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Only the Chosen May Wield

 Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield
In a fantasy story, or sometimes even a sci-fi series, there will be certain special items, such as a Magical Weapon, that only an attuned person can use. The most famous of these is the Sword in the Stone: Only King Arthur could remove the sword from the stone in which it was lodged, and thus proved that he was the true king of England.note Naturally enough, this is often assumed to be the same sword as Arthur’s famous blade Excalibur; see below for multiple examples. However, as it isn't the only story about how Arthur acquired Excalibur, this isn’t certain. Depending on the Writer is Older Than Print, after all. That being said, in some cases anyone could wield Excalibur, but only Arthur could remove it.
May be the first evidence of Because Destiny Says So or The Chosen One. Such an item may also be The Chooser of the One. If the wielder also happens to be The Chosen Zero they might also be The Team Benefactor by virtue of providing access to it.
A Sister Trope to Only the Worthy May Pass. Compare Situational Sword, Finders Rulers (which this trope can result in). See also Only the Chosen May Ride. For those who are not attuned, see here.
 Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield
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 Only the Chosen May Wield
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 Only the Chosen May Wield
Dropped link to AncestralWeapon: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Only the Chosen May Wield
Dropped link to AnimalAssassin: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Only the Chosen May Wield
Dropped link to ApocalypseMaiden: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Only the Chosen May Wield
Dropped link to ArtifactOfDoom: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Only the Chosen May Wield
Dropped link to ArtificialHuman: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Only the Chosen May Wield
Dropped link to BFS: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Only the Chosen May Wield
Dropped link to BladeSpam: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Only the Chosen May Wield
Dropped link to BodyDouble: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Only the Chosen May Wield
Dropped link to BoltOfDivineRetribution: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Only the Chosen May Wield
Dropped link to BorrowedBiometricBypass: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Only the Chosen May Wield
Dropped link to BossInMooksClothing: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Only the Chosen May Wield
Dropped link to CHIKARA: Not an Item - IGNORE
 Only the Chosen May Wield
Dropped link to CarryABigStick: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Only the Chosen May Wield
Dropped link to CastFromHitPoints: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Only the Chosen May Wield
Dropped link to CastFromLifespan: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Only the Chosen May Wield
Dropped link to Castlevania: Not an Item - CAT
 Only the Chosen May Wield
Dropped link to CharacterDevelopment: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Only the Chosen May Wield
Dropped link to ClapYourHandsIfYouBelieve: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Only the Chosen May Wield
Dropped link to ClingyMacGuffin: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Only the Chosen May Wield
Dropped link to ColonyDrop: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Only the Chosen May Wield
Dropped link to CoolSword: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Only the Chosen May Wield
Dropped link to CounterAttack: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Only the Chosen May Wield
Dropped link to CrypticBackgroundReference: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Only the Chosen May Wield
Dropped link to DemonOfHumanOrigin: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Only the Chosen May Wield
Dropped link to DemonicPossession: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Only the Chosen May Wield
Dropped link to DownplayedTrope: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Only the Chosen May Wield
Dropped link to DragonHoard: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Only the Chosen May Wield
Dropped link to DubNameChange: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Only the Chosen May Wield
Dropped link to EmpathicWeapon: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Only the Chosen May Wield
Dropped link to EvilOverlord: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Only the Chosen May Wield
Dropped link to EvilWeapon: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Only the Chosen May Wield
Dropped link to Excalibur: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Only the Chosen May Wield
Dropped link to ExcaliburInTheStone: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Only the Chosen May Wield
Dropped link to FallenAngel: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Only the Chosen May Wield
Dropped link to FreakyFridayFlip: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Only the Chosen May Wield
Dropped link to FusionDance: Not an Item - CAT
 Only the Chosen May Wield
Dropped link to HGame: Not an Item - CAT
 Only the Chosen May Wield
Dropped link to HealingShiv: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Only the Chosen May Wield
Dropped link to HolyGrail: Not an Item - UNKNOWN
 Only the Chosen May Wield
Dropped link to HumanSacrifice: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Only the Chosen May Wield
Dropped link to ImmortalBreaker: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Only the Chosen May Wield
Dropped link to InfinityPlusOneSword: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Only the Chosen May Wield
Dropped link to InstantExpert: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Only the Chosen May Wield
Dropped link to Inuyasha: Not an Item - UNKNOWN
 Only the Chosen May Wield
Dropped link to InvisibilityCloak: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Only the Chosen May Wield
Dropped link to KnewItAllAlong: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Only the Chosen May Wield
Dropped link to LifeEnergy: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Only the Chosen May Wield
Dropped link to LodgedBladeRecycling: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Only the Chosen May Wield
Dropped link to LoyalPhlebotinum: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Only the Chosen May Wield
Dropped link to MentalWorld: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Only the Chosen May Wield
Dropped link to MiniMecha: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Only the Chosen May Wield
Dropped link to NexusClash: Not an Item - UNKNOWN
 Only the Chosen May Wield
Dropped link to OmnicidalManiac: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Only the Chosen May Wield
Dropped link to Orochi: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Only the Chosen May Wield
Dropped link to OutsideContextMagic: Not an Item - UNKNOWN
 Only the Chosen May Wield
Dropped link to PlaceboEffect: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Only the Chosen May Wield
Dropped link to PlayedForLaughs: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Only the Chosen May Wield
Dropped link to PlayedWith: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Only the Chosen May Wield
Dropped link to PowerUpLetDown: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Only the Chosen May Wield
Dropped link to PureIsNotGood: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Only the Chosen May Wield
Dropped link to RaisedAsAHost: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Only the Chosen May Wield
Dropped link to RebornToMasterTheBlade: Not an Item - UNKNOWN
 Only the Chosen May Wield
Dropped link to RedRightHand: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Only the Chosen May Wield
Dropped link to Reincarnation: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Only the Chosen May Wield
Dropped link to Retcon: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Only the Chosen May Wield
Dropped link to RightfulKingReturns: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Only the Chosen May Wield
Dropped link to RocketPunch: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Only the Chosen May Wield
Dropped link to RoyalBlood: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Only the Chosen May Wield
Dropped link to SanitySlippage: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Only the Chosen May Wield
Dropped link to SealedEvilInACan: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Only the Chosen May Wield
Dropped link to SecretOfTheSixthMagic: Not an Item - UNKNOWN
 Only the Chosen May Wield
Dropped link to SecretTestOfCharacter: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Only the Chosen May Wield
Dropped link to SmartGun: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Only the Chosen May Wield
Dropped link to SplitPersonality: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Only the Chosen May Wield
Dropped link to SummonToHand: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Only the Chosen May Wield
Dropped link to SuperMarioBrosSuperShow: Not an Item - UNKNOWN
 Only the Chosen May Wield
Dropped link to SuperMode: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Only the Chosen May Wield
Dropped link to SwordBeam: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Only the Chosen May Wield
Dropped link to TakeUpMySword: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Only the Chosen May Wield
Dropped link to TeamMom: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Only the Chosen May Wield
Dropped link to TerrorHero: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Only the Chosen May Wield
Dropped link to TheBlacksmith: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Only the Chosen May Wield
Dropped link to TheChosenOne: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Only the Chosen May Wield
Dropped link to TheHashshashin: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Only the Chosen May Wield
Dropped link to TheWorfEffect: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Only the Chosen May Wield
Dropped link to ThunderboltIron: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Only the Chosen May Wield
Dropped link to TimeTravel: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Only the Chosen May Wield
Dropped link to TomeOfEldritchLore: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Only the Chosen May Wield
Dropped link to TopGod: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Only the Chosen May Wield
Dropped link to TransformationTrinket: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Only the Chosen May Wield
Dropped link to VolsungaSaga: Not an Item - UNKNOWN
 Only the Chosen May Wield
Dropped link to WizardDuel: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Only the Chosen May Wield
Dropped link to Youkai: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Only the Chosen May Wield
Dropped link to blackcomedy: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Only the Chosen May Wield
Dropped link to playercharacter: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_10175749
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_10175749
Aquaman: When Arthur Curry/Aquaman attempts to claim the Trident of Atlan, its guardian, Karathen, warns him that if he isn't the true heir of Atlan, he won't be able to lift it. Fortunately, he qualifies.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_10175749
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_10175749
 Aquaman (2018)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_10175749
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_10ddd3d5
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_10ddd3d5
In other cases, the game prevents Link from finding it (and the plot usually doesn't even make mention of it) until a certain point. In Twilight Princess, for example, Link is chosen from the get-go, being a descendant of the Hero of Time and the bearer of the Triforce of Courage (which is explained when he's granted the clothes of the hero). When he goes to get the Master Sword, it's simply a matter of finding it; it did not require any kind of proof of the gods (other than possibly having to solve their puzzle, which itself may only have required his lineage to complete). A similar circumstance transpires in Hyrule Warriors, where the primary difficulty in getting the sword is the army of ghost soldiers who are being manipulated to stop him from reaching it. It should be noted that in both of the above cases, Link has already accomplished a number of heroic feats by the time he goes for the Master Sword, which may be proof enough for the gods without the need for additional tests.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_10ddd3d5
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_10ddd3d5
 The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (Video Game)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_10ddd3d5
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_12381dc
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_12381dc
Divinity: Original Sin II: The Blackroot ritual is essential for Godwoken to commune with their gods and awaken their Source powers. If any non-Godwoken attempts it, the drug is deadly.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_12381dc
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_12381dc
 Divinity: Original Sin II (Video Game)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_12381dc
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_13be67c
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_13be67c
The Last Son:
Superman's ancestor Von-El, founder of the House of El, created a sword and designed it so only himself and his bloodline descendants would be able to pull it out of the scabbard. It was one of the first known instances of Kryptonian technology being DNA codified to prevent its misuse.
Excalibur also appears in Book Four, following the classical mythology as having been created by Merlin himself and wielded by King Arthur in the past. In the present time, Brian Braddock/Captain Britain pulls it out of the stone and uses it to inflict a wound on Apocalypse.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_13be67c
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_13be67c
 The Last Son / Fan Fic
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_13be67c
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_164f5129
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_164f5129
The Man from U.N.C.L.E.: Subverted Trope in one episode: a small European country had a legendary sword stuck in a stone, and the leader of a coalition of criminals arranged for a safecracker to secretly apply modern lubricants so he could pull the sword out and claim the throne. Amusingly, another criminal, who did a Heel–Face Turn and fought the leader, was named Artie King.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_164f5129
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_164f5129
 The Man from U.N.C.L.E.
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_164f5129
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_1704660f
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_1704660f
In one of the Queens of Mewni Spinoffs, Future of Mewni, the last spell Helena the Persistent created before passing the wand to Nova the Cosmic was a spell that enforced this trope by only allowing the Queen, her heiress, or anyone pure of heart to wield it. This stems from the beginning of her reign, when she found out her sister Solia stole the wand and used it to usurp the throne from Helena.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_1704660f
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_1704660f
 Queens of Mewni Spinoffs (Fanfic)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_1704660f
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_172d0bec
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_172d0bec
Lord El-Melloi II Case Files:
Gray is able to wield King Arthur's lance, Rhongomyniad, because she was Raised as a Host to house King Arthur's spirit. Theoretically, she should be able to wield Caliburn, Excalibur, and Avalon as well.
Servant Faker is able to use Iskandar's Skills and Noble Phantasms due to being his Body Double in life to the point she doesn't actually have a name of her own, simply being called "Iskandar's Shadow", represented by her own Skill "For He is Another Iskandar (Fake)". As revealed in Grand Order, this includes the Reality Marble Ionian Hetaroi, but due to who she is and its specific requirements she'll die after invoking it.
Ergo can use Sun Wukong's extending staff Ruyi Jingu Bang because he was infused with some of Sun Wukong's power. Ergo was also infused with some of Set's power, allowing him to use his Noble Phantasm, Per Djet. Per Djet allows him to paralyze an enemy, and when he releases them, he can copy their Noble Phantasm.
Typhon stole Harpe and Nega-Keraunos, the thunderbolts of Zeus, in life. Bai Ruolong was infused with some of Typhon's power, giving him access to these and Typhon's personal Noble Phantasm, Blaze of Etna.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_172d0bec
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_172d0bec
 Lord El-Melloi II Case Files
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_172d0bec
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_1869a077
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_1869a077
Samurai Jack and his father were handpicked by the gods to wield the sword they forged to destroy the God of Evil Aku. In the final season Jack loses his sword after killing some transformed goats in anger, and is forced to go Walking the Earth for 50 years until he manages to regain his purity of heart.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_1869a077
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_1869a077
 Samurai Jack
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_1869a077
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_187a332
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_187a332
The Smurfs: The magic locket on Puppy's collar, which in the cartoon show says it contains "the key to all magic", could only be opened by one individual, as all others who try to open it are shocked or zapped with a lightning bolt. In both versions of Puppy's origin story, Baby Smurf is the one who succeeds in opening the locket to reveal its secrets.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_187a332
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_187a332
 The Smurfs (Franchise)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_187a332
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_187e7b60
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_187e7b60
Fate Azure Destiny: Ritsuka Fujimaru wields Mashu Kyrielight's shield, Lord Camelot, after her death. He can lift it like it was as light as a feather, but other people cannot budge it.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_187e7b60
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_187e7b60
 Fate Azure Destiny (Fanfic)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_187e7b60
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_199f1d8a
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_199f1d8a
Fate/Prototype: Perseus shares two Noble Phantasms with Medusa. Harpe: The Immortal Slaying Scythe used to belong to Medusa back when she was human, but it was confiscated by the gods when she was cursed into the Gorgon and exiled to the Shapeless Isle. The gods then armed Perseus with it when he was tasked to slay her. Medusa had Bellerophon: The Bridle of Chivalry, which allows her to summon and control Pegasus, because Pegasus is her son. In this version of the story, Perseus tamed and rode Pegasus after slaying Medusa.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_199f1d8a
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_199f1d8a
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_199f1d8a
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_1a12bbee
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_1a12bbee
The Mighty Thor:
Only a handful of beings have been able to wield the legendary hammer Mjölnir to date: Odin, Thor, Captain America, Storm, Wonder Woman (in the crossover Marvel Versus DC), Spider-Man 2099, Thunderstrike, Beta Ray Bill, Jane Foster, Puddlegulp the frog, and Eddie Brock. If someone is unworthy, they will be unable to budge it from the ground. However, if a worthy person is holding it, an unworthy person will still be able to lift them. Note, however, that this trope does not come from Norse Mythology: in the myths, Mjolnir is simply a hammer so heavy that only Thor, the strongest God of all, can lift it (and even requiring a special belt called Megingjörð and a set of iron gloves called Járngreipr to augment his strength even further). In fact, it was even stolen by the Giant Thrym in the Poetic Edda, who requested a marriage with Freya as ransom. Jack Kirby had to rely to this trope when he created the character because the Marvel Universe was already a setting with characters with superhuman strength. Being "worthy" was just a way to ensure that only Thor would lift the hammer, and for a long while nobody else was. In-universe, the "worthiness" requirement was imposed by Odin rather than being intrinsic to the hammer. It's also possible for somebody was previously unworthy to become worthy (as seen with Eddie Brock) or to lose their worthiness (as seen temporarily with Thor) if their mentality changes to become more or less noble than they used to be.
Interestingly, in one story set in the far future, Captain America wielded the hammer but would regularly announce that on certain days, he'd set the hammer on the ground and allow anyone to try and lift it. He viewed wielding the hammer and the subsequent power and responsibility that came with as simply too much, and genuinely hoped someone worthy would come along to relieve him. Miguel O'Hara (Spider-Man 2099) took up the hammer and used it to take over his corrupt corporation and set it on a more noble and altruistic path. The Board of Directors didn't like what he was doing, and he had a novel way of dealing with their complaints...
In JLA/Avengers, Superman wasn't naturally able to use it, but due to the desperate situation, Odin temporarily suspended the enchantment so Superman could use it to save the day. Superman feels a moment of self-doubt when he is unable to lift the hammer after the battle is over, but Thor praises his performance with it, saying, "Perhaps it was but briefly... but it was in good hands." The general presumption is that being the weapon of a Norse god, "worthiness" includes a warrior component, which Wonder Woman meets but Superman doesn't.
One issue of Deadpool had him get the hammer, and all the powers contained therein. It all turned out to be an illusion created by Loki to mess with Thor's head. Shame...
In a storyline based in an alternate future, Thor becomes unworthy after becoming an Evil Overlord. His son Magni proves worthy and takes up the hammer. Eventually, when Desak the God Slayer is about to kill Magni, Mjölnir lets Thor use it again to save his son's life, since his love for his son redeemed him.
In one issue of Power Pack, Mjölnir permits Zero-G (Alex Power) to use it when he catches it on the backswing.
Beta Ray Bill's personal hammer, Stormbreaker, has a similar enchantment, although the Skrulls were able to split it into a pair of axes and give it to a Super-Skrull during Secret Invasion. In the story Beta Ray Bill: Godhunter, Bill became unworthy and could not lift Stormbreaker after he became so obsessed with revenge against Galactus that he started blowing up the planets Galactus intended to consume in an attempt to starve him to death, and infected one race with a bioweapon when they refused to evacuate. Bill redeems himself and regains his hammer when he saves Galactus' life.
During the events of AXIS, Loki could wield it. It's unclear how much of that happened thanks to their own attempts at redemption or because they were under the inversion spell, but either way it was temporary and after the dust settled, it quickly became clear Loki was back to not being able to wield it.
For a time after the events of Original Sin, no god could wield Mjölnir, not even Odin himself, which turns out to be because of Thor — during a particularly bad period — agreeing with Gorr the God Butcher that the gods are evil and do not deserve worship and unwittingly influencing Mjölnir's enchantment. Once Thor comes to his senses thanks to a pep talk from Beta Ray Bill, he and any other worthy gods become capable of wielding it again.
In an issue of What If? Don Blake's Love Interest Jane Foster finds the hammer instead of him and becomes Thordis.
Another "What If" story involving Black Widow shows just how quickly one can change from "unworthy" to "worthy". Nat tries to budge the hammer during a fight, but can't. Then, still in danger, she shoots down a monster attacking someone else rather than defend herself. Boom.
Marvel Zombies has its version of Thor (zombified) using a hammer made from concrete and rebar, as the Hunger Gospel has left him unworthy of Mjölnir.
In Secret Empire, it seems that Steve Rogers, having been corrupted into being a HYDRA agent, was still worthy of the hammer. However, it's revealed that a shard of the Cosmic Cube changed the magic around the worthiness to allow him to do so and, when the real Steve came back and history was restored, the other Steve discovered, to his horror, that he wasn't worthy anymore.
Red Hulk is unworthy, but he managed to bypass the enchantment and use the hammer against Thor by taking advantage of the fact he was in a zero gravity environment. He also exploited the fact that he could still lift Thor while he was holding the hammer. In a rematch, he tried to grab it while on Earth; Thor immediately let go, and the hammer promptly crushed his hands under its weight.
Magneto and Moon Knight are both able to manipulate Mjölnir and use it against Thor, thanks to unique circumstances; Magneto because his metal-controlling powers work on the hammer, Moon Knight because Mjölnir was forged using a moon rock-based ore (uru) and he is the champion of a moon deity. While this allows them to telekinetically move it, however, they explicitly cannot truly "wield" it in the traditional sense. They cannot lift it with their bare hands and don't gain the power of Thor, as they are essentially just "bypassing" the enchantment with their powers, much like Red Hulk did by grabbing it in space.
The rule also applies to sentient robots like Ultron and The Vision, who are subject to the worthiness clause as anyone else. However, it does not apply to robots without a will of their own, or to other machines. However, despite being sentient and evil, The Destroyer has no problem picking up the hammer, with some claiming it is because it is not alive.
In one What If? issue, Rogue becomes worthy of wielding Mjölnir, mostly because she has completely absorbed Thor.
During the final battle of The Incredible Hulk: Future Imperfect, the Maestro, an evil version of the Hulk from a Bad Future, attempts to use Mjölnir against the mainstream Hulk. Predictably, it fails to even budge and when a baffled Maestro curses that he's more powerful then ever, Rick Jones reaffirms that one's physical strength is meaningless; if you don't meet the hammer's criteria of goodness, you aren't lifting the damn hammer, and a blood-soaked dictator like Maestro most certainly does not meet the criteria.
During Donny Cates' Thor run, Mjölnir is destroyed and has to be reconstructed. Unfortunately, something goes awry with the reforging process and the defect causes the worthiness enchantment is inverted, with everyone except Thor being capable of wielding, even people who would have never been able to use it before like Iron Man, Loki, and even a completely random farmer.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_1a12bbee
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_1a12bbee
 The Mighty Thor (Comic Book)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_1a12bbee
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_1a4b3ea2
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_1a4b3ea2
How the Digidestined received their Digimon and powerups (in the form of eggs on stone pillars) in Digimon Adventure 02. Also used at least once in Digimon Frontier.
Digimon Adventure episode "Evil Shows His Face" reveals a variation when Leomon tells Tai that only the Digidestined can get the Digivices to work, which is how the former concluded that the latter and his friends were just that.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_1a4b3ea2
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_1a4b3ea2
 Digimon (Franchise)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_1a4b3ea2
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_1b02159a
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_1b02159a
Ultimate Avengers: Though the Hulk is unworthy, he is strong enough (with effort) to lift Mjölnir with pure brute force, much to Thor's utter shock. Hulk noticeably struggles to keep it aloft for the short time he's using it (nor can he use its electricity), but he's able to do so long enough to hurl it at Thor with enough strength to knock him out and then pick it up again to try and decapitate Thor with the ax-end before Captain America knocks him away and gets the weapon out of his hands for the remainder of the fight.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_1b02159a
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_1b02159a
 Ultimate Avengers
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_1b02159a
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_1b386512
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_1b386512
In an episode of Ranma ½, Kun� pulls the magic sword Wishbringer out of a stone. Subverted, as he was only able to pull the sword out because he was the one-millionth to try. However, once he claims ownership, Wishbringer will only listen to his voice.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_1b386512
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_1b386512
 Ranma ½ (Manga)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_1b386512
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_1c649ab3
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_1c649ab3
The Rising of the Shield Hero: The Legendary Weapons and the Vassal Weapons can only be used by their chosen wielder. When Kazuki tries to claim the Vassal Katana, it repels him and teleports into Raphtalia's hands. However, some of the villains have devices that can fool the Vassal Weapons and allow anyone to use them.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_1c649ab3
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_1c649ab3
 The Rising of the Shield Hero
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_1c649ab3
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_1cf606d0
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_1cf606d0
Dracula: The Dark Prince: The Lightbringer is the only weapon capable of destroying Count Dracula. At first glance and in the hands of anyone else, its just a simple staff. But when held by a descendant of Cain, it turns into a scythe. As such, Lucien is the only one that can kill Dracula. Renfield is able to bypass this issue entirely when he bites Lucien and spits his blood on the staff, activating it and allowing him to wield it.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_1cf606d0
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_1cf606d0
 Dracula: The Dark Prince
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_1cf606d0
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_1e52e539
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_1e52e539
Beauty and the Beast (1946): Belle's necklace will only remain a necklace if she wears it. It turns into rotting/smoking rope when in her sisters' hands. Perhaps similar to The Mirror Shows Your True Self as this could also be viewed as a reflection of the sisters' inner hearts.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_1e52e539
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_1e52e539
 Beauty and the Beast (1946)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_1e52e539
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_1ee8851e
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_1ee8851e
Subverted in Wild ARMs 2 with the Argetlahm, which was used to save the world from a great evil in ancient times. There's even a ceremony near the beginning of the game where newly recruited "heroes" take a shot at drawing the sword. Sure enough, the main character fails his first attempt... But after being possessed by a demon shortly afterward, touching it causes them to cancel each other out and seal the demon inside of him. The sword itself disappears, and he was still never "chosen" until the final battle, when he's trapped inside his own soul and uses The Power of Friendship to draw the sword and kill the demon.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_1ee8851e
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_1ee8851e
 Wild ARMs 2 (Video Game)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_1ee8851e
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_1f8462f7
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_1f8462f7
Interestingly, in one story set in the far future, Captain America wielded the hammer but would regularly announce that on certain days, he'd set the hammer on the ground and allow anyone to try and lift it. He viewed wielding the hammer and the subsequent power and responsibility that came with as simply too much, and genuinely hoped someone worthy would come along to relieve him. Miguel O'Hara (Spider-Man 2099) took up the hammer and used it to take over his corrupt corporation and set it on a more noble and altruistic path. The Board of Directors didn't like what he was doing, and he had a novel way of dealing with their complaints...
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_1f8462f7
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_1f8462f7
 Spider-Man 2099 (Comic Book)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_1f8462f7
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_1fca96ce
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_1fca96ce
The Escudo weapons from Magic Knight Rayearth. If anyone else tries to hold them, even each other, Umi's turns to water, Fuu's gets incredibly heavy, and whoever grabs Hikaru's is set ablaze.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_1fca96ce
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_1fca96ce
 Magic Knight Rayearth (Manga)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_1fca96ce
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_207208a9
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_207208a9
Magneto and Moon Knight are both able to manipulate Mjölnir and use it against Thor, thanks to unique circumstances; Magneto because his metal-controlling powers work on the hammer, Moon Knight because Mjölnir was forged using a moon rock-based ore (uru) and he is the champion of a moon deity. While this allows them to telekinetically move it, however, they explicitly cannot truly "wield" it in the traditional sense. They cannot lift it with their bare hands and don't gain the power of Thor, as they are essentially just "bypassing" the enchantment with their powers, much like Red Hulk did by grabbing it in space.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_207208a9
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_207208a9
 Magneto (Comic Book)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_207208a9
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_2192aeb3
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_2192aeb3
Commonly seen in Fire Emblem:
In Fire Emblem Gaiden, the Royal Sword can only be wielded by one of royal blood. Tobin (an ordinary commoner) finds it unwieldably heavy, while Alm (the hidden prince of Rigel) finds it as light as a feather.
The Holy Weapons of Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War are tied to specific bloodlines and require "major" Holy Blood to wield.
The Mani Katti blade from Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade. It's sort of an Arthurian thing... Lyn successfully removed it from its scabbard after the level boss failed. Of course, she had to kill him to get it done. That said, the trope is played with since the priest guarding it had specifically put a spell to keep it from being drawn and dispelled it after the boss was killed. That said, the Mani Katti glowing in Lyn's hands as it chose her is its own doing.
Fire Emblem: Awakening:
The Falchion is tied to the Ylissian royal family and is fairly picky even among them, even if Lucina has Grimleal blood. It's an interesting example because, technically, anybody can use it. The blade just becomes too dull to be any good for fighting if it's not in the hands of a royal family member. This also becomes a plot point in Lucina's supports with her siblingnote who can possibly be Brady, Inigo, Kjelle, Cynthia, or a male Morgan, when she ponders if he/she can wield it too, especially if he/she ended up needing to because Lucina died in battle. After some angst over the subject (because the sibling didn't want to think of his/her sister dying), they finally test it against a log. Lucina ends up leaving before finding out, the sibling walks away thinking he/she can't, but a line of dialogue from Chrom reveals he/she can.
Walhart has a battleaxe known as the Wolf Berg, which only he can wield.
Fire Emblem Fates:
The Avatar's Yato, Xander's Siegfried sword, Ryoma's Raijinto katana, Takumi's Fujin Yumi and Leo's Brynhildr tome, among others. The only time these weapons are used by others is during the Heirs of Fate DLC, where their owners are dead, and the new wielders were their children.
Ophelia has a tome named Mysteltainn (a Call-Back to the similarly named sword from Genealogy of the Holy War and her dad Odin's unrelated blade), and no one but her can use it either.
The Heroes' Relics in Fire Emblem: Three Houses are a downplayed case. Anyone with a Crest, a special power in certain bloodlines, can use most Heroes' Relics, but only people with a Crest that matches the Relic's will be able to use its combat art or gain additional benefits. Anyone who uses a Heroes' Relic with no Crest at all will either be injured by it or be turned into a Demonic Beast.
In Fire Emblem Heroes there are a number of weapons that are only exclusive to the unit it's attached to, and can't be inherited by another unit using Inherit Skill.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_2192aeb3
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_2192aeb3
 Fire Emblem (Franchise)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_2192aeb3
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_21938c93
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_21938c93
Avengers: Age of Ultron:
The Avengers try to lift Mjölnir in a drunken party game. In a nod to his worthiness in the comics, Steve is able to shift it slightly, which causes Thor to look nervous for a second. Tony, in his traditional snark, tries to shoot down the idea:
After coming to life, Vision innocently, casually, and single-handedly passes Thor his hammer, instantly proving to the team (and the audience) that he's one of the good guys. Though Steve and Tony later ponder whether it was because Vision is a machine. At the end of the movie, Tony and Steve have a discussion about worthiness, noting they've seen Thor rest the hammer on the floor of an ascending elevator and it continued to rise, snarking that the elevator was worthy.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_21938c93
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_21938c93
 Avengers: Age of Ultron
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_21938c93
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_223c2a48
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_223c2a48
This leads to some tension between Link and Zelda in Breath of the Wild. In preparation for the coming of Calamity Ganon, Link is quickly found to be the true wielder of the Master Sword and is made Zelda's bodyguard in response. Zelda, on the other hand, is unable to unlock her "Sealing Power" necessary to defeat Ganon; she thus finds Link's presence a constant reminder of her own failure to fulfill her destiny. Only by gradually opening up to her protector does she find out that Link is just as nervous as she is about the upcoming fight against Ganon. And when Link goes to reclaim the sword after the Great Calamity, he has to prove himself worthy to wield it again despite having done so in the past and in numerous past lives. The process of pulling the Master Sword from its pedestal slowly drains Link's life, and should the player fail to have the necessary hearts (or have taken sufficient damage when they go for the attempt) then Link dies attempting to pull it out (although the Deku Tree will stop him at a quarter-heart the first time he tries). TotK indicates that this second proving is a consequence of the damage that the sword took during the Great Calamity; when Link draws it again in a flashback shortly before the events of the sequel, the Deku Tree claims that it has fully recovered, and he pulls it from the pedestal without struggle or fanfare.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_223c2a48
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_223c2a48
 The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Video Game)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_223c2a48
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_230609e7
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_230609e7
Kabbalah: The Passive Conqueror: Circe has the Noble Phantasm Rule Breaker, which normally belongs to her niece Medea. She says she has it because she taught Medea how to make it.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_230609e7
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_230609e7
 Kabbalah: The Passive Conqueror (Fanfic)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_230609e7
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_2372359
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_2372359
The Orb of Aldur in The Belgariad can only be touched by a purely innocent person or by the true heir of Riva. It's even more impressive when it's fused to the Sword of Riva Irongrip, which was forged from a fallen star.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_2372359
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_2372359
 The Belgariad
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_2372359
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_2406b303
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_2406b303
The Negotiations-verse side-story Fallen uses a couple of its Multiple Endings to play with this concept:
In the "Rejection" path, most of the chosen become unchosen when the Harmony Pylon is activated — it backfires, and all of the Elements of Harmony corrode and fade away. Save for Fluttershy, whom the forces of Harmony deem to have been the only one who has actually honored her element.
"Harmony's Chosen", meanwhile, has all six Elements choose Fluttershy as their sole wielder, ascending her to an alicorn before changing Twilight and Princess Celestia back into unicorns as punishment for how they abused their blessings.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_2406b303
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_2406b303
 The Negotiations-verse (Fanfic)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_2406b303
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_242b4b79
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_242b4b79
In Justice League: Throne of Atlantis, only Atlantean royalty can wield the Trident of Poseidon. Anyone else who tries to hold it gets electrocuted.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_242b4b79
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_242b4b79
 Justice League: Throne of Atlantis
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_242b4b79
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_24485169
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_24485169
Kingdom Hearts: Grand Order:
While fighting Saber Alter, Sora shocks everyone by stealing Excalibur Morgan and being able to wield it, even purifying it back to Excalibur. This is likely due to Sora's pure heart, inner light, and heroic tendencies that made him worthy of the Keyblade.
