film.
Pride: He thinks he deserves to be the Top God of the Greek Pantheon, planning to do so by overthrowing Zeus and turning baby Herc mortal so he'll be killed off.
Sloth: He's the apathetic Lord of the Underworld who finds his job dull and boring. Also unlike the other gods, it's unknown if he smote anyone personally, preferring to have others do his dirty work for him. It makes sense when handling Hercules (never knowing which god from Olympus might be watching) or the other gods (being hopelessly outmatched), this seems to apply to everybody.
Greed: The only thing he cares about is becoming king of the Gods at all costs. He'll use manipulation and smooth talk to manipulate various beasts and creatures for his bidding. It's how he got Megara to make a Deal with the Devil.
Gluttony: Going by the biblical definition, he already rules over at least a third/quarter of the cosmos (depending of the version of the myths). note  The Greek cosmos is split into four parts: Heaven, Sea, Underworld and Earth, the former three being ruled by Zeus, Poseidon and Hades, respectively. The Earth (depending on the myth) is eaither, ruled by Zeus (along side the Heavens), ruled by humans or split evenly amongst the three brothers. But as the dead are "dull and uncouth" to Hades, that's not enough for him, he wants to be Top God.
Envy: Envies Zeus for being a Universally Beloved Leader while Everyone Hates Hades.
Lust: If one were to go by the Biblical definition of this sin, he has an insatiable lust for power. If we're to go by the modern definition, he likes flirting with females (be it mortal or immortal), who are put off by his creepy behavior.
Wrath: He has an uncontrollably fervid Hair-Trigger Temper, going off like a volcano at the slightest inconvenience or when Herc foils his evil schemes. When he does, he throws hissy fits like a Sore Loser, literally Burning with Anger.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_1e7ca85f
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_1e7ca85f
Seven Deadly Sins / int_1e7ca85f
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_21a64727
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_21a64727
A prominent motif in 11eyes. The main enemies, the Black Knights, are named after the Latin names of the sins (only Lust is absent), and the traits are reflected in the heroes. They eventually find out that Lust isn't absent, just not represented by a Black Knight, because Lust is represented by the Big Bad!
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_21a64727
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_21a64727
 11eyes (Visual Novel)
Seven Deadly Sins / int_21a64727
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_230f38f8
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_230f38f8
The seven main characters of Snowflakes each represent one of the sins. Greg is Greed, Enzo is Envy, Glory is Gluttony, Lu is Lust, Priti is Pride, Sloan is Sloth, and Wray represents Wrath. Their names are far too similar to the sins for this to be a coincidence.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_230f38f8
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_230f38f8
 Snowflakes (Webcomic)
Seven Deadly Sins / int_230f38f8
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_253f1c17
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_253f1c17
Discussed in The Bible: The Complete Word of God (abridged). Murder and rape are theologically okay, since they're not on the list. "But God help you if you're fat and lazy."
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_253f1c17
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_253f1c17
 The Bible: The Complete Word of God (abridged) (Theatre)
Seven Deadly Sins / int_253f1c17
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_25f6f1a0
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_25f6f1a0
Umineko: When They Cry features the Stakes of Purgatory, a group of seven sisters with red eyes who serve the Golden Witch, Beatrice. They turn into stakes to kill those guilty of their respective sin. They're named after the patron demons and have personalities that reflect each sin, although sometimes in weird ways; Belphegor, for instance, is a hard worker, but said hard work leads others to be lazy, perpetuating her sin of Sloth.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_25f6f1a0
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_25f6f1a0
 Umineko: When They Cry (Visual Novel)
Seven Deadly Sins / int_25f6f1a0
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_261c8d3f
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_261c8d3f
The Simpsons:
In "Heck House", the third segment of "Treehouse of Horror XVIII", Ned Flanders runs a "hell house" depicting the seven deadly sins to scare Bart, Lisa, Nelson, and Milhouse. Each sin is represented by a member of the Springfield community, and each is given a Karmic Death because of it:
Gluttony: Homer is indulging in a giant plate of spaghetti, only to be turned into pasta himself (he then politely asks for more bread).
Wrath: Groundskeeper Willie becomes angry at his broken tractor and attacks it; it comes to life and starts beating him up.
Pride: Dr. Hibbert puts a "My Child is an Honor Student" bumper sticker on his car; he's then brutally killed by another car for having pride in his child's accomplishments.
Sloth: Homer (who protests that he was already killed by the "magic spaghetti") tries to nap in a hammock, falls through it, and is sliced to bits.
Lust: Moe goes to a strip club, where he...
Greed: his stripper a good deal of money, only to try to steal it back, prompting her to kick him where it hurts most...
Envy: ...prompting him to moan that he "envies the crotchless".
The seven sins appear in "Bart Sells His Soul".
Lust: As they were listening to "In the Garden of Eden", Homer whispers, "Hey Marge, remember when we used to make out to this hymn?"
Gluttony: Moe says the deep fat fryer he ordered for his restaurant "will flash fry a live buffalo in 45 seconds," and Homer moans "But I want it now!"
Greed: After Bart sells his soul for five dollars, Milhouse demands fifty dollars to buy it back.
Sloth: Bart and Milhouse slacking off cleaning the organ.
Wrath: Moe snaps at a little girl for complaining about her drink.
Envy: In his dream, Bart envies the other kids for having souls.
Pride: Bart feels particularly proud of himself for making five bucks.
Homer's behavior in "King-Size Homer":
Envy: Homer envies Charlie for working at home on disability after an injury.
Gluttony: Homer claims disability by becoming overweight, which involves excessive eating.
Greed: Homer exploits a government program designed to help people with more serious needs, as well as stuffing his grocery cart with almost every item available.
Lust: Homer thinks Marge is more sexually attracted to his overweight self than before, but she reveals that she's not.
Pride :Homer is proud of his obesity and staying at home.
Sloth: Homer goes for disability to avoid being in Mr. Burns' calisthenic regimes. But even while working at home, he gets lazy, setting up the drinking bird to press Y (yes) for him and imagines Marge waiting on him hand and foot.
Wrath: When he finds out that the bird fell over and that a nuclear meltdown is imminent, he initially blames it all on the bird (also counts as Pride, given how he's unwilling to blame this problem on himself).
Frank Grimes in "Homer's Enemy" comes to represent Pride, Wrath, Envy, and to some extent Greed in opposition towards Homer's usual lifestyle of Sloth and Gluttony, and attempting to prove how it would normally make him Too Dumb to Live. "The Great Louse Detective" also adds Lust with the revelation that he enjoyed hookers and ended up conceiving a child with one.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_261c8d3f
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_261c8d3f
 The Simpsons
Seven Deadly Sins / int_261c8d3f
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_28c6afce
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_28c6afce
Thomas & Friends: Major and minor characters alike have suffered from one of the sins:
Pride: James is a vain red engine who boasts about how shiny his paintwork is and strives to keep it clean, hence why he doesn't like having to do dirty jobs such as pulling coal trucks. He also boasts about being the most important engine on Sodor, even though Sir Topham Hatt considers all of his engines equally important.
Greed: Sailor John from Sodor's Legend of the Lost Treasure is a thief who was kicked out of the navy. He tries to steal the titular lost treasure under the guise of donating it to a museum, is not happy when Marion the Steam Shovel beat him to finding the treasure, and after revealing his true motive to Skiff, his railboat, and Thomas, he uses explosives to break into Sir Topham Hatt's office and steal it. He also tries to blow Thomas up with dynamite when the latter tries to take it back, and orders Skiff to sail away with it when the latter begins to sink into the water from the treasure's weight and tells him to throw it overboard.
Lust: Daisy the Diesel Railcar wears excessive makeup and has seduced other engines into doing jobs that she doesn't like, namely Ryan in "Ryan and Daisy". Even her Leitmotif in the model era sounds very seductive.
Envy: Thomas the Tank Engine himself suffers from this, as he has become jealous of engines that he worries are going to replace him, such as Stanley from The Great Discovery and Ryan from Sodor's Legend of the Lost Treasure. He has also envied Ashima from The Great Race due to the latter's beauty, despite the latter trying to prove that she's more than just a pretty face by entering the Shunting competition rather than the Best Dressed Engine competition.
Gluttony: Sir Topham Hatt, also known as the Fat Controller, is the owner of the North Western Railway. Not only does he have a large number of engines working for him, but in his spare time, he is often seen eating junk food.
Wrath: Diesel 10 from Thomas and the Magic Railroad is a violent diesel engine with a hydraulic claw on his roof whose desire is to scrap all of Sodor's steam engines so that diesels will rule. He's mean to everyone, from the heroes of Sodor to his own henchmen, Splatter and Dodge.
Sloth: Dennis from "Thomas' Day Off" is a diesel who doesn't like working in general, and tricks Thomas into doing his (Dennis') jobs for him despite Sir Topham Hatt having given Thomas the day off.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_28c6afce
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_28c6afce
 Thomas & Friends
Seven Deadly Sins / int_28c6afce
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_2b82b95f
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_2b82b95f
Sam Puckett of iCarly has displayed each of these vices at various points:
Wrath: Sam has an extremely bad temper and is quick to become violent over the slightest provocation. It's her defining character trait.
Gluttony: Sam is a Big Eater whose obsession with food is probably her secondary defining trait behind her temper.
Sloth: Sam is incredibly lazy and will not do any work if she can get out of it. Carly and Freddie do most, if not all, of the planning for their web show and she doesn't take her schoolwork very seriously.
Envy: She's envious of her twin sister Melanie for being their mother's favorite. She's also jealous of her old beauty pageant rival LeAnne.
Greed: Sam is noticeably more obsessed with money than Carly or Freddie. She'll do just about anything to make a quick buck, including creating a child sweat shop to make T-shirts that they can sell.
Lust: While Sam has had fewer boyfriends than Carly, she's far less subtle about her attractions than Carly is. She once said of one of her crushes "That boy gets me goin'", which is quite racy for a kids' show.
Pride: Sam is quite selfish, not caring much about the wants and needs of others and she won't admit when she's wrong in most cases.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_2b82b95f
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_2b82b95f
Seven Deadly Sins / int_2b82b95f
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_2cc74d2b
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_2cc74d2b
Bryan Clarke's WCW name as part of the Blood Runs Cold storyline was Wrath, although he never really seemed all that angry.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_2cc74d2b
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_2cc74d2b
 Bryan Clarke (Wrestling)
Seven Deadly Sins / int_2cc74d2b
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_2ce70ac5
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_2ce70ac5
The major protagonists and antagonists of the Kung Fu Panda series each frequently fall victim to one of the sins.
Sloth: Po. No matter how skilled of a kung fu master he becomes, he's still a big fat lazy panda who would rather eat dumplings than train. Shifu manages to get around this by exploiting a different sin that Po is also prone to: Gluttony. He noticed that Po could do feats of strength that he couldn't otherwise when motivated by food, and incorporates this into his training.
Greed: Mr. Ping. He's a loving father to Po, but his priorities are often skewed, and number one on that list is often improving his restaurant and making money from it.
Pride: Shifu. He is proud of his position as the teacher of the Furious Five, incredulous that he has to train someone like Po, and barely able to admit that Po had surpassed him at the end of the third movie.
Envy: Tai Lung. He always believed that he would become the Dragon Warrior, and after being rejected and then seeing Po chosen instead, Tai Lung was blinded by envy.
Wrath: Lord Shen. He has less justification for his destruction than the other two villains; while he has a flimsy Freudian Excuse he is mostly just conquering for the sake of conquering.
Gluttony: Kai. His villainy is motivated because he wants to have control of the qi of every kung fu master in the world, and his hunger for qi is never satisfied.
Lust: Doesn't apply to any of the major characters, given that it's a kids' series, but it does apply to Mei-Mei, seductive ribbon dancer and Po's Abhorrent Admirer from Kung Fu Panda 3.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_2ce70ac5
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_2ce70ac5
 Kung Fu Panda (Franchise)
Seven Deadly Sins / int_2ce70ac5
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_3095b3a0
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_3095b3a0
Cyanide and Happiness manages to pull off all 7 simultaneously.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_3095b3a0
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_3095b3a0
 Cyanide and Happiness (Webcomic)
Seven Deadly Sins / int_3095b3a0
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_347facfb
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_347facfb
Scarface (1983): Tony is ravaged by all of them, save maybe Sloth. Among these, his most fatal flaws are Wrath and Pride.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_347facfb
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_347facfb
 Scarface (1983)
Seven Deadly Sins / int_347facfb
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_3558eaa2
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_3558eaa2
Community - the gang tries to get Abed to alter his personality to be attractive to women - they set up a scenario where Annie is reading Pride and Prejudice. Abed moves in and slips into Don Draper mode:
The seven characters of the study group could also be seen as representing these. Jeff is obviously pride; Annie is greed based on her desire to win for the sake of winning; Shirley is wrath, frequently shown by her passive aggressive nature; Pierce is envy in that he often feels left out; Troy is sloth due to his desire to avoid work and pressure; Britta is lust driven by her self loathing nature; and Abed is gluttony from his overindulgence of pop culture.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_3558eaa2
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_3558eaa2
Seven Deadly Sins / int_3558eaa2
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_362e79d
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_362e79d
In Teen Titans: Together, Together Forever, six sons of Trigon sired from human mothers at around the same time as Raven have emotion-manipulating powers based on the sins. They try to awaken Raven's evil side and get her to join up. In an open defiance of convention, the one female in the group isn't lust; Raven instead filled the "pride" slot. (It's implied this is because she is viewed as Trigon's pride, a la daddy's little girl, or perhaps because she is the most powerful.) Stuck on evil mode, Raven later tried to transfer her brother's abilities to the Titans. Donna Troy got stuck with Lust, rather than the more obvious choice of Starfire. This was a reference to the fact that Donna has gone through multiple relationships and been the object of desire of many men, even more so than Starfire. Cyborg was Wrath, which seemed to be a Stealth Pun on the "Angry Black Man" Stereotype trope. Red Arrow got Gluttony, and while he became fat as a result, this was a possible reference to his former heroin addiction, thrill seeking, and womanizing tendencies, fitting in with Gluttony's nature of excessive consumption.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_362e79d
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_362e79d
 Teen Titans (Comic Book)
Seven Deadly Sins / int_362e79d
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_37290d6b
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_37290d6b
In Frank and Ernest, once they bring out the paper in a Fire and Brimstone Hell, and check they covered all the Seven Deadly Sins.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_37290d6b
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_37290d6b
 Frank and Ernest (Comic Strip)
Seven Deadly Sins / int_37290d6b
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_37f04ec8
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_37f04ec8
Team RAIN: The main antagonists, the Braith siblings, are specifically based on the Seven Deadly Sins:
Lust: Viola, a Shapeshifting Seducer who is very sexual in appearance and behavior.
Pride: Viorel, a genderfluid shapeshifter who holds themselves and their own work in high regard.
Greed: Sterling, a greedy narcissist who thinks every opportunity is owed to him so he can take credit.
Envy: Zelena, Sterling claims that she gets jealous easily.
Gluttony: Gardner, a man who's Semblance makes him drain the Aura of others to keep his own going.
Sloth: Tahlia, a timid girl who doesn't like participating in the action, using her robots or her Semblance.
Wrath: Kamala, a hot-headed, ill-tempered psychopath who is prone to violence and intolerant to failure.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_37f04ec8
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_37f04ec8
 Team RAIN (Webcomic)
Seven Deadly Sins / int_37f04ec8
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_38ce5997
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_38ce5997
The Boys (2019): Homelander ingages in every deadly sin during the course of the series:
Wrath: He's generally violent, impatient and intolerant, and is prone to throw temper tantrums when things don't go his way.
Pride: He is incredibly narcissistic, as he sees himself as a godly entity, superior to the whole of humanity and any supe. Thus leading him to the idea that he can do anything he wants because of who he is.
Sloth: Homelander has no real combat skills and depends completely on his superpowers. His laziness with his eye beam usage is what would end up causing the Flight 37 disaster, for example.
Greed: He's violently possessive towards anything and anyone he declares his property, as is shown in his interactions with Queen Maeve, Madelyn and Ryan.
Lust: Homelander is very fond about sex, as his relationships with Madelyn and Stormfront and his rape on Becca can show. He also masturbated on the roof of a skyscraper to raise his self-esteem, and has a fetish for breast-feeding and mommy play.
Envy: Homelander was very bitter about Madelyn's affection on her baby Teddy, due his Oedipus Complex, and treats Queen Maeve and his son Ryan more as pieces of property than individuals, disliking their relationships with others people outside of him.
Gluttony: He really likes milk...any kind. In fact, drinking some from a cow is enough to send him into a state of bliss he has to be startled out of.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_38ce5997
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_38ce5997
 The Boys (2019)
Seven Deadly Sins / int_38ce5997
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_38fa34eb
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_38fa34eb
Wonder Woman Vol 1: Each of the original seven members of Villainy Inc. have motivations tied to the seven. Byrna Brilyant uses her inventions to threaten communities out of their money due to Greed. Queen Clea's Lust for men and power threw two Atlantean principalities into war and caused her to abduct entire shiploads of men, strip them, keep the submissive ones and devise scantly clad executions for the others for her own entertainment. Cheetah's Envy whenever others received more attention than her drove her to murder before she ever donned a costume and villain name. Dr. Poison's Pride in her work is such that she can't understand when someone tries to call her out for how horrific it is. Eviless became a slave driver as it was a simple job that allowed her to order others to do all the work, she then becomes a full fledged villain to get revenge when parts of her job becomes illegal as she doesn't want to have to go through the work of adapting to the new guidelines due to her Sloth. Giganta's every action revolves around her Wrath. Zara's Gluttony for the finer things in life causes her downfall when she has no patience about spending her ill gotten gains.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_38fa34eb
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_38fa34eb
 Wonder Woman (Comic Book)
Seven Deadly Sins / int_38fa34eb
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_3953baf0
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_3953baf0
Judge Claude Frollo from The Hunchback of Notre Dame has the dubious honour of not only committing at least six of these Sins while professing his virtue but going farther by doing all of these six in his Villain Song.
