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Simple Solution Won't Work

 Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work
Occam's Razor can sometimes backfire: the simplest solution might not be that simple to carry out, isn't actually that simple to begin with, too costly or ignores several problems, has already been foreseen (and thus prepared against) by the enemy, is entirely too ruthless for the characters, is frowned upon by the beings that set the situation -- with extreme prejudice, or is only simple for the person suggesting it while greatly complicating things for the other people involved (whether or not said complication is evidence of them being selfish depends on the writer). Alternatively, the person receiving the suggestion might reply that they already tried it and it didn't work.
Often a rebuttal to Stating the Simple Solution, Cutting the Knot, Cut the Juice, Mundane Solution, Murder Is the Best Solution, Just Eat Gilligan, or Why Don't You Just Shoot Him?, and is often stated in the work to make sure even the dullest of viewers gets it. Adaptation Explanation Extrication may lead to this (the reason behind something not working may be explained in the original work but not the adaptation). Supertrope of No "Police" Option, where the simple solution of "sit back and let the police investigation solve this" (or sometimes just plain "call the police!") falls under this trope.
May result in Take a Third Option. Compare God's Hands Are Tied, where a supremely powerful character is unable to use his power to resolve the situation. May be a reason for Hitler's Time Travel Exemption Act: simply killing a tyrant doesn't necessarily inactivate the regime they're in charge of. Superficial Solution may be one reason it won't work. Also an occasional response to a Combat Pragmatist (sure, kicking the Big Bad in the balls and shooting him in the head is a more fun way to get rid of him, but it's not the best one. Sorry, dude).
Characters attempting the simple solution that they were told wouldn't work and encountering complications in the process may result in the ironies of A Simple Plan and Shortcuts Make Long Delays ensuing.
See also Rule of Drama, Conflict Ball, Watsonian vs. Doylist, Smoking Gun Control, Bellisario's Maxim, and MST3K Mantra, where the real reason the simple solution can't be used is because otherwise there'd be no plot. See also It Only Works Once when someone wonders why a solution that worked well the first time isn't used again.
 Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work
Dropped link to AIIsACrapshoot: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Simple Solution Won't Work
Dropped link to AdaptationalExplanation: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Simple Solution Won't Work
Dropped link to AssholeVictim: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Simple Solution Won't Work
Dropped link to BadGuyBar: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Simple Solution Won't Work
Dropped link to BatmanGambit: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Simple Solution Won't Work
Dropped link to BigGood: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Simple Solution Won't Work
Dropped link to BloodKnight: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Simple Solution Won't Work
Dropped link to BlownAcrossTheRoom: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Simple Solution Won't Work
Dropped link to BotheringByTheBook: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Simple Solution Won't Work
Dropped link to BroughtDownToNormal: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Simple Solution Won't Work
Dropped link to ChristmasCake: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Simple Solution Won't Work
Dropped link to ChristmasEveryDay: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Simple Solution Won't Work
Dropped link to ClosedCircle: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Simple Solution Won't Work
Dropped link to ComplexityAddiction: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Simple Solution Won't Work
Dropped link to ConsummateLiar: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Simple Solution Won't Work
Dropped link to ContemptCrossfire: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Simple Solution Won't Work
Dropped link to CorruptCop: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Simple Solution Won't Work
Dropped link to CrazySurvivalist: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Simple Solution Won't Work
Dropped link to CuttingTheKnot: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Simple Solution Won't Work
Dropped link to DealWithTheDevil: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Simple Solution Won't Work
Dropped link to DeathOfAThousandCuts: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Simple Solution Won't Work
Dropped link to DeconstructedTrope: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Simple Solution Won't Work
Dropped link to DidntThinkThisThrough: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Simple Solution Won't Work
Dropped link to DisproportionateRetribution: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Simple Solution Won't Work
Dropped link to Downplayed: Not an Item - UNKNOWN
 Simple Solution Won't Work
Dropped link to DramaticIrony: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Simple Solution Won't Work
Dropped link to EMP: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Simple Solution Won't Work
Dropped link to EquivalentExchange: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Simple Solution Won't Work
Dropped link to FandomEnragingMisconception: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Simple Solution Won't Work
Dropped link to FantasticVoyagePlot: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Simple Solution Won't Work
Dropped link to FlyInTheSoup: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Simple Solution Won't Work
Dropped link to GodsNeedPrayerBadly: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Simple Solution Won't Work
Dropped link to IdenticalStranger: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Simple Solution Won't Work
Dropped link to IneffectualSympatheticVillain: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Simple Solution Won't Work
Dropped link to InternalReveal: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Simple Solution Won't Work
Dropped link to ItCanThink: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Simple Solution Won't Work
Dropped link to JokerImmunity: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Simple Solution Won't Work
Dropped link to LoveAtFirstSight: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Simple Solution Won't Work
Dropped link to MacGuffinDeliveryService: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Simple Solution Won't Work
Dropped link to MagicMustDefeatMagic: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Simple Solution Won't Work
Dropped link to MikesNewGhostlyFamily: Not an Item - UNKNOWN
 Simple Solution Won't Work
Dropped link to MurderIsTheBestSolution: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Simple Solution Won't Work
Dropped link to NintendoHard: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Simple Solution Won't Work
Dropped link to NoodleIncident: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Simple Solution Won't Work
Dropped link to OrbitalBombardment: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Simple Solution Won't Work
Dropped link to PilotMovie: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Simple Solution Won't Work
Dropped link to PlayedForLaughs: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Simple Solution Won't Work
Dropped link to RealityWarper: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Simple Solution Won't Work
Dropped link to RuleOfThree: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Simple Solution Won't Work
Dropped link to SelfImposedExile: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Simple Solution Won't Work
Dropped link to SetRightWhatOnceWentWrong: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Simple Solution Won't Work
Dropped link to ShortestWarEver: Not an Item - UNKNOWN
 Simple Solution Won't Work
Dropped link to SkewedPriorities: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Simple Solution Won't Work
Dropped link to TheChessmaster: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Simple Solution Won't Work
Dropped link to TheMasquerade: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Simple Solution Won't Work
Dropped link to TheReturnOfTheKing: Not an Item - UNKNOWN
 Simple Solution Won't Work
Dropped link to ThouShaltNotKill: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Simple Solution Won't Work
Dropped link to UndeadTaxExemption: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Simple Solution Won't Work
Dropped link to VigilanteMan: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Simple Solution Won't Work
Dropped link to VoluntaryShapeshifter: Not an Item - UNKNOWN
 Simple Solution Won't Work
Dropped link to WhatTheHellHero: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Simple Solution Won't Work
Dropped link to WhyDontYouJustShootHim: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Simple Solution Won't Work
Dropped link to WrongTimeTravelSavvy: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Simple Solution Won't Work
Dropped link to YouKillItYouBoughtIt: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Simple Solution Won't Work
Dropped link to invoked: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Simple Solution Won't Work
Dropped link to playedfordrama: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Simple Solution Won't Work
Dropped link to runninggag: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Simple Solution Won't Work
Mike's New Ghostly Family / Fan Fic
 Simple Solution Won't Work
Shortest War Ever (Fanfic)
 Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_109f7814
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_109f7814
Sherlock: In the episode "A Scandal in Belgravia", Irene Adler explains that her cell phone is full of embarrassing secrets of many clients (mostly diplomats and tycoons from all over the world, including the UK) and is rigged to self-destruct if anybody tries to tamper with it to hack out the information. When Mycroft Holmes points out a second later that it just makes it easier for him to destroy the phone and prevent those secrets from getting out into the open, Irene immediately counters by pointing out that there are also many secrets in there that would benefit British Intelligence if they were privy to it, as well as only copies of certain bits of data she was able to photograph (and destroyed) when she was with said clients (and they will be pissed if Mycroft doesn't get them back). Result: Sherlock Holmes is forced to play a psychological game of cat and mouse with Irene to make her give him the password to the cell phone, which takes the better part of a year.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_109f7814
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_109f7814
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_109f7814
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_110dcdca
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_110dcdca
The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds: Lorule had faced its share of war and strife over its Triforce, just like Hyrule. It grew to such a fever pitch that, in desperation, the Lorulean royal family used their wish to have their Triforce annihilated. It turned out to be a Cosmic Keystone, and destroying it caused Lorule to literally start crumbling in response, reducing it to the miserable state seen during the events of the game. After returning to Hyrule, Zelda realized just how pitiable Lorule had become without its Triforce, and wished upon theirs alongside Link to have it restored.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_110dcdca
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_110dcdca
 The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds / Videogame
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_110dcdca
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_117116ef
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_117116ef
The Penguins of Madagascar:
Parodied in the episode "Popcorn Panic", where Zookeeper Alice greatly enforces the "do not feed the animals" rule (much to the zoo animals' chagrin as it means that they won't be able to get popcorn anymore). To solve the problem, Julien suggests that they simply get rid of Alice, only for Skipper to shoot it down on the belief that more Alices will just take her place (forty-two more to be exact, according to Kowalski).
In "High Moltage", the Penguins want to leave the Zoo to catch the premiere of the new Commodore Danger movie, only to discover that the zoo has installed a new security system that shocks animals that try to leave. When several of their plans to escape fail, Kowalski points out that if worst comes to worst they could see the movie another day, only for Skipper to refuse, pointing out that the movie is so popular that unless they go today they'll almost certainly have everything spoiled, ruining the point of going.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_117116ef
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_117116ef
 The Penguins of Madagascar
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_117116ef
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_125b1be6
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_125b1be6
Enter the Dragon: During the Mission Briefing concerning Han, his secret island lair and the possibility he's using it as a drug lab, and the martial arts tournament Han has organized which he's being asked to use to infiltrate the island and find evidence, Lee asks Braithwaite why he cannot bring along a gun and maybe shoot Han when he's offered any equipment he wishes. Braithwaite immediately shoots it down by mentioning that Han's island is located right in the China/Hong Kong border which would make any gunfire that is not performed by the police a legal nightmare, plus Han is paranoid of people bringing guns to said island because of a Noodle Incident. So fists it is.note Lee's ticked-off reaction at hearing that explanation is partially Bruce Lee being actually angry at the fact he was hired to play a lead in a James Bond-copycat film but not allowed to use a gun.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_125b1be6
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_125b1be6
 Enter the Dragon
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_125b1be6
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_1331990c
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_1331990c
Puella Magi Madoka Magica: When Madoka asks Homura why she didn't just tell everyone the Awful Truth about becoming Magical Girls when trying to dissuade her from it and coming into conflict with the others, Homura explains they wouldn't believe her as it happened when she tried telling them before. That was when she told Madoka and the others in a prior timeline, where in addition to not believing her until it was too late, learning it caused Mami to snap and try to Mercy Kill everyone. After countless timelines where such simple fixes failed, Homura gave up trying to explain things.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_1331990c
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_1331990c
 Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_1331990c
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_1377df
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_1377df
Terminator 2: Judgment Day: Upon learning his work will bring about The End of the World as We Know It, Miles Dyson announces he'll quit Cyberdyne the next day. The heroes shoot it down, as someone could still finish what he started.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_1377df
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_1377df
 Terminator 2: Judgment Day
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_1377df
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_13a61240
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_13a61240
The Rise of Skywalker: A character asks, "Why not use the Holdo Maneuver?" in reference to the scene in The Last Jedi when Admiral Holdo used the Raddus to ram the First Order flagship Supremacy while jumping to hyperspace, wrecking it and the accompanying fleet. The suggestion is brushed off as "a million-to-one chance". This was likely inserted in response to backlash that said maneuver broke Willing Suspension of Disbelief, as in prior works in the franchise, weaponised hyperspace just wasn't a thing for various reasons and the scene therefore led to people asking, "Why didn't the Rebels hyperspace-ram the Death Star?" Though in spite of this line, the montage of the First Order's defeat at the end includes a shot of a Star Destroyer broken in nearly the same way as the Supremacy, implying that some crazy Resistance pilot did recreate the Holdo maneuver successfully.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_13a61240
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_13a61240
 The Rise of Skywalker
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_13a61240
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_14d341dc
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_14d341dc
Star Trek Online: In the mission "Capture the Flag", the Romulan Republic flagship RRW Lleiset gets boarded by the Vaadwaur. At one point, after regaining control of the transporter room, the PC can suggest just beaming the leader into space, but your Mission Control Lieutenant Gaius Selan says he already tried it: he muses that transporter jammers are standard equipment for the Romulan military to prevent Weaponized Teleportation, and that it's likely the Vaadwaur thought of it as well.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_14d341dc
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_14d341dc
 Star Trek Online (Video Game)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_14d341dc
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_1576d725
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_1576d725
J-WITCH Series: When the heroes learn about how the Council made the Veil around Meridian to keep Phobos' evil from spreading, the former ask the latter why they never expanded the Veil to cover the Shadow Realm after Tarakudo joined the fray. The Council explain that a) it takes all their power just to put a Veil around one world, so two would be impossible, and b) the Shadow Realm is able to be accessed by shadows across infinite dimensions, which makes sealing it impossible.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_1576d725
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_1576d725
 J-WITCH Series (Fanfic)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_1576d725
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_15ac5735
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_15ac5735
In Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, Namor has threatened to go to war with Wakanda unless they obtain and hand over the creator of the vibranium detector that puts his kingdom at risk. Since Talokan can face Wakanda on equal technological footing due to also having vibranium, this is a pretty serious threat. Some of the Wakandan councillors suggest just doing it to make him go away. M'Baku, however, points out how disastrous it would be to set such a precedent—they have no assurance this is a one-time thing, and they can't put themselves in a position where a foreign power's threats dictate the running of the country.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_15ac5735
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_15ac5735
 Black Panther: Wakanda Forever
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_15ac5735
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_171174dc
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_171174dc
The Zeta Project: In the first episode of the show, Agent Bennett explains to his subordinates why they cannot just shoot the runaway Infiltration Unit Zeta (and as a matter of fact, he reads Agent West the riot act when he tries this with his back-up piece later in the same episode): 1) Zeta is an advanced assassination robot which should be impossible to hack, so they need to retrieve him intact so they can figure out who reprogrammed him; 2) As well, Zeta is an incredibly expensive piece of equipment and the government would really like to keep said investment as intact as possible; 3) Because he's an assassination robot, they really want to prevent Zeta from escalating and possibly injuring many innocent bystanders as collateral damage (same risk if they use heavy weaponry to try to take him down in any populated areas).
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_171174dc
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_171174dc
 The Zeta Project
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_171174dc
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_17f9fc0c
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_17f9fc0c
�Battle for Dream Island: The Power of Two� in “Gardening Zero�, the teams had to protect each of their endangered flowers from different locations. Team Death P.A.C.T. Again had to protect their plant in the jungle, but soon Puffball intrudes their biome to sabotage the team. As she was about to eat their flower, Remote reminds Puffball of an earlier rule, that if she kills the plant herself, then her own team will be up for elimination. So Puffball tries to sabotage in a different way. She then exits, and comes back with Ice Cube, and pushes her in the ground by their flower, as the flower is now draining Ice Cube’s moisture, and slowly killing her. So Puffball gives them the risky choice to either kill the plant to save Ice Cube, but forfeiting the challenge, or they let the plant absorb Ice Cube, with the team responsible for her death. (as the team has a priority on protecting people from death) At first, Remote tries to get out of the situation by pulling Ice Cube out, but even when using 110% of her battery strength, she couldn’t get Ice Cube out, as Puffball really wedged her in deep. Tree then suggest just taking Ice Cube’s bracelet off, so she would teleport back home, but Fanny explains that if she teleports while in the ground, she’ll just teleport underground and suffocate. So the team made the choice to…kill the plant.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_17f9fc0c
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_17f9fc0c
 Battle for Dream Island: The Power of Two (Web Animation)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_17f9fc0c
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_18c16686
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_18c16686
John Wick: Chapter 4: More like "simple solution is not working". After three films of becoming an increasingly annoying pest to the High Table because he is a One-Man Army that just refuses to die and is killing members by the truckload, the High Table finally escalates so high in their retaliation (and show themselves to be so mind-boggling in their width) that Wick accepts that there is no way he will be able to get out of this mess no matter how many he kills, so he accepts the more complicated solution of challenging the Marquis to a Duel to the Death with his freedom as a prize, a duel that the Marquis does absolutely everything in his power to increase the odds on his side.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_18c16686
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_18c16686
 John Wick: Chapter 4
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_18c16686
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_18d2fbe8
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_18d2fbe8
Hawkeye: In Hawkeye (2012), The Tape arc revolves around Hawkeye's mission to retrieve a VHS tape owned by a criminal organization that has several SHIELD secrets. Why the heck does a videotape even exist, you wonder (and Hawkeye asks Captain America) when everybody and their dog would just upload it to a computer? Because in the post-Civil War world, with Tony Stark's Extremis-given super-Hollywood Hacking capabilities being well known, criminals have had to go extremely low-tech to maintain their secrets (with some success, to boot).
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_18d2fbe8
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_18d2fbe8
 Hawkeye / Comicbook
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_18d2fbe8
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_1bd1ddf2
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_1bd1ddf2
Frieren: Beyond Journey's End: Frieren is a nigh-immortal elf, so her sense of time is completely misaligned compared to her human companions'. When sentenced to decades of prison, she sees no problem with waiting it out.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_1bd1ddf2
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_1bd1ddf2
 Frieren: Beyond Journey's End (Manga)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_1bd1ddf2
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_1d880fd1
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_1d880fd1
Patlabor: The TV Series: "Elusive Green" deals with a highway construction project stymied by on-site trouble, rumored to be a result of local oni being displeased with the plan to cut down a sacred tree. Both Asuma and a local man suggest diverting the highway further south, but the general contractor complains that if he could do that, he already would have (it's implied the higher-ups won't budge on the route, consequences be damned).
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_1d880fd1
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_1d880fd1
 Patlabor: The TV Series
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_1d880fd1
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_1eb6c857
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_1eb6c857
Transformers: Fall of Cybertron: The Autobots have stolen an entire lake of Energon from the Decepticons and are transporting it aboard a gigantic transport vehicle. When Swindle manages to damage its drivetrain, it transforms into a flying mode and takes off. As he fights his way through, he wonders why the Autobots didn't just use the flight mode from the start, to which Onslaught replies that it probably takes so much Energon it'd eat up most of the fuel it was carrying. Unknown to the Combaticons, Perceptor had raised the same issue earlier, but Optimus decided it was worth the risk.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_1eb6c857
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_1eb6c857
 Transformers: Fall of Cybertron (Video Game)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_1eb6c857
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_20fdaa65
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_20fdaa65
Spy X Son: Back during the Ostania and Westalis war, Kami considered sending the Z-Fighters to end the senseless loss of human life. He refrained from doing so because revealing the god-like strength of Goku and the others would have made them targets of corrupt governments as their new weapons. Word of God adds that any government attempts to get control of the Z-Fighters, particularly the more volatile ones like Vegeta, would end badly for said government.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_20fdaa65
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_20fdaa65
 Spy X Son (Fanfic)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_20fdaa65
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_2118f380
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_2118f380
Awkward Zombie:
In Rules of Engagement, rather than face him one-on-one, the protagonist throws all six of their Pokémon at Lysandre, pointing out that there's no reason to obey league regulations when Lysandre is trying to blow up the world. The police arrive and arrest the protagonist.
In Writer's Blocked, Alan Wake is wandering the woods at night, finding pages from a manuscript that he doesn't remember writing, and everything in the manuscript is coming true. Alan tries to write a happy ending, but since that's not how magic works in this setting, it does nothing.note Canonically, Alan has to be consistent and fit horror/thriller convention, or the Big Bad will exploit the plot holes. Which happened to another writer in the backstory.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_2118f380
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_2118f380
 Awkward Zombie (Webcomic)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_2118f380
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_2212773a
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_2212773a
An invoked example. After a little while of trying to deal with Angel through the typical solution of sending assassins and demons to kill him (which did not work), Wolfram & Hart lawyer Gavin Park points out to his coworkers that Angel does not have any legal documentation because he's a vampire and they could just toss the IRS at him to make his life hell. One scene (and several In-Universe hours) later, fellow (and cut-throat rival) WR&H lawyer Lilah Morgan arrives at Angel's office and hands him all necessary papers to prevent this from happening and no strings attached, purely to spite Park.
In the third season, it was revealed that Gunn sold his soul for his truck and the demon he sold it to came to collect. Angel attempted to help by cutting the demon's head off. Gunn pointed out that if it was that easy, he could have done it himself, as the demon's head was regrowing.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_2212773a
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_2212773a
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_2212773a
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_2284ad36
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_2284ad36
In Grim Dawn, an early quest involves fixing the well for the survivor settlement at Devil's Crossing. The player can ask the mechanic why they don't simply use the nearby river instead, to which he points out that the river is choked with all of the dead bodies accumulating over the last few months of the titular Grim Dawn and the destruction of civilization.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_2284ad36
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_2284ad36
 Grim Dawn (Video Game)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_2284ad36
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_2350acad
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_2350acad
Cheers: During one particular round of the Will They or Won't They?, Sam actually fires Diane. It doesn't take, because Diane is too stubborn to admit she's been fired. Many years later, in a discussion with Rebecca when the Diane problem comes up again, Sam tells her if he thought he could've gotten Diane sent to prison, he would have.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_2350acad
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_2350acad
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_2350acad
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_25369c5
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_25369c5
Freejack: As Alex Furlong is being told by his former representative what a "freejack" means (that Furlong was kidnapped from the past by a rich person in order to upload their mind into his brain and continue living), Alex asks why the heck the rich people don't just take people off the street for that purpose, and Alex's friend shows him the slum they are now in and explains that the future world has been such a polluted mess and people have been using drugs for so long that it's virtually impossible to find someone healthy enough for the upload, so stealing people from the past is the only real option for this scheme.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_25369c5
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_25369c5
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_25369c5
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_261c8d3f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_261c8d3f
The Simpsons: In the episode "Marge vs. the Monorail", when the titular monorail goes out of control, it is suggested to simply cut the power off, but the idea is shut down because the monorail is solar-powered.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_261c8d3f
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_261c8d3f
 The Simpsons
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_261c8d3f
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_29efc2f3
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_29efc2f3
Sleeping Beauty: After Maleficent curses Princess Aurora to prick her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel and die before the sun sets on her sixteenth birthday, even though Merryweather mitigates it to a Deep Sleep that would be awoken by True Love's Kiss, King Stefan has all the spinning wheels in his kingdom burned to protect his daughter. The good fairies know, however, that won't stop Maleficent's curse. Indeed, during the climax when the time for the curse to be fulfilled arrives, Maleficent simply conjures up a spinning wheel and compels Aurora to touch the spindle.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_29efc2f3
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_29efc2f3
 Sleeping Beauty
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_29efc2f3
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_2a1b28fc
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_2a1b28fc
Smiling Friends, in “Who Violently Murdered Simon S. Salty?�, Pim and Charlie discover the murdered corpse of Salty. Pim immediately calls the police station. Unfortunately the officer stops him, explaining that they have “a new force� in charge of murder investigations, and will alert them right away. Seconds later, Charlie gets a call from the boss, telling them of their new job to solve Salty’s murder, as their group is in charge of murders now.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_2a1b28fc
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_2a1b28fc
 Smiling Friends
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_2a1b28fc
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_2a8943c0
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_2a8943c0
Miraculous Ladybug: In Season 5, Hawk Moth gets ahold of all the Miraculous in Marinette's possession except Ladybug and Cat and becomes Monarch. The Snake Miraculous gives a Time Rewind Mechanic, allowing the user to rewind time back to the point the power was first activated. This gives them effectively infinite chances to defeat the heroes. However, it's revealed in Intuition that he had been using it, but Ladybug's Lucky Charm is too adaptable and Cat Noir always manages to give Ladybug the chance to use it. His Cataclysm wound also keeps going during the loops, meaning that he can't spend forever reseting time.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_2a8943c0
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_2a8943c0
 Miraculous Ladybug
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_2a8943c0
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_2e3e7ac2
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_2e3e7ac2
Justice League:
In the Pilot Movie, after hearing how the Martian Manhunter defeated the Imperium with a powerful nerve gas before, the Flash asks him why he doesn't do it again. J'onn explains that the gas can only be made from a rare Martian plant, and the only sample he brought with him was destroyed by the Imperium when they captured him.
In the episode "Wild Cards", while Batman warning the tv executive that he sold airtime to the Joker is enough to get him to have his station cut the broadcast, it doesn't prevent Jokers scheme since he had the forethought to buy time in more than one network.
The episode "Hereafter'' gives us two:
When Superman finds out that Vandal Savage has a time machine, he asks the latter why he never used it to stop his past self from destroying the world. Vandal explains that he can't travel to a point in the past when he existed, and given that he's an immortal who's been around since the Stone Age, it's pretty much useless to him. Fortunately, since Superman was flung to the future during that time, he's able to go.