EMIYA attempts to Trace a copy of the Keyblade, but fails because it does not consider him worthy.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_24485169
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_24485169
 Kingdom Hearts: Grand Order (Fanfic)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_24485169
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_27c708b3
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_27c708b3
In Rosario + Vampire, Moka's Power Limiter rosary can only be properly removed by Tsukune.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_27c708b3
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_27c708b3
 Rosario + Vampire (Manga)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_27c708b3
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_2952bffd
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_2952bffd
In the manga version of Kingdom Hearts, Sora passes his Keyblade to Donald before performing his Heroic Sacrifice. Unfortunately, Donald wasn't worthy as it disappears from his hands. Fortunately, Sora came back.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_2952bffd
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_2952bffd
 Kingdom Hearts (Manga)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_2952bffd
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_2b1d7b4a
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_2b1d7b4a
Played in reverse in Justice Lords Beyond. Wonder Woman uses the Lasso of Truth to strangle/snap the neck of her Justice Lord counterpart for killing Lord Batman, and so she is no longer worthy and the lasso disintegrates.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_2b1d7b4a
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_2b1d7b4a
 Justice Lords Beyond (Comic Book)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_2b1d7b4a
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_2b3f457c
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_2b3f457c
In The Saga of Hrolf Kraki, the prince Bjorn leaves his three sons three weapons struck into a wall of rock. When the sons later arrive to retrieve the weapons, everyone of them can only take the one weapon intended for him.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_2b3f457c
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_2b3f457c
 The Saga of Hrolf Kraki
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_2b3f457c
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_2bf8bd9
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_2bf8bd9
Shining Resonance: The Armonics are sacred weapons that also function as musical instruments. Each was formed from the Shining Dragon's body and bestowed to his most devoted followers. An Armonic chooses its wielder by resonating when the one it deems worthy to possess it draws near, which is first seen when Barmonium begins to resonate within the vault of the Imperial treasury the moment Marion is brought to Astoria's Capitol. This causes Sonia some level of angst since the Armonic that belongs to her father still hasn't resonated with herself, though when King Albert is injured against Excella it finally does deem her a worthy bearer.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_2bf8bd9
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_2bf8bd9
 Shining Resonance (Video Game)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_2bf8bd9
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_2c8f31bd
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_2c8f31bd
Dave the Barbarian: In "The Maddening Sprite of the Stump," Lula gets stuck in a tree stump and its resident Fairy Trickster declares that only the true ruler of Udrogoth will be able to remove her. The entire Royal Family try without success, and then a line forms, as expected. It turns out that it takes Dave, Fang, Candy and Oswidge all pulling at once.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_2c8f31bd
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_2c8f31bd
 Dave the Barbarian
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_2c8f31bd
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_2e719afe
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_2e719afe
SD Gundam Force gives us Musha Daishinshou, a semi-sentient Humongous Mecha that can only be controlled by The Dai-Shogun, surpeme ruler of Ark. It's stated that without the Dai-Shogun, Daishinshou would go on a rampage, so it spends most of the series locked up in a castle. Villain Kibaomaru thinks he can use Daishinshou, and looks for a means of releasing it. It's revealed that the one to use Daishinshou is the one who has the power to release it; his son, Genkimaru.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_2e719afe
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_2e719afe
 SD Gundam Force
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_2e719afe
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_2f1032e5
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_2f1032e5
In Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans' second season, the Gundam Bael is essentially treated as Excalibur in the form of a Humongous Mecha, with claims that it possesses the soul of Gjallarhorn founder Agnika Kaieru and whomever can pilot it is the organization's rightful leader. McGillis Fareed, who obsessively studied Kaieru since his childhood, discovered its secret (it was made to use the Ālaya-Vijñ�na System, which Gjallarhorn later declared taboo), allowing him to claim it. The "rightful leader" part is then subverted when McGillis tries to take charge of Gjallarhorn and the vast majority of the organization stays loyal to their current leadership.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_2f1032e5
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_2f1032e5
 Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_2f1032e5
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_2f8941e1
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_2f8941e1
Red Hulk is unworthy, but he managed to bypass the enchantment and use the hammer against Thor by taking advantage of the fact he was in a zero gravity environment. He also exploited the fact that he could still lift Thor while he was holding the hammer. In a rematch, he tried to grab it while on Earth; Thor immediately let go, and the hammer promptly crushed his hands under its weight.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_2f8941e1
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_2f8941e1
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_2f8941e1
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_30d36a3e
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_30d36a3e
The Staff of Ages from Shadowgate can only be used by the bloodline of kings, starting with Lord Jair, the hero of the original game. This comes up later in Shadowgate 64: Trials of the Four Towers, where civilian Del Cottonwood must wear a ring owned by said bloodline in order to even carry the Staff safely. And when the time comes to defeat the Warlock Lord with it, he has to give the Staff to a statue of Lord Jair, then put the ring on it, whereupon it comes to life and kills the Warlock Lord.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_30d36a3e
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_30d36a3e
 Shadowgate (Video Game)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_30d36a3e
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_32d026ec
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_32d026ec
A variation from Rave Master occurred with the tenth form of the Ten Powers sword. It was a sword specifically made for Shiba, the first Rave Master, so its final and tenth form could only be wielded by him. When Haru became the second Rave Master, Musica had to make a new tenth form of the sword specifically for him just before the final battle.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_32d026ec
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_32d026ec
 Rave Master (Manga)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_32d026ec
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_34cddc35
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_34cddc35
In Prince Valiant, only a member of the royal family of Thule can wield the Singing Sword and make it sing.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_34cddc35
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_34cddc35
 Prince Valiant (Comic Strip)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_34cddc35
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_39c5e563
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_39c5e563
No Evil has the four Tezcatlipoca and Tlaloc's Tuning Fork (which he'd used to break the original Tezcatlipoca mirror).
The Black Tezcatlipoca had to be sealed in the second episode using the Red one because it was enveloping the countryside and forcing everyone it touched into an endless sleep without a wielder. Unfortunately a bitter child raised in the land of the dead proves to be the kind of person it wanted.
The Red Tezcatlipoca, or Judgement Scythe, can only be wielded by one with a strong will and sense of justice. It incinerated a selfish village chief who wanted to use it to gain an advantage over the local spirit, Murder, and then would have swamped the village in lava if Murder hadn't been willing to sacrifice herself to tame it. In episode 35 it tries to destroy another city after Murder loses her powers and the seal she placed on it is broken. But Kitty essentially scolds it into letting her wield it.
The Blue, Liberation Machete, neutralizes magic and thus rejects spirits, but it's also too much for mortals to handle. Potentially it could free those caught in the Black, but it's useless without a wielder.
The White Bow of Mercy has yet to choose a wielder, though many have tried. Its' true wielder should be able to use it as a Healing Shiv, but in anyone else's hands it generates Annoying Arrows.
Calamity came to possess the Tuning Fork after passing the Secret Test of Character Tlaloc had set up, but while Tlaloc could use it to cast multiple spells she can only use the hydrokinesis spell. Ichabod can produce lightning while Huey has the tracking spell.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_39c5e563
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_39c5e563
 No Evil (Web Animation)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_39c5e563
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_3b34143f
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_3b34143f
Harry Potter:
Only true Gryffindors can draw Gryffindor's sword from the Sorting Hat. Or more precisely, someone with Gryffindor "qualities" such as bravery and valor. A true Gryffindor is not just someone who got Sorted into the house, but someone who truly upholds the ideals that Godric himself prized. In all the series, only Harry and Neville were confirmed to be able to summon the blade to their side. They needed to uphold these ideals and, in addition, still have the humility to ask the Hat for help.
"The wand chooses the wizard". A wizard can use a wand not their own; wands are stolen, borrowed, or inherited fairly frequently. But magic channeled through another's wand will never be as easy or as powerful as when the wizard uses his own. On the other hand, a wizard who defeats/kills another in a Wizard Duel will often be able to command the obedience of his vanquished opponent's wand. Willingly returning the wand to its owner will cancel this transfer of magical ownership, though. Meaning that wizards who duel for practice or sport aren't going to be at constant risk of losing command of their wand. After Professor Snape kills Albus Dumbledore, Lord Voldemort claims Dumbledore's wand, the Elder Wand, the most powerful wand in the world. Because he is not the true owner, he cannot use it to its full potential. Thinking that since Snape killed Dumbledore, he is the true owner, Voldemort kills him. What he didn't know was that shortly before Dumbledore died, Draco Malfoy disarmed him, making Malfoy the true owner unknowingly. Harry later beats Malfoy in a physical fight, making Harry the true owner. In the final battle, Voldemort tries to use the Elder Wand to kill Harry. The Elder Wand refuses to harm its true owner, foreshadowed in an earlier scene where Voldemort used Crucio on Harry to test if he was playing dead, but it did nothing to him, so it backfires and kills Voldemort.
If a basilisk counts as a weapon, only the rightful Heir of Slytherin could command it, meaning it wouldn't have listened if Harry tried to use Parseltongue to communicate with it.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_3b34143f
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_3b34143f
 Harry Potter
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_3b34143f
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_3b37873c
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_3b37873c
In The Divine Cities, Voortya was the Divinity of War, and having reached the Vooryashtani afterlife, Mulaghesh ends up having to wield Voortya's Sword, which is only given to her because of her long and bloody history as a career soldier.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_3b37873c
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_3b37873c
 The Divine Cities
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_3b37873c
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_3b43a214
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_3b43a214
Camelot: Subverted Trope in the Showtime series. The sword is indeed stuck in a stone, but the problem with removing it is that it's at the top of a waterfall, covered in moss, and the ground is naturally wet (since it's, you know, submerged). It is indeed stuck, and anyone that tried to remove it previously inevitably loses their grip and falls off the waterfall to their death. However, Arthur (thanks to some contrary advice from Merlin) realizes that in order to free the sword, it must first be pushed into the rock, adjusted so that it won't catch, and then pulled out. It's heavily implied that anyone could have done this, they just didn't know it. Arthur also falls off the waterfall, but he gets better.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_3b43a214
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_3b43a214
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_3b43a214
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_3be307d1
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_3be307d1
In Tenchi Muyo!, only those of royal Juraian blood can hold Sword Tenchi. Those who aren't are given a PAINFUL shock. It confuses Ayeka as to why Tenchi, a boy from Earth, could wield it and it isn't until Tenchi's grandfather Katsuhito spells out everything (namely, that Katsuhito's her long-lost brother Yosho) that she understands why. It's unknown if Ayeka's tiara or other royal Juraian devices have the same defense, though.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_3be307d1
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_3be307d1
 Tenchi Muyo!
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_3be307d1
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_3c08531b
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_3c08531b
Avengers Assemble:
When the Mind Stone causes a mix-up between the Avengers' minds and their bodies, the one who gets Thor's body tries to lift Mjolnir but can't since he's not worthy and a "Freaky Friday" Flip doesn't trick the hammer.
When Thanos is deemed unworthy to wield Mjölnir, he gets... creative.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_3c08531b
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_3c08531b
 Avengers Assemble
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_3c08531b
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_3c182551
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_3c182551
Suggested, but not altogether proven, for the Shield of Albion in Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords, which is an heirloom of the player character's family.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_3c182551
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_3c182551
 Puzzle Quest (Video Game)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_3c182551
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_3df46758
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_3df46758
Open Blue's Back Story has Belramus, a sword said to have been forged from a tooth of the Iormunean Imperium's goddess, Iormunea. Only the leader of the Imperium's Praetorian Guard (who in turn must be descended from the original leader) can/is allowed to wield this. The other blessed weapons used by the Imperial Templar also count.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_3df46758
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_3df46758
 Open Blue (Roleplay)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_3df46758
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_3e1e745c
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_3e1e745c
In the Enchanted Forest Chronicles, the sword of the king of the Enchanted Forest is instrumental in choosing the next king, and only the rightful king can access its quite formidable magic, while to anyone else it's just an unusually durable and sharp sword. And because the king also has some influence over the magic of the Enchanted Forest, in a sense the sword also chooses who has the right to wield the kingdom itself. Furthermore, if the sword is taken out of the Forest, it will burn anyone who isn't a member of the royal family, or married into said family.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_3e1e745c
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_3e1e745c
 Enchanted Forest Chronicles
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_3e1e745c
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_40d22fb4
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_40d22fb4
In Heroes Unlimited, anyone can pick up an Enchanted Weapon and swing it around, but unless the wielder's alignment matches that of the weapon, the weapon will not grant them its mystical powers. So heroic characters cannot use the powers of an evil weapon, and supervillains cannot use the powers of a good weapon.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_40d22fb4
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_40d22fb4
 Heroes Unlimited (Tabletop Game)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_40d22fb4
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_40ef1034
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_40ef1034
Excalibur in The Seven Deadly Sins can only be wielded by a worthy hero of its own choosing. Currently, only King Arthur himself can wield it. This is used against him when Cusack uses his Resonant magic to brainwash Arthur into impaling himself with Excalibur. Since only Arthur can lift Excalibur, no one else can save him by removing the sword from his chest, preventing Elizabeth from using her healing magic on him. Eventually, Merlin takes his body to a magic lake that brings him back to life, allowing him to pull the sword out.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_40ef1034
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_40ef1034
 The Seven Deadly Sins (Manga)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_40ef1034
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_41b0198a
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_41b0198a
The Dresden Files:
The three holy Swords used by Knights of the Cross are named Fidelacchius, Esperacchius, and Amoracchius.note In Ghost Story reveals their other historical monikers to be Kusanagi, Durandal and Excalibur. Each Sword responds strongly to powerful faith, hope, and love, respectively. Holding to that ideal is key in allowing the Sword to draw out its full strength on behalf of the bearer.note Note that none of these feelings need be towards God, just focusing on the base feeling. A man who believes in right overcoming wrong, that one person can make a difference, can wield the Sword of Faith, while a supernatural-monster mother defending her daughter from the forces of evil can draw out the Sword of Love's power even if she is tainted by evil herself. Sanya, Knight of Hope, doesn't even believe in God, taking an agnostic view, but has never had trouble drawing out his Sword's power. Further, it's revealed in Small Favor that several of the most recent Knights have royalty in their ancestrynote Shiro was descended from the last king of Okinawa, Michael is descended from Charlemagne, and Sanya's ancestry links him to Saladin, which strongly implies that Butters has royal ancestry as well. It is also important to note not every wielder is meant to be a life-long Knight. Many Knights are one-timers, who take up the Sword during some crisis, wield it to victory, and leave it aside once the danger has past. Note that unworthy mortals can still pick up and fight with the Swords, but the weapons don't provide them with any particular advantage over plain steel, unless their motives are pure and become worthy in their choices. Moreover, if a treacherous person is given authority over the blade, say the Knight gives a thief the Sword to defend himself when the Knight is out of commission, wielding a Sword in a treacherous or unjust manner renders the holy blade vulnerable to destruction, either physical or (if used to kill an innocent) spiritual.
In the Fae Courts, there are the respective Mantles of the Summer and Winter Knights. Each Knight is selected for the position by one of the court's three Queens. In order of strongest to weakest, they are The Queen Who Was, The Queen Who Is, and The Queen Who Will Be. Now, while a Knight could be considered suitable by one of the Queens, if an older one deems the Knight unworthy, they can kill the Knight and claim the mantle to select a new knight.
Of the strongest of holy magics, Soulfire, the thing He and His angels used to make Reality, can be given to a mortal to wield, but can only be done when Lucifer has acted first with giving his agents Super-Hellfire. Soulfire, when invoked, makes the magic or action have more substance, making it able to break through some mystical defenses that a foe might have. However, it eats at the soul of the user and if one uses too much, the person will not recover. Fortunately, souls regenerate fairly quickly in this setting - even faster if you do something positive, like hang out with friends and have fun.
On the other side, there are the thirty siver Denarii and their power. Each Denarius houses in it a Fallen Angel, one of Lucifer's top forces who joined with him against God or otherwise betrayed Godnote Lucifer chose them not just for their power but out of concern they would work to overthrow him one day. Better to send them away to cause problems elsewhere.. If the Coin lacks a host, then when a person's skin touches the coin a shadow of the Fallen imprints itself into the mind of the person. It is at this moment what "worthy" means comes into play. If the Fallen sees the mortal as a weakling in spirit, mind, or body, they will break the mortal's spirit and subsume their will to the Fallens. The mortal then becomes a puppet and the Fallen will control the body but not have as much power as in other situations. If the mortal has a strong spirit, the Fallen will work to make their goals similar to the mortal so they will work in concert, granting the mortal more power and the Fallen more freedoms. As each Fallen has different values and goals, what might make one a worthwhile partnership to Lasciel the Webweaver would not Ursiel the brute.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_41b0198a
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_41b0198a
 The Dresden Files
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_41b0198a
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_43576f5
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_43576f5
Gleefully spoofed in "Like a Virgin". Dean needs a sword that can kill a dragon; conveniently the local expert has one of the only surviving swords in her basement. Unfortunately it's embedded in a huge stone, both to prevent people stealing it and well, because it was fashionable a while back. Only a brave knight can remove the stone, so Dean rises to the challenge... and fails ignominiously as shown here. Time for Plan B, which involves cracking the stone with plastic explosive. It works, only for Dean to discover he's cracked the sword in half too.
In season nine, in order to wield the First Blade and kill Abaddon, Dean needs to bear the Mark of Cain. Cain agrees to give it to him in exchange for help with his self-termination problem.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_43576f5
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_43576f5
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_43576f5
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_43cb9c7
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_43cb9c7
Kamen Rider Hibiki: While anyone is allowed to try using the Armed Saber, any Oni who isn't sufficiently strong will instead lose their powers altogether. This actually happens to Hibiki himself the first time he tries using it, requiring him to train enough to regain his powers and then further strengthen them so he can properly attune to the sword.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_43cb9c7
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_43cb9c7
 Kamen Rider Hibiki
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_43cb9c7
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_43f52aa9
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_43f52aa9
The Crusader's Relics (and weapons) can only be wielded by the Divine Crusader in the expansion Knights of the Nine. In addition, if the wielder gains two points in infamy then the artifacts cannot be used until the pilgrimage is undertaken again.
The Amulet of Kings makes its first in-game appearance, passing from the Emperor to the Player Character in the early stages of the game. True to lore, the player character cannot wear it, getting a message that it simply "slips off" your neck if you try. It eventually makes its way into the hands of the Emperor's Hidden Backup Prince, Martin, who performs a Heroic Sacrifice at the end of the main quest with it. The Amulet is destroyed, but it summons an avatar of Akatosh who banishes Mehrunes Dagon and saves the world.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_43f52aa9
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_43f52aa9
 The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (Video Game)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_43f52aa9
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_44127c7c
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_44127c7c
Power Rangers has various examples of this with the Rangers themselves. In most cases other parties choose the Rangers, most commonly when dealing with the Rangers who more explicitly get their powers from technology (Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue, Power Rangers S.P.D., Power Rangers Operation Overdrive, etc.). However, when dealing with those Rangers who are at least potentially powered by Magitek, their mentors often affirm that the power chooses the Rangers rather than it just being random, such as the animal crystals of Power Rangers Wild Force and the Dino Gems of Power Rangers: Dino Thunder only "activating" once they are brought into contact with the relevant future Ranger. Only a few cases have explicitly discussed the idea of the Rangers alone being able to wield their powers;
Power Rangers Lost Galaxy: The five Quasar Sabers from the planet Mirinoi, which like Caliburn/Excalibur are firmly planted inside a stone until the chosen ones finally pull them. The only Ranger born on Mirinoi, Maya, had already tried to remove one as a kid, so either she spent all that time trying to free the wrong saber or the sabers themselves have some say in when they're released. They're not one-to-one, either, as two of the sabers are passed on during the series; Mike Corbett drew the Red Saber originally but passed it on to his brother Leo before he apparently died, and after Pink Ranger Kendrix was killed in battle, her spirit appeared to pass her saber on to former villain Astronema/Karone. The question of 'why don't you just smash the rocks' is also addressed: Furio's first instinct upon his failure to pull the sword out is to try that...and he can't even scratch the rocks, something he himself remarks is insane, implying the magical spell protecting the swords is also protecting the rock.
The thirtieth-anniversary special Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Once & Always explicitly acknowledges that the Rangers' power sources choose them in some way. When original Yellow Ranger Trini Kwan is killed in battle, her daughter Minh attempts to use the Yellow Sabretooth Tiger coin for herself, but is initially unable to use the coin as she only wants to fight out of a desire for revenge for her mother's death. After Minh risks her life to save Billy- the original Blue Ranger- from another attack, the Yellow Coin responds to Minh and allows her to morph. The other Rangers speculate that this is because Minh acted to save a life rather than to punish an enemy, with fellow Yellow Ranger Aisha Campbell assuring Minh that she is now a worthy Ranger.
Power Rangers Cosmic Fury opened with the Dino Fury team losing their original powers and zords, requiring aid from Billy Cranston to gain a new power source and new morphers. The most significant result of this was former Pink Ranger Amelia becoming the team's new Red Ranger (their original Red had been seemingly killed and returned as the Zenith Ranger), with Billy assuring Amelia that she wouldn't be the Red Ranger if the power didn't believe she was worthy.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_44127c7c
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_44127c7c
 Power Rangers (Franchise)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_44127c7c
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_4509d2ef
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_4509d2ef
During Donny Cates' Thor run, Mjölnir is destroyed and has to be reconstructed. Unfortunately, something goes awry with the reforging process and the defect causes the worthiness enchantment is inverted, with everyone except Thor being capable of wielding, even people who would have never been able to use it before like Iron Man, Loki, and even a completely random farmer.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_4509d2ef
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_4509d2ef
 Thor (2020) (Comic Book)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_4509d2ef
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_4541c1d0
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_4541c1d0
God Slaying Blade Works: As in canon, any Noble Phantasm Shirou Emiya creates belongs to him so he can use them. He loans Beautiful Head Taker, the naginata of Tomoe Gozen, to Illya because of a story where Gozen loaned it to one of her female servants, which allows any woman to wield it. He loans the Halberd of Lu Bu Fengxian to Luo Hao, Gae Dearg to John Pluto Smith, and Trap of Argalia to Godou because their powers are always active, allowing anyone to use them. Guinevere and Lancelot can use Rhongomyniad and Excalibur because they are part of King Arthur's legend. Shirou is able to give Arondight to Lancelot because Lancelot is the alternate universe counterpart of its original owner.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_4541c1d0
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_4541c1d0
 God Slaying Blade Works (Fanfic)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_4541c1d0
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_49ad83ee
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_49ad83ee
Several of the artifact weapons in the Legion expansion of World of Warcraft work this way.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_49ad83ee
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_49ad83ee
 World of Warcraft (Video Game)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_49ad83ee
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_4a059a74
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_4a059a74
The Mandalorian: While the trope is already downplayed to a degree with Jedi lightsabers (the kyber crystal within responds best to the Jedi who attunes to it, but the weapon itself can be picked up and used by anybody), the Darksaber is a much more straightforward (but still played with) example. Built by a Jedi that went on to become the first Mandalore, it will grow heavy and unwieldy in the hands of someone not entirely focused on their goal, which more often than not happens to be the security and advancement of the Mandalorian people.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_4a059a74
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_4a059a74
 The Mandalorian
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_4a059a74
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_4b187e74
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_4b187e74
In The Odyssey, Penelope's suitors have to pass the test of bending Odysseus' bow in order to get her. They all fail. A beggar comes and request to try bending the bow, in which he succeeds, revealing himself as Odysseus.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_4b187e74
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_4b187e74
 The Odyssey
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_4b187e74
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_50bcf7a6
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_50bcf7a6
Homestuck has Caledfwlch in it - but it isn't drawn from the stone, but instead snapped out by Dave.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_50bcf7a6
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_50bcf7a6
 Homestuck (Webcomic)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_50bcf7a6
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_534f0200
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_534f0200
Kamen Rider Saber: The Haouken Xross Saber is speculated for quite a while to exist within the Sword of Fire, but refuses to appear until someone can successfully unite the wielders of all eleven Sacred Swords under a common cause. Once the title character does, the other swords come to life and summon the Xross Saber in recognition of his worthiness. Oddly this is not his King Arthur-themed powerup, which came much earlier.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_534f0200
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_534f0200
 Kamen Rider Saber
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_534f0200
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_553051f
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_553051f
Green Lantern:
All Green Lantern Rings — and all the other colors — require a user to have a sufficient amount of the emotion that powers it, and be mostly free of the emotion that opposes it. The Sinestro Corps rings vary slightly in that they rely on their wearers' ability to instil fear in others. One of them tried to recruit Batman in the lead-up to the Sinestro Corps War, but he rejected it.
This was actually a retcon as, during the Silver Age and further on, anyone could run around with a Green Lantern ring if they were taken from their user. Since Green Lantern: Rebirth, the sufficient amount of emotion was set in place; during Rebirth Green Arrow tried to use a back-up ring but his cynical willpower left him feeling like he hadn't slept for a week when the only construct he created was a single arrow.
While, with most of the Corps, many embody the emotion enough to wield the ring, for the Orange lantern corps, effectively only one can be "worthy" to wield the Orange Ring’s power. The Orange Ring emotion is Greed, and whoever is Greedy enough to wield the power of the Orange Ring is too Greedy to share it.
The White Lantern Battery in Brightest Day. Hal and Carol refer to it as the sword in the stone, to Sinestro's confusion.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_553051f
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_553051f
 Green Lantern (Comic Book)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_553051f
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_558b8445
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_558b8445
In the Griffin's Daughter series, it isn't said whether or not only the Elf royal bloodline can wear the White Griffin (a ring that is the symbol of the royal family), but it will only glow when worn by someone of royal blood. It's how Jelena is confirmed as being King Keizo's daughter.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_558b8445
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_558b8445
 Griffin's Daughter
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_558b8445
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_56669167
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_56669167
Hero Tales has the Kenkaranpu, which can only be drawn by a "true hero". In the first chapter Taito was able to draw it but it was promptly stolen...
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_56669167
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_56669167
 Hero Tales (Manga)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_56669167
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_569093cc
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_569093cc
DuckTales (2017): Scrooge at one time acquired an Excaliber-expy weapon and put it in his backyard as decoration. It can only be drawn by the True King of Britain. When the giant mechanical Gilded Man of El Dorado is activated and wrecking the estate, it tries to draw the sword and fails. It instead lifts the sword resulting in about a cubic yard of earth being ripped up too, clinging to the end of the sword like a mace or toothpick with a small sausage on it, and then tries to bludgeon the heroes with it.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_569093cc
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_569093cc
 DuckTales (2017)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_569093cc
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_580596d4
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_580596d4
Oogway's Little Owl explains the invisible Trident Of Destiny (which was just a throwaway gag in the movie). It can only be seen by the person destined to wield it who, according to Oogway, will use it to save all of China. It's been waiting a long time with no apparent wielder having come, but Oogway is confident that the Chosen One will come one day. Maybe. Unless he was just screwing with people.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_580596d4
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_580596d4
 Oogway's Little Owl (Fanfic)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_580596d4
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_58907201
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_58907201
There are several Excaliburs in Sinfest, only one so far has actually been a sword. One was a Legendary Pimp Cane.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_58907201
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_58907201
 Sinfest (Webcomic)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_58907201
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_5908ee91
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_5908ee91
Skyrim reveals that Deadric artifacts function this way. While the artifacts themselves aren't sentient, the Daedric Princes who created them can be really picky about who uses them. For example, Hircine, not liking a werewolf who uses his ring removes all control the man has over his transformations (though if you attempt to help the werewolf Hircine will make the ring work correctly for you) while one necromancer spent decades working defects into Azura's star to remove her control over it so he could live forever using it.
A Creation Club event adds the Crusader's Relics to the game. Again, if you’ve been doing evil things, you won’t be able to wear them until you pray to the gods.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_5908ee91
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_5908ee91
 The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (Video Game)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_5908ee91
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_5a0d652b
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_5a0d652b
In Warcraft III, the crazy-powerful sword Frostmourne can only be broken out of its floating chunk of ice by someone who promises to bear any curse it can throw at him/her.
Good news: Once you get it, Frostmourne is indeed the thing that can turn the tide and drive out the invaders, etc.
Bad news: Frostmourne is excellent at coming up with curses, which may include killing your best friend, literally eating your soul, and making it so you don't even WANT to repel the invaders anymore and end up joining them instead. Just go with a regular drop. Way safer.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_5a0d652b
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_5a0d652b
 Warcraft (Video Game)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_5a0d652b
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_5b8abe25
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_5b8abe25
Parodied in Rusty and Co.. Maddie is told that only the worthy can draw the "enchanted weapon" (a pitchfork) from its haystack. It is however magical — because Maddie can make a weapon magical by thinking it is.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_5b8abe25
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_5b8abe25
 Rusty and Co. (Webcomic)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_5b8abe25
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_5ba0fc51
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_5ba0fc51
Love of Magic: The protagonist is unable to pull Excalibur from the stone, but Emily (as Arthur's heir) is able to help him. This was a safety valve created by Merlin - for the protagonist to come into his full power without Emily's moderating influence could doom the world.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_5ba0fc51
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_5ba0fc51
 Love of Magic (Video Game)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_5ba0fc51
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_5c0e4258
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_5c0e4258
SWAT Kats: In "Bride of the Pastmaster", Razor and T-Bone are sent to the Middle Ages. They find a sword in a stone that T-Bone can't pull out. When they get attacked, Razor pulls the sword out, causing the attackers to stop. They say whoever pulls the Dragon Sword out is the chosen one to save them from the Pastmaster. The people constantly treat Razor like a hero while snubbing T-Bone. However, anyone else can use the sword after it is pulled, as while Razor is busy saving Queen Callista, T-Bone uses it to slay the Pastmaster's dragon and defeat him. Callista declares they are both heroes before sending them home.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_5c0e4258
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_5c0e4258
 SWAT Kats
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_5c0e4258
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_5c600b17
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_5c600b17
Digimon Adventure episode "Evil Shows His Face" reveals a variation when Leomon tells Tai that only the Digidestined can get the Digivices to work, which is how the former concluded that the latter and his friends were just that.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_5c600b17
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_5c600b17
 Digimon Adventure
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_5c600b17
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_5c66fff9
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_5c66fff9
Neverwinter Nights 2:
The Hammer of Ironfist, which can only be wielded by a member of Clan Ironfist. To top it off, it only allows the use of its full power when the user is wearing The Belt of Ironfist and The Gauntlet of Ironfist, so it is also a reference to Mjǫllnir. Most players will have helped Khelgar with his personal quest to become a Monk by the time the Hammer is found, and a Monk cannot use hammers, making it a Power Up Let Down.
The Sword of Gith can only be used by the Kalach-Cha for a different reason. It will only work if all the shards are together, and one of them is embedded in the KC's chest.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_5c66fff9
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_5c66fff9
 Neverwinter Nights 2 (Video Game)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_5c66fff9
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_5ce3fc86
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_5ce3fc86
In Soul Eater, all weapons are assigned to a particular partner upon enrollment in Shibusen, based on the interlocking personalities of the weapon and meister. Generally speaking, it is impossible for a weapon to be wielded by someone who isn't their partner because their inner natures tend to clash. Adult Meisters/Weapons appear to be free of this restriction, which is said to have something to do with the fact that wielding a Weapon is about how the souls of both meister and Weapon react to one another, and seems to rely on some level of mutual understanding and compromise - too much conflict spoils the resonance and people get hurt, or even fall flat on the ground if they happen to be up in the air when you start arguing. As such, it's implied that the Adults are much better at handling their composure, allowing for a wider range of partners. This isn't to say if an Adult pair start to argue they'll stop resonating, or that there are pairs that would never be able to work, just that that's never been depicted in the series. The fact that most Adults seem to have a preferred/assigned partner supports this.
Excalibur is also present in the series and is the only weapon who averts this trope by being potentially able to be wielded by anyone: His numerous powers include the ability to adjust his soul wavelength to go along perfectly with anyone... Except his personality is so extremely obnoxious that no-one wants to get within two leagues of him.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_5ce3fc86
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_5ce3fc86
 Soul Eater (Manga)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_5ce3fc86
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_5dd89c96
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_5dd89c96
Fate/Extra Last Encore: Rin Tohsaka and Rani VIII were granted the powers of their Servants Cu Chulainn and Lu Bu respectively, so they can use their Noble Phantasms Gae Bolg and God Force.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_5dd89c96
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_5dd89c96
 Fate/Extra Last Encore
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_5dd89c96
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_5dfc3105
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_5dfc3105
Hulk and the Agents of S.M.A.S.H.: Averted in a Time Travel episode where Hulk wields Mjölnir before it had any enchantments to prevent non-chosen ones from wielding it. Loki gets his chance in a timeline where it never had those enchantments.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_5dfc3105
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_5dfc3105
 Hulk and the Agents of S.M.A.S.H.
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_5dfc3105
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_5e16d550
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_5e16d550
In Black Clover, four-leaf clover grimoires, which are said to bestow good luck, only choose mages with exceptional potential, with Yuno being blessed with one.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_5e16d550
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_5e16d550
 Black Clover (Manga)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_5e16d550
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_5ef424cf
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_5ef424cf
Played with in Yet Another Fantasy Gamer Comic. The wizard proposes a variant of this with an axe, as an alternative to the tourney open to all nobles. Beat Panel ensues.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_5ef424cf
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_5ef424cf
 Yet Another Fantasy Gamer Comic (Webcomic)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_5ef424cf
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_5f71a70b
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_5f71a70b
Xenoblade Chronicles:
Xenoblade Chronicles 1: The Monado can't be wielded by just anyone, and may temporarily take over anyone who tries. It can be wielded by someone with sufficient willpower even if they aren't the chosen one, as seen with Dunban. But this comes at the cost of increasingly severe damage to his body to the point of permanently paralyzing his right arm and nearly killing him when he starts using it with his left. The only one who can properly wield it unharmed is Shulk. This is because it's a Living Weapon (and not a nice one), containing the soul of an Evil God, Zanza. Shulk can use it freely only because he's said God's chosen vessel, and he's unwittingly been doing exactly what Zanza wanted.