Pride: In the first line no less to justify his actions ("Of my virtue I am justly proud.")
Lust: The whole premise of the song is his sexual desire for Esmeralda.
Greed: He never cares for Esmeralda and only sees her as an object of affection that he wants without actually needing her.
Envy: Shows intense possessiveness towards Esmeralda and jealousy to anyone who gets near her.
Wrath: Threatens to destroy Esmeralda if she rejects him ("Be mine or she will BURN!")
Sloth: Never takes responsibility for his sins and blames Esmeralda ("It's not my fault, if in God's plan, He made the Devil so much stronger than a man!")
Gluttony: The only sin he doesn't suffer from. Whilst he is selfish, he is never shown overindulging himself on anything.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_3953baf0
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_3953baf0
 The Hunchback of Notre Dame (Disney)
Seven Deadly Sins / int_3953baf0
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_3e01bb75
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_3e01bb75
Wrath: Diesel 10 from Thomas and the Magic Railroad is a violent diesel engine with a hydraulic claw on his roof whose desire is to scrap all of Sodor's steam engines so that diesels will rule. He's mean to everyone, from the heroes of Sodor to his own henchmen, Splatter and Dodge.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_3e01bb75
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_3e01bb75
 Thomas and the Magic Railroad
Seven Deadly Sins / int_3e01bb75
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_3e96b159
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_3e96b159
Darla Dimple from Cats Don't Dance is basically a combination of all seven of them.
Wrath: Has an extremely short temper and will lash out at others if something doesn't go her way.
Gluttony: Eats lots of sweets, as shown when she meets with Danny.
Lust: Has a lust for attention and tries to act cute in order to manipulate others and then dispose of them.
Pride: Sees herself to be better than anyone else.
Greed: Wants all of the fame to herself.
Sloth: Has Max do all of the dirty work for her while she just watches him do so, as shown when he floods the stages to ruin Danny and the other animals' act.
Envy: Gets jealous if anyone upstages her and even tries to stop anyone from doing so, as shown when she sees Danny and the other animals perform onstage after her movie is played.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_3e96b159
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_3e96b159
 Cats Don't Dance
Seven Deadly Sins / int_3e96b159
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_400469e
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_400469e
Calvin and Hobbes, Calvin is guilty of all seven
Pride: He has an overinflated ego and sense of importance going beyond what he would be justified in having
Wrath: He is shown to have a short temper on many occasions and frequently flies into a rage.
Gluttony: Overindulges on the breakfast cereals he likes, particularly chocolate frosted sugar bombs, as well as frequently trying to get cookies and other snacks.
Sloth: He frequently refuses to do any work, and will even go to great lengths to get out of his chores.
Envy: He expresses resentment towards Hobbes for being a tiger and thus not needing to go to school, as well as towards his parents for being able to do as they please
Greed: In an early strip, when his dad tells him they were giving him an allowance so he could learn the value of money, he immediately begins gloating that he can buy off anyone and that he is rich. He also is shown on many occasions trying to get more money.
Lust: In an early strip, while he is sick he is shown watching an explicit TV program, after which he comments that he thinks he learns more when he stays home from school.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_400469e
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_400469e
 Calvin and Hobbes (Comic Strip)
Seven Deadly Sins / int_400469e
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_42c05590
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_42c05590
An episode of Rocko's Modern Life had Heffer go to Heck for his gluttony.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_42c05590
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_42c05590
 Rocko's Modern Life
Seven Deadly Sins / int_42c05590
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_42ffb88e
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_42ffb88e
SCP Foundation:
SCP-434: A table that, when there is a subject and eight chairs, causes seven correspondingly "sinful" clones of the subject to appear; if they "clones" are killed, that aspect of the subject's personality is destroyed (IE the death of Sloth destroys the ability to sleep).
SCP-1215: (Actually eight sins — Pride is divided into Vanity and Hubris) It's an illuminated manuscript that causes people to self-destruct with a deadly sin theme, except for Vanity where the danger is acting so irritating other people attack you.
SCP-1133: An IV stand that can extract or inject fluids pertaining to the seven sins; for example, injecting sloth makes one lazier, while extracting it makes one more productive.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_42ffb88e
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_42ffb88e
 SCP Foundation (Website)
Seven Deadly Sins / int_42ffb88e
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_43576f5
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_43576f5
An episode of Supernatural had the protagonists fighting seven demons who were the deadly sins personified. They don't get much in the way of characterization, with the exception of Smug Snake and Large Ham Pride.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_43576f5
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_43576f5
Seven Deadly Sins / int_43576f5
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_452edd0b
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_452edd0b
The French graphic novel Seven Missionaries tells the story of seven Irish monks (each embodying one of the deadly sins) receiving punishment for their sins by being sent to convert a village of pagan Vikings. By applying their sinful behaviors in creative ways (the avaricious monk uses the lure of profitable trading with Byzantium, the envious monk convinces the chieftain's second-in-command to take over upon his death, the lustful monk seduces every woman in the village, the gluttonous monk introduces them to whiskey, and so on) and thanks to Contrived Coincidences, they succeed in their mission without changing their ways in the slightest.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_452edd0b
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_452edd0b
 Seven Missionaries (Comic Book)
Seven Deadly Sins / int_452edd0b
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_47dfc6f
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_47dfc6f
Amy from Total Drama suffers from all seven of these:
Pride: She selfishly believes that she is better than her twin sister Samey, and probably everyone else from Pahkitew Island (including Jasmine).
Envy: She gets triggered once someone else trusts Samey over herself.
Wrath: She has shown a great amount of anger throughout her appearance even for no reason, and has a lot less patience than Samey does.
Sloth: Despite how she self-assumes to be practically the "better" twin sister, she actually makes much less effort during the competition than Samey does.
Greed: She always craves for obtaining high regards from others, much more so than Samey does.
Gluttony: She doesn't let Samey get any respect from others, even by just a small amount.
Lust: Although non-sexually, her desire for admiration is possibly the biggest thing she ever gets delighted about, both inside and outside of the competition.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_47dfc6f
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_47dfc6f
 Total Drama
Seven Deadly Sins / int_47dfc6f
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_481d55f7
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_481d55f7
Dustin Runnels (fka Goldust) was hired by WCW in 1999 to play a character called "Seven", apparently an Expy of The Undertaker that would punish wrestlers based on their sins. However, after his father Dusty Rhodes was fired after 20 years with the company, Runnels crapped all over the gimmick in his debut, killing the gimmick. Fortunately, Standards & Practices had already complained about a promo where he was standing outside a child's window (but not doing anything) and were worried that he would be mistaken for a child molester, so they probably would've had the gimmick killed anyways.
Part of the confusion came because of how the gimmick resembled the title character of the movie Powder, whose director, Victor Salva, had been convicted of child molestation in 1988. This led people to mistakenly confuse the two and to think that the character was a molester.
Shortly before he was fired by WWE, Raven was supposed to begin an angle based on the movie Se7en.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_481d55f7
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_481d55f7
 Goldust (Wrestling)
Seven Deadly Sins / int_481d55f7
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_4afc2089
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_4afc2089
Daffy Duck from The Looney Tunes Show:
Greed: While he doesn't show his Money Fetish as often as other adaptations, he does occasionally show interest of it. He also steals other people's possessions, as well.
Envy: Daffy has shown to be envious of Bugs, as well as others who are better than him, such as how he's envious of Bugs for getting Scarlett Johansson in "Casa De Calma". In "To Bowl or Not to Bowl," he even admits he's jealous of Bugs' popularity.
Wrath: In "Monster Talent", he encourages Gossamer to fight back against bullies, telling him that violence is always the answer. He also gets in a fistfight with Foghorn Leghorn in "The Foghorn Leghorn Story".
Lust: He shows that he's someone who is easily swayed into women's looks. "Working Duck", a has a joke implying that he spends time at the computer looking at porn, and he spends all of "Casa De Calma" hitting on Scarlett Johansson, purely wanting her for her looks and not even bothering to remember her name.
Pride: The most consistently appearing sin of his on the show. Daffy is egotistical about how smart, handsome, and talented he believes he is, despite the fact that he is none of these things.
Sloth: He leeches off his friends, doesn't have a job, and cannot bother bringing himself to exercise.
Gluttony: He eats a lot of food. He also entered a hot dog eating contest in "Mr. Wiener".
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_4afc2089
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_4afc2089
 Daffy Duck
Seven Deadly Sins / int_4afc2089
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_4c99197e
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_4c99197e
The original The Muppet Show pilot featured personifications (Muppetifications?) of the seven sins for a pageant, and the host, Nigel (the conductor of the orchestra in the finished product), receives a call asking if they're interested in an eighth—Wearing Funny Pants to a Funeral. The pageant never happens, as the show's time runs out before a result can be revealed.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_4c99197e
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_4c99197e
 The Muppet Show
Seven Deadly Sins / int_4c99197e
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_5022a2c4
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_5022a2c4
Xena: Warrior Princess Xena manipulates the already prideful and envious Archangel Lucifer in to giving into each of the seven sins in the "Heart of Darkness" episode in order for him to take her place as the ruler of Hell without having to kill her.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_5022a2c4
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_5022a2c4
 Xena: Warrior Princess
Seven Deadly Sins / int_5022a2c4
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_50bcf7a6
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_50bcf7a6
One reason Homestuck's trolls are so dysfunctional as a group is because these sins are so common among them. Karkat is Wrath; his abrasive, overbearing nature sours relations with his friends and makes it difficult for him to be honest about his insecurities or ask for help. Eridan is both Pride and Lust- he desperately wants to be loved, but his narcissistic inability to empathise with other people destroys his moirallegiance with Feferi and only increases his loneliness. As he grows more evil, he slips into Wrath, Envy, and Sloth (as demonstrated, respectively, by his spiteful shattering of the Matriorb, attempted murder of Sollux when the latter became close with Feferi, and decision to join Jack Noir- while the latter is trying to kill them all- because he feels that all hope is lost and would prefer to serve evil rather than fight it any longer.). Vriska's main sin is Pride (ironically so, as she has a pronounced Inferiority Superiority Complex) but her need for validation drives her into others (Lust, Wrath- demonstrated by her attacking and stalking of Tavros- Envy, and Greed- as shown when she needlessly competes with Terezi to see who can get the more money, even though Terezi doesn't care either way.) Tavros himself falls into Pride for similar reasons, in his more douchey moments: he tries to force the affection of others to compensate for his own lack of self-confidence. Gamzee, after sobering up, immediately goes on a killing spree, placing him pretty firmly in Wrath. Notably, this doesn't work out well for anyone.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_50bcf7a6
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_50bcf7a6
 Homestuck (Webcomic)
Seven Deadly Sins / int_50bcf7a6
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_52a9490e
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_52a9490e
Kamen Rider Ghost gives Kamen Rider Specter a movie-exclusive form which has attacks based on each of the sins, retooled from Ghost's own final form which has attacks based on various emotions.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_52a9490e
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_52a9490e
 Kamen Rider Ghost
Seven Deadly Sins / int_52a9490e
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_5567bde9
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_5567bde9
In The Golden Apple, Hector, in his Villain Song, trusts that "the seven deadly sins" will make his revenge on Ulysses and his boys possible. The 2017 City Center Encores! production had cards carried onstage assigning each of the following five episodes a corresponding if sometimes noncanonical sin: Madame Calypso—Pride, Scylla and Charybdis—Greed, The Siren—Lust, The Scientist—Hubris, Circe—Power.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_5567bde9
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_5567bde9
 The Golden Apple (Theatre)
Seven Deadly Sins / int_5567bde9
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_59c939c6
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_59c939c6
Nodwick: Yeagar (who indulges in all of them to some degree) has a Noodle Incident in which he apparently gave up all seven sins as a New Year's Resolution some time before Nodwick was hired, but promptly invented an eighth — blasphotrociterra-o-rama. In his own words, "it was kind of fun".
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_59c939c6
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_59c939c6
 Nodwick (Webcomic)
Seven Deadly Sins / int_59c939c6
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_5ae0bec6
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_5ae0bec6
Shortly before he was fired by WWE, Raven was supposed to begin an angle based on the movie Se7en.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_5ae0bec6
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_5ae0bec6
 WWE (Wrestling)
Seven Deadly Sins / int_5ae0bec6
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_5b344855
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_5b344855
Pride: J.D. always has to take the lead; Lucas paraphrases Wolverine: "I'm the best at what I do."; Bobby is a mechanical/technical whiz and readily flaunts this.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_5b344855
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_5b344855
 Wolverine (Comic Book)
Seven Deadly Sins / int_5b344855
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_5bb5ad89
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_5bb5ad89
In the JLA (1997) Jr oneshot, part of the Sins of Youth Crisis Crossover, the de-aged Justice Leage visit the Rock of Eternity where Shazam equates them with the Deadly Enemies: Batman, with his uncompromising attitude, was Injustice; Kyle Rayner, who was creative but couldn't follow through on anything, was Laziness; Aquaman, whose kid-self was taking advantage of being king, was Selfishness; Wally West, who was angry about becoming Kid Flash again, was Hatred; Plastic Man, the ex-thief, was Greed; Red Tornado, who wishes he were human, was Envy; and Superman, who had become a Smug Super in his kiddified state, was Pride.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_5bb5ad89
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_5bb5ad89
 JLA (1997) (Comic Book)
Seven Deadly Sins / int_5bb5ad89
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_5dbd6bc5
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_5dbd6bc5
The sins are briefly referenced in the "What Keeps Mankind Alive" section of The Threepenny Opera.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_5dbd6bc5
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_5dbd6bc5
 The Threepenny Opera (Theatre)
Seven Deadly Sins / int_5dbd6bc5
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_6046ad8e
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_6046ad8e
Beauty and the Beast (Golden 1999): Beauty's sisters embody this trope overall—one represents Pride (puts herself above her sisters for being the eldest), another represents Gluttony (she's constantly eating and has an insatiable sweet tooth) and one represents Sloth (she's constantly sleeping and at one point asks her father for a horse so she doesn't have to walk everywhere), all three have an entire Villain Song about their mutual Greed, they become Envious of Beauty when she turns out to have been living in a mansion, leading to them developing a Lust for the luxurious life said mansion would offer and finally are filled with Wrath against the Beast when they see how frightening he is.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_6046ad8e
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_6046ad8e
 Beauty and the Beast (Golden 1999)
Seven Deadly Sins / int_6046ad8e
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_60576172
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_60576172
The Sins now star in their own webcomic.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_60576172
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_60576172
 Sins (Webcomic)
Seven Deadly Sins / int_60576172
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_62203e9d
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_62203e9d
The Devil's Advocate Focuses on Pride for the better part of the film (it is the devil's favorite sin), but the others are represented at various points throughout the film.
Kevin lusts after Christabella.
He also shows a bit of sloth in not actively doing what he knows is right during more than one case.
Greed rears it's head in the riches that Kevin is granted... as long as he keeps bending the rules.
It could be said that envy is part of the reason that Kevin goes along with everything. He wants what others have in the field of law. The fame, the riches, the everything. No matter how he has to get it.
Lucifer tells him he could have stopped at any point and even gave him multiple options to stop, but Kevin didn't want to, showing his gluttony.
Lucifer goes mega wrath after Kevin makes his choice. "Free will."
As stated, pride is the whole point. It is the devils favorite sin. Pleased to meet you, won't you guess my name?
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_62203e9d
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_62203e9d
 The Devil's Advocate
Seven Deadly Sins / int_62203e9d
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_667fc0d8
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_667fc0d8
Golden Logres has three of the sins: Sloth, Envy, and Lust. They must be knocked down before the player can embark on a quest.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_667fc0d8
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_667fc0d8
 Golden Logres (Video Game)
Seven Deadly Sins / int_667fc0d8
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_67e9b1ac
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_67e9b1ac
Greed: Sailor John from Sodor's Legend of the Lost Treasure is a thief who was kicked out of the navy. He tries to steal the titular lost treasure under the guise of donating it to a museum, is not happy when Marion the Steam Shovel beat him to finding the treasure, and after revealing his true motive to Skiff, his railboat, and Thomas, he uses explosives to break into Sir Topham Hatt's office and steal it. He also tries to blow Thomas up with dynamite when the latter tries to take it back, and orders Skiff to sail away with it when the latter begins to sink into the water from the treasure's weight and tells him to throw it overboard.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_67e9b1ac
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_67e9b1ac
 Sodor's Legend of the Lost Treasure
Seven Deadly Sins / int_67e9b1ac
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_68237790
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_68237790
Pathfinder: The seven sins feature quite prominently in several areas of the game's lore:
The empire of Thassillon was divided between seven Runelords, immensely powerful wizards who each embodied one of the sins.
Zutha, the Runelord of Gluttony, was a unique lich who could taste and feel like a living creature, glutted himself on exotic dishes and consumed the souls of his servants; Xanderghul, the Runelord of Pride, had an army of enslaved angels and manipulated his people into worshipping him as a god; Alaznist, the Runelord of Wrath, was a violent, warlike woman with a terrible temper; and so on. The master villain of the first published adventure path, Karzoug the Claimer, is the reawakened Runelord of Greed, who wants all the world for himself.
Originally, the Sins were known as the Seven Virtues of Rule and focused on their positive aspects, but were eventually corrupted as the Runelords gained power and influence over their own emperor. The Seven Virtues of Rule, and what they were corrupted into, were Wealth (Greed), Fertility (Lust), Honest Pride (Boastful Pride), Abundance (Gluttony), Eager Striving (Envy), Righteous Anger (Wrath), and Well-Deserved Rest (Sloth). This was later retconned so that the Seven Virtues of Rule were the Seven Heavenly Virtues because the writers decided this didn't make a whole lot of sense.