When they discover that the only power source that'll keep the time machine active long enough is a zero-point energy generator that was stolen by some roach-men, Superman asks Vandal if he can make a new one. Vandal reveals that he's already working on one. It'll be ready in 50 years.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_2e3e7ac2
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_2e3e7ac2
 Justice League
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_2e3e7ac2
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_2ea6ae26
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_2ea6ae26
Star Trek: Picard: In "Stardust City Rag", Rios suggests that they simply buy Maddox from Bjayzl, but Raffi rejects this because the Tal Shiar has expressed interest and it would take far more than money for Bjayzl to break a contract with them. Seven offers herself as a Trojan Prisoner instead, as her wide range of Borg implants would be extremely valuable.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_2ea6ae26
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_2ea6ae26
 Star Trek: Picard
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_2ea6ae26
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_30b5f663
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_30b5f663
In Misplaced Cardinal, the Collector points out it's rather strange for Belos to waste time and efforts in searching for his missing Grimwalker all over the Boiling Isles when it's so much less of a hassle to create another one. A frustrated Emperor is forced to admit his previous Golden Guard destroyed the only source of an essential component for the recipe, so he has to find Hunter if he wants a Grimwalker.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_30b5f663
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_30b5f663
 Misplaced Cardinal (Fanfic)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_30b5f663
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_31e24f1e
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_31e24f1e
One explanation given for why Batman doesn't kill supervillains who keep breaking out of prison/containment (especially mass-murdering monsters like The Joker) is that he's afraid of Jumping Off the Slippery Slope and end up killing not just supervillains but anyone he sees as breaking the law.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_31e24f1e
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_31e24f1e
 The Joker (Comic Book)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_31e24f1e
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_32c541e6
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_32c541e6
Fullmetal Alchemist: Ed and Al lost things as payment for trying to resurrect their mother, with Ed losing a leg, and Al losing his entire body, with Ed having to attach Al's soul to a suit of armor at the cost of his arm. While trying to find a way to return to normal, they originally attempt to hunt down a Philosopher's Stone- a mythical item capable of amplifying alchemy and bypassing Equivalent Exchange. However, while this would be an easy solution, given they learn the recipe for the stones early on, the brothers are forced to reject it as Philosopher's Stones are horrifically unethical to make, with their main ingredient being live humans.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_32c541e6
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_32c541e6
 Fullmetal Alchemist (Manga)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_32c541e6
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_34d050c6
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_34d050c6
Darkwing Duck: In the pilot "Darkly Dawns the Duck", when Taurus Bulba wants Hammerhead and his cohorts to steal the ramrod while it's being moved by train, Hammerhead and the others are a little nervous about robbing a moving train and wonder why they couldn't just wait until it stopped before stealing the ramrod. Bulba replies with this:
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_34d050c6
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_34d050c6
 Darkwing Duck
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_34d050c6
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_35bceb50
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_35bceb50
In Hamlet, the titular character pulls this trope on himself to justify why he doesn't simply kill his treacherous Uncle Claudius, who murdered Hamlet's father to obtain the throne of Denmark. Prince Hamlet fears that the spirit who took his father's form to tell him this might be lying, and thus decides that he needs absolute proof of Claudius's guilt before he acts. Later, when he encounters Claudius kneeling in prayer, he tells himself that he could end it all right now with a quick sword thrust, but decides that this won't work either because if he murders his uncle while he's doing a good deed, he might end up in Heaven instead of having to pay for his crimes. This is also a case of Dramatic Irony, as Claudius isn't praying — rather, he's trying to, but can't because of his guilty conscience.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_35bceb50
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_35bceb50
 Hamlet (Theatre)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_35bceb50
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_362af20c
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_362af20c
In Reptilicus, the army is talked out of simply bombing up the titular monster by the lead scientist reminding everyone that Reptilicus' Healing Factor is at near-From a Single Cell levels of power. If they did blow him up, there's no guarantee that they'd find all the pieces in time to prevent his return.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_362af20c
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_362af20c
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_362af20c
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_3651bc0c
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_3651bc0c
The Princess and the Frog: When Lawrence wonders why he has to wear the amulet that disguises himself as Prince Naveen, and not Dr. Facilier, the good doctor explains that his magic has a No Self-Buffs rule.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_3651bc0c
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_3651bc0c
 The Princess and the Frog
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_3651bc0c
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_375e8f14
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_375e8f14
The Last Hero: When told that Cohen the Barbarian plans to detonate a Fantastic Nuke on top of Cor Celesti, which will result in the death of the gods and the end of magic for two years, several people think it's a small price to pay. Ponder Stibbons has to explain that it means the end of the world.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_375e8f14
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_375e8f14
 The Last Hero
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_375e8f14
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_3770f7c3
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_3770f7c3
Hero Chat:
Very early on in the fanfic, Team Miraculous propose trying to get rid of Lila Rossi by simply informing Lila's mother of her daughter's manipulations. They then shoot the idea down because, if Lila could get away with such things as pretending the school was closed for a whole month by an Akuma attack to play hooky, it means Mrs. Rossi is either utterly oblivious or, worse yet, on Lila's side.
The idea of using the Rabbit Miraculous to prevent a young Master Fu from accidentally destroying the Order of Guardians and kickstarting the entire plot is floated, but Alix vetoes it on the grounds that it wouldn't change the past, just create an alternate timeline.
Preventing Hawkmoth from gaining the Butterfly and Peacock Miraculi is likewise thrown out for the same reason as above, plus, Alix doesn't even know the exact when and where the event occured. Meanwhile, traveling forward in time is thrown out on the grounds that they have no idea what sort of person Hawkmoth actually is, meaning that if they act too early, they could be dealing with a cold-blooded killer without being fully prepared.
After an Akuma attack at one of his parties, Gabriel decides to simply ask Ladybug to borrow the Ladybug and Cat Miraculi and use the Wish bring his wife back. Unfortunately for him, Ladybug refuses; as she explains, due to the Wish working on Equivalent Exchange, if it were used to bring someone back to life, it would mean someone else dying. As Alix later notes, this likewise means the heroes can't use the Wish in their favor. Wish for the Butterfly and Peacock Miraculi? Hawkmoth gets two of theirs. Wish to know Hawkmoth's Secret Identity? He learns theirs.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_3770f7c3
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_3770f7c3
 Hero Chat (Fanfic)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_3770f7c3
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_3840524e
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_3840524e
In 1776, the proposal for independence that John Adams and Benjamin Franklin devise stalls in Congress. Franklin then pulls off an elaborate Glad You Thought of It scheme on Richard Henry Lee of Virginia to get him to make the proposal; Lee falls for it and rushes back to his colony to get the cause going. Adams points out that they could have simply asked Lee to help them, but Franklin explains that if they had, he'd have been doing them a favor and expected repayment in the future. By making Lee think it was his idea, they both advance their idea and avoid political entanglements.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_3840524e
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_3840524e
 1776 (Theatre)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_3840524e
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_38c87187
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_38c87187
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal: One comic has Superman about to punch a mugger, who protests that he's only doing this because his job at the factory doesn't pay him enough. Superman then goes to the factory owner, who protests they can't pay the workers more because the government doesn't encourage it. An increasingly-angry Superman goes to the president, who says the economy is what it is because statisticians don't understand chaos. When asked "so who do I punch?", the statistician tells him he'll need to study math, history, philosophy... so Superman punches the mugger.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_38c87187
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_38c87187
 Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal (Webcomic)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_38c87187
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_3aff800d
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_3aff800d
Fun with Dick and Jane: In the 2005 remake, after Globodyne collapses and Dick loses his job, neither he nor Jane are able to get new jobs to support themselves, and Dick suggests selling their home to cover their losses, till Jane explains that Globodyne's implosion also affected the housing market to the point that even if sold their house, they would still owe the bank $150,000. They try Cutting Corners, giving away or selling their possessions, but soon, both get so sick of it that they turn to robbing local businesses to get money.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_3aff800d
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_3aff800d
 Fun with Dick and Jane
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_3aff800d
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_3b34143f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_3b34143f
Harry Potter:
The spell Accio (learned by Harry in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire) has the very convenient power to summon an object from a great distance, but unfortunately virtually every MacGuffin in the series is protected from its effects.
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince:
This book establishes why no one has tried simply tried to kill Voldemort and be done with it: the evil sorcerer has used a Dangerous Forbidden Technique to rip out individual pieces of his soul into seven parts and lock the ones not in his body into six , later discovered to be seven, special containers called "Horcruxes." As such, any attempt to kill Voldemort without destroying all six of the Horcruxes first won't work — he's immortal so long as a single one remains intact.
Although, plenty have still tried to kill Voldemort. The only one to actually succeed and force him to rely on his horcruxes before the main series was when Lily Potter did it by accident. Even then, Voldemort lost his body, his powers, and most of his allies for nearly 14 years until his grand return. The horcruxes just explain why Voldemort wasn't dead for good when he was destroyed that first time.
The United Kingdom gets a new Prime Minister who, as is tradition, is immediately let in on The Masquerade by the current Minister of Magic; when the PM asks why the good guys don't use their powers to stop Voldemort and his followers, his wizarding opposite sighs. "The other side has magic, too."
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_3b34143f
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_3b34143f
 Harry Potter
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_3b34143f
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_3c33a32c
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_3c33a32c
The Day of the Jackal: At one point a member of the OAS suggests that instead of hiring the titular Jackal to assassinate President de Gaulle (which will cost them a fortune they don't have) why not simply find a crazed fanatic who they can set to kill him in a Suicide Attack. The suggestion is dismissed by the other members on the grounds of it being next to impossible to find anyone who is simultaneously insane enough to agree to do so, and rational enough to follow a coherent complex plan to bypass de Gaulle's defences.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_3c33a32c
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_3c33a32c
 The Day of the Jackal
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_3c33a32c
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_3ccd4125
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_3ccd4125
The 100 Girlfriends Who Really, Really, Really, Really, Really Love You:
In chapter 34, Karane suggests that Hahari could use her authority as the school chairwoman to prevent the baseball club from being disbanded. Hahari refuses to give the club any special treatment since she would have to do the same for all the other school clubs in order to avoid playing favorites. Later in chapter 118, when Naddy is struggling with another teacher complaining about her way of speaking, Hahari mentally notes that while she could use her status as chairwoman to force the teacher to back off, not only would that also be showing favoritism, but Naddy herself wouldn’t want that.
After Rentarou secured 18 girlfriends, he goes to the shrine of the Love god that "granted" him the 100 soulmates boon. While the god is remorseful, he asks why Rentarou simply doesn't tell his soulmates that they need to be coupled with him for the sake of their life (as if they make eye contact but the girl truly rejects Rentarou for any reason, the bad karma from doing so will kill her). Rentarou responds that if he did, he'd basically be coercing all of his girlfriends into a relationship regardless of their wishes, and he'd rather be in a relationship where they want to stay with him naturally.
At least one of Rentarou's soulmates started out as someone who he had to confront over problems with another girlfriend. But despite his harem including former enemies, not every woman he meets is one of his soulmates, and so he can't expect to resolve all of his issues by having female enemies (including the aforementioned teacher bothering Naddy) fall in love with him.
Tama Nekonari is determined to live her life as a cat, but also does not want to be a burden on anyone who might adopt her; this leads her to try to find part-time work when Rentarou adopts her. Chapter 147 opens with Tama's job search going poorly because she doesn't bother to hide the fact she doesn't actually want to work. Hahari offers the simple solution of taking in Tama as a Hanazono housepet, which initially goes great except that, despite being everything she dreamed it would be, Tama feels guilty over being such a layabout when all the other girlfriends in the Rentarou Family are properly going to school or work. Hahari helps Tama find a middle ground, setting her up to apply at a factory that Hahari owns, unbeknownst to Tama. Tama's lack of desire to work isn't a problem for this job as Hahari's businesses have a standing rule: "As long as you're cute, then you're hired. No questions asked."
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_3ccd4125
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_3ccd4125
 The 100 Girlfriends Who Really, Really, Really, Really, Really Love You (Manga)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_3ccd4125
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_3d58d686
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_3d58d686
Uncle Grandpa: In "Charlie Burgers", when the titular character of the episode, who is a talking dog, gets his ball stuck on Angryman Johnson's roof, Uncle Grandpa's solution to get his ball is to turn the world upside down and have it fall off the roof. When Gus asks why don't they just ask Giant Realistic Flying Tiger to fly up to the roof and get the ball, Uncle Grandpa said she's in the shower and you should never disturb a lady during bath time. After turning the world upside down and Charlie's ball ends up heading towards a black hole with Charlie following it, Gus asks why don't they just have the world turn back the way it was and have gravity pull Charlie back, Uncle Grandpa said gravity is just a theory and decides to call Giant Realistic Flying Tiger to help them because this is a real emergency.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_3d58d686
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_3d58d686
 Uncle Grandpa
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_3d58d686
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_3d6b7986
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_3d6b7986
Matilda: After Matilda has endured half of her first day in school seeing the outrageous tortures that Agatha Trunchbull (the school's Dean Bitterman and extreme Sadist Teacher) unleashes on the children, she asks the other students in her classroom why the heck has nobody told their parents about Trunchbull's brutality and gotten them to call the police, and she's told back that none of their parents have believed them because of how outrageous said tortures are. Admittedly, telling someone about the school having an iron maiden (which Trunchbull affectionately calls "the Chokey") and how Trunchbull showed her rage at a girl having pigtails by grabbing her by said pigtails and using her as a Human Hammer-Throw would be a tall tale in other circumstances. The book also makes mention that Trunchbull has managed to intimidate the parents who have believed their children into looking the other way. The result is that Matilda needs to fix things herself using her Psychic Powers.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_3d6b7986
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_3d6b7986
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_3d6b7986
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_3e5f3f53
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_3e5f3f53
Supermarioglitchy4's Super Mario 64 Bloopers: In "Mario Does Literally Anything for Views", SMG4 is worried that he will not get 5 million subscribers in time for the Milestone Celebration that he has planned for the following week. When Mario points out that he could just move it to a later date, SMG4 responds that he can't as he has hyped it up too much.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_3e5f3f53
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_3e5f3f53
 Supermarioglitchy4's Super Mario 64 Bloopers (Web Animation)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_3e5f3f53
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_3e8c09b9
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_3e8c09b9
Attack on Titan: Rod Reiss claims that Wall Maria could have been saved seven years before if Eren's father didn't murder/devour the crown princess, who had the power to control the Titans. Eren freaks out from the revelation that he and his father were indirectly responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands, and begs Historia to eat him, obtain the power to control Titans, and kill them off while there's still hope. But then Historia, who is the crown princess's half-sister, calls her father out on this by asking why Frieda didn't fight when she could have done so already when Eren's father warned them about the Titans already breaching Wall Maria. Better yet, why didn't the past inheritors of the Founding Titans for the past 100 years use its powers to free humanity? This is because for the last 100 years, the First King's will was imposed through the royal bloodline that prevents it from being used to fight back the Titans and let the people within the Walls be killed regardless. This explained why Historia remembered Fried yelling at her to not cross the face in a sudden change of behavior. Historia realizes Eren having the Founding Titan's power is a GOOD thing because he won't get said will imposed on him and she defies her father for wanting to continue the cycle.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_3e8c09b9
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_3e8c09b9
 Attack on Titan (Manga)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_3e8c09b9
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_3fa584fa
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_3fa584fa
one day at a time: The Joker's titular Joker Immunity is a subject of much frustration, in and out of universe, which led to Jason eventually deciding to just do a Boom, Headshot!. And then, as it turns out, the Joker is a Legacy Character — a new Joker is created every time the previous Joker dies almost to the second, inevitably and through no reason or connection that anybody has been able to figure out, and each new Joker is infallibly worse than the previous Joker. And the new Joker that was created by Jason murdering the third Joker was directly responsible for killing Bruce. Jason sees putting a bullet in his skull, in the present/past, as the one kill he regrets more than any other.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_3fa584fa
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_3fa584fa
 one day at a time (Nyame) (Fanfic)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_3fa584fa
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_400469e
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_400469e
Calvin and Hobbes: After his Snow Goon comes to life and starts threatening Calvin, Hobbes suggest that they try to melt it by luring it into the house. Calvin points out that the house isn't warm enough to melt it any faster than hours, and his mother would either get attacked by the creature or have a fit at the inevitable mess.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_400469e
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_400469e
 Calvin and Hobbes (Comic Strip)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_400469e
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_42ffb88e
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_42ffb88e
SCP Foundation:
SCP-2305 is a book titled "great ideas that are TOTALY [sic] USELESS". True to its name, it contains creative or simple ways to neutralize random SCPs — along with a log explaining how this would backfire. For example, SCP-2315 is an ancient stone bridge that makes anyone who crosses it irrationally hate Carthage. According to 2305, the Foundation could simply blow it up, but then the effect would spread to every bridge in Italy, and then Italy would declare war on Tunisia for no reason.
In the fan movie SCP: Dollhouse, after the operatives determine that the bizarre happenings in the house they were sent to are tied to a laptop running a glitchy program that warps reality, one of them asks why not just hit the power switch. Fletcher, the tech guy, immediately rebuffs the idea, because there's no telling what will happen if they turn off the machine.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_42ffb88e
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_42ffb88e
 SCP Foundation (Website)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_42ffb88e
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_43c21f1a
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_43c21f1a
Thunderbirds Are Go: During the Cold Open of "Heist Society", when talking about the transportation of an newly discovered particle, Alan wonders why they don't just fly the thing. Brains explains that the particle is highly unstable, especially to magnet fields, and above a certain altitude, the Earth's EM-field is enough to set it off. As such, it's being transported below sea-level on a mag-lev train.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_43c21f1a
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_43c21f1a
 Thunderbirds Are Go
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_43c21f1a
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_43ce5692
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_43ce5692
In Django Unchained, Dr. King Schultz and Django discuss how to buy the latter's wife from Calvin Candie if Candie doesn't want to sell her, with Schultz using buying a horse as an analogy. Django proposes just stealing her back, but Schultz replies that if he tries that, the authorities will just hang Django and return his wife to her owners, then proposes a roundabout scheme to buy Django's wife. Ironically, after they get caught with their scheme, Candie tells them that if they would have just come to them honest he would have sold them Django's wife. But because they went and tried to scam him, Candie is angry — and because of said anger, the petty evil he does as a result, and Schultz deciding to blow Candie away because he got angry, a lot of bloodshed ensues.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_43ce5692
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_43ce5692
 Django Unchained
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_43ce5692
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_453a04b0
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_453a04b0
This is quite common in The Fairly Oddparents, where the simple solution is often forbidden by Da Rules.
In "Christmas Every Day!", after Timmy sees the consequences of wishing for Christmas Every Day, he immediately tries to undo the wish only to learn that he can't; every year on Christmas Eve, the fairies of the world lend most of their magic to Santa so he can do his job, and retrieve it the morning after Christmas. Now that it's Christmas 24/7, they're all powerless to do anything.
In "Nectar of the Odds", Timmy is determined to get his hands on tickets to see Crash Nebula on Ice, but it's sold out, and the only tickets he can find are scalped ones that cost $1,500. Wanda explains that he can't just wish for tickets because that would involve stealing them from someone who already has them, he can't just wish for $1,500 to buy the scalped tickets because that's counterfeiting, and he can't wish for there to be more seats available because that would violate the fire code. He's forced to earn the money by selling lemonade.
The plot of "Abra-Catastrophe!" revolves around Timmy losing his Fairy-versary Muffin, which is capable of granting any wish — even ones that defy Da Rules — to whoever takes a bite out of it. At one point, Cosmo asks why Timmy doesn't just wish for the Muffin back. Timmy congratulates him on the great idea, only for Wanda to reveal they can't, as the muffin's magic is more powerful than theirs. Turns out Cosmo knew this; he just wanted to know why Timmy hadn't tried the obvious solution yet.
The episode "Parent Hoods" has Timmy's parents being arrested after they are mistaken for a similar-looking criminal duo. When Timmy tries wishing his parents free, Wanda informs him that it won't work due to them being so entwined in the US Legal System that it could take years to get them out of jail, even if magic is used. Because of this, Timmy decides to get the real culprits caught to prove his parents' innocence.
In "Odd, Odd West", when Timmy tries to wish for the deed to the wild west town that's about to be torn down, Wanda explains that they need to actually know where the deed is first.
In "Five Days of FLARG", when Mark, who had gone into Self-Imposed Exile to escape from his crazy fiancee Mandie, is depressed that he's missing the titular Yugopotamian celebration, Timmy asks him why he doesn't just go home for the holidays. The broadcast they're watching which shows said celebration then reveals that Mandie is still waiting for Mark to return... in an Ax-Crazy manner.
"Back to the Norm" has Mr. Crocker and Norm the Genie teaming up to try and defeat Timmy and capture his fairies. When all of Crocker's overly-elaborate death traps backfire on him, Norm suggests that it would be easier to just do something like sending Timmy to Mars where he will suffocate from lack of oxygen. Crocker shoots down the idea because he believes that the only way to successfully capture Cosmo and Wanda is if Timmy is destroyed on Earth, much to Norm's frustration. Norm eventually grows tired enough of Crocker's idiocy that he decides to leave him and go grant wishes for Timmy instead, one of them being his Mars idea, with Crocker being the one sent there instead.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_453a04b0
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_453a04b0
 The Fairly OddParents!
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_453a04b0
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_468bebb0
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_468bebb0
Going Postal: Long ago, Bloody Stupid Johnson was hired to build a mail sorting machine for the post office. However, he decided to make things easier on himself by having Pi equal three. Somehow, this worked and the machine was completed, but this warped reality so the device began receiving mail that shouldn't exist, and it posed the threat of destroying the entire universe altogether. Ultimately, this lead to the dissolution of the postal service until Vetinari had Moist resurrect it many years later.
From the same book, under the management of bankers and businessmen, the Grand Trunk company runs the Clacks towers ragged, cutting costs like maintenance. When the towers start shutting down, one of the investors suggests spending money on maintenance, only for Mr. Pony, the only engineer on the board, to point out that they don't have the manpower. None of the former company engineers would take a job with the company for any money, and training laymen takes time. Fixing the Clacks towers will take hundreds of thousands of dollars and months of shutdown.
The Last Hero: When told that Cohen the Barbarian plans to detonate a Fantastic Nuke on top of Cor Celesti, which will result in the death of the gods and the end of magic for two years, several people think it's a small price to pay. Ponder Stibbons has to explain that it means the end of the world.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_468bebb0
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_468bebb0
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_468bebb0
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_468c2a7a
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_468c2a7a
Judge Dee: Rivertown is the town next to the palace that serves as the Third Princess' residence, and as such, is under draconian law: the slightest infraction is punished with the "lingering death" (literal Death of a Thousand Cuts), making it a paradise for the leaders of criminal organizations thanks to the increased security. When the judge asks why such undesirables aren't simply kicked out, the captain of the guard answers that it's impossible to check the antecedents of the hundreds of people coming and going through the town, which makes most of its money from tourism-related traffic.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_468c2a7a
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_468c2a7a
 Judge Dee
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_468c2a7a
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_47090560
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_47090560
Charlotte: In episode 10, when it's revealed that Yuu's ability is actually Plunder and he learns that Nao, Jojiro and Kumagami knew this all along, Yuu laments that he, Nao and everyone else could have saved a lot of trouble and grief if they had simply told him what his power really was from the start, the death of his sister, Ayumi, being the biggest example. Nao states that the reason she didn't tell him sooner is because she couldn't trust that he'd use the power responsibly. Considering Yuu started the series as a selfish Jerkass who used his power for his own personal gain, it's hard not to see Nao's point.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_47090560
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_47090560
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_47090560
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_470d3e8f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_470d3e8f
Wulfrik: Despite all the tortures he inflicts on them, Viglundr is unable to get his sorcerers to kill Wulfrik by magic, as his curse would transfer to them instead. This is also the reason Zarnath, aka Ludwig Stossel, keeps manipulating events to send Wulfrik to his death instead of causing it himself.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_470d3e8f
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_470d3e8f
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_470d3e8f
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_49a88442
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_49a88442
In one sidequest in Final Fantasy XIV, the Warrior is teaching Wiscar how to deal with the various monsters around Gyr Abania as part of the Ala Mhigan Resistance. They can either tell him to aim for a specific weak point where the monster is most fragile or to hit it really, really hard. In both cases, the monster goes down, but Wiscar is exhausted if he doesn't go for the weak point and it's implied to take much longer.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_49a88442
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_49a88442
 Final Fantasy XIV (Video Game)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_49a88442
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_4a059a74
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_4a059a74
The Mandalorian: In "Chapter 9: The Marshal", Din Djarin's initial solution to the krayt dragon attacking Mos Pelgo and the local Sand People tribes is to just blow it away with his ship's guns. Cobb Vanth tells him it won't work: the dragon would hear him coming and burrow away.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_4a059a74
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_4a059a74
 The Mandalorian
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_4a059a74
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_4afb0af3
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_4afb0af3
World's End Harem: Protagonist Reito Mizuhara, aghast at the prospect of being reduced to a de facto Breeding Slave, asks whether the Lady Land tried using artificial insemination to produce male children after 99% of Earth's males were killed in a pandemic. Mira Suou replies that in the five years since the world went to hell, they did try that, but all resulting male newborns died within days because the MK Virus is still endemic in the environment. The point of using him and the other four surviving males as sperm donors is to produce male children who inherit their Disability Immunity.note due to some combination of their cellular sclerosis ailment or the cure that was developed while they were Human Popsicles Though this still avoids the question of why it has to be natural insemination and not IVF. Straw Feminists are wholly to blame for that part.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_4afb0af3
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_4afb0af3
 World's End Harem (Manga)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_4afb0af3
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_4ba244d2
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_4ba244d2
If the animatronics are trying to get you because they think you're an endoskeleton without your costume, why not just make a fake costume (or at least a mask) and wear it to trick them? This becomes a gameplay mechanic in the sequel. There are two animatronics the mask doesn't protect you from, and you can't do the things necessary to ward them off if you have the head on.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_4ba244d2
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_4ba244d2
 Five Nights at Freddy's 2 (Video Game)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_4ba244d2
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_4c095a1f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_4c095a1f
The Transformers: During the "Rebirth" trilogy, the Decepticons gain possession of the key to the Plasma Energy Chamber, whose energies could wipe out entire planets. The Nebulans suggest that the Autobots simply destroy the key before the Decepticons can use it. Optimus Prime is against this, as Alpha Trion had informed him that the key needed to remain intact in order for a "miracle" to happen. The argument ultimately becomes moot, due to the key being used to activate the chamber not long after.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_4c095a1f
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_4c095a1f
 The Transformers
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_4c095a1f
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_4c7d31ab
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_4c7d31ab
Kidnapped: Alan signals to a friend that he needs help and is hidden among the heather by making a cross of heather with one of his buttons in the middle. David says it's a clever idea, but suggests that it would be easier to simply write to his friend. Alan's reply is essentially, "Yes, it'd be easier for us to write to him, but my friend can't read."
