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Heroes' Frontier Step

 Heroes' Frontier Step
 Heroes' Frontier Step
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Heroes' Frontier Step
 Heroes' Frontier Step
Making a Heroes' Frontier Step is the polar opposite of crossing the Moral Event Horizon. It means committing an act completely unexpected and so noble, that it shows true heroism, leaving no room for doubt that someone's a good person.
A character who makes a Heroes' Frontier Step is not automatically labeled pure, but it shows that they have a good heart, and that they try to make people, or even the world around them better. Even Anti-Heroes sometimes make this Step. In other words, this is the path taken by the Reformed, but Not Tamed character.
A Heroes' Frontier Step can shock both characters and viewers. Examples would be saving an enemy, making a Heroic Sacrifice, or actually saving the world. The action has to be so selfless, so heroic, that it makes you believe that there is some good in the world.
In some cases, this may purposely act as an Author's Saving Throw, if a work's character is supposed to be the hero from the start, but has not been doing a particularly good job at their role, the writer may try to inflict this to make unambiguously clear they are the good guy.
Compare Face Realization, where a character surprises even themselves by proving how good they are deep down. Also see Adopt the Dog and Act of True Love.
 Heroes' Frontier Step
 Heroes' Frontier Step
 Heroes' Frontier Step
Dropped link to BadFuture: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Heroes' Frontier Step
Dropped link to BigBad: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Heroes' Frontier Step
Dropped link to CessationOfExistence: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Heroes' Frontier Step
Dropped link to ComicallyInvincibleHero: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Heroes' Frontier Step
Dropped link to ConscienceMakesYouGoBack: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Heroes' Frontier Step
Dropped link to DarkestHour: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Heroes' Frontier Step
Dropped link to DefeatMeansFriendship: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Heroes' Frontier Step
Dropped link to DresdenFiles: Not an Item - UNKNOWN
 Heroes' Frontier Step
Dropped link to FakeUltimateHero: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Heroes' Frontier Step
Dropped link to FreudianExcuse: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Heroes' Frontier Step
Dropped link to HeroicSacrifice: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Heroes' Frontier Step
Dropped link to HoldTheLine: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Heroes' Frontier Step
Dropped link to HumanoidAbomination: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Heroes' Frontier Step
Dropped link to InUniverse: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Heroes' Frontier Step
Dropped link to JerkJock: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Heroes' Frontier Step
Dropped link to Jerkass: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Heroes' Frontier Step
Dropped link to KnightInShiningArmor: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Heroes' Frontier Step
Dropped link to NobleDemon: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Heroes' Frontier Step
Dropped link to RivalTurnedEvil: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Heroes' Frontier Step
Dropped link to SaveTheVillain: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Heroes' Frontier Step
Dropped link to SelfServingMemory: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Heroes' Frontier Step
Dropped link to StarWars: Not an Item - CAT
 Heroes' Frontier Step
Dropped link to TheCape: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Heroes' Frontier Step
Dropped link to TheHero: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Heroes' Frontier Step
Dropped link to TrueCompanions: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Heroes' Frontier Step
Dropped link to dumbmuscle: Not an Item - FEATURE
 Heroes' Frontier Step
 Heroes' Frontier Step
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_1215a23d
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_1215a23d
Genshin Impact's Ningguang is initially presented as a ruthless, calculating and manipulative businesswoman concerned solely with her own fortune. The greatest symbol of such is the Jade Chamber, a floating palace that stands as a monument to her wealth and power, which she is constantly expanding and is said to value above all else. The Traveler is openly distrustful of Ningguang and her intentions up until the climax of the Liyue story, when after the vengeful god Osial is unleashed on the city, Ningguang sacrifices the Jade Chamber in a Colony Drop to finish him off, proving her genuine concern for the welfare of Liyue and its people. Many of her in-universe detractors subsequently come around to admire her for this noble act.
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_1215a23d
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_1215a23d
 Genshin Impact (Video Game)
Heroes' Frontier Step / int_1215a23d
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_13a61240
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_13a61240
In The Rise of Skywalker, his grandson, Ben Solo, after abandoning his Kylo Ren persona, saving Rey from committing to Palpatine's wishes and later giving up his own life to save her from certain death, thus ensuring that his Skywalker bloodline did not die in vain, ensuring the birth of a new generation of Jedi, and finally finishing what his grandfather started. We see his body disappear into the Force, like Luke, Yoda, and Obi-Wan before him, proving that he is fully redeemed. It was because of this sacrifice that Rey ended up taking up the surname Skywalker as a way to honour him and his family.
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_13a61240
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_13a61240
 The Rise of Skywalker
Heroes' Frontier Step / int_13a61240
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_17e6cb15
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_17e6cb15
Bojack Horseman: For 3 FREAKIN' SEASONS, BoJack has tried time and time again to become a better horseman, only to be hindered by his flaws, his egocentrism, and his inability to open up. After having destroyed most of his relationships and failing to get recognition for his work in Secretariat in "That Went Well", he leaves Hollywoo in an attempt to find himself. Upon his return, he meets Hollyhock, his possible illegitimate daughter. Developing a bond with her, this healthy relationship comes to an end after Hollyhock is (accidentally) poisoned by his senile mother Beatrice, making her adoptive parents forbid him from contacting her. Despite the unfairness of the situation, BoJack decides to stop sulking and help Hollyhock find out about the one reason she came for his help: finding out who was her family and even offering to remain anonymous to her parents as long as she gets the information. Being the most selfless action he makes in the series, Hollyhock calls him and accepts him into her life... as her brother (Hollyhock is actually Bojack's half-sister, concieved when their father Butterscotch Horseman, had an affair with the maid.) His reaction says it all.
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_17e6cb15
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_17e6cb15
 BoJack Horseman
Heroes' Frontier Step / int_17e6cb15
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_1b407a1a
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_1b407a1a
Come and See centers around Flyora, a Belarusian teenager who decides to take up arms against the Nazis who have invaded his village. But rather than becoming a heroic soldier, Flyora spends much of the story becoming a horribly disheveled wretch who endures one tragedy after another. The next-to-last shot of the film shows him balking at killing baby Hitler, showing that while Flyora lost his innocence, he still retained his humanity.
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_1b407a1a
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_1b407a1a
 Come and See
Heroes' Frontier Step / int_1b407a1a
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_1e7ca85f
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_1e7ca85f
Hercules becomes a God the same way he became a hero: by saving the love of his life at the risk of his own.
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_1e7ca85f
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_1e7ca85f
Heroes' Frontier Step / int_1e7ca85f
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_200f0be8
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_200f0be8
Tommy Boy: For much of the movie, Tommy's ineptitude has prevented him from being able to sell brake pads. But then he convinces a surly waitress to give him special treatment, and Richard realizes that Tommy does have the ability to read people and tell them what they want to hear. After that, Tommy becomes a selling machine.
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_200f0be8
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_200f0be8
 Tommy Boy
Heroes' Frontier Step / int_200f0be8
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_20f307ef
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_20f307ef
At the end of the first game, King Mickey willingly stays behind in the Realm of Darkness in order to restore the worlds destroyed by the Heartless, with Kingdom Hearts 0.2: Birth by Sleep -A fragmentary passage- revealing that Mickey didn't even know if there was a way out.
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_20f307ef
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_20f307ef
 Kingdom Hearts 0.2: Birth by Sleep -A fragmentary passage- (Video Game)
Heroes' Frontier Step / int_20f307ef
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_22dfb2a
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_22dfb2a
In All Dogs Go to Heaven, after being a Jerkass for a majority of the movie, Charlie goes to save Anne Marie from drowning. But his watch (which represents his life) also falls in the water. Since he can't save both, Charlie takes Anne Marie to safety first, fully knowing that when his watch stops, he will be sent to Hell. This act of pure heroism is enough to bring him back to Heaven.
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_22dfb2a
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_22dfb2a
 All Dogs Go to Heaven
Heroes' Frontier Step / int_22dfb2a
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_27286fb2
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_27286fb2
Spider-Man: No Way Home: Peter Parker has spent most of the movie struggling with the absolute breakdown of his life from Mysterio spitefully revealing his secret identity at the end of the preceding film, to the point he goes to Dr Strange and asks him to cast a spell to make the world at large forget Peter Parker is Spider Man. Unfortunately, the spell goes wrong and starts bringing in anybody who knows Peter is Spiderman into the MCU, threatening a multi-dimensional collapse from other realities. At the film's climax, with the impending breakdown of reality, Peter realises one way to fix the damage: make everyone forget Peter Parker exists, sacrificing the normal life he so desperately wanted to keep throughout his previous films and turning himself into a ghost in his own world. Aware that nobody will even remember the sacrifice he's making, Peter still goes through with it to save everybody, and afterwards, despite having lost everything about his old life, he keeps being Spider-Man to save others.
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_27286fb2
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_27286fb2
 Spider-Man: No Way Home
Heroes' Frontier Step / int_27286fb2
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_30a5ebfd
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_30a5ebfd
Naruto: Gaara, one part of the Big Bad Duumvirate of the Chunin Saga, is introduced as an Ax-Crazy maniac who wished to kill all of Konoha to justify his existence, even bad-mouthing his siblings who feared him for his sheer power. He then cripples Rock Lee just to prove a point. After getting beaten by Naruto, Gaara realizes that he is not alone in his suffering and apologises to his siblings. Later when Tsunade requests the Hidden Sand's help, Gaara readily accepts it in order to save Sasuke, even protecting Rock Lee from Kimimaro and apologizing for his misdeeds. He then becomes the wise Kazekage we see in "Shippuden".