Xenoblade Chronicles 2:
The Core Crystals that give Blades their form require a sort of aptitude or potential to manifest the entity and the weapon it carries. Those found inadequate are harmed, or even killed, on mere contact with the Core Crystal. A small, scrawny Gormotti (who is a viable Driver) is shoved aside by a larger, bulkier man who grabs the crystal, cries out in pain, and passes out with blue particle effects bursting from his body; the way the other characters talk about it, it's not a pretty sight. From there, only that Driver can fully bring out that Blade's power and effectively use its weapon; there are some cases of a Driver grabbing the weapon of another's Blade to use, but those are usually extremely desperate moments when their own Blade isn't fighting for some reason. There's also nothing stopping a Driver from resonating with multiple Blades. Rex and Amalthus can resonate with and use any Blade, even ones awakened by someone else, due to being designated as the "Master Drivers" due to their links to the Aegises.
Party member Tora ended up with a three-day-long nosebleed after failing to resonate with a crystal, but luckily for him, him and similarly lacking in aptitude father and grandfather are all brilliant engineers who decided to just make Artificial Blades that anyone can use even without Driver aptitude. Such results include Tora's Blade Poppi, Lila, Poppibuster and his "pilot" Poppi Mk. II (who sure enough can be equipped to any Driver in the party aside from Tora himself without needing to use an Overdrive Protocol to transfer ownership), and the fully mechanical ones Tora's father was forced to build under threat of death.
It should be noted that the proper aptitude for wielding a Blade is fairly arbitrary. Ever so often, you'll find a Boss in Mook's Clothing that is a monster that has happened to come across and resonate with a Blade, which now follows it around and defends it. Such is the case for the story fight with an Elder Arachno who bonded with the Rare Blade Wulfric, with the party claiming his Core Crystal after killing the monster. Even Blades can become the Drivers of other Blades, though all the cases shown of these Driver-Blades were also Flesh Eaters, Blades who integrated human cells to gain independence from needing a link with a Driver to survive in the first place, or an Aegis, aka the original Blades who have the ability to directly link with any Core Crystal since they're the overseers of the whole system.
A key part of the plot is the "core crystal cleansing process." Cores are shipped to the Praetorium, where Praetor Amalthus does something that makes it easier for people to resonate with them. It's still not easy to find Drivers, but it is much easier than the normal way, so every nation sends their cores to Amalthus, and this makes his religion a political powerhouse. As it turns out, Blades accumulate data every time they are activated. As they live and grow, they become more powerful, eventually evolving from Common Blades into Unique Blades. The downside, however, is that they also become much pickier about who can resonate with them. Furthermore, once a Blade has accumulated enough data it will evolve into a Titan, one of the massive beasts that people live on. The reason no more continent-sized Titans are being born is because of the cleansing process. Amalthus is fully aware of this, and furthermore is aware that the dwindling livable land is causing more wars and will eventually result in the end of the world... but he doesn't care, because he hates everyone.
Xenoblade Chronicles 3:
One of the key gameplay mechanics is class switching, where the heroes use each other's weapons and the abilities that come with it. However, while everyone can use Noah's Veiled Sword, that's actually the sheathe of his real weapon, the Lucky Seven. This is the only weapon that can cut through the otherwise invincible Flame Clocks. In Future Redeemed, it's strongly implied that Lucky Seven has the core crystals of both Pneuma and Logos, two of the Aegises, in it, explaining why it's so powerful.
The first story DLC introduces Ino, an Artificial Blade in the same vein as Xenoblade Chronicles 2. She declares that Noah is her destined Driver, and successfully forges an affinity link with him. This confuses everyone else to no end, because that's not how Blades work any more.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_5f71a70b
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_5f71a70b
 Xenoblade Chronicles (Video Game)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_5f71a70b
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_6059ad6b
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_6059ad6b
Deconstructed in "Sword in the Stone". A woman pulls out a sword out of the stone, and thus is crowned the ruler of England, but then she decides to put the sword back in because she doesn't want the burden of having to rule a kingdom.
Parodied in "Sword Pull". A guy pulls a sword from a stone, but the sword doesn't budge completely; instead, the stone starts up and begins to slowly move across the ground like a lawnmower.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_6059ad6b
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_6059ad6b
 xkcd (Webcomic)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_6059ad6b
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_60b9f111
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_60b9f111
Wynonna Earp has Peacemaker, the demon-slaying magic gun passed on to the heirs of Wyatt Earp. The gun is in some ways semi-sentient, burning any demons that touch it and sometimes lightly burning good beings if it doesn't want to be held by them any longer. It can typically be held by anyone who isn't a demon, but it doesn't fire at all - it only works for the Chosen One Earp heir, the oldest Earp currently available. Since the Earp sisters are the first generation to contain more than one child, it's not clear whether the stipulation is actually 'oldest' or if any Earp can wield it, because the only sister unable to is Waverly, who is not an Earp by blood.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_60b9f111
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_60b9f111
 Wynonna Earp
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_60b9f111
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_62126ef1
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_62126ef1
The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes: Naturally, this applies to Mjölnir.
When Thor gets (not really) killed by Ultron, his hammer is left on the ground. None of the Avengers can do anything about it.
In the same show, Beta Ray Bill shows up. He is able to lift Mjölnir as well, much to all the Asgardians' shock.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_62126ef1
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_62126ef1
 The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes!
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_62126ef1
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_6275c04e
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_6275c04e
Heroine Chic has the literal Excalibur, which can only be wielded by King Arthur — except a loophole in the rules means that the Lady of the Lake (who bestowed the sword on Arthur, and therefore had to be able to wield it) is borrowing the blade and using it to fight crime as the modern superhero Avalon. When Zoe tries to move Avalon's sword in Chapter 2, she finds it is impossible for anyone but Avalon to lift it.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_6275c04e
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_6275c04e
 Heroine Chic (Webcomic)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_6275c04e
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_629cd094
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_629cd094
Dragon Age: Origins: A random encounter has the Warden approach of group of commoners, all staring at an ax lodged in a stump. One says whoever pulls it from the stump will be king of all Thedas. Another dismissively says that pulling an ax from a stump is hardly the basis of government. Then they notice you and say you look fairly regal, since you're not covered in dung.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_629cd094
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_629cd094
 Dragon Age: Origins (Video Game)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_629cd094
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_63409895
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_63409895
Sofia the First: Sofia is the only one who can wear the Amulet of Avalor and bear its power. If the amulet is ever stolen or taken away by someone else without a pardon, this triggers the amulet's safeguard which bestows a curse on the person who took it. Season 3 reveals this was Princess Elena's doing when she was trapped inside the amulet.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_63409895
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_63409895
 Sofia the First
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_63409895
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_64b5b7a8
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_64b5b7a8
In the movie Arrow of the Orion, Bell is the only one who can free Artemis' spear from a crystal, with Artemis saying it is because of his pure heart. Afterwards, anyone can carry it, but Bell is the only one who can invoke its powers.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_64b5b7a8
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_64b5b7a8
 Arrow of the Orion
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_64b5b7a8
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_67ce5a04
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_67ce5a04
Fire Emblem Fates:
The Avatar's Yato, Xander's Siegfried sword, Ryoma's Raijinto katana, Takumi's Fujin Yumi and Leo's Brynhildr tome, among others. The only time these weapons are used by others is during the Heirs of Fate DLC, where their owners are dead, and the new wielders were their children.
Ophelia has a tome named Mysteltainn (a Call-Back to the similarly named sword from Genealogy of the Holy War and her dad Odin's unrelated blade), and no one but her can use it either.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_67ce5a04
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_67ce5a04
 Fire Emblem Fates (Video Game)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_67ce5a04
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_69d15cc0
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_69d15cc0
Marvel Cinematic Universe: Thor's hammer, Mjölnir, arguably goes on as much of a journey as any of the characters throughout the franachise.
Thor: Thor is exiled to Midgard (Earth) and stripped of his power, and his hammer Mjölnir is given an enchantment from Odin that allows only those who are worthy to wield it. Thor initially tracks the hammer down, intending to regain his power, but is shocked to discover that he isn't worthy. After Character Development and a Heroic Sacrifice, the magic judges him worthy, and the hammer flies to him and restores his powers. Thor would also weaponize the hammer's worthiness in this and later films.
Thor: Towards the end, he pins Loki to the ground by putting the unliftable hammer on his chest.
The Avengers: He momentarily distracts The Hulk by having him catch the hammer but be unable to move it.
Avengers: Age of Ultron: Pietro Maximoff catches it in midair but is sent flying until he lets go.
Thor: Ragnarok: At the start, he casually stops a dragon by putting Mjölnir in its mouth.
Avengers: Age of Ultron:
The Avengers try to lift Mjölnir in a drunken party game. In a nod to his worthiness in the comics, Steve is able to shift it slightly, which causes Thor to look nervous for a second. Tony, in his traditional snark, tries to shoot down the idea:
After coming to life, Vision innocently, casually, and single-handedly passes Thor his hammer, instantly proving to the team (and the audience) that he's one of the good guys. Though Steve and Tony later ponder whether it was because Vision is a machine. At the end of the movie, Tony and Steve have a discussion about worthiness, noting they've seen Thor rest the hammer on the floor of an ascending elevator and it continued to rise, snarking that the elevator was worthy.
Thor: Ragnarok:
Thor uses the worthiness clause to expose the fact that Loki is posing as Odin. Thor throws Mjölnir into the distance, grabs "Odin" by the neck and holds him in the hammer's return path. The real Odin, who is worthy, would be able to catch the weapon himself and avoid injury. Loki, who isn't worthy, has to yield and drop the charade so he doesn't get hit in the face.
As a signal to the audience how strong Hela is, she catches Mjölnir in midair, holds it up, then effortlessly destroys it.
Avengers: Endgame:
After spending the last five years wallowing in misery, Thor borrows Mjölnir from the past during the group's time travel mission, and is beyond estatic to discover that he's still worthy. Later on, Steve wields it to save Thor's life during the final battle. Cue a Knew It All Along from Thor.
A person not being chosen to wield is being played with in the final battle - Spider-Man is cornered by enemies, so Steve throws Mjölnir overhead towards him, Spider-Man grabs on to it and is promptly dragged along with it and out of immediate danger, since being unable to lift it off the ground and being unable to stop its momentum is the same thing.
Thor: Love and Thunder: Following it's destruction by Hela, it turns out nobody could move the shattered pieces of Mjölnir, so they dug out the ground and turned it into an exhibit. When Jane Foster passes by the shattered hammer, the pieces sense her worthiness and the weapon comes back together for her to wield. In flashbacks, it's shown that Thor asked Mjölnir to always watch over Jane, unintentionally enchanting it to respond to her as a wielder. To Thor's shock, though he can still lift it, the hammer seems to reject him and prefer Jane as its wielder. He only regains the hammer when Jane dies. Thor's adopted daughter, Love, can evidently lift Mjölnir as well, since she moved it offscreen to a different spot from where it was resting.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_69d15cc0
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_69d15cc0
 Marvel Cinematic Universe (Franchise)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_69d15cc0
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_6a7e6314
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_6a7e6314
Thor: Ragnarok:
Thor uses the worthiness clause to expose the fact that Loki is posing as Odin. Thor throws Mjölnir into the distance, grabs "Odin" by the neck and holds him in the hammer's return path. The real Odin, who is worthy, would be able to catch the weapon himself and avoid injury. Loki, who isn't worthy, has to yield and drop the charade so he doesn't get hit in the face.
As a signal to the audience how strong Hela is, she catches Mjölnir in midair, holds it up, then effortlessly destroys it.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_6a7e6314
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_6a7e6314
 Thor: Ragnarok
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_6a7e6314
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_6ac55ec7
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_6ac55ec7
Dungeons & Dragons has its share of magical items (even without their own minds) that will help only "worthy" users and usually are dangerous for everyone else.
Intelligent swords in general tend to act like this. They will only fully function for characters of the same alignment as the sword and working toward the weapon's special purpose (if any). Some weapons and magic items only work in the hands of certain races or certain sexes or some other criteria. And usually try to harm and/or dominate any would-be wielders they don't approve.
Blade-rite of Forgotten Realms elves, including two prominent groups of artifacts bonded with their wielders.
Elfblades are regalia of high offices and prevent anyone who isn't up to the task or whom they don't appreciate from wielding them and thus from holding an office: "unworthy" claimants suffer harm, curse or instant death, depending on the blade and failed condition. Since claiming the Ruler’'s Blade was the only legitimate way to the throne, in Myth Drannor it caused a morbidly hilarious scene when hundreds of elves waited in the queue for their chance to raise on top of the tower, grab the pommel and get blasted into ashes in full view of the crowd... and then started a fight to get there faster.
Moonblades were designed as a means to choose the single "best" clan as the royal family of their new realm. They kill all claimants who aren't "worthy" and of proper blood (namely, moon elves, hence the name—their creator was a moon elf, can you tell?), while growing both in powers and requirements with each generation until they're practically impossible to both claim and wield. Until they ended up with the King Sword that stayed unclaimed for years after the king's death, while members of the royal family were inexplicably plagued by either lethal accidents or sudden calls of adventure carrying them far away from the line to the throne.
The Holy Avenger, Carsomyr, is an extremely powerful +5 two-handed sword that dispel magic with every hit. It can only be wielded by paladins.
The Sword of Zariel in Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus is a sentient longsword that belonged to Zariel before she fell from grace and became the archdevil that rules Avernus, the first layer of the Nine Hells. If the sword deems you worthy of its power, then you not only get a +3 weapon, but one that gives you several perks; you get resistance to radiant and necrotic damage, learn the Celestial language, your charisma is increased to 20 if it's not already that high, you can fly, and you get True Sight. The sword itself has two minor beneficial properties (chosen at random), gives advantage on insight checks, can give off light that gives fiends a disadvantage on attack rolls, and deals extra radiant damage that can potentially blind your target with every hit. However, you're transformed into an angel in all but name, which changes your alignment to lawful good and overwrites your personality to a degree, the transformation is irreversible, and you potentially have to give the sword back to Zariel to redeem her.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_6ac55ec7
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_6ac55ec7
 Dungeons & Dragons (Tabletop Game)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_6ac55ec7
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_6bbde1c8
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_6bbde1c8
In Overwatch, the Shimada brothers, Genji and Hanzo can use mystical-seeming Asian dragons as part of their ultimate abilities. In the Dragons cinematic, after Genji reveals his ability to summon a dragon, Hanzo declares that only a Shimada can control the dragons in disbelief, suggesting that only their family has this power.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_6bbde1c8
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_6bbde1c8
 Overwatch (Video Game)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_6bbde1c8
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_6ddd5120
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_6ddd5120
In JLA/Avengers, Superman wasn't naturally able to use it, but due to the desperate situation, Odin temporarily suspended the enchantment so Superman could use it to save the day. Superman feels a moment of self-doubt when he is unable to lift the hammer after the battle is over, but Thor praises his performance with it, saying, "Perhaps it was but briefly... but it was in good hands." The general presumption is that being the weapon of a Norse god, "worthiness" includes a warrior component, which Wonder Woman meets but Superman doesn't.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_6ddd5120
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_6ddd5120
 JLA/Avengers (Comic Book)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_6ddd5120
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_6e3d2d33
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_6e3d2d33
The Extars from Valkyrie Drive -Bhikkhuni- work in this way.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_6e3d2d33
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_6e3d2d33
 Valkyrie Drive -Bhikkhuni- (Video Game)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_6e3d2d33
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_6ed24e54
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_6ed24e54
In Crimson Rising, only the Phoenix Ranger can wield the Phoenix Saber, to the extent that Hunter Bradley (the heir to the Phoenix power) once dropped the weapon on a beach before he was captured by the villains, and nobody else could pick the blade up until he escaped captivity and returned to retrieve his weapon.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_6ed24e54
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_6ed24e54
 Crimson Rising (Fanfic)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_6ed24e54
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_70814599
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_70814599
Stargate SG-1: In the episode "Avalon", Merlin's cavern has a sword in the stone (which probably inspired the Arthurian legend in-universe), unable to be removed. After the team completes the tests, Mitchell is able to pull it out, and he discovers that it's a hologram. Only he can interact with it as if it was physical, and when he throws it to Teal'c, it just passes through him. It's also the only thing that can defeat the knight guarding the place. A second is later found on the planet Camelot, outside Merlin's house. This one is a physical object, but otherwise has the same rules.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_70814599
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_70814599
 Stargate SG-1
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_70814599
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_70b26f38
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_70b26f38
Fate/strange Fake:
False Assassin was a member of The Hashshashin who diligently studied the Zabaniya, or killing techiniques, of her order's leaders, Hassan-i-Sabbah. Her Noble Phantasm, Zabaniya: Phantasmal Pedigree, allows her to copy 18 of the 19 Zabaniyas (she can't use Hassan of the Hundred Faces' Zabaniya because he was her contemporary and she didn't have an opportunity to study him).
True Archer has a Noble Phantasm called Reincarnation Pandora that allows him to steal enemy Noble Phantasms, gaining the ability to use them. Notably, he can steal Noble Phantasms that are conceptual in nature, as shown when he stole False Berserker's From Hell, a Noble Phantasm that allows False Berserker to transform into a demon. He also has a copy of True Rider's magic strength-enhancing sash, Goddess of War, because in life, he killed her and took it. It is mentioned that since True Rider is the true owner of Goddess of War, her version of the sash is more powerful than his.
Saber has a Noble Phantasm called Excalibur: Sword of Forever Distant Victory, which gives him the ability to turn anything he holds into a copy of the legendary blade Excalibur, based on his sincere belief that anything he holds is Excalibur. This includes enemy Noble Phantasms. However, since they are copies, they are not as powerful as the real one, and it is mentioned that if he were holding the real one, while he would be able to use it, he would not be able to bring out its full potential.
True Caster shares a Noble Phantasm with the Caster from Fate/Zero, Prelati's Spellbook. This is because True Caster is Francois Prelati, the man who created the Spellbook, and the Caster from Fate/Zero is Gilles de Rais, his student whom he gave the Spellbook to in life as a present. However, in the story, Prelati doesn't have the Spellbook with him when he is summoned because he gave it to Gilles and he wasn't able to recreate it in life, and it is mentioned Gilles needs to return it to him on a spiritual level for him to use it.
Gilgamesh arrogantly throws away the spare key to his Gate of Babylon, saying it is useless in the hands of humans. This backfires when Ishtar obtains it. Due to being a goddess and deeply connected to his legend, she is able to control his Gate of Babylon and forcefully shut it down.
The Godfelling Crossbow belonged to Qin Shi Huangdi. It is used as a catalyst to summon the spirit Jiao, who says the crossbow killed it, so it has a connection to it. Jiao hands the crossbow to the human Sigma and gives him permission to use it.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_70b26f38
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_70b26f38
 Fate/strange Fake
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_70b26f38
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_71d52410
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_71d52410
The Fellowship of the Ring: Explicitly stated during the Council of Elrond.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_71d52410
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_71d52410
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_71d52410
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_72a9864b
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_72a9864b
In the Ramayana, the hero Rama wins Princess Sita's hand in marriage by lifting a supernatural bow that no other man can lift and could not even be approached by selfish people. Though as a child, Sita herself was strong enough to lift the bow and the table it was resting on.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_72a9864b
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_72a9864b
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_72a9864b
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_7400c391
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_7400c391
Parodied in Yakuza: Like a Dragon, where Ichiban and his friends find a baseball bat stuck in the pavement. After being the only one able to pull it out (likely after the others loosened it when they tried pulling it), Ichiban's overactive imagination and delusions of grandeur begin to run wild as he sees the bat as the weapon of the RPG Hero he was always destined to be, thus unlocking his "Hero" class.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_7400c391
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_7400c391
 Yakuza: Like a Dragon (Video Game)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_7400c391
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_7460eec3
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_7460eec3
New Avengers (2015): Slightly parodied with Excelsior, sword of the prophesied savior of the Kree and Skrull races. Hulkling is abducted by a group of Kree-Skrull hybrids and told he must pass a test to pick up the sword from a pillar of fire, but if he's unworthy he'll die. The guy telling him this doesn't even get through the whole spiel before a very bored Teddy comes back with the sword.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_7460eec3
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_7460eec3
 New Avengers (2015) (Comic Book)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_7460eec3
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_746814ae
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_746814ae
In the Arthur episode The Return of the King, the title character and his friends attend a Renaissance Fair/competition, where they encounter Bizarro Universe versions of themselves from Glenbrook School, led by Mr. Ratburn's former teacher. All of their counterparts turn out to be better than them at their respective events, but in the end, Arthur is the only person—adult or child—who is able to pull the Excalibur replica from its stone. The episode combined this trope with a Secret Test of Character: the trick to removing the sword was to listen to the town crier, who declared "All your might won't set things right—'tis a gentle hand will rule the land." From this, Arthur figured out that Excalibur had to be gripped gently on its hilt, rather than forced from the stone. The students are all impressed, and Mr. Ratburn's teacher praises him for teaching Arthur how to think for himself.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_746814ae
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_746814ae
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_746814ae
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_74f7210c
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_74f7210c
The Master Sword in The Legend of Zelda games. Whenever the sword appears in the series, Link is invariably the only person who can pull it out of its pedestal.
In some games, Link has to prove that he is the ancient legends' prophesied Hero before he is able to draw the sword. Before winning the Pendants of Virtue in A Link to the Past, Link will not be able to pull the Master Sword. In Ocarina of Time, the sword sits on the other side of a massive stone door that only opens with the gathering of the three Spiritual Stones.
In other cases, the game prevents Link from finding it (and the plot usually doesn't even make mention of it) until a certain point. In Twilight Princess, for example, Link is chosen from the get-go, being a descendant of the Hero of Time and the bearer of the Triforce of Courage (which is explained when he's granted the clothes of the hero). When he goes to get the Master Sword, it's simply a matter of finding it; it did not require any kind of proof of the gods (other than possibly having to solve their puzzle, which itself may only have required his lineage to complete). A similar circumstance transpires in Hyrule Warriors, where the primary difficulty in getting the sword is the army of ghost soldiers who are being manipulated to stop him from reaching it. It should be noted that in both of the above cases, Link has already accomplished a number of heroic feats by the time he goes for the Master Sword, which may be proof enough for the gods without the need for additional tests.
Skyward Sword, as the chronologically first Zelda game, serves as something of an origin story for the Master Sword. It starts off as the Goddess Sword, which doesn't have the chosen-hero-exclusive circumstances; during his first battle, Ghirahim will catch your sword if you telegraph your attacks, rip it out of your hands, and wield it himself. However, once it is reforged in the flames of the Golden Goddesses and bathed in the power to repel evil, Ghirahim is reduced to trying to stop the blade from even touching him. (Phantom rematches with the first fight courtesy of the Thunder Dragon's Lightning Round still allow him to catch and wield it, but nobody takes that as having story impact.) The text box that appears after Zelda/Hylia blesses the sword, finally unlocking its full power, even specifically says that Link is now the only one who can wield it.
This leads to some tension between Link and Zelda in Breath of the Wild. In preparation for the coming of Calamity Ganon, Link is quickly found to be the true wielder of the Master Sword and is made Zelda's bodyguard in response. Zelda, on the other hand, is unable to unlock her "Sealing Power" necessary to defeat Ganon; she thus finds Link's presence a constant reminder of her own failure to fulfill her destiny. Only by gradually opening up to her protector does she find out that Link is just as nervous as she is about the upcoming fight against Ganon. And when Link goes to reclaim the sword after the Great Calamity, he has to prove himself worthy to wield it again despite having done so in the past and in numerous past lives. The process of pulling the Master Sword from its pedestal slowly drains Link's life, and should the player fail to have the necessary hearts (or have taken sufficient damage when they go for the attempt) then Link dies attempting to pull it out (although the Deku Tree will stop him at a quarter-heart the first time he tries). TotK indicates that this second proving is a consequence of the damage that the sword took during the Great Calamity; when Link draws it again in a flashback shortly before the events of the sequel, the Deku Tree claims that it has fully recovered, and he pulls it from the pedestal without struggle or fanfare.
In BotW's sequel, Tears of the Kingdom, the corrupted and broken Master Sword is placed in a pedestal made of the headfur on the Divine Light Dragon to be repaired and healed. In order to extract the sword this time, Link has to have two full rings on his Stamina Wheel (so five additional stamina vessels on top of his default) - not because of any trial posed by the sword itself, but because the Light Dragon starts to writhe when he pulls on it, and he needs to be able to hold on long enough to get a good grip.
Wind Waker puts a twist in this; since the Link from this game is The Unchosen One, he must first collect three MacGuffins and fight his way through a massive dungeon just to reach the Master Sword, and then fight his way out again once he has it in his hands. And then it turns out that it wasn't at full power anyway, and Link must put in even more effort to restore it before it can serve its intended purpose.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_74f7210c
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_74f7210c
 The Legend of Zelda (Franchise)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_74f7210c
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_75e9b784
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_75e9b784
Longinuslanze Testament from Dies Irae can only be wielded by the most charismatic being in the world, and the main Big Bad Reinhard Heydrich fits the lance's requirements. Anyone else who tries to even look at the lance will have their minds burned and their souls erased. Even those who are part of Reinhard's legion who have innate resistance to soul damage have trouble keeping consciousness in its presence. And should anyone unworthy touch the lance then it will erode their existence as long as they remain in contact with it. This last trait have Reinhard weaponized, usually just resting the lance against his victim while he himself holds them still.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_75e9b784
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_75e9b784
 Dies Irae (Visual Novel)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_75e9b784
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_768392ae
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_768392ae
Fate/Samurai Remnant:
Saber, Yamato Takeru, wields the sword Amenomurakumo-no-Tsurugi, the original form of Kusanagi, because they were given the sword and wielded it in life. It was renamed Kusanagi-no-Tachi sometime after their death.
Lancer Jeanne d'Arc gave her Master, Chiemon, permission to wield her sword, La Pucelle, and use its powers.
Miyamoto Iori can use an improved version of Sasaki Kojiro's Tsubame Gaeshi because he received training from him.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_768392ae
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_768392ae
 Fate/Samurai Remnant (Video Game)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_768392ae
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_76df0622
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_76df0622
In one issue of Power Pack, Mjölnir permits Zero-G (Alex Power) to use it when he catches it on the backswing.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_76df0622
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_76df0622
 Power Pack (Comic Book)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_76df0622
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_781e5571
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_781e5571
Marvel Comics #1000: The Eternity Mask — a mystical mask that blesses it's wearer with equal power needed to battle whatever threat they face — has only one caveat; it will only allow itself to be used by people who truly believe in equality for all people, and will revoke it's blessing if the wearer ever tries to oppress the innocent. This results in a disproportionately high number of Eternity Mask wielders being Americans, thanks to the US ideals of freedom, democracy, and all men being created equal.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_781e5571
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_781e5571
 Marvel Comics #1000 (Comic Book)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_781e5571
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_78e27fa7
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_78e27fa7
The Mani Katti blade from Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade. It's sort of an Arthurian thing... Lyn successfully removed it from its scabbard after the level boss failed. Of course, she had to kill him to get it done. That said, the trope is played with since the priest guarding it had specifically put a spell to keep it from being drawn and dispelled it after the boss was killed. That said, the Mani Katti glowing in Lyn's hands as it chose her is its own doing.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_78e27fa7
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_78e27fa7
 Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade (Video Game)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_78e27fa7
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_7a0fa029
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_7a0fa029
Zatch Bell!: Each of the 100 demons/mamodos has a Spell Book written in unintelligible demon characters. It can take months, even years of searching before any given demon finds their human partner, whose heart has just the correct wavelength to resonate with the demon's so the human can read and cast the spells.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_7a0fa029
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_7a0fa029
 Zatch Bell! (Manga)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_7a0fa029
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_7ac43256
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_7ac43256
Zamzeed's ultimate attack in 2nd Super Robot Wars: Original Generation parodies this. Zamzeed summons a katana from the earth, then tries to pull it out. After repeated pulling, the sword doesn't come out of the ground, but a mountain does. Mio, the Zamzeed's pilot, breaks off the top of the mountain, leaving the sword stuck in a giant boulder several times the size of her mecha. Then she runs down the hill and shatters the bolder on her target's head before using the now-freed sword to finish the attack. The attack also has a hidden animation when the attack misses: on the initial swing, the sword slips out of the rock, causing it to fall on top of Zamzeed instead.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_7ac43256
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_7ac43256
 Super Robot Wars: Original Generation (Video Game)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_7ac43256
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_7b7ddcf3
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_7b7ddcf3
Phineas and Ferb: Mission Marvel: Spider-Man, Iron Man, Thor and the Hulk have their powers drained by Dr. Doofenshmirtz's power-drain inator. Phineas and Ferb try to duplicate the lost powers but a mix-up caused by Candace makes Iron Man receive powers made for Thor. Despite this, Iron Man can't use Mjolnir because he's not worthy.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_7b7ddcf3
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_7b7ddcf3
 Phineas and Ferb: Mission Marvel
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_7b7ddcf3
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_7c50d3d9
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_7c50d3d9
Super Mario Bros. (1993): Only Daisy can withstand the force of the meteorite. When Lena uses it to merge the dimensions, its power disintegrates her.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_7c50d3d9
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_7c50d3d9
 Super Mario Bros. (1993)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_7c50d3d9
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_7d5e43b0
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_7d5e43b0
The Goodies. Spoofed in the King Arthur episode; faced with the Sword In The Stone problem, Graeme Garden just picks up the whole lot and thumps the Villain of the Week with the rock on the end.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_7d5e43b0
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_7d5e43b0
 The Goodies
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_7d5e43b0
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_7f21a4c2
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_7f21a4c2
Heavenly Sword: Deconstructed, as the belief that only a single mortal man could be born to wield the Heavenly Sword is all but confirmed to be a superstition, that lead to Nariko being ostracized when her birth contradicted the prophecy.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_7f21a4c2
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_7f21a4c2
 Heavenly Sword (Video Game)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_7f21a4c2
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_7f2f5e71
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_7f2f5e71
In addition to the Master Sword, The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (2016) features the Gaurof Sword, an ancient blade in a pedestal that leads to the Twilight Realm, but can only be pulled by Link.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_7f2f5e71
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_7f2f5e71
 The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (2016) (Manga)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_7f2f5e71
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_7f34e3b4
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_7f34e3b4
In Pizza Tower, the level "Pizzascape" is a medieval-themed level featuring the Knight transformation as its primary gimmick, initiated when Peppino grabs a sword out of a stone in an homage to the legend of King Arthur. The other half of this trope is shown during the final boss fight, where Pizzahead attempting to pull a sword up to the battlefield upheaves an entire chunk of the tower with the sword in the stone still attached, flinging hapless Forknights onto the battlefield as a temporary hazard.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_7f34e3b4
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_7f34e3b4
 Pizza Tower (Video Game)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_7f34e3b4
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_7fbd159a
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_7fbd159a
ThunderCats (1985):
The Sword of Omens can only be held by somebody with good intentions, and only properly wielded by somebody pure of heart, like Lion-O, Jaga, Snarf, and Queen Willa. If anybody evil tries to use it, it will embed itself in the ground and not come out. One time, Mumm-Ra was struck by lightning for trying to wield it. When the evil ghost Grune the Destroyer stole it and tried to use it, it zapped and banished him. And when Lion-O himself tries to use it for hunting, the sword embeds itself into the ground and refuses to harm defenseless animals.
Also, the Sword requires both the right bloodline and the right mind/spirit/heart to be activated. In one episode, Lion-O and Wily-Kat are victims of a "Freaky Friday" Flip courtesy of Vultureman's technology, and neither Kat-as-Lion-O nor Lion-O-as-Kat can use it. (They quickly figure out a solution, however - it works when both of them do the chant simultaneously while holding it together.)
Another episode features Excalibur, which Mumm-ra used to defeat the Sword of Omens by taking Arthur's form. Once Mumm-ra took true form, it got planted into the ground, he learned that the sword was just as resistant to being used by evil ones, and it refused to come out, spelling Mumm-ra's defeat once again. It is then recovered by Merlin and returned to the Lady of the Lake.
Hachiman's sword, the Thunder-Cutter, cannot be used for evil. When Mumm-Ra tricks Hachiman into fighting Lion-O, Thunder-Cutter's refusal to let itself be drawn makes Hachiman see through Mumm-Ra's lies. In a later episode, the Lunataks steal the Thunder-Cutter and get around the sword's restrictions by giving it to a robot that doesn't understand concepts of good and evil. The restrictions are kicked in again when Hachiman touches the sword, causing the sword to destroy the robot.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_7fbd159a
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_7fbd159a
 ThunderCats (1985)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_7fbd159a
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_7fbd6753
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_7fbd6753
In Thunder Cats 2011, the Sword of Omens is enchanted against "being touched by the hands of evil" and can only be properly wielded by those it has chosen as the King. It marks those who are worthy by giving them visions or "Sight beyond sight".
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_7fbd6753
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_7fbd6753
 ThunderCats (2011)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_7fbd6753
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_8080ac15
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_8080ac15
Hulk Vs.: In "Hulk vs. Thor", Loki possesses the Hulk's body and beats up Thor. Loki arrogantly thinks that since his new body is stronger than Thor, he'll be able to lift Mjölnir. He fails to budge it, since worthiness has nothing to do with physical strength.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_8080ac15
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_8080ac15
 Hulk Vs.