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_4c7d31ab
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_4c7d31ab
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_4c7d31ab
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_503d5009
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_503d5009
Ayakashi Triangle: When Medusa invades Lucy's mansion, she immediately suggests the "classic" idea of reflecting its petrifying vision back at it with a mirror. But this version of Medusa can see through its snakes, so it knows to smash the mirror without ever looking at it with its main eyes.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_503d5009
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_503d5009
 Ayakashi Triangle (Manga)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_503d5009
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_507c4d13
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_507c4d13
Insidious: Once the Lambert family catches on that they are living in a haunted house and that the spirit in question is malevolent, they immediately move the hell away. Unfortunately, the spirit just follows them to their new home and escalates, leading to them trying the more risky solution of exorcising it.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_507c4d13
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_507c4d13
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_507c4d13
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_510974b4
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_510974b4
Johnny Test:
The episode "Johnny Escape from Bling-Bling Island" has Bling-Bling breaking into the lab and stealing a shoe from every pair belonging to Susan the night before she and Mary are to attend a dinner party involving Gil with the girls instructing Johnny and Dukey to get them back. When Johnny suggests that they could instead just buy more down at the shoe store, Susan frantically tells him that she can't because most of her collection is imported and that it would take weeks to order new ones in.
The episode "No Homework for Johnny" has Susan and Mary building Johnny a robot designed to help him with his schoolwork, only for Johnny to inadvertently use it to steal things from all over town due to the robot having no concept of money or ownership. During the family's discussion of how to fix things and get out of trouble with the law, Lila suggests that the easiest way would be to destroy the robot so that the thefts can't be traced back to them, only for the girls to inform her that doing so would be a bad idea because the lithium oxide batteries powering it would contaminate the air and kill them all if they were ever to be taken apart. Instead, they opt to secretly return everything that was stolen and give the robot to one of their neighbors as a gift.
One episode sees Johnny get a new video game, only to get stuck on the first boss. Johnny's first idea is to look online for walkthroughs and guides, only for the search to come up with nothing, with Dukey noting that because the game is so new, no one's had a chance to finish it, let alone post anything about it.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_510974b4
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_510974b4
 Johnny Test
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_510974b4
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_513f5832
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_513f5832
In Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home, Spock deduces that the alien probe that is devastating Earth's atmosphere is actually seeking humpback whales to communicate with. Unfortunately, humpbacks were driven to extinction centuries ago. Kirk suggests answering the probe with simulations of humpback songs, but Spock points out that since they don't know the actual language of the whales or the probe, they'd be broadasting gibberish; they need actual whales to be able to answer, leading to the movie's central time travel plot.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_513f5832
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_513f5832
 Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_513f5832
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_52a7b781
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_52a7b781
Kamen Rider Geats: The eponymous hero has spent two thousand years playing the game and wishing for increasingly over the top things, all with the intention of reuniting with his Missing Mom. When asked why he didn’t just wish to see her, he reveals that his original wish was exactly that, only for it to be rejected by the management.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_52a7b781
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_52a7b781
 Kamen Rider Geats
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_52a7b781
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_5319ce6c
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_5319ce6c
Spy X Family:
Mission 2 has Franky bring up the simple idea of using a female agent from WISE to play the role of the 'Forger family wife and mother' for Operation Strix, instead of going the long way of finding someone suitable to agree to a fake marriage. Twilight states that a recent spate of spy-hunts has reduced the number of WISE agents, leaving them short-staffed, the agents they do have are overworked, and nobody is available to take on the role for a long-standing mission like Strix.
When Yor's younger brother is coming for a visit after learning that she got married, she and Loid talk about what excuse to give him about the sudden marriage. Loid suggests to just come clean and tell him the truth: that a woman of Yor's age being single is considered suspicious in society, so her entering a Marriage of Convenience with Loidnote he needed her for Operation Strix mentioned above, but used the cover story of Loid Forger's late wife having her final wish being for their daughter to attend said school, and needed a wife for the family interview part of admission would be an easy way out. Yor, however, objects to that solution because she knows her brother would never accept his sister being married to someone she doesn't genuinely love. This convinces Loid to keep up the charade.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_5319ce6c
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_5319ce6c
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_5319ce6c
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_545545c9
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_545545c9
Mickey Mouse Clubhouse: “Goofy’s Goofbot�, in the episode, Goofy presents the crew his very own robot clone, but after a mishap, he accidentally presses all of his buttons, causing the robot to go haywire, along with busting one of the robot’s buttons. So in order to fix him, they needed to replace the busted button with a new spring, and unfortunately they can’t call in Toodles for help, because they used up all their mouska-tools.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_545545c9
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_545545c9
 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_545545c9
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_55c20cb5
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_55c20cb5
Overlord (2012): When Ainz participates in the Empire's gladiatorial arena, Emperor Jircniv hopes that Ainz (having demonstrated he can casually cast spells not even the best spellcaster in the Empire can hope to match) is a Squishy Wizard. Unfortunately, after Ainz proves he's no less invincible in melee combat by handily winning without the use of magic, Jircniv accepts the inevitable and declares the Empire a vassal state of Nazarick. This turns out to be the best decision he's taken in his life, as Nazarick has no interest in telling him how to run the Empire, demands condemned prisoners instead of crushing tribute, and even bolsters his borders with their undead troops. Best of all, any unpopular decision he makes can now be handled by saying "take it up with Nazarick" instead of surveillance and intrigue to remove dissidents.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_55c20cb5
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_55c20cb5
 Overlord (2012)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_55c20cb5
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_5711178c
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_5711178c
Transformers Aligned Universe:
Transformers: Rise of the Dark Spark: When Swindle and Shockwave, bearing the titular Dark Spark, arrive at the gates of the Decepticon capital of Kaon they discover a huge Autobot army laying siege in order to stop them. Blast-Off, Swindle's fellow Combaticon, suggests he simply take the Dark Spark from Swindle and deliver it by air. Shockwave dismisses the suggestion as being too risky: if Blast-Off were to be shot down or otherwise drop the Dark Spark, for all they know it might explode and take all of Kaon with it. Combaticon commander Onslaught agrees with Shockwave's assessment and orders him to retreat to a safe location with the Dark Spark, while the Combaticons begin clearing a path.
Transformers: Fall of Cybertron: The Autobots have stolen an entire lake of Energon from the Decepticons and are transporting it aboard a gigantic transport vehicle. When Swindle manages to damage its drivetrain, it transforms into a flying mode and takes off. As he fights his way through, he wonders why the Autobots didn't just use the flight mode from the start, to which Onslaught replies that it probably takes so much Energon it'd eat up most of the fuel it was carrying. Unknown to the Combaticons, Perceptor had raised the same issue earlier, but Optimus decided it was worth the risk.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_5711178c
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_5711178c
 Transformers Aligned Universe (Franchise)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_5711178c
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_5754b731
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_5754b731
Legacy of the Enginseers: After Mechanicus' testing of her Plasma Annihilator on the ship blocking Brockton Bay's port and Ellisburg, someone asks on PHO if the Protectorate couldn't simply go through one of the portals Mechanicus uses to fire the weapon and destroy the latter. They soon get the answer: the Protectorate can't predict when and where a portal opens with enough time to react and get inside before the weapon fires, they would also have to be strong enough to deal great damage in a short time, and then they would have to survive the weapon's explosion. And that's without considering the possibility that Mechanicus' portals are one way.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_5754b731
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_5754b731
 Legacy of the Enginseers (Fanfic)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_5754b731
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_5755b96a
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_5755b96a
The Order of the Stick:
In comic #276 during the Azure City arc, upon being told about the Snarl and that the rifts in the world are holes in its prison, Vaarsuvius asks why the gods couldn't just repair the rifts themselves. Lord Shinjo responds that they could, but would require the threads of reality that make up the world to do so, meaning they would have to destroy the current world in order to make a new world without the rifts. It's eventually revealed that even this isn't a permanent fix as the Snarl has been breaking free from its prison for a long time.
Played with in that it's the backup plan of last resort that won't work. When it's revealed that the Dark One's essence could help the other pantheons permanently seal the Snarl, Durkon is tasked with trying to convince Redcloak to cooperate in channeling the essence. Minrah tries to ease the pressure Durkon is feeling by pointing out that if he fails, the Dark One would help make the new world and the Snarl is trapped forever. However, Thor puts the kibosh on that plan. It turns out there is a gap where the gods have to wait for the Snarl to stop rampaging after a world is unmade before they can make a new one, and due to being a newer god, the Dark One doesn't have enough energy from mortal worship to survive the intermission. To seal the Snarl once and for all, they need to do it with the current world or all is lost.
In comic #1273, "Julia" suggests to Roy about using Sunny's Anti-Magic beam against Team Evil for an easy win. Roy points out several reasons it won't work. Firstly, it's not that hard to outmanoeuvre. Secondly, Team Evil has two powerful spellcasters and even if they could trap one in Sunny's beam, the other can still blast high-level magic against them. Finally, even if by some miracle they manage to trap both of Team Evil's spellcasters, Team Evil has non-magical party members who could deal with Sunny.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_5755b96a
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_5755b96a
 The Order of the Stick (Webcomic)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_5755b96a
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_5921531b
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_5921531b
Persona 4: A person's Shadow Archetype goes berserk and One-Winged Angel if its host rejects it. This inevitably happens for every victim the protagonists try to save, resulting in a boss fight. By the eighth time, the party tries to stop the victim before they can utter the dreaded "you're not me!", only for Kanji to point out the victim is just going to keep hurting emotionally if they don't let it all out now, and that they should just let it happen and "kick the Shadow's ass" like usual.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_5921531b
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_5921531b
 Persona 4 (Video Game)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_5921531b
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_5921531c
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_5921531c
Happens repeatedly in Persona 5, to the point that any time there's a supposedly simple solution to a problem, the situation is almost always such that it's simply not an option:
Upon seeing a group of Shadows get on a train and go all the way down to the depths of Mementos, Ryuji suggests that they just get on one of the trains themselves, since the depths are precisely where the Phantom Thieves are headed. Morgana, however, states that there's no telling what they'll find when they're down there, and so going down to the depths without knowing for sure they're prepared would be suicide. Ultimately, Ann concludes that they'll just have to get to the depths the hard way.
When the Phantom Thieves meet Futaba for the first time, Ryuji asks Futaba why they didn't just ask for their help directly instead of sending them on a wild goose chase with the Alibaba fiasco. Futaba states that it was because she was too embarrassed to ask for help. Later, she clarifies that the Phantom Thieves could have been bad people for all she knew, so she had to know for sure that she could trust them.
Once it's revealed that Joker getting captured by the police was part of an elaborate Batman Gambit to trick Goro Akechi into thinking he was dead and get Sae on their side, Sae asks why they didn't just tell her from the beginning that Akechi was the one behind the mental shutdowns. There are two reasons: 1) There's no way Sae or anyone else involved in the investigation would have believed them and 2) in the odd chance that she did believe them, her knowing the truth would have just made her one more loose end for the Conspiracy to tie up.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_5921531c
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_5921531c
 Persona 5 (Video Game)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_5921531c
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_59303db8
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_59303db8
A Certain Scientific Railgun: When Misaka learns that the first major villain was putting a bunch of kids in comas in order to save another set of kids from their comas, she asks why they didn't ask Academy City for help first. It turns out they did, but Academy City stonewalled her every time. Sure enough, the next time she tries to save the children using more humane methods, the attempt gets hijacked by the grandaughter of the guy who put them in comas in the first place.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_59303db8
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_59303db8
 A Certain Scientific Railgun (Manga)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_59303db8
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_5af72fd
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_5af72fd
Street Sharks: In "Shark of Steel", when Dr. Piranoid sends the SharkBot to break Repteel out of prison, Slobster wonders why bother when the cops are just going to give him to Piranoid in the morning. Piranoid reminds him that it was with the promise of reprograming Repteel with the personality of a bunny, which, if he wants to keep his Villain with Good Publicity status, he has to follow through on. This way, he gets to keep said good PR, retain Repteel's viability as a minion, and ruin the Street Sharks' image in one fell swoop.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_5af72fd
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_5af72fd
 Street Sharks
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_5af72fd
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_5b28dc78
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_5b28dc78
Hoshin Engi: When Chokomei goes One-Winged Angel and turns into a giant plant, Youzen first thinks about just burning the roots to kill it, but realizes that Plant Chokomei can spread seeds and grow faster than he burns, thus they need to destroy the whole thing in one blow to defeat him. Taikobo does it by using Suupuushan new Super Mode to fly to the part of the atmosphere where the atmosphere is the coldest, and combining the power of said super mode and his newly upgraded dashinben to summon a massive tornado to freeze all of it.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_5b28dc78
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_5b28dc78
 Hoshin Engi (Manga)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_5b28dc78
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_5c0e4258
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_5c0e4258
SWAT Kats: In "A Bright and Shiny Future", the SWAT Kats are transported to a Bad Future ruled by the Metallikats. Meeting up with the few remaining resistance members (made up of the supporting cast), the SWAT Kats suggest seizing control of the Central Robot Control Matrix, which is what the Metallikats use to control their robot followers. Commander Feral retorts the Enforcers already tried that, and he and his niece Felina were the only survivors (and the SWAT Kats' own future counterparts also perished during the battle). With no other options, they try anyway.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_5c0e4258
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_5c0e4258
 SWAT Kats
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_5c0e4258
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_5c897f4a
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_5c897f4a
Schlock Mercenary: The Toughs accidentally cause a population boom when they break a galaxy-spanning teleporter (that functions by creating a copy of an individual at the destination) by not destroying the original and sending one individual to 950 million different locations, causing perfect doubles to appear around the galaxy. One guy reunited with his wife/wives thinks he's found the perfect solution, only for the women to preemptively shoot down anything that rhymes with "gleesome".
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_5c897f4a
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_5c897f4a
 Schlock Mercenary (Webcomic)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_5c897f4a
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_5ccb3071
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_5ccb3071
The Gauntlet: Wanting to remove the witness who could bring them down, Commissioner Blakelock asks Assistant District Attorney Feyderspiel why not just use their Mob connections to have the prison bus the witness is being transported on blown to kingdom come whilst its on route to Phoenix. Feyderspeil bluntly points out the Mob would never agree to do so, as blowing up a bus whilst on a major public highway would attract far to much attention.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_5ccb3071
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_5ccb3071
 The Gauntlet
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_5ccb3071
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_5d354f8
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_5d354f8
Red Dwarf:
A Running Gag in series 5 is the Cat making a suggestion about their current situation, only for Kryten to usually point out there's a major flaw, usually in the form of them not having whatever the Cat suggested.
Not remotely played for laughs in "Quarantine", where Kryten realises that since Rimmer's Bothering by the Book they can use that to get out of the torment he's putting them through. Sadly, this is when it turns out Rimmer has gone quite, quite mad.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_5d354f8
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_5d354f8
 Red Dwarf
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_5d354f8
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_5e3f6639
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_5e3f6639
Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu: In The Hamburger Hill of Art!, Sousuke Sagara is asked to be the model of the class outdoor art assignment, which thanks to the eccentric art teacher telling him to "blend with the environment and be hard to catch" and his own eccentricities Sousuke decides to interpret as "run away and hide and turn the whole hill into a Vietnam War-style Death Course so the students cannot reach him". Right after Kaname gets a call by Sousuke telling her this, she tries to talk him out of it to no use (teacher's orders are teacher's orders) and she immediately tries to ask the teacher if they can switch models once she hangs up, but the teacher absolutely refuses. Result: if they don't wish an automatic fail, the students have to brave the traps and get Sousuke. Once they find him, they take great pleasure on getting back on the hurt he inflicted on them by tying him up and dangling him upside-down from a tree while they do their art.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_5e3f6639
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_5e3f6639
 Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_5e3f6639
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_5f76cba1
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_5f76cba1
New 52: The Red Hood asks Batman, quite bluntly, why he hasn't killed the Joker yet and ended the countless amounts of misery that he brings to Gotham every time he goes on a rampage. Batman points out that Gotham is such a Crapsack World that 1) killing the Joker wouldn't really reduce the number of threats that are plotting from the shadows to hurt the citizens (a fact that he has evidence of with the Court of Owls, which made itself known to Batman by cutting the Joker's face off) and 2) the possibility exists that if the Joker died he would resurrect anyway, or something even worse would appear to replace him (a fact that would manifest much later with the Batman Who Laughs). So for the DC Universe, it's damned if they do, damned if they don't.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_5f76cba1
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_5f76cba1
 New 52 (Comic Book)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_5f76cba1
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_60f02ddb
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_60f02ddb
American Dad!: In “The Kidney Stays in the Picture�, after a drinking contest, one of Hayley’s kidneys dies, and her other one is failing, so she needs a transplant as soon as possible. Francine, her mother, would give her own, but she only has one. She lost the other in a tequila pounding contest with her friend Kelly and George Wallace, who went on to become the second-most famous black man in a Congo hat. Stan, her father, is willing to give one of his own kidneys, but Francine shoots that idea down, confessing that she had a drunken affair with a man during one of her bachelorette parties years ago, so there's a chance Stan isn't Hayley's biological father and therefore won’t be compatible. That leaves Steve, Hayley’s biological brother, as the only donor. Unfortunately, he ends up getting scared out of it when Roger tells him a frightening story of how the hospital takes people’s kidneys out.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_60f02ddb
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_60f02ddb
 American Dad!
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_60f02ddb
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_643d6708
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_643d6708
The plot of "Abra-Catastrophe!" revolves around Timmy losing his Fairy-versary Muffin, which is capable of granting any wish — even ones that defy Da Rules — to whoever takes a bite out of it. At one point, Cosmo asks why Timmy doesn't just wish for the Muffin back. Timmy congratulates him on the great idea, only for Wanda to reveal they can't, as the muffin's magic is more powerful than theirs. Turns out Cosmo knew this; he just wanted to know why Timmy hadn't tried the obvious solution yet.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_643d6708
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_643d6708
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_643d6708
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_65268dd1
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_65268dd1
Schaffrillas Productions: In Episode 1 of "Grievous and Sid", General Grievous becomes fixated on having a 2-pack of Totino's pizza rolls that Watto (who claims that Grievous can enjoy them even if he doesn't have a mouth) is selling for 500 cents, which neither Grievous or Sid the Sloth can afford. When Grievous asks Watto what's stopping them from simply killing him and claiming the pizza rolls for themselves, Watto explains that a bomb inside the bag will go off if they kill him, which will destroy the pizza rolls.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_65268dd1
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_65268dd1
 Schaffrillas Productions (Web Video)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_65268dd1
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_65509467
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_65509467
Spooky Month, in “Tender Treats�, Bob Velseb, the serial killer from “its spooky month� came back to attack Lila. So Lila tries to do what she did last time, and offer him some candy, to raise his spirit for Spooky Month. Even when, he ate her candy, and did the spooky dance, it won’t stop his urge to kill this time.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_65509467
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_65509467
 Spooky Month (Web Animation)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_65509467
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_6744d821
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_6744d821
This comes up during the discussion to stop the Day of Unity in The Owl House episode "Clouds on the Horizon". After learning that the Draining Spell requires all nine coven heads present to function, Lilith thinks that they could just hide one of them until after the eclipse that powers it has passed. However, she's quickly informed that Belos made sure to get substitutes for all nine of them after the events of "Eda's Requiem" just in case they end up incapacitated or attempt to rebel again, meaning that they'll have to go with the far more dangerous plan of sneaking Eda onto the platform where the spell is performed so her curse can corrupt it.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_6744d821
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_6744d821
 The Owl House
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_6744d821
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_6787d27b
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_6787d27b
Batman: Arkham Origins:
After Batman finds out about the $50,000,000 bounty on his head, Alfred points out that since none of the assassins know Batman's identity, he could simply spend Christmas Eve at home, since the bounty is only good for that night. Batman counters that innocent people will be put in danger to lure him out and that he can't take that risk. He turns out to be right and Alfred's original point turns out to be wrong when it's revealed that one of the assassins (Bane) does know Batman's identity and invades Wayne Manor, nearly killing Alfred.
During the second riot at Blackgate, Joker and Bane have concocted a scheme that will force Batman to either sacrifice himself or kill one of his adversaries. Bane wears a heart monitor that's connected to the battery of the prison's electric chair. Each time Bane's heart beats, the chair's battery charges slightly and upon being fully charged, will electrocute the Joker. So either Batman must kill Bane to save Joker, allow Joker be killed by the electric chair, or let Bane kill him. Players might be wondering why Batman wouldn't just disconnect the heart monitor from Bane's body. Just as the boss fight begins, Joker tells Batman that the heart monitor is rigged to explode should he try and remove it.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_6787d27b
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_6787d27b
 Batman: Arkham Origins (Video Game)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_6787d27b
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_69fa7496
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_69fa7496
Disney Ducks Comic Universe: Magica DeSpell goes to some truly outrageous ends to try to steal Scrooge McDuck's #1 Dime, including going back in time to steal it from him as a kid. Why the heck she doesn't goes for any other rich duck to steal his possessions and fuel the money spell she wants to do with the Dime (or any other of Scrooge's things) is explained as Scrooge's dime having incredible totemic power that she won't get with anybody/thing else (and Scrooge, with his attachment to the coin, is the only rich guy with a possession that she could use in such a fashion anyway). The time-travel heist also ends up not working because she stole the Dime before Scrooge became the richest duck in the world, so it becomes a regular dime when she returns to the present.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_69fa7496
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_69fa7496
 Disney Ducks Comic Universe (Comic Book)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_69fa7496
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_6b073ef9
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_6b073ef9
My Mother the Car: One of the recurring subplots of the series is the Dastardly Whiplash-style car collector, Captain Manzini, trying to get Dave Crabtree's 1928 Porter (which is possessed by the spirit of Crabtree's mother) by hook or by crook. It is mentioned a few times through the series that Mother is the only 1928 Porter car in existence, so Dave telling Manzini to go find another guy willing to sell him one (or a wreck to refurbish) and get the obsessed jackass out of his hair is out of the question.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_6b073ef9
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_6b073ef9
 My Mother the Car
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_6b073ef9
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_6b20f0e8
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_6b20f0e8
In Sharktopus, the initial plan to capture the titular beast is to hit it with tranq darts so it'll be forced to the surface where it can be hit with a special dart that'll allow them to take control. When it's asked why they can't just skip a step and shoot the darts underwater, it's explained that they can only be shot with a grenade launcher. Also, there's only two, so they have make those shots count.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_6b20f0e8
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_6b20f0e8
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_6b20f0e8
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_6b3cfe38
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_6b3cfe38
After being beaten up by the Cossack Bots in Bob and George, Mega Man drags himself to Dr. Cossack's lab with no arms and mutilated stumps for legs. Proto Man points out that he could have just teleported, to which Mega Man starts to curse—and then remembers that his teleporter is broken anyways.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_6b3cfe38
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_6b3cfe38
 Bob and George (Webcomic)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_6b3cfe38
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_6e4b9f70
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_6e4b9f70
The Chosen Six:
Professor McGonagall, Sirius, and Molly separately point out that if Dumbledore and Nicolas Flamel would just destroy the Philosopher's Stone, they wouldn't need to go to such great lengths to hide it to prevent Voldemort from using it to resurrect himself. Dumbledore agrees but informs them that Flamel is extremely reluctant about destroying the one thing that's been keeping him and his wife alive all these centuries.
When the Basilisk attacks begin, numerous safety measures are instituted, including having teachers escort students to classes, preparing antidotes for Petrification, and constructing a guest building as temporary housing for students until the Basilisk is found and destroyed. Many wonder why the school wasn't just shut down until the situation was resolved and are told that while that would be the smart and right thing to do regarding the Basilisk, the politics of the situation complicates things. Hogwarts is the only major wizarding school in the UK, and it's impossible to homeschool all the students or send them all to private institutions. Moreover, closing down the school would reflect badly on Dumbledore and give Lucius Malfoy, who already couldn't care less about Muggle-borns being attacked, an opening to remove him as Headmaster and install a reactionary in his place.