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_30a5ebfd
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_30a5ebfd
 Naruto (Manga)
Heroes' Frontier Step / int_30a5ebfd
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_30ac0866
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_30ac0866
In The Bad Guys (2022), gang leader Mr. Wolf is struggling to truly reform as he lives in a world where wolves like him are always seen as villains. After a moving pep talk from Governor Diane Foxington, he commits to trying again and manages to save a cat stuck up a tree, his first intentional act of kindness, helping him realize he can be more than the monster people see him as.
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_30ac0866
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_30ac0866
 The Bad Guys (2022)
Heroes' Frontier Step / int_30ac0866
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_353c9f29
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_353c9f29
Two solid examples in Starcraft II Heart Of The Swarm from previously ambiguous characters:
Kerrigan is presented as a Noble Demon on a Roaring Rampage of Revenge who is, on the one hand, a far cry from her Brainwashed and Crazy time as the "Queen Bitch of the Universe", but still willing to turn her back on her humanity in order to have her vengeance. Her defining moment is on Char, where her forces overrun and demolish the fortress of General Warfield. With his last breath, Warfield demands that she let his wounded and noncombatants go, pointing out that Raynor (in whose name she is notionally rampaging) would disapprove. She complies, showing restraint for perhaps the first time ever.
This is especially formidable if she's already visited Zerus and been reborn as the Primal Queen of Blades — showing that sacrificing her physical humanity doesn't have to mean giving up her morality.
The second belongs to Crown Prince Valerian Mengsk, son of the Big Bad and a decidedly on-the-fence character who, on the one hand, wants to remove his father Arcturus Mengsk's government, but on the other hand is no stranger to lying and manipulating. When he ends up allied with Kerrigan to assault Mengsk's capital, he has a straightforward demand — that she give him time to evacuate civilians. In his case, it demonstrates not only that he has the moral fiber necessary, but the backbone to stand up to one of the strongest individuals in the galaxy and not request, but order her to do the right thing.
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_353c9f29
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_353c9f29
 StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm (Video Game)
Heroes' Frontier Step / int_353c9f29
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_35e05f2a
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_35e05f2a
Jaune Arc in RWBY started out as an insecure young guy in an unfamiliar environment who was subjected to abuse and blackmailed into cooperation by Cardin Winchester. While on a field trip to the Forest of Forever Fall, Cardin ordered Jaune to hit Pyrrha with maple sap, so he could retaliate against the girl always excelling and outperforming him by unleashing rapier wasps on her. Jaune refuses to do so, then defies Cardin's threats by throwing the sap at him instead. The true HFS moment comes soon afterwards, when Jaune rescues his tormentor from an attacking Ursa Grimm, proving that, regardless of his unpleasant behavior and all the bullying he had to endure, he still cared about Cardin.
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_35e05f2a
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_35e05f2a
 RWBY (Web Animation)
Heroes' Frontier Step / int_35e05f2a
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_3953baf0
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_3953baf0
The Hunchback of Notre Dame:
Quasimodo didn't make a step when he saved Esmeralda. No. His HFS is when he holds Frollo by the cape and doesn't let him go. He wouldn't let the man who mistreated him for years, killed many gypsies, including his mother, fall to his death. This short moment definitely solves the riddle: "who is the monster and who is the man?"
Phoebus spends the first half of the film as a soldier of Frollo's, but proves himself to be a true Knight in Shining Armor when he puts out a torch intended to burn a house down; when Frollo himself lights the house on fire, Phoebus rushes inside to rescue the family trapped inside.
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_3953baf0
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_3953baf0
 The Hunchback of Notre Dame (Disney)
Heroes' Frontier Step / int_3953baf0
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_3b34143f
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_3b34143f
Harry Potter has many of this, to contrast with the numerous Moral Event Horizons of the saga.
Neville Longbottom, whose parents became insane, and got bullied for years by other students when his grandmother wasn't ashamed of him, grew from an insecure and powerless kid to a handsome and fierce fighter for the Resistance in his school. He was brave enough to insult Voldemort and kill his snake with the Sword of Gryffindor (that you can only get your hands on if you have the bravery of a hero).
Dobby is the only house-elf to fight for his freedom, which makes him not only a slave, but also an outcast among elves. Yet, even if he has to punish himself afterward, he never stopped protecting Harry Potter, his first true friend. He even saved his life and many others at the Malfoy manor, even if it lead him to face his fearsome masters, and get killed by them. Rest in peace, wonderful elf.
While James Potter (who still is heroic) has feet of clay, Lily Potter is an angel. She sacrificed herself for her baby, and gave him a powerful protection. This made Severus Snape feel so much remorse that he decided to reject the Death Eaters and join Dumbledore to protect her, and when she was killed, to protect her son.
Snape himself never stopped saving Harry's life, even though he hates him as much as he hated his father. Also, Snape was despised by everyone but Dumbledore until his death because no one knew that he was a double agent. Suffering so much hate and losing the love of his life, but still protecting people without letting them know, made Snape the bravest man Harry ever knew.
Albus Dumbledore is revealed at the very end to have been friends with a dark mage and share some of his views. He also had a weakness with power, and neglected his family. But the remorse pushed him to seek redemption, and to become not only the wisest, but also the most humanitarian of the Harry Potter universe. Dumbledore loves his school and treats his staff and students as family. He also tries to give chances to the villains, even to Voldemort.
And, of course, Harry Potter himself. Granted, he gets easily angry and often acts before he thinks. Can you blame him? He was bullied by his foster family for years. He had to face monsters, injustice, torture, loss of loved ones, and he wasn't even an adult! Actually, he has much more Freudian Excuses than Voldemort to become a murdering psychopath. What does he do? He saves his bullying cousin's soul. He saves his rival's life (twice). He treats every species, including elves and goblins, as an equal. He spares his enemies. He feels pity for the man who ruined his life. And he saves every… single… person… in danger. And to top it off, he willingly walks into his (temporary, as it turns out) death. He made lots of HFS before defeating the most dangerous wizard of all time!
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_3b34143f
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_3b34143f
 Harry Potter
Heroes' Frontier Step / int_3b34143f
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_3c69e536
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_3c69e536
In Sonic the Hedgehog (2020), the titular character is established early on as kind (via saving a turtle from being run over by a truck and even attempting to cheer it up) and admiring a similar kindness in other people (his fondness for friendly town sheriff and veterinarian couple Tom and Maddie Wachowski), but Sonic's actual crossing of the Heroes' Frontier Step is when he briefly puts his own life on the line to keep Robotnik from taking Tom's, despite already knowing the danger that the doctor poses to him. If that wasn't convincing enough an example, he bounces back from the brink of death and faces Robotnik head-on, vowing to stop hiding and use his powers to protect his friends and home from the mad genius' malice. Tom and Maddie themselves also cross the Heroes' Frontier Step by helping Sonic out, regardless of how life-threatening the circumstances are for them.
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_3c69e536
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_3c69e536
 Sonic the Hedgehog (2020)
Heroes' Frontier Step / int_3c69e536
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_42c17ca1
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_42c17ca1
In Power Rangers in Space, Astronema is the season's Big Bad, she seems a lot like the Rita and Zedd type of villain, but then out of nowhere she saves a family from one of her own quantrons. Everyone is surprised, but it was the start of her Heel–Face Turn (temporarily interrupted by becoming Brainwashed and Crazy by Dark Spector). Eventually she became the second Pink Ranger in Power Rangers Lost Galaxy. What made this a true heroic frontier step is that there was nothing in it for her to do that, nobody asked her to do it, nobody expected it, she just saved the lives of a family she didn't know out of the goodness of her own heart.
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_42c17ca1
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_42c17ca1
 Power Rangers in Space
Heroes' Frontier Step / int_42c17ca1
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_49e95a32
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_49e95a32
She gets another one in Forgotten Friendship due to her friends having their memories of her Heel–Face Turn removed via Laser-Guided Amnesia. When the Big Bad is cornered and attempts to remove all of the Equestria Girls' memories of high school, Sunset jumps in the way of the spell, losing all of her memories not just of high school, but of being human. This is enough to convince the other Equestria Girls that even if they don't remember Sunset being a good person, she's earned the right to be their friend.
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_49e95a32
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_49e95a32
 My Little Pony: Equestria Girls – Forgotten Friendship
Heroes' Frontier Step / int_49e95a32
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_4b790c79
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_4b790c79
Iron Man: After escaping from the clutches of the Ten Rings, Tony Stark travels back to Afghanistan to confront the terrorist group when they start using his company's weapons against an innocent village.
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_4b790c79
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_4b790c79
 Iron Man
Heroes' Frontier Step / int_4b790c79
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_4da11f30
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_4da11f30
Return of the Jedi: Darth Vader killing Palpatine, thus saving Luke and allowing the Rebel Alliance to win. While he dies shortly after, we see his ghost in the afterlife alongside Obi-Wan and Yoda, implying that he's completely redeemed.
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_4da11f30
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_4da11f30
 Return of the Jedi
Heroes' Frontier Step / int_4da11f30
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_50d3a336
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_50d3a336
Sonic does it again in Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (2022) when, with the Master Emerald having been broken into seven Chaos Emeralds, he harnesses their power and becomes Super Sonic, defeating Robotnik once again. Knuckles warns Tom, Maddy, and Tails that the power of the Chaos Emeralds means Sonic will go mad from the power like Robotnik did with the Master Emerald...but Sonic simply uses his newfound powers to conjure up a few chili dogs, drops one on Knuckles's face as a joke ("Okay...he is exactly the hedghehog you once knew."), and finally relinquishes his power. When asked by Knuckles why he would give up such ultimate power, Sonic echoes Tom's words from the start of the film by stating that he's still just a kid with a lot of growing-up to do.