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_8080ac15
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_8125b468
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_8125b468
The Sword of Sin and the Sword of Salvation in the Batman Dusk to Dawn series:
The first book features the Sword of Sin, which requires its wielder be pure or touching it will be burn them. Not necessarily pure good, just someone who has no doubt or hesitation in what they're using the sword for. Same as in canon, it is the signature weapon of Azrael, the Order of St. Dumas' enforcer trained to be fanatically devout and therefore pure enough to use it. When the last Azrael stops the Order from executing her sister as a demon, she loses the ability to use the sword, and Batman locks it up in the Batcave's vault.
The Sword of Salvation appears four books later in Grudge Match. Unlike its twin, it's an Empathic Weapon possessed by Siavash/Matthieu, Ra's al-Ghul's former blood brother. It was in a cave for centuries, protected by a magic test of worthiness. Only Damian passes the test and takes the sword out its pedestal, and it recognizes him as its master from then on. He can summon it to him, and it becomes too heavy to use when anyone takes it from him.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_8125b468
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_8125b468
 Batman (Franchise)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_8125b468
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_81a005a3
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_81a005a3
Puss in Boots: The Last Wish: Big Jack Horner has Excalibur as part of his collection of magic items from various stories. However, since he can't pull it from the stone, the stone is still attached to the end of it. He just uses it as a giant blunt weapon.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_81a005a3
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_81a005a3
 Puss in Boots: The Last Wish
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_81a005a3
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_81f5d35d
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_81f5d35d
Kamen Rider:
Kamen Rider Hibiki: While anyone is allowed to try using the Armed Saber, any Oni who isn't sufficiently strong will instead lose their powers altogether. This actually happens to Hibiki himself the first time he tries using it, requiring him to train enough to regain his powers and then further strengthen them so he can properly attune to the sword.
Kamen Rider Kiva: Only the current vampire king can use the Zanvat Sword, which absorbs and amplifies vampiric power. In a nod to the Sword in the Stone, the sword embeds itself in a castle wall and refuses to let anyone pull it out until Kiva tries.
Kamen Rider Saber: The Haouken Xross Saber is speculated for quite a while to exist within the Sword of Fire, but refuses to appear until someone can successfully unite the wielders of all eleven Sacred Swords under a common cause. Once the title character does, the other swords come to life and summon the Xross Saber in recognition of his worthiness. Oddly this is not his King Arthur-themed powerup, which came much earlier.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_81f5d35d
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_81f5d35d
 Kamen Rider (Franchise)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_81f5d35d
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_835ab5e
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_835ab5e
In Magical Circle Guru-Guru, the magic sword of light, Kira Kira, can only be called upon by a true Hero.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_835ab5e
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_835ab5e
 Magical Circle Guru-Guru (Manga)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_835ab5e
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_83b57b51
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_83b57b51
In Minions, Bob is crowned king when he pulls Excalibur from the stone while being chased by the police.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_83b57b51
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_83b57b51
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_83b57b51
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_85a5a3b9
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_85a5a3b9
Transformers: Prime:
Artifacts of the Thirteen Primes in can usually only be wielded by a Prime. The Star Saber, sword of Prima, has the same restriction, with the added effect that it can't so much as be moved by a non-Prime. When Megatron found it stuck in a rock, he not only couldn't pull it out, he couldn't even break the rock around it; the sword actively protected the rock to make it impossible to remove. He had to have his ship lift the entire (sizable) rock just to transport it. After losing the Star Saber to Optimus, Megatron transplants the arm of a deceased Prime onto himself to bypass the restriction.
The Forge of Solus Prime has this restriction for using its ability to create almost anything from raw materials which is why Megatron grafted the arm of a Prime onto himself. For anyone else who can lift it, it's a big slaggin' hammer that packs quite the wallop.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_85a5a3b9
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_85a5a3b9
 Transformers: Prime
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_85a5a3b9
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_85ec15e7
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_85ec15e7
Instead of Three Wishes: The short story The Baker King includes a prophecy that only a true member of the royal family of Monemvassia may sit on the Kingdom's throne, and any usurper who take the seat will be struck down by a terrible curse. When Spiro the Bandit invades the kingdom and declares himself king he falls dead the moment he sits upon the throne. Whether or not the curse is real is up to debate, as Spiro was bitten on the rear by the venomous cliff snake hidden in the chair cushions by the disguised crown prince.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_85ec15e7
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_85ec15e7
 Instead of Three Wishes
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_85ec15e7
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_8637da1
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_8637da1
Lucius Longinus is the original owner of the Spear of Longinus and naturally has it. Kundry can create and wield a copy of the Spear of Longinus because her legend involved her helping Sir Percival find it.
Galahad Alter has the Sword of the Strange Hangings, a holy sword that originally belonged to King David. In life, he found the sword during his adventures and was worthy of drawing it from its resting place.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_8637da1
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_8637da1
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_8637da1
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_86814ea1
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_86814ea1
In Final Fantasy XV, anyone who tries to wield the Ring of the Lucii better be of the Lucian royal family, or else they're going to get it. Trying to wield it for selfish reasons costs Ravus his arm. Ignis managed to negotiate sixty seconds of power in exchange for his eyesight. Nyx gets until sunrise to use its power, and loses his life on the dawn.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_86814ea1
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_86814ea1
 Final Fantasy XV (Video Game)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_86814ea1
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_86aff994
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_86aff994
Power Rangers Lost Galaxy: The five Quasar Sabers from the planet Mirinoi, which like Caliburn/Excalibur are firmly planted inside a stone until the chosen ones finally pull them. The only Ranger born on Mirinoi, Maya, had already tried to remove one as a kid, so either she spent all that time trying to free the wrong saber or the sabers themselves have some say in when they're released. They're not one-to-one, either, as two of the sabers are passed on during the series; Mike Corbett drew the Red Saber originally but passed it on to his brother Leo before he apparently died, and after Pink Ranger Kendrix was killed in battle, her spirit appeared to pass her saber on to former villain Astronema/Karone. The question of 'why don't you just smash the rocks' is also addressed: Furio's first instinct upon his failure to pull the sword out is to try that...and he can't even scratch the rocks, something he himself remarks is insane, implying the magical spell protecting the swords is also protecting the rock.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_86aff994
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_86aff994
 Power Rangers Lost Galaxy
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_86aff994
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_86c3beca
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_86c3beca
Girl Genius: Only one of the eponymous family can control Castle Heterodyne. The castle itself mentions that many times over history, the Heterodynes have disappeared, and many people have laid claim to the family name. Some were delusional, some were puppets of greater men, and some were honestly wrong. But all non-Heterodynes that were tested for control of the Castle were summarily executed, and their skulls are used to pave a floor in the Castle chapel.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_86c3beca
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_86c3beca
 Girl Genius (Webcomic)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_86c3beca
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_88bb3822
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_88bb3822
In Heroine's Quest, the sword Balmung is stuck in a tree, which is straight from the Nordic myth that formed the inspiration for Excalibur in the Stone. The titular heroine can draw it out, but only if her honor score is near its maximum; otherwise she's not worthy and it doesn't budge.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_88bb3822
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_88bb3822
 Heroine's Quest (Video Game)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_88bb3822
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_8aa42720
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_8aa42720
During the final battle of The Incredible Hulk: Future Imperfect, the Maestro, an evil version of the Hulk from a Bad Future, attempts to use Mjölnir against the mainstream Hulk. Predictably, it fails to even budge and when a baffled Maestro curses that he's more powerful then ever, Rick Jones reaffirms that one's physical strength is meaningless; if you don't meet the hammer's criteria of goodness, you aren't lifting the damn hammer, and a blood-soaked dictator like Maestro most certainly does not meet the criteria.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_8aa42720
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_8aa42720
 The Incredible Hulk: Future Imperfect (Comic Book)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_8aa42720
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_8be51711
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_8be51711
Zak Storm: The Talking Weapon Calabrass can only be wielded by the person he recognizes as his captain.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_8be51711
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_8be51711
 Zak Storm
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_8be51711
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_8c76c03
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_8c76c03
In Yu-Gi-Oh!: Capsule Monsters, a sword in the village of the fifth trial is like this. Yami has to lure the five dragons to said village before he's capable of lifting it.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_8c76c03
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_8c76c03
 Yu-Gi-Oh!: Capsule Monsters
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_8c76c03
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_8c87469c
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_8c87469c
Skyward Sword, as the chronologically first Zelda game, serves as something of an origin story for the Master Sword. It starts off as the Goddess Sword, which doesn't have the chosen-hero-exclusive circumstances; during his first battle, Ghirahim will catch your sword if you telegraph your attacks, rip it out of your hands, and wield it himself. However, once it is reforged in the flames of the Golden Goddesses and bathed in the power to repel evil, Ghirahim is reduced to trying to stop the blade from even touching him. (Phantom rematches with the first fight courtesy of the Thunder Dragon's Lightning Round still allow him to catch and wield it, but nobody takes that as having story impact.) The text box that appears after Zelda/Hylia blesses the sword, finally unlocking its full power, even specifically says that Link is now the only one who can wield it.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_8c87469c
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_8c87469c
 The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (Video Game)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_8c87469c
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_8d50e6ff
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_8d50e6ff
Meta Knight's legendary sword Galaxia in Kirby: Right Back at Ya! will shock (sometimes to death) anyone not powerful enough to wield it if they so much as touch it. It will also demand to know who they are and what they think they're doing.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_8d50e6ff
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_8d50e6ff
 Kirby: Right Back at Ya!
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_8d50e6ff
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_8df5521b
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_8df5521b
In Superman story The Day the Cheering Stopped, billions attempted to seize the Sword of Superman throughout countless eons, but neither of them managed to even touch it. However, when Superman was in trouble, the Sword came to him and granted him its power. In the aftermath of the battle, Superman threw the Sword back into space, and it will remain soaring through the galaxy until the Man of Steel needs it again.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_8df5521b
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_8df5521b
 Superman (Comic Book)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_8df5521b
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_8ec33a86
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_8ec33a86
Xenoblade Chronicles 1: The Monado can't be wielded by just anyone, and may temporarily take over anyone who tries. It can be wielded by someone with sufficient willpower even if they aren't the chosen one, as seen with Dunban. But this comes at the cost of increasingly severe damage to his body to the point of permanently paralyzing his right arm and nearly killing him when he starts using it with his left. The only one who can properly wield it unharmed is Shulk. This is because it's a Living Weapon (and not a nice one), containing the soul of an Evil God, Zanza. Shulk can use it freely only because he's said God's chosen vessel, and he's unwittingly been doing exactly what Zanza wanted.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_8ec33a86
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_8ec33a86
 Xenoblade Chronicles 1 (Video Game)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_8ec33a86
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_8ec33a87
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_8ec33a87
Xenoblade Chronicles 2:
The Core Crystals that give Blades their form require a sort of aptitude or potential to manifest the entity and the weapon it carries. Those found inadequate are harmed, or even killed, on mere contact with the Core Crystal. A small, scrawny Gormotti (who is a viable Driver) is shoved aside by a larger, bulkier man who grabs the crystal, cries out in pain, and passes out with blue particle effects bursting from his body; the way the other characters talk about it, it's not a pretty sight. From there, only that Driver can fully bring out that Blade's power and effectively use its weapon; there are some cases of a Driver grabbing the weapon of another's Blade to use, but those are usually extremely desperate moments when their own Blade isn't fighting for some reason. There's also nothing stopping a Driver from resonating with multiple Blades. Rex and Amalthus can resonate with and use any Blade, even ones awakened by someone else, due to being designated as the "Master Drivers" due to their links to the Aegises.
Party member Tora ended up with a three-day-long nosebleed after failing to resonate with a crystal, but luckily for him, him and similarly lacking in aptitude father and grandfather are all brilliant engineers who decided to just make Artificial Blades that anyone can use even without Driver aptitude. Such results include Tora's Blade Poppi, Lila, Poppibuster and his "pilot" Poppi Mk. II (who sure enough can be equipped to any Driver in the party aside from Tora himself without needing to use an Overdrive Protocol to transfer ownership), and the fully mechanical ones Tora's father was forced to build under threat of death.
It should be noted that the proper aptitude for wielding a Blade is fairly arbitrary. Ever so often, you'll find a Boss in Mook's Clothing that is a monster that has happened to come across and resonate with a Blade, which now follows it around and defends it. Such is the case for the story fight with an Elder Arachno who bonded with the Rare Blade Wulfric, with the party claiming his Core Crystal after killing the monster. Even Blades can become the Drivers of other Blades, though all the cases shown of these Driver-Blades were also Flesh Eaters, Blades who integrated human cells to gain independence from needing a link with a Driver to survive in the first place, or an Aegis, aka the original Blades who have the ability to directly link with any Core Crystal since they're the overseers of the whole system.
A key part of the plot is the "core crystal cleansing process." Cores are shipped to the Praetorium, where Praetor Amalthus does something that makes it easier for people to resonate with them. It's still not easy to find Drivers, but it is much easier than the normal way, so every nation sends their cores to Amalthus, and this makes his religion a political powerhouse. As it turns out, Blades accumulate data every time they are activated. As they live and grow, they become more powerful, eventually evolving from Common Blades into Unique Blades. The downside, however, is that they also become much pickier about who can resonate with them. Furthermore, once a Blade has accumulated enough data it will evolve into a Titan, one of the massive beasts that people live on. The reason no more continent-sized Titans are being born is because of the cleansing process. Amalthus is fully aware of this, and furthermore is aware that the dwindling livable land is causing more wars and will eventually result in the end of the world... but he doesn't care, because he hates everyone.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_8ec33a87
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_8ec33a87
 Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (Video Game)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_8ec33a87
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_8ec33a88
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_8ec33a88
Xenoblade Chronicles 3:
One of the key gameplay mechanics is class switching, where the heroes use each other's weapons and the abilities that come with it. However, while everyone can use Noah's Veiled Sword, that's actually the sheathe of his real weapon, the Lucky Seven. This is the only weapon that can cut through the otherwise invincible Flame Clocks. In Future Redeemed, it's strongly implied that Lucky Seven has the core crystals of both Pneuma and Logos, two of the Aegises, in it, explaining why it's so powerful.
The first story DLC introduces Ino, an Artificial Blade in the same vein as Xenoblade Chronicles 2. She declares that Noah is her destined Driver, and successfully forges an affinity link with him. This confuses everyone else to no end, because that's not how Blades work any more.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_8ec33a88
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_8ec33a88
 Xenoblade Chronicles 3 (Video Game)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_8ec33a88
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_8f794c68
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_8f794c68
Wings of Fire: The Eye of Onyx will kill anyone besides the SandWing queen who tries to use it. During the civil war for the throne, Blister tries to take it believing it will choose her as queen but after Sunny gives it to Thorn, it chooses her and kills Blister.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_8f794c68
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_8f794c68
 Wings of Fire
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_8f794c68
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_9060799c
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_9060799c
Infinity Crisis:
While Hela has Thanos recreate Mjolnir for her, she is unaware of the worthiness enchantment, which prevents her from using it against Thor. By contrast, when Jane Foster touches the hammer after Hela stabbed Jane through the chest, her determination allows Jane to become the hammer's new wielder, Thor allowing her to keep his old weapon.
In chapter 8 of Counterpart Conferences, Morgana tries and fails to claim Excalibur and ends up with a hand that looks like it's been dunked in acid.
During Brothers of Thunder, the various Thors develop the 'habit' of testing their counterparts' identities by allowing the other Thor to lift their version of Mjolnir.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_9060799c
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_9060799c
 Infinity Crisis (Fanfic)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_9060799c
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_9068877a
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_9068877a
In Red vs. Blue, only Tucker can wield the Great Weapon. If anybody else holds it, it turns off and won't turn on until it is returned to Tucker. Later in the series, another of these weapons shows up. It is revealed that these weapons only respond to the first person to find them, until they die, then they transfer to the next person who finds them.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_9068877a
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_9068877a
 Red vs. Blue (Web Animation)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_9068877a
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_90a3a7f4
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_90a3a7f4
This occurs in one episode of Kim Possible. While any who possess Mystical Monkey Power can wield the Lotus Blade, only one whose heart is pure can call it. Fanon likes to expand on this.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_90a3a7f4
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_90a3a7f4
 Kim Possible
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_90a3a7f4
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_90f42a9b
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_90f42a9b
Callandor in The Wheel of Time could only be taken from the Heart of the Stone of Tear by the Dragon Reborn.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_90f42a9b
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_90f42a9b
 The Wheel of Time
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_90f42a9b
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_933d8984
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_933d8984
In The Finder's Stone Trilogy novel The Wyvern's Spur, not just anyone can use the titular spur to transform into a wyvern. Only a member of the Wyvernspur family that the family crypt's undead guardian has marked as her favorite can do so, and she only bestows that favor to one member of the family each generation.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_933d8984
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_933d8984
 The Finder's Stone Trilogy
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_933d8984
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_93a07966
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_93a07966
Saber of Red has an interesting example in her sword Clarent. While legend makes it Saber's Noble Phantasm, Mordred stole the sword from her father in life. As it was created to represent the rightful rule of the king, its theft and use against Arthur weakened the sword. When Mordred uses her ultimate attack, Clarent Blood Arthur, she channels her anger of her father and her energy into Clarent to force it to obey her and perform at its full potential.
It is mentioned that the Hanging Gardens of Babylon rightfully belong to Nebuchadnezzar II, the man who built them, but because so many people believe Semiramis built them, Assassin of Red has them as one of her Noble Phantasms. Even then, she cannot naturally conjure them up; she has to construct the Hanging Gardens herself out of stone from her home country in order to use them.
Saber of Black/Siegfried sacrifices himself to save Sieg's life by transplanting his heart into him. This causes Sieg to inherit his powers and Noble Phantasms, Balmung and the Armor of Fafnir. Near the end, it is revealed that when Berserker of Black/Frankenstein inadvertently revived Sieg with her lightning, some of her life force merged with him, causing him to inherit her powers and Noble Phantasms, Bridal Chest and Blasted Tree, as well.
Rider of Black is able to successfully use Rider of Red's shield Noble Phantasm, Akhilleus Kosmos, but this is only possible because the shield was freely offered. Furthermore, Rider of Red/Achilles is known for donating arms to others in his legend while Rider of Black/Astolfo is known for borrowing others' armaments; if neither of these had been true, the shield could not have been lent.
Gilles de Rais is able to wield Ruler's Noble Phantasm, Luminosité Eternelle, because they knew and trusted each other in life.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_93a07966
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_93a07966
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_93a07966
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_93acba01
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_93acba01
In Fire Emblem Gaiden, the Royal Sword can only be wielded by one of royal blood. Tobin (an ordinary commoner) finds it unwieldably heavy, while Alm (the hidden prince of Rigel) finds it as light as a feather.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_93acba01
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_93acba01
 Fire Emblem Gaiden (Video Game)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_93acba01
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_945b7a4f
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_945b7a4f
Tangled: The Series: According to Lord Demanitus' prophecy, the only person who can wield the moonstone and use its power for good is whoever is in possession of the sundrop, as in the wrong hands, it could be used for evil. In the Season 2 finale "Destinies Collide", when Cassandra takes the moonstone right before Rapunzel could, the moonstone is able to tell Cassandra does not possess the sundrop and corrupts her as a result.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_945b7a4f
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_945b7a4f
 Tangled: The Series
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_945b7a4f
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_945f2d42
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_945f2d42
Shelly of Wapsi Square is able to pull a literal sword from a stone. What qualifications she has that allowed her to do it have not been revealed yet, but it is implied that many people have failed in the past.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_945f2d42
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_945f2d42
 Wapsi Square (Webcomic)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_945f2d42
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_958b331
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_958b331
In Please Don't Tell My Parents I'm a Supervillain the two Pure Fist scrolls grant a superpower to a true master of their martial arts school, but will kill anyone else who touches them. Until Marcia grabs both of them at once and somehow manages to get the opposing forces within each scroll to fight each other instead of devouring her. No one else had been suicidal enough to try such a thing, and a little while later she destroys both scrolls to prevent anyone from replicating this exploit.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_958b331
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_958b331
 Please Don't Tell My Parents I'm a Supervillain
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_958b331
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_959e314b
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_959e314b
In Fire Emblem Heroes there are a number of weapons that are only exclusive to the unit it's attached to, and can't be inherited by another unit using Inherit Skill.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_959e314b
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_959e314b
 Fire Emblem Heroes (Video Game)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_959e314b
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_96f61f3b
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_96f61f3b
Fate: Kill:
Only members of the royal family can touch an emblem of the Empire because they burn anyone else.
When Shirou is knocked out and captured, no one can pick up his sword Caliburn. Esdeath gets around this by covering it with a layer of ice so she isn't touching it directly.
When Shirou sends everyone into Unlimited Blade Works, Kurome curiously tries to examine the sword Balmung, but it burns her hand, though her own training means she doesn't cry out in pain. Several of Esdeath's forces are similarly rejected by the Noble Phantasms, and the few that do manage to hold them can't actually use them.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_96f61f3b
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_96f61f3b
 Fate: Kill (Fanfic)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_96f61f3b
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_98748baa
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_98748baa
This is a side effect of the Armed Virus in Valkyrie Drive: Mermaid The weapons on which its carriers transform after being aroused can only be wield by a special set of infected denominated as Liberators.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_98748baa
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_98748baa
 Valkyrie Drive: Mermaid
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_98748baa
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_98a105b9
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_98a105b9
In the first season Ewoks episode The Land of the Gupins, Gupins need to open the Juniper Chest for their renewal celebration, in order for their shapeshifting powers to be renewed for another season. Despite their king being convinced he can do this, only Mring-Mring is capable of it, even after the key has been broken.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_98a105b9
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_98a105b9
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_98a105b9
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_990dea86
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_990dea86
This is implied to be the case with the demigod Maui's magical fishhook in Moana. It was a gift from the gods that grants Maui great powers, including Voluntary Shapeshifting but he loses it during his first battle with Te Ka, the fire demon. To help Moana on her quest, they go to recover the fishhook from the monstrous giant crab, Tamatoa. We are shown that both Tamatoa and Moana are capable of picking up the fishhook, but neither are shown being able to tap into its magic.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_990dea86
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_990dea86
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_990dea86
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_996edf24
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_996edf24
In Wonder Woman, the Lasso of Truth can only be wielded by one who is worthy.
Despite being evil, the villainesses Genocide and Devastation are able to wield the Lasso, thanks to their unique origins that fool the Lasso into thinking they are Wonder Woman.
Played in reverse in Justice Lords Beyond. Wonder Woman uses the Lasso of Truth to strangle/snap the neck of her Justice Lord counterpart for killing Lord Batman, and so she is no longer worthy and the lasso disintegrates.
In Forever Evil (2013), Cheetah manages to steal the Lasso, but when she snares Steve Trevor with it, he's easily able to escape. He explains that Cheetah wasn't worthy so she couldn't use its powers, then snares her with it and knocks her out. In the unworthy's hands, it's just a rope and they can't access any of its magic powers.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_996edf24
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_996edf24
 Wonder Woman (Franchise)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_996edf24
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_999855bb
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_999855bb
Humorously parodied in the fourth installment of Heroes of Might and Magic. Upon locating a giant slayer sword on the world map and picking it up, a message comes up concerning its completely unrelated to the game play recovery. A hero stumbles upon a sword in a stone, and having heard the legend of weapons of such power being lodged in rocks, yanks at it with all his strength. This results in the sword not budging an inch. So he spends the next hour or so with a hammer and chisel to retrieve it. Played straight in the campaign "The True Blade". The Gryphonheart blade can only be drawn by a member of the Gryphonheart lineage. Sir Worton tries to wrest control over the little kingdom of Palaedra from its founder Lord Lysander (who had previously refused to be king because of his loyalty to the Gryphonheart line) by drawing a forgery of the blade from its scabbard. Lysander did not trust Worton and went on a quest to seek the true blade. During the final battle, Lysander without thinking draws the true Gryphonheart blade from its scabbard, proving that he is actually a descendant of the Gryphonhearts.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_999855bb
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_999855bb
 Heroes of Might and Magic (Video Game)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_999855bb
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_99c0e061
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_99c0e061
When Thanos is deemed unworthy to wield Mjölnir, he gets... creative.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_99c0e061
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_99c0e061
 Thanos (Comic Book)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_99c0e061
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_99c93cb
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_99c93cb
After the death of Uther Pendragon the Britons cannot agree on who should be the next king, as Uther's only son Arthur has been taken away by Merlin to be raised in secret. When the nobles turn to Merlin for advice, Merlin shows them a sword lodged in an anvil or rock placed in a churchyard at Westminster and prophesies that only the true king of Britain will be able to pull the blade out. When Arthur has grown, his kingship is revealed when he succeeds in pulling the sword out, after many others have tried to do so in vain. The tale of the Sword in the Stone first appears in Robert de Boron's Merlin and later also in Le Morte d'Arthur.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_99c93cb
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_99c93cb
 Le Morte d'Arthur
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_99c93cb
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_9a5d467e
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_9a5d467e
The Legendary Hero Is Dead!: When the legendary hero Shion is killed, the necromancer Anri inserts Touka's soul into his body so that he can play the role of Shion. Unfortunately, Touka quickly gets outed as an imposter because he cannot wield Shion's holy sword (he can lift it, but when he tries to attack with it, the blade turns limp and dull). After Touka develops into a true hero, the sword accepts him and allows him to use it.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_9a5d467e
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_9a5d467e
 The Legendary Hero Is Dead! (Manga)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_9a5d467e
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_9ab32c13
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_9ab32c13
In the Pony POV Series:
The Elements of Harmony, naturally, but also their Chaotic counterparts, the Elements of Chaos. However, there's a bit of a twist: worthiness is embodying the attribute, not necessarily embodying it positively, but the Element can only be used to their fullest potential if they do. Further more, following being turned into their current form, the Elements of Harmony draw power directly from Fauna Luster, who can withhold her power and render the combined form of them unusable unless replaced with something else, such as sheer extremism. The corrupted versions also have different names, such as the corrupted Element of Magic/Friendship being called Domination and the corrupted Element of Fantasy being called Deceit.
After retrieving Cupid's bow, Lovestruck (Cupid's successor and Reincarnation) is instructed to bring it to her adopted mother Venus. Due to it previously being used for evil by the False Princesses, Venus and several of her siblings put an enchantment on it so that only someone worthy of it can so much as move it to prevent this from happening again.
The Alicorn Amulet in this verse is an evil version, as it will only allow those it chooses to use it. As Sonata found out the hard way, trying to use it otherwise can end badly if you're not strong enough to forcibly subjugate it. Trixie is considered such because she's descended from its creator, and it'd actively tried to bring her to it for years.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_9ab32c13
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_9ab32c13
 Pony POV Series / Fan Fic
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_9ab32c13
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_9b018733
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_9b018733
In Kubera, the Sword of Return sits in the Temple of Chaos, waiting for people to attempt to draw it. In fact, the temple was built around the sword. The thing is, the sword has been successfully drawn before, multiple times. There is an annual test where hundreds of people arrive from across the world to try and pull it out; the temple had to institute various tests of strength just to try and weed out the crowds and make the process go faster. Once the sword has bonded to an owner, only that individual may use it, and the only way to give it up is to die (at which point it returns to its resting place in the Temple of Chaos). While the sword was designed to fight sura, ironically most sura can draw it out quite easily. The problem is, the same properties that make it a nightmare against sura (it inhibits Healing Factor) apply to the owner as well, whether they are currently holding the sword or not.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_9b018733
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_9b018733
 Kubera (Webcomic)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_9b018733
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_9b29d6b8
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_9b29d6b8
In Dragon Mango, the condition, according to the sign is Royal Blood.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_9b29d6b8
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_9b29d6b8
 Dragon Mango (Webcomic)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_9b29d6b8
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_9bb5aad4
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_9bb5aad4
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX: Franz uses a counterfeit version of the Egyptian God Card, The Winged Dragon of Ra. He gets around the restrictions with a card called Mound of the Bound Creator, which binds Ra to his will, though Ra struggles and cries. Judai frees Ra and takes control of it, and shocks Franz by being able to control Ra without Mound of the Bound Creator, hinting at Judai's specialness.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_9bb5aad4
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_9bb5aad4
 Yu-Gi-Oh! GX
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_9bb5aad4
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_9bb6c910
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_9bb6c910
The rule also applies to sentient robots like Ultron and The Vision, who are subject to the worthiness clause as anyone else. However, it does not apply to robots without a will of their own, or to other machines. However, despite being sentient and evil, The Destroyer has no problem picking up the hammer, with some claiming it is because it is not alive.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_9bb6c910
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_9bb6c910
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_9bb6c910
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_9c33b8ab
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_9c33b8ab
Sliders: One episode has the heroes end up in a world where magic is real. At the end of the episode, they are facing off an Evil Sorcerer, who has previously wiped out the Mallory clan of druids, as they are the only ones with the power to stop him. Guess what? Despite being from a non-magical world, Quinn Mallory can fulfill the prophecy just as well. A local woman (the sorcerer's former apprentice) tells the heroes that the sword hanging on the wall is the only weapon that can harm the sorcerer (who has turned into a dragon). Rembrandt runs after it, dodging flaming breath, but is unable to take the sword. She explains that the sword can only be wielded by a Mallory, which prompts an angry look from Rembrandt. Quinn is able to grab the sword and kill the sorcerer/dragon.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_9c33b8ab
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_9c33b8ab
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_9c33b8ab
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_9d078cad
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_9d078cad
Light And Dark The Awakening Of The Mageknight: The sword of the original mageknight can only be grasped by his successor. This is because only his successor has Ghost Sight, which is necessary to by-pass the optical illusion protecting it.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_9d078cad
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_9d078cad
 Light and Dark: The Awakening of the Mage Knight
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_9d078cad
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_9d34190a
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_9d34190a
The Elder Scrolls:
Throughout the series and in the backstory, one of the most important items to the Empire of Tamriel is the Amulet of Kings. According to legend, it was created as the "Chim-el Adabal" by the Ayleids out of the crystallized blood of the "dead" creator god Lorkhan (also known by many other names), which was collected after falling from his heart as it flew across Tamriel, having been cut out by the Aedra (in vengeance for Lorkhan supposedly tricking them into sacrificing large parts of their divine power to create Mundus, the mortal plane), tied to an arrow, and fired across the continent. Following the Alessian Revolt, in which St. Alessia and her Nedic peoples (precursors to most of the modern races of Men) overthrew the (primarily) Daedra-worshiping Ayleids with the aid of the Nordic Empire, rebel Ayleid lords, and the Aedra themselves, Alessia made covenant with Akatosh, the draconic Top God of the Aedra. Akatosh imbued Alessia with his "dragon's blood" and placed her soul in the central stone of what is now known as the Amulet of Kings, symbolizing his pact with mankind. The Amulet of Kings can only be worn by those of royal blood, recognizing them as Alessia's (and Akatosh's) metaphysical heirs to the Ruby Throne of Cyrodiil and confirming those who can wear it as The Chosen One.
Morrowind The Moon-And-Star ring is said to be blessed by Azura to kill anyone trying to wear it other than Nerevar (or his reincarnation, the Nerevarine). Whether this is for real or a story made up to scare off pretenders is never discovered. One popular theory is that being the Nerevarine is more a matter of becoming than something you are born as — if you fulfill the requirements to be the Nerevarine, and follow what the prophecy says the Nerevarine is supposed to do, then you are the Nerevarine, and so can wear Moon-and-Star. In other words, only the Chosen may wield, but the Chosen is partly self-chosen.
The Crusader's Relics (and weapons) can only be wielded by the Divine Crusader in the expansion Knights of the Nine. In addition, if the wielder gains two points in infamy then the artifacts cannot be used until the pilgrimage is undertaken again.
The Amulet of Kings makes its first in-game appearance, passing from the Emperor to the Player Character in the early stages of the game. True to lore, the player character cannot wear it, getting a message that it simply "slips off" your neck if you try. It eventually makes its way into the hands of the Emperor's Hidden Backup Prince, Martin, who performs a Heroic Sacrifice at the end of the main quest with it. The Amulet is destroyed, but it summons an avatar of Akatosh who banishes Mehrunes Dagon and saves the world.
Skyrim reveals that Deadric artifacts function this way. While the artifacts themselves aren't sentient, the Daedric Princes who created them can be really picky about who uses them. For example, Hircine, not liking a werewolf who uses his ring removes all control the man has over his transformations (though if you attempt to help the werewolf Hircine will make the ring work correctly for you) while one necromancer spent decades working defects into Azura's star to remove her control over it so he could live forever using it.