Likewise, Thomas and Veronica ask why they can't just pull Harry out of Hogwarts until the Basilisk has been dealt with. Sirius explains that doing so means they'd have to homeschool him and that the Ministry would thus learn everything about them and where they live, which would just put Harry in even more danger. He also points out that if Harry is no longer a Hogwarts student, they'll have less influence over the school board's decisions, which are currently being spearheaded by Lucius Malfoy.
In Harry's fourth year, he suddenly finds himself the target of various murder attempts, courtesy of Karkaroff. Similar to the above situation, Thomas and Veronica realize that while pulling Harry out of Hogwarts would protect him from further attempts, they can't risk the Ministry learning anything about Harry and where he lives, especially with people like Umbridge gaining influence.
Many people grow frustrated by Lockhart's incompetence and ask why Dumbledore doesn't just fire him. However, they generally understand when told that virtually nobody wants the Defense Against the Dark Arts post due to the jinx on the position and Quirrell dying on the job, and that leaving the position unfilled for the majority of the year risks the curse harming other teachers and forcing them to leave.
Professor Flitwick warns the other teachers against trying to blast open the door to the Chamber of Secrets, as they are underground and an explosion could cause the ceiling to collapse onto everyone. Professor McGonagall also rules out Apparition, knowing that there will surely be safeguards that will result in unpleasant consequences for anyone attempting such an obvious method.
When the Six's families and the Hogwarts staff find out about Rita Skeeter's smear campaign against the Six, Alice Longbottom suggests suing the tabloids printing Skeeter's articles. Sirius and Xenophilius explain that doing so won't end the defamation against the children, since unlike respectable newspapers, the tabloids in question don't care about their reputation at all. Instead, they'd just use the publicity from any lawsuit to increase circulation, which leads to them still turning a profit even after paying out the penalties, as libel fines are capped. (In the end, though, a variant of this actually works, with multiple people presenting separate lawsuits to do the economical version of a Death of a Thousand Cuts)
Fleur complains about the cold weather shortly before the Second Task. Her friend asks why she doesn't just warm herself up with her magic, to which Fleur replies that it would just make the cold shock response worse once she jumps into the water.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_6e4b9f70
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_6e4b9f70
 The Chosen Six (Fanfic)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_6e4b9f70
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_6ea0c1f4
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_6ea0c1f4
Jo Jos Bizarre Adventure Battle Tendency: The Pillar Men need a perfectly cut Red Stone of Aja in order to complete the Stone Mask and remove their weakness to sunlight. At the start of the story, it's in the hands of Lisa Lisa, one of the heroes. When it's questioned why Lisa Lisa doesn't just destroy the Stone or damage it so that it can't be used, she explains that there's a prophecy that the Stone would be needed to defeat the Pillar Men, not to mention that its ability to channel sunlight, and Hamon by extension, makes it an ideal weapon against the Pillar Men. In the end, Kars does get the stone and uses it become an Ultimate Lifeform, even gaining the ability to use Hamon himself, but Joseph uses the stone to block a Hamon attack from Kars, which ends up triggering the volcano they're on to erupt and banish Kars into space.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_6ea0c1f4
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_6ea0c1f4
 JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Battle Tendency (Manga)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_6ea0c1f4
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_6eb4ca5c
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_6eb4ca5c
Jackie Chan Adventures:
A repeated statement by Uncle is that "magic must defeat magic!" and, sure enough, whenever a magic-empowered enemy appears (which is like 99.9% of the major enemies) they are completely immune to everything but magical attacks (or martial arts, or magically-empowered martial arts) and by the middle part of the series Captain Black and his subordinates don't even bother to do more than tell Team Chan where to go and arrest any defeated human goons the chaos leaves behind.
It also turns out that magic as powerful as the Chinese Zodiac-based one within the Talismans cannot be destroyed, just transferred from one recipient to another, which means that Jackie's attempt to get rid of them in the third season just leads to another worldwide scavenger hunt, only this time for magically-empowered animals instead of talismans.
In "The Mask of El Toro Fuerte", one of the new guys accompanying the Dark Hand enforcers suggests that they wait for Jackie to retrieve the talisman on his own and then relieve him of the talisman once he emerges. Finn points out that they don't know what the talisman can do, meaning Jackie could bust out of the temple fifty-feet tall and with laser-eyes; the new guy freaks out at the notion of laser eyes (ironically, laser-eyes is exactly the power of the pig talisman, which would appear later). But then, it turns out the talisman isn't even in the temple, as somebody took it some time ago.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_6eb4ca5c
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_6eb4ca5c
 Jackie Chan Adventures
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_6eb4ca5c
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_70814599
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_70814599
Stargate SG-1:
In the episode "Zero Hour", an alien plant that is being studied in the lab at Stargate Command starts to grow uncontrollably and is quickly taking over the bunker, apparently because it metabolizes light at a rapid pace. Jack O'Neill hears this and wordlessly turns off the light of his office (with the obvious implication he will order the base's lights to be turned off, thinking that with no lights there won't be any growth). The scientist explaining the situation immediately tells him that 1) the plant will continue to grow like crazy even with the lights off (only a little bit slower) and 2) attempting pest control in pitch-black darkness is just asking for people to bumble around, probably get themselves hurt, and achieve nothing. O'Neill turns the lights back on and tells the scientist to Get Out! and fix this without having to bother him any further.
In "Nemesis", SG-1's plan to deal with the Replicator-infested ship is to use explosives to blow it up, only for Thor to explain that the ship has dampening fields to contain any explosions.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_70814599
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_70814599
 Stargate SG-1
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_70814599
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_71d52410
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_71d52410
The Fellowship of the Ring:
When Gandalf declares Sauron must never reclaim the One Ring, Frollo opts to hide it away where it can't be found and never mention it again, figuring the enemy would never locate it that way. Unfortunately, Gandalf then reveals that Gollum, the one other being who knew Bilbo had the Ring, had been captured by the Orcs, and after endlessly torturing him, managed to get intel that would lead them to the Shire, with the Ring-Wraiths on their way at that very moment.
When Elrond and Frodo reveal the One Ring to the attendees of the Council of Rivendell, Boromir suggests using the Ring against Sauron. Aragorn immediately shoots that down: "The One Ring answers to Sauron alone. It has no other master."
Elrond subsequently says that the Ring must be destroyed. Gimli promptly takes a swing at it with his battleaxe — and is Blown Across the Room and his axe's blade shattered.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_71d52410
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_71d52410
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_71d52410
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_72262aee
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_72262aee
Avatar: The Last Airbender:
After the original plan of invading the Fire Nation on the Day of the Black Sun (a solar eclipse that strips firebenders of their powers) fails, and with Aang and his team having started to believe that there's no longer any urgency in defeating Firelord Ozai before the arrival of Sozin's Comet (a comet that drastically boosts the power of Firebending) due to the Fire Nation having technically already won the war since they had taken Ba Sing Se, Aang's new plan is to wait it out rather than fight Ozai at the peak of his power. Zuko then reveals to him Ozai's ultimate plan: to use the Comet's power to burn the Earth Kingdom to the ground so as to ensure no future uprisings, thus putting Aang back on his original deadline.
After Aang disappears on the eve of his coming battle with the Fire Lord and the Gaang is unable to find him, they decide to seek out Iroh, who is the only other person they think could realistically stand a chance against Ozai during Sozin's Comet (Iroh is a firebender himself and thus would be equally empowered by the comet). When they do find him, he declines, not only because he's planning on leading the Order of the White Lotus in liberating Ba Sing Se, but also because if Iroh was the one to defeat Ozai (and Iroh emphasizes that he's not sure if he even could beat Ozai), history would just see one brother killing another for power. For the war to end peacefully, it must be the Avatar, as representative of all four of the Four Nations, who defeats the Fire Lord.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_72262aee
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_72262aee
 Avatar: The Last Airbender
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_72262aee
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_72dbabdc
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_72dbabdc
King Cobra (1999): This is brought up when Hashimoto starts unpacking various snake-catching tools and is asked why they don't simply shoot the giant cobra instead. He responds by giving the main character a shotgun and demonstrating how hard it is to actually hit and kill a fast-moving, camouflaged target in a wooded area under pressure.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_72dbabdc
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_72dbabdc
 King Cobra (1999)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_72dbabdc
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_731200dd
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_731200dd
We Must Be Killers: During the last minute negotiations between Snow and the Quell mentors, after President Snow rejects the suggestions of Diana from District 8 and Angus from District 10 to either cancel the 3rd Quarter Quell or do a regular reaping for kids to replace the Victor-tributes, Cora from District 9 bluntly suggests that he just kill Katniss rather than go through the charade of making everyone else collateral damage to take her with them. However, as Haymitch (who suggests that Snow just put her under de facto house arrest, which again is too lenient for Snow's ego) points out, this will just make her a martyr and give people even less reason to hold back from rebelling.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_731200dd
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_731200dd
 We Must Be Killers (Fanfic)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_731200dd
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_73d7930f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_73d7930f
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: When a Cardassian security program takes the station hostage in "Civil Defense", and Sisko tries to do as the Dukat recording says and surrender on behalf of the "revolting Bajoran workers" to end the lock-down, it naturally doesn't work, since there's no Cardassian security on the station to surrender to anymore.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_73d7930f
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_73d7930f
 Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_73d7930f
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_73f86f22
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_73f86f22
Hocus Pocus: After hearing how the Sanderson Sisters' book of spells is the source of their power, Max's first instinct is to pull a lighter on it, only for the flame to be repelled, with Binx explaining that the book is protected by magic, so destroying it is a non-option.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_73f86f22
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_73f86f22
 Hocus Pocus
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_73f86f22
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_74365738
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_74365738
Going Postal: Long ago, Bloody Stupid Johnson was hired to build a mail sorting machine for the post office. However, he decided to make things easier on himself by having Pi equal three. Somehow, this worked and the machine was completed, but this warped reality so the device began receiving mail that shouldn't exist, and it posed the threat of destroying the entire universe altogether. Ultimately, this lead to the dissolution of the postal service until Vetinari had Moist resurrect it many years later.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_74365738
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_74365738
 Going Postal
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_74365738
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_74f7210c
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_74f7210c
The Legend of Zelda:
In The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, Ganon had the full power of the Triforce behind him but still lost to Link, leaving many to wonder why he simply didn't just use it to wish Link dead. However, it's stated that the Master Sword has the power to resist the Triforce itself when it's wielded by evil, essentially making Link the Golden Goddesses' trump card.
The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds: Lorule had faced its share of war and strife over its Triforce, just like Hyrule. It grew to such a fever pitch that, in desperation, the Lorulean royal family used their wish to have their Triforce annihilated. It turned out to be a Cosmic Keystone, and destroying it caused Lorule to literally start crumbling in response, reducing it to the miserable state seen during the events of the game. After returning to Hyrule, Zelda realized just how pitiable Lorule had become without its Triforce, and wished upon theirs alongside Link to have it restored.
In The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass, when Oshus explains that the titular hourglass can protect Link from the life-draining effects of the Temple of the Ocean King, he mentions that Link is only safe as long as the sand remains at the top. Linebeck questions why Link can't simply flip it over again if it empties, Oshus then explains that its power is lost once it happens, and Link will have to go outside to restore its power.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_74f7210c
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_74f7210c
 The Legend of Zelda (Franchise)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_74f7210c
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_755d59cb
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_755d59cb
God of War Ragnarök:
In the previous game, Mimir tells the tale of how Hrimthur built the walls surrounding Asgard, and then whispered something to Freya (then Odin's wife), which Mimir suspects to be the location of some sort of flaw that would allow Surtr to fulfill his destiny of destroying Asgard during Ragnarok. Later in Ragnarok, when Freya joins the party, Mimir takes the opportunity to ask her about what Hrimthur said, hoping to use the info to take out Odin without having to resort to The End of the World as We Know It. Unfortunately, according to Freya, all Hrimthur said was that Surtr would know what to do.
In the Valhalla DLC, it's revealed that Kratos' trip to the titular realm was set up by Týr to help the former overcome the last of his personal demons and accept the title of God of War on Freya's new council. When Kratos asks Týr why he doesn't take the position, arguing that he was Midgard's prior God of War, Týr argues that his name's faded from the minds of the people during his years-long stint as Odin's prisoner. Meanwhile, Kratos' deeds during the Battle of Ragnarok are still fresh, meaning that he's the better choice, politically speaking.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_755d59cb
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_755d59cb
 God of War Ragnarök (Video Game)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_755d59cb
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_76023832
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_76023832
S.W.A.T. (2003): Faced with an unmedicated schizophrenic firing shotgun blasts out his door and making demands or else he shoots himself, Hondo's first suggestion is to just go in the front with riot shields. Lieutenant Velasquez vetoes that because the so-called "Polish hostage" claims to have wired all the doors and windows with high explosives.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_76023832
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_76023832
 S.W.A.T. (2003)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_76023832
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_76686539
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_76686539
Mass Effect: On Virmire, you find the salarian STG team has constructed a small nuclear explosive to take out Saren's base. Ashley immediately suggests loading it onto the Normandy and dropping it on the base from the air, but the salarian commander shoots it down because the base is too well-defended by anti-aircraft batteries: it would be instantly shot down if they tried. Instead, Shepard's team and the salarians have to split into several squads and attack the base on foot so that they can shut down the air defenses before the Normandy can fly in with the nuke.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_76686539
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_76686539
 Mass Effect (Video Game)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_76686539
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_7668653b
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_7668653b
Mass Effect 3: Early in the game, Javik (assuming he's been recruited at the time), expresses his disapproval of the Normandy crew agreeing to help cure the genophage, saying that they should be demanding the help of the other races instead of giving in to their selfish desires. Liara, however, states that it's not that simple, since the issues the various races have with one another aren't things they're going to forget about simply because the galaxy's at stake.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_7668653b
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_7668653b
 Mass Effect 3 (Video Game)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_7668653b
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_77e22425
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_77e22425
In one episode of Pinky and the Brain, after catching a pair of field mice that turn out to be his parents, Brain decides he wants to communicate with them, and so hooked them up to devices that gave them sentience. Unfortunately, they end up being irritating and grating (acting a bit like Brain) and end up driving him crazy. When Pinky asks him why he doesn't just unplug the speech devices, Brain mentions he had tried but his father caught him in the act and threatened to cut off his allowance.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_77e22425
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_77e22425
 Pinky and the Brain
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_77e22425
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_77fe6c2b
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_77fe6c2b
�Battle for Dream Island Again� in “Insectophobe’s Nightmare�, the teams were assigned to kill their own batch of bugs while trapped in glass boxes, on Team No-Name, Firey simply tries to burn the bugs, however his fire isn’t doing any damage, as Puffball Speaker Box explains that the bugs are fire-proof.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_77fe6c2b
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_77fe6c2b
 Battle for Dream Island Again (Web Animation)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_77fe6c2b
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_78974fd8
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_78974fd8
In Psychonauts 2, when Raz and Ford enter Nona's mind to reseal Maligula, Raz wonders why they don't just blast Maligula into oblivion. Ford explains that Maligula is essentially the personification of a dark, primal part of Nona's mind, held over from her distant ancestors as a means of survival. If they were to remove such a foundational part of her mind, the whole thing could unravel.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_78974fd8
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_78974fd8
 Psychonauts 2 (Video Game)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_78974fd8
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_7981ca33
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_7981ca33
WarGames: In the climactic scene, as the WOPR supercomputer is seeking the codes to launch all of America's nuclear arsenal at the Soviet Union, General Beringer says "Just unplug the goddamned thing!". He's then told by McKittrick that it wouldn't work since it would interpret a shutdown as the destruction of NORAD, and thus would activate a "fail-deadly" override and instantly launch all the missiles. Beringer then asks if they can disarm all the nukes before they launch, but Healy explains they have over a thousand armed warheads, and they don't have enough time to do it.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_7981ca33
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_7981ca33
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_7981ca33
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_7988cb68
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_7988cb68
Mass Effect
Mass Effect: On Virmire, you find the salarian STG team has constructed a small nuclear explosive to take out Saren's base. Ashley immediately suggests loading it onto the Normandy and dropping it on the base from the air, but the salarian commander shoots it down because the base is too well-defended by anti-aircraft batteries: it would be instantly shot down if they tried. Instead, Shepard's team and the salarians have to split into several squads and attack the base on foot so that they can shut down the air defenses before the Normandy can fly in with the nuke.
Mass Effect 3: Early in the game, Javik (assuming he's been recruited at the time), expresses his disapproval of the Normandy crew agreeing to help cure the genophage, saying that they should be demanding the help of the other races instead of giving in to their selfish desires. Liara, however, states that it's not that simple, since the issues the various races have with one another aren't things they're going to forget about simply because the galaxy's at stake.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_7988cb68
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_7988cb68
 Mass Effect (Franchise)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_7988cb68
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_79ed940c
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_79ed940c
Macgyver 2016: In the episode "Ruler", after the team is framed for a car bombing and disavaowed by the Phoenix Foundation, Bozer is quick to suggest they just turn themselves in and explain the situation. Jack is quick to remind him that said 'situation' involves them engaged in off-the-books espionage in a country that they're officially allies with, meaning they'd still be in hot water, not helped that the video evidence they recorded that would exonerate them was destroyed in the blast.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_79ed940c
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_79ed940c
 MacGyver (2016)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_79ed940c
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_7aaf9e41
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_7aaf9e41
One explanation given for why Batman doesn't kill supervillains who keep breaking out of prison/containment (especially mass-murdering monsters like The Joker) is that he's afraid of Jumping Off the Slippery Slope and end up killing not just supervillains but anyone he sees as breaking the law.
In various comic book arcs (including "Hush"), it's explained that one reason he doesn't kill criminals (not even the Joker) is that the Gotham Police is willing to tolerate him as long as he doesn't (only the law is allowed to terminate the Joker, Joker Immunity through Insanity Defense notwithstanding), and if he ever does truly become a Judge, Jury, and Executioner they will label him as another mad-dog costumed psycho and do their damnedest to get him. Batman, who treasures his friendship with James Gordon and prefers not to have to deal with yet another hassle in his war on crime, accepts this.
New 52: The Red Hood asks Batman, quite bluntly, why he hasn't killed the Joker yet and ended the countless amounts of misery that he brings to Gotham every time he goes on a rampage. Batman points out that Gotham is such a Crapsack World that 1) killing the Joker wouldn't really reduce the number of threats that are plotting from the shadows to hurt the citizens (a fact that he has evidence of with the Court of Owls, which made itself known to Batman by cutting the Joker's face off) and 2) the possibility exists that if the Joker died he would resurrect anyway, or something even worse would appear to replace him (a fact that would manifest much later with the Batman Who Laughs). So for the DC Universe, it's damned if they do, damned if they don't.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_7aaf9e41
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_7aaf9e41
 Batman (Comic Book)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_7aaf9e41
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_7c60fb0f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_7c60fb0f
The Simpsons: In one Treehouse of Horror issue, the Simpsons get transported to Middle-earth. Bart spends all his time bugging Gandalf listing hypothetical ways of destroying the One Ring, like using a vice. An increasingly irate Gandalf says "no" every time.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_7c60fb0f
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_7c60fb0f
 The Simpsons (Comic Book)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_7c60fb0f
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_7cf5a07
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_7cf5a07
The Flash (2014): In "Infanto Street", Team Flash need to steal a component A.R.G.U.S kept from the Dominator invasion. Barry suggests he and Wally just phase through the walls of the building to sneak in and get the component, but Cisco reveals that the entire building is filled with power-dampeners to keep metahumans, including speedsters, from breaking in or out. Barry is then forced to time-travel and pull a past version of Leonard Snart before his death in Legends of Tomorrow to help him break in.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_7cf5a07
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_7cf5a07
 The Flash (2014)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_7cf5a07
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_7d1c83da
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_7d1c83da
Better Call Saul: In Season 5 "The Guy For This", Lalo wants Jimmy to go to the detention center where Krazy-8 is being held and give him the locations of Gus's dead drops to reveal to the authorities under the protection of the attorney-client privilege. When Jimmy, not wanting to get involved with the Cartel business, points out that they could just sneak a burner phone to Krazy-8 and talk to him directly, Nacho points out it will be more convincing if he's there when Krazy-8 reveals the locations the authorities.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_7d1c83da
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_7d1c83da
 Better Call Saul
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_7d1c83da
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_7d8c61a2
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_7d8c61a2
Star Wars: The Old Republic: In Shadow of Revan, following the Battle of Rishi, you learn that Revan has fled to Yavin 4 with his remaining forces, hoping to reawaken the last remnants of the former Sith Emperor's spirit so he can be permanently killed. The Player Character can suggest just letting Revan do it — Darth Vitiate dying would be a net positive for both the Republic and the Empire — but Darth Marr points out that if Revan cannot defeat the Emperor after awakening him, the Eldritch Abomination that is Darth Vitiate is likely to start draining the life from entire planets. Unfortunately, fighting the Order of Revan on Yavin ends up providing enough death to fuel Vitiate's revival anyway.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_7d8c61a2
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_7d8c61a2
 Star Wars: The Old Republic (Video Game)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_7d8c61a2
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_7e109818
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_7e109818
Convoy: Early in the film, the police are quite eager to just shoot Rubber Duck's truck and stop his race to Mexico dead in its tracks. Until Rubber Duck points out that the gasoline trailer his truck is carrying is full and it may go off if they hit the truck wrong. The possibility of excessive collateral damage stops them for the moment. When they finally set up a blockade and start shooting, it's when Rubber Duck's truck is about to pass a narrow bridge over the Rio Grande and the damage will be minimal. The truck explodes from the gunfire, guaranteeing that Rubber Duck successfully faked his death.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_7e109818
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_7e109818
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_7e109818
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_7fc78282
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_7fc78282
The Lord of the Rings: When discussing dealing with the One Ring, the characters suggest multiple solutions that are simpler and less risky than sneaking a hobbit into Mordor, but are invariably shot down due to being impossible or possibly making the situation even worse. These include dropping it in the ocean instead of destroying it (1) the ring cannot be forever hidden or lost; eventually something would get it back to Sauron, and 2) the goal isn't to separate Sauron from the ring, but to kill him; even if the ring were lost for a time, he would still be powerful enough to Take Over the World in the interim), or giving it to a powerful ally like Tom Bombadil, Gandalf, or Galadriel (they're powerful enough to hide it from Sauron, but Galadriel and Gandalf would be corrupted by the ring and Tom Bombadil would eventually lose it), or trying to destroy it with some other source of magical fire (three problems: 1) the only thing theoretically powerful enough to destroy a Great Ring is dragonfire, 2) dragons are rare and unlikely to be cooperative, and 3) the only known instances of dragonfire actually destroying a ring were the lesser rings, and it's unlikely that any dragon could destroy the One Ring).
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_7fc78282
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_7fc78282
 The Lord of the Rings
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_7fc78282
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_807ff105
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_807ff105
In The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms, the titualr monster's blood contains a deadly pathogen, meaning that the army can't use conventional weapons without causing an epidemic.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_807ff105
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_807ff105
 The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_807ff105
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_80f53185
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_80f53185
Remnant's Reclaimer: After Rose first gets back and explains her story to Ozpin, Ozpin suggests they go and take out Cinder right away now that they have all the information about her. Rose declines since Cinder's followers would go on a Roaring Rampage of Revenge and cause mass destruction.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_80f53185
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_80f53185
 Remnant's Reclaimer (Fanfic)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_80f53185
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_81692f99
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_81692f99
Star Trek:
Star Trek: The Next Generation:
In "The Enemy", the Enterprise finds a Romulan seriously wounded after a crash-landing on Galorndon Core and beam him aboard to be treated. Dr. Crusher eventually finds that he requires a blood transfusion and begins testing the crew for potential donors. When Picard asks "We can't use the replicator?", Crusher says "The molecules are too complex.". Additionally, Dr. Crusher thought the ship's Vulcan officers would be the best donors, but discovers that there are too many biological difference between the two, since the Romulans split off from Vulcans centuries ago.
Played with in "Deja Q". The Enterprise crew ask the currently depowered Q how he would resolve the issue of a de-orbiting moon, and he says he'd just alter the gravitational constant of the universe. It's a simple solution if you happen to be a Sufficiently Advanced Alien, but not much help to the cast — until it gives Geordi a "Eureka!" Moment on how they could locally reduce the gravitational constant (by playing games with the warp drive).
Similar to the Star Trek IV example, in "Darmok", the Enterprise crew figures out the general idea of how the Tamarians speak, but when Riker asks "If we know how they think, shouldn't we be able to get something across to them?", Data says that they can't because "The situation is analogous to understanding the grammar of a language but none of the vocabulary.", and without the proper context of expressions like "Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra", they'd simply mutter gibberish back to them.
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: When a Cardassian security program takes the station hostage in "Civil Defense", and Sisko tries to do as the Dukat recording says and surrender on behalf of the "revolting Bajoran workers" to end the lock-down, it naturally doesn't work, since there's no Cardassian security on the station to surrender to anymore.