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_50d3a336
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_50d3a336
 Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (2022)
Heroes' Frontier Step / int_50d3a336
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_5286ec36
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_5286ec36
In Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Eddie Valiant is a washed-up drunk of a detective mourning the loss of his brother who was killed by a Toon, explaining his bias against them. However, this does not stop him from going to save all of Toontown from a psychotic maniac who eventually turns out to be the same toon who killed his brother in the first place), finding closure, and moving on from his bias.
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_5286ec36
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_5286ec36
 Who Framed Roger Rabbit
Heroes' Frontier Step / int_5286ec36
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_56cb92c3
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_56cb92c3
Guardians of the Galaxy (2014): Peter Quill is an intergalactic thief who seems to be purely motivated by money and his own self-preservation. When Gamora is left floating in the vacuum of space, however, Quill is willing to sacrifice himself when he gives her his helmet in order to survive. The rest of the Guardians later prove their worth when they are willing to fight Ronan and his forces despite being at a huge disadvantage.
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_56cb92c3
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_56cb92c3
 Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)
Heroes' Frontier Step / int_56cb92c3
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_59b2199f
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_59b2199f
Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time: Bentley spends most of the game worried about his missing girlfriend Penelope, and when he finds out the truth about her, he's crushed. However, when she goes after Sly and Murray out of sheer hatred, Bentley builds himself a mecha to counter hers, goes to confront and dump her, and fights her to defend his brothers, Carmelita, and all Coopers in history in an Act of True Love, reaffirming both his loyalty to the Cooper Gang, and his morality in general. This also coincides with Penelope's Moral Event Horizon, which makes her Bentley's Evil Counterpart.
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_59b2199f
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_59b2199f
 Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time (Video Game)
Heroes' Frontier Step / int_59b2199f
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_5afbc0cb
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_5afbc0cb
In Undertale, the main character becomes one in the Golden Ending of the Pacifist Run. No matter how many monsters fight them, they will not harm them back and win every single confrontation by either befriending, appeasing, or negotiating with them. Even Flowey, the Eldritch Abomination that Came Back Wrong and has spent the entire game manipulating and plotting to kill them, is spared in the end. The character single-handedly shows every single monster, most of whom believed Humans Are the Real Monsters and were more than willing to wipe humanity out, that not only are humans and monsters the same but that they can coexist peacefully. They don't stop there, either: they help break the barrier that keeps the monsters trapped underground and frees them to the world above so the two groups can coexist.
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_5afbc0cb
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_5afbc0cb
 Undertale (Video Game)
Heroes' Frontier Step / int_5afbc0cb
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_5db577ba
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_5db577ba
In The Dark Knight, this moment is actually given to an unnamed extra. The Joker has set up a Sadistic Choice in which two ferries are booby-trapped to explode, with each ship having the other ship's detonator, and the passengers on both ships being told that they must make the decision to blow the other ship or else Joker will just blow them both. While the civilians on one side hold a debate and a vote, a convicted criminal on the other seizes the detonator... and throws it out the window, decisively declaring it Better To Die Than To Kill. The entire film has been about the Joker's premise we live in a World Half Empty; with one action, this unnamed convict disproves his thesis for good and all, irrevocably changing the film's tone and raising the possibility Gotham can Earn Your Happy Ending.
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_5db577ba
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_5db577ba
 The Dark Knight
Heroes' Frontier Step / int_5db577ba
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_61d6ed57
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_61d6ed57
What is a Person Worth?: Rita in chapter 18 when she comforts Lincoln about his guilt over his part in the situation and assures Lincoln that he did the right thing by threatening to call the police. She admits she does not know how she can keep this situation from happening again, but has Lincoln promise to call the police if it ever does. Even Lincoln is shocked that she's gone from doing anything to avoid going to prison to now accepting whatever consequences she would face should she ever draw such a response from her son. This goes to the others earning Lincoln's forgiveness; case in point is Lynn standing up for Lincoln.
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_61d6ed57
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_61d6ed57
 What is a Person Worth? (Fanfic)
Heroes' Frontier Step / int_61d6ed57
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_6346a57a
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_6346a57a
One for All and Eight for the Ninth: Kota Izumi hates heroes because he thinks they are Death Seekers. But when Muscular, the villain that murdered his parents, threatens to kill him if he doesn't step out and let him kidnap Eri, he understands the true meaning of heroics and not only protects Eri, he also helps Izuku defeat Muscular by distracting him at a critical moment.
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_6346a57a
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_6346a57a
 One for All and Eight for the Ninth (Fanfic)
Heroes' Frontier Step / int_6346a57a
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_63ac9abf
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_63ac9abf
Tails has likewise always been a good kid looking up to Sonic for his heroism, and even set off to save his life on at least two occasions, but Adventure shows that even after all his adventures, he's still hung up by fears of inadequacy in comparison to his surrogate big brother. Nevertheless, he assuredly crosses the Heroes' Frontier Step in the same game by saving Station Square from Eggman's wrath when Sonic wasn't around to, overcoming his fears and self-doubt in the process. Sonic Adventure 2 further affirms Tails' growth as a true hero: even after watching Sonic seemingly perish, he fulfills his hero's last wish and continues the fight against Eggman with valor and determination.
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_63ac9abf
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_63ac9abf
 Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Video Game)
Heroes' Frontier Step / int_63ac9abf
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_65d07453
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_65d07453
Captain America: The First Avenger: Steve Rogers wanted to serve his country not for the glory of war, but because of his instinctive need to stick up for the little guy. After receiving an experimental super-soldier serum, Steve is turned into little more than a public attraction. In spite of this, Steve heads into enemy territory and singlehandedly frees hundreds of prisoners from a POW camp. Once he returns to the camp with the prisoners marching behind him, the military realizes how great of a hero he truly is, turning him into an actual captain and allowing him to fight in the war with his own team of commandos.
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_65d07453
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_65d07453
 Captain America: The First Avenger
Heroes' Frontier Step / int_65d07453
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_66618c91
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_66618c91
In Transformers: Rise of the Beasts, Noah Diaz starts off as a self-centered human who's only looking for a way to help provide for his family and to make a quick buck, but he discovers a car that turns into the Autobot Mirage, which he befriends, marking the start of his first true friendship with an Autobot. However, halfway through the film, he decides to set aside his selfish attitude and agree to work together with the rest of the Autobots, the Maximals, and Elena, to help prevent Earth from being devoured by Unicron. But the one action that proves his worth as a hero is during the climax, when he decides to take the chance and risk his life by running back to help save Optimus Prime from being swallowed in by the collapsing Transwarp portal, and ends up saving Earth alongside the Autobots and the Maximals. This combination of his newfound friendship with the Autobots and him being more confident in protecting his home planet from various threats for all the people in his life that he loves dearly is what ultimately gets him invited as a new recruit to join G.I. Joe.
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_66618c91
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_66618c91
 Transformers: Rise of the Beasts
Heroes' Frontier Step / int_66618c91
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_69d15cc0
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_69d15cc0
Various heroes in the Marvel Cinematic Universe have had their moments that signify that they are indeed true heroes.
Iron Man: After escaping from the clutches of the Ten Rings, Tony Stark travels back to Afghanistan to confront the terrorist group when they start using his company's weapons against an innocent village.
The Incredible Hulk (2008): The Hulk is considered by many to be nothing more than a mindless monster. He is shown to be more than that when he saves Betty from dying in the crossfire between him and the military.
Thor: Thor is stripped of his powers and banished due to his arrogance and hot-headedness. While on Earth, Thor begins to learn the importance of kindness and humility. So when Loki sends the Destroyer to kill him, Thor offers to sacrifice himself in order to spare the innocent civilians. This is the act of selflessness that makes him worthy to wield Mjölnir again.
Captain America: The First Avenger: Steve Rogers wanted to serve his country not for the glory of war, but because of his instinctive need to stick up for the little guy. After receiving an experimental super-soldier serum, Steve is turned into little more than a public attraction. In spite of this, Steve heads into enemy territory and singlehandedly frees hundreds of prisoners from a POW camp. Once he returns to the camp with the prisoners marching behind him, the military realizes how great of a hero he truly is, turning him into an actual captain and allowing him to fight in the war with his own team of commandos.
Guardians of the Galaxy (2014): Peter Quill is an intergalactic thief who seems to be purely motivated by money and his own self-preservation. When Gamora is left floating in the vacuum of space, however, Quill is willing to sacrifice himself when he gives her his helmet in order to survive. The rest of the Guardians later prove their worth when they are willing to fight Ronan and his forces despite being at a huge disadvantage.
Spider-Man: No Way Home: Peter Parker has spent most of the movie struggling with the absolute breakdown of his life from Mysterio spitefully revealing his secret identity at the end of the preceding film, to the point he goes to Dr Strange and asks him to cast a spell to make the world at large forget Peter Parker is Spider Man. Unfortunately, the spell goes wrong and starts bringing in anybody who knows Peter is Spiderman into the MCU, threatening a multi-dimensional collapse from other realities. At the film's climax, with the impending breakdown of reality, Peter realises one way to fix the damage: make everyone forget Peter Parker exists, sacrificing the normal life he so desperately wanted to keep throughout his previous films and turning himself into a ghost in his own world. Aware that nobody will even remember the sacrifice he's making, Peter still goes through with it to save everybody, and afterwards, despite having lost everything about his old life, he keeps being Spider-Man to save others.
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_69d15cc0
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_69d15cc0
 Marvel Cinematic Universe (Franchise)
Heroes' Frontier Step / int_69d15cc0
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_6a4c8f1b
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_6a4c8f1b
If you need a good refresher on what being a hero truly is beyond all the good looks and flashy action, look no further than the triumphant examples of One-Punch Man:
Saitama's origin story shows him as a lowly salaryman using nothing but his necktie to save a kid from a bloodthirsty monster. He's then inspired to become a hero on the regular, but the following three years of training molds him into a Comically Invincible Hero to the max— everything he fights goes down in, well, one punch, and being a hero's gotten pretty boring for him as a result. But this hasn't made him any less of one, as the ending to the Sea Monsters Arc affirms: when the populace sees him single-handedly defeating the Deep Sea King, one spectator claims the other heroes who battled the King before Saitama arrived aren't really heroes after all. Saitama then pretends to be a Glory Hound who only landed the finishing blow after the others did all the hard work, sacrificing his own reputation in the process but ensuring that the other heroes get credit and support.