A Creation Club event adds the Crusader's Relics to the game. Again, if you’ve been doing evil things, you won’t be able to wear them until you pray to the gods.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_9d34190a
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_9d34190a
 The Elder Scrolls (Franchise)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_9d34190a
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_9d963831
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_9d963831
In Septimus Heap, the Dragon Ring grows and contracts and glows only for Boy 412.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_9d963831
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_9d963831
 Septimus Heap
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_9d963831
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_9edf7c1d
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_9edf7c1d
In one What If? issue, Rogue becomes worthy of wielding Mjölnir, mostly because she has completely absorbed Thor.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_9edf7c1d
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_9edf7c1d
 What If? (Comic Book)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_9edf7c1d
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_9f6d5c6e
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_9f6d5c6e
War God have the trusty Green Dragon Saber of Guan Yu (yes, this Guan Yu) which can only be used by the deity himself. In the climatic battle, one of the Martian villains tries stealing the saber for himself, only to receive a painful electric shock after touching the weapon.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_9f6d5c6e
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_9f6d5c6e
 War God
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_9f6d5c6e
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_a037ae41
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_a037ae41
Gilgamesh has the Noble Phantasm Gate of Babylon, a pocket dimension that holds, in addition to his own unique Phantasms, a copy of the "prototype" of nearly every legendary weapon in existence. Because he is considered their original "owner" he is able to wield them, though far less effectively since while he has some swordsmanship skill, he is not an expert and he doesn't know how to use his weapons' abilities efficiently. Gate of Babylon doesn't have certain items like Excalibur, Rhongomyniad, Avalon, Knight of Owner, God Hand, Kavacha and Kundala, and Vasavi Shakti, because they were either created after Gilgamesh's time, or were created by fairies and not distributed to mankind. In the alternate universe of Fate/kaleid liner PRISMA☆ILLYA, Gilgamesh discovers to his chagrin that Gate of Babylon doesn't have any of Julian Ainsworth or Darius Ainsworth's Noble Phantasms like Authoritarian Personalism, Apneic Beauty, and Shadow Hand of Code. This is because Darius created these Noble Phantasms recently with a combination of his powers and Pandora's Box, another item not in Gate of Babylon, meaning they had never existed before and only he or those with his permission can use them.
Berserker has a Noble Phantasm called Knight of Owner that allows him to become an Instant Expert for any weapon he takes into his hands - including an enemy's Noble Phantasm, should he wrest it from their grasp.
Kiritsugu Emiya had acquired Saber's Noble Phantasm, Avalon, which heals its holder's injuries and works for any holder, but it only responds to Saber's mana, so it only works when Saber is near the holder. Kiritsugu and his wife Irisviel both make use of it. At the end, he plants it into Shirou, and though Saber is gone, it had stored enough of Saber's mana to heal him. It then goes inert until Saber is summoned again in Fate/stay night. Even then, Saber (and Shirou when he projects it) are the only ones who can use Avalon's true function as an absolute defense against attacks.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_a037ae41
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_a037ae41
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_a037ae41
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_a2dee471
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_a2dee471
Wind Waker puts a twist in this; since the Link from this game is The Unchosen One, he must first collect three MacGuffins and fight his way through a massive dungeon just to reach the Master Sword, and then fight his way out again once he has it in his hands. And then it turns out that it wasn't at full power anyway, and Link must put in even more effort to restore it before it can serve its intended purpose.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_a2dee471
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_a2dee471
 The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (Video Game)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_a2dee471
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_a462c7dd
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_a462c7dd
During the events of AXIS, Loki could wield it. It's unclear how much of that happened thanks to their own attempts at redemption or because they were under the inversion spell, but either way it was temporary and after the dust settled, it quickly became clear Loki was back to not being able to wield it.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_a462c7dd
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_a462c7dd
 AXIS (Comic Book)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_a462c7dd
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_a4ff8e01
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_a4ff8e01
Fate/Grand Order:
Cu Chulainn and Scathach are both able to use the spear Gae Bolg because in life, Scathach was the one who made it and she gave it to Cu Chulainn as a present when he finished his training.
One of Lancer Karna's Noble Phantasms, Brahmastra, is shared by the Saber Rama. In this case, it's because this particular weapon was capable of being wielded by multiple people across the various epics of their legends.
Parvati borrowed her husband Shiva's trident, Trishula Shakti, but it is mentioned that since she is not the true owner, she cannot bring out its full potential. Meanwhile, Rama has a Noble Phantasm called "Vishnu B�jū: Arms of the Great One", which grants him access to several divine weapons gifted by the sage Vishwamitra. This plus the fact Rama is an avatar of the god Vishnu allows him to wield Trishula Shakti.
Sita was never a warrior in life, but as an Archer, she wields the bow Haradhanu Janaka, which belongs to her husband Rama, because Rama granted her his powers and permission. Not to mention in the myth she was the only person besides Rama who was strong enough to lift the bow.
One of Queen Medb's Noble Phantasms, Fergus My Love, allows her to summon and wield Fergus' Noble Phantasm, Caladbolg: The Rainbow Sword. This is because Fergus was her lover in life and they shared many gifts. She has another Noble Phantasm called Conchobar My Love, which lets her borrow her other lover Conchobar's ability to see the future.
One of King David's Noble Phantasms is Hamesh Avanim, the sling and stones he used to defeat Goliath. Lore-wise, because of how he used it to knock Goliath out and then steal his sword, if he uses it to knock out a Servant, he can swipe their Noble Phantasm and use it. Even better, the Noble Phantasm becomes David's by God's Divine Authority, so the Servant will be unable to take it back. David also has the Ark of the Covenant, which kills anyone not authorized by God who touches it. Besides David, only people deemed worthy by God like Moses can touch it safely. It overrides other divine protection, as it killed Heracles, Zeus' chosen one protected by God Hand when he touched it.
Xuanzang Sanzang wields Sun Wukong's extending staff Ruyi Jingu Bang, Zhu Bajie's Nine-toothed Rake, and Sha Wujing's Monk's Spade because her three disciples loved her so much that they granted them to her when she was summoned. Ironically, she doesn't even recognize the weapons, so she cannot use them to their full potential.
Lore-wise, Sir Gawain can wield Excalibur because there were times King Arthur loaned it to him in life, plus he had proven himself worthy of its sister sword Galatine.
In life, King Arthur gave Excalibur to Sir Bedivere so he could return it to the Lady of the Lake, but in this verse, he kept the sword and Merlin eventually modified it into an artificial arm for him. He has a Noble Phantasm called "Switch On - Airgetlám", his artificial arm, which he can eventually turn into Excalibur to wield.
Merlin is able to use Caliburn, the Sword in the Stone itself, since he created and gave it to King Arthur in the first place.
The Lady of Lake herself who is actually a Split Personality of Morgan le Fay would logically be able to use Excalibur.
Ishtar's Noble Phantasm, "An Gal T� Kigal Shē", has her use her authority as a goddess of Venus to use planet Venus itself as a weapon. However, other deities with Venus in their domain like Quetzalcoatl can catch the attack and even take control of it to use it against her.
Rider Mordred wields Prydwen, a shield that can turn into a ship or surfboard. It belonged to King Arthur, but just like with Clarent, she stole it from her father in life.
Lore-wise, one of Musashibou Benkei's Noble Phantasms, called Eighth Implement, like True Archer in strange fake, is the ability to steal and use his enemies' Noble Phantasms against them. Also this man is actually Hitachibou Kaison, one of Benkei's comrades who fled in fear while he was being killed. To repent for his cowardice, he took on Benkei's identity to spread his story. Due to taking his identity, Kaison has his skills and Noble Phantasms.
Penthesilea has the strength-enhancing sash Goddess of War because she is the sister of True Rider from strange fake.
Senji Muramasa is able to forge Tsumukari Muramasa, a recreation of the legendary sword Kusanagi-no-Tachi. Since he isn't a god or demigod, using the sword kills him. However, when he gets properly summoned as a Servant, he can use Tsumukari Muramasa as many times as he wants, likely because he is creating slightly weaker versions to mitigate the backlash. He expresses awe for Ibuki-Douji, a wielder of the actual Kusanagi.
Minamoto no Raikou was the leader of the Four Heavenly Kings, so in her Berserker form, her Noble Phantasm, Ox-King Storm Call - The Inescapable Net of Heaven, allows her to create duplicates of herself that wield her subordinates' weapons. These include Sakata Kintoki's axe, Watanabe no Tsuna's sword, Urabe no Suetake's bow, and Usui Sadamitsu's naginata.
The Lancer version of Minamoto no Raikou has the spear Vajra. Arjuna is shocked and points out that Vajra belongs to his father, the Hindu god Indra, so he wonders how the Japanese Raikou has it. It turns out that Raikou's father Gozu Tennou was actually Indra under an alias, so she is Arjuna's half-sister and one of Indra's heirs. When she prayed to her father for aid, he gave her Vajra. Kama also wields Vajra because of an incident where she did Indra a favor and Indra allowed her to borrow Vajra as thanks. Vritra also wields Vajra because when Indra stabbed her with it, Vajra was lodged in her mouth, so she pulled it out and used it.
The sword Usumidori originally belonged to Minamoto no Raikou, but Ushiwakamaru has it because she is Raikou's descendant and inherited it.
The Rider Mandricardo is able to wield the Lancer Hektor's spear Durindana. This is due to the connection of their legends, as Mandricardo is able to wield the sword Durandal, which was repurposed by Hektor into Durindana and was restored to its original form some time after his death. Since the sword and spear are simply two forms of the same weapon, they can wield either one without issue. Particularly notable since Mandricardo isn't summoned with Durandal because he lost it and never got it back before his death in legend, and in fact has a Noble Phantasm called Serment de Durandal that lets him give Durandal's power to any weapon he possesses, even another Noble Phantasm. His second Noble Phantasm, Rêve de Durandal, is what allows him to wield Durandal and Durindana, but it only works if Mandricardo truly believes he is worthy. By extension, this also means Roland, the man most famous for wielding Durandal, would also be able to wield Durindana without issue. Mandricardo's skill, Armor of the Nine Worthies, allows him to use Hektor's armor, having acquired it in life.
Lore-wise, Astolfo's Hippogriff originally belonged to Bradamante, and he traded his spear Trap of Argalia to her for it, which means she would be able to use them too.
Goetia has King Solomon's Noble Phantasms because he possessed Solomon's corpse. When the real Solomon shows up as a Servant, he is able to reclaim his Noble Phantasms and then sacrifice himself, cutting off Goetia's access to them.
Mash Kyrielight is able to wield Galahad's shield, Lord Camelot, because she was Raised as a Host to house Galahad's spirit. After Goetia is defeated, Galahad decides to stop helping the heroes and revokes the powers he gave to Mash. Mash finds herself unable to use Lord Camelot anymore. Ritsuka Fujimaru uses a Command Spell to order Galahad to help them, but he resists, leaving Mash with only a fraction of his power. Even with the Ortenaus device augmenting her powers, Mash is only able to use a degraded version called Mold Camelot. However, Da Vinci suspects that it was the shock of Galahad saying he revoked her powers that made her unable to use them. This is seemingly proven in the British Lostbelt when Mash loses her memories, including of Galahad, and gains full access to her powers and Noble Phantasm. She keeps her powers when she gets her memories back.
In the second Lostbelt, Gotterdammerung, Surtr the Fire Giant is able to use all of Sigurd's Noble Phantasms, most notably his Cool Sword Gram, because he's currently possessing Sigurd's body and Spirit Origin. When his spirit is freed from Sigurd's body he loses access to them, but that was fine by him because it allowed him to unseal his real body.
Odin gave the Valkyries his blessing to wield his spear, Gungnir, so they all have a copy of it when they perform their Noble Phantasm, "Ragnarök Lífþrasir". It is said that their copies are weaker than the original.
During the third Summer event, Robin Hood lends his Noble Phantasm No Face May King: Faceless King to Edmond Dantes to help the latter in investigating the "Groundhog Day" Loop they've been trapped in without BB catching him. In this case, it's because "Robin Hood" is technically a Composite Character of numerous rogues who assumed the title, which allows him to lend it to anyone of his choosing.
For some reason, Ashwatthama has Sudarshan Chakra Yamaraj, a divine chakram owned by Krishna, even though he had never used it in life and in his myth was unworthy of it. The others are baffled and even he doesn't know why he can use it.
Lu Bu's Noble Phantasm is God Force, his halberd that can shape-shift into different forms. His beloved horse Red Hare eventually becomes a Servant, turning into a Centaur-like creature. Red Hare's Noble Phantasm is Imitation God Force, which uses a bow to fire the halberd like an arrow.
Jason and his former wife Medea both have the Golden Fleece since they had both owned it.
Poseidon granted Caenis his Divine Authority, allowing her to use his Trident.
Romulus-Quirinus has access to a version of Heracles' Noble Phantasm, Nine Lives. This is because of a version of his legend that says Heracles is his father. Although this is not true, enough people believe this that it comes true, giving Romulus-Quirinus the benefits of being raised and trained by Heracles, including inheriting his techniques.
The Berserker version of Brynhildr has the Noble Phantasm, Brynhildr Sigurutein, a sword which requires her husband Sigurd to use. "Only Brynhildr can summon it and only Sigurd can swing it." The sword is a replica of one that Odin gave to Tyr that Brynhildr imitates with her Primordial Rune magic. Since Odin and Tyr are both Gods of War, this is presumably why Sigurd, the King of Warriors, is required to use it.
The Lancer version of Yu Mei-ren wields a spear from her husband, Xiang Yu, by recalling the sword dance she performed at the end of his life and refining it into a spear dance.
Professor James Moriarty and Erice Utsumi both have Freikugel, the magic bullets from Der Freischütz. Moriarty made a Fusion Dance with Max, who wielded the bullets, while Erice has the spirit of Samiel, who forged the bullets, inside her.
Erice Utsumi has Ame-no-Sakahoko, a replica of the goddess Izanami's spear Ame-no-Nuboko with most of the same powers. A few characters are confused at how she is able to wield it. Fate/Requiem eventually reveals that Erice is Izanami's daughter. Sakamoto Ryouma can wield Ame-no-Sakahoko as well because in his backstory, he discovered the dragon Oryou sealed by being pierced by the spear, and he was effortlessly able to remove it. Indeed, his Lancer version wields it, but during the sixth GUDAGUDA event, he gets possessed by the evil god Ama-no-Sakagami who wields it through his body. However, Rider Ryouma is able to steal the spear from Ama-no-Sakagami since they are technically the same person right now and the evil god is partially affected by the spear's anti-divine properties, though Ryouma also suffers pain in the process since he abandoned the Ame-no-Sakahoko in life after freeing Oryou and "it's a bit angry with him".
The Caster version of Altria wields Marmyadose, a sword that originally belonged to Heracles. She says she acquired it at some point during her travels in life. Something that we never get to see, though.
Ibuki-Douji wields the Kusanagi-no-Tachi, the sacred sword and Imperial Treasure that the god Susanoo found within the body of Yamata-no-Orochi after slaying the multi-headed dragon god. She is able to do this because she is the daughter/avatar of Orochi, and in "Hell Realm Mandala", she is able to give Kintoki the Kusanagi to use against Ashiya Douman. This is most likely due to how Susanoo was able to claim the sword from Orochi and gave it to his sister Amaterasu, as well as due to Kintoki's own natural divine nature (and even he has to use it via his Golden Bear Noble Phantasm).
One of Siegfried's Noble Phantasms is Das Rheingold, the cursed Dragon Hoard he claimed when he slew the dragon Fafnir. After his original death, the treasure was eventually claimed by the Einzbern family. Because of this, Sitonai, who uses Illya von Einzbern as a host body, can control the treasure and pacify it when the gold turns sentient and attacks people, and free people who have been cursed by it, though her control is still trumped by Moshirechik Kotanechik, the actual embodiment and spirit in control of the hoard.
In the British Lostbelt, the fae spirits Barghest, Baobhan Sith, and Melusine were granted the identities and powers of Sir Gawain, Sir Tristan, and Sir Lancelot by Morgan Le Fay. They are able to use variations of their Noble Phantasms Galatine, Failnaught, and Arondight respectively called Black Dog Galatine, Fetch Failnaught, and Innocence Arondight. Notably, Gawain and Lancelot's powers actually weaken Barghest and Melusine to an extent, as Barghest is a nocturnal fairy who doesn't receive as much benefit from the sun boost and Melusine is so naturally strong Lancelot's peerless combat skill doesn't actually help her much. It's implied this was even intentional on Morgan's part to inhibit their growths as Calamities. Also, the Morgan Le Fay native to this timeline, who ruled Camelot instead of Arthur, is the owner of several copies of Rhongomyniad. These Rhongomyniads are unique to her and she is the only one who can wield them, forcing Chaldea to negotiate with her instead of just taking them. When Altria Caster tries to use them, she notably fails and only succeeds when she converts the system into copies outputting Excalibur's power.
Sir Percival wields Lucius Longinus' Spear of Longinus because he and Kundry found it during his quest for the Holy Grail. In the British Lostbelt, Morgan Le Fay used to wield the Spear of Selection, but discarded it when she felt she was no longer worthy of it. This eventually allows the Lostbelt version of Percival to take it and it transforms into the Spear of Longinus in his hands.
The Lostbelt version of Habetrot kept Mash Kyrielight's Black Barrel for safe keeping for centuries (time travel was involved). This causes her to become attuned to it and become its "guardian fairy". The summoned version has a Noble Phantasm called Spinster Habetrot which allows her to summon and fire the Black Barrel, and her version does not have as many detrimental effects on the user's health. Since the summoned version does not have her Lostbelt self's memories, she does not understand why she has and can use the Black Barrel.
In the Arcade version of the game, Nebuchadnezzar II's spirit possesses a clone of Gilgamesh. This grants him Gate of Babylon, but he cannot access Gilgamesh's real treasures like Ea, Enkidu, and the Holy Grail.
The god Manannán mac Lir possesses Bazett Fraga McRemitz's body to be summoned as a Servant. They naturally use Fragarach, and since Manannán is Fragarach's original owner they can utilize it in ways Bazett could only dream of on her own, such as being able to Counter-Attack a far more variety of techniques rather than Bazett being limited solely to her opponent's "trump card". Since in legend, Manannán mac Lir originally owned and gave Diarmuid Ua Duibhne his weapons Gae Buidhe, Moraltach, and Beagaltach, they would be able to use them too.
Kriemhild wields her husband Siegfried's sword Balmung because in life, she used it to avenge his murder. Notably, while Siegfried manifests Balmung's holy side, Kriemhild manifests its demonic side.
The Saber version of Sir Gareth wields Robigus Ironside, the sword of Sir Ironside the Red Knight, because in life she defeated him and confiscated it.
The Avenger version of Erice Utsumi has Ame-no-Kagaminofune, the boat of the god Sukunabikona. She says he let her rent it due to her divine heritage.
Mori Ranmaru's Noble Phantasm is the severed head of Oda Nobunaga, which has the power to alter history. In his event, he gets mortally wounded, but prays for someone to recover the head. His prayers are answered by Mysterious Ranmaru X, a female counterpart of himself from another dimension. Since they are basically the same person, she is able to use the head to save the day.
The Britomart who appears here is actually the daughter of the original hero. She inherited two Noble Phantasms from her mother: the lance Penetrate Blaiddyd and the suit of armor Fortress Angela. In turn, her mother got these in life from the Briton King Bladud (Blaiddyd) and the Saxon Queen Angela, respectively.
Taira no Kagekiyo possessed Kiichi Hougen's student Ushiwakamaru, steals Hougen's Mallet of Fortune, and goes on a rampage with it. After Kagekiyo is stopped, the heroes point out that since Hougen is the Mallet of Fortune's true owner, she could have called it to her hand at any time. Embarrassed, she tries to save face by saying she wanted them to prove their strength.
Ozmandias' Noble Phantasm, Ramesseum Tentyris, lets him summon a temple with many divine beasts from Egyptian mythology like Ammit the Devourer, which he can do since he's an incarnation of Ra. Nitocris Alter can also summon Ammit since she is being possessed by her master, Anubis. Of course, the Anubis seen in Fate/Requiem can summon Ammit.
Ishtar can summon Gugalanna, the Bull of Heaven. Ereskigal Alter can use the Authority "Boundary Gorge, Heaven's Thunder Palace" to mass produce Gugalanna's legs for a stomping attack.
The Saber version of Medusa wields the golden sword of her son, Chrysaor. When she is killed, she gives the sword to the heroes and gives them permission to use it, allowing Ritsuka to wield it and use its powers.
Typhon Ephemeros absorbed the power of Typhon directly from him due to being the fruit from his legend that weakened him when he devoured it, allowing her to call upon his powers as well as those he himself took from Zeus. This also allows her to merge with Typhon and control him directly after she allows him to eat her once again.
Theseus has a skill called Martial Retribution that is based on his stealing his opponents' weapons during his Six Labors. This allows him to steal his opponent's weapon and use it, but it does not work on divine, holy, or magical weapons. In game, he wields the club he took from the bandit Periphetes, the sword of his father King Aegeus, and a shield made from the mask of Asterios the Minotaur.
Ruler Uesugi Kenshin wields the sword Shiodome-no-Tachi for her Noble Phantasm Bishamonten's Eight Phases - Shiranui. The sword was a gift from her rival Takeda Harunobu/Shingen. Since the sword originally belonged to Takeda, he is able to wield it.
King Ashoka can use Buddha's Noble Phantasm, Chakravartin, because he ascended to Buddhahood.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_a4ff8e01
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_a4ff8e01
 Fate/Grand Order (Video Game)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_a4ff8e01
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_a5903495
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_a5903495
The Adversary Cycle. In Nightworld the protagonists reforge a magic sword that's their last chance to defeat the Greater-Scope Villain who's causing The End of the World as We Know It. Repairman Jack is the obvious candidate to replace the aging Glaeken who's wielded it in the past, but Jack balks at an eternity of servitude to the Ally, and so offers everyone else in the room a chance. The sword fails to respond to them, so Jack bites the bullet and grasps it... only for it to fail to respond to him either. Turn out only the original hero (who hasn't died and therefore can't expect Jack to Take Up My Sword) is acceptable. After a millennia or so of service Glaeken definitely doesn't want to start all over again, but the sword rejuvenates him as the young warrior he was, and so Glaeken gets a chance to take out his frustrations on the Big Bad.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_a5903495
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_a5903495
 The Adversary Cycle
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_a5903495
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_a660fd96
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_a660fd96
Avengers: Endgame:
After spending the last five years wallowing in misery, Thor borrows Mjölnir from the past during the group's time travel mission, and is beyond estatic to discover that he's still worthy. Later on, Steve wields it to save Thor's life during the final battle. Cue a Knew It All Along from Thor.
A person not being chosen to wield is being played with in the final battle - Spider-Man is cornered by enemies, so Steve throws Mjölnir overhead towards him, Spider-Man grabs on to it and is promptly dragged along with it and out of immediate danger, since being unable to lift it off the ground and being unable to stop its momentum is the same thing.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_a660fd96
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_a660fd96
 Avengers: Endgame
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_a660fd96
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_a68c19b8
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_a68c19b8
The Holy Weapons of Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War are tied to specific bloodlines and require "major" Holy Blood to wield.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_a68c19b8
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_a68c19b8
 Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War (Video Game)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_a68c19b8
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_a77de360
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_a77de360
An interesting subversion occurs on the Dilbert episode "The Takeover", with Dogbert becoming the new CEO after drawing a golf club from a bag.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_a77de360
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_a77de360
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_a77de360
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_a8639b13
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_a8639b13
Fablehaven features Vasilis, the Sword of Light and Darkness, which can only be given to a new wielder if the old one voluntarily does so. Additionally, if the wielder falls in battle, only a friend can take it up, not an enemy. The sword magnifies the wielder's emotions.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_a8639b13
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_a8639b13
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_a8639b13
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_a95d1979
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_a95d1979
Shadow Hearts: From The New World: Frank can obtain the Legend Saber, a mystical sword still sealed in its stone, with an extra hilt stuck on it to match all the other Improbable Weapons in his collection.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_a95d1979
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_a95d1979
 Shadow Hearts: From the New World (Video Game)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_a95d1979
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_a96a7ada
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_a96a7ada
In Yu-Gi-Oh!, certain cards can only be wielded by a chosen duelist, including the Egyptian Gods, the Legendary Dragons/Knights of Atlantis, the Earthbound Gods, and the Signer Dragons. And then there are the Millennium Items.
The Millennium Items tend to kill holders they don't deem worthy.
People who try to use counterfeit versions of the Egyptian God Cards get hit with a Bolt of Divine Retribution.
Marik Ishtar has Strings duel Yugi with the Egyptian God Card Saint Dragon of Osiris/Slifer The Sky Dragon. They get around the restrictions because Strings is an Empty Shell and Marik, who is worthy, is controlling him, so in reality, Marik is the one wielding it.
Gurimo steals the Egyptian God Card, Obelisk The Tormentor, and uses it against Yugi. He gets around the restrictions with The Seal of Orichalcos, which is powerful enough to control Obelisk. Even then, Obelisk struggles and the strain of controlling him takes its toll on Gurimo.
After the Pharaoh gives into temptation and uses The Seal of Orichalcos, his Legendary Dragon, The Eye of Timaeus, deems him unworthy and disappears from the duel, then disappears whenever he tries to play it. He eventually redeems himself and regains Timaeus' trust.
Strangely, despite using the Seal of Orichalcos, Valon is able to use his Data Brain card to copy Rocket Hermos Cannon, which was created by the Legendary Dragon, The Claw of Hermos, and wield it without any ill effects.
Offscreen, Mai Valentine took Joey Wheeler's Legendary Dragon, The Claw of Hermos, and tried to duel Rafael. Since she had previously used The Seal of Orichalcos, Hermos deemed her unworthy and disappeared when she tried to play it, leading to her loss.
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX: Franz uses a counterfeit version of the Egyptian God Card, The Winged Dragon of Ra. He gets around the restrictions with a card called Mound of the Bound Creator, which binds Ra to his will, though Ra struggles and cries. Judai frees Ra and takes control of it, and shocks Franz by being able to control Ra without Mound of the Bound Creator, hinting at Judai's specialness.
In Yu-Gi-Oh!: Capsule Monsters, a sword in the village of the fifth trial is like this. Yami has to lure the five dragons to said village before he's capable of lifting it.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_a96a7ada
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_a96a7ada
 Yu-Gi-Oh! (Franchise)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_a96a7ada
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_a9b45855
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_a9b45855
Robb Returns:
This seems to be the schtick of the Thunderbolt Iron Ancestral Weapons made by the First Men:
Dawn quivers in the hand of anyone that is not meant to wield it. It's revealed that during Ned's battle at the Tower of Joy, the sword had rejected Arthur Dayne and "failed" him when he needed it the most, which may have been a factor in his loss.
When Mace Tyrell tries to take Otherbane from his son Willas, his hand is burned by the spear.
Joffrey tries to wield Stormbreaker while Robert is busy training, and the sword shocks him, burns his hand, and throws him across the room.
In spite of these examples, Ser Barristan notes that his ancestors could act as Sword Bearers to the Storm Kings, just like he does for King Robert now; and Jory Cassel acts as a Mace Bearer to Lord Stark. Ser Barristan believes this is because they made no claim to owning it, nor viewed themselves as worthy of owning it, and carried it with the permission of the true owners. Whether or not only certain families can be the bearer for the true owner is unclear.
In the depths of the Nightfort lies the original Throne of Winter, which is inscribed with runes that say that anyone who isn't a Stark that sits in it will be driven insane.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_a9b45855
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_a9b45855
 Robb Returns / Fan Fic
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_a9b45855
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_aa5b7cc2
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_aa5b7cc2
A guy in Oglaf finds a sword in the stone with a sign that reads "Draw the Sword from the Stone and be a King". This being Oglaf: guess why the sign changes to "Draw the King from the Stone and win a Sword".
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_aa5b7cc2
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_aa5b7cc2
 Oglaf (Webcomic)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_aa5b7cc2
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_ac70897e
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_ac70897e
Stardust: On his deathbed, the king of Stormhold drains the color from an ancestral ruby and casts it out into the realm. As only a male of royal blood can restore the color, his four surviving sons set out to find the gem, all of them dying along the way. In the end, protagonist Tristan Thorne - the king's unknown grandson - is the last one left alive, thus restoring the ruby by his touch and becoming king.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_ac70897e
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_ac70897e
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_ac70897e
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_ace263fa
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_ace263fa
In the Deltora Quest series, only the true king of Deltora can use the full power of the Belt of Deltora, though others can still benefit from the magical properties of its seven gems. The Belt glows when first worn in its correct configuration by the true heir to the throne, clearly indicating who is worthy of it. The Belt will also reject a living ruler in favor of the next in line if it deems them unworthy, as it did with King Endon. It only shone for Endon after his father's death, but after the gems were stolen while it was supposed to be under Endon's care, the Belt shone for his son, Lief while Endon was still alive.
The Royal Blood requirement is exploited in the sequel series: to ensure Deltora will be safe should anything happen to him, Lief tracks down his distant cousin Marilen in Tora, who is also a descendant of the first king Adin. Presumably some of the Masked Ones, being descended from a later king's brother, are also eligible.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_ace263fa
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_ace263fa
 Deltora Quest
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_ace263fa
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_aea94767
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_aea94767
Earth Abides, possibly the first viral apocalypse story, developed this well. At the start, Ish (the protagonist) finds a hammer left by miners in the mountains he's walking in, researching his thesis and missing the end of the world. He takes it as an artifact of that time. It comes in handy, but he thinks little of it. Years later, when he's met other survivors and formed a tribe, he asks his son to get the hammer to fix something, and the son is shocked: he couldn't possibly touch such a holy object. At the end, as Ish dies, the younger tribesmen are pressing him to tell them who to pass the hammer to, and with it leadership of the tribe.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_aea94767
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_aea94767
 Earth Abides
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_aea94767
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_b075a451
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_b075a451
Karna gives his armor and earring, Kavacha and Kundala, to his Master Jinako Carigiri to protect her. In his legend, he traded Kavacha and Kundala to Indra for the spear Vasavi Shakti, so he cannot use Vasavi Shakti unless he removes his protections. Since Kavacha and Kundala's protective powers are always active, Jinako doesn't have to do anything to benefit from them.
Passionlip carries a portion of Brynhildr's Divinity, allowing her imitate Brynhildr's Noble Phantasm, Brynhildr Romantia. It is modified into a Rocket Punch instead of a spear, but it has the same properties of increasing in strength the more she loves the target.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_b075a451
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_b075a451
 Fate/EXTRA (Video Game)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_b075a451
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_b10207a5
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_b10207a5
In the same show, Beta Ray Bill shows up. He is able to lift Mjölnir as well, much to all the Asgardians' shock.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_b10207a5
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_b10207a5
 Beta Ray Bill (Comic Book)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_b10207a5
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_b12ac0ab
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_b12ac0ab
Fate Genesis: Sonic the Hedgehog once played the role of King Arthur. Because of this, he is able to use Saber's Noble Phantasms, like Avalon.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_b12ac0ab
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_b12ac0ab
 Fate Genesis / Fan Fic
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_b12ac0ab
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_b14ad6df
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_b14ad6df
In The Blue Sword (and the prequel, The Hero and the Crown), you have Gonturan, the titular Blue Sword, which can only be safely wielded by women and boys younger than 20.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_b14ad6df
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_b14ad6df
 The Blue Sword
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_b14ad6df
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_b2431955
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_b2431955
Fate/kaleid liner PRISMA☆ILLYA: Several human magi can use Class Cards to take on the powers and skills of Servants, allowing them access to their Noble Phantasms. Since Chloe von Einzbern and the Miyuverse version of Shirou Emiya bonded with the Class Card for the Archer of stay night, they inherited his ability to copy Noble Phantasms. In this alternate universe, they are able to copy divine weapons at the cost of them becoming hollow and brittle. Beatrice Flowerchild wields Mjölnir itself, which makes everyone assume that her Class Card is Thor, since only Thor can wield Mjölnir, but it turns out to actually be Magni, the son of Thor who inherited Mjölnir after his death. Magni and thus Beatrice also inherited Thor's belt Megingjörð and iron glove Járngreipr.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_b2431955
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_b2431955
 Fate/kaleid liner PRISMA☆ILLYA (Manga)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_b2431955
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_b29c63f7
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_b29c63f7
Excalibur: Not only was Arthur the only one who could draw the titular sword from the stone, he pulled it from the stone again just to prove he could, since no one was around the first time. When he did something unworthy (using the sword's power to defeat Lancelot, who should rightly have won their duel), the sword broke, and when he repented it was fixed.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_b29c63f7
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_b29c63f7
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_b29c63f7
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_b370ddd1
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_b370ddd1
Thor: Towards the end, he pins Loki to the ground by putting the unliftable hammer on his chest.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_b370ddd1
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_b370ddd1
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_b370ddd1
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_b3e81703
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_b3e81703
Arthur, King of Time and Space, obviously. In the baseline arc, it's done straight (and straight out of T.H. White); in the space arc the Excalibur is the flagship of the British fleet and can only be activated by a Pendragon bioprint.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_b3e81703
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_b3e81703
 Arthur, King of Time and Space (Webcomic)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_b3e81703
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_b454fbcc
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_b454fbcc
The White Lantern Battery in Brightest Day. Hal and Carol refer to it as the sword in the stone, to Sinestro's confusion.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_b454fbcc
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_b454fbcc
 Brightest Day (Comic Book)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_b454fbcc
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_b5a2b326
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_b5a2b326
Morrowind The Moon-And-Star ring is said to be blessed by Azura to kill anyone trying to wear it other than Nerevar (or his reincarnation, the Nerevarine). Whether this is for real or a story made up to scare off pretenders is never discovered. One popular theory is that being the Nerevarine is more a matter of becoming than something you are born as — if you fulfill the requirements to be the Nerevarine, and follow what the prophecy says the Nerevarine is supposed to do, then you are the Nerevarine, and so can wear Moon-and-Star. In other words, only the Chosen may wield, but the Chosen is partly self-chosen.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_b5a2b326
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_b5a2b326
 The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind (Video Game)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_b5a2b326
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_b69b9a9
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_b69b9a9
In Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?, Lilliluka steals Bell's "Hestia Knife" and attempts to sell it. However, the pawnshop will only give her about 30 vals for it, when a typical generic weapon is worth several hundred or thousands. He tells her the knife is dull and won't cut. After the knife is returned to Bell, the hieroglyphs inscribed on it immediately light back up, making her realize the weapon is only useful in his hands. Technically speaking, the knife is enchanted to work for anyone who is a member of the Hestia Familia, it's just that Bell was the only member at the time. Later, the new member Mikoto Yamato is able to wield it effectively.