Star Trek: Voyager: In "Phage", Neelix's lungs are beamed out of his body by the Aliens of the Week. After the Doctor stabilizes him temporarily, another character suggests installing cybernetic lungs, but the Doctor replies with a handwave that Talaxian lungs are too complex to replicate properly with the equipment on hand.
Star Trek: Picard: In "Stardust City Rag", Rios suggests that they simply buy Maddox from Bjayzl, but Raffi rejects this because the Tal Shiar has expressed interest and it would take far more than money for Bjayzl to break a contract with them. Seven offers herself as a Trojan Prisoner instead, as her wide range of Borg implants would be extremely valuable.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_81692f99
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_81692f99
 Star Trek (Franchise)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_81692f99
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_8203cde7
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_8203cde7
EDENS ZERO: After finding out about Valkyrie's death years prior, Sister suggest to the crew that since her body is still present, they can use her digital back-up to bring her Back from the Dead. Witch shuts down that suggestion, as the back-up is meant to repaired damaged memories segments, not entire consciousness. Furthermore, while doing so would result in a Valkyrie that remembers her old life, she'll lack the emotional connections she had with either the other Shining Stars or her apprentice Homura.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_8203cde7
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_8203cde7
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_8203cde7
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_82db7f8f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_82db7f8f
Fate/Parallel Fantasia: One of Rin Tohsaka's Servants is Homura Akemi. When Rin learns Homura can stop time, she suggests they could win the Holy Grail War right now if she stops time and then seeks out and kills all the other Masters and Servants. Homura says that won't work because her time stop ability uses up so much mana that she cannot maintain it for long.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_82db7f8f
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_82db7f8f
 Fate/Parallel Fantasia (Fanfic)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_82db7f8f
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_8502c954
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_8502c954
In Red vs. Blue: The Blood Gulch Chronicles, Sarge considers turning either Grif or Simmons into a cyborg to replace Lopez as Red Team's "Mechanicle-type person". It's pointed out that instead of doing that, Sarge could build another robot, but Sarge shoots that down on the logic that a second robot could be reprogrammed just as they believe Lopez was. (The truth is a bit more complicated)
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_8502c954
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_8502c954
 Red vs. Blue: The Blood Gulch Chronicles (Web Animation)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_8502c954
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_858d9fff
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_858d9fff
In Disaster on the Coastliner, after it's discovered that the Big Bad hacked the computer that manages the trainway routes so two trains (one of which has the Vice President's wife) will collide (and furthermore he has hijacked one of them to make sure), Secret Service agent Al Mitchell (The Hero) immediately tells the computer's programmer that they should just shoot the computer, but the programmer tells Mitchell that destroying the computer would just make all of the train tracks in the line go haywire and cause hundreds of train crashes.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_858d9fff
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_858d9fff
 Disaster on the Coastliner
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_858d9fff
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_85a3d596
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_85a3d596
In The Sandlot, Scott inadvertently knocks his stepfather's prized Babe Ruth-autographed baseball over the fence that surrounds the titular lot — which makes it the property of the Beast, an Angry Guard Dog that jealously protects anything that ends up in his territory. When the kids gather to think of a solution, Scott suggests that they simply ask Mr. Mertle, the Beast's owner, to get the ball for them, but Squints tells him it won't work, because "Mr. Mertle's the meanest old man who ever lived." It becomes a Brick Joke when, after countless Zany Schemes, the kids finally retrieve the ball and befriend the Beast (who turns out to be a Big Friendly Dog); when they go to return the pooch to Mr. Mertle and explain the situation, he gruffly says "Why didn't you just knock on the door, I'd have gotten it for you." Cue the kids pulverizing Squints for his stupidity.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_85a3d596
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_85a3d596
 The Sandlot
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_85a3d596
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_85a5a3b9
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_85a5a3b9
Transformers: Prime: In "Regeneration", the Decepticons have all the Cyber Planet Keys and are poised to restore Cybertron, a goal of both Autobots and Decepticons. Bulkhead's suggestion of letting Megatron restore Cybertron and saving the Autobots the trouble is shot down by Optimus pointing out that if Megatron is the one to restore Cybertron, the political power and support he'd gain would give him the influence to rewrite the history books and rebrand all Autobots as war criminals.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_85a5a3b9
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_85a5a3b9
 Transformers: Prime
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_85a5a3b9
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_8818f28f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_8818f28f
Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine: The game's intro begins with astropathic messages between Imperial forces regarding the defense of the Forge World Graia (which makes Warlord Titans, among other things), currently under attack by orks. The very first one asks if they should Exterminatus it, which is rejected on the basis of its production being too important to destroy. After some back-and-forth on what to do (both sides throwing "Unacceptable" at each other), they agree to deploy the Ultramarines.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_8818f28f
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_8818f28f
 Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine (Video Game)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_8818f28f
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_88652dbc
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_88652dbc
Mixels, in “Wrong Colors�, Shuff and Volectro are being chased by a stampede of Nixels. So they needed to get a cubit and mix out of this mess. Unfortunately, Shuff got his cubit mixed up with one of Zaptor’s Hamlogna sandwiches. Volectro however does have a cubit, but it was the wrong colors, so they won’t be compatible.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_88652dbc
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_88652dbc
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_88652dbc
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_8cb3a247
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_8cb3a247
The spell Accio (learned by Harry in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire) has the very convenient power to summon an object from a great distance, but unfortunately virtually every MacGuffin in the series is protected from its effects.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_8cb3a247
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_8cb3a247
 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_8cb3a247
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_8d317e34
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_8d317e34
Professor Arc II gives us an example of the "only works for the person proposing the simple solution" type: when the rumors of Jaune Arc's very alleged prowess as a Hunter reach Salem, she decides that she's okay with putting her plans on pause for a few decades and wait for Jaune to grow old and die. This plan is perfectly okay for her, who is immortal, but all of her followers lack the same advantage and thus they decide they need to do something about Jaune ASAP.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_8d317e34
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_8d317e34
 Professor Arc / Fan Fic
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_8d317e34
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_8d81f086
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_8d81f086
In the Monk episode "Mr. Monk Meets Dale the Whale," California Superior Court Judge Catherine Lavinio is murdered in her home. She names the titular character — financier, criminal mastermind, and Evil Genius Dale "the Whale" Biederbeck — as her killer during a 911 call, and the crime scene is littered with clues suggesting that he was indeed the culprit. So why not just throw him in jail and be done with it? Because Dale lives up to his nickname by weighing over eight hundred pounds—he's too fat to fit through the doorframe of his apartment, let alone walk. To make matters worse, Dale possesses untold wealth that allows him to buy his way out of trouble; furthermore, he's infamous for having his personal Army of Lawyers drown San Francisco in Frivolous Lawsuits whenever the cops do try to bring him to court over his many illegal activities. Monk thus has to definitively prove that Dale committed the crime before a judge will sign off on a warrant for his arrest.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_8d81f086
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_8d81f086
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_8d81f086
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_8dfe59d3
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_8dfe59d3
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes: The main characters bring Carver (a Jerkass who hates the apes) along to a diplomatic meeting to restore power to a hydroelectric dam, which naturally screws things up for everyone. Leaving him behind isn't an option because he's the only one who knows his way inside the dam.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_8dfe59d3
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_8dfe59d3
 Dawn of the Planet of the Apes
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_8dfe59d3
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_8e7b19cf
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_8e7b19cf
Road House (1989): When the local business owners discuss going to the cops to deal with Wesley's extortion, this idea is immediately thrown out the window since they're apparently ALL in Wesley's pocket. One owner decides to just go directly to the FBI, but his decision is a Hope Spot — right after he says this, the film cuts to several hours later in which Wesley discovered this somehow, killed the guy to keep him silent, and destroys his business with a monster truck to deliver the message that he is not bluffing when he says they better bend the knee and pay him or else.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_8e7b19cf
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_8e7b19cf
 Road House (1989)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_8e7b19cf
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_8ec33a88
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_8ec33a88
Xenoblade Chronicles 3: Late in the game, the heroes learn that the Big Bad's hideout is in the ocean in the middle of Aionios. Unfortunately, it's been long established that there's a massive storm perpetually raging there that rips anything that comes near it to shreds, and naturally the Big Bad is right smack dab in the middle of it. At this point, Lanz points out that Mio, due to having Moebius M's body, should have the ability to use their Villain Teleportation to take them there. At this point though, Mio awkwardly reveals that she's lost the Moebius powers and it's confirmed that the Big Bad has the right to take away Moebius powers at will. With that avenue closed, the heroes are left to seek out another means of breaching the vortex.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_8ec33a88
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_8ec33a88
 Xenoblade Chronicles 3 (Video Game)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_8ec33a88
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_8fbce0e6
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_8fbce0e6
In Hunters of Justice, Ironwwod's plan to take out Brainiac is to have Ozpin, whom Brainiac regularly summons for interrogations into Remnant's secrets, bring a suitcase containing the dust equivalent of a nuclear bomb, banking on Ozpin's Born-Again Immortality to see him through. Glynda is quick to condemn the plan, pointing out that, due to how Ozpin's resurrection works (bonding with a random host, and slowly preforming a Split-Personality Merge), Ironwood would not only still (technically) kill Ozpin, but also a random innocent. Ozpin then chimes in with two additional, more pragmatic concerns: 1) He's certain that Brainiac would be suspicious if he came in with a suitcase he didn't have in prior meetings, and 2) he's fairly certain that Brainiac has failsafes to ensure that killing him wouldn't be that easy. The latter point is ultimately proven true when, during the Green Lantern's raid of his ship, it's discovered that if the bottled cities are disconnected from Brainiac's mind, they're destroyed.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_8fbce0e6
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_8fbce0e6
 Hunters of Justice (Fanfic)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_8fbce0e6
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_8fc868f5
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_8fc868f5
The Brittas Empire: In "Snap Happy", Brittas is trying to get a photoshoot of his staff taken at the same time as a children's party, an air raid shelter that needs to be demolished, and an attempt to give the centre heritage status. When Gavin asks why they can't just move it into the next day, Brittas states that doing so would require moving the air conditioning check into the afternoon slot, which would lead to the postponement of the Arbos Whitbury Branch semi-final draw to the following day, which has implications for the local security review and other events. When Tim then points out just moving the shoot into the afternoon slot, Brittas argues that that can't be the case as an afternoon slot needs to be kept open to get everyone's breath back.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_8fc868f5
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_8fc868f5
 The Brittas Empire
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_8fc868f5
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_8fd3db0b
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_8fd3db0b
Star Trek: Lower Decks:
In "The Stars at Night", several of these are given out rapid fire in regards to taking out the out of control Texas-Class ships. Sneak attack? Can't exactly ambush an A.I.. Rendezvous with the Titan? They're on the far side of the system. Hit'em with a Logic Bomb? They've been designed against those.
In "An Embarrassment of Dooplers", when Mariner and Boimler discover that they've been tricked into smuggling weapons, and are pulled over by station security, Boimler suggests they just come clean and explain the situation, only for Mariner to explain that station security is notoriously corrupt, and if they're caught, then they'll just lock them up and confiscate their stuff to sell on the black market.
In "First First Contact", a planetoid loaded with an EMP-like material explodes, creating a massive debris field while also taking out the Archimedes, setting it on a collision course for a nearby inhabited planet they were there to do First Contact with. The crew of the Cerritos need to figure out a way to stop that from happening, unfortunately, the Tractor Beam will just draw the EMP-esque material into contact with the ship, the material's properties will get drawn in instead of repelled by the deflector fields, and warping around the debris is apparently such a bad idea that everyone on the bridge simultaneously chews out the guy who suggested it (conveniently drowning out the specifics on why that is a bad idea).
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_8fd3db0b
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_8fd3db0b
 Star Trek: Lower Decks
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_8fd3db0b
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_90b916ba
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_90b916ba
Batman: The Animated Series: In the episode "What is Reality?" Commissioner Gordon ends up trapped in a virtual reality program by the Riddler, where he is forced to experience high G-forces. Batman attempts to free Gordon by merely unplugging the machine, but the Riddler reveals that doing so will result in Gordon experiencing a rather sudden and fatal stop, forcing Batman to enter the program.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_90b916ba
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_90b916ba
 Batman: The Animated Series
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_90b916ba
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_90c73dda
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_90c73dda
A lot of dramatic tension comes from the fact that while the Animorphs could alert the world to the Yeerk invasion, removing the need for secrecy and combat that takes a toll on their psyche, doing so would cause an open war with the Yeerks that they cannot win: as Ax once explained, the Yeerks have the capacity to incinerate the atmosphere from orbit, not to mention alien shock troops and space-capable fighters that vastly outperform modern jets, while the team can... turn into animals. The Yeerks themselves also keep to the shadows for various reasons, both pragmatic (several billion potential hosts with decent environment-manipulation capabilities is nothing to be sneezed at) and sentimental (Visser One, who's in charge of the invasion, had human children via a previous host and wants to keep them safe). Towards the end of the series, the Yeerks do launch open war, and suddenly the casualties are higher in a single book than all the previous ones combined.
An early story has the team morph a wolf pack to travel through a forest. When they run into a real wolf pack guarding a dead rabbit, Tobias urges them to run because the Yeerks are coming, but Jake tells him they can't, as this might cause the other wolves to attack. Tobias resolves the situation by snatching the dead rabbit away, focusing the wolves' attention on him and allowing the team to flee.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_90c73dda
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_90c73dda
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_90c73dda
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_92874b21
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_92874b21
The Book of Henry: When the Carpenter family notice that the little girl who lives next door is abused by her stepfather, they do try to contact Child Services first, but their complaints fall on deaf ears (the head of the local office is the brother of the stepfather and buys the man's excuses, contacting the Child Services office of another town only leads to the Carpenters being told that they are in a different jurisdiction, the stepfather is the chief of police so calling the cops is out, and Henry telling the principal of his school to file the complaint is only met with extreme reluctance by the principal). This leads to Henry deciding that Murder Is the Best Solution and making his plan in a notebook (the titular book), which has extensive notes explaining to his mother why it's the only option that will work, when she questions it as she's reading the book. Notably, the "simple solution" technically does work, but only when the principal finally gets over her reluctance and contacts Child Services completely independently of the Carpenters' actions at the climax.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_92874b21
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_92874b21
 The Book of Henry
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_92874b21
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_93394248
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_93394248
Stōked: The episode "Reef and the Evil Totem" has Reef being cursed with extremely bad luck after taking an ancient totem from the grounds near the waterfall. When he finally accepts it to be true after much denial, he attempts to lift it by selling the totem to George. Kahuna however informs Reef that simply giving the totem away won't fix things and that he will remain cursed unless he returns it to its resting place, prompting Reef to do so as quickly as possible.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_93394248
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_93394248
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_93394248
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_93aaa684
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_93aaa684
The Accursed Kings: Phillipe IV is holding a council to decide what to do with The Knights Templar (he had them arrested and tortured so as to break their power and avoid paying back the colossal debt he owed them, and several of them publicly recanted their false confessions) and asks his son Louis for his opinion. Louis (who is completely incompetent as a statesman) suggests sending them to the Pope, which gets an exasperated look from his father and his usual "Louis, be quiet". Sending the Templars back to the Pope would mean starting the entire trial back from the beginning (which took seven years).
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_93aaa684
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_93aaa684
 The Accursed Kings
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_93aaa684
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_945b7a4f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_945b7a4f
Tangled: The Series: The minute Rapunzel's magic hair comes back, she and Cassandra try cutting it, since that worked the first time around. However, this time Rapunzel's hair is totally immune to being cut by anything.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_945b7a4f
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_945b7a4f
 Tangled: The Series
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_945b7a4f
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_95827f5a
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_95827f5a
The Heart Trilogy: When the Council of Elrond takes place in Heart of the Inferno, Gimli tries and fails to smash the One Ring as per canon. Another attendee then suggests having Smaug melt it, only for Gandalf and Elrond to reply that not even Ancalagon the Black could have produced a flame hot enough for such a feat. Smaug is forced to concede this even though several dwarven Rings of Power have been destroyed by dragons less powerful than him.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_95827f5a
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_95827f5a
 The Heart Trilogy (Fanfic)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_95827f5a
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_960062b7
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_960062b7
My Hero Academia: During the battle against All For One, Monoma copies Warp Gate to separate the villains by teleporting them vast distances apart. Unfortunately, Midoriya is yanked through the wrong portal, stranding him miles from UA, where he's supposed to fight Shigaraki. Midoriya requests a portal to just send him to the correct battlefield, only to learn it can't be done because Monoma, who can't use multiple powers at once, is busy using Erasure to prevent Shigaraki from using his Quirks, and the villain has suddenly grown numerous fingers. So, if he stops to create a portal, Decay will activate and kill everyone there.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_960062b7
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_960062b7
 My Hero Academia (Manga)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_960062b7
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_98abc070
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_98abc070
Recklessness (Miraculous Ladybug): Played for Drama and horror. After learning about how the Ladybug and Black Cat Miraculouses can be combined to Make a Wish, Alya Cesaire promptly decides to use it to learn Hawkmoth's secret identity. Despite being warned that Reality Warping Is Not a Toy, she insists that such a simple Wish can't possibly backfire. What makes this so horrific is that in her rush to apply this supposedly "simple solution", she casually dismisses the consequences: namely betraying her friends, getting Adrien akumatized and Marinette murdered, blithely declaring that none of it matters since reality's being rewritten anyway. As a result, the Wish-granting Kwami punish her hubris by making her Hawkmoth in the reset reality.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_98abc070
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_98abc070
 Recklessness (Miraculous Ladybug) (Fanfic)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_98abc070
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_9a0cb5f4
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_9a0cb5f4
Bob's Burgers:
"Long Time Listener, First Time Bob": When Clem Clements hijacks his old radio station so he can do whatever he wants on the radio again, with the Belchers (minus Linda) caught in the middle, the manager of the radio station asks Patrick, the radio engineer, to shut them down. Patrick admits he does have a button to shut them down, but he also points out they can just enter his booth to press the button again to resume what they're doing since there's nothing stopping them from doing it since he's outnumbered.
"Glued, Where's My Bob?": Bob gets superglued to the restaurant toilet due to a misfired prank — on the same day he's scheduled for an interview with Coasters Magazine, no less. A couple of times, characters suggest he simply detach the seat from the toilet, but this isn't feasible because Felix Fischoeder's redesign of their bathroom gave them a seatless toilet.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_9a0cb5f4
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_9a0cb5f4
 Bob's Burgers
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_9a0cb5f4
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_9ad6dae8
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_9ad6dae8
Avengers of the Multi-verse: When the heroes retreat after their loss against Goliath, Rex suggests that for the rematch, Ben turns into Upgrade and upgrades Titan. Lance, Ilana, and Octus are uncomfortable with the idea, as Titan requires the three of them to be in perfect harmony, and throwing Ben into the mix could cause them to fall apart at an inopportune moment. On top of that, Ben adds that their enemies have Albedo in their ranks, which means he could use Negative Upgrade to upgrade Goliath, sending the heroes right back to square one.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_9ad6dae8
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_9ad6dae8
 Avengers of the Multi-verse (Fanfic)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_9ad6dae8
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_9bb5aad4
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_9bb5aad4
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX:
During the school duel between Duel Academy and North Academy, Judai plays his Winged Kuriboh in defense position, which Manjoume attacks and destroys using his Armed Dragon LV7. This causes Sho to wonder why Manjoume didn't use his dragon's effect to destroy Kuriboh note By discarding one monster from your hand, Armed Dragon LV7 destroys all opposing monsters with ATK less than or equal to the discarded monster, then attack Judai directly for game. Misawa points out that it wouldn't have made a difference either way, since once Winged Kuriboh is destroyed, the controller takes no damage for the rest of the turn.
Don Zaloog deserves credit for attempting to skip the "challenge the heroes to a card game" step and take the Spirit Keys by force. Unfortunately for him, this is one case in which the Duels Decide Everything schtick of the franchise is justified, so he ends up having to duel the heroes anyway.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_9bb5aad4
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_9bb5aad4
 Yu-Gi-Oh! GX
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_9bb5aad4
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_9c3ad747
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_9c3ad747
In The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass, when Oshus explains that the titular hourglass can protect Link from the life-draining effects of the Temple of the Ocean King, he mentions that Link is only safe as long as the sand remains at the top. Linebeck questions why Link can't simply flip it over again if it empties, Oshus then explains that its power is lost once it happens, and Link will have to go outside to restore its power.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_9c3ad747
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_9c3ad747
 The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass (Video Game)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_9c3ad747
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_9c7a6217
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_9c7a6217
The 7th Voyage of Sinbad: Happens twice, with both times involving the Big Bad Sohkura's efforts at slaying a cyclops that's been causing trouble for him on his home island.
First, after becoming aware of how Sohkura possesses a lamp containing a genie, Sinbad asks him why he can't just wish for the genie to get rid of the cyclops. Sohkura responds by explaining how the genie is explicitly forbidden from causing harm to other living beings.
Later, Sinbad's love interest Princess Parisa asks Sohkura, who just so happens to be a reasonably powerful mage, why he can't just kill the cyclops himself with his magic. As Sohkura subsequently explains, he did try exactly that by brewing a potion designed to kill the cyclops, only for this plan to hit a snag when he proved unable to get the monster to actually drink the potion.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_9c7a6217
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_9c7a6217
 The 7th Voyage of Sinbad
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_9c7a6217
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_9d48ae2e
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_9d48ae2e
Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja: In "Dawn of the Driscol" Jerry Driscol attempts to complete his Doomsday Device following his accidental resurrection. In the final battle Viceroy desperately tries to find a way to shut it down before it destroys the world, Howards suggests simply cutting the power only for Viceroy to reveal that it's powered by an internal nuclear reactor meaning there is no way to do so.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_9d48ae2e
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_9d48ae2e
 Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_9d48ae2e
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_9e2f90f4
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_9e2f90f4
One Piece:
While discussing how to enter the Grand Line, Zoro suggests that instead of bothering with Reverse Mountain (Which would require sailing up a downward river) they just enter the sea route from any point in the route's side. It's quickly explained why this won't work — the sides of the Grand Line are "Calm Belts" that have no current, no wind, and lots and lots of giant sea monsters. How big are these monsters? One's so big it can balance the ship on its nose.
Vivi hopes to stop the war in Alabasta between the royal army and the rebel army by telling rebel leader Kohza, an old friend of hers, that Sir Crocodile has been the one orchestrating events to make her father King Cobra look like a tyrant. Except Crocodile has numerous backup contingencies to keep the conflict going without Kohza, including Agent Provocateurs planted in both armies and a subordinate who can shapeshift into King Cobra to continue angering the population. Luffy refuses to go along with Vivi's plan because he knows that the only way to stop the war is to focus on taking down Crocodile's organization Baroque Works so they can't keep interfering.
During the Davy Back Fight, after the Straw Hats win the second event, Nami suggests that instead of getting Chopper back, they take Foxy, Luffy's opponent for the third/final match, and win that by default. Robin points out that this is technically valid by the rules of the Davy Back Fight, but it would also mean taking Foxy along as a crewmate, and no one in the crew wants to put up with him.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_9e2f90f4
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_9e2f90f4
 One Piece (Manga)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_9e2f90f4
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_a090fcfc
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_a090fcfc
Bucky O'Hare and the Toad Wars!: In the episode "Kreation Konspiracy", the heroes make contact with the scientists who originally made KOMPLEX, hoping to learn about some weakness or shutdown code that could turn the tide of the war. Unfortunately, the scientists simply say that if there were such an easy solution, they would have used it before KOMPLEX exiled them into space.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_a090fcfc
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_a090fcfc
 Bucky O'Hare and the Toad Wars! (Comic Book)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_a090fcfc
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_a12cd9cf
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_a12cd9cf
Big City Greens: In “Desserted�, Cricket takes his family out to eat at Crispy’s, that’s until they later find out that Cricket is only paying for this meal by having them take on the “Crispy’s Sundae Challenge�, where they must eat a giant ice cream sundae to get their meals for free. Bill has enough of this, and tries to pay the food himself, until he finds out that Cricket swapped all of their money with “Cricket Bucks� in case they would back out.
As the family struggles to finish, Cricket tries to get themselves out of the problem, by asking their waitress, Gina, if she can cut them some slack so they don't have to eat it all, but Gina tells Cricket that he and his family must eat the sundae, and gives him the rule book, quoting it.
Then while looking at the rule book, Cricket finds out that if the sundae is contaminated, they’ll have to throw it away. So once he gets a fly in his sundae, Gina immediately sends the sundae away, but it turns out that the loophole has another loophole in the tiny fine print stating that if the sundae is contaminated, they will get a new one and the contest will begin again from the beginning.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_a12cd9cf
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_a12cd9cf
 Big City Greens
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_a12cd9cf
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_a13fe18b
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_a13fe18b
Justice League: Doom: Vandal Savage initiates a Solar Flare Disaster that will roast the sunward side of the Earth. Superman suggests he push the planet out of the way. Batman counters that if he had a week, he still couldn't list all the reasons that wouldn't work.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_a13fe18b
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_a13fe18b
 Justice League: Doom
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_a13fe18b
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_a183d57f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_a183d57f
In "A Big Piece of Garbage", a massive ball of 20th-century garbage is headed toward Earth. Leela suggests the most obvious solution, shooting a missile at it, only to be told that the ball is so gooey that any missiles fired at it would just go straight through.