Mumen Rider is a "C-Class Hero" with little in the way of noteworthy superpowers or special gear to speak of, being hopelessly outclassed by plenty of other heroes and the threats they fight, and only having a bike and a costume to his name… that is, if you somehow don't count his true heroism and courage. From helping little kids get their balloons back to stopping street crime even when he's outnumbered, Mumen Rider is a noble paragon of virtue that always, always shows up to do the right thing. But his true mark of being a hero also happens in the Sea Monsters Arc: he knows all too well he doesn't stand a chance of winning against the Deep Sea King who's already took down many of the strongest heroes already, but he goes to fight the monster anyways, as there's nobody else left to protect the innocent lives at stake. It's just like Saitama said: "If The Heroes Run And Hide, Who Will Stand And Fight?"
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_6a4c8f1b
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_6a4c8f1b
 One-Punch Man (Webcomic)
Heroes' Frontier Step / int_6a4c8f1b
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_6ac55ec7
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_6ac55ec7
In the Dungeons & Dragons cosmology, the War of the Seldarine saw Lolth try to seize power by killing her then-husband Corellon, the Top God of the elves, by tricking their daughter Eilistraee into shooting Corellon with an enchanted bow. Lolth and all of her co-conspirators in the Dark Seldarine were promptly cast out for their betrayal as a result. Eilistraee was supposed to be spared this fate because what happened wasn't her fault, but she still chose self-imposed exile with the rest of the Dark Seldarine. Even though Eilistraee was found to not be at fault for Lolth's betrayal, and even though her father Corellon said she could stay, Eilistraee left anyway to give the drow a beacon of hope for when things got tough, which earned Eilistraee a lot of respect among the elven pantheon. Corellon was sad to see her go, but admired Eilistraee's conviction and ultimately accepted her decision. Whether Eilistraee eventually rejoined the Seldarine or has remained in self-imposed exile is unclear — the moving of her divine realm from Ysgard to Arvandor suggests she might have been brought back into the Seldarine, since that's where every other Chaotic Good elven god resides — but nothing's been confirmed. In any case, she's definitely on friendly terms with rest of the Good-aligned elven pantheon. It's for this reason that Eilistraee is the only god even remotely connected to the Dark Seldarine that the other elven gods are willing to ally themselves with.invoked
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_6ac55ec7
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_6ac55ec7
 Dungeons & Dragons (Tabletop Game)
Heroes' Frontier Step / int_6ac55ec7
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_6bcd58c7
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_6bcd58c7
Sin City:
John Hartigan not only devoted his life and his honor to protecting an innocent girl, he even commits suicide so Roark wouldn't hurt her to get revenge on him.
Marv's Heroes' Frontier Step is when he accepts the blame (and execution) for murders he didn't commit, because otherwise his mother would have been killed.
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_6bcd58c7
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_6bcd58c7
 Sin City (Comic Book)
Heroes' Frontier Step / int_6bcd58c7
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_6c1d09b3
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_6c1d09b3
One of the best is in Fallout 3, where you can sacrifice yourself to purify the water of the waste lands and give them a better future. After stopping the Enclave, of course.
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_6c1d09b3
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_6c1d09b3
 Fallout 3 (Video Game)
Heroes' Frontier Step / int_6c1d09b3
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_7149a731
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_7149a731
Wonder Woman: Veld's No Man Land was the moment Wonder Woman entered the war and performed her first heroic act by liberating the village's innocent people.
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_7149a731
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_7149a731
 Wonder Woman (2017)
Heroes' Frontier Step / int_7149a731
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_7161cf0c
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_7161cf0c
Crisis on Infinite Earths (2019): When the Monitor teleports the heroes away due to not being able to delay the antimatter destroying Earth-38, Oliver Queen doesn't let him teleport him since not everyone has been evacuated to Earth-1. Oliver shoots the Monitor so he does not teleport him and decides to fight the Shadow demons until his last breath to secure the evacuation of billions of Earth-38 inhabitants.
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_7161cf0c
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_7161cf0c
 Crisis on Infinite Earths (2019)
Heroes' Frontier Step / int_7161cf0c
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_72262aee
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_72262aee
Avatar: The Last Airbender: After Zuko's first attempt at a Heel–Face Turn in the second season finale went pear-shaped because Azula convinced him that taking her side would buy his honor back, and after questioning his choices in life both before and after that point, the thing that finally cements his actual turn to goodness in "The Day Of Black Sun: Part 2" is his calling out his jackass father on everything he put him and the Fire Nation through up to this point and his declaration to burn the Earth Kingdom down, and furthermore, does not send Ozai's lightning back at him when the latter attempts Offing the Offspring, instead letting it dissipate harmlessly. This not only marks the point where he makes a turn towards the idealistic end of the sliding scale, but also demonstrates that unlike his father, who has no remorse for harming his own family if they prevent him from getting his way, Zuko himself will avoid taking a human life if he can help it. Thus, he chooses to leave and side with his uncle and the Avatar rather than striking Ozai down then and there - having learned more about what it means to be a good person from them, even if he didn't realize it, than from his own father.
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_72262aee
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_72262aee
 Avatar: The Last Airbender
Heroes' Frontier Step / int_72262aee
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_74f7210c
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_74f7210c
Link of The Legend of Zelda, in nearly all his incarnations, is the champion chosen by the gods themselves to purge the land of evil. But Link has proven time and time again that destiny isn't the only reason why he's the Hero of Hyrule:
The ending to A Link to the Past has Link defeat Ganon and gain the full power of the Triforce. Given the opportunity to wish for whatever his heart desires, Link wishes upon the Triforce to undo all the damage Ganon did to Hyrule, which includes resurrecting his uncle and the king of Hyrule. Afterwards, he willingly relinquishes the power of the Master Sword, returning it to its pedestal.
Following the events of Ocarina of Time, the direct sequel Majora's Mask begins with Link struggling to deal with his feelings after fulfilling his destiny as the Hero of Time, and left to search for his missing friend Navi. Soon, he finds himself lost in the mysterious alternate world of Termina, which is due to be annihilated by a falling moon in three days. Despite the nigh-impossible odds against him, Link travels back and forth in time as many times as it takes to find a way to save Termina from destruction. Helping the people of Termina through their own grief along the way, Link succeeds.
The version of Link from The Wind Waker is said to not be connected to any prior Link, and only truly begins his quest when his sister Aryll is kidnapped by one of Ganondorf's underlings. In spite of that, he still takes the time to free the Great Sea from Ganondorf's influence, restores both the Master Sword and Triforce of Courage to their former glory, and confronts and takes down Ganondorf, ending his threat for good.
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_74f7210c
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_74f7210c
 The Legend of Zelda (Franchise)
Heroes' Frontier Step / int_74f7210c
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_77d41067
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_77d41067
Gallavants: Shando, tasked with the responsibility of moving the colony's precious eggs from one spot to another without supervision, comes up with a labor-saving measure which accidentally causes one egg to roll free of the others. He runs into his friend Eegee who helps him chase it, but it rolls out of sight and into dangerous no-ants-land. Shando considers giving up, and Eegee calls him out for always quitting when things got tough instead of trying to stick it out, but also says she'll support him no matter what. Since no one was watching when he lost the egg and Eegee won't rat him out, all Shando has to do is go back to the Ova Sanctum and finish his job with no one the wiser. He starts chasing the egg again, on his own
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_77d41067
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_77d41067
Heroes' Frontier Step / int_77d41067
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_78702df2
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_78702df2
The biggest moment of this that everyone remembers from Star Wars: A New Hope has to be Han Solo, who was previously Only in It for the Money and Not in This for Your Revolution and having previously left in order to pay off Jabba The Hutt, deciding to turn around and come back to Yavin in order to bail out Luke and give him the opportunity to destroy the Death Star, saving the Rebellion and destroying one of the Empire's most dreaded weapons.
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_78702df2
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_78702df2
Heroes' Frontier Step / int_78702df2
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_7884e8d1
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_7884e8d1
In Pulp Fiction, Butch chooses not to escape and comes back with a katana to save a man from rapists. The same guy who he had a deadly fight with just minutes earlier, and who wanted him dead for double-crossing him after agreeing to throw a fight.
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_7884e8d1
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_7884e8d1
 Pulp Fiction
Heroes' Frontier Step / int_7884e8d1
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_7a8eea7e
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_7a8eea7e
The Scholomance: When someone tries to murder El, she refuses to use Black Magic to drain her attacker's life even though it's the only way she could save her own life and would have been a near-trivial act of will for her even with a knife in her gutnote (If she could have reached her Power Crystal it would have been a 'Melt his bones now, maybe feel guilty if she dodges the peritonitis' deal, but embracing that corruption was something she could not bear even when all else did fail.). Not only does this win Orion's trust on the spot, it leads her to realize she's a better person than she credited herself for and inspires her to greater actions later.
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_7a8eea7e
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_7a8eea7e
 The Scholomance
Heroes' Frontier Step / int_7a8eea7e
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_7de09a4a
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_7de09a4a
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court: Hank and King Arthur are going around Britain incognito, with the king demonstrating a worrying tendency towards Sheltered Aristocrat and Upper-Class Twit that gets the two of them in quite some trouble (The Dung Ages is a Running Gag throughout the book). Finally they end up in the hut of some peasants dying of smallpox. Hank tries to ask the woman what happened and learns she and her daughter upstairs are the only survivors, though not for long. And then...