In the movie Arrow of the Orion, Bell is the only one who can free Artemis' spear from a crystal, with Artemis saying it is because of his pure heart. Afterwards, anyone can carry it, but Bell is the only one who can invoke its powers.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_b69b9a9
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_b69b9a9
 Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_b69b9a9
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_b6d7b1e1
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_b6d7b1e1
In That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime, Mythical/God-class weapons and equipment can only be used to their full potential by wielders they deem worthy. For example, while in theory anyone strong enough could use Rimuru's Hihi'irokane black katana, only Rimuru can unleash its full power by channeling his magical energy into it to reveal its rainbow form since it's attuned to his magical energy. The few times a God-class weapon/armor changed owners was when the user was on their death bed and passing it to the successor directly such as with Tatsuya Kondou giving Carrera his golden revolver or when the previous user had not yet "acclimated" to it as was the case when Caliguro Awakened into a Saint and unlocked his God-class gear's power, but was slain shortly afterwards due to his inexperience (and subsequently revived Brought Down to Normal) and the armaments instead went to Albert.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_b6d7b1e1
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_b6d7b1e1
 That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_b6d7b1e1
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_b7df5916
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_b7df5916
Power Rangers Cosmic Fury opened with the Dino Fury team losing their original powers and zords, requiring aid from Billy Cranston to gain a new power source and new morphers. The most significant result of this was former Pink Ranger Amelia becoming the team's new Red Ranger (their original Red had been seemingly killed and returned as the Zenith Ranger), with Billy assuring Amelia that she wouldn't be the Red Ranger if the power didn't believe she was worthy.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_b7df5916
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_b7df5916
 Power Rangers Cosmic Fury
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_b7df5916
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_b906a721
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_b906a721
In a variation, the Rusty Sword in Secret of Mana can only be pulled free from its resting place by the Hero, who in this case is Randy. However, once it's pulled free, anyone can wield it, which is how it earned so many names (Excalibur, Durandal, etc). At the end of the game, however, Randy is the only one that can wield the empowered sword when it is converted to the Sword of Mana by the power of Dryad's magic: if the Girl or the Sprite are wielding the sword, the spell will fail.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_b906a721
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_b906a721
 Secret of Mana (Video Game)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_b906a721
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_b9b796cf
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_b9b796cf
Fate/stay night:
Archer and his past self Shirou Emiya have Unlimited Blade Works, a Mental World that makes them able to copy any weapon they see, including Noble Phantasms. Due to the nature of their magecraft, they are also considered an "owner" and are able to mimic the original wielder's skills to a degree. They are unable to copy divine weapons like Excalibur because they lack divinity and cannot copy it. In the Fate route, though Avalon is divine, Shirou is able to copy and use it because he holds the original inside his body and he has a spiritual connection to Saber. He loses the ability in the ending when he returns the original Avalon to Saber and then she disappears back to her time. In one of the Heaven's Feel route's endings, Shirou goes beyond his limits to copy Excalibur, but using it kills him. However, Archer's counterpart in the Fate/EXTRA series is able to copy Excalibur because it takes place in Cyberspace, allowing him to bend the rules.
While noncanon, the 2006 anime has Caster put Sakura Matou under mind control and pass her Caster's Noble Phantasm, the dagger Rule Breaker, to ambush Saber. After Sakura stabs Saber, Caster comments that since it wasn't actually her wielding Rule Breaker, its power was weakened. Instead of being able to steal Saber's Servant Contract, the stab simply weakened her.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_b9b796cf
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_b9b796cf
 Fate/stay night (Visual Novel)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_b9b796cf
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_b9cdc91d
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_b9cdc91d
Dredd: The Lawgivers are biometrically locked to the judges they are assigned to, and any unauthorized attempt at using a Lawgiver will result in the weapon blowing up as Kay finds out the hard way when he tried to use Anderson's Lawgiver to shoot her.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_b9cdc91d
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_b9cdc91d
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_b9cdc91d
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_ba6cc3a1
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_ba6cc3a1
In Granblue Fantasy, The Society installs fail-safes into their weapons because they're far too dangerous for anyone without the proper training to wield since they're dormant Moon-dweller Automagods. The Spear of Arvess burns anyone who tries to steal it to a crisp. Given it's a really fancy spear made of gold and magical crystals, it happens a lot.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_ba6cc3a1
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_ba6cc3a1
 Granblue Fantasy (Video Game)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_ba6cc3a1
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_bb2b811a
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_bb2b811a
Divine Divinity has a sword in a stone in northern area of Dark Forest. The sword is sealing a demon, and if you get that sword out, the demon will come out and attack you. Killing it will only send it back to the stone, which it would come out again. Not sealing the demon away after it retreated and left the map will result in the demon killing all NPCs in the map. Don't take the sword!
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_bb2b811a
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_bb2b811a
 Divine Divinity (Video Game)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_bb2b811a
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_bc848d30
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_bc848d30
In SpongeBob SquarePants, the titular character was able to pull the golden spatula out of the ancient grease in a museum (when no others can). King Neptune shows up but refuses to accept SpongeBob because he doesn't appear to be fry cook material, so he and challenges SpongeBob in a patty-cooking competition, promising Spongebob godhood should he win.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_bc848d30
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_bc848d30
 SpongeBob SquarePants
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_bc848d30
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_bcadd7cb
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_bcadd7cb
In William King's Warhammer 40,000 Space Wolf novel Wolfblade, when Haegr tells Ragnor that he is marked for greatness, Ragnor is dismissive, saying he has brought great catatrosphe on the Chapter, losing the Spear of Russ. Haegr says that he wielded the Spear of Russ, which is evidence enough of greatness.
In a later book, this becomes a subversion. Russ actually hated the spear and was constantly losing it - often while drunk. To him, it was an embarrassing gift from his dad, not a symbol of worthiness from the God-Emperor.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_bcadd7cb
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_bcadd7cb
 Warhammer 40,000 (Tabletop Game)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_bcadd7cb
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_bcbf1718
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_bcbf1718
Fate/Extella Link: Charlemagne's Noble Phantasm "Joyeuse Ordre: Exemplify the Heroic King, O' Twelve Radiant Swords That Travel the Wide World", derived from his sword, Joyeuse, allows him to summon and use the weapons of his Paladins, which includes Astolfo's Trap of Argalia. Karl der Große, an Alternate Self of Charlemagne, also has Joyeuse, but since he is based on the mundane, real life version of Charlemagne and not the one from the myths, he cannot use Joyeuse Ordre, so he only wields it as a sword.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_bcbf1718
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_bcbf1718
 Fate/Extella Link (Video Game)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_bcbf1718
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_bf06a0b3
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_bf06a0b3
In The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (1992), only Link, the Legendary Hero, can pull the Master Sword out of its plinth.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_bf06a0b3
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_bf06a0b3
 The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (1992) (Comic Book)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_bf06a0b3
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_bffa650a
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_bffa650a
Pili Fantasy: War of Dragons: The divine Dragon Bone Sacred Sword can only be wielded by its chosen; anyone else touching it dies. So far only three people have wielded it, and one other touched it.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_bffa650a
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_bffa650a
 Pili Fantasy: War of Dragons
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_bffa650a
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_c08ac18b
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_c08ac18b
For a time after the events of Original Sin, no god could wield Mjölnir, not even Odin himself, which turns out to be because of Thor — during a particularly bad period — agreeing with Gorr the God Butcher that the gods are evil and do not deserve worship and unwittingly influencing Mjölnir's enchantment. Once Thor comes to his senses thanks to a pep talk from Beta Ray Bill, he and any other worthy gods become capable of wielding it again.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_c08ac18b
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_c08ac18b
 Original Sin (Comic Book)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_c08ac18b
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_c22f50d5
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_c22f50d5
Goblins in the Castle: The light-providing amulet that Granny Pinchbottom gave William. It only works in his hands, as evidenced when it doesn't glow for Herky and even stops when William hands it to Fauna. Once it's back in his hands, it comes back on with no problem.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_c22f50d5
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_c22f50d5
 Goblins in the Castle
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_c22f50d5
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_c32a966f
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_c32a966f
In the first My Little Pony: Equestria Girls movie, Sunset Shimmer steals the Element of Magic, but has to take it to another universe in order to actually use it herself. Even then, while able to twist its power (which ultimately overwhelms and twists her), the Element of Magic explicitly does not belong to her and when she attempts to use it against Twilight (its true owner), it rejects her and gives Twilight and her friends the power to defeat her instead.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_c32a966f
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_c32a966f
 My Little Pony: Equestria Girls
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_c32a966f
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_c3d129cd
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_c3d129cd
High School D×D:
Holy swords like Excalibur and Durandal can only be wielded by people with a lot of light attribute in their bodies. The evil Archbishop Valper Galilei developed a means of harvesting light attribute from people who naturally had it, which killed them in the process, so he could endow others with the ability to use them. The Church later develops a method of producing artificial light attribute so many more wielders are created.
Siegfried, actually a clone of the original mythological Siegfried, wields the swords Gram, Balmung, Nothung, Dáinsleif, and Tyrfing. Since he doesn't train to actually master them and just wields them carelessly, the swords start to get fed up with him, with Gram forcing him to give up his lifespan to use it. During a fight against Yuuto Kiba, Gram senses that Kiba is more worthy and jumps into his hand, allowing him to use it to kill Siegfried. Afterwards, the other swords choose Kiba as their master and he trains to master Gram so it doesn't drain him.
In the light novel version, Issei Hyoudou is given a replica of Mjölnir, but he is unable to lift it until the goddess Chimune Chipaoti blesses him. In the anime version, he can lift the real one with no problem after Odin personally handed it to him and gave him permission.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_c3d129cd
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_c3d129cd
 High School D×D
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_c3d129cd
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_c4282b71
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_c4282b71
My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic has the Mane Six and the Elements of Harmony; as indicated in the Season 2 premiere, only they can wield their power. Celestia and Luna once wielded the Elements, but they have now become more attuned to the Mane Six. The Mane Six were briefly unable to wield the Elements when Discord corrupted them, but regained the ability when they shook off his influence.
In the Season Four premiere, the Mane Six were forced to give up the physical embodiments of the Elements of Harmony, which took the form of five necklaces (for Kindness, Laughter, Loyalty, Honesty, and Generosity) and a tiara (for Magic). As Twilight Sparkle suspected, the girls have become so connected to the Elements that they no longer need those symbols to use their power—they can summon the magic on their own.
Season Four's story arc also had each of the Mane Six facing a difficult choice about her particular Element (for example, Applejack, who represents Honesty, had to decide whether or not to expose a phony elixir that had a Placebo Effect on ponies, including her own grandmother). When they inevitably chose to stand for their virtue and not let themselves be tempted, each pony received a token of appreciation from one of the citizens they helped. Those tokens turned into this trope, as they transformed into the keys to the Chest of Harmony that only the Element Bearers could open.
In the first My Little Pony: Equestria Girls movie, Sunset Shimmer steals the Element of Magic, but has to take it to another universe in order to actually use it herself. Even then, while able to twist its power (which ultimately overwhelms and twists her), the Element of Magic explicitly does not belong to her and when she attempts to use it against Twilight (its true owner), it rejects her and gives Twilight and her friends the power to defeat her instead.
In "The Mean 6", Queen Chrysalis creates evil clones of the Mane Six and tries to have them steal the Elements of Harmony, saying she's aware only the Mane Six can use them but believing her clones can get around that restriction. She's wrong and the clones get destroyed when they try to use them.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_c4282b71
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_c4282b71
 My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_c4282b71
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_c489a759
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_c489a759
How the Digidestined received their Digimon and powerups (in the form of eggs on stone pillars) in Digimon Adventure 02. Also used at least once in Digimon Frontier.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_c489a759
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_c489a759
 Digimon Adventure 02
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_c489a759
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_c51cb60a
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_c51cb60a
One chapter in a Changeling: The Lost sourcebook deals with legendary items infused with the magic of the Wyrd (such as the shears of the Fates or Bran the Blessed's cauldron). The fiction for the chapter has a lone changeling finding a magical sword and being somewhat disenchanted that it's still just a magic sword after all these years — mind you, in one concession to modernity, it's embedded in an engine block.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_c51cb60a
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_c51cb60a
 Changeling: The Lost (Tabletop Game)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_c51cb60a
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_c62995ba
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_c62995ba
Child of the Storm has Mjolnir, which is primarily wielded by Thor, but others are noted as being Worthy. The first of these is Steve... who apparently had absolutely no idea of the significance and ended up using it as a doorstop. During the story itself, two others wield the hammer when Thor's either out of commission or not around: Diana, during the Battle of London, and Maddie at the Red Room facility after a Heel–Face Turn. It speaks volumes of the significance of being judged Worthy that when she appears with Mjolnir in hand, before handing it back to Thor, everyone takes it for granted that she's telling the truth about her Heel–Face Turn.
Intriguingly, Maddie's case demonstrates both the fact that Mjolnir has some kind of mind of its own and the Character Development from Unworthy to Worthy - when Maddie investigates it with her Psychic Powers, she's initially immediately rebuffed as Unworthy, but when she inquires further, Mjolnir shows her images of prior wielders, how they were Worthy, and how in one crucial instant wiped from her memory, she showed that she could be Worthy too.
The Green Lantern Ring is also sentient, to an unknown extent, and picky about wielders, requiring insane strength of will - for instance, it doesn't usually take teenagers, but it's willing to relax its rules in that specific regard where necessary (i.e. where the wielder meets every other requirement and the fate of the universe is at stake).
The Swords of the Cross (including Amoracchius, the sword most people think of as Excalibur) are also choosy. At best, they simply won't do anything more than an ordinary sword, or be anything more than an ordinary sword. At worst, they will bite. Hard.
The original Excalibur actually subverts this trope. Which only the Chosen is meant to wield it, it's based on the Merlin (2008) version, which is more like the Sword in the Stone - it started out as an ordinary but excellent sword, got reforged/enchanted in the flames of a dragon, leaving it able to (among other things) kill the undead. However, anyone who got their hands on it could theoretically wield it, which is exactly why it got stuffed in a rock by Merlin in the first place, to prevent anyone he didn't allow from removing it. As mentioned, the second Excalibur, Amoracchius, plays it straight.
Related to that, Harry's sword follows a very similar path: it's forged by Uhtred, a very talented but otherwise ordinary young warrior and blacksmith out of ordinary materials... or their Asgardian versions, anyway. Then, it gets reforged/enchanted by the connivance of Doctor Strange, who grew up in Camelot and witnessed the original at work, under similar circumstances. Doctor Strange's enchantments wove these together, and ensured they had lasting effects. No one's entirely sure what all of those are yet, but one of the things that Loki immediately identifies is that Harry should be very careful who he lets touch it, as it might... bite.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_c62995ba
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_c62995ba
 Child of the Storm (Fanfic)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_c62995ba
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_c96cfe29
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_c96cfe29
In some games, Link has to prove that he is the ancient legends' prophesied Hero before he is able to draw the sword. Before winning the Pendants of Virtue in A Link to the Past, Link will not be able to pull the Master Sword. In Ocarina of Time, the sword sits on the other side of a massive stone door that only opens with the gathering of the three Spiritual Stones.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_c96cfe29
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_c96cfe29
 The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (Video Game)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_c96cfe29
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_ca48bb5c
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_ca48bb5c
Subverted in Fable. The Sword of Hewn doesn't need any special requirements, you just have to be physically strong enough to get it out of that rock - a hard feat indeed. This is then beautifully subverted again in the fact that you don't actually pull the sword out of the rock; you actually pull the sword and the rock out of the ground.
In the extended cut version, The Lost Chapters, this is how you get the sword Avo's Tear. In the core game's original ending, if you opt to forsake the evil option and cast aside the Sword of Aeons, you are deemed worthy and noble enough to wield Avo's Tear.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_ca48bb5c
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_ca48bb5c
 Fable (Video Game)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_ca48bb5c
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_ca876243
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_ca876243
King Arthur: Legend of the Sword
Having been warned that the Rightful King Returns, King Vortigern has his soldiers bring everyone in his kingdom of the right age to be his missing nephew to where the sword is in the stone to attempt to pull it out, branding them after the test. Arthur is brought in when he's questioned and discovered not to have the brand. In a subversion, Arthur is knocked out and easily captured after removing the sword because he can't handle the power and memories that overwhelm him when he grasps the hilt. The stone is later revealed to be Arthur's father Taken for Granite after deliberately impaling himself on Excalibur so his evil brother couldn't take it.
Invoked later when Vortigern uses Excalibur to kill a mage-controlled snake as it leaps at him from a pillar, but the sword gets stuck in the stone pillar so he can't remove it to defend himself when a much bigger magical snake attacks.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_ca876243
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_ca876243
 King Arthur: Legend of the Sword
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_ca876243
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_cacc7427
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_cacc7427
Galavant: There is a legend of a king who will come and bring all the kingdoms under his reign in peace. The mythical sword is even in a stump with a sign engraved on the stump telling people this is the real sword. The titular hero Galavant even comes across it but doesn't try pulling it out. He doesn't even read the sign. Neither does his companion, the former evil King Richard, who pulls the blade out of the stump, realize the meaning of this event. Later in the series finale, the True King loses the sword, it landing in a rock but the Big Bad cannot pull it out. After he is defeated, the True King shows off his ability to put the blade in any rock or ground and be able to pull it out.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_cacc7427
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_cacc7427
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_cacc7427
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_caec3927
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_caec3927
In Pretty Cure All Stars - Spring Carnival, the main villain, having stolen the heroine's collective Transformation Trinket, tries to use them to turn into a so-called "Cure Thief". However, it's pointed out by one of the fairies that only the "Legendary Hero Precure" (re: our heroines) can use them. He laughs it off and claims he knew that.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_caec3927
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_caec3927
 Pretty Cure All Stars
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_caec3927
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_cb6abea3
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_cb6abea3
The Millennium Items tend to kill holders they don't deem worthy.
People who try to use counterfeit versions of the Egyptian God Cards get hit with a Bolt of Divine Retribution.
Marik Ishtar has Strings duel Yugi with the Egyptian God Card Saint Dragon of Osiris/Slifer The Sky Dragon. They get around the restrictions because Strings is an Empty Shell and Marik, who is worthy, is controlling him, so in reality, Marik is the one wielding it.
Gurimo steals the Egyptian God Card, Obelisk The Tormentor, and uses it against Yugi. He gets around the restrictions with The Seal of Orichalcos, which is powerful enough to control Obelisk. Even then, Obelisk struggles and the strain of controlling him takes its toll on Gurimo.
After the Pharaoh gives into temptation and uses The Seal of Orichalcos, his Legendary Dragon, The Eye of Timaeus, deems him unworthy and disappears from the duel, then disappears whenever he tries to play it. He eventually redeems himself and regains Timaeus' trust.
Strangely, despite using the Seal of Orichalcos, Valon is able to use his Data Brain card to copy Rocket Hermos Cannon, which was created by the Legendary Dragon, The Claw of Hermos, and wield it without any ill effects.
Offscreen, Mai Valentine took Joey Wheeler's Legendary Dragon, The Claw of Hermos, and tried to duel Rafael. Since she had previously used The Seal of Orichalcos, Hermos deemed her unworthy and disappeared when she tried to play it, leading to her loss.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_cb6abea3
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_cb6abea3
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_cb6abea3
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_cb6abef3
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_cb6abef3
The Avengers: He momentarily distracts The Hulk by having him catch the hammer but be unable to move it.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_cb6abef3
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_cb6abef3
 The Avengers (2012)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_cb6abef3
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_ce50887e
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_ce50887e
The Z Sword from the Buu Saga of Dragon Ball is suggested to be such a weapon in Kai legend, but in reality it just seems that it's really, really heavy. It's stuck in a stone pillar on a planet in the afterlife, and Gohan has to go Super Saiyan 2 before he can pull it out. It's still incredibly heavy once it's removed, too - he can barely lift it without transforming. Then the good guys break it by accident while training, releasing the old Kaioshin sealed within it, who turns out to be a lot more helpful than the sword itself.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_ce50887e
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_ce50887e
 Dragon Ball (Manga)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_ce50887e
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_ce7dace7
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_ce7dace7
Too Many Curses: The Sword in the Cabbage, which can only be removed from whatever it is thrust into by a true hero. Unfortunately, its last wielder was going blind when he decided to retire and accidentally stabbed it into a leafy vegetable, much to the sword's embarrassment. Sir Thedeus discovers that he can pull it out, and the sword can even suppress his curse, for a few minutes per day, after which he transforms back into a tiny bat with nowhere near the strength to lift, much less wield the sword and drops it into something else it has to be pulled from. By the end of the book it's the Sword in the Hellhound skeleton, a much worthier resting place in its opinion.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_ce7dace7
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_ce7dace7
 Too Many Curses
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_ce7dace7
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_cfd860dd
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_cfd860dd
Nasuverse: Heroic Spirits possess "Noble Phantasms": Weapons, armour, or other tools that are as much a part of their legends as they are, and which only they know how to use properly (which includes the Trope Namer, as King Arthur is a Heroic Spirit). Word of God has it that if a Servant's Noble Phantasm were to be stolen, the thief would find the stolen Noble Phantasm unwieldy and be unable to invoke its powers. Of course, there are a myriad of exceptions, each with a justification of their own.
Gilgamesh has the Noble Phantasm Gate of Babylon, a pocket dimension that holds, in addition to his own unique Phantasms, a copy of the "prototype" of nearly every legendary weapon in existence. Because he is considered their original "owner" he is able to wield them, though far less effectively since while he has some swordsmanship skill, he is not an expert and he doesn't know how to use his weapons' abilities efficiently. Gate of Babylon doesn't have certain items like Excalibur, Rhongomyniad, Avalon, Knight of Owner, God Hand, Kavacha and Kundala, and Vasavi Shakti, because they were either created after Gilgamesh's time, or were created by fairies and not distributed to mankind. In the alternate universe of Fate/kaleid liner PRISMA☆ILLYA, Gilgamesh discovers to his chagrin that Gate of Babylon doesn't have any of Julian Ainsworth or Darius Ainsworth's Noble Phantasms like Authoritarian Personalism, Apneic Beauty, and Shadow Hand of Code. This is because Darius created these Noble Phantasms recently with a combination of his powers and Pandora's Box, another item not in Gate of Babylon, meaning they had never existed before and only he or those with his permission can use them.
Berserker has a Noble Phantasm called Knight of Owner that allows him to become an Instant Expert for any weapon he takes into his hands - including an enemy's Noble Phantasm, should he wrest it from their grasp.
Kiritsugu Emiya had acquired Saber's Noble Phantasm, Avalon, which heals its holder's injuries and works for any holder, but it only responds to Saber's mana, so it only works when Saber is near the holder. Kiritsugu and his wife Irisviel both make use of it. At the end, he plants it into Shirou, and though Saber is gone, it had stored enough of Saber's mana to heal him. It then goes inert until Saber is summoned again in Fate/stay night. Even then, Saber (and Shirou when he projects it) are the only ones who can use Avalon's true function as an absolute defense against attacks.
Fate/stay night:
Archer and his past self Shirou Emiya have Unlimited Blade Works, a Mental World that makes them able to copy any weapon they see, including Noble Phantasms. Due to the nature of their magecraft, they are also considered an "owner" and are able to mimic the original wielder's skills to a degree. They are unable to copy divine weapons like Excalibur because they lack divinity and cannot copy it. In the Fate route, though Avalon is divine, Shirou is able to copy and use it because he holds the original inside his body and he has a spiritual connection to Saber. He loses the ability in the ending when he returns the original Avalon to Saber and then she disappears back to her time. In one of the Heaven's Feel route's endings, Shirou goes beyond his limits to copy Excalibur, but using it kills him. However, Archer's counterpart in the Fate/EXTRA series is able to copy Excalibur because it takes place in Cyberspace, allowing him to bend the rules.
While noncanon, the 2006 anime has Caster put Sakura Matou under mind control and pass her Caster's Noble Phantasm, the dagger Rule Breaker, to ambush Saber. After Sakura stabs Saber, Caster comments that since it wasn't actually her wielding Rule Breaker, its power was weakened. Instead of being able to steal Saber's Servant Contract, the stab simply weakened her.
In both Fate/hollow ataraxia and Fate/kaleid liner PRISMA☆ILLYA: Bazett Fraga McRemitz, a human, is able to use the Noble Phantasm Fragarach. Its original owner, the god Manannán mac Lir, gifted it to the god Lugh, who in turn gifted to her ancestor. Her family possesses a Sorcery Trait known as Traditional Carriers – God's Holders, which allows them to pass on their abilities through bloodline rather than teachings, so she inherited her ancestor's ability to wield it.
Fate/kaleid liner PRISMA☆ILLYA: Several human magi can use Class Cards to take on the powers and skills of Servants, allowing them access to their Noble Phantasms. Since Chloe von Einzbern and the Miyuverse version of Shirou Emiya bonded with the Class Card for the Archer of stay night, they inherited his ability to copy Noble Phantasms. In this alternate universe, they are able to copy divine weapons at the cost of them becoming hollow and brittle. Beatrice Flowerchild wields Mjölnir itself, which makes everyone assume that her Class Card is Thor, since only Thor can wield Mjölnir, but it turns out to actually be Magni, the son of Thor who inherited Mjölnir after his death. Magni and thus Beatrice also inherited Thor's belt Megingjörð and iron glove Járngreipr.
Karna gives his armor and earring, Kavacha and Kundala, to his Master Jinako Carigiri to protect her. In his legend, he traded Kavacha and Kundala to Indra for the spear Vasavi Shakti, so he cannot use Vasavi Shakti unless he removes his protections. Since Kavacha and Kundala's protective powers are always active, Jinako doesn't have to do anything to benefit from them.
Passionlip carries a portion of Brynhildr's Divinity, allowing her imitate Brynhildr's Noble Phantasm, Brynhildr Romantia. It is modified into a Rocket Punch instead of a spear, but it has the same properties of increasing in strength the more she loves the target.
Fate/Extella: The Umbral Star: Altera wields the Sword of Mars, Photon Ray, because her original self, Sefar, defeated Ares in combat and took it as a trophy. Ares is really pissed off about this, and no matter where or when she is, when she invokes the sword's powers, Ares senses it and tries to reclaim it by trying to smite her with a Kill Sat-like strike, which she cleverly redirects into her opponents. When Ares is briefly summoned in Fate/Grand Order, he uses a different sword since he never got Photon Ray back.
Fate/Extra Last Encore: Rin Tohsaka and Rani VIII were granted the powers of their Servants Cu Chulainn and Lu Bu respectively, so they can use their Noble Phantasms Gae Bolg and God Force.
Fate/Prototype: Perseus shares two Noble Phantasms with Medusa. Harpe: The Immortal Slaying Scythe used to belong to Medusa back when she was human, but it was confiscated by the gods when she was cursed into the Gorgon and exiled to the Shapeless Isle. The gods then armed Perseus with it when he was tasked to slay her. Medusa had Bellerophon: The Bridle of Chivalry, which allows her to summon and control Pegasus, because Pegasus is her son. In this version of the story, Perseus tamed and rode Pegasus after slaying Medusa.
Saber of Red has an interesting example in her sword Clarent. While legend makes it Saber's Noble Phantasm, Mordred stole the sword from her father in life. As it was created to represent the rightful rule of the king, its theft and use against Arthur weakened the sword. When Mordred uses her ultimate attack, Clarent Blood Arthur, she channels her anger of her father and her energy into Clarent to force it to obey her and perform at its full potential.
It is mentioned that the Hanging Gardens of Babylon rightfully belong to Nebuchadnezzar II, the man who built them, but because so many people believe Semiramis built them, Assassin of Red has them as one of her Noble Phantasms. Even then, she cannot naturally conjure them up; she has to construct the Hanging Gardens herself out of stone from her home country in order to use them.
Saber of Black/Siegfried sacrifices himself to save Sieg's life by transplanting his heart into him. This causes Sieg to inherit his powers and Noble Phantasms, Balmung and the Armor of Fafnir. Near the end, it is revealed that when Berserker of Black/Frankenstein inadvertently revived Sieg with her lightning, some of her life force merged with him, causing him to inherit her powers and Noble Phantasms, Bridal Chest and Blasted Tree, as well.
Rider of Black is able to successfully use Rider of Red's shield Noble Phantasm, Akhilleus Kosmos, but this is only possible because the shield was freely offered. Furthermore, Rider of Red/Achilles is known for donating arms to others in his legend while Rider of Black/Astolfo is known for borrowing others' armaments; if neither of these had been true, the shield could not have been lent.
Gilles de Rais is able to wield Ruler's Noble Phantasm, Luminosité Eternelle, because they knew and trusted each other in life.
Toyotomi Hideyoshi is mentioned to have a Noble Phantasm called Blade Taker: Sword Hunt. This allows him to steal and use his opponent's weapons if he wins a Luck Check, based on how in life, Hideyoshi organized sword hunts where he confiscated his enemies' weapons.
Tokugawa Ieyasu, who is actually one of Ieyasu's body doubles, has the ability to switch between all seven of the regular Classes. Whenever he does this, he can use a Noble Phantasm associated with one of Ieyasu's vassals who fits the Class. For example, if he is Saber, he uses Yagyuu Tajima-no-Kami Munenori's sword, Daitengu Masaie. If he is Lancer, he uses Honda Tadakatsu's spear, Tonbokiri. If he is Berserker, he uses one of Senji Muramasa's swords. If he is Archer, Rider, Caster, or Assassin, he uses a breech-loading swivel gun, red armor, one of the Seven Jewels of Chakravarti, and a kunai, respectively, but these weapon's names and owners are not yet revealed.
Lord El-Melloi II Case Files:
Gray is able to wield King Arthur's lance, Rhongomyniad, because she was Raised as a Host to house King Arthur's spirit. Theoretically, she should be able to wield Caliburn, Excalibur, and Avalon as well.
Servant Faker is able to use Iskandar's Skills and Noble Phantasms due to being his Body Double in life to the point she doesn't actually have a name of her own, simply being called "Iskandar's Shadow", represented by her own Skill "For He is Another Iskandar (Fake)". As revealed in Grand Order, this includes the Reality Marble Ionian Hetaroi, but due to who she is and its specific requirements she'll die after invoking it.
Ergo can use Sun Wukong's extending staff Ruyi Jingu Bang because he was infused with some of Sun Wukong's power. Ergo was also infused with some of Set's power, allowing him to use his Noble Phantasm, Per Djet. Per Djet allows him to paralyze an enemy, and when he releases them, he can copy their Noble Phantasm.
Typhon stole Harpe and Nega-Keraunos, the thunderbolts of Zeus, in life. Bai Ruolong was infused with some of Typhon's power, giving him access to these and Typhon's personal Noble Phantasm, Blaze of Etna.
Fate/strange Fake:
False Assassin was a member of The Hashshashin who diligently studied the Zabaniya, or killing techiniques, of her order's leaders, Hassan-i-Sabbah. Her Noble Phantasm, Zabaniya: Phantasmal Pedigree, allows her to copy 18 of the 19 Zabaniyas (she can't use Hassan of the Hundred Faces' Zabaniya because he was her contemporary and she didn't have an opportunity to study him).
True Archer has a Noble Phantasm called Reincarnation Pandora that allows him to steal enemy Noble Phantasms, gaining the ability to use them. Notably, he can steal Noble Phantasms that are conceptual in nature, as shown when he stole False Berserker's From Hell, a Noble Phantasm that allows False Berserker to transform into a demon. He also has a copy of True Rider's magic strength-enhancing sash, Goddess of War, because in life, he killed her and took it. It is mentioned that since True Rider is the true owner of Goddess of War, her version of the sash is more powerful than his.
Saber has a Noble Phantasm called Excalibur: Sword of Forever Distant Victory, which gives him the ability to turn anything he holds into a copy of the legendary blade Excalibur, based on his sincere belief that anything he holds is Excalibur. This includes enemy Noble Phantasms. However, since they are copies, they are not as powerful as the real one, and it is mentioned that if he were holding the real one, while he would be able to use it, he would not be able to bring out its full potential.
True Caster shares a Noble Phantasm with the Caster from Fate/Zero, Prelati's Spellbook. This is because True Caster is Francois Prelati, the man who created the Spellbook, and the Caster from Fate/Zero is Gilles de Rais, his student whom he gave the Spellbook to in life as a present. However, in the story, Prelati doesn't have the Spellbook with him when he is summoned because he gave it to Gilles and he wasn't able to recreate it in life, and it is mentioned Gilles needs to return it to him on a spiritual level for him to use it.
Gilgamesh arrogantly throws away the spare key to his Gate of Babylon, saying it is useless in the hands of humans. This backfires when Ishtar obtains it. Due to being a goddess and deeply connected to his legend, she is able to control his Gate of Babylon and forcefully shut it down.