The game takes it further by associating each sin with one particular school of magic (the eighth school, Divination, is handwaved as having always been ignored by the Runelords). For instance, Greed is associated with Transmutation, which allows base materials to be turned into treasure, while Wrath is associated with the aggressive, combat-focused spells of Evocation.
The Anniversary Edition even presents rules for being a Thassilonian Specialist, a wizard who follows the same style of magic as the Runelords. The advantage is that their bonus slotted spell can be cast twice before being used up. The disadvantage is that, in a Mythology Gag on older editions, not only is the wizard forbidden access to two schools of magic, preventing them from ever casting any spells of those schools, the schools they are barred from are determined by the Sin they choose to follownote in Pathfinder, specialists can choose which schools they are weak in, and merely suffer penalties to casting those spells, instead of being forbidden from using those spells.
Demons are created from the souls of sinful mortals, and the basic Bestiaries always include a group that represents seven deadly sins. Succubi represent Lust, both in the physical sense and as lust for power, knowledge and so on; the soul-devouring nabasus are Gluttony; the pig-like nalfeshnees embody Greed; the hopelessly pathetic dretches associate with Sloth; the sadistic, violent vrocks personify Wrath; the incorporeal shadow demons, who possess others to take everything from them, are born of Envy; and the contemptuous, arrogant mariliths are tied to Pride. Seven Demon Lords also place one of the sins under their areas of concern: Socothbenoth for Pride, Orcus for Wrath, Shax for Envy, Jubilex for Sloth, Areshkegal for Greed, Xoveron for Gluttony, and Nocticula for Lust. Demons are so closely tied to the mortal failings that spawned them that their opposed virtues actively harm them; vrocks, for instance, suffer when forcefully calmed and pacified, succubi are harmed by mortals resisting their temptations, and so on.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_68237790
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_68237790
 Pathfinder (Tabletop Game)
Seven Deadly Sins / int_68237790
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_687bcc4c
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_687bcc4c
The villainous mercenary group in Deep Rising seems to be made up of this: Vivo is always talking about food (Gluttony); T. Ray threatens with violence all the time (Wrath); Mamooli talks about his desire to have sex with women from every country (Lust), Jason Flemyng says that the group will "kick ass and take names" as well as taunts a monster and claims it is nothing (Pride); Hanover is paranoid, distrustful and later ends up shooting at someone who is going to live and not him (Envy); Mason is seen stuffing money into his pockets (Greed); and Billy complains about all the work he has to do (Sloth).
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_687bcc4c
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_687bcc4c
 Deep Rising
Seven Deadly Sins / int_687bcc4c
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_694a6c9
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_694a6c9
Obey Me! – One Master to Rule Them All!: The seven demon brothers are Avatars of the Sins.
Lucifer (Pride) is the eldest brother and has a noticeably dominant and arrogant personality, although even he has a master he holds genuine loyalty to.
Mammon (Greed) is constantly in debt and often gets into trouble by trying to scam people (including his brothers) or steal their belongings to sell.
Leviathan (Envy) is an Otaku prone to fits of self-deprecation, although he is easily worked into a jealous rage when others claim to be bigger fans than him.
Satan (Wrath) is generally able to keep a lid on his temper through centuries of self-restraint, but he slips up on occasion (such as when Levi uses secret moves to beat him in a video game and insults him for not knowing about said moves).
Asmodeus (Lust) is a social butterfly with No Sense of Personal Space whose flirtations often extend to his brothers as well as the Player Character.
Beelzebub (Gluttony) is known to fly into an Unstoppable Rage when others eat food he was saving (despite him often stealing food off people's plates or out of their hands), but he's the nicest of his brothers otherwise.
Belphegor (Sloth) is often seen carrying a personal pillow, and is almost always depicted with sleepy, heavy-lidded eyes.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_694a6c9
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_694a6c9
 Obey Me! – One Master to Rule Them All! (Visual Novel)
Seven Deadly Sins / int_694a6c9
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_69fa7496
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_69fa7496
There's a comic story in the Disney Ducks Comic Universe where an ancient talisman worn by Donald causes the Seven Deadly Sins's personifications to emerge in Donald's shape and escape into Duckburg (except Sloth, who obviously didn't even bother to run). Donald and his nephews have Gotta Catch Them All in time before the Sins will remerge into a single monster and destroy the world.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_69fa7496
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_69fa7496
 Disney Ducks Comic Universe (Comic Book)
Seven Deadly Sins / int_69fa7496
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_6ac55ec7
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_6ac55ec7
The Wretched Role-Playing Game is an Old-School Revival rpg that is geared towards playing anti-heroes in a variety of settings. With a player character having one of the Seven Deadly Sins as their defining character trait, instead of the standard Dungeons & Dragons alignments.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_6ac55ec7
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_6ac55ec7
 Dungeons & Dragons (Tabletop Game)
Seven Deadly Sins / int_6ac55ec7
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_6b302cc3
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_6b302cc3
Disturbed have a few songs dealing with the SDS, notably Avarice, Serpentine and a whole host of songs which embody wrath (Indestructible, Land of Confusion, Who Taught You How to Hate and Warrior).
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_6b302cc3
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_6b302cc3
 Disturbed (Music)
Seven Deadly Sins / int_6b302cc3
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_6e1a0fd
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_6e1a0fd
Winter Moon: All seven, represented by various characters (including main protagonists):
Augustus Albright is Pride: arrogant A God Am I cult leader.
Risa Bellerose is Greed: a manipulative Femme Fatale sucking money from her sugar daddies.
Florence de Beaumont is Lust: Depraved Homosexual often assaulting other male players.
Landor is Envy: a Green-Eyed Monster who envies other people's beauty.
Lexie Scott is Gluttony: Amoral Attorney constantly seen eating sweets.
Diederich Bellerose is Wrath: a downplayed Dumb Muscle with a sword, hating his own sister.
Vanilla is Sloth: All-Powerful Bystander, who never actually engages in anything.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_6e1a0fd
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_6e1a0fd
 Winter Moon (Webcomic)
Seven Deadly Sins / int_6e1a0fd
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_6f734712
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_6f734712
Referenced throughout the Smallville episode Masquerade as part of Desaad's attempts to corrupt his victims. He didn't have much success with Chloe; with help of illusions, he used Clark to seduce her (lust), used Oliver to convince her to escape from the battles of a hero (sloth), used Lois to taunt her with her stable relationship with Clark (envy), tries to goad her into stabbing him (wrath), but she had some difficulty with his illusion of a version of herself that says she is above all of his tricks (pride). It helped that she realized what is happening around the third sin. When she repels the last one, he says she is now useless to him (without going through greed or gluttony), but Clark saves her. Oliver, on the other hand, is instantly corrupted by wrath when Desaad claims Chloe screamed for him as she died.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_6f734712
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_6f734712
Seven Deadly Sins / int_6f734712
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_6fe3e8a7
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_6fe3e8a7
Neopets: The endgame bosses for each different faction in War of the Obelisk represent these and the fears of the faction leaders. However, this is not played completely straight, due in part to Neopets being "family-friendly" (and the fact that there are only six factions).
Greed appeared for the Thieves' Guild, representing Kanrik's fear that the Guild may return to the excesses and immorality of its former boss's day.
Pride appeared for The Sway, representing the Duchess's fears that too much pride in her actions could lead her to forget the reason for them â€â€ÂÂ� the greater good of Neopia.
Envy appeared for the Order of the Red Erism, representing Rasala the Bright's fear that her desire to have as much magical power as others may turn her into someone like XandraspoilerThe villain of The Faeries Ruin plot.
Wrath appeared to face the Brute SquadWho are they?A group of warriors formed at the aftermath of The Faeries Ruin plot, dedicated to stopping such troubles before it starts., representing Commander Flint's fears that they become a destructive influence in Neopia â€â€ÂÂ� the very thing they were formed to stop.
Apathy (Sloth) appeared for the SeekersWho are they?A team of scientists and engineers who came to research the Obelisk., tempting them to give up their knowledge seeking ways and become complacent.
Finally, Death appeared for the AwakenedWho are they?A band of undead who invited themselves into the fight., representing their fears for an end to their immortality and their party.
Lust is understandably excluded, but Gluttony is oddly replaced as well. Though the "Death" boss that takes the place of Gluttony also has elements of Cupid as well, so you never know...
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_6fe3e8a7
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_6fe3e8a7
 Neopets (Website)
Seven Deadly Sins / int_6fe3e8a7
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_706a2b53
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_706a2b53
SMG4: Each Arc Villain corresponds to one of the sins through their actions and/or goals:
Envy: SMG3, whose main reason for many of his plans is his jealousy towards SMG4 being far more successful and popular than him.
Wrath: Waluigi, who becomes more and more unhinged for not being unique, to the point of trying to destroy the Mushroom Kingdom.
Gluttony: Bob Bobowski, who manipulated and betrayed his friends to boost his rap career further in spite of already being famous.
Lust: Francis, who attempted to commit genocide on Inklings to create an island full of waifus for himself.
Pride: Niles/Zero, who has destroyed countless universes in an attempt to create a "perfect" one for himself and SMG0, while genuinely believing he's doing what's best for SMG0.
Sloth: Lawyer Kong, who resorts to drastic measures to keep Mario and other Nintendo characters under the company's control.
Greed: Mr. Puzzles, who exploits the desires of others for his own benefit, like selling SMG4 demonic keyboard for his "perfect" video, resulting in original castle's destruction.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_706a2b53
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_706a2b53
 Supermarioglitchy4's Super Mario 64 Bloopers (Web Animation)
Seven Deadly Sins / int_706a2b53
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_70c7b114
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_70c7b114
Inside Gilligan's Island, written by the show's creator, indicates that each of the seven castaways represents a different sin. The Professor is Pride, Ginger is Lust, the Skipper is Anger, Gilligan himself is Sloth, and so on. A popular Epileptic Tree is that Gilligan also serves as the Devil figure, since he keeps everyone else stuck on the island, but this has never been confirmed. (Downplayed Trope in the animated adaptations.)
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_70c7b114
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_70c7b114
 Gilligan's Island
Seven Deadly Sins / int_70c7b114
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_71169c78
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_71169c78
Chowder: Each of major characters suffers from one of the sins:
Gluttony: The titular Chowder, who's always hungry, eating whatever food that comes into his hands and even the stuff that isn’t food.
Pride: Mung, who has a tendency to see himself as a perfect chef, even if it causes him to get into more problems.
Wrath: Truffles, who's often incredibly angry.
Lust: Panini, who has (a rather creepy) one-sided crush on Chowder.
Greed: Ms. Endive, who wants to compete against Mung to see who is the better chef.
Envy: Gorgonzola, who has a one-sided rivalry against Chowder.
Sloth: Gazpacho, who wants to get away from his mother, but does little to improve himself.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_71169c78
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_71169c78
Seven Deadly Sins / int_71169c78
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_72262aee
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_72262aee
Avatar: The Last Airbender: The series Big Bad, Fire Lord Ozai, exhbits them:
Lust: Although he mainly married her for eugenics, The Search shows that Ozai quite enjoyed lording his power over Ursa and controlling her.
Gluttony: He has very extravagant tastes in decor, as shown by the grand ceremony which marked his departure to commit total genocide against the Earth Kingdom and his intended ascension to Phoenix King, and by the cult of personality he's enforced throughout the Fire Nation.
Greed: An Allegorical Character who's insatiably power-hungry, desiring total domination by the Fire Nation of the whole world.
Sloth: He spends the majority of the series hanging back in the Fire Nation, letting Azula and his other military officers do the dirty work for him. His refusal to ever see the world outside the Fire Nation (or even outside his palace) for himself with his own naked eyes runs counter to Iroh's lessons to Zuko about gaining an understanding of the world for oneself through first-hand experience to prevent self-stagnation.
Wrath: All over the place. His go-to solution to any problem is "burn and kill". He alienated his wife and son when their slights against him provoked him to abuse them horribly in ways which would affect them for years, and even as a child he tended to burn things in tantrums when he didn't win. His solution to the Earth Kingdom's unbending resistance to conquest is to literally burn the entire continent to ashes.
Envy: He was implicitly always jealous of his older brother Iroh, who their father always favored, and who was more naturally charismatic and personable than Ozai.
Pride: Pretty much the only things he has any real pride in are himself and his nation due to his views of their inherent superiority to the rest of the world. At best, he can only value and respect other people for their objective worth to his goals and their accomplishments.
He also falls to the eighth sin of Despair after he's defeated by Aang. Stripped of his treasured firebending, dethroned by the son he hates, and thrown in a cell to rot, he ends the animated series as a husk of his former self who bitterly acknowledges his fall from grace.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_72262aee
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_72262aee
 Avatar: The Last Airbender
Seven Deadly Sins / int_72262aee
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_795e41f2
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_795e41f2
Turned on its head in Camelot, where Mordred sings a gallant song about the Seven Deadly Virtues, and listing how each one is dangerous or otherwise too inconvenient to bother with.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_795e41f2
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_795e41f2
 Camelot (Theatre)
Seven Deadly Sins / int_795e41f2
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_7cf5a07
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_7cf5a07
In The Flash (2014), both Zoom and Clifford DeVoe commit each sin at some point or another.
Zoom has a Hair-Trigger Temper and loves to beat down anyone who dares stand against him (wrath), wants to steal Barry's speed (greed), and is always looking for ways to increase his power, even consuming the life-threating Velocity 9 drug (gluttony). Beyond his pathological need for stimulation, he also develops a Villainous Crush on Caitlin (lust). He refrains from going after Barry himself, instead sending his press-ganged metahuman followers after him (sloth). He steals Jay's Garrick's identity just so he could have his role as a beloved hero (envy). To top it off, he's an utter Narcissist who wants to cement his position as the fastest man alive by killing every other speedster (pride).
Clifford is almost as narcissistic as Zoom, if not more so, as a result of his Super-Intelligence, to the point that his Evil Plan is to dumb down every other human being on Earth so he can lord his mind over them. He spends most of his time simply observing Barry while he fights the bus metas (sloth). He steals the powers of other metahumans for himself (greed) even when he's already strong enough to handle any threat (gluttony). As he gets more powerful, he responds to every slight or show of resistance with slaughter (wrath). He demonstrates a constant need to show off how smart he's become to everyone else (lust). Finally, he resents the fact that he's one of the few metahumans to suffer unintended side effects from their powers, and he specifically tells Barry that he wants to be the one who "saves" the world instead of him (envy).
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_7cf5a07
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_7cf5a07
 The Flash (2014)
Seven Deadly Sins / int_7cf5a07
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_7e519408
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_7e519408
Envy: Thomas the Tank Engine himself suffers from this, as he has become jealous of engines that he worries are going to replace him, such as Stanley from The Great Discovery and Ryan from Sodor's Legend of the Lost Treasure. He has also envied Ashima from The Great Race due to the latter's beauty, despite the latter trying to prove that she's more than just a pretty face by entering the Shunting competition rather than the Best Dressed Engine competition.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_7e519408
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_7e519408
 The Great Discovery
Seven Deadly Sins / int_7e519408
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_7e9d1a6c
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_7e9d1a6c
Frozen (2013): Prince Hans suffers from six of these sins.
Pride: Spare to the Throne of his kingdom, he wants to become the ruler of any country via shortcuts. If he became king, he'll force his brothers to acknowledge him as an equal.
Gluttony: If one goes by the Biblical definition, he's already wealthy being the prince of a foreign kingdom, but wants to ascend over his current status.
Greed: He's a power-hungry backstabber. Why would he care about familial or romantic relations when he's pursuing a kingdom?
Lust: He tried courting Elsa but backed off when told that she's a reclusive person.
Envy: He grew up in the shadow of 12 older brothers, all of whom are more successful than he is.
Wrath: His pursuit of power masks his ultimate desire to get back at his older brothers, whom he never bonded with in youth.
Sloth: The only sin he doesn't suffer from. Not only does he put a lot of thought and effort into his plans, but he also decided to save Elsa from being killed by one of the duke's men, when he could have easily of finished his plan to kill Elsa by allowing the guard to kill her, claim he couldn't stop him in time and use said guard as a scapegoat to avoid looking bad.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_7e9d1a6c
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_7e9d1a6c
 Frozen (2013)
Seven Deadly Sins / int_7e9d1a6c
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_8125b468
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_8125b468
The 2009 Batman annuals feature a group of seven villains who call themselves La Saglia (an acronym of the Latin names of the sins), and seek to awaken the Eighth Sin. Any connection to the Seven Deadly Enemies of Man is unknown.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_8125b468
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_8125b468
 Batman (Franchise)
Seven Deadly Sins / int_8125b468
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_81a005a3
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_81a005a3
"Big" Jack Horner in Puss in Boots: The Last Wish, being the embodiment of irredeemable villainy (and proud of it), has committed all seven sins during the movie:
Pride: He cares more about himself rather than his henchmen and anyone else, and is primarily driven by his need for spotlight attention.
Sloth: He uses his men as cannon fodder to do all the hard work for him, and couldn't even bother to save them if it requires more than the minimum effort. Even though he's well aware of himself being pure evil, he refuses to change his ways for the better.
Gluttony: Indulges in his appetite for pies and sweets, even resulting in eating a magic cookie that leads him into growing to a monstrous size at the final battle.
Envy: He is envious of magical beings for being more popular than him, and he intends to remedy that by controlling all magic.
Lust: He has a lust for power, specifically magic, and intends to use the Wishing Star to control all magic in existence.