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_7de09a4a
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_7de09a4a
 A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court
Heroes' Frontier Step / int_7de09a4a
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_7e9d1a6c
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_7e9d1a6c
In Frozen (2013), rather than getting a True Love's Kiss from Kristoff to save her life, Anna chooses to give her own life to save her estranged sister Elsa from being killed by the Big Bad, turning frozen solid just before his sword connects. Since this counts as an Act of True Love, she thaws out moments later.
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_7e9d1a6c
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_7e9d1a6c
 Frozen (2013)
Heroes' Frontier Step / int_7e9d1a6c
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_7f5bc680
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_7f5bc680
In Fallout, you can make a post-apocalyptic world better through various Heroes Frontier Steps.
One of the best is in Fallout 3, where you can sacrifice yourself to purify the water of the waste lands and give them a better future. After stopping the Enclave, of course.
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_7f5bc680
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_7f5bc680
Heroes' Frontier Step / int_7f5bc680
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_8192cba
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_8192cba
Toy Story: Woody starts off as selfish and rude in the first movie being jealous of Buzz, but he eventually befriends him and starts becoming a better person. But he truly made his step to being a true hero in Toy Story 3; Woody not only saves Lotso from the incinerator, but he gives up his dream of going to college with Andy so the other toys don't have to be left in the attic.
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_8192cba
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_8192cba
 Toy Story (Franchise)
Heroes' Frontier Step / int_8192cba
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_86814e56
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_86814e56
Terra, from Final Fantasy VI deserves a special mention: after Kefka destroyed the world, she stopped at a village of orphans and took care of them as a mother. She even went back to fight for them.
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_86814e56
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_86814e56
 Final Fantasy VI (Video Game)
Heroes' Frontier Step / int_86814e56
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_86c3beca
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_86c3beca
Tarvek Sturmvoraus of Girl Genius spent his first appearance almost constantly going through a Heel–Face Revolving Door, flipping between aiding our heroine Agatha and aiding the Other trying to take her over. Naturally when he showed up again in Castle Heterodyne, everyone was pretty distrustful of him. But one moment in Volume 12 cenemted his role as a good guy (albeit an Anti-Hero) when he rescued Vespiary Squad troops and their wasp-eater weasels from a crashed airship - showing that not only is he against the Other, but also cares about other people.
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_86c3beca
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_86c3beca
 Girl Genius (Webcomic)
Heroes' Frontier Step / int_86c3beca
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_89dd130e
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_89dd130e
The Incredible Hulk (2008): The Hulk is considered by many to be nothing more than a mindless monster. He is shown to be more than that when he saves Betty from dying in the crossfire between him and the military.
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_89dd130e
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_89dd130e
 The Incredible Hulk (2008)
Heroes' Frontier Step / int_89dd130e
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_8f4ee60f
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_8f4ee60f
In Back to the Future, Marty saved his father and made him a lot more self-confident, brought Doc Brown back to life, saved his timeline (well... he is the one who gave Biff the idea to change it), and attempted to save Clara, who he didn't know at all.
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_8f4ee60f
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_8f4ee60f
 Back to the Future (Franchise)
Heroes' Frontier Step / int_8f4ee60f
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_8f8df73b
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_8f8df73b
The Lion King (1994): Being inspired by Hamlet, Simba lost his father to his evil uncle. But unlike Hamlet, Simba doesn't have a dilemma. He makes his choice right away, despite the anger he feels.
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_8f8df73b
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_8f8df73b
 The Lion King (1994)
Heroes' Frontier Step / int_8f8df73b
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_960062b7
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_960062b7
In My Hero Academia, protagonist Izuku Midoriya has been kicked around his entire life for wanting to become a superhero without a Quirk. Even his idol, All Might, tells him he needs to face reality and give up. But when Katsuki Bakugo is in danger, Izuku is compelled to rush in to help despite being Quirkless when all of the heroes nearby refused to intervene for various reasons. This is what makes All Might realize that he wasn't taking his own advice, inspiring him to push his limits to save both boys and name Izuku his successor.
During the Training Camp Arc, six-year-old Kota Izumi hates heroes because his parents, who were Pro Heroes, died protecting people from a murderous villain, and most people kept praising their sacrifice, which he misunderstood as praising them for dying and leaving him alone. However, when he's faced with the same murderous villain and Izuku gives his everything to protect him, he ends up using his Quirk to distract the villain, giving Izuku the opening to bring down the villain.
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_960062b7
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_960062b7
 My Hero Academia (Manga)
Heroes' Frontier Step / int_960062b7
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_961b37e0
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_961b37e0
DC Extended Universe:
Man of Steel: The film establishes Clark as using his powers to help people but doing so in secret. In the present day he rescuse some workers from a collapsing oil rig, while in his youth he saved a schoolbus that careened off a bridge, the latter of which nearly blew his cover.
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice: Despite being the more antagonistic of the titular heroes, Bruce Wayne shows that he's still a hero at his core when he charges towards a collapsing building to help any survivors. And this was without any of his bat-tech on hand.
Wonder Woman: Veld's No Man Land was the moment Wonder Woman entered the war and performed her first heroic act by liberating the village's innocent people.
Justice League: Arthur Curry/Aquaman was established as a gruff loner who otherwise helped out the needy and held no love for Atlanteans. When Steppenwolf has the Atlantean Mera at his mercy, Arthur comes to her rescue, not because he'd undergone any character development, but simply because she needed saving.
The Snyder Cut gives Cyborg a moment when he tests out his new powers, discovering that he can access any database on Earth from the military to personal files. He uses said ability to tranfer some money to a broke single mother.
Another one from the Snyder Cut: When the rest of the League are destroyed and the Earth is about to be decimated, the Flash pushes his speed-force powers to their absolute limit, breaching the time barrier and travelling back in time, creating a second chance to prevent Armageddon.
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_961b37e0
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_961b37e0
 DC Extended Universe (Franchise)
Heroes' Frontier Step / int_961b37e0
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_985ad25d
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_985ad25d
In Dragon Ball Super's "Universe Survival Saga", former killer cyborg Android 17 first sacrifices himself so his teammates can survive, then when winning the tournament, uses his wish to bring back all the Universes that were erased.
It has to be stressed that his counterpart from Future Trunks' timeline had devolved into a mass-killing machine, so it is sweetly ironic that Android 17 in this timeline became the one to restore all the universes, when he likely would have been one of the poster child of a core argument for Zamasu's plan to eradicate all mortal life. This selfless gesture not only saves countless lives, it is the most perfect proof that mortal life has potential for good beyond merely what the gods envision.
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_985ad25d
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_985ad25d
 Dragon Ball Super
Heroes' Frontier Step / int_985ad25d
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_986cb669
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_986cb669
In the original Bambi film, the title character rescuing Faline from Ronno and a pack of hunting dogs was to establish his evolution from a sweet but cowardly and oblivious kid to a selfless and bold young adult and future Prince of the Forest. The midquel, however, sets it even earlier into childhood, when, despite being broken over being sent to live away from his father, he chooses to rescue his adoptive mother by distracting a hunter's dogs onto himself.
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_986cb669
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_986cb669
Heroes' Frontier Step / int_986cb669
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_9d7ec380
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_9d7ec380
In The Good Place, Eleanor spent her life as a self-centered jerk who sold fake medicine to elderly patients, and after her death, most of her actions in Season 1 are motivated by self preservation. However, at the end of Episode 7, she confesses to murdering Janet in front of the neighborhood when she notices Chidi (the real culprit, who did it accidentally), getting stressed out. This is notable, not only because it is her first truly selfless action since getting into The Good Place, but also because it is the moment at which Michael's scheme to torture the four humans starts to fall apart, as he never actually expected her to take responsibility for causing the problems in the neighborhood.
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_9d7ec380
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_9d7ec380
 The Good Place
Heroes' Frontier Step / int_9d7ec380
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_9e2f90f4
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_9e2f90f4
One Piece:
Monkey D. Luffy saved many towns from tyranny, but wasn't called a hero before he saved the Fishmen. And he changed the life of each member of his crew, whom he helps to fulfill their own dream.
The whole crew made a frontier step when they declared war on the World Government to show how much they care about Robin.
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_9e2f90f4
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_9e2f90f4
 One Piece (Manga)
Heroes' Frontier Step / int_9e2f90f4
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_9ef055f4
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_9ef055f4
Two examples from the Ratchet & Clank series, both of whom were encouraged to be better people thanks to Clank's words of idealism:
Ratchet himself starts out as a selfish Jerkass in the first game obsessed with thrill-seeking or later getting revenge on Captain Qwark for tricking him. While he does mellow out over time and shape up to stop Chairman Drek, the main drive of it is because his home planet Veldin would be destroyed if he didn't. The next couple games have him as a far more lenient, friendly and heroic character, but his motivation for saving the day is still encouraged by his thrill-seeking desires or for personal reasons like rescuing Clank from a bad guy. It isn't until Deadlocked when Ratchet commits an unarguably selfless act—beyond saying no to "the life, the fame, the money, the babes" that being a gladiator on DreadZone might give, he's willing to stay behind and fight Gleeman Vox while the other heroes and civilians escape the exploding Battledome. If that wasn't enough, Tools of Destruction has him forego the chance to finally reunite with his banished race to protect his friends and stop Emperor Percival Tachyon from wrecking the cosmos.
Captain Qwark may be a boneheaded, selfish and cowardly man on a good day, and starts the series as an outright villain, but he's redeemed in Up Your Arsenal when he stops running away and shows up in person to fight off Dr. Nefarious' forces. Despite still slipping in and out of questionable behavior from that point onwards (like taking credit for saving the galaxy), he starts helping out Ratchet and Clank from time to time, and come All 4 One and Full Frontal Assault, he's even ready and willing to get his hands dirty in the field. In Rift Apart, when Qwark's Alternate Self Captain Quantum notes how Qwark's actions make him a poor example of a hero, Ratchet responds that for all his faults, Qwark has their back when they need them.