In "When Aliens Attack", the Omicronians threaten the Earth because Fry accidentally disrupted the broadcast of the final episode of Single Female Lawyer back in 1999, which reaches the Omicronians 1,000 years later on their planet. Bender suggests simply finding a copy of the final episode for them, but no results come up on the computer, as Professor Farnsworth says that all the videotapes from that era were destroyed in 2443 during the second coming of Jesus.
In "Parasites Lost", when Fry contracts worms, the rest of the crew need to go inside his body using remote miniature robotic versions of themselves. Bender asks the Professor why he doesn't just shrink them, to which the Professor responds that it would require very tiny atoms, which apparently are very expensive.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_a183d57f
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_a183d57f
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_a183d57f
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_a1a4b035
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_a1a4b035
Battle for Dream Island
�Battle for Dream Island Again� in “Insectophobe’s Nightmare�, the teams were assigned to kill their own batch of bugs while trapped in glass boxes, on Team No-Name, Firey simply tries to burn the bugs, however his fire isn’t doing any damage, as Puffball Speaker Box explains that the bugs are fire-proof.
�Battle for Dream Island: The Power of Two� in “Gardening Zero�, the teams had to protect each of their endangered flowers from different locations. Team Death P.A.C.T. Again had to protect their plant in the jungle, but soon Puffball intrudes their biome to sabotage the team. As she was about to eat their flower, Remote reminds Puffball of an earlier rule, that if she kills the plant herself, then her own team will be up for elimination. So Puffball tries to sabotage in a different way. She then exits, and comes back with Ice Cube, and pushes her in the ground by their flower, as the flower is now draining Ice Cube’s moisture, and slowly killing her. So Puffball gives them the risky choice to either kill the plant to save Ice Cube, but forfeiting the challenge, or they let the plant absorb Ice Cube, with the team responsible for her death. (as the team has a priority on protecting people from death) At first, Remote tries to get out of the situation by pulling Ice Cube out, but even when using 110% of her battery strength, she couldn’t get Ice Cube out, as Puffball really wedged her in deep. Tree then suggest just taking Ice Cube’s bracelet off, so she would teleport back home, but Fanny explains that if she teleports while in the ground, she’ll just teleport underground and suffocate. So the team made the choice to…kill the plant.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_a1a4b035
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_a1a4b035
 Battle for Dream Island (Web Animation)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_a1a4b035
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_a29544ab
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_a29544ab
Discussed at length in Apollo 13. With an explosion aboard the Command Module Odyssey, forcing the astronauts to turn the Lunar Module Aquarius into a lifeboat, NASA has no choice but aborting the lunar landing to bring the astronauts back home. One NASA technician proposes using the Abort function on the CM, which would automatically turn the CM around and head home, since the Lunar Module wasn't made to support all 3 astronauts at the same time (normally, two astronauts, the mission commander and LM pilot, would perform the lunar excursion, while the CM pilot stayed in orbit aboard the CM). But another technician proposes taking a slingshot orbit around the moon with a controlled burn from the LM to set them on their course home, since nobody knows how severely damaged the CM is, and it's entirely possible that the explosion hit the CM's engine, which would potentially allow said engine to cause another explosion that would destroy both ships if used in its current damaged state. Flight director Gene Kranz goes with the second proposal.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_a29544ab
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_a29544ab
 Apollo 13
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_a29544ab
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_a4a6b86a
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_a4a6b86a
Code Geass: The protagonist Lelouch Lamperouge has the capacity to brainwash a person with a single Irrevocable Order (the titular "Geass") that cannot be resisted and his best friend Suzaku is a soldier of the Britannian military and pilot of the Super Prototype Humongous Mecha which has been the thorn in the side of Lelouch's resistance for a while now. Shortly after Lelouch figures this out, his confidante C.C. bluntly asks Lelouch why not just brainwash Suzaku and make him pilot for the resistance, but she follows up by wondering if it's Lelouch's pride, sentimentality, or distaste for robbing another person of their free will that fuels his reluctance; Lelouch responds that it's all three. note Sure enough, when he finally follows through and brainwashes an entire army to follow his commands late in Season Two, it's a sure sign that he's hit the Despair Event Horizon after a few too many backstabs and he just wants things over now.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_a4a6b86a
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_a4a6b86a
 Code Geass
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_a4a6b86a
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_a4ff8e01
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_a4ff8e01
Fate/Grand Order: The initial idea for stopping Tiamat in her tracks was to evaporate the sea around her (they had a goddess who could do that), since Tiamat could only move in the water. They try it; and immediately afterwards it's revealed that she can create water so the "limitation" was a non-issue. The eventual plan for stopping and defeating her ends up being incredibly complicated, including things like digging a pit deep enough to reach the Underword, having a mage turn the water into flowers via Rules Lawyer-ing, and having the personification of death apply the concept of death on her. So much for just evaporating the water.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_a4ff8e01
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_a4ff8e01
 Fate/Grand Order (Video Game)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_a4ff8e01
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_a5405b84
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_a5405b84
Discussed in The Bands of Mourning. Centuries ago, The Sovereign built a Temple of Doom to keep the titular artifact safe for when he returns. Wax thinks this is a terrible idea, pointing out how a gigantic temple just attracts treasure hunters, and that the Sovereign is liable to be killed by his own traps. Burying it in a cave would be both safer and more secure. Later, Wax realizes that a cave wouldn't work; what if the Sovereign forgot which cave, or the landscape changed while he was gone? The gigantic temple ensures that the Sovereign never loses track of it, and the traps aren't a problem for him because the Bands aren't inside the temple at all.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_a5405b84
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_a5405b84
 The Bands of Mourning
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_a5405b84
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_a5f4ab7
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_a5f4ab7
Blue Seed: An example in which this trope is a central plot point. If Momiji Fujimiya is sacrificed or assassinated, the Arigami go away. The problem then becomes that the Arigami have constantly come back through the millennia, so sacrificing Momiji is not a permanent solution. Furthermore, there's ways Momiji can die that wouldn't affect the Arigami. Because of this, the members of TAC spend the series seeking a more effective alternative, while constantly fending off Arigami rampages and people trying to kill Momiji (both to try to save Japan and to get rid of the filth mankind has plastered on Japan).
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_a5f4ab7
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_a5f4ab7
 Blue Seed (Manga)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_a5f4ab7
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_a660fd96
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_a660fd96
Avengers: Endgame:
At the start of the film, the Avengers plan to steal the Infinity Stones and Gauntlet from Thanos in order to undo the Snap. Unfortunately, the energy signature that led them to his location turns out to have been from him destroying the Stones, both to prevent anyone from undoing the Snap and to keep himself from being tempted to use them for other purposes.
When the time machine is first built, Scott Lang suggests just using it to go back to before Thanos had the Stones and get them before he does, thereby preventing the Snap in the first place. Hulk tells him this wouldn't work, since this would just create an alternate timeline, rather than change their past.
Jim "War Machine" Rhodes then suggests that, if the grand plan of the Avengers to revive the people killed by Thanos' Snap involves time travel, why not just go back all the way to when Thanos was a baby and kill him? The Hulk tells him that it won't not work as he thinks it would, because their method of time travel involves going to alternate universes (which means that they would just kill an Alternate Self of Thanos)... after a couple of seconds of being grossed out at the idea of assassinating a baby.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_a660fd96
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_a660fd96
 Avengers: Endgame
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_a660fd96
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_a96a7ada
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_a96a7ada
Yu-Gi-Oh!: During his duel with Yugi in Battle City, Yami Bakura starts off making multiple seemingly amateurish moves, playing three weak monsters in Attack Position in a row with nothing to defend them, and has less than 500 life points by the end of it. On his next turn, Bakura reveals that this was all a ploy so he could summon Dark Necrofear, which requires banishing 3 monsters from the graveyard to summon, though Jonouchi wonders why he didn't just put his monsters in Defense Position to minimise the loss of life points. Kaiba, however, explains that Bakura put them in Attack Position so Yugi would attack, and that if he had put them in Defense Position, Yugi would be cautious of effects and might not have attacked.
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX:
During the school duel between Duel Academy and North Academy, Judai plays his Winged Kuriboh in defense position, which Manjoume attacks and destroys using his Armed Dragon LV7. This causes Sho to wonder why Manjoume didn't use his dragon's effect to destroy Kuriboh note By discarding one monster from your hand, Armed Dragon LV7 destroys all opposing monsters with ATK less than or equal to the discarded monster, then attack Judai directly for game. Misawa points out that it wouldn't have made a difference either way, since once Winged Kuriboh is destroyed, the controller takes no damage for the rest of the turn.
Don Zaloog deserves credit for attempting to skip the "challenge the heroes to a card game" step and take the Spirit Keys by force. Unfortunately for him, this is one case in which the Duels Decide Everything schtick of the franchise is justified, so he ends up having to duel the heroes anyway.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_a96a7ada
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_a96a7ada
 Yu-Gi-Oh! (Franchise)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_a96a7ada
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_aa5b7cc2
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_aa5b7cc2
Oglaf: "Politics" has oppressed peasants ask a passing hero for help against a cruel baron. The hero agrees, saying he'll go to one of the baron's orgies to have sex and stab the problem. The peasants reply that the baron's successors would be more of the same and the system needs to change, the hero stays fixated on his "fucking and stabbing" plan. Going by the heroic and erect statue of him labeled "Solved Everything" in the final panel, it worked.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_aa5b7cc2
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_aa5b7cc2
 Oglaf (Webcomic)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_aa5b7cc2
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_aaf48fde
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_aaf48fde
One Pound Gospel: The main conflict in the story is that Kosaku loves food so much, he struggles to maintain his weight class. The Yashamaru arc demonstrates why he can't just go up a few weight classes; weight classes are meant to measure muscle, not fat. When Kosaku forgoes his diet, the excess flab slows down his punches considerably.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_aaf48fde
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_aaf48fde
 One Pound Gospel (Manga)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_aaf48fde
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_ab2a760
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_ab2a760
Five Nights At Freddys:
According to the former employee leaving you voice mail messages, the killer animatronics in the game will attack you because they don't know what humans are — they think you're an animatronic endoskeleton without your costume and will try to force a costume onto you, killing you in the process. At one point he suggests the obvious answer of playing dead, so they think you're an empty costume instead. He quickly thinks better of it, saying that if they think you're an empty costume they'll try to shove a metal endoskeleton inside you, which would be even worse.
In Night 7, the Custom Night. If the animatronics are run by an AI, why not just hack them and make them less aggressive? Turns out you can do that and it works, but even setting their AI levels to 0 still doesn't make them harmless, not to mention hacking the bots gets you fired.
If the animatronics are trying to get you because they think you're an endoskeleton without your costume, why not just make a fake costume (or at least a mask) and wear it to trick them? This becomes a gameplay mechanic in the sequel. There are two animatronics the mask doesn't protect you from, and you can't do the things necessary to ward them off if you have the head on.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_ab2a760
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_ab2a760
 Five Nights at Freddy's (Video Game)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_ab2a760
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_ac58ea30
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_ac58ea30
The Pink Panther Strikes Again: After former Chief Inspector Dreyfus makes a threat to the governments of the world that he will destroy the world with a disintegration beam unless they kill Inspector Jacques Clouseau for him, Dreyfus' assistant points out that in order to steal the beam he assembled a band composed of the most dangerous criminals in the world, so why not use them to kill Clouseau instead? Dreyfus answers, with surprising bluntness, "Because you wouldn't stand a chance." Sure enough, the governments of the world assemble a Carnival of Killers composed of the best assassins under their employ, and the ones that don't murder each other following their governments' orders all end up being annihilated by Clouseau's incredible luck and well-timed bumbling — and Dreyfus' assistant also ends up accidentally buying it when he decides to disobey his boss and try to take out Clouseau himself.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_ac58ea30
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_ac58ea30
 The Pink Panther Strikes Again
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_ac58ea30
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_ac719b97
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_ac719b97
Stargate: Col. Jack O'Neil brought an atomic warhead with him to Abydos to destroy the Stargate and any potential hostiles on Abydos. The weapon is then captured by Ra, who intends to arm it and send it back through the gate to Earth with a shipment of Naquadah (called "Stargate material" here), which would increase its destructive potential a hundredfold. O'Neil defeats Anubis and tries to deactivate the bomb, but explains to Dr. Daniel Jackson that Ra has reprogrammed the bomb so that they can't deactivate it. They then get the idea to transport it back onto Ra's ship, killing him.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_ac719b97
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_ac719b97
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_ac719b97
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_ad2a0b23
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_ad2a0b23
Transformers: Rise of the Dark Spark: When Swindle and Shockwave, bearing the titular Dark Spark, arrive at the gates of the Decepticon capital of Kaon they discover a huge Autobot army laying siege in order to stop them. Blast-Off, Swindle's fellow Combaticon, suggests he simply take the Dark Spark from Swindle and deliver it by air. Shockwave dismisses the suggestion as being too risky: if Blast-Off were to be shot down or otherwise drop the Dark Spark, for all they know it might explode and take all of Kaon with it. Combaticon commander Onslaught agrees with Shockwave's assessment and orders him to retreat to a safe location with the Dark Spark, while the Combaticons begin clearing a path.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_ad2a0b23
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_ad2a0b23
 Transformers: Rise of the Dark Spark (Video Game)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_ad2a0b23
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_ad7edd1f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_ad7edd1f
Kaamelott: Elias the enchanter shows up to Kaamelott to warn that the Wolf Spirit is angry and demands a sacrifice, the easiest thing to do being to sacrifice the queen to it. He says this to Arthur (the queen's husband), Leodagan (her father), and Lancelot (who very much wants to be her lover) as if it was a perfectly rational thing to do.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_ad7edd1f
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_ad7edd1f
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_ad7edd1f
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_ae54c340
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_ae54c340
Reign of the Seven Spellblades: In volume 2 (anime episode 9), the Sword Roses take a lengthy trek through the labyrinth to reach the laboratory their senpai Vera Miligan offered them. The next morning (episode 10), she shows them a shortcut, a Portal Pool that crosses over to a second-floor classroom in the school building. Asked why she didn't tell them they could use the Portal Pool to get to the laboratory and save the trip, Miligan reminds them that the labyrinth has a mind of its own: that entrance isn't always accessible, and if they can't safely reach the laboratory by other paths, then it's probably too dangerous for them to be down here in the first place.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_ae54c340
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_ae54c340
 Reign of the Seven Spellblades
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_ae54c340
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_af54d560
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_af54d560
Goosebumps (2015): After R.L. Stine explains how the magic that created the monsters works, the very first thing Zach asks is why the hell doesn’t Stine just write down "and all the monsters were captured and never bothered anybody ever again, The End" right now. Stine explains that the writing magic needs a complete and plausibly-written story to work, and that takes time. The second thing, which Stine leaves unsaid until the climax, is that his daughter is one of those "monsters" and he needs to think of an ending when she is not dragged into the book with them. At the climax, with no time left, she allows herself to be absorbed into the book alongside the monsters as a Heroic Sacrifice. Stine manages to solve that later when he is not pressed by monsters trying to kill everybody.
In the sequel, when the main characters realize that the events they're experiencing are one-to-one with the manuscript they found, one of them tries to read ahead to see how to save the day, only to discover that it's unfinished and cuts off mid-sentence.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_af54d560
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_af54d560
 Goosebumps (2015)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_af54d560
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_af925ef9
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_af925ef9
Not the intended use (Zantetsuken Reverse): In A Game of Cat and Cat, once Naoki realizes that Daisuke is missing, he goes out seeking delinquents in the city who may have recently seen him, as Daisuke is known to get into fights. That is, until a gang leader points out to him that the city is too big for that to work because even though they're all delinquents, that doesn't mean they all know each other.
A Game of Cat and Cat is about the cast investigating a serial killer. In an extra for the chapter where Soma Cruz discovers that he can see ghosts, Kazuya suggests looking for the ghosts of the victims. Alas, the accomplice hired an exorcist.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_af925ef9
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_af925ef9
 Not the intended use (Zantetsuken Reverse) (Fanfic)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_af925ef9
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_afbbcb4
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_afbbcb4
Code Vein: Aurora's memories show that when she heard about Gregorio Silva's convoluted and morally-questionable plan to seal away the Queen, she wondered why they didn't just shove her into a blast furnace to incinerate her instead. Silva bluntly replies that it wouldn't work: the Queen has Complete Immortality and can quickly regenerate from anything even if her body is completely destroyed.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_afbbcb4
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_afbbcb4
 Code Vein (Video Game)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_afbbcb4
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_b2431955
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_b2431955
Fate/kaleid liner PRISMA☆ILLYA: The girls are fighting against Beatrice, who has installed a class card that gives her access to Thor's hammer Mjölnir, thus making her a far superior opponent to themselves. In the Nasuverse, it's a well-established fact that a way to defeat a summoned spirit (whether it's a Heroic Spirit or a Divine Spirit) is to recreate the conditions of their death as that's their conceptual weakness, so they decide to do that on Beatrice since she now has all of Thor's properties. They poison her, and then force her to take seven steps backwards, which is how Thor died... And it doesn't work because even though Mjölnir is Thor's Signature Weapon, he wasn't the only one to ever wield it. The class card Beatrice uses actually grants her the power of Thor's son, Magni. This means that they have to beat Beatrice the hard way.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_b2431955
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_b2431955
 Fate/kaleid liner PRISMA☆ILLYA (Manga)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_b2431955
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_b24f49ab
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_b24f49ab
Back to the Future Part II: After Doc Brown explains how 2015 Biff went back in time to give the "Gray's Sports Almanac" to himself in the past in order to become rich by betting on all the winners in any sport he chose, thus creating an alternate version of 1985, Marty suggests they go back to 2015 to stop Biff from using the DeLorean, but Doc tells him that it would be a future of the altered 1985, meaning that the only way to undo the damage was to go back to whatever time Old Biff went to and retrieve the book (which Marty eventually finds out is November 12, 1955, the same day as the lightning storm from the first film).
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_b24f49ab
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_b24f49ab
 Back to the Future Part II
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_b24f49ab
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_b40513b1
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_b40513b1
Foxtrot: In one strip, Jason says there's an easy way to get him to stop tricking his parents into buying video game consoles (i.e. give in and buy them when he asks). While to him it is the simplest solution, it ignores that they're expensive and his parents don't like him playing video games in the first place.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_b40513b1
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_b40513b1
 FoxTrot (Comic Strip)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_b40513b1
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_b54d12c1
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_b54d12c1
Lost in Camelot;
When Arthur first learns about Bo's nature, he assumes that Merlin "feeds" Bo using a spell to take energy from other things rather than Bo feeding through sex. Merlin privately acknowledges that he did consider that initially after learning how Bo fed. However, Gaius confirmed that it wouldn't work as Bo can only feed on living things that also have the emotional capacity to reciprocate her affection, with plants lacking such urges and animals not evolved enough to experience them.
The sequel The Lost Kingdom opens with Bo being taken to the kingdom of the Blood King to be cured of a curse she accidentally absorbed into herself. This trope is invoked when Dyson asks why the Blood King has to prepare various elaborate rituals to cure Bo when he could just write the curse out of existence with his powers. The Blood King explains that while he could do that, since the curse has become entangled with Bo's life force, removing it that way would be the equivalent of cutting someone's hair by ripping it out at the roots (messy and extremely painful even if it would achieve the desired result), and he naturally wants to find a less painful way to save his granddaughter's life.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_b54d12c1
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_b54d12c1
 Lost in Camelot (Fanfic)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_b54d12c1
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_b5b18520
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_b5b18520
Major Payne: After a while of the titular Major terrorizing the JROTC team of Madison Academy, they discuss how to get rid of him and one of the cadets says that they should just denounce Payne to the Academy's principal. This is shot down by Cadet Stone, who mentions that the principal is a complete idiot (a thing the audience was shown — said principal cannot even recall the term for the ROTC, labeling it "the thing of the little green men") and probably won't care to do anything about Payne's harshness, so the cadets decide to perform a lot of wacky antics to try to force Payne to leave, including slipping him an industrial-strength laxative and even trying to frame him as a pedophile (neither of which work).
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_b5b18520
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_b5b18520
 Major Payne
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_b5b18520
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_b96cfdc2
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_b96cfdc2
The Faraway Paladin: In volume 3, Will goes on a quest to slay the dragon Valacirca, who has been in a torpor for 200 years but is now rousing. His adoptive grandfather Gus points out that Will has overlooked the possibility of just buying the dragon off, since in the past he fought as a mercenary for doers of both good and evil—but then admits that they probably can't afford him at this point. Even if they could, when Will actually speaks to Valacirca later, it turns out that nowadays the dragon cares more about his reputation as a legendary Hero Killer than about expanding his Dragon Hoard.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_b96cfdc2
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_b96cfdc2
 The Faraway Paladin
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_b96cfdc2
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_b99a414f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_b99a414f
End of Days provides us with an example of the "only works for the character suggesting it" variation in one of the film's sub-plots: as Jericho Cane tries to protect Christine York (the woman prophesized to help Satan create The Antichrist, a thing she definitely does not wish to do), he discovers that there is a rogue group of Vatican priests who have decided to kill York and prevent the event from happening. It's noted that it's sinful and only will prevent Satan from doing this for another millennia, but they don't care. They are notably massacred by Satan when he comes calling while Father Novak, who was protesting this, is just knocked out.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_b99a414f
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_b99a414f
 End of Days
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_b99a414f
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_b9cc7496
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_b9cc7496
In Dogma, two fallen angels plan to enter a church in order to get the blessing needed to return to Heaven, unaware that it would be a Reality-Breaking Paradox. While the heroes try to figure out how to stop them, stoner Jay brings up the idea of closing the church to prevent the angels from entering, with Metatron saying that's actually a good idea. The only problem is the cardinal in charge of the church refuses to close the church, event as the heroes try to tell him how important it was to do so.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_b9cc7496
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_b9cc7496
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_b9cc7496
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_ba4b8c8c
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_ba4b8c8c
Where Eagles Dare: Played with. When the team is being assigned to rescue General Carnaby from the heavily fortified Schloss Adler to stop the Nazis being able to prize the key details of the upcoming D-Day landings out of him, Christiansen asks why go through such a risky mission when they could instead have a squadron of Lancaster bombers reduce the entire fortress to rubble thus ensuring the information stays secret. Admiral Rollo bluntly tells him that deliberately killing the American general would lead to severe repercussions from the outraged American military. However, the whole event is in fact a staged front to root out the double agents that have infiltrated British intelligence.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_ba4b8c8c
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_ba4b8c8c
 Where Eagles Dare
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_ba4b8c8c
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_ba6cc3a1
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_ba6cc3a1
Granblue Fantasy: During the crossover with Doraemon, it's suggested to use the Anywhere Door to simply head to Eaustalica, the island of the Astrals that is the goal of the Player Character's quest. They actually do attempt it, but the Door opens over a wide empty span of water instead, leading everyone to conclude they'll have to make their way there the hard way. note  Naturally, having the driving quest of the game easily achieved during a crossover event would likely be unsatisfying. In-universe, the Astrals were so absurdly advanced they were able to create artificial lifeforms with control over natural forces like the weather, time, and even death. Presumably foiling Doraemon's technology would've been child's play for them.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_ba6cc3a1
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_ba6cc3a1
 Granblue Fantasy (Video Game)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_ba6cc3a1
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_bb3fde3d
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_bb3fde3d
Danny Phantom: In "Bitter Reunions", Jazz wonders why Vlad, an ultra-rich Packers fan, doesn't just buy the team instead of a massive amount of memorabilia. An annoyed Vlad explains that they're owned by the city of Green Bay, who refuse to sell.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_bb3fde3d
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_bb3fde3d
 Danny Phantom
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_bb3fde3d
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_bc531e07
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_bc531e07
Parodied in Trapped in a Dating Sim: The World of Otome Games is Tough for Mobs. The first solution suggested by Leon's Heroic Comedic Sociopath AI servant Luxion to virtually any problem is invariably "obliterate the entire country of the person or group that caused it", which actually would be relatively simple for his "main body", a Lost Technology space battleship. By about book three Leon et al. have stopped even trying to explain to the human-hating AI why that wouldn't be helpful.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_bc531e07
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_bc531e07
 Trapped in a Dating Sim: The World of Otome Games is Tough for Mobs
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_bc531e07
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_bcadd7cb
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_bcadd7cb
Warhammer 40,000: The Ascended Fanfic short story "Rocks Are Not Free!" is a detailed analysis of why the Inquisition does not use giant asteroids instead of giant bombs to Exterminatus planets. In short, getting an asteroid to crash into a given planet takes considerably more fuel, money, labor, and, most importantly, time than Orbital Bombardment does.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_bcadd7cb
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_bcadd7cb
 Warhammer 40,000 (Tabletop Game)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_bcadd7cb
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_bcdcf629
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_bcdcf629
Transformers: Animated: In Season 2 "A Bridge Too Close, Part II", when Starscream and his clone army arrive at Megatron's mine headquarters and attacks him for his Space Bridge, Optimus Prime wants to help fight against them. Bumblebee asks why don't they let Starscream and his clones take down Megatron, Optimus points out they can't afford to have any Decepticons go through the Space Bridge to get to Cybertron.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_bcdcf629
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_bcdcf629
 Transformers: Animated
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_bcdcf629
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_bd310eaa
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_bd310eaa
El Goonish Shive: When Pandora meets the Emissary of Magic in Grace's dreams, she immediately asks him why he's contacting Grace through her dreams instead of picking up the phone and calling her (or better yet, someone else who can more directly deal with the problem). He is forced to explain that he only remembers who Grace is, why she would be the person to contact, or details about what he's trying to explain to her when using the spell to talk in her dreams. When awake, all he knows is that the problem he's trying to address still exists and that using the dream spell will let him talk to someone who can do something about it.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_bd310eaa
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_bd310eaa
 El Goonish Shive (Webcomic)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_bd310eaa
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_bde262d2
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_bde262d2
The Ghost The Trickster And Molly Mcgee:
When Molly's efforts to earn money to restore the Brighton Bandshell start to peter out, she asks Loki if, as an Asgardian prince, he has any wealth to contribute. Loki's quick to point out that, since he's technically dead, his accounts are frozen. And he can't contact any of his rich acquintances without attracting undue attention from Asgard.