Greed: He has hoarded countless magic objects and put them all in his trophy room despite already being rich. And when he prepares his expedition for the Wishing Star, he stuffs everything (including a useless Ethical Bug) he has in his bottomless nanny bag because he couldn't decide what he actually needs.
Wrath: He takes his anger out on his followers, Puss in Boots, and his friends when things don't go in his way. He also flicks away the Ethical Bug after the Bug finally realizes Jack is incapable of being good in any way.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_81a005a3
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_81a005a3
 Puss in Boots: The Last Wish
Seven Deadly Sins / int_81a005a3
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_81f5d35d
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_81f5d35d
Kamen Rider:
Kamen Rider Double themes its villains off each of the sins. Unusually, Pride is the starter villain and the weakest, a Noble Demon and ambitious new member of the mafia who dies from not realizing that pushing his Gaia Memory's power too far with his Training from Hell will cause it to kill him. The Arc Villain position is held by Gluttony, a criminal underworld doctor, while Greed is represented by the Big Bad, the mafia don, whose daughters represent Envy and Lust. His vengeance-seeking wife represents Wrath, and the Greater-Scope Villain backing him represents Sloth.
Kamen Rider OOO is primarily centered on Greed, but that doesn't stop it from having its villains display all of the other vices as well by flavoring them as different kinds of desire. Kazari's desire to consume his fellow homunculi to evolve himself makes him Gluttony, Uva's short temper makes him Wrath, Mezool's cravings for love and affection make her Lust, Gamel's stupidity and lazy attitude make him Sloth, and Ankh covers both Pride and Envy at various stages of his life as he goes from being full of himself to realizing how much being a living embodiment of greed sucks. Dr. Maki, a human who becomes the final homunculus out of a desire to end the world, represents Despair.
Similar to OOO above, each major villain in Kamen Rider Gaim embodies a different sin.
Demushu is Envy, as while it isn't obvious at first it's alluded to that his wrath towards humans is motivated by the fact that they still have a civilization while Demushu lost his.
Sid is Greed, his only motive being to obtain more power for himself. Mitchy is Lust, as his feelings towards Mai and jealousy of her closeness with Kouta are a major contributor to his downfall and him turning on his friends.
Ryoma is Pride, seeking to bring an Ultimate Lifeform into being through his creations just so he can have the prestige of being the one who created God.
Redyue is Wrath, being a sadist who believes Evil Feels Good and revels in tormenting others.
Rosyuo is Sloth, his grief over his wife's death resulting in him lacking the will to do anything other than allow Helheim to slowly devour planets and occasionally step in to keep the other Overlords in line.
The Helheim Forest itself is Gluttony, consuming planets one-by-one to add to its evolution.
Despair is represented by Takatora, who's belief that Earth is doomed to being devoured by Helheim is what allows Ryoma to manipulate him.
Kamen Rider Ghost gives Kamen Rider Specter a movie-exclusive form which has attacks based on each of the sins, retooled from Ghost's own final form which has attacks based on various emotions.
Kamen Rider Revice: Rather appropriately for a devil-worshipping cult, each of the top members of the Deadmans embodies a different sin.
Gluttony is embodied by Giff, the demon god whom the cult worships, who grows stronger by devouring others.
The Chameleon Deadman is Envy, impersonating others because he dislikes his own physical appearance.
Amahiko Haitani is Greed, having joined the Deadmans only to gain more power and prestige.
Aguilera, the cult's figurehead, is Lust, as the fiancee of Giff who desires to be with him.
Orteca is Pride, having a massive ego and viewing those around him as lower for not being as smart as he is.
Yasushi Kudo is Sloth, viewing hard work as ineffective and preferring to cheat to get ahead.
Julio is Wrath, being the most brutish Deadmans executive and the one quickest to anger.
The eighth sin, Despair, is embodied by the Deadmans founder Hideo Akaishi, who became a follower of Giff's because he believed it hopeless to oppose the demon.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_81f5d35d
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_81f5d35d
 Kamen Rider (Franchise)
Seven Deadly Sins / int_81f5d35d
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_86c3beca
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_86c3beca
In Girl Genius, one of the old villainous Heterodynes built a group of clanks based on the Eleven Deadly Sins - four of which the Heterodynes had invented themselves. Ivo Sharktooth says his favourite was "gommority", apparently named after Gomorrah by analogy with sodomy. We don't learn what it is, but Vanamonde von Mekkhan whispers it to his assistant, who responds "But that's no big deal! Even I've done that!" Sharktooth points out she's probably got mad or eaten too much cake as well.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_86c3beca
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_86c3beca
 Girl Genius (Webcomic)
Seven Deadly Sins / int_86c3beca
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_8cae9d92
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_8cae9d92
Kitsune: Of Foxes and Fools: Fools are categorized by which of the seven sins they are guilty of, and the foxes' jobs is to purify them of their sins, through pranks.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_8cae9d92
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_8cae9d92
 Kitsune: Of Foxes and Fools (Tabletop Game)
Seven Deadly Sins / int_8cae9d92
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_8ea79323
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_8ea79323
Widdershins has the Sins as a central theme. In a World… where wizards use Summon Magic to invoke spirits from strong feelings and emotions, "the Deadlies", as they're called, are some of the most powerful (and most dangerous) spirits, with one of them driving the plot of each Story Arc so far. In addition, something terrible is said to happen if all seven of them are set loose in the titular city. But what are the odds of that happening, really?
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_8ea79323
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_8ea79323
 Widdershins (Webcomic)
Seven Deadly Sins / int_8ea79323
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_8f8df73b
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_8f8df73b
Scar from The Lion King suffers from all of these sins.
He believes himself to be deserving of power. He also refuses to abandon the Pride Lands, even if it means the death of his subjects. (Pride)
He acts indolent even as the Pride Lands fall into ruin. (Sloth)
He enjoys food while letting the rest of his kingdom, including his loyal followers, starve. (Gluttony)
He is envious of his brother and nephew for getting the throne, and plots their deaths for it. (Envy)
In a deleted scene, he comes onto Nala, eager to produce heirs. (Lust)
He wants power and will destroy anyone to get it. (Greed)
He gets enraged and violently lashes out whenever someone compares him unfavorably to Mufasa. (Wrath)
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_8f8df73b
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_8f8df73b
 The Lion King (1994)
Seven Deadly Sins / int_8f8df73b
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_90d76c96
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_90d76c96
Norbit: Rasputia Lattimore embodies all of the sins. She's strongly implied to Envy other women more beautiful than her, she goes along with her brothers' scam to take control of the orphange for the profit (Greed), she has a voracious appetite for sex and even cheats on her husband (Lust), she has an extremely high opinion of herself and hates when anybody suggests otherwise about her (Pride), and she has a vicious temper and desire to get back at anyone who angers her (Wrath). Sloth is a downplayed since while she is very lazy and hedonistic, she actually does work at her brothers' company when she probably doesn't need to and personally takes action throughout the film when needed. Gluttony is a gimme as most of the movie's humor revolves around her morbid obesity.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_90d76c96
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_90d76c96
Seven Deadly Sins / int_90d76c96
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_90f7114
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_90f7114
The doomed characters in Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street can be taken to represent the seven deadly sins: Todd is Wrath, Mrs. Lovett Avarice, Judge Turpin Lust, Pirelli Pride, the Beadle Envy, and the citizenry of London generally Gluttony. Arguably, Toby could also represent Gluttony given his gin addiction.
Sloth could be the Beggar Woman (Sweeney's wife), who "just lay there in bed" and hasn't really bettered herself since the "incident" (but really, can you blame her?).
If you want to add "Ignorance" as a sin, Anthony could qualify for being woefully Wrong Genre Savvy.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_90f7114
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_90f7114
 Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (Theatre)
Seven Deadly Sins / int_90f7114
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_920bdb7c
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_920bdb7c
Kill Six Billion Demons: The main antagonists, the demiurges, each represent one of the sins.
Mottom, who indulges herself by gorging on the finest she can take from other worlds, is gluttony.
Solomon David, who believes he is right in all things, is pride.
Gog-Agog, who constantly reshapes herself to mimic others, is envy.
Jadis, who never moves within her glass sarcophagus, is sloth.
Mammon, who bought his way to power and slew his own family to increase the count, is greed.
Incubus, who twists others into doing his every whim in hopes of just a little more favor, is lust.
Jagganoth, who will tear down all that is the instant the other six show a glimmer of weakness, is wrath.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_920bdb7c
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_920bdb7c
 Kill Six Billion Demons (Webcomic)
Seven Deadly Sins / int_920bdb7c
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_93221cce
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_93221cce
Kamen Rider OOO is primarily centered on Greed, but that doesn't stop it from having its villains display all of the other vices as well by flavoring them as different kinds of desire. Kazari's desire to consume his fellow homunculi to evolve himself makes him Gluttony, Uva's short temper makes him Wrath, Mezool's cravings for love and affection make her Lust, Gamel's stupidity and lazy attitude make him Sloth, and Ankh covers both Pride and Envy at various stages of his life as he goes from being full of himself to realizing how much being a living embodiment of greed sucks. Dr. Maki, a human who becomes the final homunculus out of a desire to end the world, represents Despair.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_93221cce
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_93221cce
 Kamen Rider OOO
Seven Deadly Sins / int_93221cce
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_94436ab3
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_94436ab3
Part of the confusion came because of how the gimmick resembled the title character of the movie Powder, whose director, Victor Salva, had been convicted of child molestation in 1988. This led people to mistakenly confuse the two and to think that the character was a molester.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_94436ab3
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_94436ab3
Seven Deadly Sins / int_94436ab3
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_980c3316
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_980c3316
Shazam! features in its rogues gallery the Seven Deadly Sins (known originally as the Seven Deadly Enemies of Man), demons who are imprisoned inside the Rock of Eternity by the wizard Shazam. Over the years they've periodically broken free and Captain Marvel has had to fight them and seal them up. Lust was originally replaced by Injustice, and this was only changed in the JLA/JSA crossover below.
One DC storyline associated each sin with a specific DC Hero, as seen here◊. Mr Terrific was Pride, Hal Jordan was Envy, Plastic Man was Greed, Batman was Wrath, Dr Fate was Sloth, Power Girl was Lust, and Captain Marvel himself was Gluttony.
In the JLA (1997) Jr oneshot, part of the Sins of Youth Crisis Crossover, the de-aged Justice Leage visit the Rock of Eternity where Shazam equates them with the Deadly Enemies: Batman, with his uncompromising attitude, was Injustice; Kyle Rayner, who was creative but couldn't follow through on anything, was Laziness; Aquaman, whose kid-self was taking advantage of being king, was Selfishness; Wally West, who was angry about becoming Kid Flash again, was Hatred; Plastic Man, the ex-thief, was Greed; Red Tornado, who wishes he were human, was Envy; and Superman, who had become a Smug Super in his kiddified state, was Pride.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_980c3316
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_980c3316
 Shazam! (Comic Book)
Seven Deadly Sins / int_980c3316
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_986143f5
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_986143f5
In Art of the Dead, Mad Artist Dorian Wilde made a pact with dark forces when he created seven paintings that represent the seven deadly sins. Now, anyone who comes in contact with these pictures are corrupted by Pride, Lust, Gluttony, Sloth, Greed, Envy, and Wrath.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_986143f5
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_986143f5
 Art of the Dead
Seven Deadly Sins / int_986143f5
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_9bc9d7e3
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_9bc9d7e3
In Slasher, the Serial Killer known as the Executioner kills people he believes are guilty of the seven deadly sins. For example, for the sin of greed he kills a journalist who spread lies to sell her articles and for lust a police officer who kidnapped a teenager to rape her.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_9bc9d7e3
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_9bc9d7e3
Seven Deadly Sins / int_9bc9d7e3
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_a03824e8
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_a03824e8
The DCU:
Shazam! features in its rogues gallery the Seven Deadly Sins (known originally as the Seven Deadly Enemies of Man), demons who are imprisoned inside the Rock of Eternity by the wizard Shazam. Over the years they've periodically broken free and Captain Marvel has had to fight them and seal them up. Lust was originally replaced by Injustice, and this was only changed in the JLA/JSA crossover below.
One DC storyline associated each sin with a specific DC Hero, as seen here◊. Mr Terrific was Pride, Hal Jordan was Envy, Plastic Man was Greed, Batman was Wrath, Dr Fate was Sloth, Power Girl was Lust, and Captain Marvel himself was Gluttony.
In the JLA (1997) Jr oneshot, part of the Sins of Youth Crisis Crossover, the de-aged Justice Leage visit the Rock of Eternity where Shazam equates them with the Deadly Enemies: Batman, with his uncompromising attitude, was Injustice; Kyle Rayner, who was creative but couldn't follow through on anything, was Laziness; Aquaman, whose kid-self was taking advantage of being king, was Selfishness; Wally West, who was angry about becoming Kid Flash again, was Hatred; Plastic Man, the ex-thief, was Greed; Red Tornado, who wishes he were human, was Envy; and Superman, who had become a Smug Super in his kiddified state, was Pride.
Each of the seven villainous aliens from the DC Crisis Crossover Bloodlines was explicitly themed around one of the seven deadly sins.
The 2009 Batman annuals feature a group of seven villains who call themselves La Saglia (an acronym of the Latin names of the sins), and seek to awaken the Eighth Sin. Any connection to the Seven Deadly Enemies of Man is unknown.
In Teen Titans: Together, Together Forever, six sons of Trigon sired from human mothers at around the same time as Raven have emotion-manipulating powers based on the sins. They try to awaken Raven's evil side and get her to join up. In an open defiance of convention, the one female in the group isn't lust; Raven instead filled the "pride" slot. (It's implied this is because she is viewed as Trigon's pride, a la daddy's little girl, or perhaps because she is the most powerful.) Stuck on evil mode, Raven later tried to transfer her brother's abilities to the Titans. Donna Troy got stuck with Lust, rather than the more obvious choice of Starfire. This was a reference to the fact that Donna has gone through multiple relationships and been the object of desire of many men, even more so than Starfire. Cyborg was Wrath, which seemed to be a Stealth Pun on the "Angry Black Man" Stereotype trope. Red Arrow got Gluttony, and while he became fat as a result, this was a possible reference to his former heroin addiction, thrill seeking, and womanizing tendencies, fitting in with Gluttony's nature of excessive consumption.
Deadly Six is a member of the Suicide Squad who can induce six of the seven sins in people (sloth makes people lazy, for instance). He avoids using lust since that's squicky and wrong.
Wonder Woman Vol 1: Each of the original seven members of Villainy Inc. have motivations tied to the seven. Byrna Brilyant uses her inventions to threaten communities out of their money due to Greed. Queen Clea's Lust for men and power threw two Atlantean principalities into war and caused her to abduct entire shiploads of men, strip them, keep the submissive ones and devise scantly clad executions for the others for her own entertainment. Cheetah's Envy whenever others received more attention than her drove her to murder before she ever donned a costume and villain name. Dr. Poison's Pride in her work is such that she can't understand when someone tries to call her out for how horrific it is. Eviless became a slave driver as it was a simple job that allowed her to order others to do all the work, she then becomes a full fledged villain to get revenge when parts of her job becomes illegal as she doesn't want to have to go through the work of adapting to the new guidelines due to her Sloth. Giganta's every action revolves around her Wrath. Zara's Gluttony for the finer things in life causes her downfall when she has no patience about spending her ill gotten gains.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_a03824e8
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_a03824e8
 The DCU (Franchise)
Seven Deadly Sins / int_a03824e8
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_a0bb161c
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_a0bb161c
Each of the rainbow kingdoms in Planet of 7 Colors represent one of the seven deadly sins.
The red kingdom are representatives of wrath since they wage war endlessly.
The orange kingdom's people live in poverty and are greedy for wealth.
The green kingdom's ruler and inhabitants are slothful due to how comfortable their environment is.
The yellow kingdom are gluttonous and elected their leader based on how fat he got after eating so much.
The indigo kingdom's bird people are representatives of jealousy, and they make a living off plundering.
The violet kingdom's ruler is prideful, calling the other kingdoms "lower races".
The blue kingdom's queen is obsessed with finding her true love, an allusion to lust.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_a0bb161c
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_a0bb161c
 Planet of 7 Colors (Animation)
Seven Deadly Sins / int_a0bb161c
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_a0bece5f
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_a0bece5f
Hellaverse: Hell in this universe is divided into seven rings, each one representing one of the sins, and each one is ruled over by their respective patron devil which, in spite of matching the classical names, may be interpreted creatively. At least many of the rings have a type of demon that originates from there, although they are also found on other rings — and as of the beginning of 2024, the information on these was sketchy. Each ring also is assigned a different colour of the rainbow that is reflected in the sky, though not matching the colour symbolism described above.
Pride: Home to Imp City and Pentagram City, and the only ring where damned souls from Earth are allowed to live.
Colour: Red.
Ruler: Lucifer Morningstar. The overall ruler of Hell. A Fallen Angel, and still looks like one: a pale, generic humanoid in a white ringmaster's outfit (and who's not very tall), capable of spouting multiple pairs of angelic wings. While he likes to boast about how awesome he is, he's rather goofy and secretly depressed not too far underneath it. His wife is Lilith and his daughter is called Charlie.
Wrath: A western styled area.
Colour: orange.
Native demon race: imp.
Ruler: The yet-unseen Satan, who is implied to be a muscular Imp-like demon with wings.
Gluttony: Features lush vegetation and extravagantly shaped buildings.
Colour: yellow.
Native demon race: hellhound.
Ruler: Queen Bee-Lzebub. An anthropomorphic bee-fox. Has a thin waist, but it has a "lava lamp" special effect going on to show it's constantly burning what she consumes. Throws parties in which people gorge themselves on sweet stuff and alcohol. Ironically for the archdevil of gluttony, she doesn't seem to be a bad person, and can worry that someone is going too far.