The Godfelling Crossbow belonged to Qin Shi Huangdi. It is used as a catalyst to summon the spirit Jiao, who says the crossbow killed it, so it has a connection to it. Jiao hands the crossbow to the human Sigma and gives him permission to use it.
Fate/Grand Order:
Cu Chulainn and Scathach are both able to use the spear Gae Bolg because in life, Scathach was the one who made it and she gave it to Cu Chulainn as a present when he finished his training.
One of Lancer Karna's Noble Phantasms, Brahmastra, is shared by the Saber Rama. In this case, it's because this particular weapon was capable of being wielded by multiple people across the various epics of their legends.
Parvati borrowed her husband Shiva's trident, Trishula Shakti, but it is mentioned that since she is not the true owner, she cannot bring out its full potential. Meanwhile, Rama has a Noble Phantasm called "Vishnu B�jū: Arms of the Great One", which grants him access to several divine weapons gifted by the sage Vishwamitra. This plus the fact Rama is an avatar of the god Vishnu allows him to wield Trishula Shakti.
Sita was never a warrior in life, but as an Archer, she wields the bow Haradhanu Janaka, which belongs to her husband Rama, because Rama granted her his powers and permission. Not to mention in the myth she was the only person besides Rama who was strong enough to lift the bow.
One of Queen Medb's Noble Phantasms, Fergus My Love, allows her to summon and wield Fergus' Noble Phantasm, Caladbolg: The Rainbow Sword. This is because Fergus was her lover in life and they shared many gifts. She has another Noble Phantasm called Conchobar My Love, which lets her borrow her other lover Conchobar's ability to see the future.
One of King David's Noble Phantasms is Hamesh Avanim, the sling and stones he used to defeat Goliath. Lore-wise, because of how he used it to knock Goliath out and then steal his sword, if he uses it to knock out a Servant, he can swipe their Noble Phantasm and use it. Even better, the Noble Phantasm becomes David's by God's Divine Authority, so the Servant will be unable to take it back. David also has the Ark of the Covenant, which kills anyone not authorized by God who touches it. Besides David, only people deemed worthy by God like Moses can touch it safely. It overrides other divine protection, as it killed Heracles, Zeus' chosen one protected by God Hand when he touched it.
Xuanzang Sanzang wields Sun Wukong's extending staff Ruyi Jingu Bang, Zhu Bajie's Nine-toothed Rake, and Sha Wujing's Monk's Spade because her three disciples loved her so much that they granted them to her when she was summoned. Ironically, she doesn't even recognize the weapons, so she cannot use them to their full potential.
Lore-wise, Sir Gawain can wield Excalibur because there were times King Arthur loaned it to him in life, plus he had proven himself worthy of its sister sword Galatine.
In life, King Arthur gave Excalibur to Sir Bedivere so he could return it to the Lady of the Lake, but in this verse, he kept the sword and Merlin eventually modified it into an artificial arm for him. He has a Noble Phantasm called "Switch On - Airgetlám", his artificial arm, which he can eventually turn into Excalibur to wield.
Merlin is able to use Caliburn, the Sword in the Stone itself, since he created and gave it to King Arthur in the first place.
The Lady of Lake herself who is actually a Split Personality of Morgan le Fay would logically be able to use Excalibur.
Ishtar's Noble Phantasm, "An Gal T� Kigal Shē", has her use her authority as a goddess of Venus to use planet Venus itself as a weapon. However, other deities with Venus in their domain like Quetzalcoatl can catch the attack and even take control of it to use it against her.
Rider Mordred wields Prydwen, a shield that can turn into a ship or surfboard. It belonged to King Arthur, but just like with Clarent, she stole it from her father in life.
Lore-wise, one of Musashibou Benkei's Noble Phantasms, called Eighth Implement, like True Archer in strange fake, is the ability to steal and use his enemies' Noble Phantasms against them. Also this man is actually Hitachibou Kaison, one of Benkei's comrades who fled in fear while he was being killed. To repent for his cowardice, he took on Benkei's identity to spread his story. Due to taking his identity, Kaison has his skills and Noble Phantasms.
Penthesilea has the strength-enhancing sash Goddess of War because she is the sister of True Rider from strange fake.
Senji Muramasa is able to forge Tsumukari Muramasa, a recreation of the legendary sword Kusanagi-no-Tachi. Since he isn't a god or demigod, using the sword kills him. However, when he gets properly summoned as a Servant, he can use Tsumukari Muramasa as many times as he wants, likely because he is creating slightly weaker versions to mitigate the backlash. He expresses awe for Ibuki-Douji, a wielder of the actual Kusanagi.
Minamoto no Raikou was the leader of the Four Heavenly Kings, so in her Berserker form, her Noble Phantasm, Ox-King Storm Call - The Inescapable Net of Heaven, allows her to create duplicates of herself that wield her subordinates' weapons. These include Sakata Kintoki's axe, Watanabe no Tsuna's sword, Urabe no Suetake's bow, and Usui Sadamitsu's naginata.
The Lancer version of Minamoto no Raikou has the spear Vajra. Arjuna is shocked and points out that Vajra belongs to his father, the Hindu god Indra, so he wonders how the Japanese Raikou has it. It turns out that Raikou's father Gozu Tennou was actually Indra under an alias, so she is Arjuna's half-sister and one of Indra's heirs. When she prayed to her father for aid, he gave her Vajra. Kama also wields Vajra because of an incident where she did Indra a favor and Indra allowed her to borrow Vajra as thanks. Vritra also wields Vajra because when Indra stabbed her with it, Vajra was lodged in her mouth, so she pulled it out and used it.
The sword Usumidori originally belonged to Minamoto no Raikou, but Ushiwakamaru has it because she is Raikou's descendant and inherited it.
The Rider Mandricardo is able to wield the Lancer Hektor's spear Durindana. This is due to the connection of their legends, as Mandricardo is able to wield the sword Durandal, which was repurposed by Hektor into Durindana and was restored to its original form some time after his death. Since the sword and spear are simply two forms of the same weapon, they can wield either one without issue. Particularly notable since Mandricardo isn't summoned with Durandal because he lost it and never got it back before his death in legend, and in fact has a Noble Phantasm called Serment de Durandal that lets him give Durandal's power to any weapon he possesses, even another Noble Phantasm. His second Noble Phantasm, Rêve de Durandal, is what allows him to wield Durandal and Durindana, but it only works if Mandricardo truly believes he is worthy. By extension, this also means Roland, the man most famous for wielding Durandal, would also be able to wield Durindana without issue. Mandricardo's skill, Armor of the Nine Worthies, allows him to use Hektor's armor, having acquired it in life.
Lore-wise, Astolfo's Hippogriff originally belonged to Bradamante, and he traded his spear Trap of Argalia to her for it, which means she would be able to use them too.
Goetia has King Solomon's Noble Phantasms because he possessed Solomon's corpse. When the real Solomon shows up as a Servant, he is able to reclaim his Noble Phantasms and then sacrifice himself, cutting off Goetia's access to them.
Mash Kyrielight is able to wield Galahad's shield, Lord Camelot, because she was Raised as a Host to house Galahad's spirit. After Goetia is defeated, Galahad decides to stop helping the heroes and revokes the powers he gave to Mash. Mash finds herself unable to use Lord Camelot anymore. Ritsuka Fujimaru uses a Command Spell to order Galahad to help them, but he resists, leaving Mash with only a fraction of his power. Even with the Ortenaus device augmenting her powers, Mash is only able to use a degraded version called Mold Camelot. However, Da Vinci suspects that it was the shock of Galahad saying he revoked her powers that made her unable to use them. This is seemingly proven in the British Lostbelt when Mash loses her memories, including of Galahad, and gains full access to her powers and Noble Phantasm. She keeps her powers when she gets her memories back.
In the second Lostbelt, Gotterdammerung, Surtr the Fire Giant is able to use all of Sigurd's Noble Phantasms, most notably his Cool Sword Gram, because he's currently possessing Sigurd's body and Spirit Origin. When his spirit is freed from Sigurd's body he loses access to them, but that was fine by him because it allowed him to unseal his real body.
Odin gave the Valkyries his blessing to wield his spear, Gungnir, so they all have a copy of it when they perform their Noble Phantasm, "Ragnarök Lífþrasir". It is said that their copies are weaker than the original.
During the third Summer event, Robin Hood lends his Noble Phantasm No Face May King: Faceless King to Edmond Dantes to help the latter in investigating the "Groundhog Day" Loop they've been trapped in without BB catching him. In this case, it's because "Robin Hood" is technically a Composite Character of numerous rogues who assumed the title, which allows him to lend it to anyone of his choosing.
For some reason, Ashwatthama has Sudarshan Chakra Yamaraj, a divine chakram owned by Krishna, even though he had never used it in life and in his myth was unworthy of it. The others are baffled and even he doesn't know why he can use it.
Lu Bu's Noble Phantasm is God Force, his halberd that can shape-shift into different forms. His beloved horse Red Hare eventually becomes a Servant, turning into a Centaur-like creature. Red Hare's Noble Phantasm is Imitation God Force, which uses a bow to fire the halberd like an arrow.
Jason and his former wife Medea both have the Golden Fleece since they had both owned it.
Poseidon granted Caenis his Divine Authority, allowing her to use his Trident.
Romulus-Quirinus has access to a version of Heracles' Noble Phantasm, Nine Lives. This is because of a version of his legend that says Heracles is his father. Although this is not true, enough people believe this that it comes true, giving Romulus-Quirinus the benefits of being raised and trained by Heracles, including inheriting his techniques.
The Berserker version of Brynhildr has the Noble Phantasm, Brynhildr Sigurutein, a sword which requires her husband Sigurd to use. "Only Brynhildr can summon it and only Sigurd can swing it." The sword is a replica of one that Odin gave to Tyr that Brynhildr imitates with her Primordial Rune magic. Since Odin and Tyr are both Gods of War, this is presumably why Sigurd, the King of Warriors, is required to use it.
The Lancer version of Yu Mei-ren wields a spear from her husband, Xiang Yu, by recalling the sword dance she performed at the end of his life and refining it into a spear dance.
Professor James Moriarty and Erice Utsumi both have Freikugel, the magic bullets from Der Freischütz. Moriarty made a Fusion Dance with Max, who wielded the bullets, while Erice has the spirit of Samiel, who forged the bullets, inside her.
Erice Utsumi has Ame-no-Sakahoko, a replica of the goddess Izanami's spear Ame-no-Nuboko with most of the same powers. A few characters are confused at how she is able to wield it. Fate/Requiem eventually reveals that Erice is Izanami's daughter. Sakamoto Ryouma can wield Ame-no-Sakahoko as well because in his backstory, he discovered the dragon Oryou sealed by being pierced by the spear, and he was effortlessly able to remove it. Indeed, his Lancer version wields it, but during the sixth GUDAGUDA event, he gets possessed by the evil god Ama-no-Sakagami who wields it through his body. However, Rider Ryouma is able to steal the spear from Ama-no-Sakagami since they are technically the same person right now and the evil god is partially affected by the spear's anti-divine properties, though Ryouma also suffers pain in the process since he abandoned the Ame-no-Sakahoko in life after freeing Oryou and "it's a bit angry with him".
The Caster version of Altria wields Marmyadose, a sword that originally belonged to Heracles. She says she acquired it at some point during her travels in life. Something that we never get to see, though.
Ibuki-Douji wields the Kusanagi-no-Tachi, the sacred sword and Imperial Treasure that the god Susanoo found within the body of Yamata-no-Orochi after slaying the multi-headed dragon god. She is able to do this because she is the daughter/avatar of Orochi, and in "Hell Realm Mandala", she is able to give Kintoki the Kusanagi to use against Ashiya Douman. This is most likely due to how Susanoo was able to claim the sword from Orochi and gave it to his sister Amaterasu, as well as due to Kintoki's own natural divine nature (and even he has to use it via his Golden Bear Noble Phantasm).
One of Siegfried's Noble Phantasms is Das Rheingold, the cursed Dragon Hoard he claimed when he slew the dragon Fafnir. After his original death, the treasure was eventually claimed by the Einzbern family. Because of this, Sitonai, who uses Illya von Einzbern as a host body, can control the treasure and pacify it when the gold turns sentient and attacks people, and free people who have been cursed by it, though her control is still trumped by Moshirechik Kotanechik, the actual embodiment and spirit in control of the hoard.
In the British Lostbelt, the fae spirits Barghest, Baobhan Sith, and Melusine were granted the identities and powers of Sir Gawain, Sir Tristan, and Sir Lancelot by Morgan Le Fay. They are able to use variations of their Noble Phantasms Galatine, Failnaught, and Arondight respectively called Black Dog Galatine, Fetch Failnaught, and Innocence Arondight. Notably, Gawain and Lancelot's powers actually weaken Barghest and Melusine to an extent, as Barghest is a nocturnal fairy who doesn't receive as much benefit from the sun boost and Melusine is so naturally strong Lancelot's peerless combat skill doesn't actually help her much. It's implied this was even intentional on Morgan's part to inhibit their growths as Calamities. Also, the Morgan Le Fay native to this timeline, who ruled Camelot instead of Arthur, is the owner of several copies of Rhongomyniad. These Rhongomyniads are unique to her and she is the only one who can wield them, forcing Chaldea to negotiate with her instead of just taking them. When Altria Caster tries to use them, she notably fails and only succeeds when she converts the system into copies outputting Excalibur's power.
Sir Percival wields Lucius Longinus' Spear of Longinus because he and Kundry found it during his quest for the Holy Grail. In the British Lostbelt, Morgan Le Fay used to wield the Spear of Selection, but discarded it when she felt she was no longer worthy of it. This eventually allows the Lostbelt version of Percival to take it and it transforms into the Spear of Longinus in his hands.
The Lostbelt version of Habetrot kept Mash Kyrielight's Black Barrel for safe keeping for centuries (time travel was involved). This causes her to become attuned to it and become its "guardian fairy". The summoned version has a Noble Phantasm called Spinster Habetrot which allows her to summon and fire the Black Barrel, and her version does not have as many detrimental effects on the user's health. Since the summoned version does not have her Lostbelt self's memories, she does not understand why she has and can use the Black Barrel.
In the Arcade version of the game, Nebuchadnezzar II's spirit possesses a clone of Gilgamesh. This grants him Gate of Babylon, but he cannot access Gilgamesh's real treasures like Ea, Enkidu, and the Holy Grail.
The god Manannán mac Lir possesses Bazett Fraga McRemitz's body to be summoned as a Servant. They naturally use Fragarach, and since Manannán is Fragarach's original owner they can utilize it in ways Bazett could only dream of on her own, such as being able to Counter-Attack a far more variety of techniques rather than Bazett being limited solely to her opponent's "trump card". Since in legend, Manannán mac Lir originally owned and gave Diarmuid Ua Duibhne his weapons Gae Buidhe, Moraltach, and Beagaltach, they would be able to use them too.
Kriemhild wields her husband Siegfried's sword Balmung because in life, she used it to avenge his murder. Notably, while Siegfried manifests Balmung's holy side, Kriemhild manifests its demonic side.
The Saber version of Sir Gareth wields Robigus Ironside, the sword of Sir Ironside the Red Knight, because in life she defeated him and confiscated it.
The Avenger version of Erice Utsumi has Ame-no-Kagaminofune, the boat of the god Sukunabikona. She says he let her rent it due to her divine heritage.
Mori Ranmaru's Noble Phantasm is the severed head of Oda Nobunaga, which has the power to alter history. In his event, he gets mortally wounded, but prays for someone to recover the head. His prayers are answered by Mysterious Ranmaru X, a female counterpart of himself from another dimension. Since they are basically the same person, she is able to use the head to save the day.
The Britomart who appears here is actually the daughter of the original hero. She inherited two Noble Phantasms from her mother: the lance Penetrate Blaiddyd and the suit of armor Fortress Angela. In turn, her mother got these in life from the Briton King Bladud (Blaiddyd) and the Saxon Queen Angela, respectively.
Taira no Kagekiyo possessed Kiichi Hougen's student Ushiwakamaru, steals Hougen's Mallet of Fortune, and goes on a rampage with it. After Kagekiyo is stopped, the heroes point out that since Hougen is the Mallet of Fortune's true owner, she could have called it to her hand at any time. Embarrassed, she tries to save face by saying she wanted them to prove their strength.
Ozmandias' Noble Phantasm, Ramesseum Tentyris, lets him summon a temple with many divine beasts from Egyptian mythology like Ammit the Devourer, which he can do since he's an incarnation of Ra. Nitocris Alter can also summon Ammit since she is being possessed by her master, Anubis. Of course, the Anubis seen in Fate/Requiem can summon Ammit.
Ishtar can summon Gugalanna, the Bull of Heaven. Ereskigal Alter can use the Authority "Boundary Gorge, Heaven's Thunder Palace" to mass produce Gugalanna's legs for a stomping attack.
The Saber version of Medusa wields the golden sword of her son, Chrysaor. When she is killed, she gives the sword to the heroes and gives them permission to use it, allowing Ritsuka to wield it and use its powers.
Typhon Ephemeros absorbed the power of Typhon directly from him due to being the fruit from his legend that weakened him when he devoured it, allowing her to call upon his powers as well as those he himself took from Zeus. This also allows her to merge with Typhon and control him directly after she allows him to eat her once again.
Theseus has a skill called Martial Retribution that is based on his stealing his opponents' weapons during his Six Labors. This allows him to steal his opponent's weapon and use it, but it does not work on divine, holy, or magical weapons. In game, he wields the club he took from the bandit Periphetes, the sword of his father King Aegeus, and a shield made from the mask of Asterios the Minotaur.
Ruler Uesugi Kenshin wields the sword Shiodome-no-Tachi for her Noble Phantasm Bishamonten's Eight Phases - Shiranui. The sword was a gift from her rival Takeda Harunobu/Shingen. Since the sword originally belonged to Takeda, he is able to wield it.
King Ashoka can use Buddha's Noble Phantasm, Chakravartin, because he ascended to Buddhahood.
Fate/Extella Link: Charlemagne's Noble Phantasm "Joyeuse Ordre: Exemplify the Heroic King, O' Twelve Radiant Swords That Travel the Wide World", derived from his sword, Joyeuse, allows him to summon and use the weapons of his Paladins, which includes Astolfo's Trap of Argalia. Karl der Große, an Alternate Self of Charlemagne, also has Joyeuse, but since he is based on the mundane, real life version of Charlemagne and not the one from the myths, he cannot use Joyeuse Ordre, so he only wields it as a sword.
Lucius Longinus is the original owner of the Spear of Longinus and naturally has it. Kundry can create and wield a copy of the Spear of Longinus because her legend involved her helping Sir Percival find it.
Galahad Alter has the Sword of the Strange Hangings, a holy sword that originally belonged to King David. In life, he found the sword during his adventures and was worthy of drawing it from its resting place.
Fate/Samurai Remnant:
Saber, Yamato Takeru, wields the sword Amenomurakumo-no-Tsurugi, the original form of Kusanagi, because they were given the sword and wielded it in life. It was renamed Kusanagi-no-Tachi sometime after their death.
Lancer Jeanne d'Arc gave her Master, Chiemon, permission to wield her sword, La Pucelle, and use its powers.
Miyamoto Iori can use an improved version of Sasaki Kojiro's Tsubame Gaeshi because he received training from him.
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 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_cfd860dd
 Nasuverse (Franchise)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_cfd860dd
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_cffa1bda
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_cffa1bda
Riffing off a mythological example given above, Richard Wagner in Die Walküre has Sieglinde tell Siegmund how an old man, whom she recognized as her father Wälse (who is really the god Wotan), thrust a sword into an ash-tree, declaring it would belong to the one who could pull it out. Siegmund proceeds to do this, naming it Nothung (from German Noth, "need, travail"); however, Wotan, convinced by his wife Fricka, betrays Siegmund and shatters the sword. It can only be reforged by a hero without fear — Siegmund and Sieglinde's son, Siegfried.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_cffa1bda
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_cffa1bda
 Richard Wagner (Music)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_cffa1bda
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_d08b9cae
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_d08b9cae
Ikki Tousen has five swords - the "Hyakuhekitou" - that were stuck in one stone. One Big Bad manages to free several of them at once by destroying the stone.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_d08b9cae
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_d08b9cae
 Ikki Tousen (Manga)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_d08b9cae
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_d0e3026a
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_d0e3026a
What If…? (2021): In "What If... Thor Was An Only Child?", Thor neutralizes Carol Danvers by putting Mjölnir on her to pin her to the ground.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_d0e3026a
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_d0e3026a
 What If…? (2021)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_d0e3026a
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_d120122a
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_d120122a
Kamen Rider Kiva: Only the current vampire king can use the Zanvat Sword, which absorbs and amplifies vampiric power. In a nod to the Sword in the Stone, the sword embeds itself in a castle wall and refuses to let anyone pull it out until Kiva tries.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_d120122a
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_d120122a
 Kamen Rider Kiva
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_d120122a
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_d14bb14a
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_d14bb14a
Ophelia has a tome named Mysteltainn (a Call-Back to the similarly named sword from Genealogy of the Holy War and her dad Odin's unrelated blade), and no one but her can use it either.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_d14bb14a
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_d14bb14a
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_d14bb14a
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_d244e444
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_d244e444
Pahua Moua: Only the legendary shaman Shee Yee can wield the lightning axe. As his reincarnation, Pahua can use it too.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_d244e444
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_d244e444
 Pahua Moua
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_d244e444
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_d27c007d
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_d27c007d
In Kill la Kill, only Ryuko Matoi can fully synchronize with Senketsu and hear what he's saying. Satsuki and Mako both wear him, but are unable to understand what he's saying. Justified, since Ryuko's father designed Senketsu specifically for her to wear.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_d27c007d
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_d27c007d
 Kill la Kill
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_d27c007d
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_d2dfd2f2
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_d2dfd2f2
In Journey to the West, the Dragon King of the Eastern Ocean has in his armory a piece of magic iron that was used to measure the depth of the Milky Way. It is 20 feet long and as thick as a barrel. No dragon can lift it. Then one day it begins to glow, and soon Monkey arrives seeking a weapon. He picks up the rod and tells it to become smaller: it shrinks to fit him (but is still as thick as a rice bowl and weighs many thousand pounds — Monkey is quite a hero). He can get it to be any size he wants, and when not in use, he reduces it to the size of a needle and stores it in his ear.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_d2dfd2f2
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_d2dfd2f2
 Journey to the West
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_d2dfd2f2
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_d3bd680c
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_d3bd680c
In Imaginary Seas, Percy Jackson is able to activate machines that would normally only be accessible to the Olympians or those working for them thanks to being gifted his father Poseidon's Divine Core. He gets numerous doses of nanomachines (Klironomia) this way. He's also been bestowed with Poseidon's armor and trident, enhancing Percy's already immense powers. His Savior of Olympus skill also grants him the right to use any of the Mysteries of Ancient Greece and Rome, which lets him draw upon any Noble Phantasm he's ever owned through his other Noble Phantasm, Perseus Khresmos. This is also implied to be what makes him compatible with any of the gods' nanomachines, which Athena warns would tear him apart if they rejected him.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_d3bd680c
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_d3bd680c
 Imaginary Seas (Fanfic)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_d3bd680c
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_d557c9a2
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_d557c9a2
Dual Blade in Lufia resonates with spiritual power. Sufficiently powerful beings can make it ring, unleashing its full power, and all of these beings are gods, until Maxim comes along.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_d557c9a2
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_d557c9a2
 Lufia (Video Game)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_d557c9a2
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_d557e6c3
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_d557e6c3
Althena's Sword in Lunar, weapon of the Dragonmaster, which can only be claimed by the strong and pure of heart. Spends most of the first game as a decoration in a stone monument.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_d557e6c3
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_d557e6c3
 Lunar (Video Game)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_d557e6c3
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_d5ddd6c1
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_d5ddd6c1
In Pokémon: The Series, it is stated that the Pokémon will only obey the original person that caught, trained, and raised it (and only if it considers him/her worthy). So care must be taken when loaning other people your Pokémon, or gifting them to others, or trading them to instruct the creature to "do whatever so-and-so tells you to do." The best example of this being Ash's Charmander, which becomes rebellious when it evolves to a Charmeleon/Charizard, as it belonged to another trainer before joining him. Charizard only starts obeying him when he saves it from being frozen in ice.
This is averted, however, if the Pokémon are familiar enough with the individuals in the group. For example, Ash's Pokémon have no issues with obeying Misty or Brock when separated from Ash, even without permission. It can also be averted with certain Pokémon that are loaned to trainers and trained to (temporarily) obey whoever is controlling them; even so, their original trainers can reassert control if it's necessary (such as when Team Rocket tried to steal some of them).
Ash's Froakie from the XY saga is an interesting case, as it has a history of ditching trainers who don't measure up. Ash is the first trainer it considers worthy and the only one who unlocks its Super Mode.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_d5ddd6c1
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_d5ddd6c1
 Pokémon: The Series
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_d5ddd6c1
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_d616724d
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_d616724d
League of Legends has a complicated twist on this with a sub-race of "chosen ones" and the magical element "True Ice". True Ice is a god-formed, unmelting version of ice that can and has been made into weapons, but it's so pure that any normal living being attempting to touch it will perish. The only exceptions are Iceborn, a hereditary lineage of humans and other races that are immune to the cold and can thus withstand and manipulate their power. Perhaps the most significant Iceborn of the game — Ashe the Frost Archer, Sejuani the Fury of the North, and Lissandra the Ice Witch — are the most tied to the Three Sisters, the source of the Iceborn heritage (Ashe and Sejuani are believed to be reincarnations of Avarosa and Serylda, Lissandra herself is the third sister).
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_d616724d
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_d616724d
 League of Legends (Video Game)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_d616724d
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_d6942bf2
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_d6942bf2
Marvel Zombies has its version of Thor (zombified) using a hammer made from concrete and rebar, as the Hunger Gospel has left him unworthy of Mjölnir.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_d6942bf2
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_d6942bf2
 Marvel Zombies (Comic Book)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_d6942bf2
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_d7c9f170
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_d7c9f170
The Matrix Reloaded: It's a matter of this trope combined with Only the Worthy May Pass. Neo and friends follow The Prophecy of the Oracle to end the Man/Machine war by way of a stack of living and non-living Plot Coupons and Plot Devices that must be first discovered or destroyed, culminating with a minor character dying, passing on a key for Neo to open a door to the source of the Machines. It was all for nearly nothing, as all the protagonist's work is yet another way for the Machines to keep control. Despite that, Neo figures out another option in time.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_d7c9f170
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_d7c9f170
 The Matrix Reloaded
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_d7c9f170
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_d803ecde
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_d803ecde
Excalibur appears in Ben 10: Omniverse. The leader of the Forever Knights tries to cheat by using Doctor Jekyll's Super-Strength serum. He fails. He then tries forcing Ben to pull it out for him. Ben (who is hardly "king" material) can't do it either. Hilariously, when he turns into Humongosaur he lifts the sword and the stone.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_d803ecde
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_d803ecde
 Ben 10: Omniverse
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_d803ecde
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_da92c130
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_da92c130
This is a core plot element in Erfworld. The Arkentools, powerful magical artifacts, only dislay their full powers when they 'attune' to a character. Possessing an Arkentool does not mean that it will attune, but many characters want to try.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_da92c130
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_da92c130
 Erfworld (Webcomic)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_da92c130
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_dab3182f
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_dab3182f
The Ring of the Tyrant, the Amplifier Artifact that gives someone enough power to pretend they have a chance against the titular Trillion: God of Destruction, can only be used by an Overlord currently holding the crest of a deadly sin. While there are actually nine sins, two are out of commission by the end of the Hopeless Boss Fight and one belongs to a ghost, leaving only six candidates. Three more are found when Elma inherits Gloom from her died-during-the-prologue brother, Cerberus claims Wrath since Zeabolos is now Great Overlord and doesn't actually need it, and Lillith passes on so Faust can take the crest of Vanity. If they all die, the Ring itself bends the rules to give Zeabolos one last chance to end things under his own power.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_dab3182f
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_dab3182f
 Trillion: God of Destruction (Video Game)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_dab3182f
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_dabf46c6
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_dabf46c6
One of the key gameplay mechanics is class switching, where the heroes use each other's weapons and the abilities that come with it. However, while everyone can use Noah's Veiled Sword, that's actually the sheathe of his real weapon, the Lucky Seven. This is the only weapon that can cut through the otherwise invincible Flame Clocks. In Future Redeemed, it's strongly implied that Lucky Seven has the core crystals of both Pneuma and Logos, two of the Aegises, in it, explaining why it's so powerful.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_dabf46c6
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_dabf46c6
 Xenoblade Chronicles 3: Future Redeemed (Video Game)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_dabf46c6
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_dcbaf050
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_dcbaf050
Thor: Love and Thunder: Following it's destruction by Hela, it turns out nobody could move the shattered pieces of Mjölnir, so they dug out the ground and turned it into an exhibit. When Jane Foster passes by the shattered hammer, the pieces sense her worthiness and the weapon comes back together for her to wield. In flashbacks, it's shown that Thor asked Mjölnir to always watch over Jane, unintentionally enchanting it to respond to her as a wielder. To Thor's shock, though he can still lift it, the hammer seems to reject him and prefer Jane as its wielder. He only regains the hammer when Jane dies. Thor's adopted daughter, Love, can evidently lift Mjölnir as well, since she moved it offscreen to a different spot from where it was resting.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_dcbaf050
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_dcbaf050
 Thor: Love and Thunder
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_dcbaf050
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_dd51115f
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_dd51115f
In Forever Evil (2013), Cheetah manages to steal the Lasso, but when she snares Steve Trevor with it, he's easily able to escape. He explains that Cheetah wasn't worthy so she couldn't use its powers, then snares her with it and knocks her out. In the unworthy's hands, it's just a rope and they can't access any of its magic powers.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_dd51115f
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_dd51115f
 Forever Evil (2013) (Comic Book)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_dd51115f
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_dd999f6d
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_dd999f6d
In Avengers: Infinite Wars, as well a Wenwu passing on the Ten Rings to his son, the Rings are later revealed to be part of the sequence necessary to unlock the Infinity Gate that sent the Avengers to the other galaxy. While Hydra's agents used Tesseract energy to activate the Gate, the spirit of a Kwa sorcerer is able to adapt the Rings to trigger the Gate when used by ten different people, each of whom represents some aspect of each individual Ring rather than one person using them all at once (Shang-Chi is still the only one able to wield all ten Rings as weapons, but these other nine are able to activate the Gate).
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_dd999f6d
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_dd999f6d
 Avengers: Infinite Wars (Fanfic)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_dd999f6d
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_ddfad40f
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_ddfad40f
The Vasto of White:
Shirou is able to create a copy of Aizen's Zanpakuto, Kyoka Suigetsu, but even after he learns the sword's True Name, he is unable to use it. The sword's spirit only respects Aizen and says he is the only one worthy of wielding her. The only benefit Shirou gets is that he is immune to Aizen's illusions.
Ayon picks up a copy of the stone axe-sword of Heracles. The spirit of the sword judges him for a few minutes before deciding he is worthy of wielding it.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_ddfad40f
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_ddfad40f
 The Vasto of White (Fanfic)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_ddfad40f
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_de279580
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_de279580
In Secret Empire, it seems that Steve Rogers, having been corrupted into being a HYDRA agent, was still worthy of the hammer. However, it's revealed that a shard of the Cosmic Cube changed the magic around the worthiness to allow him to do so and, when the real Steve came back and history was restored, the other Steve discovered, to his horror, that he wasn't worthy anymore.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_de279580
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_de279580
 Secret Empire (Comic Book)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_de279580
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_de6659ec
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_de6659ec
On Once Upon a Time, Charming can't pull Excalibur out of its stone, but Snow White, the rightful queen, can. Subverted when Rumplestiltskin reveals it to be just a normal sword; Charming stuck the sword in the stone himself and pretended to be unable to get it out. (The whole thing is a Magic Feather plot to convince Snow she can stand up to and defeat Regina.)