When Molly asks Loki, who's trapped in the form of a teenager, why he doesn't use his shapeshifting power to turn into an adult full time, Loki explains that it requires concentration to work, and if he did try, he'd wake up the next day with a splitting headache.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_bde262d2
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_bde262d2
 The Ghost, the Trickster, and Molly McGee (Fanfic)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_bde262d2
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_beff5709
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_beff5709
Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom: Played With. Arthur is confronted by the Atlantean council about the surface world continuing to pollute the oceans and how their people are suffering from the effects. When Arthur suggests that they reveal themselves to the surface so they know exactly what their pollution is doing, the council leader brings up this trope because it’s Atlantean tradition to remain a secret.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_beff5709
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_beff5709
 Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_beff5709
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_c0da5437
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_c0da5437
The Punisher:
The usual result of Frank's method of fighting crime clashes hard with Status Quo Is God, so the usual stated reason he doesn't go after The Kingpin is that doing so would cause an Evil Power Vacuum with civilians caught in a mob war. Towards the end of The Punisher MAX's run, he does go to kill Fisk and succeeds at the cost of his life, leading to civilians violently fighting back against organized crime once his death is announced.
Frank's M.O. is repeatedly questioned by both criminals and heroes pointing out that he can't hope to keep crime down by killing criminals, and in fact has never done so. The truth is that Frank is perfectly aware of it: he's a Death Seeker whose only goal is to take out as many mobsters as he can before he's finally killed and reunited with his family.
Similarly, several encounters with superheroes have Frank bluntly stating that until they decide enough is enough and kill him themselves, he's going to keep killing criminals even when sent to prison (in fact, he often gets himself arrested so he can get to a convicted criminal).
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_c0da5437
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_c0da5437
 The Punisher (Comic Book)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_c0da5437
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_c1087b3a
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_c1087b3a
Baskets of Guts: The lich reveals that he didn't kill Anna when they first met because she's a Nature Spirit (a kikimora), which come in two varieties: guardian and vengeance, the latter occurring when the former are murdered, at which point they exist only to avenge themselves and only grow stronger with every failure to do so.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_c1087b3a
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_c1087b3a
 Baskets of Guts (Webcomic)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_c1087b3a
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_c11df2bf
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_c11df2bf
Bakugan: Episode 31 of New Vestroia has the Resistance discussing with Klaus as to how they can track down the Mother Palace (the Vexos' base of operations). Marucho comes up with the idea to modify Klaus's transdimensional communicator to identify and track dimensional anomalies so that it will be easier to track down the Vexos’ hideout by figuring out where it is they are teleporting to Earth from. Klaus however expresses that doing something like that would be technologically impossible, with Sirenoid claiming that it would be like trying to modify a microwave to cut grass.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_c11df2bf
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_c11df2bf
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_c11df2bf
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_c137ae09
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_c137ae09
In the previous game, Mimir tells the tale of how Hrimthur built the walls surrounding Asgard, and then whispered something to Freya (then Odin's wife), which Mimir suspects to be the location of some sort of flaw that would allow Surtr to fulfill his destiny of destroying Asgard during Ragnarok. Later in Ragnarok, when Freya joins the party, Mimir takes the opportunity to ask her about what Hrimthur said, hoping to use the info to take out Odin without having to resort to The End of the World as We Know It. Unfortunately, according to Freya, all Hrimthur said was that Surtr would know what to do.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_c137ae09
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_c137ae09
 God of War (PS4) (Video Game)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_c137ae09
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_c3364e2e
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_c3364e2e
The Horribly Slow Murderer with the Extremely Inefficient Weapon: Even if his method of murder is absurd, the Ginosaji is still a malevolent ghost in the vein of Ju On, and has the same strengths. Calling the cops? "A maniac is trying to beat me to death with a spoon", plus the Ginosaji may just go through them. Running away is no good. Protective clothing? Does nothing to make the Ginosaji go away, and even if it takes a million hits, you will eventually feel his spoon (and if the protection does an annoying side effect like noise, the Ginosaji won't let you take it off). Fighting back? Please. Try a Spiteful Suicide to deny the Ginosaji his kill? The Ginosaji will move mountains to deny this to you. You will die by spoon, and it won't be slow nor painless.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_c3364e2e
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_c3364e2e
 The Horribly Slow Murderer with the Extremely Inefficient Weapon (Web Video)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_c3364e2e
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_c34ab4c
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_c34ab4c
This Bites!:
In the first chapter of the G-8 arc, Lieutenant Commander Drake (who is being driven crazy by Terry and Isaiah, a pair of South Birds), asks Vice-Admiral Jonathan why they haven't just shot said South Birds yet (since the South Birds are semi-allied to the Straw Hats). Jonathan's response is that since South Birds are an endangered species, they would have to pay roughly two million Beris in fines, which they don't have.
Commander Drake asks his superior Vice-Admiral Jonathan why the Marines haven't dispatched an Admiral to take out the Straw Hat Pirates, whose actions are dismantling the control of the World Government and would reasonably lead to such a decision. Jonathan replies that aside from one of them being a Blood Knight on the other side of the Red Line while the other two are Brilliant, but Lazy, there's also the Morton's Fork outcome: either the Admiral is successful but it will be seen as overkill for a crew of rookies and make the Marines as a whole look weak, or the Straw Hats are able to defeat one of the World Government's powerhouses and throw off the balance of the Three Powers.
In Chapter 65, Luffy asks Cross why none of the Four Emperors, least of all Whitebeard and Shanks, have declared the Sabaody Archipelago as their territory to stop the slave trade. Cross speculates that it might be because since they're on the other side of the Red Line, any crew members they sent to protect the Archipelago would be an easy target for the Marines, regardless of how powerful they are (especially considering Marine Headquarters and Mariejois, capital of the World Government, are effectively "next door" as far as island locations go). Luffy likewise asks why the Kuja Pirates, or even his father as head of the Revolutionary Army, hasn't done anything; Cross explains that the Kujas simply don't have the power to withstand the consequences (namely, that it would cost Hancock her position as Warlord and the Marines would come down on them like a ton of bricks) while the Revolutionaries are both working at taking out the root of the problem (attempting to take down the Word Nobles) and are spread thin all over the world, liberating other nations, and diverting sufficient forces to Sabaody means they'd have less success with the other nations in question. Luffy considers this a reasonable explanation.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_c34ab4c
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_c34ab4c
 This Bites! (Fanfic)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_c34ab4c
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_c4282b71
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_c4282b71
My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic: In "Magical Mystery Cure" when Spike proposes they use the Memory Spell to make their friends realize they swapped each others cutie marks and jobs, Twilight states it won't work as "It's not their memories, Spike. It's their true selves that have been altered!" How that's different isn't explained, but Twilight states it means Zecora's Cutie Pox cure for fake cutie marks won't work either.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_c4282b71
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_c4282b71
 My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_c4282b71
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_c511c682
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_c511c682
Asterix and the Big Fight: Having failed to conquer the Gaul village, the Romans hatch the plan of having Cassius Ceramix (a Gaul chief who has accepted Roman rule and adapted to be more Roman), challenge their chief Vitalstatistix through the Gaul tradition of the Big Fight for rulership so he can have them surrender to Roman rule once he takes over. This creates problems for the Gauls as Vitalstistix must fight without using the magic potion (which they don't have anyway since Getafix is temporarily insane) and Ceramix is much stronger than he is. At one point in training, Vitalstatistix notes he could just temporarily abdicate in favour of Obelix who would easily win, only for Asterix to explain the rules of the Big Fight specifically forbid that trick. Vitalstatistix ends up running in circles around the ring to tire out Ceramix, then hits him with a Megaton Punch (without potion even) once he hears Getafix is back.
Asterix and the Laurel Wreath: While in Rome to look for Caesar's laurel wreath, Asterix has to hold Obelix back when he wants to just go into the palace and beat up the guards until they find the wreath: as Asterix repeatedly points out, Caesar's palace guards are far better trained and equipped than the rank and file legionaries they fight back home and thus could actually pose a threat to them even with the magic potion. What follows is a series of zany plots to get into the palace, none of which work.
Asterix and the Roman Agent: During a brainstorming session on how to deal with the Gaul village, Caesar notes that although the Gauls are famous for their internal squabbles, the village always sticks together. Thus, they send a Roman specializing in causing strife and discord (he was sentenced to death, but just being around him made the lions eat each other) who almost succeeds in destroying the village until Asterix turns the tables on him.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_c511c682
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_c511c682
 Asterix (Comic Book)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_c511c682
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_c63192e7
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_c63192e7
The Lost Vikings 2: After being time-travelled to The Golden Age of Piracy, the vikings are forced to rely on a family of fortune tellers, who cast teleportation spells on them to move them from level to level.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_c63192e7
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_c63192e7
 The Lost Vikings (Video Game)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_c63192e7
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_c652e8c7
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_c652e8c7
The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie:
After being carjacked by a thug, forcing them to walk for miles on foot, SpongeBob and Patrick discover their car outside a Bad Guy Bar, with the hijacker in possession of the key. While contemplating how to get it back, Patrick suggests merely walking into the bar and asking him for it. Considering that the patrons get into Bar Brawls over trivial things like being looked at funny, SpongeBob is quick to say what a bad idea that is.
After learning that Plankton had turned everyone in Bikini Bottom into slaves, SpongeBob asks Princess Mindy if King Neptune could do anything to stop him. Mindy explains that her father is too distracted with hiding his bald spot to help.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_c652e8c7
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_c652e8c7
 The Sponge Bob Square Pants Movie
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_c652e8c7
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_c73cdac2
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_c73cdac2
The Darkness: Jackie Esticado initially wasn't so concerned with the "Celibacy Clause" that the titular entity came with, as he'd just use protection. But when his Treacherous Advisor asks him if he knows of any contraceptives that are 100% effective... well, Jackie doesn't take it well.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_c73cdac2
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_c73cdac2
 The Darkness (Comic Book)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_c73cdac2
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_c8c98634
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_c8c98634
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3: Lampshaded in the final Allied mission "The Moon Shall Never Have Them", where the player commander must destroy Cherdenko's rocket shuttle before he can escape to space. Co-Commander Warren would then ask why not simply let him flee to space and get him out of their hair (though not stated, the fact that the Soviets have quite a lot of orbital weaponry is one such reason).
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_c8c98634
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_c8c98634
 Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 (Video Game)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_c8c98634
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_c96cfe29
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_c96cfe29
In The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, Ganon had the full power of the Triforce behind him but still lost to Link, leaving many to wonder why he simply didn't just use it to wish Link dead. However, it's stated that the Master Sword has the power to resist the Triforce itself when it's wielded by evil, essentially making Link the Golden Goddesses' trump card.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_c96cfe29
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_c96cfe29
 The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (Video Game)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_c96cfe29
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_cac1f772
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_cac1f772
Discussed in CSI's "Chaos Theory." After exhausting several theories as to how a college girl named Paige Wycoff ended up dead in a dumpster behind her dormitory, Grissom quotes Mencken, "For every complex problem, there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong." He then adds that, since that's the case, they need to look for a solution that's messy, complicated, and right. Turns out the dumpster got hit by a passing car taking a short-cut in the rain at night while the girl was trying to retrieve her trash can that fell down the garbage chute. The driver didn't see her leaning in from behind it, pinned her to a wall causing internal injuries, & she fell in with the can. Ironically, both because of grief and because how absurd this solution is, Paige's parents refuse to believe that her daughter was the victim of a random accident and storm out of Grissom's office swearing that they will spend the rest of their lives searching for her "murderer".
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_cac1f772
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_cac1f772
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_cac1f772
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_cb6abea3
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_cb6abea3
Yu-Gi-Oh!: During his duel with Yugi in Battle City, Yami Bakura starts off making multiple seemingly amateurish moves, playing three weak monsters in Attack Position in a row with nothing to defend them, and has less than 500 life points by the end of it. On his next turn, Bakura reveals that this was all a ploy so he could summon Dark Necrofear, which requires banishing 3 monsters from the graveyard to summon, though Jonouchi wonders why he didn't just put his monsters in Defense Position to minimise the loss of life points. Kaiba, however, explains that Bakura put them in Attack Position so Yugi would attack, and that if he had put them in Defense Position, Yugi would be cautious of effects and might not have attacked.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_cb6abea3
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_cb6abea3
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_cb6abea3
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_cbe7f8d0
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_cbe7f8d0
In the first film, as everyone's going over how the whole town's been cut off from the outside word, someone asks if they can use Walter's C.B. radio in lieu of the currently out phones. Walter explains that they can't get radio signals over the surrounding mountains.
Later, once the Graboids are revealed, Nancy suggests that everyone just hunker down and wait for help when someone shows up to check on the downed road and phone lines. This has two problems: 1) as the viewers are immediately shown, the aforementioned workers are already Graboid chow, and 2) as Val points out, based on the timeline of attacks, the Graboids are making a beeline straight for Perfection.
The film is quick to nix the idea of avoiding the Graboids by getting atop of a tall, solid structure (like a building or a large rock) due to 2 reasons: 1) Graboids are adept problem solvers, and will try to find a way to get to you (usually by trying to undermine the structure so that it'll collapse, flipping it over, or pulling it — and you — underground), and 2) Graboids are stubborn, and if they can't get to you, they'll wait for days until you either make a mistake and get eaten, or die of thirst.
In the third film, Nancy is quick to point out that, unlike last time, they aren't cut off from the outside, and can thus call for help. Burt argues against the idea, claiming that they need to act now and not wait for the feds to bumble into things. Sure enough, when Nancy does call the feds anyway, they immediatly forbid killing the Graboids (claiming that they're an endangered species), and inform everyone that, if they can't relocate the Graboids, they'll relocate the people instead.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_cbe7f8d0
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_cbe7f8d0
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_cbe7f8d0
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_ce63e460
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_ce63e460
In the sequel, when the main characters realize that the events they're experiencing are one-to-one with the manuscript they found, one of them tries to read ahead to see how to save the day, only to discover that it's unfinished and cuts off mid-sentence.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_ce63e460
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_ce63e460
 Goosebumps 2: Haunted Halloween
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_ce63e460
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_ce8d8547
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_ce8d8547
Haunted Mansion (2023): The solution of 'just move out of the haunted house' is stymied by the fact that the ghosts will just follow them wherever they go.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_ce8d8547
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_ce8d8547
 Haunted Mansion (2023)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_ce8d8547
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_cefd252d
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_cefd252d
Scarlet Lady:
When Marinette finally learns that Pollen knows the titular Nominal Heroine's Secret Identity, she's thrilled: even if Kwami are forbidden from sharing such information with their holders, surely she could tell the Guardian, right? However, as Plagg demonstrates, the Kwami are under a Geas magically preventing them from sharing such secrets; when he attempts to say Chloé's name, he burps up bubbles instead.
After Chloé thoughtlessly reveals her Secret Identity in an attempt to impress her mother, shattering what was left of her alter ego's Broken Pedestal, her half-sister Zoé suggests that if she's truly so unhappy, she should just quit being a superheroine. Unfortunately, Chloé's Pride and egotistical desire to be the center of attention would NEVER allow her to step down... especially with the threat of being replaced by Marigold.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_cefd252d
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_cefd252d
 Scarlet Lady (Webcomic)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_cefd252d
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_cf3e7a82
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_cf3e7a82
Superman: This is a reason why Superman doesn't use his vast power to effect change on a global scale: it's a dangerous slippery slope from well-intentioned enforced peace (i.e. "Stop those border skirmishes or I'll fly over and smash up both your armies") to When All You Have Is a Hammer… (e.g. "These racist skinheads are harassing this black family. I'll fly them into the sun.") As various stories where Superman goes bad have shown, he's right to be terrified.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_cf3e7a82
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_cf3e7a82
 Superman (Franchise)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_cf3e7a82
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_d0c31ab
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_d0c31ab
Star Trek: Generations: When Picard pieces together that Soran destroyed the Armagosa star and is planning to destroy the Veridian star in order to get into the Nexus, he wonders why Soran doesn't simply fly into it. Data explains that it's probably impossible.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_d0c31ab
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_d0c31ab
 Star Trek: Generations
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_d0c31ab
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_d2d6de50
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_d2d6de50
In Ocean's Thirteen, when the crew is explaining to Benedict the problems they're having getting to Bank's diamonds, Benedict suggest they just cut the power like they did in the first film. Basher explains that the alarms for the case containing the diamonds are on a separate power source.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_d2d6de50
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_d2d6de50
 Ocean's Eleven
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_d2d6de50
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_d642b0d5
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_d642b0d5
Sonic Lost World: After Dr. Eggman explains that the Zeti have stolen his Extractor and are draining the planet dry, Sonic decides to just destroy the machine. Eggman explains the machine is unstable and will create a hundred mile wide explosion if he does that.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_d642b0d5
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_d642b0d5
 Sonic Lost World (Video Game)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_d642b0d5
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_d8adbd6b
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_d8adbd6b
The Conjuring Universe: Very early in The Conjuring, the Warrens are asked about why they don't just destroy their collection of haunted artifacts instead of keeping them around where someone could accidentally release the evil spirits. The answer the Warrens give is that with the artifacts still around, there is still a place to shove the evil spirits in if they escape — if the artifacts are destroyed, chances are they are just going to break free and rampage with nothing to stop them.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_d8adbd6b
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_d8adbd6b
 The Conjuring Universe
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_d8adbd6b
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_d9c602eb
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_d9c602eb
South Park:
"Scott Tenorman Must Die" has Cartman tricked by the eponymous Scott Tenorman into buying Scott's pubic hair, thinking that this means Cartman is a man now. Upon finding out he's been duped, Cartman threatens to tell his mom if Scott doesn't give back the money. Scott isn't the least bit intimidated by this since Cartman wouldn't tell his mother that he paid for someone else's pubes (Cartman could have simply left out this part or lied about why he has the pubes), leading Cartman to try and get his money back on his own.
"White People Renovating Houses" has Randy and the town's rednecks led by Darryl Weathers come into conflict when Randy's eponymous home renovation show keeps getting interrupted by the rednecks' protesting over losing their jobs with Confederate imagery and Randy worries about the damage they're doing to the show's brand. Darryl points out Randy could just remove "White People" from their show name. Randy then reveals he thought of that already, but he hasn't done it because literally every other name has been taken. He even lists some of them.
"Unfulfilled" has an Amazon fulfillment center employee named Josh Carter getting trapped inside a small cardboard box due to a workplace accident. When an interviewer asks why he doesn't attempt to get out of the box, Josh explains that doing so would kill him because his organs are so severely compacted they'd spill out if the box was ever opened. This sadly happens anyway in the following episode when Jeff Bezos tricks a group of kids into opening Josh's box to kill him to keep him from interfering in Bezos's plans.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_d9c602eb
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_d9c602eb
 South Park
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_d9c602eb
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_da02c1ef
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_da02c1ef
Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door: It's revealed that the "treasure" behind the Thousand-Year Door is a Sealed Evil in a Can the villains want to use to Take Over the World. One of Mario's partners suggests they stop gathering or try to destroy the Crystal Stars needed to unlock it, but Frankly says that as the seal on the Thousand-Year Door is weakening over time, so they need to use the Crystal Stars in order to re-seal it.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_da02c1ef
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_da02c1ef
 Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (Video Game)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_da02c1ef
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_de56f75b
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_de56f75b
Jim "War Machine" Rhodes then suggests that, if the grand plan of the Avengers to revive the people killed by Thanos' Snap involves time travel, why not just go back all the way to when Thanos was a baby and kill him? The Hulk tells him that it won't not work as he thinks it would, because their method of time travel involves going to alternate universes (which means that they would just kill an Alternate Self of Thanos)... after a couple of seconds of being grossed out at the idea of assassinating a baby.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_de56f75b
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_de56f75b
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_de56f75b
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_df57aa2a
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_df57aa2a
The LEGO Movie: When Emmet, Wyldstyle, Vitruvius, Batman, and Unikitty try to escape Bad Cop's assault on Cloud Cuckoo Land, Benny arrives to build a spaceship for them to escape in. However, Wyldstyle stops him by saying that the skies are filled with dropships, meaning it'll probably get shot down quickly.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_df57aa2a
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_df57aa2a
 The LEGO Movie
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_df57aa2a
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_e0ecc6c0
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_e0ecc6c0
Scooby-Doo and the Cyber Chase: When Mystery Inc get beamed into a game based on their adventures, a security guard asks the game's desiger to beam them back out. However, said designer explains that they have to Win to Exit.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_e0ecc6c0
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_e0ecc6c0
 Scooby-Doo and the Cyber Chase
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_e0ecc6c0
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_e25c0528
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_e25c0528
Grand Theft Auto Online: In the "The Contract" update, the player is sent to a Triad-owned nightclub to retrieve a videotape so they can track down a person of interest. While the player is going to the club, Franklin asks Imani why she doesn't just hack their security system. She tells him that the system is so primitive, it's not hooked up to the internet.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_e25c0528
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_e25c0528
 Grand Theft Auto Online (Video Game)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_e25c0528
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_e2e62e6d
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_e2e62e6d
In Superman/Batman: Public Enemies as everyone is figuring out what to do about a giant kryptonite meteor heading towards Earth, Superman suggests he goes up in a lead suit and smash it. Batman counters, saying no amount of lead can protect Superman from that much radiation, and it probably wouldn’t withstand all that smashing either.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_e2e62e6d
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_e2e62e6d
 Superman/Batman: Public Enemies
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_e2e62e6d
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_e743bb65
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_e743bb65
Home Sweet Home Alone: Max thinks aloud for a moment about why he doesn't just call the police to come deal with the thieves who are trying to break in: if the cops find out that he was abandoned by his parents (even if it was an accident), the cops will surely arrest them for apparent child endangerment alongside the thieves. This is a pretty notable case because in the other films in the series, the cops finding out the kid is all alone is only met with angry stares to the parents at worst.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_e743bb65
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_e743bb65
 Home Sweet Home Alone
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_e743bb65
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_e7ad2805
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_e7ad2805
The End of the World (FernWithy): When Haymitch wonders if he can pull off a Wins by Doing Absolutely Nothing victory and hide until everyone else is dead, Drake tells him that a few tributes try that every year. It never works because the violence-craving Gamemakers use the arena technology to either kill those tributes or herd them toward people who will attack them on sight. While it's possible for tributes to survive a long time without pursuing aggressive strategies, they have to do something interesting that will make the Gamemakers lay off them (stealing food in Foxface's case, bonding with alliance members, etc.).
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_e7ad2805
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_e7ad2805
 The End of the World (FernWithy) (Fanfic)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_e7ad2805
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_e885c808
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_e885c808
In Spaceballs, when the Spaceballs learn that our heroes are staying with Yogurt, Col. Sandurz wants to send in a strike team, but Dark Helmet tells him that, as a Shwartz-wielder, Yogurt is too formidable a foe. When Sandurz points that Dark Helmet is also a Shwartz user, he gives us this explanation.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_e885c808
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_e885c808
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_e885c808
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_ea4f62db
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_ea4f62db
Family Guy:
Played for Drama in “And Then There Were Fewer�, when the mansion guests witness Stephanie being shot dead, the guests immediatly try to leave the residence, but are suddenly stopped when the thunderstorm knocks over a tree and blocks their only exit. Worse yet, due to the storm, no one has any cell service to call for emergency services.
Derek manages to pick up some bars from his phone, so he tries to reach up the balcony to signal the police. But unfortunately, the murderer catches him, and kills him off the balcony.
Once Lois finds out about Diane Simons being the killer, Diane explains her how this trope bedeviled her original murder plan. Originally the plan would’ve been simpler, James Woods gets shot in his chair (rigged to cause a gun to go off), Diane takes the hidden gun, and puts it in Tom’s stash to frame him, but she didn’t expect for Stephanie to sit in said rigged chair, thus ruining her plan. After murdering James Woods during the black-out, when she was alone from the others, Diane went back to Woods’ corpse, and tried to take out the knife, but just then, Priscilla woke up from fainting and caught her in the act, so Diane had to kill her. Then, Diane tried to hide the knife within Tom’s suitcase, but unfortunately Muriel spotted her, so to avoid any witnesses, Diane had to stab her in the back. But just as Muriel was stabbed, she made a frightful shriek. Diane couldn’t leave the knife on her person, as everyone was coming in, so in a quick attempt, she wiped the knife handle with a cloth, to avoid the analysis of any fingerprints. But just then, Derek calls out that he can signal for help, as Diane couldn’t allow him to call the police, for she needed more time to pull off her plan to frame Tom, so she had to kill him as well.