Greed: A sprawl of industrial parks and lavish gated communities rife with organized crime that's also home to the Loo Loo Land theme park.
Colour: green.
Native demon race: loan shark (possibly a fan nickname; not to be confused with the fish demons from Envy).
Ruler: Mammon. A spider demon jester with an Australian accent. Highly exploitative of his people and his workers just so he alone can make a profit. Somehow a revered entertainer in spite of acting like a dim-witted jerk even on stage.
Lust: An endless city of brothels and nightclubs.
Colour: blue.
Native demon race: succubus/incubus.
Ruler: Asmodeus ("Ozzie"). A vague, large humanoid with some bird?- moth?- like features. Runs an exclusive sexy bar known as Ozzie's. Likes in-person kinkyness, dislikes both tender love (at least so he claims) and pornography.
Envy: Apparently a watery place.
Colour: indigo.
Native demon race: a kind of fish demon.
Ruler: The unseen Leviathan.
Sloth: An opulent city known for medical work.
Colour: violet.
Native demon race: Apparently Baphomet.
Ruler: The unseen Belphegor ("Belle"). Doesn't like it when Bee-Lzebub steals her party drugs.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_a0bece5f
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_a0bece5f
Seven Deadly Sins / int_a0bece5f
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_a12cd9cf
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_a12cd9cf
Big City Greens: The Big Bad Chip Whistler is an example of all seven sins at once:
Lust: He only cares about himself and his job, forcing people to obey him.
Sloth: Does not take his position as CEO too seriously, skipping out on several meetings due to his hatred with the Greens.
Wrath: Has a huge hatred against the Green family, especially Cricket. When he got banned from Big City in "Chipocalypse Now", he has a Villainous Breakdown which culminates in nearly killing them until he gets slung out himself.
Envy: Not only does he hate the Greens, he is also jealous of their business and admiration.
Greed: Is obsessed with both money and power, to the point he only enjoys money more than anything and went out of his way to use people's kindness to deceive them, like how he did to both the Greens and his father.
Pride: Is self-absorbed and is obsessed with the power he gets as CEO.
Gluttony: Downplayed as he's not technically a Villainous Glutton, but tried to ruin the Greens' tomato stand as payback for losing customers until Gramma stopped him.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_a12cd9cf
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_a12cd9cf
 Big City Greens
Seven Deadly Sins / int_a12cd9cf
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_a183d57f
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_a183d57f
Sloth: When Fry isn't busy delivering packages or spending time with Bender and Leela, he often spends his spare time on the couch watching TV. Some of the jokes relate to Fry's media knowledge from before being frozen.
Wrath: Leela is the more rational member of the Planet Express crew, but she can be also somewhat quick to anger or violence. It's hard to blame her since she used to be ridiculed for being a cyclops.
Greed: Bender constantly steals for his own benefit. Even after being punished by any means, he would continue to steal since.
Gluttony: Dr. Zoidberg is stated to be dirt poor, which relates to his tendency to eat almost anything in sight. Well, except for fluorescent light bulbs or tofu as stated by the staff.
Lust: Amy can be flirtatious towards other men. It was slightly downplayed after hooking up with Kif.
Envy and Pride: Professor Farnsworth tends to be proud of his more successful creations while Hermes is not only proud of his bureaucracy job to a suicidal degree, but also gets jealous whenever his wife LaBarbara's ex Barbados Slim enters the picture.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_a183d57f
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_a183d57f
Seven Deadly Sins / int_a183d57f
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_a2a386c9
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_a2a386c9
Orion's Arm has the Festival of Sin, an annual week-long event with a day devoted to each sin, followed by an optional 2 week period of reflection. It originated as a philosophical exercise in understanding the morals of ancient cultures, but almost all of the modern participants are just there for the fun of it.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_a2a386c9
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_a2a386c9
 Orion's Arm (Website)
Seven Deadly Sins / int_a2a386c9
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_a44ac02e
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_a44ac02e
Jack has a number of damned souls in hell who exemplify the seven sins.
Wrath is the titular character, who also serves as the Grim Reaper, ironically he's the nicest of them by far. He wiped out the human race in revenge for his love's death, and his punishment is watching the death of every furre with no ability to change it.
Lust is Drip, a serial rapist and murderer who became a distorted beast with a dick that changes from day to day. And he can't feel pleasure from rapes anymore so he makes Faustian Bargains with damned former victims for sex.
Gluttony is Bob and Lisa Vorsh, a couple of cannibals who ended up sharing a single emaciated body in hell. They eat other souls but they taste like sulfur and never satisfy for long.
Greed is Vince, the founder of a cult that grew powerful enough to conquer several countries. When he went to hell his followers sewed his eyes shut and cut off his genitals. But he still started a new cult in hell.
Envy is Kane, the last known human in hell and a Mad Scientist who built a zombie army to take over hell.
Sloth is the very ground of hell, feeling every single thing happening upon him and never able to rest.
Vanity would be Emily, who was apparently quite beautiful in life but now hides beneath a cloak or someone else's stripped off skin (until it rots).
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_a44ac02e
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_a44ac02e
 Jack (David Hopkins) (Webcomic)
Seven Deadly Sins / int_a44ac02e
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_a5640e92
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_a5640e92
In Sin With Me, there are seven assassins who each correspond to a different sin. They reflect the sins in their characters; use them as stage names for their circus acts, which are themed around sin; and are destined to go up against demons matching those sins.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_a5640e92
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_a5640e92
 Sin With Me (Visual Novel)
Seven Deadly Sins / int_a5640e92
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_a77e8a8a
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_a77e8a8a
In the second and third games of the Heileen series, the Seven Deadly Sins and the Seven Heavenly Virtues are a core part of the gameplay and determine which ending Heileen gets.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_a77e8a8a
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_a77e8a8a
 Heileen (Visual Novel)
Seven Deadly Sins / int_a77e8a8a
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_ac0940a7
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_ac0940a7
Mindhunters: Not ostensibly focused upon but present in some form or another, nonetheless, and end up being what do most of the characters in:
Lust: Nicole's need for cigarettes; Plus she's sleeping with J.D. and somewhat comes onto Gabe.
Gluttony: Rafe's a coffee junkie.
Envy: Lucas, who admits he's jealous of how cool and calculated, yet clueless FBI agents seem after they overlook him as a suspect in his parents' murder. Albeit, he was just a kid when he offed them. Also Vince, somewhat. In addition to being bitter about his condition and the fact that he's not making profiler, he decides to drag Sarah's hopes down by revealing that she won't, either. Plus, he's never without his gun.
Wrath: The killer obviously has this in spades. That aside, everyone pulls a gun on everybody else for most of the movie and Nicole takes this one to the next level when she suspects Sarah of being the killer.
Pride: J.D. always has to take the lead; Lucas paraphrases Wolverine: "I'm the best at what I do."; Bobby is a mechanical/technical whiz and readily flaunts this.
Greed: Gabe doesn't approve of how taxpayers' (apparently including his) hard-earned dollars are spent. JD's need to be the leader could be another type of Greed, in the form of attention and recognition.
Sloth: Aside from J.D., no one lifts a finger to help Nicole prepare dinner. Particularly frowning on Gabe here, since he's an unexpected and uninvited guest. Vince also refuses to trust anyone - which is a different form of Sloth - though in this case someone overcoming their sin, Vince trusting Gabe with his gun, is what saves them from the trap.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_ac0940a7
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_ac0940a7
Seven Deadly Sins / int_ac0940a7
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_ae0356e0
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_ae0356e0
Eustace from Courage the Cowardly Dog:
Wrath: Eustace is very Angrish and has a boistful anger and is always raging against the littlest things that make him angry (mostly Courage). Exaggerated in one episode where he gets a hair tonic that can cause a massive explosion if he gets too angry.
Envy: Eustace is always jealous of Courage from the attention he gets from both Muriel and his own mother. He was also jealous of his brother Horst who was considered the favourite among the family whereas Eustace was always neglected as a child and was never given any attention.
Greed: Eustace is obsessed with his desire to become rich and cannot resist pulling scams and claiming illegal items, even going as far as to endanger the Bagges' lives to obtain his purpose.
Gluttony: Eustace is an excessive eater and can eat pretty much anything. A Running Gag on the show is that he keeps asking Muriel to make him dinner.
Sloth: Eustace is very lazy and rarely does any work in the house, mostly sitting in his chair and reading a newspaper.
Pride: Eustace is very arrogant and only cares about himself. Although he is jealous of Muriel's attention towards Courage, Eustace rarely shows any interest in his own wife and doesn't care at all when she is danger. He practically sees himself as his own priority and always puts his needs before everyone else.
Lust: Eustace has a lust for luxury and will do anything to please himself.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_ae0356e0
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_ae0356e0
 Courage the Cowardly Dog
Seven Deadly Sins / int_ae0356e0
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_ae8d22f6
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_ae8d22f6
Werewolf: The Forsaken has the Maeljin, powerful spirits that embody abstract concepts that twisted in upon themselves until they just became wrong. Needless to say, the Seven Deadlies are well represented.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_ae8d22f6
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_ae8d22f6
 Werewolf: The Forsaken (Tabletop Game)
Seven Deadly Sins / int_ae8d22f6
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_b0ec45b8
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_b0ec45b8
1927's Metropolis includes a dream sequence featuring embodiments of the Seven Deadly Sins and Death. Death aside, you'd be hard pressed to recognize them, but they are listed in the credits, apparently playing themselves.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_b0ec45b8
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_b0ec45b8
Seven Deadly Sins / int_b0ec45b8
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_b0ff5776
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_b0ff5776
Young Sheldon: In "Seven Deadly Sins and a Small Carl Sagan", each room of the Hell House is meant to contain a skit demonstrating the worst qualities of each of the seven sins, as well as one room for Mary to offer salvation to those humbled by those skits and seeking forgiveness.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_b0ff5776
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_b0ff5776
 Young Sheldon
Seven Deadly Sins / int_b0ff5776
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_b2afdc9d
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_b2afdc9d
In the Chronicles of Darkness:
All characters have one of the Seven Deadlies as a Vice. By fulfilling their Vice, the character can gratify their ego and gain a point of Willpower, a vital resource. (A character with Greed as a Vice, for example, can fulfill it by screwing someone over for a quick buck.) However, acts that fulfill Vices are usually going to damage the Karma Meter, so the player has to weigh the cost against the gain. In contrast, characters also have Virtues (such as Charity or Faith), which take much more work to fulfill, but fully restore Willpower when pulled off.
In Changeling: The Lost, the True Fae can't understand anything beyond their own whims, so they treat one of the Seven Deadlies as if it were a Virtue.
Werewolf: The Forsaken has the Maeljin, powerful spirits that embody abstract concepts that twisted in upon themselves until they just became wrong. Needless to say, the Seven Deadlies are well represented.
Demons from the Inferno are innately linked to one of the Seven Deadlies, gaining powers related to that Sin. A demon of Rage, for example can grant someone immunity against attacks while they are smeared in the fresh blood of an enemy.
Demons from Demon: The Descent are encouraged to play with the Sins by taking them as virtues and the Heavenly Virtues as vices, but keeping their morals generally the same. For example, a demon with the virtue of Wrath and the vice of Kindness would express righteous anger and attack those who exploit others while enabling bad habits because she's too nice to tell them to stop, even for their own good.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_b2afdc9d
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_b2afdc9d
 Chronicles of Darkness (Tabletop Game)
Seven Deadly Sins / int_b2afdc9d
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_b30ae4db
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_b30ae4db
In Game of Thrones, many of the Houses and Organizations of the setting embody the Seven Deadly Sins in some form or another: the Starks embody Sloth in their refusal to behave "dishonorably," even if it would have been the right thing to do under the circumstances; the Lannisters all represent Pride in one form or another- Tywin's perfectionist standards, Jamie's vanity in his appearance, Tyrion's pride as self-defence; the Baratheons' frivolous spending habits and wastage of resources makes them Gluttony, especially in the case of King Robert, an excessive drinker (Robert himself also has multiple other deadly sins - his lust alienates his family and his sloth, wrath and pride all lead him to an early grave) and Joffrey (even though he's actually a Lannister); the Greyjoys are a clear representation of Envy, what with their piratical lifestyle and Badass Creed of taking what they want instead of earning it; the Freys are Lust, given Lord Walder's habit of taking on so many new wives and mistresses; the Targaryens represent Wrath, what with Viserys' constant temper-tantrums in pursuit of his crown and Daenerys' habit of wreaking terrible vengeance on those who've wronged her. Finally, the Thirteen of Qarth embody Greed: most of them hoard their wealth and resources, refusing to help anyone unless they can offer something in return; however, council members Xaro Xhoan Daxos and Pyat Pree plot to take over the Council to feed their own Greed- Daxos for control over Qarth, Pree for the magical power offered by the Dragons.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_b30ae4db
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_b30ae4db
 Game of Thrones
Seven Deadly Sins / int_b30ae4db
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_b32ce8cf
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_b32ce8cf
In the Bedazzled (2000) remake of the above, Brendan Fraser receives seven wishes, six of which correspond to a sin. First, he wishes for a coke and hamburger (that he doesn't end up eating) which represents gluttony. Next he wishes to be rich and powerful, representing greed and resulting in him becoming a Columbian drug lord. He then wishes to be the most emotionally sensitive man on the planet but his sensitivity is to the point of inaction, making it sloth. Elliot later wishes to be a professional basketball player who exhibits considerable aggression, representing anger. His wish to be articulate, witty, and intelligent results in him becoming a charming but somewhat vain award-winning author who represents Pride and ultimately turns out to be a homosexual. His wish to become President of the United States would seem to represent Envy as he coveted the power, reputation, and authority that comes with the job. His final wish which breaks the contract ironically defeats the final Sin, Lust by wishing for the woman he lusted after to have a happy life without him.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_b32ce8cf
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_b32ce8cf
 Bedazzled (2000)
Seven Deadly Sins / int_b32ce8cf
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_b481fb8d
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_b481fb8d
Ava's Demon has characters named after the sins. Only four of them have been revealed so far:
Wrath: Wrathia,
Envy: Nevy
Lust: Tuls
Pride: Pedri
Gluttony: Tylotung
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_b481fb8d
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_b481fb8d
 Ava's Demon (Webcomic)
Seven Deadly Sins / int_b481fb8d
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_b4912962
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_b4912962
An episode of Seriously Strange examines murderers, who killed to satisfy one of the seven deadly sins. The list includes extreme road rage, cannibalism, and a nurse who killed to satisfy sexual urges. The episode can be viewed here.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_b4912962
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_b4912962
 Seriously Strange (Web Video)
Seven Deadly Sins / int_b4912962
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_ba9a9454
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_ba9a9454
Se7en centers around a Serial Killer committing his murders based on these sins:
An obese man is forced to eat until his stomach ruptures (Gluttony).
A wealthy lawyer has a pound of flesh cut out and dies of bloodletting (Greed).
A drug dealer tied to the bed and kept in that state for over a year (Sloth).
A prostitute is killed when a client is forced to rape her to death wearing an S&M device (Lust).
A model has her face mutilated and chooses to commit suicide rather than life with her disfigurement (Pride).
The Envy and Wrath deaths come hand-in-hand. John Doe kills Mills's wife Tracy because he envies their life. The discovery of her head in a box causes Mills to shoot John in rage.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_ba9a9454
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_ba9a9454
Seven Deadly Sins / int_ba9a9454
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_babeae6a
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_babeae6a
Godzilla vs. Kong: The movie's human antagonists, the Apex Cybernetics corporation, want to frame and murder a particularly-heroic Godzilla, and then kill or enslave all the bad and good kaiju in the world (Wrath). Specifically, they want to accomplish this by using Engineered Heroics so that the world will hail Apex as heroes (Lust), and they plan to strip-mine the most powerful energy source on Earth to fuel up Mechagodzilla even if that power source is part of the Earth's core (Gluttony); with the Apex CEO who's masterminding their plan sitting back in his headquarters and letting his underlings do the work while he watches it unfold (Sloth). Apex's reasons for wanting to usurp Godzilla as the King of the Monsters are because not even being worth billions already can satisfy their ambition (Greed), and because they feel insulted and slighted that Godzilla instead of them is the apex lifeform on Earth (Envy). Apex's defining characteristic is their obscene arrogance (Pride) in thinking that the best way to take over the planet from the kaiju for humans was by wiring King Ghidorah's undead skull up to a Godzilla-based Humongous Mecha which uses Green Rocks to function, and not expecting it to deviate from their plan in the slightest.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_babeae6a
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_babeae6a
 Godzilla vs. Kong
Seven Deadly Sins / int_babeae6a
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_bc7736c8
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_bc7736c8
Deadly Six is a member of the Suicide Squad who can induce six of the seven sins in people (sloth makes people lazy, for instance). He avoids using lust since that's squicky and wrong.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_bc7736c8
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_bc7736c8
 Suicide Squad (Comic Book)
Seven Deadly Sins / int_bc7736c8
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_bc848d30
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_bc848d30
Many fans of SpongeBob SquarePants have noticed that the main characters display these vices and writer/voice actor Doug Lawrence has said that this was intentional in the DVD commentary for the season one episode "Plankton!"
Lust: SpongeBob, who is lustful for love and admiration. He strongly desires to be liked by everyone (notice how he pesters Squidward, who hates him, and aims to please his greedy boss Mr. Krabs) and at least two episodes ("As Seen on TV" and "Model Sponge") show how he craves fame.
Sloth: Patrick, who is unemployed and extremely lazy, to the point where he won an award for doing "nothing" longer than anyone else in "Big Pink Loser".
Wrath: Squidward, who is almost always in a bad mood, hates everyone and everything and has a very short fuse, frequently losing his temper.