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_de6659ec
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_de6659ec
 Once Upon a Time
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_de6659ec
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_df9b9014
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_df9b9014
One appears in UQ Holder!, where Touta is naturally the one to pull it out. Turns out it was a gravity-controlling sword, and Touta was the only one to notice it had a switch to make it light enough to pull out.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_df9b9014
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_df9b9014
 UQ Holder! (Manga)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_df9b9014
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_dff248f8
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_dff248f8
The Adventures of Puss in Boots features the Goodsword, only wieldable by the true hero of San Lorenzo. It turns out the sword is specifically looking for someone too soft to kill another, as it wants to fight its former master turned evil, but it still cares about him too much to be able to kill him.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_dff248f8
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_dff248f8
 The Adventures of Puss in Boots
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_dff248f8
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_e04f934e
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_e04f934e
The Heroes' Relics in Fire Emblem: Three Houses are a downplayed case. Anyone with a Crest, a special power in certain bloodlines, can use most Heroes' Relics, but only people with a Crest that matches the Relic's will be able to use its combat art or gain additional benefits. Anyone who uses a Heroes' Relic with no Crest at all will either be injured by it or be turned into a Demonic Beast.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_e04f934e
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_e04f934e
 Fire Emblem: Three Houses (Video Game)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_e04f934e
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_e1c03e21
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_e1c03e21
In King Arthur & the Knights of Justice, each Key of Truth can only be touched by the knight to whom it corresponds. The tie-in Super Nintendo game also has Arthur needing to prove he's worthy of wielding Excalibur.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_e1c03e21
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_e1c03e21
 King Arthur & the Knights of Justice
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_e1c03e21
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_e1e213b4
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_e1e213b4
The New Adventures of Superman: In The Adventures of Superboy episode "The Black Knight", Superboy and his friend Timmy time travel and meet King Arthur and his court. Arthur sticks Excalibur in an anvil and says whoever can pull it out will be worthy of being his successor. Superboy pulls it out with ease, but the evil Black Knight steals it and attacks them. Superboy defeats him by using the anvil as a shield and tricking him into sticking it back in. He is unable to pull it out and is easily captured.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_e1e213b4
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_e1e213b4
 The New Adventures of Superman
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_e1e213b4
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_e22c949c
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_e22c949c
In the "Zenithian Trilogy" of Dragon Quest, only the chosen hero can wield the legendary equipment required to advance the plot. In V's case, you are not the chosen hero, but your son is.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_e22c949c
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_e22c949c
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_e22c949c
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_e293455a
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_e293455a
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: In season seven the Scythe is embedded in stone, and only a Slayer can pull it free. When Caleb tried to steal it, massacring the guards and priests of what he assumed was its hiding place, he found only a message that came very close to quoting the trope: It is not for thee. It is for Her alone to wield. He tries to get around this by having his Bringers chip away the rock around the Scythe, but fortunately Buffy finds it first and "King Arthurs" it from the stone.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_e293455a
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_e293455a
 Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_e293455a
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_e33c6082
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_e33c6082
Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water has the titular Blue Water, which can only be wielded by Atlanteans. When Gargoyle tries, he disintegrates into salt.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_e33c6082
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_e33c6082
 Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_e33c6082
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_e3e5f151
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_e3e5f151
Siege of the Saxons: Excalibur in the Stone can only be drawn from its scabbard by the rightful King or Queen of England.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_e3e5f151
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_e3e5f151
 Siege of the Saxons
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_e3e5f151
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_e4032728
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_e4032728
Quest for Camelot plays with this. The Big Bad Ruber is able to wield Excalibur and he even magically merges his hand with it in the final battle. Then the heroes trick the villain into thrusting Excalibur back into the stone. Since King Arthur is the only one able to pull the sword from the stone, Ruber is stuck. Then the stone's power obliterates Ruber, leaving Excalibur free for Arthur to reclaim.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_e4032728
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_e4032728
 Quest for Camelot
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_e4032728
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_e57f8f36
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_e57f8f36
Professor James Moriarty and Erice Utsumi both have Freikugel, the magic bullets from Der Freischütz. Moriarty made a Fusion Dance with Max, who wielded the bullets, while Erice has the spirit of Samiel, who forged the bullets, inside her.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_e57f8f36
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_e57f8f36
 Der Freischütz (Theatre)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_e57f8f36
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_e5fd2cef
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_e5fd2cef
The Arisian-built Lenses in the Lensman series are each specifically created for an intended Lensman, and will not only fail to work if someone else tries to use it, but will kill someone touching with bare skin it if it's not being worn by its user. This even extends to other Lensmen. When Clarissa receives her Lens, Kinnison takes it out of its shipping container by using insulated gloves to not touch it directly, while Virgil Samms has the dangers demonstrated to him on Arisia by being invited to touch Roderick Kinnison's Lens very delicately and briefly. It still causes him quite a lot of pain.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_e5fd2cef
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_e5fd2cef
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_e5fd2cef
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_e7eb67cd
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_e7eb67cd
The Witchblade in the comic of the same name was like this.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_e7eb67cd
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_e7eb67cd
 Witchblade (Comic Book)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_e7eb67cd
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_e914355
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_e914355
RWBY Zero:
Jaune Arc and Mordred are deemed unworthy to wield Excalibur, so they cannot draw it from its sheath. Eventually, when Mordred develops into a more compassionate person, she becomes worthy and is able to draw it.
Gilgamesh is the only person worthy to wield Ea. Not even Lancelot's Knight of Owner ability or Salem's magic and Black Mud can get around this. Of course, Ea becoming its own person and gaining free will, on the other hand...
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_e914355
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_e914355
 RWBY Zero (Fanfic)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_e914355
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_e97e4f97
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_e97e4f97
Another "What If" story involving Black Widow shows just how quickly one can change from "unworthy" to "worthy". Nat tries to budge the hammer during a fight, but can't. Then, still in danger, she shoots down a monster attacking someone else rather than defend herself. Boom.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_e97e4f97
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_e97e4f97
 Black Widow / Comicbook
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_e97e4f97
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_e9d7acf9
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_e9d7acf9
In the Lone Wolf series, the Sommerswerd can only be used to its full potential by a Kai Lord. If wielded in combat by anyone else, it is said that its power will fade and be lost forever. Being the last of the Kai Lords at the beginning of the series, Lone Wolf is naturally The Chosen One.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_e9d7acf9
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_e9d7acf9
 Lone Wolf
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_e9d7acf9
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_e9e265b6
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_e9e265b6
Fire Emblem: Awakening:
The Falchion is tied to the Ylissian royal family and is fairly picky even among them, even if Lucina has Grimleal blood. It's an interesting example because, technically, anybody can use it. The blade just becomes too dull to be any good for fighting if it's not in the hands of a royal family member. This also becomes a plot point in Lucina's supports with her siblingnote who can possibly be Brady, Inigo, Kjelle, Cynthia, or a male Morgan, when she ponders if he/she can wield it too, especially if he/she ended up needing to because Lucina died in battle. After some angst over the subject (because the sibling didn't want to think of his/her sister dying), they finally test it against a log. Lucina ends up leaving before finding out, the sibling walks away thinking he/she can't, but a line of dialogue from Chrom reveals he/she can.
Walhart has a battleaxe known as the Wolf Berg, which only he can wield.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_e9e265b6
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_e9e265b6
 Fire Emblem Awakening (Video Game)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_e9e265b6
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_ea505892
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_ea505892
In World Trigger, Trigger users with high Trion can sacrifice themselves to create powerful one of a kind Triggers called Black Triggers. However, each one can only be used by a select few, potentially influenced by the personality of the creator.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_ea505892
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_ea505892
 World Trigger (Manga)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_ea505892
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_ea9723b0
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_ea9723b0
Togetherly Long: The magic spear of the great hero Yushii, which he planted in the ground 100 years ago and which every boy from the village tries to pull free on their tenth birthday. The legends say that whoever pulls the spear will gain Yuushi's great power and is one day destined to lead the villagers to a new land.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_ea9723b0
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_ea9723b0
 Togetherly Long
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_ea9723b0
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_eb3eebd9
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_eb3eebd9
Shredder Orpheus: Has Orpheus learn of a mysterious parking garage that can only be traversed with the right kind of skateboard. Hades' network is more than willing to provide said board.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_eb3eebd9
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_eb3eebd9
 Shredder Orpheus
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_eb3eebd9
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_ee829854
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_ee829854
House of Anubis: The locket. Despite everyone being able to actually wear it, only the Chosen One or the Osirian can actually use it for its real purpose. Also the Mask of Anubis, and the Cup of Ankh, two treasures that only the Chosen One can actually use. If someone who isn't Chosen or at least pure of heart wears the mask they get sucked into the underworld and only the Chosen One can put the Cup together.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_ee829854
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_ee829854
 House of Anubis
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_ee829854
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_eef5470a
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_eef5470a
In Rurouni Kenshin: the Hokkaido Arc, this seems to be the case with Mugenjin, the sword formerly wielded by Shishio. The only person after Shishio's passing who has been able to draw it out of its sheath is Ashitaro Hasegawa. His friend Alan Inoue actually makes the comparison with the Excalibur when explaining why it couldn't be drawn, though this only when he was trying to sell it to someone (they all thought that the sword had warped in its scabbard, causing it to get stuck), before Ashitaro had drawn it out.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_eef5470a
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_eef5470a
 Rurouni Kenshin (Manga)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_eef5470a
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_ef6df17b
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_ef6df17b
The thirtieth-anniversary special Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Once & Always explicitly acknowledges that the Rangers' power sources choose them in some way. When original Yellow Ranger Trini Kwan is killed in battle, her daughter Minh attempts to use the Yellow Sabretooth Tiger coin for herself, but is initially unable to use the coin as she only wants to fight out of a desire for revenge for her mother's death. After Minh risks her life to save Billy- the original Blue Ranger- from another attack, the Yellow Coin responds to Minh and allows her to morph. The other Rangers speculate that this is because Minh acted to save a life rather than to punish an enemy, with fellow Yellow Ranger Aisha Campbell assuring Minh that she is now a worthy Ranger.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_ef6df17b
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_ef6df17b
 Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Once & Always
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_ef6df17b
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_f12f9b66
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_f12f9b66
Parodied in the Wander over Yonder episode "The Hero". According to Brad Starlight's "prophecy", the hero can pull out the legendary Sword of Destiny. Wander easily pulls it out of the stone, but Brad insists that he is the hero and orders Wander to stick it back in so he can try. Brad is unable to pull it out, and his continued struggles only succeed in breaking the sword. As it turns out, it's Wander who's the hero, not Brad. Brad is definitely not hero material because of his immaturity and selfish, Glory Hound tendencies, while Wander, a true hero, is brave, kind, caring of others, and has a pure heart.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_f12f9b66
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_f12f9b66
 Wander over Yonder
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_f12f9b66
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_f15f6450
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_f15f6450
In Magicka, the Excalibur is a possible weapon. However, since your character is not the true King, you end up taking the stone along with the sword, and the whole thing works as a hammer-class weapon rather than a sword.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_f15f6450
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_f15f6450
 Magicka (Video Game)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_f15f6450
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_f1d492d4
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_f1d492d4
In Chronicles of the Kencyrath, the Knorth get two of them:
The Kenthiar will decapitate anyone who wears it who is not the rightful Highlord (and has chopped off the fingers of unworthy candidates who have simply handled it).
Kin-Slayer maybe an aversion. It is reputed to only be magic when wielded by by the Knorth. Jame finds that it's powers seem to be unlocked by wearing the Knorth signet ring. Then again, she is also a member of the family.
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 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_f1d492d4
 Chronicles of the Kencyrath
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_f1d492d4
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Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_f2fd0d0b
Uther Pendragon from Fate/Nuovo Guerra uses a sword that is technically the Trope Namer before he put it in the stone.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_f2fd0d0b
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_f2fd0d0b
 Fate/Nuovo Guerra (Roleplay)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_f2fd0d0b
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_f3580d48
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_f3580d48
Several weapons in Silent Möbius are bound to specific bloodlines. Grosspoliner's connection to the Liqueur blood is a plot point.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_f3580d48
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_f3580d48
 Silent Möbius (Manga)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_f3580d48
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_f3e1f424
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_f3e1f424
Merlin: In the BBC series, Merlin magically embeds Excalibur in a stone, to keep it safe until Arthur is meant to wield it. In a subversion of the norm, Merlin's magic isn't empathic in any sense: the sword is impossible to remove by hand, and Merlin simply tricks Arthur into thinking he is the only person able to do it. Merlin loosens the blade with magic once Arthur is in the right mindset.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_f3e1f424
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_f3e1f424
 Merlin (2008)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_f3e1f424
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_f42ccd4f
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_f42ccd4f
Rimworld has Biocoded weapons — weapons with a system that blocks anyone except the weapon's owner from wielding it. Absolutely noone but the designated wielder can use a Biocoded weapon; if their owner dies, they can only be scrapped for their materials, thrown away, or given away in the market. Persona weapons without the Freewielding trait will form a similar bond with whoever equips them first and will refuse to be wielded by anyone else, and this bond will only break if its wielder dies.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_f42ccd4f
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_f42ccd4f
 RimWorld (Video Game)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_f42ccd4f
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_f5855286
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_f5855286
In BotW's sequel, Tears of the Kingdom, the corrupted and broken Master Sword is placed in a pedestal made of the headfur on the Divine Light Dragon to be repaired and healed. In order to extract the sword this time, Link has to have two full rings on his Stamina Wheel (so five additional stamina vessels on top of his default) - not because of any trial posed by the sword itself, but because the Light Dragon starts to writhe when he pulls on it, and he needs to be able to hold on long enough to get a good grip.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_f5855286
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_f5855286
 The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom (Video Game)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_f5855286
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_f5b9fb2
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_f5b9fb2
In both Fate/hollow ataraxia and Fate/kaleid liner PRISMA☆ILLYA: Bazett Fraga McRemitz, a human, is able to use the Noble Phantasm Fragarach. Its original owner, the god Manannán mac Lir, gifted it to the god Lugh, who in turn gifted to her ancestor. Her family possesses a Sorcery Trait known as Traditional Carriers – God's Holders, which allows them to pass on their abilities through bloodline rather than teachings, so she inherited her ancestor's ability to wield it.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_f5b9fb2
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_f5b9fb2
 Fate/hollow ataraxia (Visual Novel)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_f5b9fb2
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_f67e2b5f
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_f67e2b5f
In Reincarnated as a Sword, weapons that are sufficiently powerful, sentient, or both, are very, very choosy about who wields them. The gods of the world agree with this philosophy and eventually the Goddess of Chaos puts a curse on "Shisou" that anyone who tries to wield him, without her consent, will receive a Cruel and Unusual Death if knowing about the curse but tries anyway. Those that try but don't know about the curse will just receive a nasty electric shock.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_f67e2b5f
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_f67e2b5f
 Reincarnated as a Sword
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_f67e2b5f
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_f6a54e75
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_f6a54e75
Keyblades in the Kingdom Hearts series. In the first game, it looked as though Sora was the only chosen one, with a brief tug-of-war for control with Rival Turned Evil Riku. Then King Mickey was revealed to have one at the end, and it's become The Chosen Many since then. While key bearers can borrow or inherit each others' weapons, anyone trying to use one without its permission can expect it to disappear. Interestingly enough, Sora alone is considered to be The Unchosen One, as his Keyblade was rightfully meant for Riku, and he was otherwise never chosen to have one in the first place, making him the only known key bearer to prove his worthiness of the weapon after wielding it.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_f6a54e75
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_f6a54e75
 Kingdom Hearts (Franchise)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_f6a54e75
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_f792f1ad
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_f792f1ad
The Sword of Good instantly kills anything evil it touches. The Ork Wizard slowly bleeding to death should have been a clue. In the end the so called Big Bad touches the sword to make sure he really deserves ultimate power. However, it is a Subversion - the Sword can only be used by those who truly wish to do good, without taking their actions into account. As The Hero warns the Big Bad, the sword is not an absolute judge of a course of action, simply a judge of character.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_f792f1ad
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_f792f1ad
 The Sword of Good
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_f792f1ad
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_f858847a
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_f858847a
Aegislash (a Steel/Ghost royal sword pokemon) from Pokémon X and Y can detect the qualities of leadership. According to legend, it can recognize those destined to become king. Pokémon in general will only obey a trainer they respect, this is reflected by traded Pokémon only obeying you up to a certain level unless you have the right gym badge (otherwise they might act randomly in battle).
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_f858847a
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_f858847a
 Pokémon X and Y (Video Game)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_f858847a
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_f8acc9ea
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_f8acc9ea
Control has the Service Weapon and the Hotline, which can only be used by the Director. Anyone else who tries suffers severe injury or death by [REDACTED]. Notes you can find speculate that this isn't something inherent to the objects themselves, but a condition actively enforced by the Board, because trying and failing to bind other Objects of Power only results in minor psychic backlash or nothing happening at all.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_f8acc9ea
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_f8acc9ea
 Control (Video Game)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_f8acc9ea
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_fa2ea602
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_fa2ea602
Prince Valiant (1997): Only the rightful king of any nation (regardless of morality) can wield Excalibur. If anyone else tries to use it, it will embed itself into the ground and refuse to come out. King Arthur (Camelot) and Prince Valiant (Thule) can use it. Sadly, Sir Gawain is surrounded by enemies at one point and attempts to pull out the sword to defend himself, but fails and is killed. The Viking King is unable to use it, much to his surprise. His second-in-command, who was unable to use it earlier, says it's because he's weak and incompetent, making him unworthy. He kills him, making him the new Viking King through Klingon Promotion, and gains the ability to use it.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_fa2ea602
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_fa2ea602
 Prince Valiant (1997)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_fa2ea602
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_fa738078
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_fa738078
In the Sailor Moon manga and Sailor Moon Crystal, although the other Senshi can wield the Holy Sword, only Sailor Venus, as the destined leader of the Sailor Senshi, can actually free it from the rock that it's embedded in.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_fa738078
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_fa738078
 Sailor Moon (Franchise)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_fa738078
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_fa7d84e8
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_fa7d84e8
Arthur of the Britons has a "realistic" twist on the tale: Arthur calls all the other Briton chiefs together and shows them a sword wedged under a stone. Whoever pulls the sword from under the stone shall lead them. All the other chiefs get to pushing and lifting the stone, and Arthur quickly grabs it before anyone else does. He also points out that he couldn't have retrieved it if they hadn't worked as one, but the lesson is lost among the squabbling chiefs. The sword itself is never named.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_fa7d84e8
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_fa7d84e8
 Arthur of the Britons
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_fa7d84e8
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_faaba915
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_faaba915
Ultraman Orb: The Origin Saga: The power of Ultraman Orb only will allow someone it believes is worthy to obtain its power. Jugglus Juggler was not worthy. Gai Kurenai was.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_faaba915
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_faaba915
 Ultraman Orb: The Origin Saga
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_faaba915
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_fac79381
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_fac79381
EXTRAPOWER: Giant Fist: The bracelet unearthed at the start of the game. Though sought after by many, only an ancient Latour warrior or their descendant are able to safely use it. Anyone else who tries to wear the ring finds their body forcibly transformed until they die a bloody death.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_fac79381
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_fac79381
 EXTRAPOWER: Giant Fist (Video Game)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_fac79381
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_fb8549c
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_fb8549c
One issue of Deadpool had him get the hammer, and all the powers contained therein. It all turned out to be an illusion created by Loki to mess with Thor's head. Shame...
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_fb8549c
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_fb8549c
 Deadpool (Comic Book)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_fb8549c
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_fb9c177d
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_fb9c177d
The Matrix of Leadership from Transformers can only be opened and wielded by a Prime or his chosen successor, like Optimus Prime and Rodimus Prime. Galvatron and Ultra Magnus, who are roughly equal in strength to Optimus Prime, cannot budge it.
And it's not a Prime who chooses his successor, it's the Matrix itself who chooses a Prime's successor, what makes it a quasi/sort of Empathic Weapon. Ultra Magnus was chosen by a Prime to be his successor, but he wasn't able to use it.
Though just because it choses someone doesn't necessarily mean they're a good choice, as Nova Prime, Sentinel Prime, and Zeta Prime can attest. Not to mention the time Thunderwing, an extremely powerful Decepticon, got his mitts on it in The Transformers (Marvel). Or Starscream, though at least in his case it soon started making Starscream good.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_fb9c177d
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_fb9c177d
 Transformers (Franchise)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_fb9c177d
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_fbb63df8
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_fbb63df8
Fate/Extella: The Umbral Star: Altera wields the Sword of Mars, Photon Ray, because her original self, Sefar, defeated Ares in combat and took it as a trophy. Ares is really pissed off about this, and no matter where or when she is, when she invokes the sword's powers, Ares senses it and tries to reclaim it by trying to smite her with a Kill Sat-like strike, which she cleverly redirects into her opponents. When Ares is briefly summoned in Fate/Grand Order, he uses a different sword since he never got Photon Ray back.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_fbb63df8
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_fbb63df8
 Fate/Extella: The Umbral Star (Video Game)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_fbb63df8
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_fd289bb0
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_fd289bb0
Revolution: In "The Night the Lights Went Out in Georgia", Miles' "lucky" Bowie knife, which proved to be less-than-lucky for Alec Penner (to whom Miles had gifted it some years earlier). So far it's credited with having saved the lives of three generations of Mathesons over a 75-year period. What are the odds Charlie will end up with it?
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_fd289bb0
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_fd289bb0
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_fd289bb0
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_fe16b92c
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_fe16b92c
In Season 10 of Happy Heroes, one of the characters finds a trident possessed by evil and somehow manages to wield it, when Big M. and Little M. are incapable as seen in their previous attempts. Similarly, Careful S. finds the Sword of Justice to combat this evil, and it is revealed only those empowered by justness can wield the sword.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_fe16b92c
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_fe16b92c
 Happy Heroes (Animation)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_fe16b92c
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_fe83990a
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_fe83990a
The Cloths of Saint Seiya have to be earned for the right to be worn. Sometimes, a specific cloth can be allowed to be worn by someone else other than their proper owner (such as Seiya wearing the Sagitarius Cloth and Odin's Robe at different points), and also, a cloth could deem its owner unworthy and abandon them voluntarily (happens to Cancer Deathmask).
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_fe83990a
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_fe83990a
 Saint Seiya (Manga)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_fe83990a
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_fe8ef766
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_fe8ef766
Only a handful of beings have been able to wield the legendary hammer Mjölnir to date: Odin, Thor, Captain America, Storm, Wonder Woman (in the crossover Marvel Versus DC), Spider-Man 2099, Thunderstrike, Beta Ray Bill, Jane Foster, Puddlegulp the frog, and Eddie Brock. If someone is unworthy, they will be unable to budge it from the ground. However, if a worthy person is holding it, an unworthy person will still be able to lift them. Note, however, that this trope does not come from Norse Mythology: in the myths, Mjolnir is simply a hammer so heavy that only Thor, the strongest God of all, can lift it (and even requiring a special belt called Megingjörð and a set of iron gloves called Járngreipr to augment his strength even further). In fact, it was even stolen by the Giant Thrym in the Poetic Edda, who requested a marriage with Freya as ransom. Jack Kirby had to rely to this trope when he created the character because the Marvel Universe was already a setting with characters with superhuman strength. Being "worthy" was just a way to ensure that only Thor would lift the hammer, and for a long while nobody else was. In-universe, the "worthiness" requirement was imposed by Odin rather than being intrinsic to the hammer. It's also possible for somebody was previously unworthy to become worthy (as seen with Eddie Brock) or to lose their worthiness (as seen temporarily with Thor) if their mentality changes to become more or less noble than they used to be.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_fe8ef766
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_fe8ef766
 Captain America (Comic Book)
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_fe8ef766
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_ff915937
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_ff915937
The hero of The Iron Dream is able to wield a large truncheon so constructed that only someone with the right genetic pedigree can even pick it up.
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_ff915937
 Only the Chosen May Wield / int_ff915937
 The Iron Dream
Only the Chosen May Wield / int_ff915937

The following is a list of statements referring to the current page from other pages.

 Only the Chosen May Wield
Hero Tropes
 Only the Chosen May Wield
Speculative Fiction Tropes
 Only the Chosen May Wield
Weapons and Wielding Tropes
 Happy Heroes (Animation) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Red Shoes and the Seven Dwarfs (Animation) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Aikatsu Stars! / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Eureka Seven AO / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Kill la Kill / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Lagrange: The Flower of Rin-ne / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Little Witch Academia (2017) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Marvel Future Avengers / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Mewkledreamy / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 The Big O / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Yu-Gi-Oh!: Capsule Monsters / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 The Princess Thieves (Audio Play) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Avengers Forever (2021) (Comic Book) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Empyre (Comic Book) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 End of the Spider-Verse (Comic Book) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Fantastic Four (1998) (Comic Book) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Green Lantern: Earth One (Comic Book) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Guardians of the Galaxy (Comic Book) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Guardians of the Galaxy (1969) (Comic Book) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 JLA/Avengers (Comic Book) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Justice Lords Beyond (Comic Book) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Maestro (Comic Book) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Marvel Versus DC (Comic Book) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Once & Future (Comic Book) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Onslaught Reborn (Comic Book) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Sins of Sinister (Comic Book) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Sword Master (Comic Book) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 The Avengers (Jonathan Hickman) (Comic Book) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 The Day the Cheering Stopped (Comic Book) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (1992) (Comic Book) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 The Mighty Thor (Comic Book) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 The Sandman Universe (Comic Book) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Thor (2020) (Comic Book) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Venomized (Comic Book) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Witchblade (Comic Book) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Nodwick (Comic Strip) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Prince Valiant (Comic Strip) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Fractured / Fan Fic
Only the Chosen May Wield
 A Different Weasel Makes A Difference (Fanfic) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 A Quincy's Fairy Tail (Fanfic) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Avengers: Infinite Wars (Fanfic) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Avenging Class (Fanfic) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Between My Brother and Me: Ab Initio (Fanfic) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Code: CONTROL (Fanfic) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Code Prime (Fanfic) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Cybernetic Blue Blur Revised (Fanfic) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Darth Vader: Hero of Naboo (Fanfic) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Fate: Hammer Time (Fanfic) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Fate: Kill (Fanfic) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Fate of the Clans (Fanfic) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Fractured (SovereignGFC) (Fanfic) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Harry Potter and the Artificer Legacy (Fanfic) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Hellish Bells (Fanfic) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 "Heroes" Series (Fanfic) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Hold It In (Fanfic) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 How I Lost My Mother (Fanfic) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 If I Could Start Again (Fanfic) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Imaginary Seas (Fanfic) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Inheritance of Cards and Demons (Fanfic) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Kingdom Hearts: Grand Order (Fanfic) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Let the Galaxy Burn (Fanfic) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Little Moments (Fanfic) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 one day at a time (Fanfic) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 one day at a time (Nyame) (Fanfic) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 One Punch-Gamer (Fanfic) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Oogway's Little Owl (Fanfic) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Phantasmic Forge (Fanfic) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Queens of Mewni Spinoffs (Fanfic) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Smart Adversaries AU (Fanfic) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Son of the Western Sea (Fanfic) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 The Amazing Spider-Man: True Purpose (Fanfic) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 The Avenging Spider (Fanfic) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 The Elements of Harmony and the Savior of Worlds (Fanfic) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 The Freeport Venture (Fanfic) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 The Lightning Strike (Fanfic) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 The Negotiations-verse (Fanfic) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 The Odds Were Never In My Favour (Fanfic) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 The Vasto of White (Fanfic) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 The War Is Far from Over Now (Fanfic) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Thunder and Steel (Fanfic) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Two earths (Fanfic) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 We're a Miracle (Fanfic) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 When Legends meet (Fanfic) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Aquaman (2018) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Avengers: Age of Ultron / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Blue Beetle (2023) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Bright / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Disenchanted (2022) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Dredd / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Excalibur / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Once & Always / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Shredder Orpheus / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Super Mario Bros. (1993) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 The Adam Project / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 The Matrix Reloaded / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Thor / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Trilogy Of Swordsmanship / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Ultraman Geed The Movie: Connect The Wishes! / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Ultraman Tiga Gaiden: Revival of the Ancient Giant / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Ultraman X The Movie: Here Comes! Our Ultraman / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 War God / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Power Rangers (Franchise) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 The Legend of Zelda (Franchise) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 KonoSuba / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 The Ending Chronicle / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Agent of Hel / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Aladdin / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Ave Xia Rem Y / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Cerberus High / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Clue / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Demon King Daimao / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Dragon Calling / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Drassil / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Enchanted Forest Chronicles / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Expecting to Fall into Ruin, I Aim to Become a Blacksmith / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Fablehaven / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Goblins in the Castle / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Horus Heresy / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Instead of Three Wishes / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Journey to the West / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 KonoSuba / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Le Morte d'Arthur / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Legendborn / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Lone Wolf / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Magic by the Numbers / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Parallel World Pharmacy / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Reincarnated as a Sword / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Skin Game / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Song of the Lioness / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Sword at Sunset / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Sword of the Rightful King / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 The Blue Sword / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 The Divine Cities / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 The Ending Chronicle / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 The Finder's Stone Trilogy / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 The Iron Dream / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 The King's Avatar / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 The Last Dragonslayer / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 The Lightlark Saga / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 The Once and Future King / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 The Pendragon Cycle / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 The Saga of Hrolf Kraki / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 The Saga of the Volsungs / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 The Sundering / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 The Twelve Kingdoms / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Togetherly Long / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Too Many Curses / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
Only the Chosen May Wield
Only the Chosen May Wield
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Black Clover (Manga) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Chūka Ichiban! (Manga) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Frieren: Beyond Journey's End (Manga) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Magi: Labyrinth of Magic (Manga) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic (Manga) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 My Monster Secret (Manga) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Silent Möbius (Manga) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Soul Eater (Manga) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Tales of Wedding Rings (Manga) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (2016) (Manga) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Ushio and Tora (Manga) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 World Trigger (Manga) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Yu-Gi-Oh! (Manga) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Zatch Bell! (Manga) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Clamavi de Profundis (Music) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Back Again Back Again (Podcast) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 A Dynasty of Dynamic Alcoholism (Roleplay) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Academy of Merlin (Roleplay) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Arthur of the Britons / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Camelot / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Chinese Paladin 3 / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Galavant / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Juan dela Cruz / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Kaamelott / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Kamen Rider Build / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Kung Fu (2021) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Locke & Key (2020) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Merlin (1998) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Power Rangers Lost Galaxy / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Power Rangers Wild Force / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Revolution / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Stargirl (2020) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Ultra Fight Victory / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Ultra Violet & Black Scorpion / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Ultraman Ginga / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Ultraman Orb / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Victor Magtanggol / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus (Tabletop Game) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Forgotten Realms (Tabletop Game) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 The Ring of the Nibelung (Theatre) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Another Eden (Video Game) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Assassin's Creed: Valhalla (Video Game) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel! (Video Game) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Chaos Bleeds (Video Game) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Chrono Cross (Video Game) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Control (Video Game) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Disney Mirrorverse (Video Game) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Divinity: Original Sin II (Video Game) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Dragon Force (Sega) (Video Game) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Echoes of Mana (Video Game) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Eric the Unready (Video Game) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Fairy Fencer F (Video Game) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Final Fantasy XV (Video Game) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Fire Emblem Gaiden (Video Game) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Golden Sun: Dark Dawn (Video Game) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Grandia II (Video Game) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Love of Magic (Video Game) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Lunar (Video Game) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Lunar: The Silver Star (Video Game) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Mario & Luigi: Dream Team (Video Game) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Medieval Cop (Video Game) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Mega Man Battle Network 3: White and Blue (Video Game) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Midnight Suns (Video Game) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Oceanhorn: Monster of Uncharted Seas (Video Game) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Pizza Tower (Video Game) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Pokémon Conquest (Video Game) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Scribblenauts (Video Game) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Secret of Mana (Video Game) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Shadow Hearts (Video Game) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Shadowgate 64: Trials of the Four Towers (Video Game) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Solatorobo: Red the Hunter (Video Game) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Tales of the World (Video Game) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall (Video Game) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 The Labyrinth of Time (Video Game) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 The Last Sovereign (Video Game) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (Video Game) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Touhou Fuumaroku ~ the Story of Eastern Wonderland (Video Game) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Tradewinds (Video Game) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Transylvania (Video Game) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Valkyrie Drive -Bhikkhuni- (Video Game) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Warcraft (Video Game) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Warriors Orochi (Video Game) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Xenoblade (Video Game) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Xenoblade Chronicles 1 (Video Game) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (Video Game) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Yakuza: Like a Dragon (Video Game) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Doraleous & Associates (Web Animation) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 No Evil (Web Animation) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Society of Virtue (Web Animation) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 3kliksphilip (Web Video) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Arthur, King of Time and Space (Webcomic) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Cassiopeia Quinn (Webcomic) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Heroine Chic (Webcomic) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Kagerou (Webcomic) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Kubera (Webcomic) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 +99 Reinforced Wooden Stick (Webcomic) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Rusty and Co. (Webcomic) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Solo Farming in the Tower (Webcomic) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 xkcd (Webcomic) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Ark / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Avengers Assemble / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Barbie: Princess Charm School / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Batman: The Brave and the Bold / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Ben 10: Omniverse / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Daddy, I'm a Zombie / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Dave the Barbarian / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Dilbert / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Dr. Dimensionpants / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Egyxos / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Ewoks / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Green Lantern: The Animated Series / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Hulk and the Agents of S.M.A.S.H. / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Hulk Vs. / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Justice League: Throne of Atlantis / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 King Arthur & the Knights of Justice / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 My Little Pony: Equestria Girls / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Phineas and Ferb: Mission Marvel / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Prisoner Zero / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 She-Ra and the Princesses of Power / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Sofia the First / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Tangled: The Series / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 The Adventures of Puss in Boots / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 The New Adventures of Superman / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 The Smurfs (1981) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 The Sword in the Stone / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Trollhunters / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Trollhunters: Rise of the Titans / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Ultimate Avengers / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Wander over Yonder / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Zak Storm / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Savage Dragon (Comic Book) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 The Chronicles of Prydain / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Richard Wagner (Music) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Solatorobo (Video Game) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Charby the Vampirate (Webcomic) / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield
 Iron Man: Armored Adventures / int_6aada778
Only the Chosen May Wield