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_9ef055f4
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_9ef055f4
 Ratchet & Clank (Franchise)
Heroes' Frontier Step / int_9ef055f4
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_9ff66c4b
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_9ff66c4b
In The Killer (1989), the moment that convinces Inspector Li that Jeff is not your ordinary assassin is when he saves a little girl who gets caught in the crossfire at the beach after he gets double-crossed by his boss on his last job meant to help pay for Jenny's eye surgery. He not only shields the kid from more gunfire, but he also drives her to the hospital — with the cops in hot pursuit — and has the doctors operate on her in order to save her life while in the middle of a standoff with Li.
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_9ff66c4b
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_9ff66c4b
 The Killer (1989)
Heroes' Frontier Step / int_9ff66c4b
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_a2dee471
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_a2dee471
The version of Link from The Wind Waker is said to not be connected to any prior Link, and only truly begins his quest when his sister Aryll is kidnapped by one of Ganondorf's underlings. In spite of that, he still takes the time to free the Great Sea from Ganondorf's influence, restores both the Master Sword and Triforce of Courage to their former glory, and confronts and takes down Ganondorf, ending his threat for good.
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_a2dee471
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_a2dee471
 The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (Video Game)
Heroes' Frontier Step / int_a2dee471
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_a4274674
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_a4274674
Man of Steel: The film establishes Clark as using his powers to help people but doing so in secret. In the present day he rescuse some workers from a collapsing oil rig, while in his youth he saved a schoolbus that careened off a bridge, the latter of which nearly blew his cover.
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_a4274674
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_a4274674
 Man of Steel
Heroes' Frontier Step / int_a4274674
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_a4ae80d6
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_a4ae80d6
In Oddworld, Abe saves his whole race from slavery and worse.
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_a4ae80d6
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_a4ae80d6
 Oddworld (Video Game)
Heroes' Frontier Step / int_a4ae80d6
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_a81325d3
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_a81325d3
Many Final Fantasy heroes have their moments of this, be it through saving their worlds or even small acts of nobility:
Galuf from Final Fantasy V. He and all his friends are at the mercy of Exdeath, being pinned down by energy beams from crystals. Through sheer will power he breaks the beam and faces Exdeath, the final boss of the game, one on one. Exdeath throws everything at Galuf, from high-tier spells to Meteor, and the man takes it. Exdeath tears his lifepoints to zero and Galuf keeps fighting anyways. Exdeath suffers a near Villainous Breakdown because he can't comprehend how Galuf could possibly draw that much power from his hatred, and Galuf calmly remarks it's not hate that keeps him going, but the love he has for his friends and granddaughter. Then he delivers the finishing blow, wins the fight, and immediately collapses and passes away.
Terra, from Final Fantasy VI deserves a special mention: after Kefka destroyed the world, she stopped at a village of orphans and took care of them as a mother. She even went back to fight for them.
Final Fantasy X:
When Yuna and her guardians discover that Seymour Guado, one of the four Maesters of the Church of Yevon, killed his father in order to seize the title and powers of Maester for himself, they confront him in Macalania Temple. Yuna's guardians step in to protect her from Seymour, who snidely offers to take their lives, mockingly reciting the duty of a guardian to protect the summoner. Yuna gets her moment when she declares that her guardians are also her True Companions, won't just watch them get hurt and die, and joins the fight alongside them.
Tidus gets his later on Mt. Gagazet when the Fayth reveal that they created the dream version of Zanarkand that Tidus comes from and its people, including Tidus himself. They want Sin defeated so that they can stop dreaming and finally rest. Despite being aware that defeating Sin would cause him to cease to exist, Tidus makes the step when he continues with the mission of destroying Sin anyway, and even hides the aforementioned consequences of doing so until the last moment so that his co-guardians and Yuna don't lose their resolve.
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_a81325d3
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_a81325d3
 Final Fantasy (Franchise)
Heroes' Frontier Step / int_a81325d3
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_a9517b88
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_a9517b88
Kratos from God of War has been through a Heel–Face Revolving Door so fast that even his allies and later his own son Atreus sometimes have their own doubts regarding what his intentions truly are. Despite saving the world from Ares, Kratos waged his own war on Greece to spite the gods as well as destroys Olympus just to get vengeance on Zeus, destroying Greece as well. He then stabs himself to give Hope to the broken world but it could also be seen as an effort to spite Athena who had been manipulating him all along. Then after moving to the Norse realm in shame of his past deeds, Kratos focused only on scattering Faye's ashes on the top of Jotunheim, only helping passer-by due to Atreus's concerns. But then in God of War Ragnarök, after learning from the Norns that the fate he has been fighting doesn't actually exist, Kratos is forced to take a hard look at his actions throughout his life and decides to change so as to save his son from Heimdall. And after watching Odin kill Brok cold-bloodedly, Kratos decides to completely defy him by triggering Ragnarok himself... but after seeing Odin use the citizens from the Nine Realms, he orders his army to save the civilians at all costs, which the old Kratos would have never done if it came in between his revenge. Then after fighting Thor and decisively defeating him, Kratos gives him a chance to surrender, a mercy that shakes even his allies. After all is said and done, when Kratos finds Faye's mural where he is the Top God of Midgard worshipped by all, he genuinely gives Tears of Joy at changing his fate.
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_a9517b88
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_a9517b88
 God of War (Video Game)
Heroes' Frontier Step / int_a9517b88
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_ae050a9f
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_ae050a9f
Following the events of Ocarina of Time, the direct sequel Majora's Mask begins with Link struggling to deal with his feelings after fulfilling his destiny as the Hero of Time, and left to search for his missing friend Navi. Soon, he finds himself lost in the mysterious alternate world of Termina, which is due to be annihilated by a falling moon in three days. Despite the nigh-impossible odds against him, Link travels back and forth in time as many times as it takes to find a way to save Termina from destruction. Helping the people of Termina through their own grief along the way, Link succeeds.
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_ae050a9f
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_ae050a9f
 The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time / Videogame
Heroes' Frontier Step / int_ae050a9f
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_b1072514
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_b1072514
Forrest Gump saved many soldiers, gave his nihilistic lieutenant the will to live, and gave poor Jenny perhaps the only moments of happiness of her life.
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_b1072514
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_b1072514
 Forrest Gump
Heroes' Frontier Step / int_b1072514
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_b370ddd1
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_b370ddd1
Thor: Thor is stripped of his powers and banished due to his arrogance and hot-headedness. While on Earth, Thor begins to learn the importance of kindness and humility. So when Loki sends the Destroyer to kill him, Thor offers to sacrifice himself in order to spare the innocent civilians. This is the act of selflessness that makes him worthy to wield Mjölnir again.
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_b370ddd1
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_b370ddd1
Heroes' Frontier Step / int_b370ddd1
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_b4967d43
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_b4967d43
Sonic the Hedgehog and his friends have been saving the world from Dr. Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik since the beginning, but the technical advancements of Sonic Adventure and the more fleshed-out story that came from them showcased just what kinds of heroism the cast was capable of:
While Sonic himself usually doesn't have or need a reason to help people aside from feeling like he should, and he's always foiled Dr. Eggman's plans for world domination anyways, it's the finale of Adventure that proves just how deep his heroic streak truly runs: even as Perfect Chaos turns Station Square into a flooded wasteland and drains the Chaos Emeralds of their power, he refuses Tikal's plan to seal the beast in the Master Emerald once again, claiming that it would only eternally perpetuate the cycle of suffering and keep Chaos trapped in his own anger and turmoil. Sonic instead chooses to end Chaos' threat the right way— by re-empowering the Emeralds thanks to the faith of his friends and the civilians of Station Square, and using their positive energy to purify Chaos' anger once and for all as Super Sonic.
Tails has likewise always been a good kid looking up to Sonic for his heroism, and even set off to save his life on at least two occasions, but Adventure shows that even after all his adventures, he's still hung up by fears of inadequacy in comparison to his surrogate big brother. Nevertheless, he assuredly crosses the Heroes' Frontier Step in the same game by saving Station Square from Eggman's wrath when Sonic wasn't around to, overcoming his fears and self-doubt in the process. Sonic Adventure 2 further affirms Tails' growth as a true hero: even after watching Sonic seemingly perish, he fulfills his hero's last wish and continues the fight against Eggman with valor and determination.
Amy Rose's history of heroism prior to Adventure was minimal in comparison to Sonic and Tails above, and she even begins her campaign by falsely reminiscing on when she was "chasing bad guys and blowing them away" with Sonic as opposed to needing to be rescued by him. Even after saving a little bird from ZERO, an Eggman robot that's chasing it after for its Chaos Emerald, she initially tries to pass on to Sonic the responsibility of protecting it. Nevertheless, Amy still does her absolute best to protect the little bird on her own despite ZERO's persistence— even when it leads to her being briefly taken prisoner on Eggman's battleship— and soon goes off on her own perilous journey to save its captured family from Eggman without any help from Sonic or Tails whatsoever. Not only does Amy succeed in reuniting the bird with its siblings, but when ZERO lays a hit on the little bird just beforehand, she finally musters up the drive to demolish the robot menace once and for all.
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_b4967d43
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_b4967d43
 Sonic the Hedgehog (Franchise)
Heroes' Frontier Step / int_b4967d43
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_bb58cad8
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_bb58cad8
Justice League: Arthur Curry/Aquaman was established as a gruff loner who otherwise helped out the needy and held no love for Atlanteans. When Steppenwolf has the Atlantean Mera at his mercy, Arthur comes to her rescue, not because he'd undergone any character development, but simply because she needed saving.