Greed: Mr. Krabs (the most obvious example), who is obsessed with obtaining money and doesn't want to spend any of it. He underpays his employees, feeds his customers rotten food rather than waste money, almost tore a man's arm off for a penny, sold SpongeBob's soul for 62 cents and once dug up a corpse that was buried in a not valuable hat, to name a few.
Envy: Plankton, who envies Mr. Krabs' success, to the point where he dedicates his entire life to stealing the Krabby Patty formula and putting Krabs out of business. He is literally green with it.
Pride: Sandy, who is a stereotypical Texan that is extremely proud of her homeland and accomplishments oftentimes to the point of arrogance, as shown in "Pressure" (where she is hellbent on proving that she is superior to her sea friends) and "Sandy, SpongeBob and the Worm" (where she ignores SpongeBob's warnings that the titular worm is too tough for her).
Gluttony: Gary (the least obvious example, since Patrick is also a Big Eater in addition to his laziness), who is almost always eating when he appears onscreen. SpongeBob frequently mentions having to feed him, he eats an entire bag of snail food in seconds in "Procrastination", he eats the fungus off people in "Fungus Among Us", runs away from home in "Have You Seen This Snail?" because SpongeBob forgot to feed him and pigs out when found by a snail-eating Grandma, and becomes obsessed with Snail Bites in "Treats!"
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_bc848d30
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_bc848d30
 SpongeBob SquarePants
Seven Deadly Sins / int_bc848d30
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_bcb03d22
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_bcb03d22
Hazbin Hotel: Ironically, in spite of most of the cast hailing from Hell, it's the angelic Adam who displays all seven.
Envy: During the first episode, he spitefully talks about another angel who wanted to sleep with one of his band members instead of him and never got over Lucifer stealing Lilith and possibly Eve from him.
Greed: Compared to the Exorcists working under him, who wear mostly grey outfits, Adam's outfit is comprised of mainly gold. Additionally, whenever he doesn't get the outcome he wants, he responds by pouting or throwing a tantrum in response.
Wrath: As stated above, whenever Adam doesn't get what he wants, he's prone to childish fits of rage and the conflict of the first season is kicked off when Adam decides to have a second extermination every year from now on in response to one exorcist getting killed, never mind that he and his army have killed millions of them.
Lust: Adam is shown to be a constant horndog, bringing up sleeping with someone to a clearly uninterested Charlie and later in the series, referring to Charlie, who is his ex's daughter, as "Lilith's little hottie".
Sloth: When meeting with Charlie in the first episode, he's too lazy to come in person, instead showing up as a hologram. Additionally, his fighting style shows that he's Unskilled, but Strong, implying that he doesn't feel the need to better hone his skills in battle due to his overwhelming might.
Gluttony: Between him devouring a plate of ribs in the first episode and Lucifer implying that he's let himself go since the Garden of Eden, it's implied that Adam is a Big Eater who takes more than he gives.
Pride: As far as Adam is concerned, he is the greatest being in existence and anyone who thinks otherwise is a stupid loser who deserves to get crushed under his feat. Him constantly bringing up how he was Original Man and how, according to Word of God, his outfit was based around a letterman's jacket, makes it clear that he's got nothing else of worth and, rather than actually try to better himself, constantly brags about the one big thing he actually did so that he doesn't have to bother improving.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_bcb03d22
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_bcb03d22
 Hazbin Hotel
Seven Deadly Sins / int_bcb03d22
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_bf7fe67f
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_bf7fe67f
Douche from Sausage Party manages to represent all seven of the deadly sins throughout the film.
He considers himself a god among food and products. Even before turning evil, he demonstrates an inflated sense of self-worth and frequently looks down on others. (Pride)
He orders his lackey to capture Brenda rather than doing it himself. (Sloth)
He consumes alcohol and juice to make himself stronger. (Gluttony)
He's jealous of other food products for having a purpose because his nozzle was broken. (Envy)
He has sexual desires to be inserted into a hole. (Lust)
He desires to have everything for himself and gets rid of anyone in his way. (Greed)
He wants revenge against Frank for breaking his nozzle and plans to kill him. (Wrath)
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_bf7fe67f
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_bf7fe67f
 Sausage Party
Seven Deadly Sins / int_bf7fe67f
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_bff01809
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_bff01809
In Warhammer and 40k:
The Chaos Gods fit the Deadly Sins very well, although since there are only four of them, you'll have to assign some Gods with more than one Sin.
Khorne: Wrath and Pride
Tzeentch: Greed and Envy
Nurgle: Sloth and Despair
Slaanesh: Lust and Gluttony
Thinking about it, all of the major factions of Warhammer 40000 fit as the Deadly Sins:
The Imperium: Sloth. The Imperium has spent 10,000 years in stagnation, throwing millions of lives away to appease a deity who may or may not be already dead, with very little technological or social innovation.
The Eldar: Lust. They gave birth to the sex god Slaanesh through their own hedonism.
The Orks: Wrath. They want to wage war against everyone in the galaxy just because it's fun. If there's no other enemy to brutalise, they'll swiftly turn on each other.
The forces of Chaos: Greed. Most of their followers turn to Chaos simply to acquire more and more power for themselves. They'll even betray and kill their peers to do so.
The Tyranids: Gluttony. Devouring everyone and everything in their path to feed an insatiable hunger is their main motivation and characteristic.
The Necrons: Envy. The reason they're the way they are now is because they envied the Old Ones and their immortality, and forged an alliance with the C'tan to become robotic entities.
The Tau: Pride. They believe their philosophy is the best and it will save the galaxy from itself, and if you don't think so, they will shoot, bombard and brainwash you until you do.
The Slaanesh-themed Book of Excess in the 40k RPG Black Crusade includes a short adventure where the players must prove themselves to a Slaanesh-worshipping Chaos champion by beating the practitioners of the Six Arts of Slaanesh (ie. the Deadly Sins minus Wrath, since that is obviously Khorne's territory) at their own game, like gambling against the practitioner of Greed or winning an eating contest against the practitioner of Gluttony. Except for Sloth, where the players have to resist falling into slothfulness rather than trying to out-sloth the practitioner (probably because "roll to see who can do nothing the best" wouldn't really work).
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_bff01809
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_bff01809
 Warhammer (Tabletop Game)
Seven Deadly Sins / int_bff01809
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_c2ef4b61
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_c2ef4b61
Brawl in the Family references them in Part 5 of Turnabout Kirby, where Meta Knight discredits Dedede as a reliable witness by showing pictures of Dedede doing each of the seven sins, with the possible exception of lust.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_c2ef4b61
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_c2ef4b61
 Brawl in the Family (Webcomic)
Seven Deadly Sins / int_c2ef4b61
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_c2fcda
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_c2fcda
In SHAZAM! (2019), as in the above-mentioned comics, the Seven Deadly Sins are sealed in statues within the Rock of Ages. They use Thaddeus Sivana to free them, and possess Sivana to grant him powers comparable to Shazam as well as being able to manifest physically. Sivana's father represented greed, so Sivana had Greed kill him for irony. Lust, rather than Injustice, is among them, though it is a hideous demon like the others with a hideous lolling tongue, and Billy lampshades the common portrayal by commenting he expected it to be "hotter". In the climax, Billy exploits their nature by taunting Envy, who had remained within Sivana after all the others manifested, about being weaker than its fellows so it would emerge to attack him and leave Sivana powerless.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_c2fcda
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_c2fcda
 SHAZAM! (2019)
Seven Deadly Sins / int_c2fcda
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_c3196434
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_c3196434
Slade represents "Greed": his thirst for power rivals even Royce's.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_c3196434
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_c3196434
Seven Deadly Sins / int_c3196434
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_c43df4d8
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_c43df4d8
In Doctor Who, John Simm's Master exhibits all of the sins, as befits his being one of the rottenest incarnations of the character:
Envy: He hates how close the Doctor is to the human race, and always delights in coming between them, whether it be taunting the Doctor about how humans will eventually become the monstrous Toclafane, or else turning every human on Earth into a copy of himself.
Gluttony: When he takes over the Earth, he uses the opportunity to indulge his every whim and treat himself with excessive spoils. After his resurrection, this sin is manifested a bit more literally with his Horror Hunger.
Greed: He's greedy from small ways (taking whatever he wants when he rules the Earth) to big ways (wanting complete control of Earth, Gallifrey, and the entire Universe).
Lust: He makes lustful comments about his wife and his female servants. Even some of his dialogue to the Doctor comes off as creepily lustful!
Pride: This Master is his own biggest fan. He makes god-like speeches about his own importance and puts statues of himself all over the Earth.
Sloth: During the Year That Never Was, he generally had his minions do all the work on Earth while he played and lazed around in the Valiant.
Wrath: He's usually quick to anger if you disobey him, or don't treat him with the respect he feels he deserves.
For bonus points, his cynicism about the pointlessness of the human race and everything else could be interpreted as Despair, the eighth sin in Orthodox Christianity.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_c43df4d8
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_c43df4d8
 Doctor Who
Seven Deadly Sins / int_c43df4d8
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_c51cb60a
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_c51cb60a
In Changeling: The Lost, the True Fae can't understand anything beyond their own whims, so they treat one of the Seven Deadlies as if it were a Virtue.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_c51cb60a
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_c51cb60a
 Changeling: The Lost (Tabletop Game)
Seven Deadly Sins / int_c51cb60a
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_cbae024e
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_cbae024e
On Twitter: Sam Sloth, Walter Wrath, Gilda Gluttony, Lucy Lust, Eliza Envy,Paul Pride, Greg Greed all live together and are part of a universe that stars the Horsemen of the Apocalypse: Simon War, Joe Famine, Peter Pestilence and Steve Death.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_cbae024e
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_cbae024e
Seven Deadly Sins / int_cbae024e
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_ccf875f7
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_ccf875f7
Criminal Minds had a Theme Serial Killer whose theme was Dante's circles of hell; he killed each victim in a way corresponding to the punishment for a different deadly sin (to make things more confusing, though, the victims were all father figures more guilty of mistreating their boys than of the sin they were killed with, due to the killer's origin story as a "Well Done, Son" Guy).
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_ccf875f7
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_ccf875f7
 Criminal Minds
Seven Deadly Sins / int_ccf875f7
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_cf3d284a
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_cf3d284a
The film Raggedy Ann & Andy: A Musical Adventure references them pretty clearly through various characters: Captain Contagious falls in lust with Babette at first sight and promptly kidnaps her. The Greedy physically embodies both greed and gluttony. King Koo Koo envies taller kings, so to compensate he literally puffs himself up with pride by laughing at others. Gazooks the sea monster is full of sloth when first introduced and has to be extorted to do anything. And when Babette realizes she may have to go back home to Marcella, she becomes full of wrath.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_cf3d284a
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_cf3d284a
 Raggedy Ann & Andy: A Musical Adventure
Seven Deadly Sins / int_cf3d284a
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_d11e211f
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_d11e211f
Similar to OOO above, each major villain in Kamen Rider Gaim embodies a different sin.
Demushu is Envy, as while it isn't obvious at first it's alluded to that his wrath towards humans is motivated by the fact that they still have a civilization while Demushu lost his.
Sid is Greed, his only motive being to obtain more power for himself. Mitchy is Lust, as his feelings towards Mai and jealousy of her closeness with Kouta are a major contributor to his downfall and him turning on his friends.
Ryoma is Pride, seeking to bring an Ultimate Lifeform into being through his creations just so he can have the prestige of being the one who created God.
Redyue is Wrath, being a sadist who believes Evil Feels Good and revels in tormenting others.
Rosyuo is Sloth, his grief over his wife's death resulting in him lacking the will to do anything other than allow Helheim to slowly devour planets and occasionally step in to keep the other Overlords in line.
The Helheim Forest itself is Gluttony, consuming planets one-by-one to add to its evolution.
Despair is represented by Takatora, who's belief that Earth is doomed to being devoured by Helheim is what allows Ryoma to manipulate him.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_d11e211f
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_d11e211f
 Kamen Rider Gaim
Seven Deadly Sins / int_d11e211f
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_d1ad2f1d
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_d1ad2f1d
The four main literature club girls from Doki Doki Literature Club! split the sins between them. Sayori is Sloth both in the sense of idleness (her tendency to sleep late) and the sense of despair (she suffers from a case of depression so severe that she can't muster up the motivation to get out of bed in the morning and is eventually driven to suicide); Natsuki is Wrath (due to her snappish, Tsundere attitude that gets a little worse later in the story) and Gluttony (due to the implication that her father starves her, giving her a somewhat voracious appetite when food is in front of her); Yuri ends up becoming a mix of Lust (the implication that she starts getting off on harming herself) and Greed (slowly becoming a little bit...possessive of the player character); and Monika is Pride (the club's leader who can sometimes come off as having a rather high opinion of herself) and Envy (grows resentful of the other girls for catching the player's attention, to the point of manipulating the game's code to kill all three of them one by one).
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_d1ad2f1d
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_d1ad2f1d
 Doki Doki Literature Club! (Visual Novel)
Seven Deadly Sins / int_d1ad2f1d
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_d2cd3b5e
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_d2cd3b5e
In Nomine makes a nod to the Seven Deadlies, but not all of them are currently represented among the Demon Princes. The directly named ones are the Princes of Lust (Andrealphus), Gluttony (Haagenti), and Greed (Mammon); an older Prince of Sloth was actually eaten by Gluttony. Notably, since modern consumerism is predicated more around wasteful and frivoulous, well, consumption of goods than hoarding of valuables and resources per se, it's technically a function of Gluttony and Haagenti has been using this to undercut Mammon's power. Fans of the game can and have debated who represents Wrath, Envy, and Pride among Hell's present-day royalty.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_d2cd3b5e
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_d2cd3b5e
 In Nomine (Tabletop Game)
Seven Deadly Sins / int_d2cd3b5e
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_d3515755
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_d3515755
In DevilBear, each of Bearalzebub's female assistants, called Daivas, have jobs representing a different deadly sin.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_d3515755
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_d3515755
 DevilBear (Webcomic)
Seven Deadly Sins / int_d3515755
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_d46cc708
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_d46cc708
Eddy from Ed, Edd n Eddy:
Greed: Eddy's character definding trait. Eddy's main goal in life to make as much money as he can and will do anything to accomplish that. This even results in putting the other kid's and his own best friend's lives in danger and often will choose money over them.
Wrath: Eddy is one of the most hot-blooded characters in the series and is quick to get revenge on anyone that crosses him. In one episode, Kevin accidentally ruined one of Eddy's scams and Eddy spent the entire episode trying to get revenge on Kevin.
Sloth: Eddy is the one that comes up with the scams and after he does, he usually sits back and watches while Double D comes with the blueprints and Ed uses his strength to help construct them. Even in one episode, one of Eddy's fantasies is owning a bank of jawbreakers while kids bring their jawbreakers to him without him having to lift a finger.
Envy: Eddy is a massive Attention Whore and can't stand others being better or more successful than him. This was shown in different episodes where Eddy is jealous of Kevin's overall success and popularity with the other kids, Jimmy making more successful scams than him, and even his best friend Ed getting all of the attention as a mascot for their school.
Pride: Eddy is very proud of being the leader of the Eds and the brains behind the scams leading to his massive ego. In one episode, Ed wanted to come up with a scam for once but Eddy quickly shot him down not wanting his own friend to make up the next scam note Not that Eddy is completely wrong in doing so: Ed didn’t even intend to make a scam, it was a curse that was inspired from his Evil Tim comics. He also feels like, anytime he gets in trouble (which is often), it was someone else's fault. The Movie goes out of its way to humble him by making him finally realize the consequences of his Pride.
Gluttony: Though Eddy doesn't have much of an appetite or a big stomach as his friend Ed, the main source of his Greed comes from his obsession over jawbreakers. All of the scams in the series leads to him earning money to buy jawbreakers with. It helps that the jawbreakers of the series are massive in size and Eddy (and others) have shown to easily fit them in their mouths.
Lust: Eddy doesn't show it much but there are episodes where he constantly tries to flirt with Nazz. There was even an episode where Eddy was recording a video for his brother to see and lies about Nazz being his girlfriend. He also keeps magazines that are all but stated to be pornographic under his bed (along with a Freeze-Frame Bonus of a box of tissues). In one episode, Ed misplaces the magazines, and the group thinks that they've been swept into a storm drain; when Double D tries to assure Eddy that the water will wash away the writing of the articles, Eddy shrieks "It's the PICTURES I'm worried about!"
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_d46cc708
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_d46cc708
 Ed, Edd n Eddy
Seven Deadly Sins / int_d46cc708
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_d46ea355
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_d46ea355
The Evillious Chronicles franchise by mothy has the Seven Deadly Sins song series (also a Light Novel series) which showcases hosts of the seven Demons of Sin in the story. The official English names of the songs all relate to the (out of universe) patron demons of the sins in question. There is:
"The Daughter of Evil/The Princess of Lucifer", sung by Rin Kagamine, for Pride. The titular character is Riliane Lucifen d'Autriche, a nasty 14 years old Royal Brat with a tendency to make everyone kneel before her and to have any opponents to her regime killed. Fittingly, she is probably the worst of them all. Ironically, she is the only one of the seven who repents for her crimes.
"The Tailor of Enbizaka/Leviathan Slope", sung by Luka, for Envy. The character here is Kayo Sudou, a tailor who is frustrated that her lover is "cheating" on her. Nevermind that the man doesn't even know her, and has a family of his own. She ends up killing his wife, daughters and eventually him with her scissors.
"Evil Food Eater Conchita/Beelzebub Party", sung by Meiko, for Gluttony. The titular character is Banica Conchita, a lord with an obsession with both food and anything that can even very remotely be classified as food. That includes human flesh. Including her own flesh.