“Screams of Silence: The Story of Brenda Q.â€� During a conversation on how much of a abusive monster Quagmire’s sister Brenda's boyfriend Jeff is to the point of mercilessly beating the shit out of her for the smallest things, Peter asks Joe, who is a cop, why he can’t just arrest him, Joe then explains he is legally unable to do so unless Brenda herself files a formal complaint against Jeff to the police.note  Even though Jeff was literally beating up Brenda right in front of Joe himself and everyone else around them, thus making them witnesses with enough evidence. Therefore in reality, Joe would not only have to arrest him, he would legally be required to.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_ea4f62db
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_ea4f62db
 Family Guy
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_ea4f62db
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_eae8ef96
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_eae8ef96
In Shining Force II, when the party finds out that Zeon wants the Jewel of Darkness to regain his powers. As the party currently has the jewel, Peter suggests they just keep it forever. Unfortunately, Creed, a retired demon, informs the party that the location Zeon is at is slowly gathering evil energy, so they will have to go confront him.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_eae8ef96
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_eae8ef96
 Shining Force II (Video Game)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_eae8ef96
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_eb37bd61
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_eb37bd61
Code Prime: When Lelouch tells the Autobots his backstory about how his mother was killed, how his father refused his request for justice, and banished him and his sister to Japan, only to invade it a year later, some of them offer to groundbridge to Pendragon, and bring down the Emperor of Britannia. Lelouch immediately shoots it down, pointing out that due to how unpopular Britannia is, the power vacuum would cause the other nations of Earth to attack the weakened Britannia, which would lead to many innocent people getting killed.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_eb37bd61
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_eb37bd61
 Code Prime (Fanfic)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_eb37bd61
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_ec28245c
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_ec28245c
Dragon Ball Z:
In the Saiyan arc, when Master Roshi, Bulma, and Oolong summon Shenron to revive Goku just as Vegeta and Nappa were almost to Earth, Oolong comes up with the idea to have the dragon destroy the Saiyans so the heroes wouldn't have to fight them. This upsets Bulma as it would mean leaving Goku dead, but Oolong quickly explains they could always revive him a year later. The argument becomes moot when Shenron mentions that destroying the Saiyans was beyond his power to grant, so Master Roshi settles for bringing Goku back.
During the Cell Arc, after first meeting the biomechanical android from the future, Krillin asks if it would help to head to Dr. Gero's laboratory where Cell's embryonic self was being cultivated and stop him from being created. Trunks, however, points out that with how different the rules of time travel were than he thought, destroying the present-day Cell wouldn't erase the Cell that came back in time. Nevertheless, they go to the lab and destroy the embryo to prevent the Z Fighters from dealing with another Cell in the future.
In the climax of the Majin Buu arc, in which Vegeta's plan to revive Majin Buu's victims involves the convoluted wish to revive every good person that died since Babidi arrived on Earth, Goku asks why not simply wish to bring back everyone killed by Majin Buu. Vegeta explains that that wording would cause the dragon to bring back the likes of Babidi and Dabura... while also exempting the innocent people he had massacred during the time he was under Babidi's influence.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_ec28245c
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_ec28245c
 Dragon Ball Z
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_ec28245c
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_ee5e6821
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_ee5e6821
John Finnemore's Souvenir Programme: One sketch has two kings having a problem with crossed wires and poor communication. Eventually they manage to get on the same wavelength, which becomes its own problem as they're just sending messengers back and forth sharing the same message (and then not sending messengers because they're realised this and are waiting for the other guy to send their messenger over). Eventually, an irate third party from the farmers stuck inbetween the messengers going back-and-forth all day suggests just shooting the messenger (whose protests that his boss could just give him the day off come too late). And then in the awkward silence that follows, the king realizes his counterpart has probably done the exact same thing again.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_ee5e6821
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_ee5e6821
 John Finnemore's Souvenir Programme (Radio)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_ee5e6821
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_eef69f10
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_eef69f10
Sherlock Holmes: Watson's objections of "just arrest him" are often shot down by Holmes, who points out that the evidence they have is too tenuous, or that arresting the leader of a criminal conspiracy immediately would result in the smaller fry getting away.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_eef69f10
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_eef69f10
 Sherlock Holmes
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_eef69f10
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_ef076a36
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_ef076a36
Star Trek: Voyager: In "Phage", Neelix's lungs are beamed out of his body by the Aliens of the Week. After the Doctor stabilizes him temporarily, another character suggests installing cybernetic lungs, but the Doctor replies with a handwave that Talaxian lungs are too complex to replicate properly with the equipment on hand.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_ef076a36
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_ef076a36
 Star Trek: Voyager
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_ef076a36
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_ef57d399
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_ef57d399
The Mountain and the Wolf:
When the Iron Fleet threatens King's Landing in Daenerys' absence, several people think to reuse Tyrion's trick and set Blackwater Bay on fire to destroy the fleet in one go. It won't work, as Cersei used up most of it to destroy the High Sparrow. It isn't even needed in the end, the Wolf having ordered the fleet to head north without attacking.
After the Red Priests arrive to deal with the imminent Chaos invasion, Tyrion Lannister expects that they can just use their magic to kill the Wolf. A Red Priest tells him that it won't be possible: using magic to kill him means that the Wolf's curse (to seek out and kill giant monsters and great warriors or be tortured for eternity) will transfer to the killer, putting them in thrall to the Ruinous Powers. So while the Wolf is a terrifying Hero Killer, at least he's not a Reality Warper, so they'll have to fight him through mundane means... which is exactly what the Wolf asked of them.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_ef57d399
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_ef57d399
 The Mountain and the Wolf / Fan Fic
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_ef57d399
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_f1da64b5
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_f1da64b5
The Lord of the Rings:
Possibly the best-known Fandom-Enraging Misconception in any discussion of the trilogy is "Why didn't the Fellowship ride the Great Eagles of Manwe into Mordor instead of walking?", because the films don't state that this was never an option: the Eagles would have been spotted too easily and been intercepted, handing the Ring right over to Sauron.
The Fellowship of the Ring:
When Gandalf declares Sauron must never reclaim the One Ring, Frollo opts to hide it away where it can't be found and never mention it again, figuring the enemy would never locate it that way. Unfortunately, Gandalf then reveals that Gollum, the one other being who knew Bilbo had the Ring, had been captured by the Orcs, and after endlessly torturing him, managed to get intel that would lead them to the Shire, with the Ring-Wraiths on their way at that very moment.
When Elrond and Frodo reveal the One Ring to the attendees of the Council of Rivendell, Boromir suggests using the Ring against Sauron. Aragorn immediately shoots that down: "The One Ring answers to Sauron alone. It has no other master."
Elrond subsequently says that the Ring must be destroyed. Gimli promptly takes a swing at it with his battleaxe — and is Blown Across the Room and his axe's blade shattered.
The Return of the King: Following the Battle of the Pelennor Fields, Gandalf states that Sauron will be regrouping in Mordor after his defeat. Gimli (again) suggests just letting him rot there, and Gandalf replies that his remaining armies of orcs are now standing between Frodo and Mount Doom. This leads to the plan to march on the Black Gate to draw Sauron's attention away — a plan that means certain defeat for the armies of Men if Frodo fails to get through.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_f1da64b5
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_f1da64b5
 The Lord of the Rings
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_f1da64b5
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_f2da188a
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_f2da188a
The Batman: The episode "Seconds" focuses on Francis Grey, a man who just got out of prison following a 17-year sentence for the theft of a watch and the (accidental) destruction of an entire city block during his getaway. While in prison, he developed the ability to turn back time, using this ability to create a chemical weapon and kill everyone in Gotham as payback for his time being taken away from him. One might wonder why Francis didn't use his powers to go back to the moment before he stole the watch and either not steal it or do it in such a way that he'll avoid being caught. He explains that he attempted to go back and undo his crime, but he can only go back twenty seconds at most. He succeeds in killing a large chunk of Gotham's populace, including Batman, Robin, Batgirl and his own son. The grief from his son's death gives Francis enough strength to go back 17 years to the moment before he stole the watch. He chooses not to steal it this time.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_f2da188a
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_f2da188a
 The Batman
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_f2da188a
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_f3818d0a
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_f3818d0a
The Moomins: When The Hobgoblin discovers that Thingumy and Bob have the King's Ruby in their possession, a jewel he has been seeking for at least three centuries, he is very willing to give them whatever they want in exchange for it. However, they refuse to give up the jewel for any price and even when frustrated, the Hobgoblin admits he can't bring himself to take it by force. Since he is at a party granting other people's wishes, he's asked why he can't simply wish for the King's Ruby for himself. As it is, the Hobgoblin is unable to use his magic to grant himself wishes based on his desires. However, this doesn't stop other people from making wishes on his behalf and so Thingumy and Bob wish for a copy of the King's Ruby to be made so they can give it to him freely as a gift.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_f3818d0a
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_f3818d0a
 The Moomins
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_f3818d0a
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_f42befdb
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_f42befdb
The seventh book of the Captain Underpants series has Melvin Sneedly and Mr. Krupp stuck in each other's bodies because of the Combine-O-Tron 2000. They can't swap back due to the device being broken in the previous book, and George and Harold ask Melvin to just build another one. However, Melvin points out that the device was so complicated and specialized that it took him six months to build, and it's honestly faster for him to build a time machine and use it to grab the Combine-O-Tron from before it got destroyed.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_f42befdb
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_f42befdb
 Captain Underpants
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_f42befdb
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_f4e799ee
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_f4e799ee
Burn Notice:
The "simple solution" for whatever problems of the week Team Westen has to deal is murder, preferably a bullet to the criminal's face. The villains are vile enough, the stakes are high enough, the clients are desperate enough... and Michael Westen refuses to use this method because 1) it will just draw too much attention from law enforcement, 2) it's only going to lead to an extreme escalation in violence (and as good as Team Westen is, it's still five people vs. the virtual armies most criminal organizations seem to have), 3) the complete destruction of the organization hurting the clients is required, not just shooting the one soldier, and/or 4) he needs information on the people who burned him that he won't get if the leads are dead. This is why villains like the Burned Spies Organization and "Dead" Larry are showcased to be completely wrong, with their eagerness to murder anything that is even theoretically an obstacle, and when Michael finally does start to just shoot the problem, it's a sign that he has fallen into Darker and Edgier territory (and it doesn't help him as much as he wanted).
"Wanted Man": Michael offers to trade favors with a Libyan intelligence cell: they rattle the cage of the man who signed off on his burn notice, he tells them which terrorists blew up one of their gas supply depots. The commander suggests he could just torture Michael and then kill him. Michael matter-of-factly replies that they could do that, but "torture is unreliable, as you know, and then you'd have to deal with Fiona, who put me in touch with you. More trouble than it's worth, trust me."
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_f4e799ee
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_f4e799ee
 Burn Notice
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_f4e799ee
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_f53fe2fa
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_f53fe2fa
Mission: Impossible: The Impossible Missions Force is tasked with performing impressive con jobs against America's enemies because, as mentioned at least Once an Episode, because of a "standing order" by the U.S. government, agents of the IMF are not allowed to assassinate or torture their targets. Occasionally additional explanations are given and they mostly come down to the fact that the enemy will be turned into a political martyr if they die and/or the enemy will immediately suspect that it was the Americans if it's a simple smash-and-grab.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_f53fe2fa
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_f53fe2fa
 Mission: Impossible
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_f53fe2fa
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_f655ed11
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_f655ed11
Frasier: In one of the last Lilith episodes, Frasier tries to duck out of meeting her with a round of Reverse Psychology. Daphne suggests just talking openly and honestly to her, rather than the complicated and sure-to-fail mindgames. Frasier tells her they tried that when they were married.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_f655ed11
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_f655ed11
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_f655ed11
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_f7e78a6f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_f7e78a6f
Star Trek: Destiny: The Caeliar are a Sufficiently Advanced Alien species capable of dumping entire civilizations in other galaxies simply to protect their own privacy. Eventually it's brought up why they don't just find another galaxy to go to if they're so afraid of other people. The answer? There are things outside the Milky Way that give even them pause, and the galactic barrier is the only thing keeping them out. Much as they don't necessarily like the Milky Way, it's safer for them than any alternatives.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_f7e78a6f
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_f7e78a6f
 Star Trek: Destiny
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_f7e78a6f
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_f91de837
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_f91de837
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince:
This book establishes why no one has tried simply tried to kill Voldemort and be done with it: the evil sorcerer has used a Dangerous Forbidden Technique to rip out individual pieces of his soul into seven parts and lock the ones not in his body into six , later discovered to be seven, special containers called "Horcruxes." As such, any attempt to kill Voldemort without destroying all six of the Horcruxes first won't work — he's immortal so long as a single one remains intact.
Although, plenty have still tried to kill Voldemort. The only one to actually succeed and force him to rely on his horcruxes before the main series was when Lily Potter did it by accident. Even then, Voldemort lost his body, his powers, and most of his allies for nearly 14 years until his grand return. The horcruxes just explain why Voldemort wasn't dead for good when he was destroyed that first time.
The United Kingdom gets a new Prime Minister who, as is tradition, is immediately let in on The Masquerade by the current Minister of Magic; when the PM asks why the good guys don't use their powers to stop Voldemort and his followers, his wizarding opposite sighs. "The other side has magic, too."
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_f91de837
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_f91de837
 Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_f91de837
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_fa5dc503
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_fa5dc503
Minilife TV: In "The X-Team Attacks", when Chris and Ian try to rescue the hostages locked in a room full of bombs, their first idea is to cut the door open with their Starsabers. However, the hostages tell them that the bombs are connected to the door and they'll detonate if they try to cut it open, so they try to find another way to get them out.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_fa5dc503
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_fa5dc503
 Minilife TV (Web Animation)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_fa5dc503
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_fb9c177d
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_fb9c177d
The Transformers: During the "Rebirth" trilogy, the Decepticons gain possession of the key to the Plasma Energy Chamber, whose energies could wipe out entire planets. The Nebulans suggest that the Autobots simply destroy the key before the Decepticons can use it. Optimus Prime is against this, as Alpha Trion had informed him that the key needed to remain intact in order for a "miracle" to happen. The argument ultimately becomes moot, due to the key being used to activate the chamber not long after.
Transformers: Animated: In Season 2 "A Bridge Too Close, Part II", when Starscream and his clone army arrive at Megatron's mine headquarters and attacks him for his Space Bridge, Optimus Prime wants to help fight against them. Bumblebee asks why don't they let Starscream and his clones take down Megatron, Optimus points out they can't afford to have any Decepticons go through the Space Bridge to get to Cybertron.
Transformers: Prime: In "Regeneration", the Decepticons have all the Cyber Planet Keys and are poised to restore Cybertron, a goal of both Autobots and Decepticons. Bulkhead's suggestion of letting Megatron restore Cybertron and saving the Autobots the trouble is shot down by Optimus pointing out that if Megatron is the one to restore Cybertron, the political power and support he'd gain would give him the influence to rewrite the history books and rebrand all Autobots as war criminals.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_fb9c177d
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_fb9c177d
 Transformers (Franchise)
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_fb9c177d
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_fc5cca12
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_fc5cca12
The Adventures of Wishbone #18: Gullifur's Travels (adapting Gulliver's Travels): In a scene original to this version, Lemuel Gulliver suggests a simple solution that could end the war between Big-Endians and Little-Endians (those who prefer to break the big end of an egg and those who prefer to break the small end): Take a Third Option and crack the egg in the middle instead. Reldresal, principal secretary of Lilliput and friend of Gulliver, nervously tells him not to voice that idea where anyone else can hear him because it would be considered a compromise — and in Lilliput, compromisers are seen as disloyal and are put to death if caught.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_fc5cca12
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_fc5cca12
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_fc5cca12
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_fcf34eec
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_fcf34eec
Full Metal Panic!: One of the major running gags in the franchise is how much people try to talk down Sousuke Sagara from applying simple solutions to whatever problems he encounters (with varying degrees of success and collateral damage) — mostly because as a spy and former guerrilla who is a frankly bizarre Combat Pragmatist, his "simple solutions" constantly involve trying to shoot/stab/torture/blow up whatever gets in his way. Works mighty fine to protect his charge/girlfriend from assassins, but for dealing with a school bully... yeah.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_fcf34eec
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_fcf34eec
 Full Metal Panic!
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_fcf34eec
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_fdbace96
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_fdbace96
In the Gravity Falls episode "Fight Fighters", Dipper is drawn into a battle against Rumble McSkirmish, a video game character he inadvertently summoned to the real world. Soos tries to help Dipper by fiddling with Rumble's health bar, but the HUD just flickers intangibly, doing absolutely nothing to his health.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_fdbace96
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_fdbace96
 Gravity Falls
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_fdbace96
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_ff9ab17f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_ff9ab17f
Star Trek: The Next Generation:
In "The Enemy", the Enterprise finds a Romulan seriously wounded after a crash-landing on Galorndon Core and beam him aboard to be treated. Dr. Crusher eventually finds that he requires a blood transfusion and begins testing the crew for potential donors. When Picard asks "We can't use the replicator?", Crusher says "The molecules are too complex.". Additionally, Dr. Crusher thought the ship's Vulcan officers would be the best donors, but discovers that there are too many biological difference between the two, since the Romulans split off from Vulcans centuries ago.
Played with in "Deja Q". The Enterprise crew ask the currently depowered Q how he would resolve the issue of a de-orbiting moon, and he says he'd just alter the gravitational constant of the universe. It's a simple solution if you happen to be a Sufficiently Advanced Alien, but not much help to the cast — until it gives Geordi a "Eureka!" Moment on how they could locally reduce the gravitational constant (by playing games with the warp drive).
Similar to the Star Trek IV example, in "Darmok", the Enterprise crew figures out the general idea of how the Tamarians speak, but when Riker asks "If we know how they think, shouldn't we be able to get something across to them?", Data says that they can't because "The situation is analogous to understanding the grammar of a language but none of the vocabulary.", and without the proper context of expressions like "Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra", they'd simply mutter gibberish back to them.
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_ff9ab17f
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_ff9ab17f
 Star Trek: The Next Generation
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_ff9ab17f
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_ffb43795
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_ffb43795
Cobra Kai: After Daniel LaRusso's wife Amanda gets a grasp of how crazy John Kreese is and how violent he's turning the students of Cobra Kai, she insists that Daniel and the rest of the cast just ditch the whole Rival Dojos situation, call the police and get a restraining order to keep Kreese away. Unfortunately, Kreese is a Manipulative Bastard who has taken steps to prevent this already, including presenting himself (quite falsely) as a social advocate to build goodwill and getting a restraining order of his own to keep the LaRussos away until he's good and ready to take them out (which he got, ironically, because Amanda barged into the Cobra Kai dojo to tell off Kreese after his students hurt her daughter).
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_ffb43795
 Simple Solution Won't Work / int_ffb43795
 Cobra Kai
Simple Solution Won't Work / int_ffb43795

The following is a list of statements referring to the current page from other pages.

 Simple Solution Won't Work
 Simple Solution Won't Work
Index of Solutions
 Simple Solution Won't Work
Older Than Steam
 Simple Solution Won't Work
Rejection Index
 Code Geass / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Patlabor: The TV Series / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Pokémon: The First Movie / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Yume no Crayon Oukoku / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Asterix (Comic Book) / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Batman (Comic Book) / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Batman (2011) (Comic Book) / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Captain Atom: Armageddon (Comic Book) / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Fantastic Four (2022) (Comic Book) / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Hawkeye (2012) (Comic Book) / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 New 52 (Comic Book) / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 The Punisher (Comic Book) / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 All That's Left (Fanfic) / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Avengers of the Multi-verse (Fanfic) / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Black Rose Blooms Silver (Fanfic) / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Blood Ties (Naruto/Skyrim) (Fanfic) / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Chosen One's Adventure with Legendaries (Fanfic) / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Coby's Choice (Fanfic) / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Code Prime (Fanfic) / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Cor Autem Aurora (Fanfic) / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Danny Phantom: Blackmailed (Fanfic) / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Daphne Greengrass and the Boy Who Lived (Fanfic) / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Dead on Arrival (MHA) (Fanfic) / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Digimon Codex (Fanfic) / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Fairy May Cry (Fanfic) / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 I'm Nobody (Fanfic) / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 In Pursuit of a Single Ideal (Fanfic) / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Issei: The Gaming Gear (Fanfic) / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 J-WITCH Season 1 (Fanfic) / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 J-WITCH Series (Fanfic) / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Jumbo Fan (Fanfic) / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Legacy of the Enginseers (Fanfic) / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Lost in Camelot (Fanfic) / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Misplaced Cardinal (Fanfic) / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Naruto: The Game of Life (Fanfic) / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Not the intended use (Zantetsuken Reverse) (Fanfic) / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Our Lives As Teenage Weirdos (Fanfic) / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Owl's Hell That Ends Well (Fanfic) / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Phantom vs Aliens: Hot Ectoplasma! (Fanfic) / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Please Go Home (Fanfic) / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Recklessness (Miraculous Ladybug) (Fanfic) / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Spy X Son (Fanfic) / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 The Amazing Spider-Man: True Purpose (Fanfic) / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 The Birb Is Not Amused (Fanfic) / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 The Chosen Six (Fanfic) / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 The Heart Trilogy (Fanfic) / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 The Land of What Might-Have-Been (Fanfic) / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 There Was Once an Avenger From Krypton (Fanfic) / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Unseen Perspective (Fanfic) / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 We Are Nothing (Fanfic) / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Black Panther: Wakanda Forever / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Countdown (2019) / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Dawn of the Planet of the Apes / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Die Wannseekonferenz / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Disaster on the Coastliner / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Emergency (2022) / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 End of Days / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Enter the Dragon / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Freejack / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Goosebumps (2015) / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Haunted Mansion (2023) / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Home Sweet Home Alone / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 I, Robot / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 I, Robot (2004) / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Insidious / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 John Wick: Chapter 4 / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Knights of the Zodiac / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Major Payne / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Matilda / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Road House (1989) / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 S.W.A.T. (2003) / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Six String Samurai / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Star Trek: Generations / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Secret of the Ooze / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Telefon / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 The 7th Voyage of Sinbad / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 The Book of Henry / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 The Flintstones / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 The Gauntlet / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 The Lord of the Rings / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 The Pink Panther Strikes Again / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 The Rise of Skywalker / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Transformers: Rise of the Beasts / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Tremors 3: Back to Perfection / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 WarGames / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Where Eagles Dare / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Transformers (Franchise) / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Transformers Aligned Universe (Franchise) / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Ella Enchanted / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Endo and Kobayashi Live! / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Epithet Erased: Prison of Plastic / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Full Metal Panic! / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Going Postal / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 I May Be a Guild Receptionist, But I'll Solo Any Boss to Clock Out on Time / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Legends & Lattes / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Matilda / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom! / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Overlord (2012) / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Reign of the Seven Spellblades / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Star Trek: Destiny / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Tales of Kaimere / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 The Accursed Kings / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 The Day of the Jackal / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 The Last Hero / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 The Moomins / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Wulfrik / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Blue Seed (Manga) / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Fate/kaleid liner PRISMA☆ILLYA (Manga) / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Helck (Manga) / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Hoshin Engi (Manga) / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 One Pound Gospel (Manga) / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 The 100 Girlfriends Who Really, Really, Really, Really, Really Love You (Manga) / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 World's End Harem (Manga) / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 CSI / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Eureka / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Kaamelott / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Kevin Can F**k Himself / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Mission: Impossible / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 My Mother the Car / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Sleepy Hollow / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Wishbone / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Batman: Arkham Origins (Video Game) / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 (Video Game) / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 House Party (2017) (Video Game) / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Ib (Video Game) / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Mass Effect (Video Game) / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Octopath Traveler II (Video Game) / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (Video Game) / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis (Video Game) / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Shining Force II (Video Game) / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Splatoon 3 (Video Game) / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Transformers: Fall of Cybertron (Video Game) / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Code Geass: Lost Colors (Visual Novel) / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Hunter: The Parenting (Web Animation) / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 The Grover Guys (Web Animation) / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 H.Bomberguy (Web Video) / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Sword Art Online Abridged (Web Video) / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 The Horribly Slow Murderer with the Extremely Inefficient Weapon (Web Video) / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Baskets of Guts (Webcomic) / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Inverted Fate (Webcomic) / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal (Webcomic) / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Abra-Catastrophe! / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Bob's Burgers / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Dudley Do-Right / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Hazbin Hotel / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Jackie Chan Adventures / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Justice League: Doom / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Ozzy & Drix / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Pariah Nexus / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 SWAT Kats / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 The Cuphead Show! / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 The LEGO Movie / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 The Penguins of Madagascar / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 The Transformers / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 The Zeta Project / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work
 Uncle Grandpa / int_16dda55f
Simple Solution Won't Work