The Snyder Cut gives Cyborg a moment when he tests out his new powers, discovering that he can access any database on Earth from the military to personal files. He uses said ability to tranfer some money to a broke single mother.
Another one from the Snyder Cut: When the rest of the League are destroyed and the Earth is about to be decimated, the Flash pushes his speed-force powers to their absolute limit, breaching the time barrier and travelling back in time, creating a second chance to prevent Armageddon.
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_bb58cad8
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_bb58cad8
 Justice League (2017)
Heroes' Frontier Step / int_bb58cad8
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_bc7dd4a6
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_bc7dd4a6
Tattered World: Gloryglint from the Snow Globe is an incredibly ominous woman, and no lie. She seems unaffected by her morbid surroundings, even fascinated by the dead, and insists that they're better off forgotten. Even when she risks her life for the sake of her remnant, her way of going at it involves graverobbing, so there were some doubts still... until Driftglade's secret, where he reveals that in his childhood she happily broke her own word and the rules by telling him which remains were his late brother's, allowing him to properly grieve, with nothing to gain and quite a bit to lose given the consequences of breaking the rules in the world they share. It's really hard to have much more doubt in her with that in mind.
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_bc7dd4a6
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_bc7dd4a6
 Tattered World (Video Game)
Heroes' Frontier Step / int_bc7dd4a6
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_bf24c7bb
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_bf24c7bb
In Chernobyl, Deputy Chairman Boris Shcherbina is initially presented as yet another propaganda-believing party man, concerned only about his career and frequently butting heads with nuclear physicist Valery Legaslov whom he thinks is overstating the severity of the disaster. But he proves himself a Badass Bureaucrat over the course of the series, and it starts with him — having finally gotten irrefutable confirmation of the severity of the situation — storming off; he's not pulling a Screw This, I'm Outta Here He's setting wheels in motion on a scale that no other character can thanks to his party connections.
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_bf24c7bb
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_bf24c7bb
Heroes' Frontier Step / int_bf24c7bb
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_bff78dfe
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_bff78dfe
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice: Despite being the more antagonistic of the titular heroes, Bruce Wayne shows that he's still a hero at his core when he charges towards a collapsing building to help any survivors. And this was without any of his bat-tech on hand.
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_bff78dfe
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_bff78dfe
 Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
Heroes' Frontier Step / int_bff78dfe
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_c140022d
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_c140022d
A minor example happens in The Butterfly Effect. During the flashback where Evan, Tommy, Kayleigh, and Lenny blow up a random mailbox with an explosive, Evan tries to get the explosive out before it blows. Seeing Evan do this, Tommy pulls a complete 180 and rushes to stop the mother and her baby from getting close to the imminent explosion. Evan ends up a double amputee quadriplegic in the present day, and Tommy has changed from his old Hate Sink self to a religious and sweet Nice Guy after that heroic deed.
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_c140022d
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_c140022d
 The Butterfly Effect
Heroes' Frontier Step / int_c140022d
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_c2463c53
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_c2463c53
Galuf from Final Fantasy V. He and all his friends are at the mercy of Exdeath, being pinned down by energy beams from crystals. Through sheer will power he breaks the beam and faces Exdeath, the final boss of the game, one on one. Exdeath throws everything at Galuf, from high-tier spells to Meteor, and the man takes it. Exdeath tears his lifepoints to zero and Galuf keeps fighting anyways. Exdeath suffers a near Villainous Breakdown because he can't comprehend how Galuf could possibly draw that much power from his hatred, and Galuf calmly remarks it's not hate that keeps him going, but the love he has for his friends and granddaughter. Then he delivers the finishing blow, wins the fight, and immediately collapses and passes away.
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_c2463c53
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_c2463c53
 Final Fantasy V (Video Game)
Heroes' Frontier Step / int_c2463c53
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_c2463c55
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_c2463c55
Final Fantasy X:
When Yuna and her guardians discover that Seymour Guado, one of the four Maesters of the Church of Yevon, killed his father in order to seize the title and powers of Maester for himself, they confront him in Macalania Temple. Yuna's guardians step in to protect her from Seymour, who snidely offers to take their lives, mockingly reciting the duty of a guardian to protect the summoner. Yuna gets her moment when she declares that her guardians are also her True Companions, won't just watch them get hurt and die, and joins the fight alongside them.
Tidus gets his later on Mt. Gagazet when the Fayth reveal that they created the dream version of Zanarkand that Tidus comes from and its people, including Tidus himself. They want Sin defeated so that they can stop dreaming and finally rest. Despite being aware that defeating Sin would cause him to cease to exist, Tidus makes the step when he continues with the mission of destroying Sin anyway, and even hides the aforementioned consequences of doing so until the last moment so that his co-guardians and Yuna don't lose their resolve.
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_c2463c55
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_c2463c55
 Final Fantasy X (Video Game)
Heroes' Frontier Step / int_c2463c55
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_c4282b71
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_c4282b71
My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic: After most of Garble's appearance in the series being at best a brute and a bully, and at worst a murderous, sadistic sociopath, the episode "Sweet and Smoky" not only has him reform, but actually perform an amazing act of heroism. This episode reveals that he's Smolder's older brother and that he genuinely cares for her. It's also revealed that most of his bullying and jerk behavior was to hide his insecurities, keeping his beatnik poetry a secret from his friends and continuing to bully Spike throughout the episode. When Smolder and Fluttershy call Garble out on his actions, pointing out that Garble has been kicking around Spike to appear tough and masculine in front of his crew, while covering up his own sensitive interests for fear of mockery, where Spike is brave enough to be himself, he admits their point. But the thing that truly redeems him is when he learns that the dragon eggs need heat to hatch, and Spike gives him the idea to read his poetry to the dragons. Most of the dragons start to laugh, causing their fire breath to get hotter, and soon the eggs start to hatch. He's willing to subject himself to the humiliation and mockery he's dreaded would come with his passion in order to ensure the survival of the baby dragons. Garble finally admits his sensitive side to Spike and apologizes for his past behavior.
Discord began the series as an evil Reality Warper before softening up to become a neutral trickster. In "To Where and Back Again", he commits his first heroic act by joining the mission to rescue the Mane Six and Royal Family from the Changelings. In "The Ending of the End Part 2" Discord despite being responsible for the villains conquest, he vows to make up for his actions, and commits an act so heroic that he manages to be forgiven by the ponies, by starting the heroes counterattack risking his life to get Starlight free so she could free the other prisoners and joins the battle against three villains without any powers to give the Mane 5 and Spike time to escape so they can save Equestria.
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_c4282b71
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_c4282b71
 My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic
Heroes' Frontier Step / int_c4282b71
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_c43df4d8
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_c43df4d8
Doctor Who: The Doctor is an immortal alien, last of his species, who can go anywhere in space and anywhen in time. Does he try to conquer? To get more power? To get revenge for his destroyed planet? Nah, that's the Master's work. The Doctor didn't choose his name for nothing: he wants to make people better. Anywhere he goes, he meets a threat, and stops it. For people he hardly knows. And he never stops to make a family, to settle, to have peace. He just keeps going, following his TARDIS's will, and always saves as many lives as possible. But it goes beyond. The Doctor treats his enemies with respect. He gives them chances to stop, and doesn't kill them if can be avoided (though sometimes, when pushed to the limit, he does punish them in a WORSE way). One of the best examples of the Doctor's pure heart is in the "Last of the Time Lords", where after witnessing the world destroyed, the humans terrorized, and being humiliated and tortured by the Master, the Doctor defeats his worst enemy, who seems horrified. He goes to him… hugs him… and whispers three words that such a monster cannot bear: "I forgive you. " Being a Time Lord, he doesn't have one, but two hearts. Two golden hearts.
Rose Tyler is perhaps one of the purest humans the Doctor ever met. Not only because she pities her enemies, or saved the world several times with him. She made a Dalek, YES, A DALEK feel emotions.
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_c43df4d8
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_c43df4d8
 Doctor Who
Heroes' Frontier Step / int_c43df4d8
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_c4f964a1
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_c4f964a1
In Billy Madison, the titular character spends the movie acting like an immature jerk, due to coasting through life. But then he proves that he has heart when he sacrifices his reputation to save a younger classmate from embarrassment.
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_c4f964a1
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_c4f964a1
 Billy Madison
Heroes' Frontier Step / int_c4f964a1
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_c5556066
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_c5556066
Little Nicky: In-Universe, committing a Heroic Sacrifice is considered this, as Nicky gets hit by a subway car while trying to save someone, and, despite being the son of Satan himself, goes to Heaven. When he asks how this is possible, the angels say that self-sacrifice automatically makes a person go there.
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_c5556066
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_c5556066
 Little Nicky
Heroes' Frontier Step / int_c5556066
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_c96cfe29
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_c96cfe29
The ending to A Link to the Past has Link defeat Ganon and gain the full power of the Triforce. Given the opportunity to wish for whatever his heart desires, Link wishes upon the Triforce to undo all the damage Ganon did to Hyrule, which includes resurrecting his uncle and the king of Hyrule. Afterwards, he willingly relinquishes the power of the Master Sword, returning it to its pedestal.
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_c96cfe29
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_c96cfe29
 The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (Video Game)
Heroes' Frontier Step / int_c96cfe29
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_d14c3aa1
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_d14c3aa1
Ghostbusters (1984): The Ghostbusters capturing Slimer at the Sedgewick Hotel proves that they aren't con artists or nutjobs, but are actual scientists offering services to Manhattan.