"The Lunacy of Duke Venomania/Dance with Asmodeus", sung by Gakupo, for Lust. Duke Sateriasis Venomania was once a deformed man who made a Deal with the Devil to become beautiful and acquire the power to seduce any woman. He has a whole harem of girls forever trapped in his influence until he is assassinated by the lover of one of the girls he had abducted, who infiltrated his manor by posing as a woman.
"Judgement of Corruption/Mammon's Court", sung by Kaito, for Greed. The main character here is Gallerian Marlon, a Hanging Judge who allows the guilty to go free for a bribe. Eventually the populace decide to revolt when he lets a serial killer general go free.
"Gift from the Princess Who Brought Sleep/Belphegor's Gift", sung by Miku, for Sloth. The titular "princess" is Margerita Blankenheim, a doctor's daughter who poisons all the inhabitants of her town to let them "sleep forever", free of all worry, and then kills herself.
And finally, "The Muzzle of Nemesis/Satan's Revenge", sung by Gumi, for Wrath. The girl is Nemesis Sudou, an assassin who was ordered to kill someone she had fallen in love with. After doing so, she tries to kill herself but fails, so instead she goes into a Roaring Rampage of Revenge against her employer...who, as it turns out, is none other than Gallerian Marlon and also, apparently, her father. She offers Gallerian a chance to redeem himself, which he refuses, prompting her to shoot him while burning his house down.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_d46ea355
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_d46ea355
 Evillious Chronicles (Music)
Seven Deadly Sins / int_d46ea355
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_d55b8d2
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_d55b8d2
Godzilla: Replay, the sequel to NES Godzilla Creepypasta centers about this theme. Since it's still a work in progress, only four worlds have been released:
Gelid (Sloth) is themed around ice and cold (which slows down), the enemies are light blue and slow and the boss' name is Lethar, who barely moves and, as such, can be easily defeated by jumping around a lot.
Corona (Pride) has a lot of mirrors, has many purple-colored enemies, one of the monster calls itself "the prettiest thing there could ever be" and the boss' name is Exalton.
Amorphis (Envy) is mostly colored green, a monster complains that it's not fair that it can't be strong, and the boss Odia can take the form of Godzilla sometimes during battle.
Tempest (Lust) is not only very windy, there's a lot of Freudian imagery (like piercing and childbirth), one of the monsters is doing something... strange and he asks to not be interrupted, many of the monsters (including the boss) are colored blue (with the ocassional pink tongue) and can call in "child" monsters, one of the minibosses violently explodes (as if climaxing), the boss' name is Salaac.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_d55b8d2
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_d55b8d2
 NES Godzilla Creepypasta
Seven Deadly Sins / int_d55b8d2
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_d68c2bb4
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_d68c2bb4
Top Chef and America's Next Top Model have each had challenges associated with the seven deadly sins, where each contestant (at the stage where there were seven remaining) was assigned a sin to represent through cooking or modelling, respectively. (Disappointingly, neither person assigned Sloth had the chutzpah to say "I'm representing Sloth by not doing anything at all.")
Masterchef Australia did it as well. The guy who had Sloth was lazy and did a half-arsed job. Intentionally.
Face/Off also did it for the Halloween special. Ironically though, Sloth was one of the hardest worked on costumes.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_d68c2bb4
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_d68c2bb4
 Top Chef
Seven Deadly Sins / int_d68c2bb4
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_d88b3248
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_d88b3248
The bridge of Kamelot's "Citizen Zero" opens by listing the sins in Latin.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_d88b3248
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_d88b3248
 Kamelot (Music)
Seven Deadly Sins / int_d88b3248
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_d968facb
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_d968facb
Face/Off also did it for the Halloween special. Ironically though, Sloth was one of the hardest worked on costumes.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_d968facb
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_d968facb
Seven Deadly Sins / int_d968facb
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_d9c602eb
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_d9c602eb
South Park: Eric Cartman displayed all seven of them at some point or another in this show:
Pride: Not only does he believe himself as the most important person in several situations, but he also has a Self-Serving Memory, and loves to blame others on his own wrongdoings.
Envy: He gets jealous of other people in case they have what he wants. He also likes to cause misfortune to other people, either for his own amusement, or for Revenge.
Wrath: Cartman has a bad temper, is a bully to others, and could even indulge in Tranquil Fury if angered enough, and uses every opportunity he has to tell his ‘’friends’’ how much he hates them. He’s also incredibly prejudiced towards other groups, especially towards Jews (specially Kyle).
Sloth: He’s incredibly lazy, as he has other people, including his mother do everything for him, without doing anything himself. He’s also has a tendency to dismiss anything that doesn’t help him immediately, including school.
Greed: He demands that things would be handed over to him, hoards as much as he can, and refuses to share to anyone else.
Gluttony: He's a Big Eater who loves to indulge in eating everything he get his hands on. One episode had him eat all of the chicken skin, and has a Bizarre Taste in Food, such as eating Cheesy Poofs like cereal.
Lust: Cartman loves to indulge in pleasuring himself as much as possible. Be it food, TV, being a prick for his own amusement, he’s incredibly hedonistic.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_d9c602eb
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_d9c602eb
 South Park
Seven Deadly Sins / int_d9c602eb
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_da2fabed
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_da2fabed
One arc of Pokémon: Rise of the Rockets involved seven trainers corrupted by darkness, who now embody the Seven Deadly Sins and appear to challenge individuals also in possession of their Sin. Each is given their own elemental motif and Aura color, and all have names related to their Sin in one capacity or another.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_da2fabed
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_da2fabed
 Pokémon: Rise of the Rockets (Roleplay)
Seven Deadly Sins / int_da2fabed
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_dd5bb86e
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_dd5bb86e
Each of the overfiends from Heartcore represent a deadly sin:
Villain Protagonist Amethyst represents "Wrath": her power was forcibly siphoned by her father for his own nefarious ends, and she is pissed about it.
...and speaking of her father: Big Bad Royce represents "Gluttony", a practically insatiable hunger for power...and pimped-out food.
Royce's Dragon Asmodai represents "Lust", a fitting sin for an incubus who craves a woman he cannot have.
Nyx represents "Envy": she is intensely jealous of her perceived betters.
Goristro represents "Pride".
Slade represents "Greed": his thirst for power rivals even Royce's.
Carval represents "Sloth": rather than meaning he's lazy, his sin references his indifference to how his actions affect those around him, which makes him even more dangerous as a Mad Bomber.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_dd5bb86e
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_dd5bb86e
 Heartcore (Webcomic)
Seven Deadly Sins / int_dd5bb86e
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_def52d7f
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_def52d7f
A Little Vice: The Abyssal Beasts each represent one, though for now we only have Avaritia Wolf (Greed), Superbia Dragon (Pride), the currently inactive Gula Shark (Gluttony), and Invidia Bat (Envy).
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_def52d7f
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_def52d7f
 A Little Vice
Seven Deadly Sins / int_def52d7f
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_e13be157
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_e13be157
In The King of Kings, Jesus drives them from Mary Magdalene one at a time. They're portrayed as ghosts leaving her body.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_e13be157
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_e13be157
 The King of Kings
Seven Deadly Sins / int_e13be157
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_e275c4e2
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_e275c4e2
The 1937 Looney Tunes short "Pigs is Pigs" has Piggy Hamhock, a young piglet, as gluttony personified, constantly desiring more food to fill his belly with to the point he eats all the dinner meant for his family. This was actually an Aborted Arc as the original intention was to make a series about the Hamhock family's piglets who would all embody one of the sins, before the concept was abandoned and the Hamhock's were quickly retired. Piggy still manages to embody the other sins all on his own; he's very Proud of himself whenever he gets away with stealing food for himself, he constantly lusts for food due to how much pleasure he gets from eating, he has an extremely harsh and negative reaction towards his mother for reprimanding him (Wrath), doesn't bother to play since he's rather mope alone for food (Sloth), and envies his siblings simply for having food that he doesn't and steals it from them (Greed).
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_e275c4e2
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_e275c4e2
 Looney Tunes (Franchise)
Seven Deadly Sins / int_e275c4e2
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_e59216c7
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_e59216c7
In The Gamer's Alliance, the seven elite demon infiltrators of the Eastern Horde have nicknames linked to the seven sins, and each one's dominant trait is based on the sin in question, e.g. Lust is rather promiscuous and tends to unleash uncontrollable passions in other people.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_e59216c7
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_e59216c7
 The Gamer's Alliance (Roleplay)
Seven Deadly Sins / int_e59216c7
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_e7a99c6f
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_e7a99c6f
Demons from Demon: The Descent are encouraged to play with the Sins by taking them as virtues and the Heavenly Virtues as vices, but keeping their morals generally the same. For example, a demon with the virtue of Wrath and the vice of Kindness would express righteous anger and attack those who exploit others while enabling bad habits because she's too nice to tell them to stop, even for their own good.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_e7a99c6f
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_e7a99c6f
 Demon: The Descent (Tabletop Game)
Seven Deadly Sins / int_e7a99c6f
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_ea654451
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_ea654451
In Doctor Faustus, the good doctor requests entertainment after making his famous Deal with the Devil; Mephistopheles obliges by conjuring up seven demons, each of whom represent a deadly sin. The sins make lengthy, poetic speeches about their particular vice; Envy, for example, is illiterate and so wants every book burned (because if it can't read them, no one else should, either); Sloth is barely awake and has trouble stringing sentences together; Pride can't even be bothered to walk on the floor, demanding silks and finery as a carpet; and so on in that fashion. Exactly how this portion of the play works varies from production to production.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_ea654451
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_ea654451
 Doctor Faustus (Theatre)
Seven Deadly Sins / int_ea654451
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_eb2cadfe
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_eb2cadfe
Sonic Villains: Each sin is a key motivator for at least one villain:
Lust: Dingo, whose ideal victory prize would be to get "all the girl [he wants]" as ruler of the multiverse, with the rebel princess Sonia by his side as his "queen". In a more ancillary sense, Rosy and (unwillingly) Sara are also madly in love with Scourge and Eggman respectively, wanting to defend their honor through retaliation against their enemies.
Gluttony: Dark Oak, who has a single-minded obsession with plant life and wants to excessively spread it to every corner of existence and then some, while assimilating anything and everything else in the way of it.
Greed: Naugus, who proclaims he has the ancestral right to bask in the power and authority granted by the Kingdom of Acorn's throne, hence his ambition to usurp the current kingdom, build a new domain of his own designs on top of it, and re-establish the glory of the Order of Ixis.
Sloth: Sleet, whose ultimate desire to live an aristocratic life of pleasure — and happily leave the lower classes to rot while he indulges on "money, power and free chicken" — is his personal motivation for destroying the Sonic Underground and collecting the bounty placed on their heads. While not slothful at all in regards to his villainy, he still frequently exploits Dingo as a part of his schemes and knowingly gets him to take most of the physical brunt, which counts as sloth in the sense of apathy towards the suffering of others.
Wrath: Shadow, whose reason for joining the Eggman Empire is to put down Sonic for his friendship and carefree attitude and prove once and for all that Virtue Is Weakness, so that nobody dares to follow the blue hedgehog's example ever again. Rosy likewise enjoys having the freedom to "strangle [her] own leash on life" and treat everything around her like toys to play with or break.
Envy: Scourge, who yearns to surpass his multiversally-revered blue counterpart in prominence and no longer be Always Second Best to him. He's also shown to feel attacked whenever other characters don't take him as seriously as he would've liked, such as his incredulity towards Eggman calling Shadow a "star player" and brief frustration when Cubot finds him too whiny to be afraid of.
Pride: Eggman himself takes the cake above everyone else, since his aspirations to conquer the world and destroy Sonic have always been motivated by a desire to prove himself as the best by any means necessary, and he sees himself as the would-be figurehead to his idea of a perfect utopia. Sure enough, he also views himself as above all the other "incredibly gullible and increasingly exploitable" villains in his team, and doesn't hesitate to address himself as their new superior.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_eb2cadfe
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_eb2cadfe
 Sonic Villains (Web Animation)
Seven Deadly Sins / int_eb2cadfe
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_eb467083
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_eb467083
The Greatest Gift has the Big Bad of the 'What Happens In Haygas' story arc, Venus. It's mentioned that the three hearts in her Cutie Mark contain the colors representing greed, lust, and envy, which fit her perfectly.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_eb467083
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_eb467083
 The Greatest Gift (Webcomic)
Seven Deadly Sins / int_eb467083
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_eb5d7301
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_eb5d7301
Amphibia: The Core, the true Big Bad of the series, exhibits all seven characteristics:
Pride: It's a Smug Snake which isn't half as intelligent as it's hyped up to be without Andrias, who it abuses.
Gluttony: It's only interested in attacking and "invading" other dimensions so that it can strip them bare of their resources, and it devours Amphibia's environment and resources instead when it can't access other worlds.
Greed: Its primary motivation is getting to maintain its immortal rule and continue pillaging the multiverse forever
Lust: It possesses Marcy's body it craves the sensations of a living, organic body again, plus it states it's "missed" using the frobots to destroy another planet.
Sloth: It leaves as much of the dirty work as affordable to Andrias or the frobots while it hangs back inside the castle.
Envy and Wrath: When the Core is defeated at the series' end, it goes into a full-blown Suicidal Cosmic Temper Tantrum, attempting to destroy all of Amphibia and potentially itself just to spoil its enemies' victory.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_eb5d7301
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_eb5d7301
Seven Deadly Sins / int_eb5d7301
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_ec2c42ce
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_ec2c42ce
Maria Kanellis' song "Seven Sins" has her singing about the sins in general with the lyrics "seven sins, seven sins/which one will pull me in". She does mention lust quite a bit as well.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_ec2c42ce
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_ec2c42ce
 Maria Kanellis (Wrestling)
Seven Deadly Sins / int_ec2c42ce
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_ee829854
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_ee829854
House of Anubis- Becoming a Sinner is the result of what happens when you, well, sin, at either noon or midnight and get thrown into a sinner coffin afterwards to get your soul taken away. At least, this is how it worked before Ammut was awakened. The five needed sinners corresponded to five different sins, though Gluttony, Lust and Sloth were removed and "Spite" apparently became one of the sins. (Despite it functioning similarly to Wrath). In order, the sinners and their sins are:
Victor: Greed, following how he, well, basically admitted to being it when talking to Frobisher alone.
Patricia: Wrath, having screamed at Eddie in hatred when he supposedly cheated on her.
Eric: Envy, being jealous of Victor and Denby working without him.
Fabian: Pride, after claiming to "proud of being gullible".
Alfie: Spite, for trying to attack Team Evil after they threatened Willow.
Gluttony was also mentioned when Sibuna was proving to Alfie how he was actually a "non-stop-sin-shop".
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_ee829854
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_ee829854
 House of Anubis
Seven Deadly Sins / int_ee829854
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_ef1b1670
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_ef1b1670
In the musical Absolute Beginners, the Disney Acid Sequence "That's Motivation" has advertising executive Vendice Partners (David Bowie) explaining to idealistic photographer hero Colin that if he joins his company and moves up in the world, he can "Commit horrible sins and get away with it." He proceeds to show Colin, on a giant television screen, each of these sins in action (played out by fantasy versions of Colin, his sweetheart Crepes Suzette, and those around them).
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_ef1b1670
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_ef1b1670
 Absolute Beginners
Seven Deadly Sins / int_ef1b1670
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_f2041376
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_f2041376
An episode of Charmed had a demon hitting residents of San Francisco with concentrations of the Seven Deadly Sins; those who got infected pursued said sin with ever mounting concentration. Needless to say, the main cast got hit, with Phoebe getting Lust, Piper getting Gluttonynote In a twist on how this sin is usually portrayed Piper doesn't over-eat. Instead she makes unnecessarily large meals for her family without eating anything herself and buys luxury items she immediately discards. This is actually in keeping with the traditional understanding of "gluttony" as being wasteful while overconsuming., Leo getting Sloth, and Prue getting Pride, which had a very clever twist to it. The way to purge the sins is to defy themnote for instance, the Lustful Phoebe forgoing sex to help her injured sister, the Slothful Leo rushing to heal Piper; Prue couldn't get rid of Pride because any attempt to do so was only because Pride was pushing her to show off how selfless she could be (itself a sort of pride).
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_f2041376
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_f2041376
 Charmed (1998)
Seven Deadly Sins / int_f2041376
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_f367511c
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_f367511c
In the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG, the Amorphage archetype monsters' Japanese names are all derived from the eight evil thoughts, precursors to the Seven Deadly Sins. Their English names, however, play this straight and are actually named after the Seven Deadly Sins, with Irritum's English name being derived from Goliath.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_f367511c
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_f367511c
 Yu-Gi-Oh! (Tabletop Game)
Seven Deadly Sins / int_f367511c
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_f3e1a2a5
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_f3e1a2a5
Merlin (1998) with Sam Neil featured various characters representing the Sins. The evil king Vortigern represents Pride, the fairy queen Mab is Wrath, the eternally slumbering Rock of Ages is Sloth, Uther Pendragon is Lust, Morgan Le Fay is Envy, the power-hungry Mordred is Greed and the only one absent seems to be Gluttony.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_f3e1a2a5
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_f3e1a2a5
 Merlin (1998)
Seven Deadly Sins / int_f3e1a2a5
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_f4361135
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_f4361135
Beelzebub (Gluttony) is known to fly into an Unstoppable Rage when others eat food he was saving (despite him often stealing food off people's plates or out of their hands), but he's the nicest of his brothers otherwise.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_f4361135
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_f4361135
Seven Deadly Sins / int_f4361135
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_f655ed11
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_f655ed11
The key character flaws of the main characters of Frasier correspond to the Deadly Sins quite well:
Frasier is mostly Pride. For all his protests, he very much enjoys his life of celebrity, with his face on buses and billboards, and the many perks it brings him. His desire to maintain this lifestyle, or his insecurities about who or what he is without it, tend to lead to many of the plots. He can also succumb to Envy and Greed as well, as he can get quite jealous of Niles, but he usually has it more under control unless his pride is piqued.