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_d14c3aa1
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_d14c3aa1
 Ghostbusters (1984)
Heroes' Frontier Step / int_d14c3aa1
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_d4f9ccf
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_d4f9ccf
Aladdin has a better one in Aladdin: The Series. When Mirage turns Jasmine into a monstrous snake, instead of rejecting her, Aladdin chooses to become like her, because of true love. Because of this, Mirage is forced to face her defeat and turn them back to normal.
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_d4f9ccf
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_d4f9ccf
Heroes' Frontier Step / int_d4f9ccf
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_d7aab7c1
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_d7aab7c1
In the first episode of Sailor Moon, Usagi Tsukino is introduced as a clumsy slacker who is running Late for School. However, she proves herself to be a kind-hearted individual by rescuing Luna the Cat from a bunch of little brats. Her removing the band-aid from Luna's head helps prove to Luna that Usagi is the perfect candidate for becoming Sailor Moon. While initially reluctant to becoming Sailor Moon, she immediately responds to the call that her best friend Naru is in danger.
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_d7aab7c1
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_d7aab7c1
 Sailor Moon
Heroes' Frontier Step / int_d7aab7c1
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_d7e4b70e
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_d7e4b70e
Gantz: There's a few steps that move Kurono from a slobby, selfish teenager to leader and hero.
Arguably, one of his first genuinely heroic actions is saving Tae after initially leaving his entire class to die to the alien. It should be noted he is initially reluctant to even go back there, but his conscience won in the end.
In the fifth game, Kurono takes it upon himself to coordinate the other players much like Kato tried before, managing to save several of them along the way.
Later in the manga, it seems Nishi shows shades of this when he saves Takeshi from the apartment's explosion.
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_d7e4b70e
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_d7e4b70e
 Gantz (Manga)
Heroes' Frontier Step / int_d7e4b70e
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_da25a6a8
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_da25a6a8
In The Falcon and the Winter Soldier John Walker is chosen as the successor to Captain America but struggles with the role due to his PTSD and anger issues. Eventually culminating in him murdering a surrendering opponent. However, in the final episode, John is forced to choose between getting his revenge or saving a truckload of hostages. He chooses to save the hostages. Proving that even though he struggles with being one he is a good man at heart.
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_da25a6a8
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_da25a6a8
 The Falcon and the Winter Soldier
Heroes' Frontier Step / int_da25a6a8
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_dac6c9a2
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_dac6c9a2
A Rabbit Among Wolves, a RWBY fanfic: In-Universe, Jaune goes from being public enemy number #1 to beloved activist when he raids and exposes a corrupt sweatshop.
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_dac6c9a2
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_dac6c9a2
 A Rabbit Among Wolves / Fan Fic
Heroes' Frontier Step / int_dac6c9a2
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_dd8dc008
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_dd8dc008
Getting Back on Your Hooves, a My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic fanfic: Throughout most of the fic, we've seen Trixie try to be a better pony, despite all of her failures and mishaps. Then she helps save the Cutie Mark Crusaders from a dangerous bat-like creature, proving she wishes to be better.
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_dd8dc008
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_dd8dc008
 Getting Back on Your Hooves / Fan Fic
Heroes' Frontier Step / int_dd8dc008
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_e694aadb
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_e694aadb
Commissar Ciaphas Cain (HERO OF THE IMPERIUM!) generally tries to downplay his heroism and claim that it's all Pragmatic Villainy, but once a book or so he has a moment that even he can't fully explain away. Perhaps the most straightforward is in Duty Calls, when he and Amberley are investigating an outpost that suddenly comes under attack by Tyranids. When it looks like Amberley isn't going to make it to their shuttle in time, Cain charges back into the face of the horde to give her covering fire. He is also atypically devoted to the soldiers under his charge, looking the other way at their minor infractions and always looking after the wounded, though he ascribes this to a desire to avoid Unfriendly Fire.
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_e694aadb
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_e694aadb
 Ciaphas Cain
Heroes' Frontier Step / int_e694aadb
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_ea15127e
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_ea15127e
In The Professional, Leon proves he is not your typical hitman by letting a 12 year old pre-teen girl live at his apartment after her family was murdered by corrupt DEA agents and cops.
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_ea15127e
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_ea15127e
 The Professional
Heroes' Frontier Step / int_ea15127e
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_ee66462b
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_ee66462b
Dr. STONE: Gen Asagiri. He's a lazy, self-absorbed, playboy who states it himself that he's a superficial person that will choose the winning side in a heartbeat if it secures his own comfort. Even after choosing to side with Senku and lying to Tsukasa about his survival under the promise of soda and (nearly) sabotaging Hyoga's attempt at attacking the village, you can't help but still be suspicious of his true motives. But then he figures out Senku's birthday with little information to go on, and goes so far as to have all of Ishigami Village help him in making a telescope for him, with no strings attached. You really can't doubt him after that.
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_ee66462b
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_ee66462b
 Dr. STONE (Manga)
Heroes' Frontier Step / int_ee66462b
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_f0a6a3c2
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_f0a6a3c2
Another Crab’s Treasure: After going through hell and back to try and reclaim his shell, Kril ends up giving it to another hermit crab who is in worse straights than he is, choosing to try and help others instead of looking out only for himself.
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_f0a6a3c2
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_f0a6a3c2
 Another Crab’s Treasure (Video Game)
Heroes' Frontier Step / int_f0a6a3c2
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_f6a54e75
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_f6a54e75
Sora from Kingdom Hearts is a kid with a big heart, and willingly helps save every world he goes in from the Heartless and the villains controlling them. But he truly crosses the Heroes' Frontier Step at the climax of the first game when he willingly becomes a Heartless himself to save his friend Kairi. He gets restored to normal soon after through her light, but he definitely didn't think that would happen—and the last thing he does before saving Kairi is to give a warm smile to Donald and Goofy, too.
Donald and Goofy's mission throughout the first game, given to them by King Mickey, is to follow the wielder of the Keyblade at all costs. While they do (albeit reluctantly) leave Sora behind when the Keyblade is taken by Riku, they cross the Heroes' Frontier Step not too long after when they defect from him to protect Sora. Even if this would mean betraying the orders of their king, they aren't just going to stand idly when Riku abuses his power to hurt one of their best buds. And it's this very resolve that gets Sora the Keyblade back, too!
At the end of the first game, King Mickey willingly stays behind in the Realm of Darkness in order to restore the worlds destroyed by the Heartless, with Kingdom Hearts 0.2: Birth by Sleep -A fragmentary passage- revealing that Mickey didn't even know if there was a way out.
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_f6a54e75
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_f6a54e75
 Kingdom Hearts (Franchise)
Heroes' Frontier Step / int_f6a54e75
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_f81101f2
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_f81101f2
Pokémon: The Original Series: In the pilot, you don't think much of this clumsy, bumbling kid, with a disobedient Pikachu. Until you see how far he'll go to protect a creature that scorned him: diving into a river, stealing a girl's bike, and finally putting himself between this creature, and a bunch of hostile birds that could kill him. Pikachu then redeems himself also when he dives in front of Ash to take out the entire flock in spite of his heavy injuries.
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_f81101f2
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_f81101f2
 Pokémon: The Original Series
Heroes' Frontier Step / int_f81101f2
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_f8956ef3
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_f8956ef3
One of these kicks off the plot of YuYu Hakusho. Everyone thinks Yusuke Urameshi is just a selfish, hot-headed delinquent from a broken home, until he sacrifices his life to save a young boy from being hit by a car. Even the powers that be didn't see it coming, and Yusuke is given a second chance at life for his heroic (if ultimately pointless) deed.
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_f8956ef3
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_f8956ef3
 YuYu Hakusho (Manga)
Heroes' Frontier Step / int_f8956ef3
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_fdbace96
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_fdbace96
Gravity Falls: Pacifica Northwest, the heir of the Northwest family and a snobby rich bully proves that she is more than her lineage when she lets the commoners into the Northwest Mansion when they were threatened by the Lumberjack Ghost.
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_fdbace96
 Heroes' Frontier Step / int_fdbace96
 Gravity Falls
Heroes' Frontier Step / int_fdbace96

The following is a list of statements referring to the current page from other pages.

 Heroes' Frontier Step
Goodness Tropes
 Heroes' Frontier Step
Hero Tropes
 Heroes' Frontier Step
Idealism Tropes
 Heroes' Frontier Step
Morality Tropes
 The Ambassadors (Comic Book) / int_7be46966
Heroes' Frontier Step
 The Hunchback of Notre Dame / Disney / int_7be46966
Heroes' Frontier Step
 A Waterbending Quirk (Fanfic) / int_7be46966
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Equestria Girls: A Fairly Odd Friendship (Fanfic) / int_7be46966
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Knight of Salem (Fanfic) / int_7be46966
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Taylor Hebert, Medhall Intern (Fanfic) / int_7be46966
Heroes' Frontier Step
 What is a Person Worth? (Fanfic) / int_7be46966
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Billy Madison / int_7be46966
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Cheaper by the Dozen (2003) / int_7be46966
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Come and See / int_7be46966
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Paul Blart: Mall Cop / int_7be46966
Heroes' Frontier Step
 The Killer (1989) / int_7be46966
Heroes' Frontier Step
 The Professional / int_7be46966
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Thor / int_7be46966
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Tommy Boy / int_7be46966
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Transformers: Rise of the Beasts / int_7be46966
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Village of the Damned (1995) / int_7be46966
Heroes' Frontier Step
 The Scholomance / int_7be46966
Heroes' Frontier Step
 The Stepford Wives / int_7be46966
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Gallavants / int_7be46966
Heroes' Frontier Step
 My Little Pony: Equestria Girls – Forgotten Friendship / int_7be46966
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Shrek Forever After / int_7be46966
Heroes' Frontier Step
 Storks / int_7be46966
Heroes' Frontier Step
 The Lion Guard / int_7be46966
Heroes' Frontier Step