Niles is Envy. He's a classic sufferer of Little Brother Syndrome, and enviously yearns after Frasier's lifestyle and accomplishments. His waspish and dismissive sneering at Frasier's celebrity form of practicing psychiatry as opposed to his 'real' method barely provides a veil for his seething jealousy over the fame and public recognition this has brought Frasier, and for much of the series almost everything he does or has is an effort to either equal or surpass Frasier in some regard.
Putting Frasier and Niles in conflict generally results in both coming down with Greed: each brother ends up wanting more than what the other one has, to the point where their efforts to outdo each other end up in disaster. Both also are a little inclined to Gluttony, what with the fine wines, culture and dining they enjoy.
Martin is Sloth. In addition to the many jokes about him simply lounging around in his chair, this also affected his parenting style; since he had very little in common with his sons, he simply adopted a hands-off and mostly disinterested and apathetic parenting style rather than make an effort to bond with them, leading in part to the distance that exists between them throughout much of the series.
Roz is a big sufferer of Lust. Most of the jokes at her expense are at her revolving door love life, but this has also led to the more serious consequence of her having a fear of commitment or trusting others.
Daphne is Wrath. For all her seemingly perky, cheerful and innocent disposition, she has a rather volatile temper and some clear anger issues, mainly stemming from a rather dysfunctional childhood.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_f655ed11
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_f655ed11
Seven Deadly Sins / int_f655ed11
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_f6e5bd7f
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_f6e5bd7f
Repo! The Genetic Opera features the Largo family: Rotti Largo, the powerful businessman and his three children: Amber Sweet the surgery addicted, drug-addict wannabe singer, Luigi the raging, mass murdering sociopath and Pavi the effeminate, face-stealing The Casanova. While all four are vain and greedy, Rotti in particular represents Envy and Greed, Amber is Sloth and Gluttony, while Luigi is Wrath (as the producer Darren Lynn Bousman has stated) and Pavi is Pride and Lust.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_f6e5bd7f
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_f6e5bd7f
 Repo! The Genetic Opera
Seven Deadly Sins / int_f6e5bd7f
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_f6fb4731
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_f6fb4731
A recurring theme in Ghost Ship. The villain explains he was given his job to collect souls for Hell because he lived a very sinful life, and he tries to trick people into committing sins to doom their souls.
Envy: It's made quite clear that the gold bars are stolen loot, but the salvagers don't care, just declaring "hey, we're in international waters, so finder's keepers!". The crew of the Graza are so hungry for it that they murder everyone else onboard to obtain it.
Gluttony: Dodge and Munder, two of the guys from the Arctic Warrior, start mowing down on old cans of rice they find in the kitchens of the Graza. They're soon rewarded when they realize it's been infested with maggots.
Greed: What started the whole thing, to get the gold and live a rich life, going so far as to murder for it. The villain uses this as his main weapon against his victims.
Lust: Francesca uses her allure to drive men to murder for her, or unwittingly kill themselves trying to know her biblically.
Pride: The ghost crowd gets Greer to drop his guard by applauding him in the middle of the restored, pristine lounge room as if he were the man of the night. Murphy's acquaintance with a mutual ship captain also plays with this subtly.
Sloth: Dodge and Munder are constantly playing "rock, paper, scissors" to get the other guy to do the job at hand.
Wrath: The crew of the Graza indulge in this to insane degrees, turning the ship into a slaughterhouse by murdering the passengers and the rest of the crew en masse in sadistically cruel ways.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_f6fb4731
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_f6fb4731
 Ghost Ship
Seven Deadly Sins / int_f6fb4731
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_fb36f8bd
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_fb36f8bd
Infernum is set in Hell, and each of the Houses has a thematic connection to one of the Sins. Prior to Sturrach's War and the industrial revolution, there was a system where souls identified with each Sin would go to a particular House, but that's fallen by the wayside now; souls go to whoever's got a strong enough claw to snatch them.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_fb36f8bd
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_fb36f8bd
 Infernum (Tabletop Game)
Seven Deadly Sins / int_fb36f8bd
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_fd8221d2
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_fd8221d2
Wikipedia lists the Rogues Gallery of the Philippine superhero series Lastikman to each represent one of the Seven Deadly Sins, with the Big Bad representing Greed.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_fd8221d2
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_fd8221d2
 Wikipedia (Website)
Seven Deadly Sins / int_fd8221d2
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_fdc66d32
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_fdc66d32
Kamen Rider Double themes its villains off each of the sins. Unusually, Pride is the starter villain and the weakest, a Noble Demon and ambitious new member of the mafia who dies from not realizing that pushing his Gaia Memory's power too far with his Training from Hell will cause it to kill him. The Arc Villain position is held by Gluttony, a criminal underworld doctor, while Greed is represented by the Big Bad, the mafia don, whose daughters represent Envy and Lust. His vengeance-seeking wife represents Wrath, and the Greater-Scope Villain backing him represents Sloth.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_fdc66d32
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_fdc66d32
 Kamen Rider Double
Seven Deadly Sins / int_fdc66d32
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_ffb43795
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_ffb43795
Cobra Kai: Terry Silver has embodied most of them, if not entirely, at some point in his life throughout his debut film and in the show:
Pride: While he is not overtly egotistical as Kreese, he makes it up with being a Villain with Good Publicity while viewing everyone else beneath him. However, like Kreese, his arrogance is also one of his greatest weaknesses. Silver has a tendency to underestimate his opponents despite his intelligence and strength. Especially when he got too overconfident after spending most of Part III tormenting Daniel until the latter gets a Heroic Second Wind and succeeded defeating Mike Barnes.
Envy: Ever since Kreese saved him from captivity during the Vietnam War, Silver has since became a loyal friend to Kreese. However, that loyalty would soon waver when Kreese started to favor Johnny as Cobra Kai's star student and go so far as to reject the offer to join the Sekai Taikai. Eventually Terry grew to resent Kreese behind closed doors, and ultimately betray him at the end of Season 4.
Wrath: At his most dangerous, Silver can be as bloodthirsty and sadistic as he can be when pushed to his limits.
Lust: Silver is easily drawn to violence and seems to enjoy making his enemies suffer physically and mentally.
Greed: Silver is a wealthy businessman and lives in a life of opulence. He uses his vast wealth to get his way and the lengths he will go to make Cobra Kai a global household name, even if it means through bribery.
Gluttony: Of two different aspects: 1) Silver previously abused cocaine after serving the military to cope with his PTSD. 2) He ambitiously seeks to expand Cobra Kai worldwide in hopes of indoctrinating more students to its "No Mercy" philosophy.
Sloth: Silver will send anyone to do his dirty work while scheming behind closed doors. He also has no problem taking shortcuts for his own convenience rather than putting an effort, like bribing a referee under the pretense of "insurance policy" to ensure Cobra Kai's victory.
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_ffb43795
 Seven Deadly Sins / int_ffb43795
 Cobra Kai
Seven Deadly Sins / int_ffb43795

The following is a list of statements referring to the current page from other pages.

 Seven Deadly Sins
Character Flaw Index
 Seven Deadly Sins
Infernal Tropes
 Seven Deadly Sins
Motivation Index
 Seven Deadly Sins
Number Tropes
 Seven Deadly Sins
Religion Tropes
 Seven Deadly Sins
Stock Aesops
 DEVILMAN crybaby / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Fullmetal Alchemist (2003) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Kiznaiver / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seven Mortal Sins / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Crucible (Blog) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Army of Darkness (Comic Book) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Casanova (Comic Book) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Disney Ducks Comic Universe (Comic Book) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Shazam! (Comic Book) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Suicide Squad (2019) (Comic Book) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Supreme (Comic Book) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Trinity of Sin: Pandora (Comic Book) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Trinity War (Comic Book) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Wonder Woman (Charles Moulton) (Comic Book) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 A Sticky Situation / Fan Fic / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
Seven Deadly Sins
Seven Deadly Sins
 Tamers Forever Series / Fan Fic / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 The Archmage's Last Bow (Fanfic) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Waking Nightmares / Fan Fic / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Yu-Gi-Oh! The Thousand Year Door / Fan Fic / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 YuYuGiDigiMoon / Fan Fic / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 A New Hope (Danganronpa) (Fanfic) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Alternate Tail Series (Fanfic) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Beyond the Outer Gates Lies... A high school library? (Fanfic) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Cain (Fanfic) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Challenge of the Super Friends: The End (Fanfic) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Chronicles Of The Wayward Tome Hero (Fanfic) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Equestria Girls: A Fairly Odd Friendship (Fanfic) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Fairy May Cry (Fanfic) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Friendship Is Magical Girls (Fanfic) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Heroes of the Digital World (Fanfic) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Hope of the Shield Hero (Fanfic) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Invasion of Falls (Fanfic) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Lelouch of the Wings of Rebellion (Fanfic) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Living At Freddys (Fanfic)
Seven Deadly Sins
 Mass Effect: Human Revolution (Fanfic) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Monster Chronicles (Fanfic) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Phantom Thieves of Hope (Fanfic) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Raise Your Voice Against Liars (Fanfic) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Rise of the Sword and the Shield (Fanfic) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Shattered (Fanfic) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Sora's Misadventures in Equestria (Fanfic) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 The Bridge (MLP) (Fanfic) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 The Lost Element (Fanfic) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 The Pokémon Squad (Fanfic) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Trope Pantheons (Fanfic) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Art of the Dead / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Bedazzled (1967) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Cruel Intentions / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Deep Rising / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Dragonheart: A New Beginning / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Ghost Ship / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Greed / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Magnates And Wizards / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Metropolis / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Mindhunters / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Naruto 7 The Last
Seven Deadly Sins
 Scarface (1983) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Serenity / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Serenity (2005) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 SHAZAM! (2019) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 The Church (1989) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 The Dark Crystal / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 The Devil's Advocate / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 The Menu / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 The Voyage of the Dawn Treader / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Valentine / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Digimon (Franchise) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Dragon Age (Franchise) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Evillious Chronicles (Franchise)
Seven Deadly Sins
 Evillious Chronicles (Franchise) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Hellaverse (Franchise) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
Seven Deadly Sins
 Horizon in the Middle of Nowhere / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 A Confederacy of Dunces / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 A Little Vice / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Animal Farm / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Ars Goetia / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Bart Simpson's Guide to Life / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Daniel Faust / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Divergent / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Hell Is A World Without You / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Horizon in the Middle of Nowhere / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Keys to the Kingdom / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Mythic Misadventures / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 NES Godzilla Creepypasta / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Nero Wolfe / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 No Sympathies / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Rachel Griffin / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Re:Zero / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Shadowrun Storytime / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 So I'm a Spider, So What? / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Spiral Arm / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 The Chosen / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 The Divine Comedy / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 The Orphan's Tales / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 The Rising of the Shield Hero / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 The Screwtape Letters / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 The Silmarillion / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Urban Dragon / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Worlds of Power / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Yertle the Turtle and Other Stories / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
Seven Deadly Sins
Seven Deadly Sins
Seven Deadly Sins
Seven Deadly Sins
 The Seven Deadly Sins
Seven Deadly Sins
 Code:Breaker (Manga) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Cyborg 009 (Manga) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Good Luck Girl! (Manga) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Hell's Angels (Manga) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Is the Order a Rabbit? (Manga) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Judge (Manga) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Karakuridouji Ultimo (Manga) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Muhyo and Roji (Manga) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Reborn! (2004) (Manga) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Servamp (Manga) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Soul Eater (Manga) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 The Rise of the Unemployed Wise Man (Manga) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 The Seven Deadly Sins (Manga) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 The World God Only Knows (Manga) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Tomie (Manga) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Trinity Seven (Manga) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Ãœbel Blatt (Manga) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Wolf Guy - Wolfen Crest (Manga) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Dark Ages (Music) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Dream Theater (Music) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Evillious Chronicles (Music) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Kamelot (Music) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Sound Horizon (Music) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 2PM (Music) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 The Adventure Zone: Balance (Podcast) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 BZPRPG (Roleplay) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 The Gamer's Alliance (Roleplay) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Tropers: The Series (Roleplay) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 America's Next Top Model / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Charmed (1998) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Control Z / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Corner Gas / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Dog / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 El Chavo del ocho / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Elite (2018) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Empire / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Euphoria / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Face/Off / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Gilligan's Island / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Girl from Nowhere / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 In Living Color! / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Mr. Robot / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Pataclaun / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Slasher / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Studio C / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Top Chef / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Sweeten That Aesop / Sugar Wiki / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Black Crusade (Tabletop Game) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Blue Rose (Tabletop Game) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Chronicles of Darkness (Tabletop Game) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Infernum (Tabletop Game) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Ironclaw (Tabletop Game) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Kitsune: Of Foxes and Fools (Tabletop Game) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Leviathan: The Tempest (Tabletop Game) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Little Fears (Tabletop Game) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Pathfinder (Tabletop Game) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 The 9th Age (Tabletop Game) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 The Others (2015) (Tabletop Game) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Vampire: The Requiem (Tabletop Game) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Werewolf: The Forsaken (Tabletop Game) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 An Inspector Calls (Theatre) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Doctor Faustus (Theatre) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Dreamgirls (Theatre) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Kuro To Shiro (Theatre) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 The Rise and Fall of the City of Mahagonny (Theatre) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 AFK Arena (Video Game) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 ActRaiser (Video Game) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Afterlife (1996) (Video Game) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Alchemist Code (Video Game) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Arc Angle (Video Game) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Azure Striker Gunvolt (Video Game) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Back to the Dawn (Video Game) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Balatro (Video Game) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 beatmania (Video Game) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Bookworm Adventures (Video Game) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Bravely Second (Video Game) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Crusader Kings (Video Game) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Cult of the Lamb (Video Game) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 DC Universe Online (Video Game) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Dante's Inferno (Video Game) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Darksiders III (Video Game) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Dead Rising 3 (Video Game) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Devil May Cry (Video Game) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening (Video Game) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Doodle God (Video Game) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 DragonFable (Video Game) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince (Video Game) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Family Man (Broken Bear Games) (Video Game) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Far Cry 6 (Video Game) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light (Video Game) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Final Fantasy VI (Video Game) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Four Last Things (Video Game) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Grandia II (Video Game) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Graveyard Keeper (Video Game) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Halo 3: ODST (Video Game) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Harvest Moon Updated (Video Game)
Seven Deadly Sins
 Hell: A Cyberpunk Thriller (Video Game) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Hi-Fi RUSH (Video Game) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Hitman 3 (Video Game) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 House of the Dead (Video Game) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 I=MGCM (Video Game) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Judgement Silversword (Video Game) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Kingdom Hearts III (Video Game) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Kingdom of Loathing (Video Game) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Limbo of the Lost (Video Game) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Limbus Company (Video Game) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Mystery Case Files (Video Game) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Octopath Traveler II (Video Game) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Patapon (Video Game) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Peret em Heru: For the Prisoners (Video Game) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Pokémon Azure (Video Game) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Pumpkin Jack (Video Game) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Puzzle & Dragons (Video Game) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Rengoku (Video Game) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Riddles Of Fate (Video Game) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 SINoALICE (Video Game) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell (Video Game) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Samurai Shodown (Video Game) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Schuld (Video Game) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Shadows of the Damned (Video Game) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse (Video Game) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Shin Megami Tensei if... (Video Game) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey (Video Game) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Solium Infernum (Video Game) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Soul Sacrifice (Video Game) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Taiko no Tatsujin (Video Game) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 The Binding of Isaac (Video Game) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 The Cave (Video Game) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 The Citadel (Video Game) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 The Jackbox Party Pack (Video Game) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 The Last Comer (Video Game) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Updated (Video Game)
Seven Deadly Sins
 Vs. RetroSpecter (Video Game) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Whacked! (Video Game) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (Video Game) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 YIIK: A Post-Modern RPG (Video Game) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Monark / Videogame / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Obey Me! – One Master to Rule Them All! (Visual Novel) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Root Letter (Visual Novel) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Shall We Date?: Obey Me! (Visual Novel) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 The Cursed Heart (Visual Novel) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 The Pirate's Fate (Visual Novel) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 White Dark Life / Web Comic / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Winter Moon (Webcomic) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Jimquisition (Web Video) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 My Little Pony AI Redub (Web Video) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Pirates SMP (Web Video) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Seriously Strange (Web Video) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 The Webcomic Relief (Web Video) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Valle Verde (Web Video) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 WitchCraft SMP (Web Video) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Ava's Demon (Webcomic) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
Seven Deadly Sins
 Brawl in the Family (Webcomic) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Chess Piece (Webcomic) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Felicia, Sorceress of Katara (Webcomic) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Friendship Is Magic (Webcomic) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Furry Fight Chronicles (Webcomic) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Heartcore (Webcomic) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Pokémon-X (Webcomic) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Shotgun Shuffle (Webcomic) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Suppression (Webcomic) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 TwoKinds (Webcomic) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Widdershins (Webcomic) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 The Onion (Website) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Bromwell High / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Captain Planet and the Planeteers / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Cats Don't Dance / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Chowder / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 El Arca / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Pigs Is Pigs (1937) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Raggedy Ann & Andy: A Musical Adventure / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Tiny Toons Looniversity / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Allysin Kay (Wrestling) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Rosemary (Wrestling) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Clash of the Elements / Fan Fic / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Asura's Wrath (Video Game) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins
 Wild ARMs 5 (Video Game) / int_99a7aa94
Seven Deadly Sins